Common Question Pitfalls
Don't ask, Don't tell
delve into emotional areas that the respondent may be incapable of addressing
Guessing Game
Trying to guess info instead of asking for it ex) "Was the scene pretty terrible?"
Complexity vs. SImplicity
Overly complex, challenge respondents to figure out what you want
Double-barreled inquisition
Ask 2+ questions at same time ex) "How was your flight and how did you like the National Park?"
Open-to-closed switch
Ask open question but rephrase into closed/bi-polar ex) "Tell me about your trip. Did you have problems with the language?"
Yes (No) Response
Ask question with only one obvious answer ex) (asked of an applicant) "Do you think you're qualified for this position?
Curious probe
Asking for info you don't need
Tell Me Everything
Extremely open; no restrictions/guidelines ex) "Tell me about yourself."
Bipolar Trap
Question elicits yes/no answer when you really want detailed info Obvious in Q's that begin w/ Do you, did you, are you, have you, can you Ex) "Have you experienced any unusual pains?" "Are you in good health?" "Any concerns?"
Leading Push
Suggests how person ought to respond ex) "Im going to the exam help session, aren't you?" "You haven't had a physical for over SIX YEARS?"
Quiz show
Asking for info in confusing ways to test knowledge