Common student misconceptions- math

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commutative property misconception

A common misconception is that the commutative property applies to subtraction. After students have discovered and applied the commutative property for addition, ask them to investigate whether this property works for subtraction. Have students share and discuss their reasoning and guide them to conclude that the commutative property does not apply to subtraction.

rectangular array resources/strategies

A rectangular array is an arrangement of objects in horizontal rows and vertical columns. Arrays can be made out of any number of objects that can be put into rows and columns. All rows contain the same number of items and all columns contain an equal number of items. Have students use objects to build all the arrays possible with no more than 25 objects. Their arrays should have up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns. Ask students to draw the arrays on grid paper and write two different equations under the arrays: one showing the total as a sum by rows and the other showing the total as a sum by columns. Both equations will show the total as a sum of equal addends.

comparing quantities resources/strategies

As children develop meaning for numerals, they also compare these numerals to the quantities represented and their number words. The modeling numbers with manipulatives such as dot cards and five- and ten-frames become tools for such comparisons. Children can look for similarities and differences in these different representations of numbers. They begin to "see" the relationship of one more, one less, two more and two less, thus landing on the concept that successive numbers name quantities where one is larger. In order to encourage this idea, children need discussion and reflection of pairs of numbers from 1 to 10. Activities that utilize anchors of 5 and 10 are helpful in securing understanding of the relationships between numbers. This flexibility with numbers will greatlimpact children's ability to break numbers into parts.

interpret data resources/strategies

Ask students to sort a collection of items in up to three categories. Then ask questions about the number of items in each category and the total number of items. Also ask students to compare the number of items in each category. The total number of items to be sorted should be less than or equal to 100 to allow for sums and differences less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100.

teach data

Ask students to sort a collection of items in up to three categories. Then ask questions about the number of items in each category and the total number of items. Also ask students to compare the number of items in each category. The total number of items to be sorted should be less than or equal to 100 to allow for sums and differences less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100.

interpret data resources and strategies

At first students should create real object and picture graphs so each row or bar consists of countable parts. These graphs show items in a category and do not have a numerical scale. For example, a real object graph could show the students' shoes (one shoe per student) lined end to end in horizontal or vertical rows by their color. Students would simply count to find how many shoes are in each row or bar. The graphs should be limited to 2 to 4 rows or bars. Students would then move to making horizontal or vertical bar graphs with two to four categories and a single-unit scale. Use the information in the graphs to pose and solve simple put together, take-apart, and compare problems illustrated in Table 1(above) of the Common Core State Standards.

counting on strategy

Counting on or counting from a given number conflicts with the learned strategy of counting from the beginning. In order to be successful in counting on, students must understand cardinality. Students often merge or separate two groups of objects and then re-count from the beginning to determine the final number of objects represented. For these students, counting is still a rote skill or the benefits of counting on have not been realized. Games that require students to add on to a previous count to reach a goal number encourage developing this concept. Frequent and brief opportunities utilizing counting on and counting back are recommended. These concepts emerge over time and cannot be forced.

counting back as a strategy for subtraction misconceptions

Discourage students from inventing a counting back strategy for subtraction because it is difficult and leads to errors.

teaching of partition of shapes misconceptions

Folding shapes made from paper enables students to physically feel the shape and form the equal shares. Ask students to fold circles and rectangles first into halves and then into fourths. They should observe and then discuss the change in the size of the parts.

measurement resources/strategies

Have students measure the same length with different-sized units then discuss what they noticed. Ask questions to guide the discussion so students will see the relationship between the size of the units and measurement, i.e. the measurement made with the smaller unit is more than the measurement made with the larger unit and vice versa.

data misconception

Incorrectly recording the data from the table to the picture graph or sorting categories. Forgetting to apply one-to-one correspondence when comparing the data from different categories. Incorrectly sorting the data into categories

adding multiple 2-digit number resources/strategies

Initially, students apply base-ten concepts and use direct modeling with physical objects or drawings to find different ways to solve problems. They move to inventing strategies that do not involve physical materials or counting by ones to solve problems. Student-invented strategies likely will be based on place-value concepts, the commutative and associative properties, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. These strategies should be done mentally or with a written record for support. It is vital that student-invented strategies be shared, explored, recorded and tried by others. Recording the expressions and equations in the strategies horizontally encourages students to think about the numbers and the quantities they represent instead of the digits. Not every student will invent strategies, but all students can and will try strategies they have seen that make sense to them. Different students will prefer different strategies.

estimation/length resources and strategies

Insist that students always estimate lengths before they measure. Estimation helps them focus on the attribute to be measured, the length units, and the process. After they find measurements, have students discuss the estimates, their procedures for finding the measurements and the differences between their estimates and the measurements.

measurement resources and strategies

Insist that students always estimate lengths before they measure. Estimation helps them focus on the attribute to be measured, the length units, and the process. After they find measurements, have students discuss the estimates, their procedures for finding the measurements and the differences between their estimates and the measurements.

mentally add 10 or 100

It is vital that student-invented strategies be shared, explored, recorded and tried by others. Recording the expressions and equations in the strategies horizontally encourages students to think about the numbers and the quantities they represent instead of the digits. Not every student will invent strategies, but all students can and will try strategies they have seen that make sense to them. Different students will prefer different strategies. Students will decompose and compose tens and hundreds when they develop their own strategies for solving problems where regrouping is necessary. They might use the make-ten strategy (37 + 8 = 40 + 5 = 45, add 3 to 37 then 5) or (62 - 9 = 60 - 7 = 53, take off 2 to get 60, then 7 more) because no ones are exchanged for a ten or a ten for ones. Have students analyze problems before they solve them. Present a variety of subtraction problems within 1000. Ask students to identify the problems requiring them to decompose the tens or hundreds to find a solution and explain their reasoning.

add/subtract within 100 strategies/misconceptions

It is vital that student-invented strategies be shared, explored, recorded and tried by others. Recording the expressions and equations in the strategies horizontally encourages students to think about the numbers and the quantities they represent instead of the digits. Not every student will invent strategies, but all students can and will try strategies they have seen that make sense to them. Different students will prefer different strategies. Students will decompose and compose tens and hundreds when they develop their own strategies for solving problems where regrouping is necessary. They might use the make-ten strategy (37 + 8 = 40 + 5 = 45, add 3 to 37 then 5) or (62 - 9 = 60 - 7 = 53, take off 2 to get 60, then 7 more) because no ones are exchanged for a ten or a ten for ones. Have students analyze problems before they solve them. Present a variety of subtraction problems within 1000. Ask students to identify the problems requiring them to decompose the tens or hundreds to find a solution and explain their reasoning.

addition/subtraction resources/strategies

It is vital that student-invented strategies be shared, explored, recorded and tried by others. Recording the expressions and equations in the strategies horizontally encourages students to think about the numbers and the quantities they represent instead of the digits. Not every student will invent strategies, but all students can and will try strategies they have seen that make sense to them. Different students will prefer different strategies. Students will decompose and compose tens and hundreds when they develop their own strategies for solving problems where regrouping is necessary. They might use the make-ten strategy (37 + 8 = 40 + 5 = 45, add 3 to 37 then 5) or (62 - 9 = 60 - 7 = 53, take off 2 to get 60, then 7 more) because no ones are exchanged for a ten or a ten for ones. add

group is odd or even misconceptions

Knowing that even numbers end in 0, 2,4, 6,8 or odd numbers end in 1,3,5,7, and 9 does not ensure that students understand the meaning of evenness. Students will look at the number of digits to determine if the number is odd or even instead of the quantity itself. Example: 53 is an even number because it has 2 digits. This is a misconception. Students will determine whether a number is odd or even by the first digit in the number instead of the digit in the ones place.

writing numbers strategy/resources

Like counting to 100 by either ones or tens, writing numbers from 0 to 20 is a rote process. Initially, students mimic the actual formation of the written numerals while also assigning it a name. Over time, children create the understanding that number symbols signify the meaning of counting. Numerals are used to communicate across cultures and through time a certain meaning. Numbers have meaning when children can see mental images of the number symbols and use those images with which to think. Practice count words and written numerals paired with pictures, representations of objects, and objects that represent quantities within the context of life experiences for kindergarteners. For example, dot cards, dominoes and number cubes all create different mental images for relating quantity to number words and numerals. One way students can learn the left to right orientation of numbers is to use a finger to write numbers in air (sky writing). Children will see mathematics as something that is alive and that they are involved. Students should study and write numbers 0 to 20 in this order: numbers 1 to 9, the number 0, then numbers 10 to 20. They need to know that 0 is the number items left after all items in a set are taken away. Do not accept "none" as the answer to "How many items are left?" for this situation.

measurement data resources and strategies

Line plots are useful tools for collecting data because they show the number of things along a numeric scale. They are made by simply drawing a number line then placing an X above the corresponding value on the line that represents each piece of data. Line plots are essentially bar graph with a potential bar for each value on the number line. Pose a question related to the lengths of several objects. Measure the objects to the nearest whole inch, foot, centimeter or meter. Create a line plot with whole-number units (0, 1, 2 ...) on the number line to represent the measurements.

equal sign misconception

Many children misunderstand the meaning of the equal sign. The equal sign means "is the same as" but most primary students believe the equal sign tells you that the "answer is coming up" to the right of the equal sign. This misconception is over-generalized by only seeing examples of number sentences with an operation to the left of the equal sign and the answer on the right. First graders need to see equations written multiple ways, for example 5 + 7 = 12 and 12 = 5 + 7

subtraction as unknown addend misconception

Many students do not realize that you can count up to solve subtraction by finding the difference between two numbers.

relating counting to addition and subtraction misconception

Many students do not realize that you can count up to solve subtraction by finding the difference between two numbers. Students may not be offered counting tools, number grids, number lines, which are a necessary part of understanding this relationship.

addition/subtraction misconception

Many students think that it is valid to assume that a key word or phrase in a problem suggests the same operation will be used every time.

equations are true misconceptions

Many students think that the equals sign means that an operation must be performed on the numbers on the left and the result of this operation is written on the right. They think that the equal sign is like an arrow that means becomes and one number cannot be alone on the left. Students often ignore the equal sign in equations that are written in a nontraditional way. For instance, students find the incorrect value for the unknown in the equation 9 = ∆ - 5 by thinking 9 - 5 = 4. It is important to provide equations with a single number on the left as in 18 = 10 + 8. Showing pairs of equations such as 11 = 7 + 4 and 7 + 4 = 11 gives students experiences with the equal sign meaning "is the same as" .

measurement resources/strategies

Measurement units share the attribute being measured. Students need to use as many copies of the length unit as necessary to match the length being measured. For instance, use large footprints with the same size as length units. Place the footprints end to end, without gaps or overlaps, to measure the length of a room to the nearest whole footprint. Use language that reflects the approximate nature of measurement, such as the length of the room is about 19 footprints. Students need to also measure the lengths of curves and other distances that are not straight lines.

fractions as partitioned rectangles resources and strategies

Modeling multiplication with partitioned rectangles promotes students' understanding of multiplication. Tell students that they will be drawing a square on grid paper. The length of each side is equal to 2 units. Ask them to guess how many 1 unit by 1 unit squares will be inside this 2 unit by 2 unit square. Students now draw this square and count the 1 by 1 unit squares inside it. They compare this number to their guess. Next, students draw a 2 unit by 3 unit rectangle and count how many 1 unit by 1 unit squares are inside. Now they choose the two dimensions for a rectangle, predict the number of 1 unit by 1 unit squares inside, draw the rectangle, count the number of 1 unit by 1 unit squares inside and compare this number to their guess. Students repeat this process for different-size rectangles. Finally, ask them to what they observed as they worked on the task. It is vital that students understand different representations of fair shares. Provide a collection of different-size circles and rectangles cut from paper. Ask students to fold some shapes into halves, some into thirds, and some into fourths. They compare the locations of the folds in their shapes as a class and discuss the different representations for the fractional parts. To fold rectangles into thirds, ask students if they have ever seen how letters are folded to be placed in envelopes. Have them fold the paper very carefully to make sure the three parts are the same size. Ask them to discuss why the same process does not work to fold a circle into thirds.

fractions as partitioned shapes resources and strategies

Modeling multiplication with partitioned rectangles promotes students' understanding of multiplication. Tell students that they will be drawing a square on grid paper. The length of each side is equal to 2 units. Ask them to guess how many 1 unit by 1 unit squares will be inside this 2 unit by 2 unit square. Students now draw this square and count the 1 by 1 unit squares inside it. They compare this number to their guess. Next, students draw a 2 unit by 3 unit rectangle and count how many 1 unit by 1 unit squares are inside. Now they choose the two dimensions for a rectangle, predict the number of 1 unit by 1 unit squares inside, draw the rectangle, count the number of 1 unit by 1 unit squares inside and compare this number to their guess. Students repeat this process for different-size rectangles. Finally, ask them to what they observed as they worked on the task. It is vital that students understand different representations of fair shares. Provide a collection of different-size circles and rectangles cut from paper. Ask students to fold some shapes into halves, some into thirds, and some into fourths. They compare the locations of the folds in their shapes as a class and discuss the different representations for the fractional parts. To fold rectangles into thirds, ask students if they have ever seen how letters are folded to be placed in envelopes. Have them fold the paper very carefully to make sure the three parts are the same size. Ask them to discuss why the same process does not work to fold a circle into thirds.

Tens and Ones misconception when comparing

Often when students learn to use an aid (bird, alligator, etc.) for knowing which comparison sign (, = ) to use, the students don't associate the real meaning and name with the sign. The use of the learning aids must be accompanied by the connection to the names: < Less Than, > Greater Than, and = Equal To. More importantly, students need to begin to develop the understanding of what it means for one number to be greater than another. In Grade 1, it means that this number has more tens, or the same number of tens, but with more ones, making it greater. Additionally, the symbols are shortcuts for writing down this relationship. Finally, students need to begin to understand that both inequality symbols can create true statements about any two numbers where one is greater/smaller than the other, (15 < 28 and 28 >15).

comparing three digit numbers resources/strategies

On a number line, have students use a clothespin or marker to identify the number that is ten more than a given number or five more than a given number. Have students create and compare all the three-digit numbers that can be made using numbers from 0 to 9. For instance, using the numbers 1, 3, and 9, students will write the numbers 139, 193, 319, 391, 913 and 931. When students compare the numerals in the hundreds place, they should conclude that the two numbers with 9 hundreds would be greater than the numbers showing 1 hundred or 3 hundreds. When two numbers have the same digit in the hundreds place, students need to compare their digits in the tens place to determine which number is larger

cardinality resources/strategies

One of the first major concepts in a student's mathematical development is cardinality. Cardinality, knowing that the number word said tells the quantity you have and that the number you end on when counting represents the entire amount counted. The big idea is that number means amount and, no matter how you arrange and rearrange the items, the amount is the same. Until this concept is developed, counting is merely a routine procedure done when a number is needed. To determine if students have the cardinality rule, listen to their responses when you discuss counting tasks with them. For example, ask, "How many are here?" The student counts correctly and says that there are seven. Then ask, "Are there seven?" Students may count or hesitate if they have not developed cardinality. Students with cardinality may emphasize the last count or explain that there are seven because they counted them. These students can now use counting to find a matching set.

count within 1000 resources/strategies

Provide games and other situations that allow students to practice skip-counting. Students can use nickels, dimes and dollar bills to skip count by 5, 10 and 100. Pictures of the coins and bills can be attached to models familiar to students: a nickel on a five-frame with 5 dots or pennies and a dime on a ten-frame with 10 dots or pennies.

adding/subtracting two-digit numbers resources/strategies

Provide many activities that will help students develop a strong understanding of number relationships, addition and subtraction so they can develop, share and use efficient strategies for mental computation. An efficient strategy is one that can be done mentally and quickly. Students gain computational fluency, using efficient and accurate methods for computing, as they come to understand the role and meaning of arithmetic operations in number systems. Efficient mental processes become automatic with use. Students need to build on their flexible strategies for adding within 100 in Grade 1 to fluently add and subtract within 100, add up to four two-digit numbers, and find sums and differences less than or equal to 1000 using numbers 0 to 1000.

add and subtract resources and strategies

Provide numerous opportunities for students to use the counting on strategy for solving addition and subtraction problems. For example, provide a ten frame showing 5 colored dots in one row. Students add 3 dots of a different color to the next row and write 5 + 3. Ask students to count on from 5 to find the total number of dots. Then have them add an equal sign and the number eight to 5 + 3 to form the equation 5 + 3 = 8. Ask students to verbally explain how counting on helps to add one part to another part to find a sum. Discourage students from inventing a counting back strategy for subtraction because it is difficult and leads to errors.

number line resources and strategies

Provide one- and two-step word problems that include different lengths measurement made with the same unit (inches, feet, centimeters, and meters). Students add and subtract within 100 to solve problems for these situations: adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, and with unknowns in all positions. Students use drawings and write equations with a symbol for the unknown to solve the problems. Have students represent their addition and subtraction within 100 on a number line. They can use notebook or grid paper to make their own number lines. First they mark and label a line on paper with whole-number units that are equally spaced and relevant to the addition or subtraction problem. Then they show the addition or subtraction using curved lines segments above the number line and between the numbers marked on the number line. For 49 + 5, they start at 49 on the line and draw a curve to 50, then continue drawing curves to 54. Drawing the curves or making the "hops" between the numbers will help students focus on a space as the length of a unit and the sum or difference as a length.

word problem resources and strategies

Provide one- and two-step word problems that include different lengths measurement made with the same unit (inches, feet, centimeters, and meters). Students add and subtract within 100 to solve problems for these situations: adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, and with unknowns in all positions. Students use drawings and write equations with a symbol for the unknown to solve the problems. Have students represent their addition and subtraction within 100 on a number line. They can use notebook or grid paper to make their own number lines. First they mark and label a line on paper with whole-number units that are equally spaced and relevant to the addition or subtraction problem. Then they show the addition or subtraction using curved lines segments above the number line and between the numbers marked on the number line. For 49 + 5, they start at 49 on the line and draw a curve to 50, then continue drawing curves to 54. Drawing the curves or making the "hops" between the numbers will help students focus on a space as the length of a unit and the sum or difference as a length.

measurement resources/strategies

Second graders are transitioning from measuring lengths with informal or nonstandard units to measuring with these standard units: inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. The measure of length is a count of how many units are needed to match the length of the object or distance being measured. Students have to understand what a length unit is and how it is used to find a measurement. They need many experiences measuring lengths with appropriate tools so they can become very familiar with the standard units and estimate lengths. Use language that reflects the approximate nature of measurement, such as the length of the room is about 26 feet.

time resources and strategies

Second graders expand their work with telling time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest hour or half-hour in Grade 1 to telling time to the nearest five minutes using a.m. and p.m.

addition and subtraction within 100 misconception

Some students end their solution to a two-step problem after they complete the first step. Students can misunderstand the use of the equal sign even if they have proficient computational skills. The equal sign means "is the same as" but most primary students think that the equal sign tells you that the "answer is coming up." Students might rely on a key word or phrase in a problem to suggest an operation that will lead to an incorrect solution. For example, they might think that the word left always means that subtraction must be used to find a solution. Students need to solve problems where key words are contrary to such thinking. It is important that students avoid using key words to solve problems.

expanded form misconceptions

Some students may not move beyond thinking of the number 358 as 300 ones plus 50 ones plus 8 ones to the concept of 8 singles, 5 bundles of 10 singles or tens, and 3 bundles of 10 tens or hundreds. Use base-ten blocks to model the collecting of 10 ones (singles) to make a ten (a rod) or 10 tens to make a hundred (a flat). It is important that students connect a group of 10 ones with the word ten and a group of 10 tens with the word hundred.

count within 1000 misconceptions

Some students may not move beyond thinking of the number 358 as 300 ones plus 50 ones plus 8 ones to the concept of 8 singles, 5 bundles of 10 singles or tens, and 3 bundles of 10 tens or hundreds. Use base-ten blocks to model the collecting of 10 ones (singles) to make a ten (a rod) or 10 tens to make a hundred (a flat). It is important that students connect a group of 10 ones with the word ten and a group of 10 tens with the word hundred.

three digit place value misconceptions

Some students may not move beyond thinking of the number 358 as 300 ones plus 50 ones plus 8 ones to the concept of 8 singles, 5 bundles of 10 singles or tens, and 3 bundles of 10 tens or hundreds. Use base-ten blocks to model the collecting of 10 ones (singles) to make a ten (a rod) or 10 tens to make a hundred (a flat). It is important that students connect a group of 10 ones with the word ten and a group of 10 tens with the word hundred.

shape attributes misconceptions

Some students may think that a shape is changed by its orientation. They may see a rectangle with the longer side as the base, but claim that the same rectangle with the shorter side as the base is a different shape. This is why is it so important to have young students handle shapes and physically feel that the shape does not change regardless of the orientation, as illustrated below.

partition of shapes misconceptions

Some students may think that the size of the equal shares is directly related to the number of equal shares. For example, they think that fourths are larger than halves because there are four fourths in one whole and only two halves in one whole.

express length of object misconception

Some students may view the measurement process as a procedural counting task. They might count the markings on a ruler rather than the spaces between (the unit of measure). Students need numerous experiences measuring lengths with a variety of objects as it is difficult not to overlap.

ordering by length misconception

Some students may view the measurement process as a procedural counting task. They might count the markings on a ruler rather than the spaces between (the unit of measure). Students need numerous experiences measuring lengths with a variety of objects.

time misconceptions

Some students might confuse the hour and minutes hands. For the time of 3:45, they say the time is 9:15. Also, some students name the numeral closest to the hands, regardless of whether this is appropriate. For instance, for the time of 3:45 they say the time is 3:09 or 9:03. Assess students' understanding of the roles of the minute and hour hands and the relationship between them. Provide opportunities for students to experience and measure times to the nearest five minutes and the nearest hour. Have them focus on the movement and features of the hands.

zero misconception

Some students might not see zero as a number. Ask students to write 0 and say zero to represent the number of items left when all items have been taken away. Avoid using the word none to represent this situation.

cardinality misconception

Some students might think that the count word used to tag an item is permanently connected to that item. So when the item is used again for counting and should be tagged with a different count word, the student uses the original count word. For example, a student counts four geometric figures: triangle, square, circle and rectangle with the count words: one, two, three, four. If these items are rearranged as rectangle, triangle, circle and square and counted, the student says these count words: four, one, three, two.

fractions as partitioned shapes misconceptions

Students also may believe that a region model represents one out of two, three or four fractional parts without regard to the fact that the parts have to be equal shares, e.g., a circle divided by two equally spaced horizontal lines represents three thirds.

attributes resources/strategies

Students can easily form shapes on geoboards using colored rubber bands to represent the sides of a shape. Ask students to create a shape with four sides on their geoboard and then copy the shape on dot paper. Students can share and describe their shapes as a class while the teacher records the different defining attributes mentioned by the students.

teaching for shape misconceptions resources/strategies

Students can easily form shapes on geoboards using colored rubber bands to represent the sides of a shape. Ask students to create a shape with four sides on their geoboard and then copy the shape on dot paper. Students can share and describe their shapes as a class while the teacher records the different defining attributes mentioned by the students.

interpret data misconceptions

Students confuse equal values in an object graph that appear unequal. For example, when making an object graph using shoes for boys and girls, five adjacent boy shoes would likely appear longer than five adjacent girl shoes. To standardize the objects, place the objects on the same-sized construction paper, then make the object graph.

counting and cardinality resources/strategies

Students develop the understanding of counting and cardinality from experience. Almost any activity or game that engages children in counting and comparing quantities, such as board games, will encourage the development of cardinality. Frequent opportunities to use and discuss counting as a means of solving problems relevant to kindergarteners is more beneficial than repeating the same routine day after day. For example, ask students questions that can be answered by counting up to 20 items before they change and as they change locations throughout the school building.

time misconception

Students have a difficult time telling the differences between the two hands and how they work. When the hour hand is not directly pointing to a number the students struggle to identify the time. Students need experiences exploring the idea that when the time is at the half-hour the hour hand is between numbers and not on a number.

subtract multiples of ten misconceptions

Students have difficulty with ten as a singular word that means 10 things. For many students, the understanding that a group of 10 things can be replaced by a single object and they both represent 10 is confusing.

ten more/ten less misconceptions

Students have difficulty with ten as a singular word that means 10 things. For many students, the understanding that a group of 10 things can be replaced by a single object and they both represent 10 is confusing.

add and subtract within 20 misconceptions

Students ignore combinations they know to solve more difficult problems

addition/subtraction misconceptions

Students may be able to do the operation, but not be able to articulate the reasoning.

fractions as partitioned rectangles misconceptions

Students may believe that a region model represents one out of two, three or four fractional parts without regard to the fact that the parts have to be equal shares.

rectangular array misconception

Students may confuse the terms row and columns and interchange them when writing a repeated addition sentence. The focus should be on the repeated addition of the representation.

number line misconception

Students may count the lines on a number line instead of counting the spaces to measure an object.

word problem misconceptions

Students may depend on key words to solve the problem. Using keywords often encourages students to strip numbers from the problem and use them to perform a computation outside of the problem context.

comparing groups of objects misconceptions

Students may look at objects and focus on their size, arrangement, or area when making comparisons between groups.

comparing three digit numbers misconception

Students may mistakenly use bigger than or smaller than rather the greater than or less than.

mentally add 10 or 100 misconceptions

Students may not correctly identify the place value of tens and hundreds. Students may not see the pattern without a number grid or concrete manipulatives

fluently add/subtract within 20 misconception

Students may overgeneralize the idea that answers to addition problems must be bigger. Adding 0 to any number results in a sum that is equal to that number. Provide word problems involving 0 and have students model them using drawings with an empty space for 0. Students are usually proficient when they focus on a strategy relevant to particular facts. When these facts are mixed with others, students may revert to counting as a strategy and ignore the efficient strategies they learned. Provide a list of facts from two or more strategies and ask students to name a strategy that would work for that fact. Students explain why they chose that strategy then show how to use it.

shape misconception

Students may think that a square that has been rotated so that the sides form 45- degree angles with the vertical diagonal is no longer a square but a diamond. They need to have experiences with shapes in different orientations to understand defining attributes.

adding multiple 2-digit number misconceptions

Students may think that the 4 in 46 represents 4, not 40. When adding two-digit numbers, some students might start with the digits in the ones place and record the entire sum. Then they add the digits in the tens place and record this sum.

add/subtract within 100 misconceptions

Students may think that the 4 in 46 represents 4, not 40. When adding two-digit numbers, some students might start with the digits in the ones place and record the entire sum. Then they add the digits in the tens place and record this sum. When subtracting two-digit numbers, students might start with the digits in the ones place and subtract the smaller digit from the larger digit. Then they move to the tens and the hundreds places and subtract the smaller digits from the larger digits.

composing shapes misconception

Students may think the newly composed shape includes the same name as its parts. For example they may think a sphere is a circle.

money misconceptions

Students might overgeneralize the value of coins when they count them. They might count them as individual objects. Also some students think that the value of a coin is directly related to its size, so the bigger the coin, the more it is worth. Place pictures of a nickel on the top of five-frames that are filled with pictures of pennies. In like manner, attach pictures of dimes and pennies to ten-frames and pictures of quarters to 5 x 5 grids filled with pennies. Have students use these materials to determine the value of a set of coins in cents

estimation/length misconceptions

Students must understand the difference between US Customary and Metric measurements. They must understand the relationship between inches/feet and also centimeters/meters.

measure to determine how much longer misconceptions

Students must use the same standard length to measure.

Resources to teach time

Students need to experience a progression of activities for learning how to tell time. Begin by using a one-handed clock to tell times in hour and half-hour intervals, then discuss what is happening to the unseen big hand. Next use two real clocks, one with the minute hand removed, and compare the hands on the clocks. Students can predict the position of the missing big hand to the nearest hour or half-hour and check their prediction using the two-handed clock. They can also predict the display on a digital clock given a time on a one- or two-handed analog clock and vice-versa.

time resources/strategies

Students need to experience a progression of activities for learning how to tell time. Begin by using a one-handed clock to tell times in hour and half-hour intervals, then discuss what is happening to the unseen big hand. Next use two real clocks, one with the minute hand removed, and compare the hands on the clocks. Students can predict the position of the missing big hand to the nearest hour or half-hour and check their prediction using the two-handed clock. They can also predict the display on a digital clock given a time on a one- or two-handed analog clock and vice-versa.

comparing numbers teaching strategy

Students need to explain their reasoning when they determine whether a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number. Teachers need to ask probing questions such as "How do you know?" to elicit their thinking. For students, these comparisons increase in difficulty, from greater than to less than to equal. It is easier for students to identify differences than to find similarities.

resources/strategies comparing 2-digit numbers

Students need to move through a progression of representations to learn a concept. They start with a concrete model, move to a pictorial or representational model, then an abstract model. For example, ask students to place a handful of small objects in one region and a handful in another region. Next have them draw a picture of the objects in each region. They can draw a likeness of the objects or use a symbol for the objects in their drawing. Now they count the physical objects or the objects in their drawings in each region and use numerals to represent the two counts. They also say and write the number word. Now students can compare the two numbers using an inequality symbol or an equal sign.

group is odd or even resources/strategies

Students need to understand that a collection of objects can be one thing (a group) and that a group contains a given number of objects. Investigate separating no more than 20 objects into two equal groups. Find the numbers (the total number of objects in collections up to 20 members) that will have some objects and no objects remaining after separating the collections into two equal groups. Odd numbers will have some objects remaining while even numbers will not. For an even number of objects in a collection, show the total as the sum of equal addends (repeated addition).

addition and subtraction strategies within 100

Students now build on their work with one-step problems to solve two-step problems. Second graders need to model and solve problems for all the situations shown in Table 1 on page 88 in the Common Core State Standards and represent their solutions with equations. The problems should involve sums and differences less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100. It is vital that students develop the habit of checking their answer to a problem to determine if it makes sense for the situation and the questions being asked. Ask students to write word problems for their classmates to solve. Start by giving students the answer to a problem. Then tell students whether it is an addition or subtraction problem situation. Also let them know that the sums and differences can be less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100. For example, ask students to write an addition word problem for their classmates to solve which requires adding four two-digit numbers with 100 as the answer. Students then share, discuss and compare their solution strategies after they solve the problems.

fluently add/subtract within 20 resources/strategies

Students now build on their work with one-step problems to solve two-step problems. Second graders need to model and solve problems for all the situations shown in Table 1 on page 88 in the Common Core State Standards and represent their solutions with equations. The problems should involve sums and differences less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100. It is vital that students develop the habit of checking their answer to a problem to determine if it makes sense for the situation and the questions being asked. Ask students to write word problems for their classmates to solve. Start by giving students the answer to a problem. Then tell students whether it is an addition or subtraction problem situation. Also let them know that the sums and differences can be less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100. For example, ask students to write an addition word problem for their classmates to solve which requires adding four two-digit numbers with 100 as the answer. Students then share, discuss and compare their solution strategies after they solve the problems.

measurement data misconceptions

Students often do not see the connection between a line plot and a number line. A line plot can be thought of as plotting data on a number line.

comparing numbers misconceptions

Students possibly have misconceptions about comparing the numbers between 0 and 10 when only using written numerals because the numeral is an abstract representation of a quantity. Students must have mastery of the concrete representations of written numerals and quantities long before they would be asked to compare the written numerals alone.

add within 100 strategies/resources

Students should solve problems using concrete models and drawings to support and record their solutions. It is important for them to share the reasoning that supports their solution strategies with their classmates.

Counting on Misconception

Students sometimes recognize counting as a pattern much like singing the alphabet. This pattern can be memorized but may not be understood. Students who have done this can have difficulty counting on from a number other than 1. These students may also have difficulty counting backwards. When counting backwards, ask students to start at 24 and count back to 15. Students think counting begins with zero. They should experience counting from different starting points.

two-digit number tens and ones misconception

Students struggle with inadequate part-part-total knowledge for the numbers 0 to 10 and/or an inability to trust the count Little or no sense of numbers beyond 10 (e.g., fourteen is 10 and 4 more) Students have a failure to recognize the structural basis for recording 2 digit numbers (e.g., sees and reads 64 as "sixty-four", but thinks of this as 60 and 4 without recognizing the significance of the 6 as a count of tens, even though they may be able to say how many tens in the tens place)

Teaching counting resources/strategies

Students view counting as a mechanism used to land on a number. Young students mimic counting often with initial lack of purpose or meaning. Coordinating the number words, touching or moving objects in a one-to-one correspondence may be little more than a matching activity. However, saying number words as a chant or a rote procedure plays a part in students constructing meaning for the conceptual idea of counting. They will learn how to count before they understand cardinality, i.e. that the last count word is the amount of the set.

adding within 100 misconceptions on tens and ones

Students who have not mastered the concept of place value may struggle with how to break numbers apart to add them. They may not see that when adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones. Sometimes when adding, you must make another ten.

mentally find ten more/ten less resources/strategies

Students will usually move to using base-ten concepts, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction to invent mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction. Help students share, explore, and record their invented strategies. Recording the expressions and equations in the strategies horizontally encourages students to think about the numbers and the quantities they represent. Encourage students to try the mental and written strategies created by their classmates. Students eventually need to choose efficient strategies to use to find accurate solutions.

unknown whole number resources and strategies

The Math Mountain shows a sum with diagonal lines going down to connect with the two addends, forming a triangular shape. It shows two known quantities and one unknown quantity. Use various symbols, such as a square, to represent an unknown sum or addend in a horizontal equation. For example, here is a Take from / Start Unknown problem situation such as: Some markers were in a box. Matt took 3 markers to use. There are now 6 markers in the box. How many markers were in the box before? The teacher draws a square to represent the unknown sum and diagonal lines to the numbers 3 and 6. 3 6 Have students practice using the Math Mountain to organize their solutions to problems involving sums and differences less than or equal to 20 with the numbers 0 to 20. Then ask them to share their reactions to using the Math Mountain.

place value resources and strategies

The beginning concepts of place value are developed in Grade 1 with the understanding of ones and tens. The major concept is that putting ten ones together makes a ten and that there is a way to write that down so the same number is always understood. Students move from counting by ones, to creating groups and ones, to tens and ones. It is essential at this grade for students to see and use multiple representations of making tens using base-ten blocks, bundles of tens and ones, and ten-frames. Making the connections a

order by length resources/strategies

The measure of an attribute is a count of how many units are needed to fill, cover or match the attribute of the object being measured. Students need to understand what a unit of measure is and how it is used to find a measurement. They need to predict the measurement, find the measurement and then discuss the estimates, errors and the measuring process. It is important for students to measure the same attribute of an object with differently sized units.

money resources and strategies

The topic of money begins at Grade 2 and builds on the work in other clusters in this and previous grades. Help students learn money concepts and solidify their understanding of other topics by providing activities where students make connections between them. For instance, link the value of a dollar bill as 100 cents to the concept of 100 and counting within 1000. Use play money - nickels, dimes, and dollar bills to skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. Reinforce place value concepts with the values of dollar bills, dimes, and pennies. Students use the context of money to find sums and differences less than or equal to 100 using the numbers 0 to 100. They add and subtract to solve one- and two-step word problems involving money situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions. Students use drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. The dollar sign, $, is used for labeling whole-dollar amounts without decimals, such as $29. Students need to learn the relationships between the values of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar bill.

three digit place value strategies/resources

The understanding that 100 is 10 tens or 100 ones is critical to the understanding of place value. Using proportional models like base-ten blocks and bundles of tens along with numerals on place-value mats provides connections between physical and symbolic representations of a number. These models can be used to compare two numbers and identify the value of their digits. Model three-digit numbers using base-ten blocks in multiple ways. For example, 236 can be 236 ones, or 23 tens and 6 ones, or 2 hundreds, 3 tens and 6 ones, or 20 tens and 36 ones. Use activities and games that have students match different representations of the same number. Provide games and other situations that allow students to practice skip-counting. Students can use nickels, dimes and dollar bills to skip count by 5, 10 and 100. Pictures of the coins and bills can be attached to models familiar to students: a nickel on a five-frame with 5 dots or pennies and a dime on a ten-frame with 10 dots or pennies

expanded form resources/strategies

The understanding that 100 is 10 tens or 100 ones is critical to the understanding of place value. Using proportional models like base-ten blocks and bundles of tens along with numerals on place-value mats provides connections between physical and symbolic representations of a number. These models can be used to compare two numbers and identify the value of their digits. Model three-digit numbers using base-ten blocks in multiple ways. For example, 236 can be 236 ones, or 23 tens and 6 ones, or 2 hundreds, 3 tens and 6 ones, or 20 tens and 36 ones. Use activities and games that have students match different representations of the same number.

adding/subtracting two-digit numbers misconceptions

When adding two-digit numbers, some students might start with the digits in the ones place and record the entire sum. Then they add the digits in the tens place and record this sum. When subtracting two-digit numbers, students might start with the digits in the ones place and subtract the smaller digit from the larger digit. Then they move to the tens and the hundreds places and subtract the smaller digits from the larger digits.

ruler misconception

When some students see standard rulers with numbers on the markings, they believe that the numbers are counting the marks instead of the units or spaces between the marks. Some students might think that they can only measure lengths with a ruler starting at the left edge. Provide situations where the ruler does not start at zero. For example, a ruler is broken and the first inch number that can be seen is 2. If a pencil is measured and it is 9 inches on this ruler, the students must subtract 2 inches from the 9 inches to adjust for where the

measurement misconceptions

When some students see standard rulers with numbers on the markings, they believe that the numbers are counting the marks instead of the units or spaces between the marks. Some students might think that they can only measure lengths with a ruler starting at the left edge. Provide situations where the ruler does not start at zero. For example, a ruler is broken and the first inch number that can be seen is 2. If a pencil is measured and it is 9 inches on this ruler, the students must subtract 2 inches from the 9 inches to adjust for where the measurement started.

multiples of ten resource to correct misconception

base ten blocks

Math Strategies to overcome misconceptions

manipulatives, share/discuss with partner, drawing, games, modeling, real words situations, ten frames, number bonds

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