Comparative Politics Exam 1

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Single Party Majority Systems: features and consequences

"Anglo model" U.K., New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Jamaica >Party gets majority (50%+1 in parliament): Majority rule valued more in this system. >Party in opposition always has "shadow cabinet" (equivalent of 12th man!): Literally, there to step in, if needed. >Party discipline high: loyalists get cabinet positions. More loyal=higher positions >"U.K.: "collective responsibility"—all cabinet members agree to position (send troops overseas). British General Election: Conservatives teamed up with Liberal Democrats to form majority. Consequences: Governments generally on the same page over key issues, domestic and foreign. >Decisions can be made quickly, BUT rashly as well (Thatcher and poll tax 1991). Poll Tax is a tax on every adult that is exactly the same. Flat rate (or fair tax). One country also has fair tax. Riots broke out after this. All of government agreed on this and so it collapsed. >One party gets ALL the blame, or the credit. >When crisis comes, whole government can fall due to collective responsibility. >Unfair to voters?

Minimal Winning cabinet governments: features and consequences

"Continental Model" Germany, Austria, Italy, the Low Countries >No party controls majority in parliament >Proportional representation=more seats for smaller parties. Coalitions become necessary. >"Winners" have to decide WHAT coalition is best, to keep them in power. >Obvious fights when different parties share cabinet positions (esp. Left vs. Right) Parties change a lot. German General Election in 2017 Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Alternative for Germany (Very far-right party, got 12% of vote), Free Democrats, Left Party (CP) Consequences: Deep fights over key policy issues. >Possible gridlock. >Endless process of compromises and negotiation. >Risk that key coalition partner may pull out, bring down government

3 dimensions of political culture

"System": attitudes and views toward nation, regime, authorities. "Process": attitudes toward the role of the citizen herself in the political world. "Policy": attitudes toward what good policy 'should' be.

Social Norm Object of Socialization

"This is how our citizens must behave." "This is how X behave in other societies." US: "American character"- value freedom. "Tough but fair"-Teddy Roosevelt. Russia: "Russian hospitality"- nobody's a stranger. UK: social consensus Muslim Countries: the Islam Way

4 demands of "identity groups"

(1) Politics of recognition- society to recognize them as distinct groups with distinct and legitimate concerns. Legal rights as least equal to those of other citizens. (2) Autonomy- the ability and right of a group to partially govern itself within a larger state (3) Representation and Full Participation in the political process- sometimes requires institutional changes. (4) Better social status- begin in a marginalized position, need better education, economic positions and greater respect/acceptance in society.

4 types of group rights policies

(1) Recognizing and actively supporting the preservation of distinct cultures (2) Granting some degree of governing autonomy to particular groups (3) Reforming representative institutions like electoral systems and political parties to enhance or guarantee participation and representation for members of particular groups (4) Actively intervening to improve the socioeconomic status of distinct groups, usually via government intervention in the market

Examples of institutions compared

(1). Executives --background --recruitment --decision-making --constraints (2). Legislatures, Courts, Bureaucracies --recruitment --power and influence --decision-making --consequences of actions

2 Key Issues of Institutional Choice

1. How much POWER should new institutions have relative to one another? --Checks and balances --Efficient decision-making 2. How REPRESENTATIVE should new institutions be? --Majority rule vs. minority rights. --Support, trust from public

Place in the World Object of Socialization

1. Sense of where your country is in the world: a. World power, major actor (U.S.) b. Rising power (China, India)- arrogant attitude, because they are now booming countries. c. Declining power (UK, Japan)- losing countries, position d. Victim (Afghanistan)- always at war. Play victim. Country collectively sees itself as victim. 2. Sense of other actors relevant to your country. a. Allies v. Foes b. International organizations- UN, EU, IMF c. International forces: globalization- Is globalization positive or negative? Two sides in America. 3. Role of citizens vis a vis the world. Netherlands v. North Korea. Netherlands- citizens speak numerous languages, seen as popular trade spot. North Korea is isolationist and doesn't learn other languages. American exceptionalism- We are a major power in the world and we should be proud of that position.

3 methods/approaches of Comparative Politics

1. Single Case Study- research method that examines a particular political phenomenon in just one country or community and can generate ideas for theories or test theories developed from different cases. 2. Comparative Method- Means by which scholars try to mimic laboratory conditions by careful selection of cases. 3. Quantitative Statistical Techniques- Research method used for large-scale studies that reduces evidence to sets of numbers so that statistical analysis can systematically compare a huge number of cases.

5 Things Comparative Politics Are

1. Status as Political Science subfield. 2. Set of skills, tools for comparing "stuff" within and between countries. 3. Diverse set of approaches. 4. Normative use: make better sense of the world 5. Analytic use: explore trends, phenomena, political processes.

Liberal Democracy

A system of government that provides eight key guarantees, including freedoms to enable citizen participation in the political process and institutions that make government policies depend on votes and other forms of citizen preferences.

Family Socialization

First exposure to politics. Adopt political attitudes of parents. Rebel against political attitudes of parents. Who is "family"? -the state (Soviet Union 1930s- state tried to act as own family, sons and daughters turned in their parents/uncles & aunts/ brothers and sisters who opposed the state, Cambodia 1970s- state referred to itself as uncle, African militias 2000s) Breakdown of families-political consequences. Countries collapse because of this. Family- Child Soldiers in Afghanistan, Colombia, Sierra Leone, Cambodia. Told adult soldiers are their family now. Coney 2012. Psychologically brainwashed. Socialized by militia leaders. Children of boomers (Gen Xr's)- right wing increases among this generation in the 80s. Seen as making up for mistakes of parent's generation.

Characteristics of Personalistic Regimes

Origin: One party regime or military coup. Key idea: claims to modernizing authoritarianism but really based on neopatrimonial authority. Characteristics: Extremely weak institutions, instability and unpredictability Power: Individual Ruler

Parliamentary Sovereignty

Parliament is supreme in all matters; key example is the United Kingdom


Sharing of power between president and prime minister from different parties in a semi presidential system.

Disadvantages of the Methods of Comparative Politics

Single Case Study- Limited to that particular scenario. Comparative- Can be biased based on preferences. Quantitative- Provides little depth on particular cases. All theories have to adapt to change and so no theory based on these methods will ever be 100% absolute.

Quasi States

States that have legal sovereignty and international recognition but lack almost all the domestic attributes of a functioning state

Civil Society

The sphere of organized, non-governmental, non-violent activity by groups larger than individual families or firms. Interest groups like the Sierra Club or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Resource Curse

occurs when a state relies on a key resource for almost all of its revenue, allowing it to ignore its citizens and resulting in a weak state

Priorities of Old and New Democracies

"Old Democracies": West Europe, U.S., India- Very conservative. Don't want dramatic change. 1. Stability over time. Want things to work. 2. Efficiency vs. gridlock. Prefer efficiency. 3. Long-term policy consequences --economic (Interest rates set by federal bank) --political "New Democracies": East Europe, Latin America, Africa 1. Firewall against the past- Keep past from coming back. Can't interfere with the mission to become better. 2. Quickly meet public expectations- Make people happy fast. People want quick results. Really hard for New Democracies. 3. Hold country together- Dictatorships keep countries together (Saddam Hussein)- Not a good thing necessarily

7 Regime Types

(1)Liberal democracy- individuals are free and autonomous, with natural rights. (2)Communism- proletariat will lead socialist revolution. Socialist society after revolution will be ruled as a dictatorship of the proletariat over other classes; will eventually create classless, communist society in which class oppression ends. (3)Fascism- rejects materialism and rationality; relies on "spiritual attitude. (4)Modernizing Authoritarianism- Postcolonial societies must go through the same process to develop as the West did. Development requires national unity; democracy would interfere with unity. (5)Personalist regime- claims to modernizing authoritarianism, but based on neopatrimonial authority. (6)Electoral Authoritarianism-legitimacy based on a combination of liberal democratic and modernizing authoritarian ideologies. (7)Theocracy- rule by divine inspiration or divine right.

Criticisms of Group Rights

-Special groups rights or preferences undermine the norm of equal citizenship and give one groups an unequal position. Only individuals can have rights and all individuals should have them equally. -NO special preferences. NO intervening in social matters. -Centripetal approach- a means used by democracies to resolves ethnic conflict by giving political leaders and parties incentives to moderate their demands. -Should groups rights be supported if they pursue goals contrary to those of the liberal state's ideals?

How development and modernization influence culture

1. Change vs. Tradition -Secular: Turkey -Open: Gulf States (more welcoming to outside world, change in globalized way, lot to do with trade- exposure to different ideas, opinions) -Insular: Saudi Arabia- isolationist 2. Middle Class -Dominates: Chile, Uruguay. Solidly Middle Class- mostly middle-class people. -Rich v. Poor: Venezuela, El Salvador 3. Development Evolved or Imposed -UK vs. Russia 4. Trade or Autarky -Pre 1840s V. Post 1840s Japan. Before 1840s, Japan was very isolated and closed off.

How political traditions influence culture

1. Democratic or Autocratic United States v. Soviet Union 2. Consensus or Dissensus United Kingdom v. Italy 3. Civilian or military rule Costa Rica (has no military, just law enforcement) v. El Salvador (heavily militaristic) 4. Secular government or Religious Lebanon v. Saudi Arabia 5. Centralized or federal France v. Canada

How history influences culture

1. Evolutionary change or violent revolution -UK vs. Russia 2. Ancient traditions preserved or uprooted. -Japan vs. China 3. Empire or colony -France v. Chad 4. Stability or turmoil -Botswana v. Democratic Republic of Congo Some societies might prefer violent revolutions as opposed to peaceful. Like in Russia where much of the history is violent and so that's the norm. UK prefers evolutionary change. Japanese political culture changed dramatically in the 1800s. China hasn't changed much until recently. Botswana is the perfect African democratic country. DRC is a disaster. History's Impact on Culture United Kingdom 1. Unified by 1400s 2. Anglican church 3. Island stability 4. Constitutional monarchy Germany pre 1918 1. Divided into kingdoms until 1800s/ 2. Protestant, Catholic, Jewish 3. Fought over, 1600s-1800s 30 years war Napoleon 4. Absolute monarchy

Set of Four Types of Institutions

1. Executives (Presidents, Prime Ministers)- Leaders --How selected? Nominated, Elected, Appointed --How much power? What can they do? Reagan/Thatcher, Clinton/Blair. No executive orders in parliamentary systems. --Consequences of choice? 2. Legislatures --How big? --How members chosen/elected? --How much power? --Consequences of choice? 3. Courts --How independent? --How justices selected? Appointed, confirmed by Native Americans. --How much power? 4. Bureaucracies- Regulatory Agencies --How big? --Tenure of office? --How much influence? Ex: The Fed- Central Banks- set interest rates on things like student loans.

6 agents of socialization

1. Family 2. Youth groups; peers 3. Media 4. Education 5. Religion 6. Regime

4 objects of socialization

1. History 2. Social Norms 3. Critical Aspects of Government 4. Place in the world

How social Values influence Culture

1. Individual or Collectivist United States (individual rights) v. Russia (comrade, having each other's back) 2. Strong or Weak Class Traditions U.K. (tell where they come from based on the dialect) v. United States (classless society) 3. Liberal or Conservative West Coast v. the South 4. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Japan vs. India

Why countries adopt federalism

1. Larger countries adopt it to provide some level of government closer to the populace than the national government. 2. Limit power of majority by decentralizing and dividing governmental power. Usually have bicameral legislature. Limit power of executive. 3. Federalism is often a means to protect the interests of ethnic or religious minorities.

Three types of secularism

1. Neutral state model- a model of secularism wherein the state is neutral about, but not opposed to religion. United States. 2. Laicite- a model of secularism advocating the religion should play no part in the public realm. France and Turkey. 3. Positive Accommodation- a model of secularism when the state is neutral among but willing to support religions that it recognizes as important elements in civil society. (Germany since WWII)

Criticisms of Area Studies

1. Overly historical- assumes everything can be tied to history, ignores too much current events. 2. Overly descriptive- don't tell you about change, not about movements forward or backward. 3. Too much emphasis on unique- all countries are unique. Did not analyze trends or compare too other nations. Most nations have a few similarities. 4. Parochial- only analyzed elite countries. Focused on leaders and rulers only. 5. Atheoretical 6. Elite-focused Getting it Wrong: the USSR Sovietologists analyzed photographs taken in the USSR. Overanalyzed the history and missed its collapse. Missed the call on its collapse in the 90's.

Goals of global gender and LGBT movements

1. Recognition- recognition of themselves and their concerns as legitimate. 2. Social, Legal and Economic Status- still not equal to men. Tremendous gain though. Marriage, Money Making equality, abortion access. 3. Political Representation- women's right to vote. Unwelcome is socio-political realm.

How foreign influence influences culture

1. Role of Colonial Power -British traditions, values in India, Jamaica. 2. Defeat in a war - Japan (xenophobic, isolationist until 40s; changed after WWII), Germany; defeat changes the way people think 3. Alliances or Neutrality -Austria v. Switzerland (Swiss are more suspicious than Austrians, isolated from international conflicts) 4. Open or isolated - Dubai v. Saudi Arabia

Functions of Regimes compared

1. Socialization of citizens- North Korea forcing public gatherings when Kim Jong Un speaks. 2. Leadership recruitment and succession- varies 3. Communication- Free press or controlled? Do they coexist? 4. Interest articulation- government or regime finds out what its people actually want. Some dictatorships actually care about what the people want. Why might a dictatorship respond to wants of its citizens? 5. Interest aggregation 6. Policy-making 7. Policy implementation

Three Critical Questions about Democracies

1. To what degree are a state's government processes and procedures established, predictable and routine? (Institutionalization) 2. How much power should given to the majority that, at least in theory, rules? 3. What is the potential tradeoff between popular participation in government and representation of many viewpoint on one hand and effective governance on the other ?

Types of "Mass Politics" Compared

1. Voting and misc. election activity 2. Social movements 3. Protest, demonstration 4. Political attitudes, public opinion. 5. Revolution

Three key questions in Comparative Politics

1. What explains political behavior? 2. Who rules? 3. Where and why?

What made Comparative Politics more "scientific" from the 1950s-1970s

1950s-1970s: Science and Technology 1. Advent of computers, tools to analyze data. 2. The survey instrument 3. U.S. dominance 4. De-colonization 5. Increased global travel, access 6. Behavioralism

What is Post-Behavioralism?

1970s-Present: post behavioralism 1. World-wide protests, anti-war movement. 2. Rise of the global Left, anti-US sentiment. 3. Search for the "good society". 4. Need for "relevance" in politics. 5. Fragmentation of Comparative Politics

3 dimensions of power

1st- The ability of one person or groups to get another person or group to do something they would otherwise not do 2nd- The ability not only to make people do something but to keep them from doing something 3rd-The ability to shape or determine individual or group political demands by causing people to think about political issues in was that are contrary to their own interests.

Participatory Democracy

A form of democracy that encourages citizens to participate actively, in many ways beyond voting; usually focused at the local level


A large set of appointed officials whose function is to implement the laws of the state, as directed by the executive.

Bureaucratic Principal Agent Problem

A problem in which a principal hires an agent to perform a task but the agent's self interest does not necessarily align with the principals, so they may not carry out the assigned task.

Characteristics of Semi-Presidentialism

A system of democracy in which executive power is divided between a directly elected president and a prime minister elected by a parliament. To be successful, the duties of president and prime minister must be laid out in the constitution. Citizens elect local government officials, provincial government officials, members of parliament (that can force a prime minister and cabinet to resign), and a president who is head of the state and has significant role in running government. Prime minister appoints a cabinet that parliament must approve. President appoints but Members of parliament must give majority support to selection of prime minster, head of government. Parliament passes, president signs and prime minister supports legislation.

History object of socialization

A. Regime may want to make itself look "good". B. Regime may want to make itself look "honest". Gorbachav: USSR lied to its own people. Russia after USSR: reveal the truth Japan and Germany: WWII U.S.: Native Americans, Slavery Israel, Arab States: Mideast history Different views of history

How presidential and parliamentary systems differ regarding accountability, policymaking, stability

Accountability: Presidentialism has greater accountability because of the seperation of powers. Legislature can limit presidents power and has more influence on policy making than in parliamentary. President with majority legislature will function like a parliamentary system with a strong majority. Divided government or weaker party system results in much greater horizontal accountability. Policymaking: Parliamentary system where the majority is of the PM's party is most effective at policymaking, but less democratic. No institutional constraints on ruling party's actions. Very little compromise. Margaret Thatcher's quick success vs. Ronald Reagan's slower success. Reagan had a Democratic majority in Congress to deal with. Coalition governments in parliament requires more compromises. Presidential systems less likely to change status quo via legislation, and if they do it will take longer. Stability: Presidentialism has disadvantages here: dual legitimacy of legislative and executive. Presidential with winner take all mentality less willing to compromise and more majoritarian. Presidentialism too inflexible: crisis arises and president remains in office. Presidentialism more crisis prone and threatening to survival of new democracy than parliamentarianism.


Approach to explaining politics that argues that political behavior is at least influenced and limited, and perhaps even determined, by broader structures in a society such as class divisions or enduring institutions.

Difference between Area Studies and Cross-National Approaches

Area: one country/region holistic view, "immersion" country experts uniqueness Cross National: Multiple countries Trends and processes Methodologists Comparability

Differences between "Most similar systems" and "most different systems" approaches

CM 1: Most Similar Systems (MSS) Find what varies has nothing to do with shared characteristics. --Compare countries in a region, e.g. "Latin America" --Compare countries with a background, e.g. "Ex-Communist" --Compare countries with a characteristic, e.g. "Industrial West" MSS Example: Ex-Communist Executives Weak Executives: Vaclav Klaus, Czech Republic Vaira Vilke-Freiberga, Latvia Strong Executives: Putin, Russia Nursultan Nazarbaec, Kazakhstan CM2: Most Different Systems (MDS) Find out if same results are due to something other than differences. --Compare an issue, question, problem across very different countries. Ex: women in politics in Denmark vs. Guatemala.

Critical Aspects of Government Object of Socialization

Certain "non-negotiables" in every society regimes inculcate. US: Constitution, free market- "We're NOT Denmark" China: Communist Party- don't criticize the party France: Presidency, nuclear arsenal Saudi Arabia: House of Saud, Mecca Turkey: Kemal Ataturk- founder of turkey. Cannot criticize the founder of turkey AT ALL. Violation of norm. Seen as super human.

Types of Rights (3)

Civil- Those rights that guarantee individual freedom as well as equal, just and fair treatment by the state. Political-Those rights associated with active political participation-free association, voting and running for office. Social-Those rights related to basic well-being and socioeconomic equality.

Common law vs. Code Law

Common: Legal system originating in Britain in which judges base decisions not only on their understanding of the written law but also on their understanding of past court cases in contrast to code law. Code Law: Legal system originating in ancient Roman law and modified by Napoleon in France in which judges may only follow the law as written and must ignore past decisions.

Education Systems

Content of curriculum reinforces political values and attitudes. Regimes set standards of what is taught to bolster support. Flood of controlled information on: Leaders Institutions History Ideology Outsider World Civics: Entry class to introduce students to what it means to be a citizen of the state. What rights you have, what responsibilities you have... No school teaches a positive view of communism. Part of American identity. Helped shape your idea of outside world. Example: Saudi Public-School Textbooks FIRST GRADE "Every religion other than Islam is false." "Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (Islam, hellfire): Every religion other than ______________ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____________." EIGHTH GRADE "Activity: The student writes a composition on the danger of imitating the infidels." Map of Palestine: Includes Israel, does not recognize Israel as an independent nation Example 2: Japanese Public-School Texts Forbidden subjects re World War II 1. 1937 "Rape of Nanking" China 2. Forced suicide on Okinawa 3. Unit 731- medical testing; live dissecting of Chinese prisoners; much worse 4. Comfort Women

Types of Nationalism

Cultural Nationalism- based on a common cultural characteristic when only those people who share that characteristic can be included. Advocate for citizenship based on jus sanguinis or citizenship based on blood like in Germany. Civic nationalism- a sense of national unity and purpose based on a set of commonly held political beliefs. Support citizenship based on jus soli- based n residence within the national territory (soil), like in France.

Democracy vs. Authoritarian Regime

Democracy is a regime in which citizens have basic rights of open association and expression and the ability to change the government through some sort of electoral process. Authoritarian Regime is a regime lacking democratic characteristics, ruled by a single leader or a small groups of leaders.

Second Phase of Political Culture (1960s-Present)

Driven by: (1)Emergence of new countries and (2) Spread of global surveys 1. Democratic v. Authoritarian 2. Parochial, Subject, Participant 3. Consensual, Conflictual How many ways do people vary here? People at the bottom don't feel empowered and aren't engaged in political activities

Empirical vs. Normative Theory

Empirical- an argument explaining what actually occurs; empirical theorists first notice and describe a pattern and then attempt to explain what causes it. Normative- an argument explaining what ought to occur rather than what does occur.

Characteristics of Strong States

Established in 18th-19th centuries, industrialized early, and are the wealthiest. Diverse origins. Only the strongest began as a colony (U.S.). All have control over military and territory. High levels of legit democracy. Strong sense of national unity. Elements of weakness: uneven economic development, racial/immigration related differences, violent internal groups like terrorists. U.S., U.K., Japan and Germany.

Differences between Communism and Fascism

Fascism rejects Marxism's focus on materialism and economic life. Communism: Lenin believed that the vanguard party can lead socialist revolution in interest of present and future proletariat. Vanguard party rules socialist society using democratic centralism and is justified in pressing classes that oppose it. Vanguard party now; proletariat later. Rooted in Marxism. Ruling class presses other classes, based on mode of production. Focus on historical materialism- economic forces are the prime movers of history and politics. Fascism- Organic conception of scotty. Akin to a living organism rather than a set of disparate groups and individuals. The state creates a higher personality; intensely nationalistic. Focuses on corporatism- the state recognizes one entity to lead each group in society- for example, one trade union. The state is the head of the corporate body. All embracing and no human or spiritual values exist outside of it. Interests must coincide with state interests- Mussolini

Feudalism v. Absolutism

Feudal states are premodern states in Europe in which power in a territory was divided among multiple and overlapping lords claiming sovereignty. Absolutism is rule by a single monarch who claims complete, exclusive power and sovereignty over a territory and its people.

Rent Seeking

Gaining an advantage in a market without engaging in equally productive activity; usually involves using government regulations for ones own benefit. Ex: Businesses bribing officials to grant them exclusive rights to import certain goods, having a monopoly on the market.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Case Study Approach

I. Advantages (A). Expertise: history, language, culture, "meaning." (B). Detail: nothing is minor. (C). Generate data. II. Disadvantages (A). Fragmentation—not truly comparative? (B). Reinforce biases, stereotypes. "BUT," say defenders: Elite interviews: generate multiple observations. Election surveys over time. Institutional changes and development over time. >"Acceptable political science"

4 things political culture applies to

I. Clusters of countries with shared experiences, values, etc. --"the West," "Latin America," 'the Middle East" II. Nations: "national character"(but meaning what?) --Saudi Arabia, Sweden: attitudes on women and politics. --U.S., France: religion in politics. III. Regions: regional sub-cultures --U.S.: "the South" --Italy: north vs. south --Urban vs. Rural IV. Sub-cultures: different ethnic groups or collectives. --former Yugoslavia: Serbs, Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians --Lebanon: Shiites, Sunni, Christian, Druze

4 commandments of Comparative Politics

I. Context Matters: study should not sacrifice what unique aspects DO matter. II. Classification matters: do NOT compare apples and oranges. III. Comparative questions that result in hypotheses matter. IV. Generalization matters.

Why political socialization matters

I. Positive a. Increase support for political system. b. Increase participation in political system II. Negative a. Indoctrination into authoritarian regime. b. Reinforce biases, hatreds. Ex: Countries that are ethnically divided like Rwanda, Lebanon. Socialized to believe out groups are the enemy.

How religion influences culture

I. Sect Characteristics (But be careful...are these stereotypes?) 1. Protestant: "work ethic"- good deeds, hard work pays off, laziness is bad Northern Europe 2. Catholic: "obedience to authority"- used to hierarchy of Catholic church and so military, junta hierarchy seems normal Southern Europe, Latin America 3. Orthodox: "respect for the state" Russia 4. Islam: "religion guides politics"- theocracy Iran, Saudi Arabia II. Religious Heterogeneity 1. Orthodox v. Liberal (Israel) 2. Multi-religious (India, Lebanon) 3. Religiosity v. secular (The South v. West Coast)

Two types of institutionalists

Institutionalism- an approach to explaining politics that argues that political institutions are crucial to understanding political behavior. Rational Choice institutionalists: Institutionalist theories who follow the assumptions of ration choice theory and argue that institutions are the products of the interaction and bargaining of rational actors. Historical Institutionalists: Theorists who believe that institutions explain political behavior and shape individuals political preferences and their perceptions of their self-interests, and that inceptions evolve historically in particular countries and change relatively slowly.

Different Arguments for Why Some States Are Strong and Others Weak

Lack of resources, basic infrastructure and security make weak states. Corruption in bureaucracy. If societies don't follow the rule of law, some citizens take matters into their own hands (mafias). Weak states- lawlessness. Economists North, Wallis and Pol. Scientist Weingast used rational choice institutionalist argument. Elites worked together to create a rule of law and monopoly over force. Institutions then expand this to the rest of society. Comparativists argue that European colonialsim and the post colonial states rush to start a government without any knowledge of government. In Africa, authoritarianism resorted when rulers only maintained power by distributing revenue to party supporters. Lange argued more directly ruled colonies like the US developed stronger states after independence than when colonizer relied on local institutions to rule. Resource production and management. States that don't have self-sustaining resource or good resource management are weak.

Types of Legitimacy (3)

Legitimacy is the recognized right to rule. Traditional legitimacy- the right to rule based on a society's long-standing patterns and practices. Charismatic legitimacy- the right to rule based on personal virtue, heroism, sanctity or other extraordinary characteristics. Rational-legal legitimacy- The right of leaders to rule based on their selection according to an accepted set of laws, standards or procedures.

majoritarian vs. consensus democracy

Majoritarian: A type of democratic system that concentrates power more tightly in a single-party executive with executive dominance over the legislature, a single legislative branch and constitutions that can be easily amended. U.K., Japan and France Consensus: A democratic system with multiparty executives in a coalition government, executive-legislative balance, bicameral legislatures, and rigid constitutions that parents amended as easily. Israel, Italy and Germany. U.S. somewhere in the middle.

Media Socialization

Media coverage affects political shifts- US: Vietnam, Iraq Wars; Russia: 1993 Parliament Crisis Repetition reinforces political values All media biased globally. Tie citizens to regime: Zaire (Dem. Rep. Congo) 1970s; North Korea Fake News: has an effect on people. Make people skeptical and doubtful. Growing phenomenon. Other media sources criticizing each other and causing confusion. Arab and Israeli Governments: Reliance on Cartoons Israel v. Bahrain Hatred towards out-groups.

Modernists vs. Postmodernists

Modernists- theorists of political culture who believe that clear sets of attitudes, values and beliefs can be identified in each country that change very rarely and explain much about politics there. Postmodernists- An approach that sees cultures not as sets of fixed and clearly defined values but rather as a set of symbols subject to interpretation.

Distinction between a nation and an ethnic group

Nation is a group that proclaims itself a nation and has or seeks control of a state. Ethnic groups do not think of themselves and do not desire to control their own state as much as they want autonomy within a larger state.

First phase of Political Culture (1950s-60s)

Normative, Search for "Good Culture" 1. 1950s: in wake of WW2 was there a model political culture? 2. Could it be replicated? ("political missionaries") 3. Anglo-American...was the *one*? --pluralism --tolerance --democratic values --work ethic Good culture- Great Britain, United States, Australia, N. Zealand, Netherlands, Scandinavia 1. Long standing democracies 2. Protestant 3. One language 4. Peaceful and Stable

Characteristics of Moderately Strong States

Notably weaker in areas like corruption (higher), rule of law (weak), more difficult intergroup conflicts. Middle-income countries- not nearly as wealthy as the strongest but wealthier than the poorest. Emerged in mid-20th. Regional/cultural differences. India- questions of legitimacy. No serious threat except some discontent. Moderately strong bureaucracies. State doesn't deliver goods uniformly. Seem to be getting stronger. China, Brazil, India. Some ways getting weaker.

Head of State vs. Head of Government

Of State: the official, symbolic representative of a country authorized to speak on its behalf and represent it, particularly in world affairs; usually a president or a monarch. Of Government: The key executive power in a state; usually a president or prime minister.

Characteristics of Electoral Authoritarian Regimes

Origin: Primarily failed transitions to democracy. Key Idea: legitimacy based on combination of liberal democratic and modernizing authoritarian ideologies. Characteristics: Allows limited freedoms of expression and association. Allows limited political opposition to hold some elected offices but ensures ruling party/leader holds most power. Informal institutions more important than formal ones. Contradictions between democratic and authoritarian elements. Power: Ruling party

Characteristics of a Theocracy

Origins: Ancient religious beliefs. Key idea: rule by divine inspiration or divine right. Characteristics: Islamic version Islamism: Islamic law, as revealed by God to Mohammed, can and should provide the basis for government in Muslim communities. Iijtihad: Belief that muslims should read and interpret the original islamic texts for themselves, not simply follow traditional religious leaders and beliefs. Sharia: Muslim law should be the law of society for all Muslims. Power: God, not people.

Characteristics of "Modernizing Authoritarianism"

Origins: End of colonialism and desire to develop; technocratic legitimacy Key idea: Modernization theory- postcolonial societies must go through the same process to develop as the West. Rears national unity; democracy interferes with national unity. Characteristics: Four institutional forms: one party regime, military regimes, bureaucratic-authoritarian regimes, and personalist regimes. Neopatrimonial authority is common. Power: A modern elite-highly educated few- capable of developing the country; claim to rule on special knowledge essential to technocratic legitimacy.


Partial decentralization of power from central government to subunits such as states or provinces, with subunits' power being dependent on central government and reversible

Youth Group Socialization

Peer groups, reinforces values to "fit in" Make lifelong ties that reinforce values in later years. Important formative years-regimes know this. U.S. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Young Life Soviet Union "Young Pioneers"- government sanctioned youth groups. Now known as "Nashii"- Putin youth group. Group publicly shames people indulging in "bad" behavior. People drinking, smoking marijuana, etc. ISIS: "Cubs of the Caliphate"- Mini-Jihadists- Training "lost" kids for battle. Targeted introverted, outcasts. Told them they could be their new family. Normalized extreme violence.

Pluralist v. Elite Theories

Pluralist- explanations of who has power that argue that society is divided into various political groups and that power is dispersed among these groups so that no group has complete or permanent power; contrast with elite theory Elite-theories that all argue societies are ruled by a small group that has effective control over virtually all power; contrast with pluralist

How presidential and parliamentary systems differ

Presidential 1. Getting to power- Trumps rise to power from entertainment. We don't punish party switchers. --campaign 2. Political experience: Trump had none. Obama had very little. Ronald Reagan had a lot. --often none; varies 3. Forming government- Trumps cabinet: Friends --personal selection 4. Personal authority: presidents can do more --widespread Parliamentary 1. Getting to power- Party person has to show loyalty to party. Can't jump like Trump. Getting to power from the party. --party leader 2. Political experience- inexperienced people don't become prime minister. Norwegian children trained to become politicians. Starts young. --years, decades 3. Forming government: Cabinet can be composed of enemies or the opposition. --negotiation 4. Personal authority --limited, constrained

Primordialism vs. Constructivism

Primordialism is a theory of identity that sees identity groups as being in some sense natural or God given as having existed since time began and as defined unambiguously by such clear criteria as kinship, language, culture or phenotype. Constructivism is a theory of identity group formation that argues that identities are created through a complex process usually referred to as social construction- construction of identities.

Distinction between Race and Ethnicity

Race is a group of people socially defined primarily on the basis of one or more perceived common physical characteristics. Ethnic identity usually originates partially in a groups self assertion of its identity. Represent people who are themselves claiming an identity and the political demands that go with that claim. Race originates in the imposition of a classification by others. European slavery.

Causes of Corruption in Bureaucracies

Results when bureau rules and norms are extremely weak. Personal elites use this to pursue personal or financial interests by bribing the state. Bureaucrats themselves may steal from the state.

Minority cabinet governments: features and consequences

Scandinavia >Party (or parties) form governments without majority of seats in parliament. >Ruling party can get support from other parties but NOT include them in government. --Ruling party can govern smoothly --Supporting parties can avoid blame. Similar to independents in Congress: Sanders (I-VT) and King (I-ME). Both caucus with Dems. Swedish general election in 2018 Sweden Democrats (Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant group) >Failure to attend to "real" problems instead of party infighting. >Continued gridlock. >No sense of responsibility. >Parliamentary system can strongly reinforce deeply rooted cleavages. North very rich. South very poor. Milan v. Sicily

Types of sovereignty (2)

Sovereignty is the quality of a state in which it is legally recognized by the family of states as the sole legitimate governing authority within its territory and as the legal equal of other states. External sovereignty- sovereignty relative to outside powers that is legally recognized in international law. Internal sovereignty- the sole authority within a territory capable of making and enforcing laws and policies.

Strong, Weak and Failed States

Strong state is a state that is generally capable of providing political goods to its citizens. Weak state is a state that only partially provides political goods its citizens. Failed state is a state that is so weak that it loses effective sovereignty over part or all of its territory.

Two types of Federalism

Symmetrical federal system- All subnational governments (states and provinces) have the same relationship and rights in relation to the national government. Asymmetrical federal system- Different subnational governments have distinct relationship with and rights in relation to the national government.

Religion Socialization

The Vatican v. Iran Council- everything that goes in textbook is run through this committee Vatican ruled Italy. Catholic teachings in schools (abortion, sanctity of marriage)


The exchange of material resources for political support.

Political Economy

The study of the interaction between political and economic phenomena.

Iron Triangles

Three sided cooperative interaction among bureaucrats, legislators, and business leaders in a particular sector that serves the interests of all involved but keeps others out of the policy making process.

Types of Political Actors compared

Trump v. Putin Business/Entertainment v. KGB Elected v. Appointed Term Limits v. can change terms of office Limited powers v. Extensive powers Limited by Congress v. Dominant over Duma Constrained by states v. Dominant over regions Political Actors: Political Parties Elites Interest Groups Media Militaries Informal Sector Science and Education Sectors Militaries as Actors: When do they intervene in Politics? Coups or Interventions Powerful and very influential.


a democratic system designed to ease ethnic tensions via recognizing the existence of specific groups and granting some share of power in the central government to each, usually codified in specific legal or constitutional guarantees to each group

Social Democracy

combines liberal democracy with much greater provision of social rights of citizenship and typically greater public control of the economy

Vote of No Confidence

in parliamentary systems, a vote by parliament to remove a government (the prime minister and cabinet) from power

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