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Which option is NOT among the basic functions of an operating system?

Providing productivity applications such as word processing and spreadsheets

What is the basic function of an operating system?

Providing an interface between user and machine

Which of these is NOT considered an aspect of a Type 1 hypervisor?

A Type 1 hypervisor runs as a software application "within" a host's operating system.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a workstation operating system?

A mobile device operating system like Apple iOS

What type of device uses the iOS operating system?

An Apple mobile device

Which statement about an embedded operating system is true?

An embedded system is a computer system or appliance designed for a very specific function.

What is a hotfix?

An update that is typically issued on an emergency basis to address a specific security vulnerability

Which of the following is an open source mobile operating system?


In the Windows operating system, where do you navigate to when you want to install new operating system features?

Control Panel

How can you implement access control/protection on your computer?

Create ordinary user accounts for day-to-day access to the computer.

You need to partition a disk into two separate drives. Where would you go to do this?

Disk Management

What is the purpose of firmware in an embedded system?

Firmware provides all the functions for interacting with the device hardware.

After installing an application, you experience difficulty getting it to run. What should you do?

Inspect the properties of the executable file.

What needs to be installed on a PC to manage computer hardware and software resources?

Operating system

In which situation would Windows Disk Defragmenter be helpful?

Performance is being affected by used and free storage areas on a hard disk being greatly scattered.

If you are interested in viewing real-time statistics of processor and memory usage, which Windows operating system tool should you open?

Task Manager

In the Device Manager window, you notice a yellow exclamation mark next to a specific device. What is most likely the problem?

The driver for that device is either missing or the wrong version.

What manages memory on a computer?

The operating system will do the best job it can with the resources available.

Why are server operating systems likely to include software packages (or roles)?

They often use one role to run network services and a different role to support specific functions for more users.

If you can't end a task by closing it or ending it normally, what is the best way to "kill" the process?

Use the Task Manager utility to end the task

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