Conceptual Physics Final Exam Review

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D) uranium

Which of the following elements has the most mass? A) hydrogen B) iron C) lead D) uranium E) all have the same mass

C) both of these

Which of the following is an object that is in equilibrium? A) a crate at rest on the ground B) a crate sliding at constat velocity C) both of these D) none of these

B) iron

Which of the following normally warms up fastest when heat is applied? A) water B) iron C) glass D) wood E) all of the above

D) Wave IV

Which of the following sound waves corresponds to the largest frequency (pitch)? A) Wave I B) Wave II C) Wave III D) Wave IV E) all have the same frequency

D) all of the above

Which of these are good are good insulators? A) feathers B) wood C) snow D) all of the above E) none of the above

A) both tasks require the same amount of work (kg x m = w)

Which task requires more work: lifting a 25kg sack 4 meters OR lifting a 50 kg sack 2 meters? A) both tasks require the same amount of work B) lifting the 50 kg sack 2 meters C) lifting the 25 kg sack 4 meters

A) Wave I

Which wave has the largest wavelength? A) Wave I B) Wave II C) Wave III D) Wave IV E) all have the same frequency

D) Wave IV

Which wave has the largest wavespeed? A) Wave I B) Wave II C) Wave III D) Wave IV E) all have the same frequency

C) 6m^2

While using a simple hydraulic lift, you apply a force of 5 N to the small piston of area 2m^2. What should be the area of the large piston if you want to lift a load of 15 N? A) 2m^2 B) 5m^2 C) 6m^2 D) 15m^2 E) 20m^2

B) Electrons are free to move through the metal, whereas protons are fixed in place

Why are electrons, rather than protons, the principle charge carriers in metal wires? A) Electrons are lighter, so they move faster than protons with the same kinetic energy B) Electrons are free to move through the metal, whereas protons are fixed in place C) Electrons are in the nucleus, whereas protons are in a cloud around the nucleus. D) Protons are free to move through the metal, whereas electrons are fixed in place

B) 50F

10C is also equal to a temperature of ______ in the fahrenheit scale A) 75.6F B) 50F C) 24.4F D) 18F

D) 10 times more than the force acting on the apple.

A 10kg brick and a 1kg apple are dropped in a vacuum with negligible air resistance. The force of gravity action on the brick is approximately A) one-tenth as much as the force acting on the apple B) zero C) the same as the force acting on the apple D) 10 times more than the force acting on the apple

D) 80 J

A 2kg ball is held 4m above the ground. Relative to the ground, the ball's potential energy is A) 8 J B) more than 80 J C) 80 J D) 32 J

A) the same

A ball is thrown upwards and returns to its initial position. Compared with its speed when initially thrown, its speed when it returns to the same position is about A) the same B) twice as much C) four times as much D) half as much

B) 6 N

A block is dragged without acceleration in a straight-line path across a level surface by a force of 6 N. What is the force of friction between the block and the surface? A) more than 6 N B) 6 N C) less than 6 N D) need more information

C) the same for both

A block of styrofoam floats on water while a lead block of the same size or volume lies submerged in the water. The bouyant force is A) greater on lead B) greater on styrofoam C) the same for both

B) your temperature

A block of wood and a block of copper will feel neither hot nor cold to the touch when they each have A) equal temperatures B) your temperature C) equal conductivities D) none of the above

A. speed

A car on cruise control is making a turn. This car has constant______. A. speed B. velocity C. speed and velocity

A) coin

A coin and a ring initially at rest are the released t the same time to roll down an incline. Which object will reach the bottom first? A) coin B) ring C) both reach the bottom at the same time

C) volume of fluid

A completely submerged object always displaces its own A) density of fluid B) weight of fluid C) volume of fluid D) all of the above

D) 1 N

A cube of metal weighs 12 N in air, and 11 N when submerged in water. What is the buoyant force? A) 12 N B) 23 N C) 11 N D) 1 N

A) the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum

A feather and a coin will have equal accelerations when falling in a vacuum because A) the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum B) the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum C) their velocities are the same D) the ratio of weight to mass for both the feather and the coin is the same

B) mostly empty space themselves

A granite block is mostly empty space because the atoms in the granite are A) in perpetual motion B) mostly empty space themselves C) held together by electrical forces D) not as close together as they could be E) invisible

B) the balloon and surrounding air have equal densities

A helium-filled balloon released in the atmosphere will rise until A) the pressure inside the balloon equals atmospheric pressure B) the balloon and surrounding air have equal densities C) atmospheric pressure on the bottom and top of the balloon are equal D) all of the above

A) at its maximum

A marble rolls back and forth along the path shown. When it is passing position B, its kinetic energy is A) at its maximum B) at its minimum C) halfway between maximum and minimum

A) The pressure is 1/4 the original pressure.

A piston in an airtight pump is withdrawn so that the volume of the air chamber is increased 4 times. What is the change in pressure? A) The pressure is 1/4 the original pressure. B) The pressure is 4 times the original pressure C) The pressure does not change D) The pressure is 2 times the original pressure

A) 3 seconds

A rock is thrown straight upward at 30 m/s. How long after release will it reach its maximum height? A) 3 seconds B) 2 seconds C) 1 second D) 6 seconds

B) rotation

A torque which acts on an object tends to produce A) equalibrium B) rotation C) velocity D) linear motion

D) does any of these actions

A vehicle undergoes acceleration when it A) gains speed B) changes its direction of motion C) loses speed D) does any of these actions

C) equal to its potential energy

After rolling halfway down an incline, a roller coaster's kinetic energy is A) greater than its potential energy B) less than its potential energy C) equal to its potential energy

B) more than 10.3m

Alcohol is less dense than water. If alcohol is used to make a barometer at normal atmospheric pressure, the height of the alcohol column would be A) less than 10.3m B) more than 10.3m C) 10.3m

A) iron

Aluminium has a higher specific heat capacity compared to iron. When the same amount of heat is applied to equal masses of aluminium and iron, which metal will have a larger increase in temperature? A) iron B) aluminium C) need more information

B. 0 N

An apple weighs 1 N. When the apple is held at rest above your hand, the net force on the apple is A. 10 N B. 0 N C. 1 N D. 0.1 N E. none of these

A) greater on the elephant

An elephant and a helium0filled party balloon are inside the same room. The buoyant force is A) greater on the elephant B) greater on the helium-filled party balloon C) the same for both

A) moving

An object that has kinetic energy must be A) moving B) at an elevated position C) at rest D) falling

D) none of the above

As a balloon rises higher and higher into the atmosphere, its A) volume decreases B) density increases C) weight increases D) none of the above

B) a minimum

At position B, its potential energy is A) a maximum B) a minimum C) half between the maximum and the minimum

B) minimum

At position C, its momentum is at a A) maximum B) minimum C) midway between the maximum and the minimum

D) In an unmagnetized nail, the magnetic domains have a random orientation so that they add to zero. In a magnetized nail, many of the magnetic domains are aligned

At the microscopic level, what is the difference between an unmagnetized iron nail and a magnetized iron nail? A) An unmagnetized nail is made of an isotope of iron that is not magnetic. A magnetized nail is made from a magnetic isotope B) An unmagnetized nail is made of hard iron. A magnetized nail is made from soft iron. C) An unmagnetized nail is made at low temperatures. A magnetized nail is made from iron that is hot. D) In an unmagnetized nail, the magnetic domains have a random orientation so that they add to zero. In a magnetized nail, many of the magnetic domains are aligned

D) weight of the atmosphere

Atmospheric pressure is caused by the A) temperature of the atmosphere B) solar energy on the atmosphere C) density of the atmosphere D) weight of the atmosphere

B) electron

Which is the lightest particle? A) proton B) electron C) neutron D) all about the same

D) 400 N (1700-1300=400)

Burl and Paul have a total weight of 1,300 N. The tensions in the supporting ropes attached tot heir scaffold add up to 1,700 N. The weight of the scaffold itself must be A) 500 N B) 600 N C) 300 N D) 400 N

B) a lower temperature

Compared to sea level, water in an open pot in the mountains boils at A) a higher temperature B) a lower temperature C) the same temperature D) none of the above

A) smaller

Compared to the average size of a hydrogen atom, the average size of a hydrogen atom, the average size of a helium atom is A) smaller B) about the same C) larger

A) Infrasonic is too low (below 20 Hz) for humans to hear, ultrasonic is too high (above 20,000 Hz).

Distinguish between infrasonic and ultrasonic sound waves. When measuring frequency A) Infrasonic is too low (below 20 Hz) for humans to hear, ultrasonic is too high (above 20,000 Hz). B) Ultrasonic is too low (below 20 Hz) for humans to hear, infrasonic is too high (above 20,000 Hz). C) Infrasonic is too low (below 20,000 Hz) for humans to hear, ultrasonic is too high (above 20 Hz) D) Infrasonic is too high (above 20 Hz) for humans to hear, ultrasonic is too low (below 20,000 Hz).

C) through, across

Does electric charge flow across a circuit or through a circuit? Does a voltage exist across a circuit or is it through a circuit? A) across, through B) across, across C) through, across D) through, through

A) Only frequency changes

For the Doppler Effect, does the frequency of the sound change? Does the wave speed change? A) Only frequency changes B) Only speed and frequency change C) Neither speed nor frequency change D) Both speed and frequency change

C) c and d

For the wave shown below which point correspond to the amplitude? The wavelength? A) a and b B) a and c C) c and d D) d and c E) b and d

D) The direction of the field is the direction of the force on a positive test charge

How is the direction of an electric field defined? A) The direction of the field is the direction of the force on a negative test charge. B) A field is not a vector, so it does not have a direction C) The direction of the field is the direction of the force on a neutral body D) The direction of the field is the direction of the force on a positive test charge

B) Like poles repel, unlike poles attract, and the force is proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the two poles

How is the rule for the interaction between magnetic poles similar to the rule for the interaction between electrically charged particles? A) Like poles attract, unlike poles repel, and the force i inversely proportional to the distance between the two poles B) Like poles repel, unlike poles attract, and the force is proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the two poles C) Like poles repel, unlike poles attract, and the force is proportional to the distance between the two poles D) Like poles attract, unlike poles repel, and the force is proportional to the square of the distance between the two poles

E) 10 m/s

If a freely falling object was equipped with a speedometer, its measured speed would change by approximately ______ for each second that it falls A) 15 m/s B) depends on its initial speed C) 5 m/s D) a variable amount E) 10 m/s

B) 200 N

If an 800 N man hangs motionless from four vertical strands of a rope as shown in the figure above, then the tension in each strand of rope must be A) 0 N B) 200 N C) 400 N D) 800 N

B) dry

If bits of the coals do not stick to your feet while walking barefoot on red-hot coals, it would be best if your feet are A) wet B) dry C) warm D) cold E) very hot

B) slows heat flow

In practice, a good insulator A) stops heat flow B) slows heat flow C) speeds negative heat flow D) all of the above

A) Perpendicular, parallel

In what direction relative to a magnetic field should a charged particle move in order to experience the maximum possible deflecting force? To experience minimum possible deflecting force? A) Perpendicular, parallel B) Parallel, perpendicular C) Parallel, antiparallel D) Circling a magnetic field line for the minimum force, along it for the maximum force

C) both the same

In which is the temperature greater? A) boiling hot tea in a cup B) boiling hot tea in a fire engine pail C) both the same

A) aluminum

Lead is denser than aluminum. If 10 N of lead and 10 N of aluminum were both submerged, the buoyant force is greater on ________. A) aluminum B) lead C) same of each

A) 0 N

The net force on the man must be A) 0 N B) 200 N C) 400 N D) 800 N

B) is a poorer conductor

On a cold day your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug A) is usually warmer than tile B) is a poorer conductor C) for the same mass has more internal energy than tile D) all of the above E) none of the above

A) transfer some of their kinetic energy to us

On a muggy day, water molecules in the air that strike our bodies A) transfer some of their kinetic energy to us B) gain kinetic energy as they change phase C) form an insulating layer on our bodies

B) 1,200 V

Refer to the accompanying figure. The primary coil has 100 turns, and the secondary coil has 1,000 turns. The primary coil is connected to 120 V AC and the secondary is connected to an electrical device with a resistance of 1,000 ohms. What will be the voltage output of the secondary? A) 1,000 V B) 1,200 V C) 100 V D) 12 V

C) 1 A

Refer to the identical lamps in the diagram. If the current for Lamp 1 is one ampere, then the current for Lamp 2 is A) 1/2 A B) 1/3 A C) 1 A D) 2 A E) 2/3 A

A) electrons in one atoms repel the electrons in another

Since atoms are mostly empty space, why don't we fall through a floor we stand on? A) electrons in one atoms repel the electrons in another B) The positively charged nuclei repel each other C) The atoms are always in motion, so they collide often D) Positively charged nuclei attract electrons from neighboring atoms, so they always collide

B) freezing point

The addition of salt to water affects its A) crystal composition B) freezing point C) viscosity D) liquidity E) none of the above

A. EF=0

The equilibrium rule for forces in symbolic notation can be written as. A. EF=0 B. EF=2 mg C. EF= -mg D. EF=net force

D) potential difference across the ends of the wire

The flow of electric charge in a wire normally requires a A) pump B) low voltage C) high voltage D) potential difference across the ends of the wire

A) equal to 10 N

The force of friction on an object sliding along floor is 10 N. The additional applied force needed to maintain a constant velocity has a magnitude A) equal to 10 N B) less than 10 N C) more than 10 N

C) a great variety of speeds

The molecules in a room-temperature glass of water jostle around at A) much the same rates of speed B) a very small range of speeds C) a great variety of speeds D) there is not enough information

B) B

The positive charge at the center of each hollow conducting shell in the figure is equal to roughly 8 of the smaller charges shown on the surfaces of the shell. Which of these pictures best represents the charge distribution on the inner and outer walls of the shell? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

A) its length [at the center of the pencil, where the lead is located.]

The rotational inertia of a pencil is greatest about an axis oriented along A) its length [at the center of the pencil, where the lead is located.] B) the eraser [at one end, like a door while opening or closing.] C) its midpoint [like a propeller spinning along its axis.]

C) 1 A

The total current passing through the battery is A) 1/2 A B) 1/3 A C) 1 A D) 2 A E) 2/3 A

B. The acceleration is reduced to 1/3 of its original value.

The total mass of an accelerated coal car is tripled [by dumping coal into it from above having twice the mass of the cart]. While a constant net force is applied to the cart, by how much does the acceleration of the cart change? A) The acceleration remains the same. B) The acceleration is reduced 1/3 of its original value. C) The acceleration is increased to 3 times its original value. D) The acceleration goes to zero

A) At right angles to the direction of wave travel

The vibrations for a transverse wave will occur in what direction [relative to the direction that the wave travels]? A) At right angles to the direction of wave travel B) Parallel to the direction of wave travel C) Opposite the direction of wave travel D) A hybrid combination at right angles to and parallel to the direction of wave travel

D) 100 calories

To increase the temperature of 50 grams of water by 2 celsius degrees requires A) 25 calories B) 0.04 calories C) 2 calories D) 100 calories E) 4.19 calories

E) wet

To keep your feet cooler while walking barefoot on red-hot coals, it would be best if your feet are A) very hot B) dry C) warm D) cold E) wet

B) four times the kinetic energy

Two golf carts of the same mass move at different speeds. The faster cart has twice the speed of the slower and therefore has A) eight times the kinetic energy B) four times the kinetic energy C) two times the kinetic energy D) none of these

D) 1/4

Two protons are initially 1 m apart. When the distance between them is doubled, by what factor does the magnitude of the electric force of one on the other change? A) It remains unchanged B) 2 C) 1/2 D) 1/4 E) 4

A) frequency, amplitude

Waves P and Q have the same______, but wave P has twice the ______ of wave Q. A) frequency, amplitude B) frequency, wavelength C) amplitude, frequency D) wavelength, frequency

B) 4.8 A

What current flows through a hair dryer connected to a 120 V circuit if the dryer has a resistance of 25 ohms? A) 3,000 A B) 4.8 A C) 0.21 A D) 145 A

D. In the absence of a retarding force, a body will continue moving at a constant speed in straight line forever.

What did Galileo discover about moving bodies and force in his experiments with inclined planes? A. Bodies rolling down a steep inclined plane starting at a given height rolled up a gently inclined plane to a higher height B. Bodies rolling down an inclined plane increased speed C. Bodies rolling up an inclined plane increased speed D. In the absence of a retarding force, a body will continue moving at a constant speed in a straight line forever

C) It depends on temperature and humidity, not on loudness and frequency.

What factors does the speed of sound depend upon? A) It depends on density and pressure, not on temperature and frequency. B) It depends on loudness and frequency, not on temperature and humidity. C) It depends on temperature and humidity, not on loudness and frequency. D) It depends on frequency and temperature, not on loudness and humidity

B) The time interval of a to-and-fro swing

What is meant by the "period" of a pendulum? A) The distance a pendulum covers in one to-and-fro swing B) The time interval of a to-and-fro swing C) The number of oscillations per second of a pendulum D) The time for a pendulum to swing from one side to the other

D) 4 m/s^2 (20-0)/5=4

What is the acceleration of a car that starts from rest if it reaches a speed of 20 m/s in 5 seconds? A) 1 m/s^2 B) 2 m/s^2 C) 3 m/s^2 D) 4 m/s^2 E) 5 m/s^2

A) The Earth's magnetic field guides trapped charged particles to follow field lines toward the poles, where they collide with the atmosphere, causing a glow

What is the cause of the aurora borealis (the northern lights)? A) The Earth's magnetic field guides trapped charged particles to follow field lines toward the poles, where they collide with the atmosphere, causing a glow B) The northern lights are reflections of fluorescent lights from large cities off clouds in the arctic C) Electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts flip over their spin direction and emit light D) As the Earth moves through the solar magnetic poles. This voltage accelerates charged particles to collide with both poles, thereby causing the atmosphere to glow

A) 500 m/s

What is the speed of a 200 Hz sound wave with a wavelength of 2.5 m travel? A) 500 m/s B) 80 m/s C) 0.0125 m/s D) 202.5 m/s

B) By friction. Electrons are transferred when one object rubs against another.

What kind of charging occurs when you slide your body across a plastic surface [such as Astroturf]? A) By conduction. Electrons move from a negatively charged object to a neutral object. B) By friction. Electrons are transferred when one object rubs against another. C) By induction. Electrons in one object push away electrons in other object. D) By friction. Electrons move from a neutral object to a negatively charged object.

C) Electric charges in motion

What produces a magnetic field? A) Magnetic monopoles B) Electric dipoles C) Electric charges in motion D) Voltage

B) inelastic

What type of collision involves the production of heat and sound? A) elastic B) inelastic C) both A and B are correct

B) Both objects hit the ground at the same time because air resistance is negligible.

When Dr. Hewitt drops a book and a crumpled piece of paper together from the same height, which object hits the ground first? Why? A) The lighter object--the crumpled piece of paper--hits the ground first because it is easier for gravity to influence its motion since it is lighter. B) Both objects hit the ground at the same time because air resistance is negligible. C) The heaver object--the book--hits the ground first because it experiences a greater force of gravitational attraction from Earth.

A) absorbed by the solid

When a solid melts, energy is A) absorbed by the solid B) released by the solid C) both of these D) neither of these

C) equal to weight

When you float in fresh water, the buoyant force that acts on you is equal to your weight. When you float higher in the denser water of the Dead Sea, the buoyant force that acts on you is A) less than your weight B) greater than your weight C) equal to weight

B) your hand to the ice

When you touch a nail stuck in ice, energy flows from A) the ice to your hand B) your hand to the ice C) both of these D) neither of these

C) 2 miles

When you walk at an average speed of 4 mph, you will walk ____ in one-half of an hour. A) 10 m/s B) 20 m/s C) 2 m/s D) 15 m/s

B) size - electrons; mass - protons

Which contributes more to an atom's mass - electrons or protons? What about the atom's size? A) size - electrons; mass - electrons B) size - electrons; mass - protons C) size - protons; mass - electrons D) size - protons; mass - protons

D) The outer shell electrons in metals are free to move from atom to atom.

Why are metals good conductors of both heat and electricity? A) The outer shell electrons in atoms vibrate in place and emit electromagnetic radiation that travels throughout the metal. B) The outer shell electrons in metals are tightly bound, making it easy for vibrations to move from one atom to the next. C) The outer shell electrons in metals are tightly bound, making it easy for vibrations to move from one atom to the next. D) The outer shell electrons in metals are free to move from atom to atom.

A) The electromagnetic field of the current-carrying loop is amplified because it aligns the domains in the iron

Why does a piece of iron in a current-carrying loop increase the magnetic field strength? A) The electromagnetic field of the current-carrying loop is amplified because it aligns the domains in the iron B) The presence of the iron decreases the resistance in the current-carrying loop, thereby allowing more current to flow C) The iron is a permanent magnet and adds to the field of the current-carrying loop D) The iron acts as a capacitor and stores spinning electrons, thereby increasing the magnetic field

C) There is no material in a vacuum to vibrate and transmit the sound.

Why won't sound travel in a vacuum? A) The speed of sound is proportional to the density, so the sound stops when density goes to zero in a vacuum. B) The vacuum is inelastic C) There is no material in a vacuum to vibrate and transmit the sound. D) the speed of sound in a gas is proportional to the density, so the sound stops when density goes to zero in a vacuum.

A. inertia

You flick a card from beneath a coin and the coin hardly moves. This illistrates the property of A. inertia B. friction C. equilibrium D. support force

B) two

You place a pipe over the end of a wrench when trying to remove a stubborn bolt: this effectively makes the wrench handle twice as long as before. The torque will increase by a factor of A) four B) two C) eight

A) doubled

Your pet hamster sits on a record player that has constant angular speed. If the hamster moves to a point twice as far from the center, its linear speed will have A) doubled B) halved C) remained the same

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