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"decorum" or "good form" -

The Analects

"sayings" or teachings - collected by Confucius' students after his death


- Moral perfection is within our control, so we should strive to attain it.

- Chih

- it refers especially to the application of knowledge to human affairs


Confucius did not offer a clear answer to the question

551 - 479 B.C.E.

Confucius was born in

Chou dynasty

He lived during the worst time of the

Virtue, will and true happiness

Internal goods

studying the what the great men in the past have said about it

Morality can be known by__________

Book II

The Master said, A gentleman is not an implement

Good on level of the State

The ideal state must have "moral character"

respect Family reverence

The strength of the family was based on ______ for the father and other older members of the extended family.

• MENCIUS (371 - 289, B.C.E) • HSUN-TZU (298 - 239 B.C.E)

Two interpreters of Confucius


Which interpreter? • We're all born with virtuous inclinations; are innately good

human nature" (xing)

___________ is powerful, active, and dynamic force; it necessarily expresses itself in the social-political world.

SOCIETY- individual moral perfection

___________ is the key to a stable society.

- Chih


Great master

• Fu-tzu, or Kongzi means

• It appears that the consequentialist mode is also an "instrumentalist" mode of argument.

"If a ruler, equipped with a heart that cannot bear to see the suffering of others, practices a politics of compassion and empathy, he will rule the world as easily as rolling it on his palm."


"It is only he who is possessed of the most complete sincerity that can exist under heaven, who can give its full development to his nature. Able to give its full development to his own nature, he can do the same to the nature of other men."

• The Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong

"The superior man embodies the course of the Mean; the mean man acts contrary to the course of the Mean."


"When one cultivates to the utmost the principles of his nature, and exercises them on the principle of reciprocity, he is not far from the path. What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do to others."

Confucians are "DEONTOLOGISTS"

"if one needs to undertake an unjust action, or to kill an innocent person, in order to gain the whole world, one should not do it."


- A good society can foster good individuals, who then in turn sustain the stability and benevolence of the society.

- Li Chih Hsiao Cheng ming

- Conditions to produce a good society


- Confucius taught that we ought to seek a good human society above all else.


- Human beings are free to choose either the life of selfishness or the life of moral perfection.


- JEN & - SHU -

Book II

13. (asked about the true gentleman) The Master said, He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches.

Book I

16. The Master said, (the good man) does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs.

3. Book IV

16. The Master said, A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as lesser men take to discover what will pay.

A. Arguments based on a theory of human nature B. Pattern-based, consequentialist arguments.

2 Arguments to justify VIRTUE & VIRTUE POLITICS

Self-watchfulness Leniency SIncerity

3 guidelines : Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong

yan hui zengzi zisi mencius

4 sages of Confucianism


Born in a feudal state of

to restore order and goodness to society

Confucius' • Mission:

morality metaphysical considerations

Confucius- emphasizes _________ more than ___________

Son's filial piety (xiao) towards his father, ▪ an official must have loyalty (zhong) towards his or her ruler a ruler must have benevolence (ren) towards his or her people

Everyone in the ideal society has social roles and practical identities that come with special obligations.


Everyone is capable of moral perfection, although very few ever attain it.

human nature" (xing)

Everyone's "__________ is rooted in his or her heart-mind, which is the innate dispositions of virtues (benevolence, justice, ritual propriety, etc.) - this distinguishes human from non-human

Theory of external goods

External goods include: wealth, power, fame, and worldly success

way of nature

For Taoists TAO, was especially the

Good on level of the State

It is important for the state to have external goods, such as being orderly, prosperous, having an extensive territory, and a vast population.


It is important to establish morally good societies, it is society that makes us who we are.


Later, the _______________ and the _______________were added to the Classic texts.


Meaning "way" or "path."

1. Every one follows social rules and rituals (li) that govern every aspect of life in the ideal society 2. Everyone in the ideal society has social roles and practical identities that come with special obligations. 3. "Benevolent politics" 4. . "Virtue-based politics" 5. The unification of the various states in China is not achieved through force and violence, but through the transformative power of virtue

Moral characteristics of an ideal society

It is the ultimate goal.

Moral perfection is not the means to a higher goal.

originates in heaven.

Morality is not made by humans, but ___________

mandate of heaven

Morality is present in the world in the form of

ancestors of living family members,

Reverence was especially paid to the ____________ even to the point of offering prayers and sacrifices and asking for guidance

Good on level of the State

The morality of the state must be the same as the morality of the individual.


The superior man does not wait till he sees things to be cautious, nor till he hears things to be apprehensive. There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute. Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone."

1. Good on level of the State 2. Good on the level of the INDIVIDUAL

Theory of the Good


There are things that are not in their control. E.g., our social status was predetermined by heaven

External goods

They are not under one's control, but rather are allotted by fate or Heaven.

Confucians are "internalists"

They define virtuous actions in terms of factors internal to the agent, such as the agent's intentions, motives, emotions, or deep dispositions


This guideline requires understanding, concern and tolerance towards one another.


This ought to be the root of all human relationships


This was not so much a supernatural world which contained gods and other spirits, the cosmos above the earth

virtue politics

Thus, ________ is the best or necessary means to achieve the Confucian ideal society.

1. Ren - humanity, benevolence, empathy 2. Yi - justice, righteousness 3. Li - social rules and rituals internalized 4. Zhi - practical wisdom

Virtues of a junzi

virtuous action.

When human nature expresses itself as human action, it would necessarily be _____________


Which interpreter? Accdg. to Confucius human can be morally perfected, so for ______ human nature is essentially good from the start.


Which interpreter? Believed that we are evil by nature.


Which interpreter? Heaven has built into our hearts a sense of compassion for the suffering of our fellow humans.


Which interpreter? Heaven instilled in us innate knowledge of right from wrong.


Which interpreter? No altruism in human nature.


Which interpreter? Not self-discipline, but the discipline and training forced upon a person by a strong society that is the only foil to selfishness and ignorance


Which interpreter? People are driven by desire, not knowledge because they are ignorant of the Way.


Which interpreter? The only way to gain moral perfection is through proper training and control by a strong ruler.


Which interpreter? They are indifferent to the fate of others.


Which interpreter? We are also born with desires.


Which interpreter? We help each other, we feel guilty if we don't.


Which interpreter? • Believed that human nature is essentially good.


Which interpreter? • Heaven has also given us a sense of shame for our misdeeds, which acts as an immediate, emotional check on our vices.


Which interpreter? • People must be taught the Way, and be forced to adopt it.


Which interpreter? • Selfishness leads to envy, hatred & violence.

Doctrine of the Mean


Virtuous persons

_________- take pleasure in doing virtuous actions, even when they live in poverty.

Virtue, will and true happiness

are not subject to luck and are under the agent's control


benevolence or kind-heartedness.


bright side

the true way is the life of moral perfection

central claim of Confucius


confucius means

The CHING (Classic) texts

contains the ancient wisdom of China


contributes to a close connection between Heaven and human.

Human nature

determined more by moral nature which is endowed to us all alike by heaven.


imposed certain benefits and duties on a ruler. The main benefit was the increased authority and social force it gave to the ruler.

"Virtue-based politics"

is practiced when the ruler wins the allegiance and trust of the people not through laws or coercion, but through the transformative power of virtuous actions


is the active, strong, constructive, male principle.

benevolent action

it is _________ if it is a natural and spontaneous expression of one's deep dispositions of compassion for the people

- Cheng ming -

it requires that there is truthfulness, meaning that the ruler and the subjects alike say what they mean and mean what they say. They keep their word.


mountain's shadow


opposing components of all things in nature and society

Pattern-based consequentialist arguments

patterns in social reality are observed

"Virtue-based politics"

pertains to the Confucian ethical-political program as a whole

"Benevolent politics"

practiced when the state adopts just and benevolent policies regarding the distribution of external goods, as well as policies that may be characterized as "universal altruism"

k'ung fu-tzu

real name of confucius


reciprocity, like a golden rule, requires us to treat people as we would want them to treat us.


refers to rites and ceremonies. This instils self-discipline and surrender self-interest to benevolence and virtue.

Cheng ming

reification of names

"Benevolent politics"



respect, a feeling of reverence, for one's father and for elders.

Zhongyong /Doctrine of the Mean

s both a doctrine of Confucianism and also the title of one of the Four Books of Confucian philosophy.

moral character

state should have no other end than the perfection of human relationships and the cultivation of virtues of the individual.


the moral laws inherent in the universe to which human beings must submit in order to live excellent lives.


the most persistent advocate for an internalist view.


the passive, weak, destructive, female principle,


the sanction of heaven granted to a ruler.

To follow the Tao

to align yourself with the order of the universe, and thus to achieve a happy life;


to deviate from its path is to court disaster and misery, the lot of most people.

Is human nature basically corrupt or is it basically good (but only corrupted by rulers)?

• Because of the terrible state of affairs in China during Confucius' time, the fundamental question still was:

membership in a morally good society

• Confucius teaches that the right way is not in harmony with nature but __________ that offered the best way to live.

human nature social

• For confucius, _________ is essentially _____________. It is pliable and shaped by the social environment.


• It appears that the consequentialist mode is also an "__________" mode of argument

moral nature

• Our _________ is part of the universe

• The Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong

• The guiding principle is that one should never act in excess.


• They are also considered "_____________" in the sense that they believe in the existence of constraints on the promotion of the good.

"deep... compassion"

▪ For Mencius this ___________ is the "heart that cannot bear to see the suffering of others."

External goods

▪ They have no intrinsic value, hence one should not be concerned with them.


❖This guideline requires self-education, self-questioning and self-discipline during the process of self-cultivation

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