congress super set

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standing committee

A permanent committee established in a legislature, usually focusing on a policy area.

discharge petition

A petition that, if signed by a majority of the members of the House of Representatives, will pry a bill from committee and bring it to the floor for consideration.

--- is a good example of Congressional casework.

Assistance to a constituent in obtaining a Social Security check.

10. The most common prior occupation for members of Congress is A) business. B) law. C) education. D) public service. E) state legislator.


Arabic is the language of:

Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt.

According to the trustee model of representation, legislators are---

Trusted by their constitutions because they are natives of their home districts.

Persian/Farsi Language:


On average, each member of the House represents ---- voters.


12. Incumbents are those A) already holding office. B) running for office for the first time. C) who have been defeated in an election. D) retired members of Congress. E) running for an office.


13. The single most important advantage to someone trying to get elected to Congress is A) being an incumbent. B) having more money to spend on campaigning. C) being charismatic and photogenic. D) having a clean record. E) winning the endorsement of the top leaders of their party.


15. Which of the following statements about those who challenge incumbent members of the House is TRUE? A) They are usually not well-known. B) They are usually experienced legislators. C) They usually have a well-established organizational backing. D) They tend to be well-financed. E) They usually conduct public opinion polls and only run if they have a good chance of winning.


22. Bicameralism means that a legislative body is one A) with two houses, providing checks and balances on policymaking. B) in which each state has two senators, providing equal representation of the states. C) in which incumbents have a better chance of being reelected, providing continuity in policymaking. D) that must share power with a president, providing more efficient policymaking. E) in which there are only two political parties.


24. House seats are up for election every A) two years. B) four years. C) six years. D) eight years. E) five years.


28. Nominees to the United States Supreme Court must be confirmed by A) the Senate. B) the House. C) either the House or the Senate. D) both the House and the Senate. E) the president.


3. ________ privileges refer to the free use of the mails enjoyed by Congress. A) Franking B) Conmail C) Junket D) Procurement E) E-mail


35. Which of the following statements about the majority leader of the House of Representatives is FALSE? A) The majority leader exercises substantial control over which bills get assigned to which committees. B) The majority leader is the main steppingstone to the job of Speaker of the House. C) The majority leader is responsible for scheduling bills in the House. D) The majority leader is responsible for rounding up votes on behalf of the partyʹs position on legislation. E) He or she is the principal ally of the Speaker.


37. The most powerful person in the Senate is the A) majority leader. B) vice president of the United States, who serves as president of the Senate. C) chair of the Rules Committee. D) Speaker. E) president of the United States.


conference committee

A committee appointed by the presiding officers of each chamber to adjust differences on a particular bill passed by each in different form.

joint committee

A committee composed of members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate; such committees oversee the Library of Congress and conduct investigations.

special or select committee

A congressional committee created for a specific purpose, sometimes to conduct an investigation.

pocket veto

A formal decision to reject a bill passed by Congress after it adjourns—if Congress adjourns during the ten days that the president is allowed to sign or veto a law, the president can reject the law by taking no action at all.

seniority rule

A legislative practice that assigns the chair of a committee or subcommittee to the member of the majority party with the longest continuous service on the committee.

Which example best demonstrates a legislator acting as a trustee of his or her constituency?

A legislator considers public opinion, refining it with information and careful thought.

Which of these became an official presidential qualification in 1951?

A maximum of two terms.

party caucus

A meeting of the members of a party in a legislative chamber to select party leaders and to develop party policy.


A procedural practice in the Senate whereby a senator refuses to relinquish the floor and thereby delays proceedings and prevents a vote on a controversial issue.

open rule

A procedural rule in the House of Representatives that permits floor amendments within the overall time allocated to the bill.

closed rule

A procedural rule in the House of Representatives that prohibits any amendments to bills or provides that only members of the committee reporting the bill may offer amendments.


A procedure for terminating debate, especially filibusters, in the Senate.


A provision attached to a bill—to which it may or may not be related—in order to secure its passage or defeat.

Which of the following leadership abilities is critical to presidential success?

Ability to persuade members of Congress and the American Public.


An action taken by Congress to reverse a presidential veto, requiring a two-thirds majority in each chamber

safe seat

An elected office that is predictably won by one party or the other, so the success of that party's candidate is almost taken for granted.

president pro tempore

An officer of the Senate selected by the majority party to act as chair in the absence of the vice president.


An official who is expected to represent the views of his or her constituents even when personally holding different views; one interpretation of the role of the legislator.


An official who is expected to vote independently based on his or her judgment of the circumstances; one interpretation of the role of the legislator.

Which presidential power gives the president the ability to control what happens inside departments and agencies during their terms and to shape the federal judiciary (including Supreme Court) far into the future?


The process of allotting congressional seats to each state according to its proportion of the population.


18. On average, most of the money raised by a candidate for Congress comes from A) political parties. B) individual contributions. C) the candidateʹs own savings. D) Political Action Committees. E) loans.


2. Which of the following is NOT one of the perquisites which go with the job of being a member of Congress? A) a salary of over $150,000 B) subsidized housing in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs of D.C. C) free use of the mails to communicate with constituents D) free office space in Washington, D.C., and in the constituency from which elected E) a budget to support office staff


32. One of the key differences between the House and Senate is that the Senate A) is more centralized. B) is less dependent on seniority for determining power. C) has a lower turnover rate. D) has stronger leadership. E) has more anarchy.


6. The United States Senate has ________ members. A) 50 B) 100 C) 435 D) 438 E) 535


7. How many senators are elected from each state? A) one B) two C) four D) it depends on a stateʹs population E) the same number as it has electors in the electoral college


8. Which of the following is TRUE about the minimum age requirements for members of Congress set forth in the Constitution? A) One must be at least 21 years of age to serve in the House of Representatives. B) One must be at least 30 years of age to serve in the Senate. C) One must be at least 35 years of age to serve in either the House or the Senate. D) There are no age requirements for members of Congress. E) The age requirements are the same for the House and the Senate.


Why does the perception of a mandate matter in presidential politics?

Because modern presidents are more dependent on the people for election and more involved in policy making than early presidents, they are prone to claim the mandate of the people when governing.

The constitutional convention resulted in what form of legislature?


The --- is the departments, agencies, and officers within the executive branch that perform the functions of government.


How does congress exercise control over agencies and departments in the federal bureaucracy?

By issuing executive orders.

1. The foremost attraction for the job of serving in Congress is A) a salary four times the income of the typical American family. B) generous retirement benefits. C) the power to make key public policy decisions. D) travel benefits. E) employment opportunities after leaving office.


11. Relative to the total population, the most underrepresented group in Congress is A) African Americans. B) Hispanics. C) women. D) Jews. E) homosexuals.


14. Reasons that incumbent senators have greater competition than incumbent members of the House include all of the following EXCEPT A) an entire state is more diverse than a congressional district, providing more of a base for opposition. B) senators have less personal contact with their constituencies. C) voters are less likely to know the issue positions of their senators than their representatives. D) senators tend to draw more visible challengers. E) senate challengers are better funded than House challengers.


19. After each federal census, A) the office of the Speaker of the House changes hands. B) the size of Congress increases. C) the membership of the House is reapportioned D) the Senate reapportions its membership. E) all of the above


21. Nebraskaʹs legislature is the only one in the United States that is NOT A) elected by the voters. B) unicameral. C) bicameral. D) tricameral. E) under term limits.


25. A Senate seat is up for election every A) two years. B) four years. C) six years. D) eight years. E) five years.


27. According to the Constitution, revenue bills must originate in the A) Internal Revenue Service. B) Federal Reserve System. C) House. D) Senate. E) Treasury Department.


30. According to the Constitution, once impeached, federal officials are then tried in the A) Supreme Court. B) House. C) Senate. D) Department of Justice. E) United States District Court for the District of Columbia.


31. One of the key differences between the House and Senate is that the House A) has weaker leadership. B) is more influential on foreign affairs. C) has more policy specialization. D) is less centralized. E) is less institutionalized.


33. The real differences between the House and the Senate lie in their A) ideology. B) membersʹ characteristics. C) organization and centralization of power. D) role in policy. E) power relative to each other.


39. The presidentʹs most common method of attempting to influence Congress is to A) call up wavering members. B) offer to campaign for members. C) hold regular meetings with the partyʹs leaders in Congress. D) invite members of Congress to the White House. E) use the veto power.


40. If Congress has increased the scope of government it is because A) members typically suffer from Potomac fever. B) members are by-spending liberals. C) that is what constituencies want. D) that is what Congressional staffers want. E) it is responding to the policy expertise provided by the bureaucracy.


5. The United States House of Representatives has ________ members. A) 638 B) 100 C) 435 D) 80 E) 535


9. In terms of religion, most members of Congress are A) Catholic. B) Jewish. C) Protestant. D) born-again Christians. E) atheists.


What role does a president play when celebrating a national holiday?

Chief of state.

attentive public

Citizens who follow public affairs carefully.

Joint committee

Committee that includes members from both houses of Congress to conduct investigations or special studies.

A special committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate.

Conference Committee.

What occurs during the appropriations process?

Congress grants funds to federal agencies and programs.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Congress and the Judiciary?

Congress must be increasingly mindful of the Supreme Court's reaction when it enacts new laws for the nation.

Which of the following groups would be most likely to have influence over non-idealogical legislation?

Congressional staff and colleagues in Congress.

16. In the House races of 2004, the typical incumbent outspent the typical challenger by A) 2 to 1. B) 4 to 1. C) 6to1. D) 15 to 1. E) 20 to 1.


17. House incumbents typically receive A) about the same amount of contributions from PACs as challengers. B) less from PACs than challengers. C) much more from PACs as challengers. D) generous support from their party campaign committees. E) none of the above.


23. To be sent to the president, a bill must be passed by A) the House. B) the Senate. C) either the House or the Senate. D) both the House and the Senate. E) a majority vote of Congress, regardless of which house the votes come from.


26. Which of the following is TRUE about the Senate as compared to the House? A) more centralized with stronger leadership B) seniority more important in determining power C) more influential on the budget D) more influential in foreign affairs E) smaller in number, less powerful and less prestigious


29. Articles of impeachment must be passed by A) either the House or the Senate. B) both the House and the Senate. C) the Senate. D) the House. E) the Supreme Court.


34. The minority whip A) assists the majority leader in party-line votes. B) becomes the Speaker automatically if the Speaker resigns. C) represents African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans in each chamber of Congress. D) keeps a close head count on key votes, and attempts to keep party members in line. E) is used to punish members who do not vote with the rest of their party.


36. The ________ has the job of presiding over the Senate, breaking ties when necessary. A) majority leader B) majority whip C) minority leader D) vice president E) Speaker


38. Legislative ________ is the process of monitoring the bureaucracy and its administration of policy. A) franking B) stonewalling C) overview D) oversight E) supremacy


4. A myth about members of Congress is that they A) generally are educated and come from high-status occupations. B) tend to develop policy specialties. C) are especially effective in carrying out their constituent service. D) are overpaid, underworked, corrupt, and ineffective. E) are overwhelmingly male.


-----Refers to the authority of administrators int he federal bureaucracy to make choices concerning the best way to implement policies.


20. Which of the following statements about Congress is FALSE? A) Congress is a collection of generalists trying to make policy on specialized topics. B) Members of Congress are surrounded by people who know (or claim to know) more than they do. C) Members of Congress are often unsure of what is being voted on when a roll-call vote is called. D) Members frequently ask their colleagues how to vote. E) none of the above


The use of --- in foreign matters is an example of the president acting as a global leader.

Executive agreements.


Funds in appropriations bill that provide dollars for particular purposes within a state or congressional district.

How do government corporations differ from private companies?

Government corporations cannot sell stock, whereas private companies can.

One example of the Framer's intent to insulate the Senate from the tyranny of the majority was to...

Have members appointed by their respective state legislatures.

A --- is one tactic to signal the leadership that a Senate member may have objections to a bill.


Pocket veto

If the Congress adjourns before the ten days are up, and the president chooses not to the sign the bill.

Congress can remove a president through


Which of the following is a function of departments and agencies within the federal bureaucracy?

Implementing public policies.

How might presidents use their powers of persuasion in the legislative process?

In leading public opinion to support their policy agendas.

Over the past century, partisan polarization has --- along with ---.

Increased; income inequality

Pork legislation may aid the district of a member of congress by...

Increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects.

Which statement about incumbency is most accurate?

Incumbents have a huge advantage in reelection.

How have Americans rated members of Congress in recent years?

Individual members of Congress rate slightly higher than congress as a whole, but approval ratings are at an all time low.

What is the typical trajectory of a bill in the House of Representatives?

Introduction, committee referral, subcommittee, full committee report, rules committee, full House vote, conference committee, send do President.

Smallest land area:


A rise in party unity is indicative of

Low bipartisanship levels.

This individual keeps close contact with all members of his or her party, counts votes for key legislation, prepares summaries of bills, and acts as a communications link within the party.


True true leader of the Senate is the ---, elected by majority party.

Majority leader.

Which one of the powers listed below is a constitutional power that the president shares with the Senate?

Making treaties.

Which statement is true of the House of Representatives?

Members are elected every two years and apportioned to states based on population.

In which way do modern presidents differ from the original intentions of the Framers of the Constitution?

Modern presidents are much more influential in the legislative process than the Framers originally intended?

Which statement best characterizes the hearing process of a formal bill?

Most formal bills receive a hearing, but few are marked up and sent to the floor.

Which of the following is an example of an independent executive agency?


War Powers Act

Passed by Congress in 1973; limits president's war powers, needs approval from Congress.

How did Americans' attitudes about the role of government change as a result of the Great Depression and Roosevelt's new deal?

People became more accepting of the federal government's role in economic policy.


People who live and vote in a representative's home district or state

Historically, vice presidential candidates are chosen to

Politically balance the ticket.

Cabinet secretaries are appointed by --- and confirmed by----

President, senate,

What is the main purpose served by government corporations?

Providing services not fully trusted to the private sector.

Presidents with high levels of--- have an easier time influencing Congress, while those with low levels find influencing Congress more difficult.

Public approval

While the president has the authority to appoint and remove agency heads and other top bureaucrats, Congress as the authority to...

Refuse the appropriate funds for certain programs.

What role is the Environmental Protection Agency taking when it sets limits on air pollution from power plants?


---- are rules created by government agencies that determine how laws are implemented.



Role played by elected representatives who act as trustees or as delegates, depending on the issue.

In the house of representatives, the --- decides who will speak on the floor and rules on points of order.



Special spending projects that are set aside on behalf of individual members of Congress for their constituents.

Which is an example of logrolling in Congress?

Supporting a bill in exchange for support of one's own bill.

What demonstrates the Founder's desire to insulate the Senate from popular displeasure?

Terms of six years, with ONE third of seats open for election every two years.

In which institutional resource are leaders both appointed by the president and approved by the Senate?

The Cabinet

What has to happen in Congress before the president can be impeached?

The House and Senate must both have a two-thirds majority.

Congressional oversight

The United States Congress has the authority to conduct hearings, investigations, and budget reviews of the actions by the executive branch.

Which is one of the reasons that power and responsibility of the presidency has grown?

The United States became a world power.

Which is a group of presidential advisers? This group is too large and diverse to serve as a collective board.

The White House Staff.

Legislative veto

The ability of Congress to override a presidential decision.


The assigning by Congress of congressional seats after each census. State legislatures reapportion state legislative districts.

Line-item veto

The authority of a chief executive to delete part of a bill passed by the legislature that involves taxing or spending. The legislature may override a veto, usually with a two-thirds majority of each chamber.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the nature of the conflict between presidents and Congress?

The conflict is integral to the design of the Constitution, deliberately intended by the authors.


The current holder of elected office.


The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent. There are two types of gerrymandering— cracking, which the majority party uses to break a strong minority party district into pieces to be merged with other districts, thereby reducing the minority party's strength in that one district, and packing, which merges pieces of the majority party in its weak districts into a single, strong district.

What was the turning point that gave rise to the modern institutional presidency?

The economic and social turmoil of the Great Depression.

Minority leader

The elected leader of the party with the second highest number of elected representative in the House of Reps or the Senate.


The extent to which liberals and conservatives occupy the more extreme positions on the liberal-conservative ideological spectrum.


The fact that being in office helps a person stay in office b/c of a variety of benefits that goes with the position.

majority leader

The legislative leader selected by the majority party who helps plan party strategy, confers with other party leaders, and tries to keep members of the party in line.

minority leader

The legislative leader selected by the minority party as spokesperson for the opposition.

Speaker of the House

The only officer of the House of Reps specifically mentioned in the Constitution; elected at the beginning of each new Congress by the entire House; traditionally a member of the majority party.


The party leader who is the liaison between the leadership and the rank-and-file in the legislature.

Minority party

The political party in each house of Congress with the second most members.

Which executive power was intended as a "qualified negative" by the Framers?

The power to veto.

enumerated powers

The powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution.

How is a vice presidential vacancy filled?

The president appoints a new vice president, to be approved by Congress.

Which best describes the president's constitutional duty to Congress?

The president must give Congress an occasional update on the state of the union.


The presiding officer in the House of Representatives, formally elected by the House but selected by the majority party.


The principle of a two-house legislature.

What is implementation?

The process by which a law or policy is put into practice.


The redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population.


The residents of a congressional district or state.

The Administrative Procedures Act states that agencies must take what step before issuing new rules and reuglations?

They most solicit public comments.

Under the spoils system, who was awarded jobs in the federal bureaucracy?

Those who helped candidates win election.


Time of continuous service on a committee.

What is the major purpose of an independent regulatory commission?

To regulate commerce.

Why was the wars powers resolution adopted by congress?

To reinvigorate the role of Congress in the conduct of war.


Vote trading; voting to support a colleague's bill in return for a promise of future support.

In which event was there congressional oversight?


Under what circumstances are bureaucrats most likely to exercise discretion?

When an agency is implementing a law that contains ambiguity.

When mighty citizens be particularly concerned about an expansion of presidential power?

When they oppose the president's agenda.

Which institutional resource is closest to the president?

White House staff

Members of Congress differ from the larger American population in that they are disproportionately...

White, upper middle class, middle aged, and male.

A lobbyist for the NRA would be most effective when targeting a legislator...

Whose voting behavior SUPPORTS gun control.

107) Legislators who use their best judgment to make policy in the interests of the people are called A) trustees. B) instructed delegates. C) politicos. D) attentive leaders. E) opinion leaders.


109) Constituencies influence policy mostly by A) the initial choice of the representative. B) influencing congressional leaders. C) empowering the president in his negotiations with Congress. D) buying votes through election contributions. E) lobbying Senators.


111) In the relationship between lobbyists and members of Congress, A) members of Congress can ignore and embarrass lobbyists. B) lobbyists hold the greater power. C) members of Congress depend on lobbyists for reelection. D) lobbyists pay members of Congress to pass or defeat bills. E) lobbyists spend most of their efforts on converting opponents to their cause.


13) African Americans constitute ________ of the United States Senate. A) less than 10 percent B) approximately 35 percent C) roughly half D) well over half E) about 20 percent


17) Overall, members of Congress can ________ of the American people. A) possibly claim substantive representation, but not descriptive representation B) possibly claim descriptive representation, but not substantive representation C) claim both substantive and descriptive representation D) claim neither substantive nor descriptive representation E) possibly claim both substantive and descriptive representation


19) Incumbents are those A) already holding office. B) running for office for the first time. C) who have been defeated in an election. D) retired members of Congress. E) running for an office.


21) The single most important advantage to someone trying to get elected to Congress is A) being an incumbent. B) having more money to spend on campaigning. C) being charismatic and photogenic. D) having a clean record. E) winning the endorsement of the top leaders of their party.


24) Which of these candidates would most likely get elected? A) a representative running for reelection B) a senator running for reelection C) an incumbent representative challenging a senator D) a challenger E) an incumbent


26) Studies have shown that presidential ________ in an election have little effect on the success of the party's candidates for the House and Senate. A) coattails B) junkets C) vetoes D) headwinds E) scandals


29) The pork barrel and casework are examples of A) opportunities for credit-claiming by members of Congress. B) advertising techniques. C) descriptive representation. D) position-taking. E) congressional continuity.


30) An especially important asset for incumbents running for reelection is their A) service to constituents. B) voting records. C) support by party leaders in Congress. D) presidential support. E) invisibility.


32) Federal grants and contracts that members of Congress try to obtain for their constituents are collectively referred to as A) the pork barrel. B) casework. C) public service. D) perquisites. E) affirmative action.


36) Which of the following statements about those who challenge incumbent members of the House is TRUE? A) They are usually not well-known. B) They are usually experienced legislators. C) They usually have a well-established organizational backing. D) They tend to be well-financed. E) They usually conduct public opinion polls and only run if they have a good chance of winning.


38) Which of the following statements about money in Congressional elections is FALSE? A) It costs more money to elect a president than to elect a member of Congress. B) Most of the money spent in congressional elections comes from individuals. C) About a quarter of the funds raised in general election contests come from PACs. D) Political Action Committees often make contributions after the election. E) PACs often switch sides and give money to the candidate they originally opposed.


4) ________ privileges refer to the free use of the mails enjoyed by Congress. A) Franking B) Conmail C) Junket D) Procurement E) E-mail


44) When Political Action Committees contribute money to members of Congress they are usually seeking A) access to policymakers. B) votes on specific legislation. C) to install a preferred challenger in office. D) to create a more pluralistic Congress. E) to literally buy opposing legislatorsʹ votes.


48) Occasionally, a major political tidal wave rolls across the country and throws large numbers of incumbents of a given party out of office. When did this last occur? A) 1994 B) 1980 C) 1974 D) 1964 E) 1954


51) Bicameralism means that a legislative body is one A) with two houses, providing checks and balances on policymaking. B) in which each state has two senators, providing equal representation of the states. C) in which incumbents have a better chance of being reelected, providing continuity in policymaking. D) that must share power with a president, providing more efficient policymaking. E) in which there are only two political parties.


55) House seats are up for election every A) two years. B) four years. C) six years. D) eight years. E) five years.


59) Nominees to the United States Supreme Court must be confirmed by A) the Senate. B) the House. C) either the House or the Senate. D) both the House and the Senate. E) the president.


62) The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to A) initiate all revenue bills. B) ratify all treaties. C) confirm presidential nominations. D) try impeached officials. E) all of the above


66) The filibuster A) is unique to the Senate. B) is unique to the House. C) is allowed in both the House and the Senate. D) has been ruled unconstitutional. E) has been prohibited in both the House and Senate.


67) ________ members present and voting can halt a filibuster by voting for cloture. A) Sixty B) Seventy C) Eighty D) Fifty-one E) Seventy-five


71) Which of the following congressional offices is mandated by the Constitution? A) Speaker of the House B) House and Senate Majority Leader C) President of the House D) President of the United States E) all of the above


75) Which of the following statements about the majority leader of the House of Representatives is FALSE? A) The majority leader exercises substantial control over which bills get assigned to which committees. B) The majority leader is the main steppingstone to the job of Speaker of the House. C) The majority leader is responsible for scheduling bills in the House. D) The majority leader is responsible for rounding up votes on behalf of the partyʹs position on legislation. E) He or she is the principal ally of the Speaker.


77) The most powerful person in the Senate is the A) majority leader. B) vice president of the United States, who serves as president of the Senate. C) chair of the Rules Committee. D) Speaker. E) president of the United States.


81) Appropriations, Judiciary, and Armed Forces are all examples of ________ committees. A) standing B) select C) conference D) joint E) rule


89) Traditionally, Congressional committee chairpersons have been chosen through A) the seniority system. B) party rank. C) popularity with majority leaders. D) a majority vote by committee members. E) the merit system.


94) Which of the following is responsible for responding to congressional requests for information and providing non-partisan studies? A) Congressional Research Service B) Congressional Budget Office C) General Accounting Office D) Ways and Means Committee E) Office of the Majority Leader


95) Committee staff is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT A) providing services to constituents. B) organizing hearings. C) writing legislation. D) monitoring the executive branch. E) coordinating with congressional offices.


99) Basically, Congress is a(n) ________ decision-making body. A) reactive and cumbersome B) active and smooth C) unified and consistent D) radical and hasty E) retroactive



a formal charge of misconduct against the president by the House of Representatives.

Party caucus or conference

a formal gathering of all party members.


a formal way of halting action on a bill by means of long speeches or unlimited debate in the Senate.

Bicameral legislature

a legislature divided into two houses; U.S. Congress and state legislatures are bicameral, except Nebraska(unicameral)

Senatorial courtesy

a process by which presidents, when selecting district court judges, defer to the senator in whose state the vacancy occurs.


a process in which committee members offer changes to a bill before it goes to the floor in either house for a vote.

Congressional review

a process whereby Congress can nullify agency regulations by a joint resolution of legislative disapproval.


a proposed law.


a tactic by chic a senator asks to be informed before a particular bill is brought to the floor. This allows the senator to stop the bill from coming to the floor until the hold is removed.

10) Which of the following is TRUE about the minimum age requirements for members of Congress set forth in the Constitution? A) One must be at least 21 years of age to serve in the House of Representatives. B) One must be at least 30 years of age to serve in the Senate. C) One must be at least 35 years of age to serve in either the House or the Senate. D) There are no age requirements for members of Congress. E) The age requirements are the same for the House and the Senate.


102) The parties in Congress are most cohesive A) on foreign policy issues. B) when electing their official leaders. C) on economic policy. D) military matters. E) during floor votes.


103) The English politician and philosopher Edmund Burke favored the concept of legislators as ________, using their best judgment to make policy in the interests of the people. A) constituent robots B) trustees C) instructed delegates D) politicos E) judges


110) Which of the following statements about constituency influence is FALSE? A) It is difficult even for well-intentioned legislators to know what people want. B) Legislators whose votes on routine issues are out of step with their constituents are rarely reelected. C) On some controversial issues, legislators ignore constituent opinion at great peril. D) On obscure issues legislators can safely ignore constituency opinion. E) Letters received by legislators are more likely to convey extremist rather than moderate opinions.


15) The most common prior occupation for members of Congress is A) business. B) law. C) education. D) public service. E) state legislator.


18) Millionaire Senator Edward Kennedy sponsoring a bill to help the poor and disadvantaged would be an example of A) descriptive representation. B) substantive representation. C) elite representation. D) constituent representation. E) franking privileges.


22) Comparison between members of the House and Senate concerning the impact of incumbency on their reelection chances shows that one of the reasons that senators have a smaller advantage is because they A) have become over-specialized as policymakers. B) are more likely to be held accountable on controversial issues. C) are less visible. D) have longer terms that increase the chance of scandal. E) represent more homogenous constituencies.


25) Compared to members of the House, senators are A) more likely to have personal contact with their constituents. B) more likely to face difficult reelection opponents. C) less likely to face difficult reelection opponents. D) less likely to use television in their reelection campaigns. E) none of the above


28) An example of casework by a member of Congress is A) writing a newsletter to send out to constituents. B) helping a constituent gain citizenship. C) voting for a bill desired by constituents. D) working with a caucus on a public policy that affects his or her constituents. E) all of the above


3) Which of the following is NOT one of the perquisites which go with the job of being a member of Congress? A) a salary of over $150,000 B) subsidized housing in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs of D.C. C) free use of the mails to communicate with constituents D) free office space in Washington, D.C., and in the constituency from which elected E) a budget to support office staff


31) The ________ is the list of federal projects, grants, and contracts available to cities, businesses, colleges, and institutions which members of Congress seek to locate in their district to promote the interests of their constituency. A) casework B) pork barrel C) frank D) junket E) Treasurerʹs register


33) Members of Congress engage in each of the following activities that increase the probability of their reelections EXCEPT A) advertising. B) party voting. C) credit-claiming. D) position taking. E) spend much of their time away from Congress and in their home districts.


39) The role of party identification in votersʹ choices in congressional campaigns is A) extremely important, and increasingly so. B) moderately important, even though party identification is not as strong as it used to be. C) slightly important in a few districts, not important in most others. D) not important at all, and never really has been. E) much less significant than in presidential campaigns.


42) On average, most of the money raised by a candidate for Congress comes from A) political parties. B) individual contributions. C) the candidateʹs own savings. D) Political Action Committees. E) loans.


43) A single Political Action Committee A) has no limit on the amount of money it can spend on a candidate. B) can at most account for only a small percentage of a winnerʹs total spending. C) usually puts all its efforts into one candidate. D) can gain the most influence by giving money to candidates who disagree with them. E) can make or break a candidate in a particularly close congressional election.


5) The most prominent characteristic of a Congresspersonʹs job is A) prestige. B) hard work. C) high pay. D) travel. E) the 30-hour work week.


64) One of the key differences between the House and Senate is that the Senate A) is more centralized. B) is less dependent on seniority for determining power. C) has a lower turnover rate. D) has stronger leadership. E) has more anarchy.


68) The filibuster is a technique used in the A) House to delay legislation until a full House can convene. B) Senate to prolong debate in order to kill a bill. C) Senate to bypass committees in voting on controversial issues. D) House to allow more time to debate controversial policies. E) House and Senate to prevent a vote on a bill.


70) To end a filibuster requires ________ members present and voting to cut off debate. A) 50 B) 60 C) 75 D) 99 E) 218


78) Most important congressional activity is done A) on legislatorsʹ visits to their home districts. B) in meetings of standing committees and their subcommittees. C) on the House floor. D) on the Senate floor. E) in the White House.


8) The United States Senate has ________ members. A) 50 B) 100 C) 435 D) 438 E) 535


80) A ________ committee is one appointed for a limited, specific purpose, such as that set up to investigate the Watergate scandal. A) standing B) select C) conference D) joint E) special


87) House and Senate committees A) all have an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. B) all have a majority of members from the majority party in that chamber. C) must have their membership approved by the president. D) are non-partisan, and thus some committees are nearly all Democrats and others nearly all Republicans. E) are populated by the hired staff members of Congress, freeing the elected members for more important work.


9) How many senators are elected from each state? A) one B) two C) four D) it depends on a stateʹs population E) the same number as it has electors in the electoral college


92) Congressional reforms of the 1970s A) professionalized the operation of Congress and made it much more efficient. B) decentralized power and democratized Congress. C) were aimed at rooting out scandal and corruption. D) ended the two-party monopoly of Congress and brought new parties into Congress. E) all of the above


96) Which of the following offices is responsible for making economic projections about the performance of the economy, the costs of proposed policies, and the economic effects of taxing and spending alternatives? A) Congressional Research Service B) Congressional Budget Office C) General Accounting Office D) Ways and Means Committee E) Federal Reserve


A committee report is written __________.

before going to the Committee on Rules, but after a measure is marked up

1) Which of the following did the framers of the Constitution conceive of as the center of policymaking in America?


100) The presidentʹs most common method of attempting to influence Congress is to A) call up wavering members. B) offer to campaign for members. C) hold regular meetings with the partyʹs leaders in Congress. D) invite members of Congress to the White House. E) use the veto power.


101) Presidential leadership of Congress in promoting the chief executiveʹs programs is A) dominant, with a heavy hand usually convincing wavering members. B) a smooth, generally successful enterprise. C) at the margins, as a facilitator. D) nonexistent. E) proactive, substantive, and adversarial.


104) Some prefer the concept of legislators as ________, mirroring the preferences of their constituents. A) trustees B) politicos C) instructed delegates D) uninstructed delegates E) pollsters


106) On a typical issue, the primary determinant of a congressional memberʹs vote is A) constituent preferences as indicated by extensive polling. B) the position of the president. C) personal ideology. D) the toss of a coin. E) the position of their party leaders.


108) Most members of Congress would be considered A) trustees. B) instructed delegates. C) politicos. D) ambassadors. E) attentive leaders.


112) If Congress has increased the scope of government it is because A) members typically suffer from Potomac fever. B) members are by-spending liberals. C) that is what constituencies want. D) that is what Congressional staffers want. E) it is responding to the policy expertise provided by the bureaucracy.


12) The income and occupations of members of Congress A) typically reflect the pluralistic nature of American society. B) are very close to the average found among their constituency. C) would, for the most part, make them members of the elite in American society. D) have no real impact on public policymaking. E) places over 90 percent of them in the millionaire businessperson class.


14) In terms of religion, most members of Congress are A) Catholic. B) Jewish. C) Protestant. D) born-again Christians. E) atheists.


16) Relative to the total population, the most underrepresented group in Congress is A) African Americans. B) Hispanics. C) women. D) Jews. E) homosexuals.


2) The foremost attraction for the job of serving in Congress is A) a salary four times the income of the typical American family. B) generous retirement benefits. C) the power to make key public policy decisions. D) travel benefits. E) employment opportunities after leaving office.


23) Reasons that incumbent senators have greater competition than incumbent members of the House include all of the following EXCEPT A) an entire state is more diverse than a congressional district, providing more of a base for opposition. B) senators have less personal contact with their constituencies. C) voters are less likely to know the issue positions of their senators than their representatives. D) senators tend to draw more visible challengers. E) senate challengers are better funded than House challengers.


40) Party loyalty at the voting booth is A) stronger than it was a generation ago. B) no longer a good indication of voting behavior. C) still a good predictor of voting behavior. D) almost nonexistent today. E) greater among Democrats than among Republicans.


45) Which of the following statements about the role of money in congressional elections is FALSE? A) Outspending your opponent by a large margin is no guarantee of success. B) The more challengers spend, the more votes they receive. C) Challengers usually outspend incumbents. D) In open seats, the candidate who spends the most usually wins. E) Incumbents benefit less from campaign spending than challengers.


46) All of the following may increase the likelihood that an incumbent is defeated EXCEPT A) national political ʺtidal waves.ʺ B) redistricting. C) campaign funding. D) scandals. E) a strong challenger.


47) After each federal census, A) the office of the Speaker of the House changes hands. B) the size of Congress increases. C) the membership of the House is reapportioned D) the Senate reapportions its membership. E) all of the above


50) Nebraskaʹs legislature is the only one in the United States that is NOT A) elected by the voters. B) unicameral. C) bicameral. D) tricameral. E) under term limits.


53) The House ________ Committee reviews most bills coming from other committees before they go on to the full House, thus performing a traffic cop function. A) Appropriations B) Ways and Means C) Rules D) Authorization E) Review


56) A Senate seat is up for election every A) two years. B) four years. C) six years. D) eight years. E) five years.


58) According to the Constitution, revenue bills must originate in the A) Internal Revenue Service. B) Federal Reserve System. C) House. D) Senate. E) Treasury Department.


60) According to the Constitution, once impeached, federal officials are then tried in the A) Supreme Court. B) House. C) Senate. D) Department of Justice. E) United States District Court for the District of Columbia.


63) One of the key differences between the House and Senate is that the House A) has weaker leadership. B) is more influential on foreign affairs. C) has more policy specialization. D) is less centralized. E) is less institutionalized.


65) The real differences between the House and the Senate lie in their A) ideology. B) membersʹ characteristics. C) organization and centralization of power. D) role in policy. E) power relative to each other.


69) To cut off debate and end a filibuster is known as A) franking. B) coattails. C) cloture. D) overriding. E) hushing.


7) The United States House of Representatives has ________ members. A) 638 B) 100 C) 435 D) 80 E) 535


72) Which of the following does the Speaker NOT play a role in? A) making committee assignments B) presiding over the House when it is in session C) recommending which members should be expelled from the House for failure to support the partyʹs positions on bills D) assigning most bills to committees E) appointing the partyʹs legislative leaders


79) Most of the business of Congress takes place A) in congressional districts. B) on the floor of the House and Senate. C) in committees and subcommittees. D) during evening social functions. E) in the Rules committees.


82) When the House and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill A) the House bill is changed to conform with the Senate bill. B) the Senate bill is changed to conform with the House bill. C) a conference committee is appointed to resolve differences. D) a joint committee is appointed to resolve differences. E) the president may select which bill to enact into law.


84) When members of Congress hold a hearing to question a cabinet member on how a law is being carried out, they are engaging in A) agenda-setting. B) filibustering. C) legislative oversight. D) casework. E) congressional administration.


88) Members of Congress seek committees that will help them achieve each of the following goals EXCEPT A) reelection. B) influence in Congress. C) a salary increase. D) opportunity to make policy in areas they think are important. E) opportunity to make policy in areas important to their constituents.


90) Members of Congress who informally band together in groups to promote and protect mutual interests (e.g., mushroom growers) form what are called A) subcommittees. B) committees. C) caucuses. D) junkets. E) interest groups.


97) Only ________ can formally submit a bill for congressional consideration. A) members of the House B) senators C) members of the House or senators D) the president E) the Speaker of the House


The only way to stop a Senate filibuster is with __________

cloture vote

The only formal method for ending a filibuster, and requires the approval of ----- senators.

cloture, sixty.

Standing committees

committee to which proposed bills are referred; continues from one Congress to the next. Focuses on a specific subject.


congressional review of the activities of an agency, department, or office.

105) The best way constituents can influence congressional voting on legislation is to A) sign petitions. B) write letters or send telegrams. C) fax or call in their opinions. D) elect a representative or senator who agrees with their views. E) demonstrate on the steps of the capitol.


20) In most congressional elections, challengers A) outspend an incumbent. B) win. C) are better known than incumbents. D) lose. E) spend roughly as much money as incumbents.


27) Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary activities that members of Congress engage in to increase the probability of their reelection? A) advertising B) credit-claiming C) position-taking D) oversight E) None of the above; oversight is a form of position-taking.


34) What accounts for the success of congressional candidates? A) their highly representative policy positions B) presidential coattails C) economic forces D) advertising, credit-claiming, and position-taking. E) good looks


35) Which of the following is NOT true about incumbents? A) They usually win elections. B) They usually have more money than their challengers. C) They usually have higher name recognition and visibility than their opponents. D) They usually face very tough challengers, especially in races for the House. E) They usually have their partyʹs endorsement.


37) In the House races of 2004, the typical incumbent outspent the typical challenger by A) 2 to 1. B) 4 to 1. C) 6 to 1. D) 15 to 1. E) 20 to 1.


41) House incumbents typically receive A) about the same amount of contributions from PACs as challengers. B) less from PACs than challengers. C) much more from PACs as challengers. D) generous support from their party campaign committees. E) none of the above.


52) To be sent to the president, a bill must be passed by A) the House. B) the Senate. C) either the House or the Senate. D) both the House and the Senate. E) a majority vote of Congress, regardless of which house the votes come from.


54) Articles of impeachment must be passed by A) either the House or the Senate. B) both the House and the Senate. C) the Senate. D) the House. E) the Supreme Court.


57) Which of the following is TRUE about the Senate as compared to the House? A) more centralized with stronger leadership B) seniority more important in determining power C) more influential on the budget D) more influential in foreign affairs E) smaller in number, less powerful and less prestigious


6) A myth about members of Congress is that they A) generally are educated and come from high-status occupations. B) tend to develop policy specialties. C) are especially effective in carrying out their constituent service. D) are overpaid, underworked, corrupt, and ineffective. E) are overwhelmingly male.


61) The House Rules Committee A) has its members appointed by the House majority leader. B) is similar to the Senate Rules Committee. C) usually retains independence from the House leadership. D) reviews most bills coming from committee before they go to the full House. E) all of the above


73) The ________ is next in line after the vice president to succeed a president who resigns, dies in office, or is impeached. A) Senate majority leader B) Senate minority leader C) House majority leader D) Speaker of the House E) Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


74) The minority whip A) assists the majority leader in party-line votes. B) becomes the Speaker automatically if the Speaker resigns. C) represents African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans in each chamber of Congress. D) keeps a close head count on key votes, and attempts to keep party members in line. E) is used to punish members who do not vote with the rest of their party.


76) The ________ has the job of presiding over the Senate, breaking ties when necessary. A) majority leader B) majority whip C) minority leader D) vice president E) Speaker


83) Legislative ________ is the process of monitoring the bureaucracy and its administration of policy. A) franking B) stonewalling C) overview D) oversight E) supremacy


86) The seniority system gave a decisive edge to House members from ________ districts. A) Republican B) suburban C) older D) safe E) competitive


91) Caucuses in Congress A) press committees to hold hearings. B) push their preferred legislation. C) mobilize votes for favored legislation. D) all of the above E) none of the above


93) Republican congressional reforms in the 1990s included all of the following EXCEPT A) committee chairs were allowed to choose the chairs of subcommittees on their committees. B) both committee and subcommittee chairs were limited to three consecutive two-year terms as chair. C) some subcommittees were eliminated. D) committee chairs were given complete control over the timing of bills under consideration. E) none of the above


98) Most bills formally submitted for consideration in Congress A) are passed and signed into law. B) are passed, but vetoed by the president. C) are defeated in close final votes on the floors of one chamber. D) are quietly killed off early in the process. E) pass one house, but are killed in the other house.



key member who deeps close contact with all member of his or her party and takes nose counts on key votes, prepares summaries of bills, and in general acts as communicative link within a party.

Successful members of congress share the same policy interests as voters, according to the...

delegate model of representation.

11) The members of the Senate closely reflect the nation in terms of A) race. B) gender. C) economic status. D) prior occupation. E) none of the above


49) Which of the following statements about Congress is FALSE? A) Congress is a collection of generalists trying to make policy on specialized topics. B) Members of Congress are surrounded by people who know (or claim to know) more than they do. C) Members of Congress are often unsure of what is being voted on when a roll-call vote is called. D) Members frequently ask their colleagues how to vote. E) none of the above


85) Which of the following statements about congressional committees is FALSE? A) Unless a committee gives a bill a favorable report it almost never can be considered by the full House or Senate. B) The most important output of the committee is the marked up bill. C) Members of the committee usually serve as floor managers of the bill. D) Members of the committee act as cue-givers to whom other members turn for advice. E) none of the above


According to the Constitution, how is the president supposed to be elected?

election through the Electoral College.

packing and cracking


Charged with the responsibility to ---- the --- is almost certainly the most powerful committee in either chamber of Congress.

grant and set procedural rules, House Committee on Rules

One example of the Framers' intent to insulate the Senate from the tyranny of the majority was to _________

have members appointed by their respective state legislatures

What was the origin of the dispute resulting in the 2012 Super Committee?

inability to balance the budget


legislation that allows representatives to bring how the bacon to their districts in the form of public works programs, military bases, or other programs designed to benefit their districts directly.


mechanism requiring sixty senators to vote to cut off debate.

What best explains the overwhelming advantage incumbents possess in seeking relection over opposition candidates?

name recognition, access to media, and franking privilege.

The Framers designed the leadership systems in the House and the Senate so that __________.

passing a bill would be more difficult in the HOUSE than the SENATE


personal work done by a member of congress for his constituents

Discharge petition

petition that gives a majority of the House of Reps the authority to bring an issue to the floor in the face of committee inaction.


president rejecting a bill.

Congressional Member Organizations, or member caucuses, are __________.

promoters of shared legislative interests

Term limits

restrictions that exist in some states about how long an individual may serve in state or local elected offices.


role played by elected representatives who listen to constituents' opinions and then use their best judgment to make final decisions.


role played by elected representatives who vote the way their constituents would want them to, regardless of their own opinions.

Conference committee

special joint committee created to iron out difference between Senate and House versions of a specific piece of legislation.


supporting one's bill for support for another



Select (or special) committees

temporary committee approving for specific purpose, such as conducting special investigation or study.


the drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent

Majority leader

the elected leader of the party controlling the most seats in the House of Reps or the Senate; is second in authority to the Speaker of the House and in the Senate is regarded as its most powerful member.

President pro tempore

the official chair of the Senate; usually the most senior member of the majority party.

Divided government

the political condition in which different political parties control the White House and Congress.

Majority party

the political party in each house of Congress with the most members.


the privilege of free mail service provided to members of Congress


the process of allotting congressional seats to each state following the decennial census according to their proportion of the population.


the redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increase or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.

Each state has --- senators elected every -- years.

two, six

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