Connective Tissue

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dense irregular connective

A function of this tissue is to withstand stress applied in all directions and is extremely durable.

Ground substance forms a lattice that stores water in connective tissues and that allows certain cell types to migrate in and out of connective tissues.

According to the reading above, what are the two important functions of ground substance?

The wall of the heart

Cardiac muscle tissue is located where?

Neutrophils and plasma are both types of blood cells. They would enter connective tissue fro the blood stream.

Cells such as neutrophils and plasma cells are often found in connective tissue. Where did they come from?

Areolar connective tissue contains all three fiber types, but most connective tissues do not. For example, tendons and ligaments are almost entirely made up of collagen with a little bit of elastin. There are no reticular fibers. Lymph nodes are made up entirely of reticular fibers with no collagen or elastin. The specific types of fibers, found in a connective tissue just depend on what you need the tissue to do.

Do all connective tissues contain all three fiber types?

dense connective tissue

Draw a picture of what this tissue would look like:

loose connective tissue

Draw a picture of what this would look like.

a) voluntary movement of body parts b) propulsion of materials through the digestive tract c) contraction of the heart

Functions of muscle tissue include?


Ground substance is produced by connective tissue cells

Parietal layer

Layer of serous memberanes that line body cavities

Dense Regular

Tendons and ligaments are made of this connective tissue?


The cells of cartilage are called?

Plasma cells

The connective tissue cells form antibodies that bind to foreign substances, bacteria and viruses


The function is to attach a muscle to a bone.


The long nerve that extends from the cell which carries outgoing signals to other cells is called the axon.

loose and dense connective tissue

The two categories of connective tissue proper are?


The type of connective tissue shown here is found nearly everywhere in the body. It is also a major component of subcutaneous layer of the skin.

fixed microphages

These large cells phagocytize damaged cells and pathogens

**Dense Irregular** collagen fibers are arranged in every direction, whilst in dense regular they are arranged in very regular, repeating pattern. The arrangement of collagen fibers is what gives these tissues their name.

What are you seeing in both sides of the arrangement of collagen fibers?

a) adipocytes b) Mesenchymal c) Fibroblasts

Which are examples of resident cells of connective tissues.

Mast cells

Which of the following is wondering cell of connective tissue proper?

a) line the digestive tract b) perform secretory functions c) secrete mucous

Which statements characterize mucous membranes?

fibrocartilage location

Which type of cartilage forms invertebral discs?

mocous cells

Which type of connective tissue is located in the umbilical only.


a structure composed of 2 or more tissues that work together to perform a specific task.

Platelets (thrombocytes)

blood clotting

dense regular connective tissue

collagen fibers are packed tightly and align parallel to an applied force.

Dense Irregular CT

connective tissue bundles of collagen fibers extend in all directions in scattered meshwork?

elastic connective tissue

has branching elastic fibers and more fibroblasts than loose connective tissue in addition to packed collagen fibers.

Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)

immune defense

Bone Tissue

is the tissue represented in this histological image.

mucous membrane

lines the body compartments that eventually open to the external environment.


produce fibers and ground substance

adipose connective tissue

serves as padding and act as an insulator to slow heat loss through the skin.

Adipocytes (fat cells)

store lipid reserves


Attach muscles to bone. In order to move our bones, muscles applying pulling forces to those bones, and those forces are applied in a single direction. So dense regular makes up the tendons in the body

a) wall of the heart b) wall of urinary bladder c) wall of blood vessels d) wall of the stomach

Choose all areas that are locations of smooth muscle?

reticular tissue location

Choose the type of connective tissue one would find in the stroma of lymph nodes, in the spleen and in the bone marrow.


Many areas of spongy bone contain these cells which are responsible for producing new blood cells?


Mast cells release heparin and ? to stimulate local inflammation?


Mucous connective tissue is the 1st to emerge in the developing membrane?

Mucous, serous

Of the 4 types of membranes the 2 principal types of internal membranes are?


Red blood cells are called?

Because collagen is so strong, it is going to give great strength to any tissue it is found in. You would find tissues containing collagen anywhere in the body that you need a tissue to be strong and resistant to fulling forces such as the ligaments that support our joints.

Suppose you have a tissue that consists almost entirely of collagen fibers. What would a property of that tissue be, and where might you expect to find it in the body?

Dermis, epidermis

The skin is composed of 2 main layers:

visceral layer

This layer covers organs

skeletal muscle tissue

This type of muscle is striated and voluntary.

Smooth Muscle tissue

This type of muscle lacks striations, and is found in the walls of most visera such as the stomach and blood vessels?

blood vessel

Two examples of basement membrane consists of reticular fibers surrounding an organ. What is that organ? (Hint: It's cut in cross-section and the darker structures moving through it are cells that bind oxygen.)

Glial cells

Which of the following cell types in nervous tissue functions in support and protection?

a) The pericardium is an example b) They contain parietal and visceral layer

Which statements characterize serous membranes?

a) multinuclated b) striated c) voluntary

Which statements characterize skeletal muscle tissue?

a) It is involuntary b) found in the walls of most viscera

Which statements characterize smooth muscle tissue?

hyaline cartilage

Which type of cartilage is surrounded by a perichondrium and is named for it's clear glassy appearance?

**Dense irregular**

Which type of fibers would better widthstand pulling forces coming from all different sides?


Areolar connective tissue is found nearly everywhere in the body.

a) connective tissue proper: loose, dense -more ground substance, less cells and fibers =loose -less ground substance and more cells and fibers.

Connective tissue Proper is further classified into 2 subcategories:

Visceral layer

Serous membranes are composed of a part that covers the organs.

parietal layer

Serous membranes are composed of that lines the body cavity

Elastin is very stretchy and able to recoil. Any tissue that contains a lot of elastin would be very able to stretch and recoil like an elastic band. You would find elastin in tissues of the body that need to be able to do that. A good example is in the aorta, which carries blood that is very high in pressure. When the heart contracts and pushes blood into the aorta it stretches quite a bit, but when the heart relaxes and isn't pushing blood into the aorta, the aorta recoils.

Suppose you have a tissue that is smade almost entirely of elastic fibers. What would a property of that tissue be, and where might you expect to find it in the body?


These connective tissue cells are closely packed together and have nuclei squeezed to one side by the material that stores it.

Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

Transport o2 and co2 between the lungs and body tisssues.

Connective Tissue Proper, Cartilage, bone, blood

What are 4 main categories of connective tissue?

a) protection of vital organs b) Carries out hemopoisis c) stores calcium & phosphorous d) provides levers for movement

What are the functions of bones?

Basement membrane is a sheet of proteins that sits between connective tissues and epithelial tissues. It connects the two tissues together and helps to stabilize the epithelial tissue.

What is basement membrane?

The ECM in areolar connective tissue is composed of collagen, elastin and reticular fibers and of ground substance.

What makes up the ECM in Areolar conncetive tissue represented in the diagram?

**Dense regular** has collagen fibers that are oriented in the same direction. Thus this tissue is really good at resisting pulling forces that are parallel to the collagen fibers. Because all of the collagen fibers are running in a single direction, this type of tissue is not nearly as strong when pulling forces are perpendicular to the direction collagen fibers are running.

What type of tissue is good at resisting pulling forces that are parallel to the collagen fibers?

a) binding and support of structures b) storage and transport c) physical protection

Which are considered the functions of connective tissue?

a) resistant to stretching b) strong and flexible c) appear white in fresh tissues

Which are the characteristics of collagen fibers?

reticular connective tissue location

Which connective tissue forms the stroma of many lymphatic organs?

adipose tissue

Which is an example of connective tissue proper?

Because loose connective tissue has a lot of open space filled with jelly-like ground substance, loose connective tissue tend to make really good cushioning tissues. Fat is a good example of loose connective tissue that is a great padding.

Which type of connective tissue do you think could best provide cushioning and be used to pad organs, loose connective tissue or dense connective tissue?

Because transmitting force will put a lot of strain on a tissue, dense connective tissues are better suited for this. They are stronger because of the large numbers of fibers they contain.

Which type of connective tissue would be best suited to transmit force, loose or dense? Explain


Which type of protein fiber, in connective tissue is the most abundant of protein in the body and appears pink under the microscope when stained with hemotoxylin and eosin?

Blood vessels are composed of epithelial tissue, so there is a basement membrane sitting between the epithelial tissue of the blood vessel and the areolar connective tissues.

Why is there a basement membrane surrounding that organ? (Hint: what is the wall of that organ made of?)

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