constellations and night sky

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"electra" trademark for suburu cars 6 stars- 6 sistersr a little smear that aldebaraux follows

Beta Sirius

"the pup' sirius's famous companion star Cant see with naked eye

Orion Nebula





1. The highest point; the peak. 2. The point in the sky directly above the observer.

why were people more educated about the night sky 150 yrs ago?

1. they had nothing to do at night. no radios, computers, tv. Stargazing was entertainment 2. no light pollution

1 AU

100,000,000 MILES


13th zodiacal sign serpent handler not an actual zodiacal sign

how far apart are castor and pollux?

18 light years

speed of light

186,000 mi/sec

1 unit on apparent magnitude scale

2.5x brighter

how may galaxies are believed to be in the universe

200 billion

how far is vega from earth

25 light yeras

alpha centauri distance

4.2 light years

how may of these are modern constellations


how many of thesee are ancient constellations?



6000 can be seen from night sky about 3,000 from each side of the hemisphere

how many constellations?



A creamy-white supergiant star that is a Cepeid variable in the Ursa Minor Constellation located in the Northern Hemisphere.

what is so unusual about the star ALBIREO

Albireo is the "cub scout" star it is part of the constellation CYGNUS the swan. it is a Double Star with contrasting colors (one blue/one yellow)

norhhern triangle

Altair Vega Deneb

Stars in Orion

Betelgeuse and Bellatrix (gamma orionus) Saiph and Rigel = arms and legs Orion Nebula Alnitak= at the belt ALDEBERON

describe Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse eis a SUPER RED GIANT it is less than 10 million years old- making it a very young star it is 450 light years away it is located on the left side of Orion's belt and it is HUGE---if earth was the size of a period it would be the diameter of a building. THE BIGGEST THING you can see!


Brightest star in the night sky. The "dog" star. Actually a binary star. located in Canis Major

which constellation does Sirius belong to?

Canis major

name the only husband and wife team in the night sky

Cassiopeia and King Cepheus

what two stars are the heads of thhe twins?

Castor and Pollux are the two heads of tthe Gemini twins Castor is whitish in color while Pollux is orange/yellow


Contains: -betelgeuse -bellatrix -rigel -aldebaran -saiph orion nebula

variable star

Delta Cephae was the first a star that is dying it brightens and dims as it contracts swells and gets brighter now there are over 1,000 found

The pointer stars

Dubhe and Merak located on the big dipper (ursa major) they point to Polaris, the north star (on Ursa minor)

pointer stars

Dubhe and Merak both parts of the the big dipper (ursa major) they point to the the pole star polaris. polaris is the main star in the Ursa minor constellation

name the two poinnter stars. where are they and what are they pointing to

Dubhe and Merak are the pointer stars located in the big dipper/ursa major. They point at Polaris, the north star, located on the little dipper/ursa minor

Delta Cepheus

First Variable star----> now called cepheid variables star that is dying pulses-- gets super bright and then dims

describe the star brrightness scale that was established by the greek astronomer Hipparchus

Hipparcus was an early 200 BC astronomer who created the apparent magnitude (brightness) scale we stille use today. his scale measured how brighht stars looked from earth on a scale of 1-6. 1 being the brightest and 6 being about tthe naked eye limit. we have since adjusted the scale bc it was too small and developed the absolute magnitude scale that measures the true brightness of stars

the largest constellation

Hydra the water snake

Andromeda galaxy

M31 fuzzy patch in the sky most distance and biggest thing you will see with naked eye 2.5 million light years away.

Ursa Major


can u buy and name a star?

NO its bullshit! only the IAU can recognize the names of stars officially


Red supergiant star in the Orion Constellation located in the Northern Hemisphere. The biggest star in our galaxy


Shaped like a curved V the fussy patch to the left is the Andromeda Galaxy daughter of Cassipeia

what star is the brighhtest as seen from earth? what star is truly the brightest?

Siriuus= sirius is the brightest as seen from earth. m=-1.5 it is 9 light years away Rigel= (part of Orion's belt) it is truly the brightest star. it is 900 light years away- if it was as close as sirius it would be brighhter than the moon

What direction to stars move?

Stars move around the center of the galaxy CLOCKWISE

in that Vega points one of its poles at the sun, that makes the sun its..

The sun is vega's pole star

alpha lyrae

Vega (α Lyr, α Lyrae, Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the fifth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus. It also is 2 times as big as the sun


W shaped Married to King Cepheus mom of andromeda put into the sky for her vanity and bragging about her beauty queen of ethiopia


a group of stars that make an image that is not on the official list of constellations not constellations most are the ones you can easily see: ex. big dipper and little dipper----they actually belong to Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

first 4 letters of greek alphabet

alpha beta gamma delta

closest star

alpha centauri

Greek letters designate the brightness of a constellation

alpha- brightest beta- second brightest gamma-- third brightest delta etc... if you are Alpha Ursa Major you are brightor than Gamma Ursa Major

what is orbiting pollux?

an exoplanet (2.9x as massive as jupiter)

closest galaxy

andromeda galaxy

in what language do star names come from?


oldest star


what is the seconod rightest star in the noorthern hemisphere


light pollution

artificial light that hinders astronomical observations.

Big dipper

asterism constellation= ursa major

north star

at the moment, POLARIS thuban was the north star before polaris changes about every 28,000 years

what people created astrology


zodiacal constellations

background of the sun's movement the ecliptic- the apparent path of the sun seems like the sun is circling the earth the month you are born determines your sign because that where the sun was at in the ecliptic when you are born, the zodiacal constellation that was behind the sun is your sign your birthday constellation can only be seen 6 months later

what might be the reason people do believe horoscopes

bc they project themselves into them- therefore the horoscopes are never wrong

circumpolar constellations and asterisms

because certain stars are so close to the north star, they are always in the night sky star seen at the pole are always seen (not seasonal like winter or summer onstellations)

largest star


mizar and Al Cor

double star system right above Alkaid. al cor-= " the rider" Mizar= "the horse" bigger dot= Mizar= brighter


early 200 BC astronomer who created the apparent magnitude (brightness) scale we still use a modified version of his scale today apparent brightness: how bright a star looks from earth. (m) scale goes from 1 to 6 1= brightest. 6= about the naked eye limit he gave values to many of the stars. today, we have adjusted and modified his values because his scale was TOO small sun m=-26 full moon m=-12 polaris m=2.5 Sirius m=-1.5 every whole unit = 2.5x brighter than previous 2.5^5= 100 2.5^4= 40 2.5^3 = 15 2.5^2= 6

in what direcction do star and star groups rise

east they set in the west

how often do the 5 inner planets "bunch up"

evvery few years

Cygnus the swan

flies down the milky way contains the northern cross contains Albiero - Double star -"the cub scout" -the two stars are contrasting colors--blue and yellow


had an affair with zeus. she was turned into abear and shot by her own son who was a great hunter

VV Cephei

huge cant really be seen bc of their distance and gas/dust


husband of Cassipeia shaped like an upside down house next to Draco and Cassiopeia Delta Cepheus Mu Cephei VV Cephei

largest constellation

hydra the snake

what is unusual about the path of arcturus

it doesnt movve counter clockwise it dives down and around. scientists think its orbit is because it was originally part of a dwarf galaxy that the milkyway absorbed

what is unusual about the age of arcturus?

it is the OLDEST thing we will see with the naked eye. it is 10-12 billion years old it is 36 light years away

in what language do most constellation names come from


Gemini constellation protects...

looks over sailors at sea

What is Vegas apparent magnitude

m=0 it is the sky's reference point


m=2 there are 40/50 brighter stars Sirius is 40x brighter

star brightness

measured by: 1. distance from earth 2. size 3. temperature stars dont reflect light they produce light (no albedo)

Orion's belt stars

minaka, alnilam, Alnitak ALNITAK =directly below Betelgeuse!!!

only 36 stars have proper names

most names come from Arabic most stars have names like: HDE12309 most stars have names that begin with a greek letter!

surverys show that whaht percentage of americans actually believe thaht planets can influence us

nearly half

barnard star

next closest star after Alpha Centauri ~5 light yrs away

do all stars look the same?

no! you can tell: -diff colors -diff brightness -diff distances from each other there is a tremendous range of distance. ancients used to think they were all the same distance away and that all stars were embedde d on a crystal sphere that went around earth and earth was the center of the earth. stars can be all colors of the rainbow EXCEPT GREEN

you can see about 6,000 stars with the naked eye; how manyy of them have traditional names?

only 3 dozen

what will vega become again with regard to earth in 12,000 yrs

our pole star


red/orang star near Orion's bow

absolute brightest star



right above Bellatrix!

apparent brightest star


list 3 factors that would cause one star to be brighter than another star

size temperature distance from earth

smallest constellation

southern cross


speed to spica blue/white part of Virgo

where could you see all of the constellations?

standing on the equator


stars= arabic constellations=latin


tail ened of the big dipper means "leader" in arabic low on the horizon


the apparent path of the sun (what we see)

why is the winter sky darker than the summer sky

the atmosphere has less pollution and is clearer during the winter because it is dry ---no humidity to fog up the night sky winter sky is darker than summer sky because you are looking outinto the sky. in the summer, you are looking toward into the galaxy and the billions of stars are washing out hte sky

what would you expect the stars with traditional names to be like?

the brightest the dimmer stars are named using numbers.

what "honor" will vega hold in 200,000 years?

the brightest star in the sky


the movement of the earth relative to the night sky creates different poles in the sky creates different north stars (thuban then Polaris) about every 28,000 years


the north star m=2.02 right tover the north pole NOT the brightest star beginging to die- it pulses about 2,000 light years away

what is the catasterismi?

the oldest known compilation of ancient greek star myths

what do both ursa major and ursa minor pivot around?

the pole star- the northern celestial pole

absolute magnitude

the true brightness of a star M scientists artificially place stars on an imaginary plane in space and give them their M value this imaginary line is the 10 parsecs line= 36 light years away

Stars swell before they die

their contractions make them super bright


these stars arent together for any special places Images that humans project into the sky Human grouping of stars into a pattern there are 88 constellations -40 modern -48 ancient every star visible to the naked eye is in one and only one constellation constellation names= latin constellations can be used to help map the sky 48 ancient constellations: -all northern hemisphere stars. the northern hemisphere is where man started writing. the greeks and romans were the ones writing and grouping the stars 40 modern constellations: -southern hemisphere constellations. -James cook. when the english went to australia he saw the new southern hemisphere stars and started putting new images up their -consist mostly of animals found down there. ex. peacock most are animals or monsters or the things they used to find the stars (telescope, sexton, compass, boat...) not all are the same size in 1928 the IAU finalized the list of constellations for good. no more can be added. there is a total of 88

what was Edison's main purpose for inventing the lightbulb?

to work a lot longer and be more productive

which planet is the only one named after a greek god


Mu Cephei

very dim from earth 2,000 light years away Huge

explain why you are the zodiacal sign that you are

when i was born, it looked like the sun was in the zodiacal constellation Aquarius. althouugh, you will not actually be able to see you zodiacal constellation until 6 months after your birthday

Naked eye astronomy

you can see 2-3,000 stars from one side of the earth --> with naked eye, you can only see about 6,000 stars total most stars arent visible to naked eye southern hemisphere stars are different from northern hemisphere stars up until 150 yrs ago, people were more intimate with the night sky. not only educated people but EVERYONE.

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