Constitution True/False

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Each state gets the same number of votes in the Electoral College.

False (Each state gets the same number of votes in the Senate)

Each state must have at least four representatives.

False (Each state must have at least one representative)

Representatives take office on January 1st.

False (Representatives take office on January 3rd)

Senators must be men

False (Senators must be men or women)

The Supreme Court judge is appointed congress.

False (The Supreme Court judge is appointed by the president.)

The Supreme court helps in making laws

False (The Supreme court helps in interpreting laws)

The US constitution genrally includes many more details than the state constitution.

False (The US constitution genrally includes less details than state constitutions.)

The Cabinet members are part of the judicial branch.

False (The cabinet members are part of the executive branch)

The colonists especially liked the British Quartering Act and the Sugar Act

False (The colonists especially disliked the British Quartering Act and the Sugar Act)

The Constitution has no impact on teenagers

False (The constitution has impact on teenagers)

There were only three cabinet members in Washington's Cabinet.

False (There were only four cabinet members in Washington's Cabinet)

The Boston Tea Party occured in 1773


The first 10 amendments make up the Bill of Rights


The first amendment allows freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.


6 states had to approve the Constitution before it was effective.

False (9 states had to approve the Constitution before it was effective)

A 3/4 vote is needed for congress to override a president's veto.

False (A 2/3 vote is needed to override a presidents veto)

A presidential candidate is selected by Congress.

False (A Presidential candidate is selected by his party)

A state can tax commerce between two states.

False (A state connot tax commerce between two states)

Administrators cannot censor a school newspaper.

False (Administrators can censor a school newspaper)

All representatives are men.

False (All representatives are men or women)

Although the state Legislature meets in Springfield, it makes laws for all 50 states.

False (Although the state Legislature meeds in Illinois, it makes laws for all 50 states.

The Only objection the colonists had toward British rule concerned trade regulations.

False (An objection the colonists had toward British rule concerned taxes)

Cabinet members receive a salary of $109,000.

False (Cabinet members receive a salary of $199,700)

Changing the interpretation of the constitution is what makes our constitution weak.

False (Changing the interpretation of the constitution is what makes our constitution strong)

Congress does not govern the independent region of the District of Columbia.

False (Congress does govern the independent region fo the District of Columbia)

Congress meets in many of our major cities.

False (Congress meets in the Capitol Building.)

Congress must meet at least twice a year.

False (Congress must meet at least once a year)

Implied powers are the powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

False (Expressed powers are the powers specifically listed in the constitution)

Revenue bills may start in either house.

False (Most bills may start in either house)

Only federal officials may have the titles of nobility.

False (No federal officials may have the titles of nobility)

Once a supreme court judge is appointed, he.she may never be removed.

False (Once a supreme court judge is appointed, he/she may be removed)

Over 500 delgates attended the Constitutional Convention and signed the Constitution

False (Over 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention and signed the Constitution.)

Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson looked after the interests of the common people at the convention.

False (Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson could not look after the intrerest of the common people at the convention because they were not there)

Patrick Henry did not want to see the war begin

False (Patrick Henry wanted to see the war begin)

All bills start in the House of Representatives

False (Revenue Bills start in the House of Representatives.)

Schools may require prayer and curriculum on religion.

False (Schools cannot require prayer and curriculum on religion)

Several Supreme court decisions have been overturned by the president.

False (Several supreme cour decisions have not been overturned by the president)

Shays' Rebellion was carried out to support a weak central government.

False (Shays' Rebellion was carried ou to support a strong central government)

State governments may do whatever the federal government may do.

False (State governments may not do whatever the federal government may do)

States may coin money, but they may not pass ex post facto laws

False (States may not coin money, and may not pass ex post facto laws)

The Declaration was written to start the American Revolution.

False (THe Declaration was written to end the American Revolution)

The 16th amendment changed the way we select a senator.

False (The 17th amendment changed the way we select a senator)

The British had won the American Revolution

False (The Americans had won the American Revolution)

The Annapolis Convention did not aid in the process of getting a new constitution written.

False (The Annapolis Convention did aid in the process of getting a new constitution written)

The Bill of Rights does not give a person the right to citicize a government official.

False (The Bill of Rights does give the right to criticize a government official)

The Bill of Rights was proposed in an attempt to defeat the Constitution.

False (The Bill of Rights was proposed in an attempt to support the Constitution.)

The President makes the rules for Congress.

False (The Congress makes the rules for Congress)

The Constitutional convention adopted the Virginia Plan.

False (The Constitutional convention adopted the Conneticut Compromise)

The Declaration of Independence was signed after the US constitution was written

False (The Declaration of Independence was signed before the US constitution was written)

The Electoral College showed that the Constitutional convention trusted the people.

False (The Electoral College showed that the constitutional convention did not trust the people)

THe English colonists were closely governed from the time of the earliest settlements.

False (The English colonies were not closely governed from the time of the earliest settlements)

The Federalists were against the Constitution.

False (The Federalists were for the Constitution)

The House has nothing to do with impeachment.

False (The House has a lot to do with impeachment)

The Minutemen helped the British at the Battle of Lexington.

False (The Minutemen helped the Patriots at the Battle of Lexington.)

The president picks his successors.

False (The President does not pick his succesors)

The congress vetoes laws.

False (The President vetoes laws)

THe colonists were angry about what the indians had done at the Boston Tea Party

False (The colonists were angry about what the Bostonians had done at the Boston Tea Party)

The Constitution can be changed only through rebellion and revolution.

False (The constitution can be changed only through amendments)

The constitution is always easy to interpret.

False (The constitution is not always easy to interpret)

The daily record of Congress is called "The Capital Journal"

False (The daily record of Congress is called "The Congressional Record")

The first 10 amendments were adopted a month after the Constitution was approved.

False (The first 10 amendments were adopted 2 years after the Constitution was approved)

The flag should be in the rear of a procession and centered.

False (The flag shold be in the front of a procession and centered)

The flag should be flown only on holidays.

False (The flag should be flown everyday, including holidays)

The flag should be used to advertise only if the products are in good taste.

False (The flag should not be used to advertise even if the products are in good taste)

The format and wording of state constitutions are dictated by the federal government.

False (The format and wording of state constitutions are dictated by the state government)

The judicial branch has no check on the other branches.

False (The judicial branch has check on the other branches)

The makeup of the Senate favors the large states

False (The makeup of the Senate favors the small states)

The newest cabinet position is Treasury Department.

False (The newest cabinet position is Homeland Security)

The next census will take place in 2015

False (The next census will take place in 2016)

The number of Congress changes every six years.

False (The number of Congress changes every two years)

The official purpose of the Constitutional convention was to write a new constitution.

False (The official purpose of the Constitutional convention was to correct the Articles)

The president cannot veto bills from congress .

False (The president can veto bills from congress)

The president can make treaties without the approval of Senate.

False (The president cannot make treaties without the approval of Senate.)

The president may be reelected three times.

False (The president may be reelected one time)

The president can declare laws unconstitutional.

False (The supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional)

The term Electoral College comes from the constitution itself.

False (The term Elector comes from the constitution itself)

The writers of the Constitution felt that the voters should directly elect the president and vice president.

False (The writers of the constitution felt that the voters should directly elect the president and vice president.)

There are 12 cabinet positions today.

False (There are 15 cabinet positions today.)

There have been no elections in which the candidate with the most popular votes has not become president.

False (There has been elections in which the candidate with the most popular votes has not become president.)

There were 13 delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

False (There were 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention)

Under the full faith and credit clause, states do not have to accept the statues of other states.

False (Under the full faith and credit clause, states do have to accept the statutes of other states.)

When the first continental congress met, the members wanted to declare war against England.

False (When the first continental congress met, the members wanted to discuss their rights)

A senator may be reelected an unlimited number of times.


A staff flag should be put on the speakers's right.


A writ of habeas corpus is an order to a jailer to bring a prisoner before a court or set the prisoner free.


After a law is passed, if it is in conflict with the Constitution, it can be made void by the supreme court.


After the president appoints a cabinet member, he or she must be approved by the Senate.


All revenue bills must start in the House


Although it was originally expected that a group of electors would actually elect the president and vice president, it became the practice for the electors to vote for the candidate who had the most popular votes.


An ex post facto law is a law that makes an act illegal after it is committed.


Article 2 of the US constitution includes a provision that only "natural-born" citizensare eliglible to become president.


Both state and federal government may establish courts.


Coining and printing money are the responsibilities of the Treasury Department.


Congress cannot tax goods being exported from a state, even if the goods are going to a foreign country.


Congress has the power to approve a president's successor.


Congress meetsin the Capitol Building in Washington DC


Each state must treat the citizens of other states the same as it treats its own citizens.


Fortunately, the constitution outlawed slavery.


Freedom from discrimination is considered an example of a civil right.


George Mason wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights.


George Washington was the president of the Constitutional Convention.


Immigrants can become citizens.


In 1973 when Vice President Agnew resigned, president Nixon designated his successor.


Jefferson supported the idea of a bill of rights.


Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty, or give me death."


Popular vote means the vote of the people.


Representatives may be reelected for an unlimited number of terms.


Representatives serve 2 year terms


Reserved powers refers to the powers reserved to the states or the people.


Samuel Adams and John Hancock were colonial leaders.


Senators are elected from the state as a whole; representatives are elected from districts in the state.


State governments are similar to the federal government in that both have three branches.


States make laws about local government


States may not make treaties.


The 10th Amendment gives power to the people or the states if not given to the federal government.


The Articles of Confederation acted as the first US Constitution.


The Articles of Confederation were written after the Declaration Of Independece.


The Articles were weak because of the fear of a strong central government.


The Bill of Rights applies to all levels of government.


The Bill of Rights proctects freedom of speech even if it is unpopular.


The Bill of Rights was adopted by Congress in 1789


The Boston Tea Party occured because of a tax dispute


The Constitution allows laws to be made for subjects that did not exist in 1787


The Constitutional convention was held in Philedelphia in 1787


The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress


The Declaration of Independence was signed before the Articles of Confederation were written.


The First Continental congress met in 1774


The Library of Congress is part of the legislative branch.


The New Jersey Plan suggested only one house of congress.


The President of the US has the power to call congress into special session.


The Second Continental Congress had the task of carrying out the American Revolution.


The Sons of Liberty supported the colonists' cause


The VP is a valuable link between the executive branch and the legislative branch.


The articles were drawn up by the Second Continental Congress.


The building in which the Constitutional Convention met is called Independence Hall.


The constitution says the states may have no powers.


The convention at Annapolis, Maryland cam before the Constitutional Convention.


The executive branch enforces our nation's laws.


The federal government must garuntee a republican form of government to the states.


The flag can be displayed on public buildings.


The governor fills temporary vacancy in the office of Senator.


The legislative branch has impeachment powers.


The president and vice president must be from the same politcal party.


The president can call both houses of Congress into special session.


The presidet's veto is part of the system of checks and balances.


The principles of the Declaration of Independence were used in writion the US Constitution


The right to trial by jury is in the Bill of Rights.


The ruling of Plessy vs. Ferguson was overturned in 1954.


The second continental congress ran the US government for the most of the American Revolution


The senate and the House are prohibited from adjourning without the consent of the other.


The small states wanted each state to have the same number of representatives.


The theory of federalism is a division of power between states and federal government.


There are times when members of Congress may not be arrested.


There are times when the courts must interpret the Constitution affection someone's rights.


Under certain conditions the House selects the President of the US.


The population of a state affects the number of representatives it receives.

True *favors large states

After 10 days, a bill passed by congress automatically becomes a bill if the president does not act and congress is still in session.


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