Construction Final

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What must be done with a personal man basket before it is used?

Inspect the basket. Be sure it is all intact, no rust etc.

What is a life line? Where would you find it?

Lifeline means a component consisting of a flexible line for connection to an anchorage at one end to hang vertically (vertical lifeline), or for connection to anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally (horizontal lifeline), and which serves as a means for connecting other components of a personal fall arrest system to the anchorage.

44. What's the limited access zone as it pertains to masonry or wall construction (concrete block

Limited access zone - An area alongside a masonry wall that is under construction which is clearly marked to limit access by employees. It is 4 feet high than the wall being constructed and runs its entire length. The zone is set up on the side of the wall that is not scaffolded.

What's the unlimited access zone as it pertains to masonry or wall construction (concrete block)

Limited access zone - An area alongside a masonry wall that is under construction which is clearly marked to limit access by employees. It is 4 feet high than the wall being constructed and runs its entire length. The zone is set up on the side of the wall that is not scaffolded.

What standard applies to machine tools?

"1926 Subpart I - Tools - Hand and Power 1926.300 - General requirements. 1926.301 - Hand tools. 1926.302 - Power-operated hand tools. 1926.303 - Abrasive wheels and tools. 1926.304 - Woodworking tools. 1926.305 - Jacks-lever and ratchet, screw, and hydraulic. 1926.306 - Air receivers. 1926.307 - Mechanical power-transmission apparatus."

When should tools be pulled out of service?

"1926.302(e)(3) Any tool found not in proper working order, or that develops a defect during use, shall be immediately removed from service and not used until properly repaired." (Also found this info) -Employers shall not issue or permit the use of unsafe hand tools -Wrenches, including adjustable, pipe, end, and socket wrenches shall not be used when jaws are sprung to the point that slippage occurs -Impact tools, such as drift pins, wedges, and chisels, shall be kept free of mushroomed heads -The wooden handles of tools shall be kept free of splinters or cracks and shall be kept tight in the tool

How much of a saw blade needs to be covered or guarded?

"1926.304(d) Guarding. All portable, power-driven circular saws shall be equipped with guards above and below the base plate or shoe. The upper guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, except for the minimum arc required to permit the base to be tilted for bevel cuts. The lower guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, except for the minimum arc required to allow proper retraction and contact with the work. When the tool is withdrawn from the work, the lower guard shall automatically and instantly return to the covering position."

What is the OSHA poster number?


Name the 3 points of scaffolding

(I'm not sure what this question means exactly, just assuming this is what he means) Bear's PowerPoint says "All scaffolds must be erected with adequate foundations... -Casters (on concrete only) -Base plates -Mud sills must be used in soil, asphalt "

How would you compensate for changes in elevation?

(Not sure what this is pertaining to) Bear's slide says "Ladder, stairs or ramp required on elevation changes of 19" or more"

When would you remove slings from operation?

(The book doesn't say exactly "how" but I sound this info from this web page) "Repairing/Reconditioning: -Do not use worn or damaged slings or attachments. Discard or repair them. -Use damaged slings only after they are repaired, reconditioned, and proof tested by the sling manufacturer or a qualified person using the following criteria: -Do not repair wire rope used in the sling, Restrict all repairs to end attachments and fittings, and -Mark repaired slings to identify who made the repairs."

Give examples of fall protection

(got this info from his slides) Subpart M 1926.500 - 1926.503 Guardrail systems- top rail 42" mid rail 21" toe board 4" Safety Nets- As close as practicable, no more than 30' below Fall area to net unobstructed Sufficient clearance to objects below Personal fall arrest- full body harness self retracting life line horizontal life line system warning line system

Give examples of where guards would go on certain types of machines.

(just a few things I found on OSHA websites) 1926.300 Safety guards must never be removed when a tool is being used. Portable circular saws having a blade greater than 2 inches in diameter must be equipped at all times with guards. An upper guard must cover the entire blade of the saw. A retractable lower guard must cover the teeth of the saw, except where it makes contact with the work material. The lower guard must automatically return to the covering position when the tool is withdrawn from the work material. Portable Circular Saws- guard these saws above and below the base plate or show. The lower guard must cover the saw tot he depth of the teeth Table Saw - use a hood guarding Grinding Machines - Install safety guards that cover the spindle end, nut, and flange projections or otherwise ensure adequate operator protection Table saws - guard the power transmission apparatus (belts, pulleys, chains, sprockets) Radial Saws- Enclose the upper half of the saw (from the blade down to the end of the saw arbor) with a fixed hood. Guard the lower half with a self-adjusting, floating guard that rises and falls and automatically adjusts to the thickness of the stock

On cutting equipment how should the oxy-acetylene fuel lines be attached to both the regulator and the torques. What safety devices are required for that?

(not sure about this one) Valve protection caps? 1926.350(e)(3) Manifold hose connections, including both ends of the supply hose that lead to the manifold, shall be such that the hose cannot be interchanged between fuel gas and oxygen manifolds and supply header connections. Adapters shall not be used to permit the interchange of hose. Hose connections shall be kept free of grease and oil. 1926.350(f)(1) Fuel gas hose and oxygen hose shall be easily distinguishable from each other. The contrast may be made by different colors or by surface characteristics readily distinguishable by the sense of touch. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses shall not be interchangeable. A single hose having more than one gas passage shall not be used.

At what height should you proof test rigging?

(the book doesn't mention height) "1926.1431(j)- Proof testing. 1926.1431(j)(1)- At each jobsite, prior to hoisting employees on the personnel platform, and after any repair or modification, the platform and rigging must be proof tested to 125 percent of the platform's rated capacity. The proof test may be done concurrently with the trial lift. 1926.1431(j)(2)- The platform must be lowered by controlled load lowering, braked, and held in a suspended position for a minimum of five minutes with the test load evenly distributed on the platform."

What component needs to be removed in a demolition project first?


Why is demolition so dangerous?


Name the different types of excavations that are done, and the protection needed for them.

...Excavation means any man-made cut, cavity, trench or depression. I found trench, bell bottom piers, and excavations for cellars, foundations, and swimming pools.

What's a rops system and where are you going to find it on a construction site

...• Over Protection Structure. Found in 1926.1000 pg 445. This section applies to the following types of material handling equipment: To all rubber-tired, self-propelled scrapers, rubber-tired front-end loaders, rubber-tired dozers, wheel-type agricultural and industrial tractors, crawler tractors, crawler-type loaders, and motor graders, with or without attachments, that are used in construction work. This requirement does not apply to side boom pipe laying tractors.

What's the anchor rating for fall protection and how many pounds?

1926 Subpart M App C - (2) The anchorage should be rigid, and should not have a deflection greater than 0.04 inches (1 mm) when a force of 2,250 pounds (10 kN) is applied.

Before removing asbestos, what kind of plan needs to be in place? what items should be removed from the building before you can start tearing it down?

1926.1101(g) Method of Compliance (1) Engineering controls and work practices for all operations covered by this section. The employer shall use the following engineering controls and work practices in all operations covered by this section, regardless of the levels of exposure. (i) Vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters to collect all debris and dust containing ACM and PACM, except as provided in paragraph (g)(8)(ii) of this section in the case of roofing material. (ii) Wet methods, or wetting agents, to control employees exposures during asbestos handling, mixing, removal, cutting, application, and cleanup, except where employers demonstrate that the use of wet methods is infeasible due to for example, the creation of electrical hazards, equipment malfunction, and in roofing, except as provided in paragraph (g)(8)(ii). (iii) Prompt clean-up and disposal of wastes and debris contaminated with asbestos in leak-tight containers except in roofing operations, where the procedures specified in paragraph (g)(8)(ii). (2) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this section, the employer shall use the following control methods to achieve compliance with TWA permissible exposure limit and excursion limit prescribed by paragraph (c) of this section. (i) Local exhaust ventilation equipped with HEPA filter dust collection systems. (ii) Enclosure or isolation of processes producing asbestos dust. (iii) Ventilation of the regulated area to move contaminated air away from the breathing zone of employees and toward a filtration or collection device equipped with a HEPA filter. (iv) Use of other work practices and engineering and engineering controls that the Assistant Secretary can show to be feasible. (v) Wherever the feasible engineering and work practice controls described above are not sufficient to reduce employee exposure limit and/or excursion limit prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, the employer shall use them to reduce employee exposure to the lowest levels attainable by these controls and shall supplement them by the use of respiratory protection that complies with the requirements of a paragraph.

How often should you inspect wire ropes (slings and rigging)

1926.251(a)(1)- "Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe" 1926.251(a)(6)- "Inspections-Each day before being used, the sling and all fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for damage or defects by a competent person designated by the employer. Additional inspections shall be performed during sling use, where service conditions warrant"

What is "Point of Operation guarding"?

1926.300(b)(4) "Point of operation guarding." 1926.300(b)(4)(i) Point of operation is the area on a machine where work is actually performed upon the material being processed. 1926.300(b)(4)(ii) The point of operation of machines whose operation exposes an employee to injury, shall be guarded. The guarding device shall be in conformity with any appropriate standards therefor, or, in the absence of applicable specific standards, shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the operator from having any part of his body in the danger zone during the operating cycle.

What kind of power switch do you use on all wood working tools?

1926.304(a) Disconnect switches. All fixed power driven woodworking tools shall be provided with a disconnect switch that can either be locked or tagged in the off position.

In what position must all cylinders be?

1926.350(a)(9) Compressed gas cylinders shall be secured in an upright position at all times except, if necessary, for short periods of time while cylinders are actually being hoisted or carried.

Where can you use an extension cords, and what types?

1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(J) Extension cord sets used with portable electric tools and appliances shall be of three-wire type and shall be designed for hard or extra-hard usage. Flexible cords used with temporary and portable lights shall be designed for hard or extra-hard usage. Permitted uses. Flexible cords and cables shall be suitable for conditions of use and location. Flexible cords and cables shall be used only for: -Pendants; -Wiring of fixtures; -Connection of portable lamps or appliances; -Elevator cables; -Wiring of cranes and hoists; -Connection of stationary equipment to facilitate their frequent interchange; -Prevention of the transmission of noise or vibration; or -Appliances where the fastening means and mechanical connections are designed to permit removal for maintenance and repair.

What types of requirements are used on construction equipment? Including construction equipment used on roadways and construction site

1926.701 General requirements (a) Construction loads. No construction loads shall be placed on a concrete structure or portion of a concrete structure unless the employer determines, based on information received from a person who is qualified in structural design, that the structure or portion of the structure is capable of supporting is capable of supporting the load. (b) Reinforcing steel. All protruding reinforcing steel, onto and into which employees could fall, shall be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement. (c) Post-tensioning operations. (1) no employee shall be permitted to be behind the jack during tensioning operations except those essential. (2) Signs and barriers shall be erected to limit employee access to the post-tensioning area during tensioning operations. (d) Riding concrete buckets. No employee shall be permitted to ride concrete buckets. (e) Working under loads. (1)No employee shall be permitted to work under concrete buckets while buckets are being elevated or lowered into position. (2) To the extent practical, elevated concrete buckets shall be routed so that no employee, or the fewest number of employees, are exposed to the hazards associated with falling concrete buckets. (f) Personal protective equipment. No employee shall be permitted to apply a cement, sand, and water mixture through a pneumatic hose unless the employee is wearing protective head and face equipment.

What are the requirements of a competent person? When are you required to have a competent person?

An OSHA "competent person" is defined as "one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them". (1926 mentions having a competent person in all of these subparts) welding & cutting Electrical Scaffolds Fall Protection Hoist,elevators Excavations Steel erection demolition Toxic & haz substances

36. If he gave the number of feet off the ground, lets say a second story or first story of a building, second floor, how high would it be to use a shock absorbing lanyard & harness system so that I did not contact the ground. 15 ft ceiling, working on the 2nd floor and you fall off. How much distance do I need in that fall to prevent me from impacting the ground using that harness system. (He mentioned that if you were a certain height and using a harness system and you have a shock absorbing lanyard, what is your fall distance and if you are not within those perimeters you impact and you destroy your feet, your legs, your knees, your hips. What kind of height do we need for something like that for a person 6' tall.

29 CFR 1926.502 (d) (iii) be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall more than 6 feet nor contact any lower level. And 29 CFR 1926.502 (d) (ix) - bring an employee to a complete stop and limit maximum deceleration distance an employee travels to 3.5 feet, 29 CFR 1926.502 (d)(16)(v) have sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential impact energy of an employee free falling a distance of 6 feet or the free fall distance permitted by the system whichever is less. Most lanyards are 6', and the shock absorber is 3' (deceleration)

What is christmas treeing?

29CFR 1926.751 Definitions: Multiple Lift Rigging, also called "Christmas Tree" Rigging, means a rigging assembly manufactured by wire rope rigging suppliers that facilitates the attachment of up to five independent loads to the hoist rigging of a crane.

What is a trench box?

A pre-constructed set of side plates and adjustable cross members to prevent the walls of the excavation from collapsing...

What a safety monitoring system.

A safety-monitoring system is an administrative control that allows a competent person to watch employees and warn them if they get to too close to an unprotected edge. The competent person must be specifically designated to serve as the safety monitor and must be on the same working level and within sight of the employees being monitored. Monitors must also be close enough to communicate with employees orally and may have no other responsibilities that could divert their attention from monitoring duties.

49. What are the elements of a steel erection plan site specific?

Appendix A to Subpart R -- Guidelines for Establishing the Components of a Site-specific Erection Plan: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying with § 1926.752(e). (a) General. This appendix serves as a guideline to assist employers who elect to develop a site-specific erection plan in accordance with § 1926.752(e) with alternate means and methods to provide employee protection in accordance with § 1926.752(e), § 1926.753(c)(5), § 1926.757(a)(4) and § 1926.757(e)(4). (b)Development of a site-specific erection plan. Preconstruction conference(s) and site inspection(s) are held between the erector and the controlling contractor, and others such as the project engineer and fabricator before the start of steel erection. The purpose of such conference(s) is to develop and review the site-specific erection plan that will meet the requirements of this section. (c) Components of a site-specific erection plan. In developing a site-specific erection plan, a steel erector considers the following elements: (c)(1) The sequence of erection activity, developed in coordination with the controlling contractor, that includes the following: (c)(1)(i) Material deliveries: (c)(1)(ii) Material staging and storage; and (c)(1)(iii) Coordination with other trades and construction activities. (c)(2) A description of the crane and derrick selection and placement procedures, including the following: (c)(2)(i) Site preparation; (c)(2)(ii) Path for overhead loads; and (c)(2)(iii) Critical lifts, including rigging supplies and equipment. (c)(3) A description of steel erection activities and procedures, including the following: (c)(3)(i) Stability considerations requiring temporary bracing and guying; (c)(3)(ii) Erection bridging terminus point; (c)(3)(iii) Anchor rod (anchor bolt) notifications regarding repair, replacement and modifications; (c)(3)(iv) Columns and beams (including joists and purlins); (c)(3)(v) Connections; (c)(3)(vi) Decking; and (c)(3)(vii) Ornamental and miscellaneous iron. (c)(4) A description of the fall protection procedures that will be used to comply with § 1926.760. (c)(5) A description of the procedures that will be used to comply with § 1926.759. (c)(6) A description of the special procedures required for hazardous non-routine tasks. (c)(7) A certification for each employee who has received training for performing steel erection operations as required by § 1926.761. (c)(8) A list of the qualified and competent persons. (c)(9) A description of the procedures that will be utilized in the event of rescue or emergency response. (d) Other plan information. The plan: (d)(1)Includes the identification of the site and project; and (d)(2) Is signed and dated by the qualified person(s) responsible for its preparation and modification.

What is a control access zone as it pertains to subpart R.

Appendix D to Subpart R talks about Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying with 29CFR1926.760(c)(3): (1) When used to control access to areas where leading edge and initial securement of metal deck and other operations connected with leading edge work are taking place, the controlled decking zone (CDZ) is defined by a control line or by any other means that restrict access. (1)(i) A control line for a CDZ is erected not less than 6 ft nor more than 90 feet from a leading edge. (1)(ii) Control lines extend along the entire length of the unprotected or leading edge and are approximately parallel to the unprotected or leading edge. (1)(iii) Control lines are connected on each side to a guardrail system, wall, stanchion or other suitable anchorage. (2) Control lines consist of ropes, wires, tapes, or equivalent materials, and supporting stanchions as follows: (2)(i) Each line is rigged and supported in such a way that its lowest point (including sag) is not less than 39 inches (1.0 m) from the walking/working surface and its highest point is not more than 45 inches (1.3 m) from the walking/working surface. (2)(ii) Each line has a minimum breaking strength of 200 pounds (90.8 kg).

What are the requirements for floor holes and openings?

Bear's powerpoint says "All holes 2" diameter or larger must be covered. Marked COVER or HOLE or color coded. Must be secured to prevent displacement. Must support 2X the maximum intended load (equipment, employees, and/or materials) 1926.501(b)(4)(i)- (I summarized) Each employee shall be protected from falling through holes, by personal fall arrest systems, covers, or guardrail systems erected around such holes.

16. Can you give the 8 different types of scaffolds that are used in the industry?

Boatswain's chair, catenary scaffold, float scaffold, ladderjack scaffold, needle beam scaffold, self-contained scaffold, single-point scaffold, two-point suspension scaffolds, supported scaffold.

Why do you need to segregate chemicals?

Chemicals have the ability to react when exposed to other chemicals or certain physical conditions. The reactive properties of chemicals vary widely and they play a vital role in the production of many chemical, material, pharmaceutical, and food products we use daily. When chemical reactions are not properly managed, they can have harmful, or even catastrophic consequences, such as toxic fumes, fires, and explosions. These reactions may result in death and injury to people, damage to physical property, and severe effects on the environment.

What is the OSHA definition of "construction"?

Construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair,including painting and decorating. Examples include residential construction, bridge erection, roadway paving, excavations, demolitions, and large scale painting jobs.

How much training is required in the use of fall or arrest systems and what has to be in place before you go and use one of those systems (what are the parameters fall & arrest systems)? How do make that determination that you are going to go to that.

Employees who may be exposed to fall hazards must be trained to recognize the hazards to which they may be exposed. They must also be able to demonstrate proficiency in the use of fall protection systems. Training Requirements. Specifically, each employee must be trained by a competent person on the General requirements of the OSHA fall protection standard. Nature of fall hazards in the work area. Correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, inspecting and using fall protection systems used. In addition, training must be provided on the following items, when applicable: Role of each employee in the safety monitoring system. Limitations on the use of mechanical equipment during the performance of roofing work on low-sloped roofs. Correct procedures for the handling and storage of equipment and materials and the erection of overhead protection. Role of employees in fall protection plans. Training Documentation. The training must be documented by a record that contains the name or the identity of the employee trained, the date the training was provided, and either the signature of the person who conducted the training or the signature of the employer. Retraining. Retraining must be provided whenever there is evidence that an employee who has been previously trained no longer possesses the requisite knowledge and skills. It is also required if there are changes in the workplace or changes in the types of fall protection systems or equipment that render previous training obsolete.

42. Know the types of excavations out there and the protection that you utilize to keep employees safe.

Excavation means any man-made cut, cavity, trench or depression. I found trench, bell bottom piers, and excavations for cellars, foundations, and swimming pools.

9. What OSHA standards apply to Fan Blades and how are they to be located in your facility?

Exposure of Blades, 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(5), specifies that all fans within 7 feet of the floor or working level must be guarded. The guard must not have openings greater than one-half inch in width. The use of concentric rings with spacing between them not exceeding a one-half inch are acceptable, provided that sufficient radial spokes and firm mounting are used to make the guard rigid enough to prevent it from being pushed into the fan blade during normal use. The standard would apply to fan blades of cooling fans for motors and pumps, as well as cooling fans and turbine blades for Commercial Air Handling Units, which are 7 feet off the floor or working level.

If I gave you a definition would you be able to tell me what subpart, sub-section and section that it falls under. Example crawl broad would you be able to tell me where the standard is for that and what a crawl broad is.

Subpart M • Anchorage means a secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards or deceleration devices. • Body belt (safety belt) means a strap with means both for securing it about the waist and for attaching it to a lanyard, lifeline, or deceleration device. • Body harness means straps which may be secured about the employee in a manner that will distribute the fall arrest forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest and shoulders with means for attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest system. • Buckle means any device for holding the body belt or body harness closed around the employee's body. • Connector means a device which is used to couple (connect) parts of the personal fall arrest system and positioning device systems together. It may be an independent component of the system, such as a carabiner, or it may be an integral component of part of the system (such as a buckle or dee-ring sewn into a body belt or body harness, or a snap-hook spliced or sewn to a lanyard or self-retracting lanyard). • Controlled access zone (CAZ) means an area in which certain work (e.g., overhand bricklaying) may take place without the use of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, or safety net systems and access to the zone is controlled. • Dangerous equipment means equipment (such as pickling or galvanizing tanks, degreasing units, machinery, electrical equipment, and other units) which, as a result of form or function, may be hazardous to employees who fall onto or into such equipment. • Deceleration device means any mechanism, such as a rope grab, rip-stitch lanyard, specially-woven lanyard, tearing or deforming lanyards, automatic self-retracting lifelines/lanyards, etc., which serves to dissipate a substantial amount of energy during a fall arrest, or otherwise limit the energy imposed on an employee during fall arrest. • Deceleration distance means the additional vertical distance a falling employee travels, excluding lifeline elongation and free fall distance, before stopping, from the point at which the deceleration device begins to operate. It is measured as the distance between the location of an employee's body belt or body harness

10. What guards you would put on a pedestal grinder, how they are utilized?

The Upper Peripheral Guard (known as the Tongue Guard) aids in preventing the wheel from being projected directly out onto the worker (NOTE: the wheels spin toward the front of the grinder).

How are the competent of a scaffolding unit supposed to be utilize. Name the competent of scaffolding and the correct usage of each competent.

not sure if the word should be "component" ?

How many workers are killed annually on forklifts? says "OSHA estimates forklifts cause about 85 fatal accidents per year"

62. How can I tell if the tool has been properly grounded?

• 1926.404(f)(1)(iv)(A)If the system can be so grounded that the maximum voltage to ground on the ungrounded conductors does not exceed 150 volts; • 1926.404(f)(5)(i) Grounded system. For a grounded system, a grounding electrode conductor shall be used to connect both the equipment grounding conductor and the grounded circuit conductor to the grounding electrode. Both the equipment grounding conductor and the grounding electrode conductor shall be connected to the grounded circuit conductor on the supply side of the service disconnecting means, or on the supply side of the system disconnecting means or overcurrent devices if the system is separately derived.

64. What competent need to be remove in a demolition project first.

• 1926.850(c) 64 All electric, gas, water, steam, sewer, and other service lines shall be shut off, capped, or otherwise controlled, outside the building line before demolition work is started. In each case, any utility company which is involved shall be notified in advance. • 1926.850(f) Where a hazard exists from fragmentation of glass, such hazards shall be removed.

There are 3 types of device that can be used that can keep the walls separated in a trench.

• Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring" means a pre-engineered shoring system comprised of aluminum hydraulic cylinders (crossbraces) used in conjunction with vertical rails (uprights) or horizontal rails (wales). Such system is designed specifically to support the sidewalls of an excavation and prevent cave-ins. • Trench box."Trench shield - "Shield (Shield system)" means a structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and thereby protect employees within the structure. Shields can be permanent structures or can be designed to be portable and moved along as work progresses. Additionally, shields can be either premanufactured or job-built in accordance with 1926.652(c)(3) or (c)(4). Shields used in trenches are usually referred to as "trench boxes" or "trench shields." • Sloping (Sloping system)" means a method of protecting employees from cave-ins by excavating to form sides of an excavation that are inclined away from the excavation so as to prevent cave-ins. The angle of incline required to prevent a cave-in varies with differences in such factors as the soil type, environmental conditions of exposure, and application of surcharge loads.

What is CDZ stand for?

• Controlled Decking Zone---1926.760 (c) A controlled decking zone may be established in that are of the structure over 15 - 30 ft above a lower level where metal decking is initially being installed and forms the leading edge of a work area.

If I fall off a building that is 15ft total using fall protection systems will I walk away unhurt. (no yes or no answers what's explained why).

• Depending on what's below you when you are falling. If something is below you while falling, it is a possibility you could strike it. You have to make sure you have the proper lanyard for the distance you are working from.

63. If where dealing with standard demolition projects what's the last safety competent that can be remove before you start pulling the outer walls/walls out.

• Fire protection, sprinklers, ect.

45. What do you put around an excavations to keep people out of it. What can you use. (Will probably give us an ex dimension).

• Guardrails, fences, or barricades shall be provided on excavations adjacent to walkways, driveways and other pedestrian or vehicle thoroughfares. • Warning lights shall be maintained as necessary for the safety of the public at night.

What do you put around an excavations to keep people out of it. What can you use. (Will probably give us an ex dimension).

• Guardrails, fences, or barricades shall be provided on excavations adjacent to walkways, driveways and other pedestrian or vehicle thoroughfares. • Warning lights shall be maintained as necessary for the safety of the public at night.

60. What is the difference from HAZCOM and HAZWOPER?

• HAZCOM is designed to maintain a healthy work environment by increasing employee awareness about the hazards of chemicals. HAZWOPER conducts safety requirements employers and public sector responders must meet in order to conduct clean ups or emergency response operations.

55. What are the last items that must need to come out of a demolition for you start tearing the building down? What are the last items you must remove from a floor before you start demolishing that floor?

• Injuries include cases such as, but not limited to, a cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation. • Illnesses include both acute and chronic illnesses, such as, but not limited to, a skin disease (i.e. contact dermatitis), respiratory disorder (i.e. occupational asthma, pneumoconiosis), or poisoning (i.e. lead poisoning, solvent intoxication).

19. How do you transport compressed gas cylinders? Both by vehicle and on the ground.

• It's highly advised to deliver cylinders in an appropriate designed carrier however the correct position to transport them is up-right.

61. What are the 2 programs that you utilize for electrical systems on a construction site? One or the other or both are mandatory.

• One or the other or both are mandatory. Lack of Ground-Fault Protection and contact with powerlines....

11. There is going to be some OSHA questions that cover situations that you need to tell him if it is a Serious hazard or other than serious hazard. (Stay away from willful & repeated) Keep it within de Minius, Serious and other than Serious. Get idea of what the fines and penalties would be. How are fines & penalties applied, is it on a per hazard basis, per equipment basis, per person basis, how is that fine escalated?

• Serious Violation- When an employer knows of or should know of a situation that has a definite chance of causing serious injury or death, but does not remedy it, OSHA issues a serious violation. Inspectors must assess a penalty of up to $7,000 for each serious violation, but they can adjust penalties based upon the seriousness of each particular violation, as well as the employer's previous history, the size of the business, and the good faith of the employer. Failure to ensure that employees who carry heavy loads wear steel-toe boots is an example of a serious violation. • Other- than Serious Violation - A violation of OSHA rules that would not usually cause death or serious injury but that is nevertheless related to job safety or employee health is considered an other-than-serious violation. The maximum penalty for each such violation is $7,000. However, inspectors can choose not to levy a fine, or to reduce the penalty by as much as 95 percent. Inspectors make decisions about penalties based on factors such as the size of the business and the cooperativeness of its owner. Failure to provide copies of safety regulations and failure to post required documentation in work areas are considered other-than-serious OSHA violations. • De Minimis Violations - A de minimis violation is a technical violation of OSHA rules that have no direct impact on health or safety. It is the least serious class of violation, and OSHA inspectors do not levy fines or issue citations for these violations. Inspectors verbally inform employers about de minimis violations and list them on the employer's case inspection file. A ladder with 13 inches between rungs rather than 12 inches is an example of a de minimis violation. • Failure to Abate Prior Violation When an employer receives a violation citation, the citation includes a date by which the employer must remedy the situation. If the employer does not do so on or before the specified date, it may be liable for a fine of $7,000 per day from the day after the specified date until it remedies the condition. • The Area Director determines what citations, if any will be issued, and what penalties, if any, will be proposed.

41. What types of systems do we have available to prevent cave-ins?

• Sloping and benching systems • Shield systems—trench box • Shoring system—timber shoring system

47. Why is lift slab construction dangerous?

• The best reason I can determine has to do with the lifting process and then the holding. If the Posts are not secured properly to each level it can cause a collapse.

Can you ride a headache ball to the top of a building?

• The headache ball, hook or load must not be used to transport personnel except as provided in paragraph 29 CFR 1926.753(c)(4) of this section. 29 CFR 1926.753(c)(3)

43. What are the 3 classifications of soils and know the compressive strengthens.

• Type A—cohesive soil with an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 tons per square foot (tsf) o Soil that has not been previously disturbed. • Type B.—Cohesive soil with an unconfined compressive strength greater than .5(tsf) but less than 1.5 (tsf) o Dry rock that is not stable. • Type C.—Cohesive soil with an unconfined compressive strength of .5 (tsf) or less. o Granular soils including gravel, sand, & loamy sand.

40. Under Subpart P, excavation trenching and shoring, when does an excavation become hazardous?

• When a "competent person" identifies it based on perceived hazards of: o Depth type of soil or rock o Atmosphere Utilities • Water intrusion Heavy equipment or materials close to excavation site.

18. What happens if a ground pin is removed?

• When ground pin is removed the separate ground path is destroyed, and then faulty conditions might cause shock hazards.

23. Are guard rail systems required on scaffolding?

• Yes, more than 10 feet above lower level must have fall protection meeting the standards adequately.

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