Contemp Issues In Education: Final Review

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Which of the following is one of the seven goals for high school identified by the report Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education? a. Command of fundamental academic skills b. Economic prosperity c. Excellence in sports d. Proficiency of foreign language

Command of fundamental academic skills

Which of the following is the rarest teacher reaction? a. Praise b. Acceptance c. Criticism d. Remediation


In 1987, Congress passed the _____, which requires homeless students to have the same access to school as everyone else. a. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act b. Transitional Housing Participant Misconduct Act c. Homelessness Reduction Bill d. Homeless Persons Order

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

A teacher's right to freedom of speech as a citizen, regarding matters of public concern, is protected due to the holding in the: a. Edwards v. Aguilar case. b. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District case. c. Bethel School District v. Fraser case. d. Pickering v. Board of Education case.

Pickering v. Board of Education case.

The act that calls for standards and annual testing of math, reading, and science is called the _____. a. National Defense Education Act b. Elementary and Secondary Education Act c. No Child Left Behind Act d. Bilingual Education Act

No Child Left Behind Act

To raise money for schools, colonial towns and districts assessed a(n) _____ tax. a. property b. road c. excise d. income


According to Goodlad, which statement is true regarding the patterns of classroom interactions? a. While there is relatively little praise in classrooms, the feedback students receive tends to be corrective in nature. b. The teacher tends to be disengaged from students, preferring to let them work in groups rather than engage in direct instruction. c. Students are typically restrained in a relatively small space during a period in which much of the activity is about maintaining order. d. Students feel that they have an important role in influencing the activities that the teacher chooses for instruction.

Students are typically restrained in a relatively small space during a period in which much of the activity is about maintaining order.

Which of the following statements is true about charter schools? a. They receive public funding based on the number of students enrolled. b. They use admission tests. c. They reject additional private funding. d. They need to conform to most state education rules and regulations.

They receive public funding based on the number of students enrolled.

Lower-order questions: a. are used in teaching students in lower grades. b. ask for problem solving, creative, or open-ended thinking. c. ask for evaluations, comparisons, and causal relationships. d. can be answered through memory and recall.

can be answered through memory and recall

The federal funds directed at specific categories and targeted educational needs of schools are known as _____. a. categorical grants b. block grants c. limited grants d. conditional grants

categorical grants

When a teacher is breaking down (or "chunking") information to explain the concept more effectively to students, he is engaged in: a. scaffolding. b. transition. c. review. d. clarification.


In the context of Dual Language Programs, the _____ is designed to help children learn English while maintaining their native language. a. immersion approach b. traditional approach c. developmental approach d. submersion approach

developmental approach

The development of common core state standards that have been adopted in most states reflects the influence of: a. education commissions and committees. b. professional organizations. c. special interest groups. d. publishers.

education commissions and committees.

According to Gardner, if one wants to develop students who are willing to face hard truths and value honest behavior, the stress should be on the: a. ethical mind. b. disciplined mind. c. respectful mind. d. synthesizing mind.

ethical mind.

According to Donald McCarty and Charles Ramsey, authors of The School Managers: Power and Conflict in American Public Education, a school board in a community dominated by a few powerful figures will seek out a superintendent who _____. a. acts as a decision maker b. acts as an adviser c. has a political style d. has a functionary style

has a functionary style

Participation in the extracurricular activities has been connected with: a. higher instances of null curriculum. b. lower grades. c. higher student self-esteem. d. weak race relations.

higher student self-esteem

The movement with which John Dewey was closely associated with is known as _____. a. materialism b. progressivism c. idealism d. constructivism


With the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision, _____ became a legally sanctioned part of the American way of life. a. segregation b. homosexuality c. marijuana usage d. racial equality


In response to an informal complaint, a school librarian quietly removes a book from the library shelf and pretends that the book is out of stock. This is an example of: a. state censorship. b. standard censorship. c. fair censorship. d. self-censorship.


In theory, _____ provide access to a wealth of online learning from pre-school to university, without brick-and-mortar costs like maintenance of buildings, playgrounds, parking lots, and the like. a. green schools b. magnet schools c. virtual schools d. charter schools

virtual schools

The principle of nondiscriminatory education is based on: a. historical perspectives on special education. b. "procedural due process" that denies a citizen the right to property interest. c. "due process" rights of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. d. the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.

"due process" rights of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

Which principle of special education implies that educational goals designed for a child must align with his or her learning needs? a. The zero-reject principle b. An individualized education program c. Nondiscriminatory education d. Procedural due process

An individualized education program

The birthplace of Western philosophy is _____. a. ancient Egypt b. ancient Greece c. ancient China d. ancient India

Ancient Greece

Which of the following is a reason that influences individuals to choose teaching as a profession? a.Desire to work with young people b.High prestige and status c.Minimal amounts of paperwork d.Higher salaries as compared to other professions

Desire to work with young people

Which of the following laws provided financial assistance to school districts with low-income families, to improve libraries and instructional materials, and to promote educational innovations and research? a. No Child Left Behind Act (2001) b. Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) c. Bilingual Education Act (1968) d. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965)

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965)

Cases such as Goss v. Lopez that deal with the proper procedures involving the disciplining and suspension of students would fall under the _____ to the U.S. Constitution. a. First Amendment b. Fourth Amendment c. Fourteenth Amendment d. Fifteenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

Which of the following is a finding of Janet Hyde's work on differences and similarities between boys and girls? a. Females exhibit more helping behaviors than males. b. Girls have better ability to rotate objects mentally than boys. c. Greater educational differences exist within the genders than between the genders. d. Self-esteem levels for adult men and women are highly different.

Greater educational differences exist within the genders than between the genders.

In the first step of the pedagogical cycle, a teacher: a. asks questions. b. provides feedback. c. introduces the topics. d. addresses questions.

Introduces the topics

In 1896, John Dewey founded the Laboratory School, a famous experimental school, to test his educational ideas. Which of the following statements about this school is accurate? a. it enrolled more than 500 students in a single year, over a span of 8 years. b. It had only one classroom but several facilities for experiential learning. c. It promoted students from one grade to another after they mastered certain material. d. It helped students learn different subjects through isolated exercises or drills.

It had only one classroom but several facilities for experiential learning.

Influential teacher organizations are cautiously supportive of a merit pay plan. Provided that certain conditions are met, they would be more likely to support it. Which of the following is one of those conditions? a. The plan should be objective and based solely on student test scores. b. Local teachers should be involved in planning. c. Senior tenured teachers must be excluded from the merit pay plan. d. The plan should be fair and also penalize teachers in under-resourced schools.

Local teachers should be involved in planning.

Paula is a high school music teacher who is known for her involvement and commitment to her students and school. She is constantly working with other teachers and administrators so that they can have the best instruction, curriculum, and staff development possible. She also reaches out through her music program to involve parents and the community to make sure that these groups are engaged with the school and feel like they have a stake in what is going on there. Which of the core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards do Paula's actions most closely reflect? a.Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. b. Teachers are members of learning communities. c.Teachers are committed to students and their learning. d.Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.

Teachers are members of learning communities.

Which of the following is a recommended teaching strategy that can help children from low-income homes achieve academic success? a. Teachers should avoid lowering their expectations for students belonging to this group. b. Teachers should encourage them to study at home and spend lesser time at school. c. Teachers should lower their academic expectations for such children. d. Teachers should ask them to avoid taking difficult subjects like mathematics.

Teachers should avoid lowering their expectations for students belonging to this group.

Elaine has been a fifth-grade teacher since 1998. Elaine's decisions are grounded not only in the literature but also in her experiences. She serves as a role model for her students, and she exemplifies virtues such as honesty and fairness that she seeks to inspire in them. Which of the core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards do Elaine's actions most closely reflect? a.Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. b.Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. c.Teachers are experienced members of learning communities. d.Teachers are committed to students and their learning experience.

Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.

What was the new concern that arose as women came to dominate teaching and the gender tables turned in the twentieth century? a. Female teachers not receiving the same salaries as male teachers b. The fear that boys were being discriminated c. Male teachers not being recruited by the school districts d. The fear that female teachers were "feminizing" boys

The fear that female teachers were "feminizing" boys

Which of the following actions of teachers is most likely be supported by Gloria Ladson-Billings, the proponent of culturally responsive teaching? a. Making the students concentrate on personality development while ignoring academic success b. Encouraging the students to strictly follow textbooks even if they are outdated c. Working to improve the quality of life of the students in the school and community d. Using a single learning style in order to avoid confusing the students

Working to improve the quality of life of the students in the school and community

Pavel is a new teacher in an inner-city school in Boston. To prepare for teaching, Pavel commits to teach for at least five years. He then spends his first year observing and working with Dava, a master teacher, while taking coursework. Only during his second year he will be allowed to teach students of his own under Dava's supervision. Based on this description, Pavel is part of _____. a. a teaching residency program. b. a traditional teaching education program. c. the Teach for America program. d. a guild-based apprenticeship program.

a teaching residency program.

Alternative teacher education programs differ from traditional teacher education programs in that alternative teacher education programs: a. require aspiring teachers to complete a minimum of 15 years of elementary school teaching to be "board-certified." b. allow teachers to get on-the-job training. c. tend to draw less academically prepared students into teaching. d. focus less on structured apprenticeship.

allow teachers to get on-the-job training.

According to the National Association for Gifted Children, giftedness is: a. identified by an intelligence quotient (IQ) score of 160 or higher. b. identified by an intelligence quotient (IQ) score of 140 or higher. c. based on the presence of distinct elements of giftedness. d. based on the presence of wisdom in an individual.

based on the presence of distinct elements of giftedness.

The use of a system of positive reinforcement to promote desired learning is based on _____. a. constructivism b. behaviorism c. existentialism d. progressivism


Unlike existentialists, _____ believe that free will is an illusion and that human nature is shaped by the environment. a. essentialists b. progressivists c. perennialists d. behaviorists


A least-restrictive environment: a. ensures appropriate segregation of children with disabilities in each school and in every state. b. allows students with disabilities to be educated by their parents at home. c. creates an atmosphere in which students with disabilities are not inappropriately segregated. d. provides students with disabilities with specially trained teachers, assistive technologies, and access to other appropriate resources.

creates an atmosphere in which students with disabilities are not inappropriately segregated.

According to Bloom's revised taxonomy, the highest level of questions is: a. creating. b. evaluating. c. applying. d. analyzing.


Multicultural educators that follow the approach called "teaching the culturally different" primarily advocate: a. creating close links between school and home so that minority children can succeed academically. b. teaching single-group studies such as Black Studies, Hispanic Studies, or Women's Studies programs. c. developing new eyes through which policy makers can initiate change in education. d. mobilizing students to actively address and find ways to remedy social problems.

creating close links between school and home so that minority children can succeed academically.

In early colonial times, some women began to devote their time to teaching, converting their homes into schools. These women taught reading, writing, and computation, and their homes became known as _____. a. public schools b. dame schools c. charter schools d. common schools

dame schools

The Old Deluder Satan Law of 1647 required that: a. all citizens of Massachusetts must present themselves periodically to recite the Scripture. b. every town of fifty households must appoint and pay a teacher of reading and writing. c. every household must appoint an individual to read the Scripture on behalf of the family. d. all citizens of Massachusetts must be assessed to determine their reading and writing skills.

every town of fifty households must appoint and pay a teacher of reading and writing.

The role of state governments in curricular decisions has: a. increased through state standards and tests, and frameworks for all schools to follow. b. decreased due to the emphasis on local control of schools mandated in the No Child Left Behind Act. c. been minimized due to reductions in state education budgets. d. has been restricted to merely providing funds and financial support.

increased through state standards and tests, and frameworks for all schools to follow.

Research shows that teachers skilled in pedagogy: a. outperform teachers with superior subject area knowledge. b. give more importance to subject knowledge than teaching methods. c. lack effective instructional skills. d. do not employ effective teaching strategies.

outperform teachers with superior subject area knowledge.

According to Jeannie Oakes, tracking persists in schools largely because _____. a. administrators believe that it is the most cost-effective way to educate children b. teachers think it is the best way to improve test scores among their students c. teachers expect little from the low-track students and they do little to improve student performance d. educators believe it is the fairest way to treat their students so that they can learn well

teachers expect little from the low-track students and they do little to improve student performance

A call for accountability in financing of schools means that _____. a. the teachers want to hold the public accountable for lack of funds b. the public wants to see academic progress for their tax dollars c. the public wants to hold the students accountable for their academic progress d. the teachers want to see a raise in their salaries as a result of increased funding

the public wants to see academic progress for their tax dollars

The _____ approach uses native language as a bridge to English language instruction, where subjects are taught first in the native language. a. immersion b. transitional c. maintenance d. submersion


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