Contemporary Latin America

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United Fruit Company

US company with banana empire in Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela. overmatched gov't in econ power.... established banana republics- had influence over gov't officials to maintain power. acquire land. white Americans in control. landowners have electoral power.

1898 War

US declares war on Spain and invaded Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines. yellow journalism = sensationalization of atrocities in Cuba of independentists v. Spanish. (US comes to rescue). Platt Amendment= culmination of US intervention and influence- US can intervene whenever they want in Cuba [permanent projection of US power in Caribbean]

Monroe Doctrine

US policy towards Latin America. not quite paternalistic yet though. basically said this is our hemisphere. Euros need to stay out... came during a time when colonies has gained independence.


US term to homogenize and reductionism Latin Americans.

national security doctrine

US trains LatAmer militaries for counterinsurgency tactics. they call for democracy but helped trigger dictatorship.

Joaquim Nabuco

abolitionist spokesman. eventually public pressure makes them abolish it

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo

artists and icons of Mexico's revolutionary nationalism. depicted Mexico's indigenous heritage. made nationalism fashionable.

Manuela de Rosas

public relations pro of her dad.

regency (Brazil)

regents represented liberal forces that had unseated Pedro I. wanted to limit power of central gov't so reduce army and more decentralization.


revolutionaries against Somoza. had struggled against US intervention. they named themselves after Sandino who was assassinated by Somoza. Nicaragua seen as Cold War area too.

evo morales

Bolivia. 2006 in office. indigenous Aymara. base of support from indigenous peoples. no party system institutionalization plus the commodity boom lets him also rise and hold on to power via gov't programs.


Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay free trade agreement during 1995. free trade allows middle class to get Internet, tv, and become consumers.


Brazil- agglomeration of people who opposed materialism impose religious order

rubber boom

Brazil- profits for owners and nothing for workers.

why militaries decline

Brazil- they borrow hella petrodollars and interests rates rise then their debt is HUGE.

Brazilian miracle

Brazilian generals seize control of country w US help after Brazilian peasants were trying to gain power and foreign investors feared expropriation. they had nationalist commitment to industrialization. hella growth but no miracle. the military had created conditions to thrive at expense of Brazil's poor majority. they hold down wages and disappear anyone who complained. (attracts international capital w safe climate for foreign investment). most people didn't benefit from this in early 70s

Cuban Revolution

Che Guevara. 1950s. Marxist. poverty was linked to imperialist international economic system. needed revolutions all over LA. helps in Guatemala then escapes to Mexico, meets Fidel Castro. they assault pro-US Batista gov't in Cuba. gain popular support.


Chilean dictator who takes over from Allende. bureaucratic authoritarianism but w him as leader. also similar military attrocities

popular unity

Chilean road to socialism... socialist communist coalition. allende as leader. impose price freezes and wage increases. support form urban workers.

Miguel hidalgo

Creole. nonconformist. used religious language to spark uprising of mestizo/indigenous ppl to rise up against peninsular. it wasn't about independence, it was about defending mexico against peninsulares who were usurping authority from Fernando VII. tbh he had more in common w peninsulares... but he is captured and beheaded. [uprisings from below]

Fidel Castro

Cuban revolutionary. becomes Cuban leader after they overthrow Batista. US opposes his rule and tries to overthrow him in Bay of Pigs. formed alliance w USSR and brought in missiles which led to Cuban Missile crisis


Economic Commission for Latin America- UN group. leader by Raúl Prebisch -- dependency theory replaces liberal theory of comparative advantage. periphery is dominated by industrial center

Good Neighbor Policy

FDR's policy to LatAmer (1933). shift away from the aggressive interventionism of earlier. he takes advantage of better relations. then LatAmer join as allies in WWII.

Jacobo Arbenz

Guatemala- Arbenz was too left leaning and Marxist. Dulles had interests in United Fruit company. US CIA sends proxy forces to oust him.


Iberian-bron Spaniards. preferred agents of imperial rule. best gov't offices and positions w privileged access to wealth.

Cuban Missile Crisis

October 1962. US v. USSR.

Triple Alliance War

Paraguay v. Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay. Paraguay loses land. but also disillusionment in triple alliance. alliance in defense of Paraguay dictator attack first but bloody.

haitian revolution

'great slave uprising' begins in 1791 and crushed the master class. defeat french army.

Simon Bolívar

'the Liberator'-- leader in Spanish American independence. 1817 begins. participated in Venezuelan independence. **used feats of physical prowess and Americano nativism to attract llaneros (who do end up switching sides and making the movement patriotic)


(coalition of left-wing guerrilla groups fighting against military gov't in 1980s civil war). Farabundo Martí National Liberation - Salvadoran revolutionaries. Martí had served w Sandino in Nicaragua against US. army does mass killings of peasants whom they suspected of helping guerillas.

Alliance for Progress

(like Marshall Plan for LatAmer) - reduce revolutionary pressures by stimulating econ development and political reform. JFK reaction basically to the Cuban Revolution. military alliances bw uS and LatAmer. basically how to fight guerrillas. defend the 'free world'

scientific racism

- Global idea. - Climate science= warmer clients lead to certain characteristics (laziness, hot headedness, blackness, sensuality)


1) Independence 1810-1815 (liberalism v. conservatives. nativisism v. colonialists. peninsular v. criollos) 2) Post Colonialism 1825-1850 (political instability, caudillo leadership - Juan Manuel de Rosas, Santa Anna, Francisco Morazán) 3) Progress 1850-1880ish. Liberal led. export driven econ growth. scientific racism. Argentine liberal writers call for Europeanization 4) Neocolonialism 1880-1930. progress brings US influence. United Fruit Company, Roosevelt Corollary, Platt Amendment. authoritarian rulers (Diaz). 5) Nationalism 1930s-WWII. lashback to neocolonialism. urban and middle class led for more inclusive vision for change. Ex. Mexican revolution and nationalism of Rivera and Kahlo. ISI but issues remain in Central America and inequality 6) Revolution post WWII - 60s. populism of Peron, Vargas, Cardenas. US interest in the region Ex. Rio Pact [[COLD WAR]] 7) Reaction- 70s. military rule. bureaucratic authoritarianism with human rights abuses (Ex. Dirty war and Brazil miracle and Chile under Pinochet.-- econ growth at the expense of the many poor. indiscriminate killings abound. [[COLD WAR]] 8) Lost Decade of 80s. default on Debt in Mexico and brazil. huge foreign debt issues... 9) Neoliberalism mid 90s. IMF comes in and calls for privatization, deregulation, decrease trade barriers, Chile as poster child. also co-opting indigenous discourse (Hale) to create subjects that had previously been left out during previous liberalism. 10) Pink Tide early 2000s. rise of the left. voters reject neoliberalism of last decade. want to use global capitalist system for national aims. Good v. Bad left compared to all different. (Morales, Chavez, Kirchner, Colom, Bachelet, etc.) 11) Resurgent Right 2010s- after commodity prices fall, right takes over (Argentina with Macri in 2016. Venezuela with Maduro. Brazil with Temer)

Juan Manuel de Rosas

1829-1852 dominate Argentina. CAUDILLO. pampas. man of the people. wear red ribbon for support.


1850s onward shift to export-driven econ expansion. fully integrated into international trade. liberal comeback. transportation revolution. wanted to import European progress. separate from church.

great export boom

1880-1930. allowed for sustained econ growth. cash crop as key. coffee Brazil, sugar Cuba, wheat Argentina, banana Honduras, cacao Ecuador

Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine

1905. made US marines like a hemispheric police force to prevent European military intervention. depiction of 'little black sambos' as lazy.

Rio Pact

1947 pact among Lat Amer countries. mutual security agreement -- extension of US interest and fear of Soviet influence globally. invoked during cold war (ex. during Cuban Missile crisis blockade)

Bay of Pigs

1961 failed CIA attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro. counter-revolutionaries supported by CIA already in Cuba were supposed to help. but they were defeated by Castro's troops.


1994. free trade agreement that demonstrated mexican neoliberalism

Benito Juarez

1st person of fully indigenous ancestry to become governor of mexican state. symbolic example. Juarez law attacked military and ecclesiastical fueros. helps liberals take over. suspends payment on foreign debt. ally in US


2002 Brazilian. union leader and formed Labor Party (PT). 'zero-hunger initiative' and cash transfer programs. PT was so institutionalized that it helped a more moderate left program.

Michelle Bachelet

2006. Chile. socialist democrat. father was tortured under Pinochet for being in Popular Unity gov't.

Daniel Ortega

2007 - Present. Nicaragua. controversial program of nationalization, land reform, wealth redistribution and literacy programs.

Oscar Romero

Archbishop to head the Salvadoran church during 1970s when liberation theology was helping kinda commis

Juana Manuela Gorriti

Argentina woman who wrote feminine literature. interracial love affair.

Che Guervara

Argentine Marxist revolutionist leader. tried to help Arbenz, then when CIA overthrows him, he is affirmed in beliefs. helps lead guerrilla campaign against US Batista. helped counter Bay of Pigs and also helped bring in Soviet missiles.

Bartolomé Mitre

Argentine liberal leader. Euro oriented. had been in exile during conservative rule. wrote harsh criticisms of Rosas. they wanted to transform Argentine people culturally thru massive European immigration.

salvador allende

Marxist. committed to constitutional traditions (not revolution). wins 1970 presidency. works within constitutional constraint. US backed coup in 73.

Porfirio Días

Mexican dictator... epitome of neocolonial dictatorships in LA. had constitutional appearances but only his candidates won elections. used revenues to strengthen state. jailed journalists. welcomed foreign investment and eventually foreigners owned 0.25 land.

Lázaro Cárdenas

Mexican pres. distributes HELLA land. support labor orgs. **expropriation of oil companies (aka declaration of economic independence)


Progress. Import European culture, separation of church and state. equality. popular sovereignty. liberty. inspire revolutions by justifying American rule over themselves. Only exists theoretically to marginalized.

rigoberta menchú

Quiche Mayan women in Guatemala. novel. community wanted to survive and conserve (had to reject modern trappings to survive). father was peasant organizer. influenced by liberation theology.

liberation theology

Roman Catholic movement - tried to apply religious faith by helping poor thru involvement in political econ affairs. heightened awareness of the "sinful" socioeconomic structures that caused social inequities and active participation in changing those structures... God speaks directly to the poor.


[Peru] Popular American Revolutionary Alliance- collective self-defense against econ imperialism in LatAmer. founded by Haya de la Torre who was anti-US.

low intensity conflict

[exemplified in I, Rigoberta Menchú] during Cold war

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

caudillo. Creole who fought against patriot cause of Hidalgo and Morelos, finally accepted independence w Itrubide and then helped overthrow him.

patronage politics

characterization of power colonial LA. give jobs and spoils to gain/ maintain power.


church owns 0.5 farmland in mexico.... fuero= broad legal exemption for the church.

Pedro I

claimed to be a liberal but was really authoritarian.

Rubén Darío

dark mestizo child prodigy from Nicaragua. literature. famous writer.


diplomat and heart of the people. liberal.


during 1980s debt crisis, said solution was to institute free-market policies. neoliberal policies of Washington Consensus. cut social spending and liberalize econ to pay back debts.

new left turn

early 2000s voters reject the neoliberal vision of free-market supremacy. call for nationalist traditions. they don't want to overthrow capitalist world econ, but rather use it for nationalist goals.

Ultramontane catholicism

ecclesiastical conservatism. official catholic policy, assertive churchmen refused to accept gov't control over ecclesiastical affairs. especially in mexico.

El Mozote

elite US trained battalion enters this village and systematically kills everyone (hundreds of unarmed, unresisting men, women, children.)... turns out intelligence was faulty. Mozote wasn't a guerrilla base... they had actually converted to US evangelical protests. demonstrates the indiscriminate violence.


emphasis on free trade, export production, comparative advantage. 90s. did away with economic nationalism and embraced liberal faith. privatize. deregulate capital flows. remove subsidies. did succeed in cutting hyperinflation and ended up encouraging foreign capital.


employed by nativists. (but it was used by Morelos (a mestizo) to unify and do away with caste system). had to be broad.


environmental devastation in Amazon forrest.... World Bank program to log and get natural resources to make money. exploit resources.

mestizo nationalism

ethnic nationalism- emphasize race. nationalists celebrate mixing of race. denied the premise of european racial superiority.


fertilizer. helped in development of input intensive farming practices.


foreign investment and influence was so powerful . impetus of exports and free trade policies. huge infrastructure projects. but economies become dependent and extremely influenced by commodity prices.... characterized by stable authoritarian gov't.

William Walker

fundamentalist Christian from TN and missionary of Progress. he tried to colonize Nicaragua for the US with liberal support. legalized slavery (which had been abolished)

world bank

funds projects in LatAmer to spur econ growth. one is Amazonian exploitation of resources.

José de San Martín

general combined Argentine-Chilean army and attacks Chilean royalists. hero.


group in Uruguay that tried to precipitate a revolution. urban guerrilla movement inspired by Cuban Revolution. recognized the absence of revolutionary conditions but wanted to spark hope. carried out brilliantly planned operations to impress public opinion... then military crackdown

Alvaro Colom

guatemala. first time left pres had won in 53 years. 2008-2012. expanded social programs, health, education.

Empress Leopoldina

helped convince Pedro for Brazilian independence.


import substitution industrialization. nationalist economic outlook. state led industrialization. moving out of neocolonial shadow... set own wages, prices, regulate production, manipulate exchange rates, protective labor laws. really only for larger economies where population could support efforts (Brazil Mexico Argentina)... also they still have to import some of the big equipment.

Tupac Amaru II

indigenous rebellion in Peru 1780s. demonstrated to creoles the power of indigenous rebellion against peninsular.

Manifest Destiny

irresistible inevitable US expansion into LatAmer. ideology that formalizes into policy. racial superiority and white man's burden. overbearing sense of US superiority.


leader in Brazil during same time as FDR. but he was highly authoritarian (dissolved political parties, no leg bodies, censor media, operate w impunity). hella nationalist.

Paulina Luisi and Bertha Lutz

leaders of modern feminist movement in LA


left-leaning president. 2007-2015 Cristina. peronist. social democrat. currency controls. nationalized YPF.

Francisco Morazán

liberal. caudillo. Honduran. French connections and federalist convictions. anti-church and legal code from US (but they were unpopular)


liberalism had failed. legal equality for all citizens didn't actually happen. patronage politics defines this time. immediately after independence, liberal rulers fail. between independence and 1850s caudillo leadership is characterized by patronage politics.


literary form. created national self-portraits describing dance, dress, speech, lives of ordinary ppl from countryside who embody national essence.


marxist tide had little to do w Soviet Russia... more about nationalist struggle for decolonization and self-determination. -best way to respond is thru revolution (not reform). -so persuasive in 50s and 60s bc they were experiencing some of the worst US interventionism in the region (Guatemala.

Caste War of Yucatán

mass rebellion that threatened to sweep aside existing hierarchy. Mayan people rose up, inspired by religious messages, to cleanse land of white and mestizo intruders.

José María Morelos

mestizo. leader. clear goal: end to slavery and caste system and tribute to indigenous people. all are Americanos [uprisings from below]

bureaucratic authoritarianism

military ruler rather than caudillo. increased capacity of state institutionalization of suppression of political dissidents to transform into modern capitalist.

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

most influential liberal leader. popular writing, huge denunciation of caudillo leadership. public education hella important. immigration is KEY. reject indigenous culture.

Mothers of the plaza de mayo

mothers who's children were 'disappeared' during 1976-1983 military dictatorship and state terrorism. responders to the human rights violations in Latin America (anti-communist repression)


mounted national police in Mexico under Diaz.


nationalist emphasis on indigenous roots.


native born whites and leaders of independence. resentful towards peninsulares. these are the ones that vast majority of lower-rank people hate more tbh. they are masters of everyday life and they feared social climbing of mixed people Ex. Mexico== creoles resent peninsular. they spark rebellion of indigenous and mestizo peasants. Ex. in Mexico and Peru they fear losing control of peasants


neoliberalism attracted transnational corporations to LatAmer... this was an assembly plant using cheap labor (women) to put together imported parts. low tariffs helped this. gov't tried to hold down wages and withdraw food/transportation subsidies to be attractive internationally.

Pancho villa

north Mexico, he builds army of former cowboys, miners, railroad workers, oil field ppl.

Joaquim Machado de Assis

novelist in Brazil.

caudillo leadership

party's national leader. bought into patronage politics. typically large landowners who use personal resources to maintain private armies or patronage. rose to power during independence wars and carried on (war heros).


populist leader. gained support from workers. 1946-1955. rapid unionization of industrial sector. Evita (wife) helps the poor). he tries to naitonalize everything and US objects.

king joao

portugese prince who flees when Napoleon invades portugal. he made court in Rio de Janeiro. King's presence in Brazil had implications for duration and structure of independence as opposed to Spanish colonies.

Rafaeal trujillo

pro-US dictator in Dominican Republic. "ours..."

Melchor Ocampo

scandalous when this Mexican liberal announced non-existence of God. liberals basically directed anger against Catholic church as institution. anticlerical rather than anti religious. mestizo background.

Anastasio Somoza

since 30s, Somoza family rules. demonstrated perverse side effects of US anti-communism. he was first ruler. he had hella power over region and strong ties to US. but also his son... he goes against Sandinistas. but he has to flee bc Sandinistas take over. then his military forces get trained by CIA in Honduras. ... these become the contras for counter revolutionaries (1980s they help raid Nicaragua from Honduran side.

Carmen Miranda

singer/dancer actress on nationalist movie wave.

free birth law

slaves remain slaves but children born free. Brazil 1871- under Pedro II. but they just import more slaves from Africa.

Pedro II

soft-spoken, studious. monarch who took responsibilities seriously. philosophical liberal with faith in science, innovation and Progress.


street gangs that traffic drugs and wear distinctive tattoos. push factor in migration. extort money in Northern Triangle. began when ppl came to US during violence of 80s in Central America... US deports them and they create gangs.

hugo chávez

tried to take over Venezuela in 1992 coup. then gets elected. distributes resources via patronage. anti-US. use of gov't authority against adversaries. natural resources are nationalized and Weyland argues that bc they had these resources he could more easily gain power and support during commodity boom of 2000s.

Emiliano zapata

uprising and image for Mexican revolution against Diaz. basically peasant guerrillas.


winning strategy for independence minded creoles. glorified an american identity defined by birthplace, something creoles shares with indigenous people, mixed blood and even kids of slaves. unifying factor for a nation towards independence from European colonial power. linked w liberalism bc the people should govern but tbh few revolutionary leaders wanted to see real social equality. they basically want popular support to win independence. -leaves the nations and social hierarchy unaltered

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