Core practice exam 3 testing mode

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Apply a Bevel Rectangle style to the photo of the peach.

1. Click on the photo of the peach to select it. 2. Select the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab. 3. In the Picture Styles group, select Bevel Rectangle.

Apply a Tight text wrap to the plum photo.

1. Click on the photo of the plum to select it. 2. Select the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab. 3. In the Arrange group, click Wrap Text and select Tight.

Insert a Figure 1 - Hoedad caption below the photo. Add Square Wrapping to the caption.

1. Click on the photo to select it. 2. On the REFERENCES tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption. 3. In the Caption pop-up window, configure the following:Caption: Figure 1 - HoedadLabel: FigurePosition: Below selected item 4. Click OK. 5. In the Drawing Tools Format tab, Arrange group, click Wrap Text and select Square.

Apply the Lines (Distinctive) formatting style to the document.

1. Click the DESIGN tab. 2. In the Document Formatting group, click More down-arrow located on the right side of the gallery. 3. Select the Lines (Distinctive) style set.

Add the watermark DRAFT 1 to all pages in the document.

1. Click the DESIGN tab. 2. In the Page Background group, click Watermark. 3. In the pop-up window, scroll down and select DRAFT1.

Configure Autocorrect to replace lb. with pound.

1. Click the FILE tab. 2. In the left window pane, select Options. 3. In the Word Options window, in the left window pane select Proofing. 4. Click the AutoCorrect Options... button. 5. On the AutoCorrect tab, configure the following:Replace: lb. With: pound 6. Click OK. Click OK.

Change the page orientation of this document to Portrait.

1. Click the LAYOUT tab. 2. In the Page Setup group, click Orientation and select Portrait.

Apply the Preset 1 effect to the photo of the Honeycrisp apple.

1. Click on the photo of the Honeycrisp apple to select it. 2. On the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects. 3. In the Picture Effects drop-down menu, select Preset. In the section Presets, select Preset 1.

Add the text Greatest Snow on Earth! to the last shape of the SmartArt.

1. At the bottom of the last page, click inside the empty shape of the SmartArt. 2. Type the text, Greatest Snow on Earth! 3. Click anywhere outside the grapic to deselect it.

At the bottom of the page, remove all formatting from the sentence, Hours of Operation: 11:00AM to 6:00PM then center it again.

1. At the bottom of the menu, select the text, Hours of Operation: 11:00AM to 6:00PM. 2. Click the HOME tab. 3. In the Font group, click Clear All Formatting. (Hint: The icon looks like an eraser with an A behind it.) 4. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Center icon.

Beneath the DRINKS heading, format the four paragraphs Mexican Coke (it's just better) - $2.50 ... Fountain Drinks / Iced Tea - $2.25 as a list with the default bullet.

1. Below the heading DRINKS, select the text beginning with Mexican Coke (it's just better) - $2.50 and ending with Fountain Drinks / Iced Tea - $2.25 2. Click the HOME tab. 3. In the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button.

Move the sentence Independently Owned and Operated and position it at the bottom of the menu in the space between the last green line and Hours of Operation: 11:00AM to 6:00PM.

1. Beneath the TACO TRUCK MENU logo, select the sentence, Independently Owned and Operated. 2. On the HOME tab, in the Clipboard group, click Cut (scissors icon). (Hint: You can also use the short-cut key, CTRL+X) 3. At the bottom of the menu, place your cursor in the space between the green line and Hours of Operation: 11:00AM to 6:00PM. 4. In the Clipboard group, click Paste. (Hint: You can also use the short-cut key, CTRL+V).

Apply a 3 pt Light Green border to the Black Tartarian cherry photo.

1. Click on the photo of the Black Tartarian cherry to select it. 2. On the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Border. 3. In the Picture Border drop-down menu, in the section Standard Colors, select Light Green. 4. In the Picture Border drop-down menu, in the section Weight, select 3 pt.

In the last sentence, apply a turquoise highlight to the term free.

1. In the last sentence, select the term free. 2. On the HOME tab, in the Font group, click the Text Highlight Color down-arrow to open the menu. 3. Select Turquoise

Configure the table located below the Schedule heading, so the table column headings repeat onto the next page.

1. In the table located below the Schedule heading, select the entire first row containing the Course ID ... Credits headings. 2. Select the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab. 3. In the Data group, click Repeat Header Rows.(Hint: the header row should now appear at the top of the second table continuing on the page 2).

Locate the file Highlights.xlsx in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Insert the contents of the file beneath the text, Below are highlight sessions you will want to attend:

1. On page one, place your cursor in the empty space beneath the sentence, Below are highlight sessions you will want to attend: 2. Click the INSERT tab. 3. In the Text group, click Object and select Object ... 4. In the Object pop-up window, click the Create from File tab. 5. On the Create from File tab, click the Browse button. 6. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder and select Hightlights.xlsx and click Insert. 7. In the Object pop-up window, click OK.

Configure Word to not print in the background.

1. On the FILE tab, click Options 2. On the left, select Advanced. 3. Scroll down to the Print section. 4. Uncheck the Print in background setting. 5. Click Ok.

Replace all instances of the term snowboarder with skier.

1. On the HOME tab, in the Editing group, click Replace. 2. In the Find and Replace pop-up window, on the Replace tab, configure the following:Find what: snowboarderReplace with: skier 3. Click Replace All (Hint: 4 replacements should have been made.) Click OK. 4. Click Close to exit the Find and Replace pop-up window.

Navigate to the Bookmark Taxi and delete the entire line at that location.

1. On the HOME tab, in the Editing group, click the Find down-arrow and select Go To... 2. In the Go to what: pane, scroll down and select Bookmark. 3. Beneath Enter bookmark name: click the down-arrow and select Taxi. 4. Click the Go To button. 5. Word will jump to the bullet point Transportation: and the term will be selected. Click Close, to exit the Go To tool. 6. Delete the paragraph using either the Backspace key, Delete key, or by clicking Cut on the HOME tab.

Change the margins beneath the Section Break to Wide. Do not change the margins above the Section Break.

1. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click Show/Hide ¶ to reveal the --- Section Break (Continuous) ---. 2. Click left of the first paragraph, The Big Beef. 3. On the LAYOUT tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins and select Wide. 4. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click Show/Hide ¶ to hide the formatting marks again.

Create a citation for the website Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetics Resources authored by the USDA Forest Service and located at

1. On the REFERENCES tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Manage Sources 2. In the Sources Manager pop-up window, click the New button and configure the following:Type of Source: Website (Hint: Click the down-arrow and scroll)Select Corporate Author check boxCorporate Author: USDA Forest ServiceName of Website: Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetics ResourcesURL: 3. Click OK. Click Close.

Split the first table between the rows containing OneNote and Outlook. Move the new table containing Outlook ... Martinez, Adamto the right of the original table.

1. On the first table, select the first row containing the data Outlook located just below the row containing OneNote. 2. Select the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab. 3. In the Merge group. 4. Click Split Table. 5. On the new table, click the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol) and drag the table to place it to the right of the original table.

On the first table, split the top row heading that contains Course Instructor Name into two separate columns Course and Instructor Name.

1. On the first table, select the row containing the Course Instructor Name heading. 2. Select the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab. 3. In the Merge group, click Split Cells. 4. In the Split Cells pop-up window, configure the following:Number of columns: 2Number of rows: 1Click OK. 5. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect.

Hyperlink the email address located below the signature on the last page. Display the text [email protected] with the subject Registration.

1. On the last page below the signature, select the text, [email protected] 2. In the INSERT tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink. 3. In the Insert Hyperlink pop-up window, change the following:Link to: E-mail AddressText to display: [email protected]: mailto:[email protected]: Registration 4. Click OK.(Hint: If you have Outlook installed, you can test your link by holding your CTRL key while clicking your mouse to follow the link.)

At the bottom of the page, add a Continuous Cycle diagram with a Height: 3" and a Width: 6". Change the color of the smart art to Colored Outline - Accent 2. Cut the steps of the numbered list and paste them into the shapes of the diagram without any list formatting.

1. Place your cursor in the empty space at the bottom of the page. 2. Click the INSERT tab. 3. In the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. 4. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic pop-up window, in the left pane select Cycle. 5. In the right pane, select Continuous Cycle. Click OK.(Hint: The diagram will initially appear on the second page. It will move to page one when these steps are completed) 6. Click on the border around the SmartArt graphic to select it and reveal the SMARTART TOOLS contextual tabs. 7. Click the SMARTART TOOLS DESIGN tab. 8. In the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors and beneath the Accent 2 section select Colored Outline - Accent 2. 9. Cut each step from the numbered list and paste into each of the shapes on the diagram and ensure that list formatting, such as numbers, is not present. 10. Click the SMARTART TOOLS FORMAT tab. 11. In the Size group, change Height: 3 and Width: 6(Hint: After resizing, the diagram should automatically position itself onto the bottom of the first page.)

Apply a 6 pt spacing before all paragraphs within this document.

1. Select all of the text in the document.(Hint: The quickest method to select all of the text in a document is to triple-click your mouse in the left margin.) 2. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line and Paragraph Spacing and select Line Spacing Options... 3. In the Paragraph pop-up window, on the Indents and Spacing tab, below the Spacing section, click the Before: up-arrow and select 6 pt 4. Click OK.

Change the default bullet in the first list The Big Beef ... Quesadillas to a picture bullet based on taco-300x270.png in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

1. Select all of the text in the first list beginning with The Big Beef and ending with Quesadillas. 2. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets down-arrow and select Define New Bullet... 3. In the Define New Bullet pop-up box, under Bullet character, click Picture... 4. In the Insert Pictures pop-up box, to the right of From a file, click Browse and locate the GMetrixTemplates folder. 5. Select the file taco-300x270.png and click Insert. Notice the sample of the new bullet displayed in the Preview window. 6. On the Define New Bullet pop-up box, click OK.

Change the theme of this document to Integral.

1. Select the DESIGN tab. 2. On the left side of the Document Formatting group, click Themes. 3. Click the Integral theme.

Add the Ion (Dark) footer to the document.

1. Select the INSERT tab. 2. In the Header & Footer group, click Footer. Scroll down the theme gallery and select Ion (Dark). 3. On the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, click Close Header and Footer.

Add a page number to the bottom of all pages in the Bold Numbers 3 format.

1. Select the INSERT tab. 2. In the Header & Footer group, click Page Number. 3. From the Page Number drop-down menu, select Bottom of Page and click Bold Numbers 3. 4. On the far right of the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, click Close Header and Footer.

Beneath the last sentence, insert a Down Ribbon shape with the Intense Effect - Orange, Accent 2 style. The height should be 1"and width 3.5". Center the shape between the left and right margins..

1. Select the INSERT tab. 2. In the Illustrations group, click Shapes. 3. Below the Stars and Banners section, click the Down Ribbon shape. 4. Position your mouse device approximately centered below the last line of text in the document. 5. Click-drag to draw the down ribbon shape. 6. On the DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT contextual tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More down-arrow to open the gallery. Select the Intense Effect - Orange, Accent 2 style. 7. In the Size group, click the up-arrows to configure the following:Shape Height: 1"Shape Width: 3.5" 8. In the Arrange group, click Align and select Align Center.

Change the color of the first line of text, Gourmet Fudge Sale, to Orange, Accent 2.

1. Select the first line of text, Gourmet Fudge Sale. 2. Click the HOME tab. 3. In the Font group, click the Font Color down-arrow. 4. In the color selection panel beneath the Theme Colors section, click Orange, Accent 2.

Apply table style Grid Table 2 - Accent 1 to the first table in the document.

1. Select the first table by clicking the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol). 2. Select the TABLE TOOLS DESIGN tab. 3. In the Table Styles group, click the More drop-down arrow to open the gallery. 4. Select the Grid Table 2 - Accent 1 style.

Change the Left and Right cell margins of the first table to 0.1"

1. Select the first table by clicking the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol). 2. Select the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab. 3. In the Alignment group. 4. Click Cell Margins. 5. In the Table Options pop-up window, configure the following:Left: 0.1Right: 0.1 6. Click OK.

Apply the Heading 1 style to the text Five Steps: located above the numbered list.

1. Select the text Five Steps located immediately above the numbered list. 2. On the HOME tab, in the Styles group, click Heading 1.

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