Cosmetology State Board Exam Review 1c

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3% H2O2 is used as a/an:


A "Cornrow Braid" has how many strands?


A "Fishtail Braid" has how many strands?

Client is allergic to the product

A "positive" reaction to a P.D. test would mean that:

Visible braid

A 3 strand braid using the under-hand technique is also known as:

Coarse hair

A Hard Press is most suited for which type of hair?

Damp hair

A Thio relaxer should be applied to:

A general or blood borne infection

A bacterial or viral infection, carried by the blood, throughout the body:


A blended mixture containing particles that often settle to the bottom upon standing:

Hair attached to elasticized mesh

A cap wig contains:

A good choice if you are bald

A cap wig is:

Usually hand-knotted Usually under-knotted Usually hand-tied

A cap wig is:

Machine made Composed of wefts sewn together Generally less expensive than a cap wig

A capless wig is:


A chalky (white) complexion can best be camouflaged by the use of:

Chemical change

A change in the composition of a substance wherein a new substance is formed:

Physical change

A change in the way a product looks without the formation of a new product is a:

Cap wig

A client has extreme hair loss, or is bald. And they wish to disguise this. Which of the following wig choices would you recommend?

A Soft perm

A client with kinky hair wants it permanently relaxed until it is curly, stylist should do:

A Soft press

A client with kinky hair wants it temporarily relaxed with large curls, stylist should do?

Athletes Foot

A common affliction caused by Tinea Pedis or Ringworm is:


A common compound formed by an acid and a base is:

Propylene glycol Sorbitol Glycerin

A common example of a widely used humectant is:


A common reducing agent found in the salon is:


A commonly used ingredient in skin care products used to moisturize the skin is:

Vegetable dyes

A compound dye, is generally made by combining metallic salts with:


A disease which can be spread to others is known as:

An acidic pH

A disulphide relaxer, often marketed as "less damaging" to the hair, is or has:


A gray, ashen pallor can be covered up by use of:

2 weeks

A hair press can be expected to last about:

High-lift, color treated hair

A highly alkaline perm would not be a good choice for


A hospital grade germicide must be a viracidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, and:

Substance that attracts and absorbs water

A humectant might best be described as:


A mixture of two or more immiscible substances, joined together with the aid of a binder:


A mixture of two or more substances, where the particles dissolve and remain dissolved:


A neutralizer, stabilizer, or fixative is:


A neutralizer, stabilizer, or fixative will have what effect on the hair?


A perm rod is also known as a:

Chemical and physical

A permanent hair-color followed by a wet set, is an example of what type of change/s:

Neutralizer is not used

A permanent may be air neutralized or self neutralized, these terms mean:

Physical and chemical action

A permanent wave involves:

Acid and endothermic

A permanent wave that requires placing the client under a heated dryer, is probably:


A person who has a disease, is contagious, and yet shows no symptoms of that disease is:


A ruddy (red) complexion could be improved with the use of:

Hair will absorb products easily and usually process quickly

A sign of good porosity in the hair is:


A softening and swelling of the hair will occur when which of the following is applied:

Adding a warm toner is correct

A strand test reveals a greenish cast in the hair, all of the following are incorrect except:

Add a warm toner

A strand test reveals too much orange in the hair, what would not correct this:

Add a violet toner

A strand test reveals too much yellow in the hair, what would correct this:


A substance which dissolves another substance is referred to as a / an:


A synthetic organic compound derived from coal tar used to give color to hair dye:

Silvery tones

A tone lacking warm pigment may be referred to as all of the following except:

Coarse, resistant hair

An acid or acid balanced perm would not be good for


An acid permanent wave requiring heat from an external source to work is known as:


An acid permanent wave that generates its own heat is known as:

Close the cuticle and add shine

An acid rinse can be used to do which of the following:

No tension

An ammonium thioglycolate solution is an alkaline or Cold Wave and should be wrapped with:

Metallic dyes

An example of a progressive hair dye is:

Oil and water

An example of immiscible liquids is:

Before and after every usage

An eyebrow pencil should be sharpened:

Sodium hydroxide H2O2 H2O

An oxidizing solution might contain all the following

Oxidative tints

Aniline derivative tints are also known as:

Penetrating dyes

Aniline derivative tints are also known as:

Negative and between 24 & 48 hours old

Aniline derivative tints may safely be applied if the P.D. test was:


Another name for a "binder" holding two or more immiscible substances together:


Another name for disulfide bonds is:

Band lashes

Another name for strip lashes is:

Cheek bone

Another name for the Zygomatic or Malar bone is the:


Another term for an alkaline is a:


Another term sometimes used for Bleach is:

Hair care products Food stuffs Cosmetics

Antioxidants are often added to prevent spoilage in:

Contagious or communicable diseases

Conjunctivitis, Tinea, Scabies, Pediculosis, and the common cold are all conditions that will prevent the cosmetologist from working, these conditions are considered:

Too few disulfide/cystine bonds are broken

Heavy conditioning prior to a permanent wave may cause weak curl formation because:


Henna is an example of what type of tint?

Viracides Fungicides Bactericides

High quality Quats (quaternary ammonium compounds) is / are:

10 minutes

How long must implements remain submerged in Quats to be sanitized?


How many bones are found in the hand (fingers/digits and palm/carpus):

2 1/2 times

How many times must hair be wrapped around the rod to produce one curl:

3 to 4 months

How often is it recommended to have a relaxer retouch?

2% is used to cleanse the skin 10 v. is used as a deposit only 6% and above is used to lift and deposit

Hydrogen Peroxide in different strengths has which of the following actions:

There is excessive growth of unwanted hair

Hypertrichosis and Hirsutism both describe a condition of superfluous hair wherein:

Chemical hair relaxer Press and curl

If a client has Metallic Salts / Dyes on their hair you should not give a:

Make the face appear longer (oval) with less width at the center

If a client has a round face, the professional make-up artist will try to:


If a mixture contains particles larger than those found in a solution, it is referred to as a:

Dermatitis venenata

If a positive result is observed, including inflamed skin, this is a condition known as:

Sodium hydroxide

If a relaxer is advertised as "no-lye", you can be certain it is not which of the following:


If a solution has less Hydroxy atoms than it has Hydrogen atoms, it is a / an:


If a solution has more Hydroxy atoms than it has Hydrogen atoms, it is a / an:


If an object is free from pathogenic bacteria, it is said to be:

Little to no curl

If hair is wrapped less than 2 times around the rod, the result will be:

Under processed hair / weak curl formation

If insufficient cystine / disulfide bonds are broken in the hair, the likely result will be:


If liquids cannot be mixed, they are said to be:

Yak hair

If not synthetic, wigs in fantasy hair colors are most often made from:


If the State Board Inspector gave you a failing grade because your implements were unclean and stored in an unsanitary manner, this would mean they were:


If the client's skin becomes inflamed after a Patch Test is given, this result is said to be:


If the cuticle of the hair is closed, what effect will this create?


If the cuticle of the hair is open, this will create what effect?

Fish hook end and an unhappy customer

If the ends of the hair are not in the curling iron, the likely result will be:

A filler

If the hair is extremely porous, the cosmetologist should probably use:

Gently removed with a moist towel

If the relaxer comes into contact with the skin or scalp, it must be:

Hair may break

If the relaxer is left on the hair longer than directions state, what will likely occur?

Break Revert Tangle

If the relaxer is rinsed with cold water, there is a good chance the relaxed hair will:


If the rubber band is twisted while wrapping a perm, what will be the likely outcome?

Chemical burns

If the saturated cotton is left on the skin too long, what may occur:

Demi-permanent color

If you were going to color your client's hair immediately after perming, which of the following would offer your best (least damaging) choice"


If your client began the decolorization process with dark brown or black hair, how many levels could the hair safely go through before serious harm occurred?


If your client began the decolorization process with darkest brown or black hair, how many levels would the hair go through to reach a platinum level / stage?


If your client has almost entirely gray hair and wants to darken it to its original color, where should you begin to apply the product?

Dry sanitizer

Implements that have been cleansed, and are ready for use, should be kept in a:

It has been removed to prevent matting

In "Fallen Hair", which of the following is true of the cuticle?

Large amount of oil, small amount H20

In a "water-in-oil" emulsion, the ratio of oil to water would be:

Stop the action of the processing solution Establish how straight the hair will be Reform the broken bonds of the hair

In a chemical relaxer, the action of the fixative is to do which of the following:

Stop the action of the processing solution Reform the broken bonds of the hair Establish how curly/straight the hair will be

In a chemical relaxer, the action of the neutralizer is to do which of the following:

5 minutes

In a facial, high frequency current produces germicidal effects (good for acne), but it should not be used on the skin in excess of:


In a make-up application, what is considered the "ideal" shaped face:

After saturation Before rinsing

In a permanent wave procedure, when should the cotton be removed?

Stop the action of the processing solution Establish how curly the hair will be Reform the broken bonds of the hair

In a permanent wave, the action of the neutralizer is to do which of the following:

At the nape/close to the scalp

In a thermal press & curl, the stylist should begin the press:

1/2 inch from the scalp and 1 inch from the ends

In a virgin relaxer, the relaxing product should be applied:

1/2 inch from the scalp until 1/2" from the ends

In a virgin tint going darker, apply the product:

In the opposite direction of hair growth Rapidly

In a waxing procedure, the cooled / hardened wax should be removed:

Size of the partings/blockings

In addition to the size rod used, what determines the size of the resultant curl pattern?


In addition to, or instead of, Quats; what other product will effectively sanitize tools:

Small amount of oil , large amount of H2O

In an "oil-in-water" emulsion, the ratio of oil to water would be:


In cutting chemically relaxed hair, it is recommended you use:

Strand Test

In permanent waving, a "Test Curl", is most analogous to giving a:

Peel slowly & gently from outer corner

In removing band / strip eyelashes:

At the cheek bones

In the "diamond shaped" face, the greatest width will be found:

At the zygomatic/malar/cheek bones

In the "diamond shaped" face, the greatest width will be found:

At the temples

In the "heart shaped" face, the greatest width will be found:


In what section does one generally begin to wrap a perm?


In which layer of the hair do all permanent chemical reactions occur?

Invisible braids

Inverted braids are also known as:

Autonomic (ANS Autonomic Nerve System)

Involuntary muscles (heart, lungs, etc.) are controlled by what nervous system?


Involuntary muscles are also referred to as:


Machine made wigs are:

Organic chemistry

Matter containing carbon is studied by which branch of science?


Miscible is another term for:

Heated evenly

Modern thermal irons tend to be made of "fine steel" because it allows them to be:

Protect contents from light

Products are often placed in cobalt blue or amber colored bottles for what reason:

A Blunt cut

Razored cuts may result in frizzy ends after a perm, what cut is best before a perm?

Undesirable features are less noticeable

Using darker foundation colors in corrective make-up will do which of the following:


Using extremely high heat on white, gray, lightened, or tinted hair may cause the hair to:

Reversion Breakage Tighter curl

Using very cold water while rinsing the relaxer, will cause all of the following

Copper & Brass

Usually, pressing comb handles are wooden, while the combs themselves are made of:

Larger rods with small blockings

Very dense hair (hairs per square inch, not the diameter of the hair), will provide the best results in a permanent wave if wrapped with:

Small rods with small blockings

Very fine, thin, or sparse hair, will generally achieve the best result when the stylist uses:

Chemical burns

Vigorous brushing or shampooing prior to any chemical service may result in:


Voluntary muscles are also referred to as:


Water, acetone, and alcohol are all common salon examples of:

Cystine / disulfide

What bonds are broken during a permanent wave procedure?


What bonds are broken during a permanent wave procedure?

Shrink and harden

What effect does acid have on the hair?


What facial shape are most professional make-up artists trying to mimic or create?


What is a different name for the Disulfide Bond?

H2O (water)

What is considered to be the universal solvent?

Lift natural pigment

What is the action of a bleach (w/ appropriate developer) on the hair?

Deposit pigment

What is the action of a deposit only color (w/ appropriate developer) on the hair?

Lift artificial pigment

What is the action of a dye solvent (w/ appropriate developer) on the hair?

Lift and deposit pigment

What is the action of a high lift color (w/ appropriate developer) on the hair?

Deposit pigment

What is the action of a semi or demi-permanent color on the hair?

Lift and deposit pigment

What is the action of an aniline derivative tint color (w/ appropriate H2O2) on the hair?

Sodium Hydroxide

What is the active ingredient in most chemical relaxers?

Ammonium thioglycolate

What is the active ingredient in most cold wave solutions?

5.8 - 6.8

What is the approximate pH range of acid waves:

4.5 - 6.5

What is the approximate pH range of neutral / acid-balanced waves:

Sodium Hydroxide

What is the basic ingredient used in most chemical relaxers?


What is the level of decontamination required wherever blood is regularly drawn:

b) 1 : 1,000

What is the recommended strength of Quats for the salon & spa industry?

Distilled water

What liquid could you use to reduce the strength of Hydrogen Peroxide?


What portion of the thermal pressing comb carries the heat and does the pressing?


What strength relaxer would you suggest using on fine / damaged hair?

Match Test

What test can be performed to distinguish between synthetic and human hair wigs?


What type of perming solution should you select for hair with excellent porosity?

Hard to curl / resistant

What type of perming solution should you select for hair with poor porosity?

Discuss with client

What would be the first step in a chemical relaxer service:

Away from the scalp and up to the ends

When applying a high lift-high volume virgin tint on the hair, begin the application:

1/2 inch away from the scalp and 1 inch from the ends

When applying a virgin bleach on the hair, begin the application:

1/2 inch from the scalp, 1 inch from the ends

When applying a virgin sodium hydroxide relaxer, the application should be done:

1/2 inch from the scalp to the ends

When applying a virgin thio relaxer, the application should be done:

Give a P.D. test and wait 24 - 48 hours

When applying false eyelashes, because of the adhesive used, it is advisable to:

Use a pre-softener

When attempting to tint highly resistant hair, you should:

Active or vegative/vegetative

When conditions are optimal for bacterial growth and reproduction (warm damp, etc.):

Inactive or spore forming

When conditions for growth and reproduction are poor, the bacteria will protect itself, and this stage is referred to as:

Well developed "S" pattern

When deciding if the processing time of a permanent is completed look for:

Elasticity Decolorization

When decolorizing hair, strand tests are performed to test for:


When doing a "tint-back" from a lighter color, which of the following should be used:

Avoid overstretching the hair

When doing a Thio based relaxer, why does the stylist use the wider side of the comb?


When doing a chemical relaxer service, the best H2O temperature for shampooing is:

Under neutralization

When doing a permanent wave, a loose curl may result from:

Overlapping the previously relaxed hair

When doing a retouch relaxer service, avoid:

Leave conditioner on previously relaxed hair during the service

When doing a retouch relaxer service, it is a good idea to:

Chemical change

When matter is altered in such a way that it produces a totally new substance, this is a:

Physical change

When matter is altered such that it looks different (water into ice or steam), this is a:

Large rods

When perming bleached hair, use:

Low heat and light pressure

When pressing extremely processed hair, use:

Low heat and light pressure

When pressing fine or damaged hair, use:

Light pressure and lowest heat possible

When pressing gray hair, use:

Frizzy ends

When receiving a permanent wave, razored ends may result in which of the following:

1/8 inch

When relaxing the hair with a Thio relaxer, how wide should the partings be?

To avoid tangling

When rinsing a decolorizer from the hair, the stylist should use cool water:

In the direction of the hair growth

When shaping eyebrows using tweezers, in what direction should the hairs be removed?

As soon as solution stops dripping

When should the cotton placed around the hairline in a permanent wave be changed:

Highly unpleasant odors Fire Toxic fumes

When stored together, sodium bromate and ammonia are combustible and may produce:

20 v. H2O2, 20 drops ammonia, 30 minutes

When testing for the presence of metallic dyes / salts in the hair, you should place a strand of the hair in which of the following solutions:

Passive or acquired immunity

When the body relies on the injection of antibodies from another source to fight infection:

Hard press

When the hair is pressed on both sides, this is referred to as a:

Germicidal effect

When used in skin care, high frequency will produce a:

Burning of client's scalp

When using a higher volume H2O2 than manufacturer recommends, what is likely?

Low heat

When using hot irons on highly lightened hair, use:

Scorch the hair

When using very hot irons on highly lightened hair, in addition to breakage, you will:


When you shake a bottle and watch as some of its contents settle to the bottom, this is a:

At the top of the rod

Where should the rubber bands be placed when wrapping a permanent wave?

Environmental Protection Agency

Which agency approves the efficacy of products used for infection control?


Which agency regulates & approves the efficacy of products used for infection control:


Which bacterial form/s can produce spores when survival conditions become difficult?


Which bonds are easily broken by water, wind, humidity, and styling tools?

Cystine / disulfide

Which bonds are primarily responsible for the hairs strength and elasticity?


Which bonds must be broken to achieve a permanent change?


Which bonds must be broken to allow the permanent wave or relaxer to occur


Which governmental agency enforces health and safety standards in the workplace:


Which governmental agency mandates the use of a P.D. Test prior to using aniline tints:


Which governmental agency regulates cosmetics in the United States?


Which hair bonds can only be broken chemically?


Which method of sterilization is commonly used in the salon & spa industry:


Which of the following cannot be used to reform the hair after the relaxer is removed:


Which of the following colors will not penetrate the cortex?

Para phenylenediamine

Which of the following ingredients, all used by the cosmetologist, is the principal ingredient in semi, demi, and permanent hair color?

Belly Origin Insertion

Which of the following is a section of a muscle:

Alkali Alkaline

Which of the following is another term for a "base" product?

Alkali Base

Which of the following is another term for alkaline?

Base Alkaline

Which of the following is another term for an alkali?

Tends to be the most expensive Cuticle is intact and going in one direction Usually comes from Asia

Which of the following is correct about Remy hair derived from humans:


Which of the following is not a form of high frequency current:

Color treated hair

Which of the following is not a possible reason for a curl that is too loose?


Which of the following is not a strength of professionally made relaxers?


Which of the following is not a type of bond found in the hair?


Which of the following is the most important in determining processing time?


Which of the following is the most important in determining the hair's ability to hold a curl after the perm procedure?

They most resemble human hair They require the most styling Hair strands are inserted individually

Which of the following is true of hand-knotted or hand-tied wigs?


Which of the following procedures might be a bad idea prior to tinting the hair:


Which of the following products are acids?


Which of the following products are not added to bleach to speed up the action:

Sodium hydroxide

Which of the following products would work the fastest to relax overly curly hair:

Sodium hydroxide

Which of the following relaxers leave the hair unfit for any further chemical service?

Tesla / high frequency / violet ray

Which of the following should not be used on a pregnant client?


Which of the following terms are used to mean sanitary conditions?


Which of the following terms are used to mean unsanitary conditions?

Soft, fine, light hair

Which of the following will decolorize the fastest?

Hydrogen peroxide

Which of the following would a cosmetologist use to pre-soften resistant gray hair:

Front or hairline

Which part of the hair is most easily broken during a thermal straightening service?


Which process of cleaning implements is generally not used by the stylist?

On base

Which rod placement in a permanent wave set will create the greatest tension (thereby increasing the chance of breakage) during the permanent wave:

On base

Which rod placement will create the greatest volume in a permanent wave set:

Concave rod

Which rod will produce a tighter curl at the end than at the root?

Straight rod

Which rod will produce a uniform curl from root to end?


Which type of bonds require the application of a chemical to break them?


Which type of bonds require the application of a chemical to break them?

Piggy back Spiral

Which type of wrap or perm is generally suggested for long hair?

To achieve even porosity and color

Why are high lift tints and bleach applied away from the scalp in a virgin lightening?

The scalp will process faster To achieve even lightening To avoid possible scalp burns

Why is the product initially applied away from the scalp in a virgin bleach / high-lift tint?

Soft to medium curls

Wrapping the hair 2 to 3 times around the rod will produce:

Eye tabbing

he application of individual false eyelashes is often referred to as:

Oil & Water

Common emulsions used in the salon & spa industry are:


Common salon emulsions include:


Common salon emulsions include:


Common salon examples of colloids are:

Hair being under-processed

Conditioning immediately prior to performing a permanent wave service, may result in:

Hair not absorbing the lotion

Conditioning immediately prior to performing a permanent wave service, may result in:

Green, blue, or violet

The terms, ash, smoky, and drab are used interchangeably and regard what color base/s?


Cocci bacteria are what shape:

8.2 - 9.6

Cold wave solutions will have a pH in the range of:

Close it and add shine / luster

A vinegar rinse will remove residual soap from the hair's cuticle and

Bluing rinse

A yellowish cast in hair could be camouflaged by using a:


Accounting for nearly two-thirds of the blood's volume, this is the blood's fluid portion:


Acid balanced permanent wave products tend to be more gentle on the hair, but they require the addition of _______ to work:

Harden and shrink

Acid solutions have what effect on the hair and skin?

Harden and shrink

Acidic products have which action on the hair?

Until it has cooled

After a thermal press & curl, how long should you wait to style the hair?

A toner

After decolorizing a client's hair, you would likely use:

Neutralizer Fixative Stabilizer

After rinsing perm solution from the hair, which of the following chemicals is applied:


After the removal of perm solution, relaxer, bleach, or aniline tints, hair is in what state:

Apply astringent

After tweezing a client's eyebrows, you should:

Soften and swell

Alkaline products have which action on the hair?

Soften and swell

Alkaline solutions have what effect on the hair and skin?

No heat

Alkaline waves should be applied with:

Have a lower pH than Thio relaxers - not true

All of the following are true of guanidine relaxers except:


All of the following will open the cuticle, or keep it open, except:


Although anyone may decide an allergy, patch or predisposition test might be a good idea, which agency is responsible for "Ordering" that these types of tests be administered:


Although incompatible, Sodium and Thio relaxers are both:


Although marketed for sensitive scalps, this type of relaxer will cause more swelling of the hair shaft and is more drying to the hair than hydroxide type relaxers:

Certified Colors

Colors approved by the FDA that do not require a P.D. Test prior to use:


Common "oil & vinegar" salad dressing is an example of a / an:

Remy hair

Any human hair, unless the cuticle has been removed, may be referred to as:

At the center of the eye and move outwards

Application of individual false eyelashes should begin:


Bacilli bacteria are what shape:

Germs & Microbes

Bacteria are also known as:

Pathogenic and non-pathogenic

Bacteria may be broadly classified into two groups:

Non-pathogenic / saprophytes

Bacteria that live on dead matter and use it for energy are called:


Bacteria that, do not cause/spread disease and live on dead matter, are called:


Bacteriology is the science dealing with the study of:

P.D. Test

Because most oxidative tints contain known allergens, prior to use they require a / an:


Because of its germicidal effect, high frequency may be useful in the treatment of:

Ammonium Thioglycolate

Because they are incompatible and usage may cause extensive breakage, hair treated with a Sodium Hydroxide relaxer should not be treated with:

Achromatic colors

Black, White, and Gray are often referred to as:

Laundry (including towels and capes)

Bleach is a very effective disinfectant for:


Blood platelets are colorless cells that help in blood clotting, they are also known as:


Both Thio and Sodium relaxers will have what effect on the hair?

Cilia and Flagella

Both motile, bacilli and spirilla are able to move about by use of:

Progressive dye / tint

Builds up and coats the cuticle, with repeated applications makes the hair darker:

The 8 bones of the wrist

Carpal refers to:


Caustic is a term that refers to:

Temporary colors Color rinses and mousses

Certified colors are most often found in:

Temporary products

Certified colors are:

Be alkaline

Chemical hair relaxers will tend to:

Alkaline so they swell and soften

Chemical relaxers and permanent wave solutions have what effect on the hair?

Metallic dyes

Chemical relaxers and permanent wave solutions will often begin to "smoke" on the client's head if there is/are any ________________ on the hair:


Chemical relaxers are designed to break which bonds of the hair?

Soften and swell

Chemical relaxers will tend to have which of the following effects on the hair?

A Sodium hydroxide relaxer

Client with kinky hair wants it permanently relaxed (straight), stylist should do:

A Hard press / Double press

Client with kinky hair wants it temporarily relaxed (completely straight), you should do:

Under processed hair

Client's hair is rinsed & neutralized before sufficient curl formation occurs, the result is:


Decolorizing is another term for:

Sanitation Disinfection Sterilization

Decontamination refers to:

Harden and shrink

Designed to reform the hair's disulphide bonds, neutralizers have what effect on the hair?

Kill / eliminate microorganism on a surface

Disinfection means to:

Pityriasis capitis simplex

Dry and/or flakydandruff is known as:

Insertion to the Origin

During a massage, muscles are typically manipulated from the:

This indicates the presence of metallic salts

During a permanent wave, if the hair begins to smoke, or the cotton turns purple:

To release energy in the form of heat

Exothermic is a term of Greek origin meaning:

Closer together

Eye shadow concentrated at the inner most corner of the lid will cause the eyes to appear:

Further apart

Eye shadow concentrated at the outer most corner of the lid will cause the eyes to appear:

Single individual lashes

Eye tabbing is a process involving the application of:

An emulsion

Face cream is a good example of:

Soft press

Fine hair, especially that around the face / hair line, requires less heat & pressure and a:

Wait until the hair cools

Following a thermal press & curl, how long should you wait to style the hair?

Sterilization, disinfection, sanitation

From highest to lowest, decontamination is as follows:

Sanitation, disinfection, sterilization

From lowest to highest, decontamination is as follows:


From what animal do manufacturers obtain most of the non-human hair used in wigs?

Pityriasis steatoidas

Greasy / waxy dandruff is known as:

Hair will break

Hair has been relaxed with a Hot Iron, then a chemical relaxer is applied, what is likely:

Flat ironed

Hair previously relaxed with a sodium hydroxide product should not be:

Over processed

Hair that appears very curly when wet, but frizzy or straight when dry, has been:

Sodium based product

Hair that was relaxed with a thioglycolate based product, should not be treated with a:

Turned hair

Hair with an intact cuticle that has been turned so that all cuticles face the same direction:

Absorb products quickly, process quickly

Hair with good porosity will:


Most human hair used in wig manufacturing comes from:

Muscles and muscle tissue

Myology is the study of:

The joining of an acid and a base The joining of an acid and an alkali The joining of an acid and an alkaline

NaCl (table salt) is a compound formed by:

Efferent nerves

Nerves that carry impulses away from the brain to the targeted muscles are known as:


Neutralizers are usually:

Neutralizers Stabilizers Fixatives

Neutralizing shampoos are sometimes referred to as:

Fallen hair

Non-Remy hair is also known as:

Most commonly available hair

Non-Remy hair is:

Hair with poor porosity

Of the following hair types, which would require the longest processing time?

Hair with good porosity

Of the following hair types, which would require the shortest processing time?

Bacilli & Spirilla

Of the three types of bacteria studied, which two are motile / mobile?


Often used in place of ammonia to raise the pH of products (no unpleasant odor)?

Finger brace/guard

On which part of your cutting shears does your little finger rest?


On which part of your razor does your little finger rest?


Once hair is relaxed with a Thio relaxer, the application of a new Thio relaxer may cause:

Will burn

One easy way to test for the presence of carbon is that carbon:


Osteology refers to the study of:

Dry / brittle curl

Over neutralization will result in:


Oxidation occurs during which of the following periods:

Certified colors

Para- phenylene-diamine is an ingredient found in all the following except:

Harmful and disease producing

Pathogenic bacteria are:

Head lice

Pediculosis capitis refers to:


Pediculosis refers to:


Permanent Wave solutions tend to be:


Permanent hair-color change is an example of what type of change?


Permanent wave solutions are designed to break which bonds of the hair?

Metallic salts

Permanent waves, chemical hair relaxers, decolorizing, and permanent hair coloring, are all contra-indicated on hair that has been previously treated with:

The bones of the fingers & toes

Phalanges are:

A local infection

Pimples, boils, and carbuncles that contain pus, are all examples of:


Plastic combs and metal shears should not be placed in bleach because bleach is:

Hair absorbs products poorly and will process slowly

Poor porosity means:


Poor wrapping technique may cause breakage, uneven curl formation, and:

The hairs ability to absorb moisture

Porosity refers to:

Steel and brass

Pressing combs are usually made of:

On dry hair after the shampoo

Pressing creams, oils, and other products designed to protect the hair, should be used:


Process where a hydroxide relaxer removes one atom of sulfur from a disulfide bond:

As a protection from heat damage

The use of creams, oils, and other products are used during thermal styling:

Hypertrichosis Hirsutism

Refers to the growth of dark, coarse hair, in areas where usually hair does not grow:

At the nape

Relaxer application generally begins:


Relaxer recommended for sensitive scalps and sold "over-the-counter":

Cuticle running in the same direction

Remy hair has:

Derived from Humans

Remy hair is:

Human hair that was chemically processed

Remy hair refers to hair that is or has:

Intact cuticle running in the same direction, prevent tangling

Remy hair:

Is difficult to tangle

Remy hair:

Cuticle faces direction of original growth

Remy means:


Shampooing, blow drying/curling irons, and brushing, will break which bonds of the hair?

Protect the ends

The use of end papers makes it easier for the cosmetologist to wrap the hair in perm rods; however, the primary function of end papers is to:


The vast majority of bacteria are:

Cool to tepid water

Unless otherwise instructed by manufacturer, when rinsing any relaxer, it is best to use:


Sodium Hypochlorite, is more commonly known as:

Spiral or corkscrew

Spirilla bacteria are what shape:

Thermal straightening

Straightening the hair with the use of a hot comb, pressing iron, etc., is known as:


Stretching of the hair during the application of the relaxing cream, will cause it to:

Avoid usage of excessively hot tools

Students test the heat of thermal tools on a piece of white tissue paper. This is to:


Stylists use Activators, Boosters, Protinators, and ______as a catalyst?


Surfactants function as:

Determine processing time Determine porosity Determine elasticity

Test curls are given to:


The 8 bones of the wrist are called:

Soften and swell

The action of the perm solution on the hair is:

It is neutralized

The action of the perm solution will continue until which of the following occurs:

Reduction agent

The active ingredient in the perm solution itself, acts as a / an:

A catalyst

The agent that begins any chemical reaction is known as:

Reform broken hair bonds

The application of a neutralizer has what effect on the hair:

Where the hair is the lightest

The application of a virgin tint going darker, should begin:

Where the hair is the darkest

The application of a virgin tint going lighter, should begin:

11.5 - 14

The average / approximate pH range of a Sodium Hydroxide relaxer is:

Somewhat higher than a Thio relaxer

The average pH range of a Sodium Hydroxide relaxer is:

8.5 - 11.5

The average pH range of an Ammonium Thioglycolate relaxer is:

Sodium bromide

The basic ingredient in most neutralizers is either H2O2 or:

2% Hydrogen Peroxide

The basic ingredient of most neutralizers is either Sodium Bromide or:

Fine steel wool

The best method to clean a curling / pressing iron is with:

Strand test

The best way to be certain how a color will appear on a clients hair, is to conduct a / an:

PD Test Patch test Predisposition test

The best way to determine how a client's hair, skin, or nails will react to a certain product is to conduct

Non-Remy hair

The biggest / largest / best selling hair in the world is:


The blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart and out towards the body:

Central (CNS/Central Nervous System)

The brain and spinal cord are part of what nervous system?

Physical change

The change in water from a liquid to a solid or to a gas, is an example of:


The chemical element, the presence of which, separates organic from inorganic, is:


The comb used in a thermal styling service is usually made of:


The concentration of Hydrogen ions in a solution, suspension, or emulsion is called:


The controlling factor in determining the processing time of hair in a permanent wave is:


The corrective make-up color used to correct/camouflage a sallow complexion:

Rinse with cool/ tepid water

Unless instructions say otherwise, to stop the action of a relaxer, the stylist should:


The decolorization process is best done on hair that is:


The fixed / non-movable attachment of a muscle is called:


The fixed attachment of a muscle is called:


The growth pattern of hair is determined in the:

Over neutralization

The hair is dry and brittle after a permanent wave, this is most likely the result of:

Can never be reformed

The hydroxide relaxer breaks the disulfide bond (it loses one atom of sulfur) thereafter, it is referred to as a "Lanthionine Bond", these bonds:

1/8 inch

The minimum sub-partings in a bleach application are:

24 hours

The minimum wait time between the application of one decolorization and the next, is:

Afferent nerves

The nerves that carry impulses towards the brain are known as:

Contract and reform

The neutralizer causes the hair to:

4.5 - 5.5

The normal pH of human hair, skin, and nails is:


The permanent wave lotion will cause the hair to:

Origin or Proximal

The portion of the muscle attached to the bone (known as the "Fixed" attachment):

Insertion or Distal

The portion of the muscle furthest from the "Fixed" attachment / bone, is the:


The process that effectively kills any transmissible agents (fungi, spores, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from food, surfaces or equipment:


The process that occurs when the permanent wave solution is dissolving the disulfide bonds in the hair shaft is referred to as:

Active or natural immunity

The process where the body produces antibodies to fight infection is known as:

No scalp cream is applied in a no-base relaxer

The product protecting the scalp from irritation in a "no-base" relaxer is known as:

Base cream

The product protecting the scalp from irritation in a relaxer service is known as:


The simplest way to correct a greenish cast in blonde hair would be with:

Organic Chemistry

The study of matter that is alive, or was alive at some point in time, is called:

Organic chemistry

The study of matter that is alive, or was alive at some point in time, is called:

Inorganic chemistry

The study of matter that is not alive, nor was ever alive, is called:


The study that deals with the functions of the body is:


The study that deals with the structures of the body is:

At the nape or most resistant area

The stylist should begin the application of the chemical relaxer:

Attracted to water or water loving

The term "Hydrophilic" most nearly means:

Attracted to oil or oil loving

The term "Lipophilic" most nearly means:

Surface active agent

The term "Surfactant" is short for:

The dissolved substance

The term "solute" refers to:


The term phalanges may also refer to:

Blot and re-saturate with new perm solution

There is no wave pattern after perm has completed processing time. What can you do:


Thermal services are:

Either human or Remy hair

Thermal styling may be done on wigs made of:


Thermal styling will likely be unsuccessful on which of the following types of wigs:

Alkaline wave

Thick, coarse hair, with poor porosity, is probably resistant to any chemical service and would usually require the application of which type perm solution:

U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

This act / law requires a P.D. Test prior to the application of aniline derivative tints:


This change occurs from a blow dry, a curling iron, a hot iron, or a hair press:


This chemical reaction occurs when H2O2 is combined with an aniline derivative tint:


This is a colorless -/slightly yellow liquid found in blood plasma:


This type of change occurs when you change the matter to form a new substance:


This type of change occurs when you change the way matter looks (water into steam):


This type of relaxer is usually advertised as a "no-lye" relaxer:

Ringworm of the scalp

Tinea capitis refers to:


Tinea refers to, or is also known as:

Tepid water with medium pressure

To avoid "Tangling" the hair while rinsing the relaxer, use:

Change cotton after applying perm solution

To avoid chemical burns to a client's skin, it is best to:

At the outer corner of the upper lid

To correct very close set eyes, and make them appear further apart, the make-up artist will probably apply shadow:

At the inner portion of the lid

To correct very wide set eyes, and make them appear closer together, the make-up artist will probably apply shadow:

Apply a darker foundation at the bridge, tip, and sides of the nose

To make a large prominent nose appear smaller, you would:

Darker shade on sides of nose

To reduce the width of an overly broad nose, you would apply:

Rinse the hair well

To remove relaxers from the hair, stop their chemical action, and avoid damage to the hair itself, it is necessary to:

Fixative, neutralizer, or stabilizer

To stop the chemical reaction after relaxer has been removed, stylist should use /apply:


Two or more cells working together to perform a specialized function:


Two or more types of tissues working together to perform a specialized function:

Store previously disinfected implements

Ultra violet sanitizers are very effective when used in what capacity:


Unclean implements, particularly brushes/combs, are likely to spread:

Loose curls

Under processing will generally result in:

Curled, permed, relaxed, and colored An allergen to many people Mixed with synthetic hair to lower price

Yak hair can be:

Blot and use stronger perm solution

You have applied the apparently correct perm solution to the client's hair, and after 10 minutes there is no curl formation beginning, what should you do?


_____ may not be used, if hair has been treated with a metallic salts product:


___________ is the highest form of decontamination:


___________ is the level of decontamination required for doctors, hospitals, or dentists:


___________ is the level of decontamination required in a spa or salon setting:


___________ is the lowest form of decontamination:

Metallic dyes

____________ leave the hair unfit for further chemical services:

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