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What is the purpose of risk targeting?

*Identify and eliminate* -The risk and potential threat to the U.S and its interests related to terrorist activities and instruments of terror. -Violations of national security, narcotics, currency, and other laws enforced by CBP.

What are examples of Funding Terrorism?

-$12 million in bogus cashier checks found on an arriving assented in Detroit. -Brothers convicted of cigarette resale scheme to help fund Hezbollah. -Shopkeepers in NY convicted of smuggling monies to Yemen -Five men associated to ISIS, detained in Johannesburg, South Africa attempting to depart to Syria with $6 million dollars.


-Allows the de-classification of certain information to assist in CBP targeting efforts in regard to national security. -Importance of gathering and recording personally identifiable information (PII) including phone numbers, emails addresses, etc.

What are key points about Marijuana production?

-An increasing amount of marijuana from Colombia and Jamaica made its way to Europe in recent years. Jamaica supplies large quantities of hashish oil to Canada, either directly or through the United States. -The Central Asian Republics are now a major source of supply for the Russian market. -South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, and Swaziland are emerging as a region that could overtake Morocco's herbal marijuana production. Though much of the marijuana grown in this part of the world is intended for local consumption, large shipments are being sent to Europe and North America. -Mexico remains the biggest marijuana-producing country in the Americas and is the primary supplier of marijuana to the United States

What are money laundering indicators?

-Any negotiable instruments, such as: - Promissory notes - Drafts or bills of exchange - Checks, including travelers' checks - Certificates of deposit - Large sums of currency - Multiple money orders - Receipts for wire transfers, especially to accounts with foreign banks - Stock certificates or bonds - Account summaries showing multiple large deposits or withdrawals - Lists of numbers that may be account numbers. • Gems or precious metals.

What are money concealment methods?

-Carried on or in the body -Concealed in luggage, vehicles, or personal belongings. -Document all Secondary Inspections (negative/positive) in TECS

What is Khat?

-Leaf of an evergreen native to East Africa and southern Arabia. -Most seized from travelers arriving from Europe but traced to countries where khat use it common -Smuggled in passenger luggage, sent by overnight express mail, or shipped as air cargo and falsely labeled as "vegetables"

What are key points about Cocaine trafficking?

-Most of the world's cocaine is produced in Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru. In Colombia, drug syndicates refine as much as 80 percent of the world's cocaine. -Most cocaine seizures occurred in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The next most frequent cocaine seizures are in North America

The Golden Triangle is another major opium and smuggling area in Southeast Asia that includes:

-Myanmar -Thailand -Laos

Concealed financial items in the passenger-processing environment could be in:

-Packed in luggage or personal belongings. • Concealed within a vehicle. • Carried on or in the body. In some ports, Canine Enforcement Teams have been trained to detect currency.

Opium production history:

.Afghanistan tried to ban the production of opium, but the opiate trade has actually improved because it is the biggest cash crop in an otherwise weak economy. • Heroin from Afghanistan goes to Europe. Heroin in the U.S. is from Latin America

What are high-risk countries?

.South America • Nigeria • The Golden Crescent • The Golden Triangle • Central America (Panama)

What are behaviors and observations that may indicate that a traveler is smuggling narcotics?

.Traveling frequently to and from known high-risk source countries • Traveling frequently when income level does not match the amount of travel • Behaving in a nervous or agitated manner • Unexplained bulges on the traveler • Lack of traveler familiarity with his or her vehicle's operation • New screws, bolts, paint, or tools marks on the vehicle

What are the goals of risk targeting in the passenger environments?

1. Allow officers to spend the time needed to examine travelers who pose the greeters risks. 2. Make travel efficient for la-abiding travelers

Which risk targeting resource should be used when TECS is unavailable?


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported in the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health that:

An estimated 21.8 million Americans aged 12 or older were current illicit drug users, meaning they had used an illicit drug during the prior 12 months. • This estimate represents 8.7 percent of the U.S. population aged 12 or older. • Marijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug, with 16.7 million past-month users. • Marijuana use was followed in frequency by nonmedical use of prescription-type psychotherapeutic drugs (7 million), cocaine use (1.6 million), and hallucinogen use (1.3 million, including 760,000 who reported using Ecstasy

Passenger Analysis Units (PAU)

Analyze crew and passenger manifests for conveyances arriving and departing in order to identify high-risk travelers who should be targeted for examination. PAU officers also analyze trends and past seizures to help supervisors deploy officers to areas of great risk. PAUs are found at the larger Ports of Entry (POEs). CounterTerrorism Response (CTR): CTR Officers are responsible for the examination, interview, and documentation of all travelers subject to terrorism related lookouts and referrals related to national security.

Evidence of Mass Effect (WME)

Any indicators of weapons of mass destruction or their components.

Terrorism is not associated with?

Any one country, religion, or group of people. One becomes a terrorist based on the acts one commits, not just on one's beliefs or religion. You must not single out one group of individuals but rather target based on facts and observations.

What do you do when a potential terrorist/watchlist person is identified before arrival?

Assign a Counter-Terrorism Response officer (CTR) *Arrange escort/transport to CTR secondary by two armed officers *Identify travel companions and escort them t secondary. *Examine vehicles throughly (land border)

What is money laundering?

Attempting to legitimize profits derived from unlawful activities including: .Drug smuggling • Trade fraud • Export violations • Sanction and embargo violations • Tax scams (cigarette tax stickers) • Child pornography

Biometric Systems will query passengers by?

Biometric data against this biometric watchlist and in and in Arrival/Departure Information System (ADIS).

Money Laundering Schemes

Black Market Peso Exchange: Underground financial system. Evades U.S and Colombian laws and tariffs. Used by Colombian drug cartels to convert illicit drug profits to useable currency. Hawala Alternative Remittance System: Also operates outside traditional banking channels. Relies on trust-based family or social networks. Avoids written records and is thus untraceable. Can use favors instead of cash payments. Bitcoin: Gift Cards: PayPal: Western Union:


Can access and analyze records of an individual including: Used by specialized targeting teams for passenger analysis and targeting.*TECS records *INTERPOL records *ADIS records *Visa records *APIS records *Airline reservation system (RESMON) *Watch-listing service records (WLS)

NII technology:

Can be used to screen checked luggage and conveyances.

Canine Enforcement Teams:

Canine Enforcement Teams are used to help identify travelers who may be smuggling narcotics, currency, explosives, and certain chemical weapons


Checks fingerprints against the IDENT watchlist for · Aliens convicted of aggravated felony · Inadmissible aliens under o Crimes of moral turpitude o Illicit traffickers and controlled substances o Security and related grounds o Sexual predators o Other serious offenders o NCIC wants and warrants o Known terrorists from the FBI o Travelers using fraudulent entry documents in the past o Expedited removals in the IDENT recidivist database. o Department of Defense (DOD) encounters

Central America is emerging as an important storage region of:


The United States is the world's LARGEST consumer of :


Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE) how does this system works?

Colombian cartels accumulate vast sums of cash from cocaine sales in major U.S. cities. • The cartels then sell these U.S.-based drug dollars to Colombian money brokers. • In return, the cartels receive "clean" pesos in Colombia. • The money brokers place the drug dollars into the U.S. banking system through a variety of methods. • The money brokers offer the dollars for sale to Colombian importers. • The money brokers route the money to U.S. firms to pay for goods ordered by the • Colombian importers. American firms receive payment in drug dollars and eventually ship the ordered goods to Colombian importers. These goods may include cars, household appliances, etc.

The U.N.'s 2010 World Drug Report indicated that

Drug trafficking is a $320 billion-a-year industry. • Illegal drugs create enormous profits. For example, 1 kilogram of raw opium in Pakistan has an average value of $90 but sells for $290,000 in the United States, and a kilogram of cocaine will sell in the U.S. for $38,268 wholesale.


Evidence indicates that Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaida terrorist network have been heavily involved in financing and facilitating heroin trafficking. Though opium production has been banned in Afghanistan, reports have indicated the presence of: Inactive laboratory sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan Large stockpiles of opium and connections to opium dealers Active opium markets in Jalalabad and Ghani Khel

What is the key to risk-targeting terrorists?

Follow world events and know related world geography. Terrorism is an international problem.

Fraudulent or multiple identity documents are:

Fraudulent or altered documents. Multiple identity documents (driver's licenses from more than one state). Documents belonging to others. Any inconsistent spellings or dates of birth.

Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT):

If the capability exists at the POE, all counter terrorism response functions will be conducted by the TTRT. Contraband Enforcement Team (CET): The CET works with CTR , PAUs, and canine handlers to inspect high-risk aircraft, cargo, and luggage before or during inspection of a traveler in Passenger Processing. CET can notify PAU of a possible violation, such as document fraud, narcotics smuggling, or internal conspiracy, so CTR may engage.

At the land border, if a watch listed person is encountered at Primary, the CBP officer will:

Immediately take custody of the person and that person will remain in the continuous control of armed officers. The duty supervisor will be notified and will assign a CTR officer to the case. The watch listed person will be escorted to CTRS by two armed officers. The person's vehicle will be taken to a Secondary inspection area after being screened with radiation screening technology, explosive detection technology, and canines if available. Further procedural guidance is found in CBP Directive 3340-021B titled "Potential Terrorists Seeking Entry into the United States," which is in the Appendix to this lesson.

Inconsistencies and behavioral cues are:

Inconsistencies in story; incomplete, vague, or no answers. Demeanor toward authority. Trying to blend into Western culture, absence of items representing one's culture.

The Golden Crescent is a major production and smuggling area in Southwest Asia that includes:

Iran Afghanistan Pakistan The Golden Crescent is the major supplier of the world's opiates (HEROIN) and is also involved in some marijuana cultivation and smuggling.

National Liberation Army (ELN)

Is a Marxist group inspired by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. It has 5,000 members and targets U.S.-owned oil pipelines and energy infrastructure. Its members commit acts of skyjacking and mass kidnappings of foreigner

National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) maintains a centralized and classified database of:

Known or Suspected Terrorists (KST) The database contains names, identifiers, and sensitive derogatory information about both known and suspected terrorists.

Images of possible terrorist targets or activity:

Maps or photographs of military, government, or other high-profile public places - Cell phone images/videos which promote terrorist propaganda, Flags, Weapons, Events.

What do you need to know at a airport?

Officers need to know if the routing wiring the passenger ticket's the most efficient and economical means of travel is.

What do you need to know at a land border?

Officers need to know surrounding cities to determine if the crossing location is logical given the origination and destination points.

Which targeting team analyzes crew and passenger's manifests for conveyances arriving and departing in order to identify high-risk travelers who should be targeted for examination?

Passenger Analysis Unit (PAU)

What are narcotics smuggling techniques?

Passengers: body carriers, internal carriers. Body Carriers: A smuggler carrying narcotics on the body is often referred to as a "body carrier." A body carrier conceals narcotics either in the clothing he or she is wearing or wrapped around the body underneath the clothing. Internal Carriers: A smuggler who ingests or positions narcotics contained in balloons, condoms, or similar packaging inside the body is called an "internal carrier" (or a "swallower" or a "stuffer"). Officers must use observational and interviewing skills to identify potential internal carriers. Personal belongings: Carry on luggage, checked luggage, conveyances. Carry-On Luggage: In the passenger-processing environment, smugglers conceal narcotics within hand-carried articles. Checked Luggage: Smugglers may also conceal narcotics inside checked luggage, sometimes in hidden compartments. Conveyances: Remember that the traveler's vehicle is often used to conceal contraband.

What do poor quality fingerprints result in?

Potential mismatches that must be examined manually by a fingerprint examiner at the Biometrics Support Center (BSC)

What are key points about narcotics in South America?

Primary trade is cocaine, which makes its way to most of the world. Although the major drug production and trafficking country in South America is Colombia, drug trafficking has expanded in recent years to include: - Venezuela - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia • Central America, in particular Panama, is a transit point for terrorists, currency, and narcotics.

What are personal radiation detectors?

Radiation detectors that can help identify a traveler who may be trying to smuggle radioactive materials.

In the event of a lookout you should:

Refer possible matches to secondary Contact NTC-P if port vetting criteria are not met.

Known or Suspected Terrorists (KST) are always:

Referred to Secondary Must contact NTC-P if port vetting criteria are not met.

Officers use ______ ________ _________ to identify the travelers who may be non compliant.

Risk Targeting Techniques

What does ATS-QQ does?

Searches lookouts records contained within ATS and is currently more up to date than the Portable Automated Lookout System (PALS) another replacement tool. ATS-QQ is used in the event that TECS is unavailable.

TECS records and KST lookouts are always referred to:

Secondary and must be closed out properly.

Declared and undeclared money is a:

Several voluntary or involuntary FinCEN 105 reports.Undeclared amount of currency, including money divided among passengers on the same flights to avoid reporting requirements - Evidence of money transactions.

Most terrorists have been

Single males between the ages of 22 and 30 who have some university education, if not a college degree.

For risk targeting to work, what must officers do?

Stay up to date on terrorism, smuggling and document fraud trends and threats.

Tactical Analysis Units (TAUs):

TAUs are data analysis and research teams that consist of CBP Intelligence Research Specialists, Officers and Agents. TAUs provide very specific intelligence information about local threats and smuggling trends. TAUs also may produce post-seizure analysis reports. TAUs are commonly found at the field office, seaports, and land borders.

The United Wa State Army (UWSA

The Burmese separatist organization funds its activities through methamphetamine and heroin trafficking. The group is a major international drug trafficking organization.

National Targeting Center - Passenger (NTC-P):

The NTC operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide targeting support for field officers. The NTC is staffed with experienced analysts, officers, and agents who analyze passenger data using automated tools. The NTC staff has access to systems and information not available at the port. The NTC should be contacted if you suspect that a traveler is associated with terrorist activities

National Targeting Center - Cargo (NTC-C):

The NTC operates 24 hours per day/7 days a week to provide tactical targeting and analytical support for CBP's international and domestic counterterrorism efforts in all modes of transportation, coordinate and facilitate information exchange, improve CBP's control and facilitation of cargo, and conduct strategic targeting and analysis. The NTC staff has access to some systems and information that are not available at the port. The NTC should be contacted if you suspect that a shipment, shipper, or consignee is associated with terrorist activities.

What are key points about narcotics in Nigeria?

The Nigeria is a central conduit point for the worldwide heroin trade. • Nigerian traffickers are among the leading smugglers of Southeast and Southwest Asian heroin, and, according to Interpol, Nigerian couriers are the third-largest heroin smuggling group in the world. • Nigerian traffickers are also involved in cocaine smuggling and are using Brazil as a hub for moving cocaine into Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)

The PKK is involved in taxing drug shipments and protecting drug traffickers through southeastern turkey

Advance Targeting Units (ATUs):

The primary focus of the ATU is to identify shipments that pose a possible threat to the national security of the United States and the CBP operational response to those possible threats. The primary and imminent threat relates to terrorists and instruments of terrorism. Other threats include smuggling of narcotics and other contraband, alien smuggling, fraudulent documents, agricultural threats, and shipments that pose a threat to the economic security of the United States.

What is the procedure established to ensure that all confirmed subjects of exact match TECS records are effectively referred to Secondary?

The procedures include an officer assigned to review the secondary screen(s) in real time to monitor primary hits and to ensure that the subjects are referred to Secondary. The movement of exact TECS match subjects must be monitored closely from Primary to Secondary via cameras or by officer presence or escort. These individuals must not be allowed out of an officer's sight. All referrals must be reviewed and reconciled periodically to ensure that all confirmed subjects of exact match TECS records have been inspected and that appropriate Secondary results have been posted. Failure to follow the appropriate procedures will result in disciplinary action to the officer and could also be detrimental to the safety of the American public.

What is terrorism?

The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Why is it important that CBP officers accurately capture the biometric information?

To allow expeditious decision-making as to whether allow admission of the traveler to the U.S.

What is the purpose of risk targeting?

To identify and eliminate potential threats to the U.S and its interests related to terrorist activities, as well as to identify and eliminate violations of national security, narcotics, currency and other laws enforced by CBP.

Unusual Travel Patterns are:

Travel to a terrorist high-risk country, either direct or indirect, which will be difficult to discover if the passenger is concealing his or her travel. Frequent travel compared with employment salary that does not justify travel cost or reasons. Travel to high-risk areas or events within U.S.

What travelers are considered to be a targeting risk?

Travelers who frequent high-risk countries especially those whose income does not match their amount of travel, are more likely to be a targeting risk.

What are indicators of suspicious activity?

Travelers with extended stays in the following locations: Turkey Syria Libya Yemen Pakistan Horn of Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti) Mali -Travelers who did not return as scheduled (per outbound PNR). • "Broken Travel", "Hidden City", or other indirect routing. • Inability/unwillingness to provide detailed explanation of trip. • History of lost/stolen passports or use of multiple passports. • Reason for travel and/or destination provided does not match outbound destination on PNR.

IDENT is accessed through another system called


What are Targeting Factors?

Unusual travel patterns Fraudulent or multiple identity documents Declared and undeclared money Inconsistencies and behavioral cues Evidence of Weapons of Mass Effect (WME) Images of possible terrorist targets or activity


Used to assist officers better in selecting travelers and cargo for examination by: *Lookouts on specific persons and businesses including those of National Security interest. *Arrest warrants from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) *Access to intel alerts/reports and summaries of seizures and arrest nationwide. *The crossing history of vehicles and people at the land border and persons at airports.

What is the primary source of the world's ecstasy?

Western Europe The largest Ecstasy production groups are located in rural regions of the Benelux countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. • Laboratories in the Netherlands and Belgium produce approximately 80 percent of the Ecstasy consumed worldwide. • Recent seizures of Ecstasy laboratories in China and Colombia might indicate that these countries are becoming potential sources of supply. • Additionally, Canada has had a significant upsurge in supply and distribution. Indonesia is becoming the largest Ecstasy producer in the world. Foreign drug syndicates reportedly came to consider Indonesia an ideal place to invest because trade in precursor chemicals in the country is regulated only in a ministerial-level ordinance, which does not provide for a prison sentence for violators.

Colombian Terror Groups Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)

established in 1964 as the military wing of the communist party, has 12,000 members and targets foreign citizens for ransom.

What are terrorists modes of operation?

· Can execute detailed plans · Operate legally until the attack · Try to blend into the mainstream · Avoid leaving a data trail · Isolate "foot solders" from other cell members · Vary travel patterns

TECS also can provide

· DL and registration information related to the conveyance · Past inspection result · Criminal records

What are terrorist characteristics?

· Dedicated, absolute obedience to their cell leader. · Fully committed and devoted to their cause. · Fairly high intelligence level. · Sophisticated and able to mix inconspicuously with the international executive set. · Able to speak English as well as one other language. · Loyal to each other and likely to treat disloyal members more harshly than the enemy

Terrorist are:

· Idealists who believe they are engaged in a partisan struggle for their view of the perfect society. · Likely to view themselves as freedom fighters · Proud of their actions · From various countries, groups, and religions.

Members of terrorist cells may:

· May not know one another or the complete details of an operation · May have special training and skills that, when assembled, enable the attack to occur with reasonable probability of success. · The training and skills may support the following roles: Intelligence: Videotaping targets or establishing surveillance of security techniques. Financing: Fundraising and laundering money. Logistics: Establishing safe houses; renting cars; providing documents, identification, and cash. Operations: Recruiting, supervising, and training personnel; determining timing; and giving final approval for an attack. Foot soldiers: Executing the attack

What are Risk Targeting resources

· TECS · Biometric-based border enforcement · Automated Targeting System · Advance Passenger information System (APIS) data · Automated Targeting System Quick Queries (ATS-QQ) · Teams · Technology · SIGMS/Targeting Framework (TF)

What do you need to be familiar with to identify high-risk targets?

· World geography. · Known source countries. · Travelers and travel patterns typical for your port: In order to target efficiently, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with common travel patterns. Officers who are familiar with common travel patterns often can pinpoint subtle differences between compliant travelers and possibly noncompliant travelers. The first step in becoming a good targeting officer is learning what's typical for your port. · Trends and previous seizures: Do not ignore officer instinct and behavioral observation. Not all smugglers will match the trends. Also, there may be some benefit from random examinations. You may discover new trends from random stops.

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