CPE Sentence Transformations by patryk_walkowicz (edited)

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I can't say I like it when she praises my work in front of my colleagues. Having I can't say ... in front of my colleagues.

I like having my work praised

Mum says it was stupid of me to give up French. Idiot Mum says ... French.

I was an idiot to give up

She realized immediately that his story was made up. Through She ... story.

Immediately saw through his

The government received many criticisms concerning their new housing policy. Few The government came ... of their new housing policy.

In for a good few criticisms

In our family, my brother is the best at cooking. Cooks There's no one ... my brother.

In our family that cooks better than

Flying is the form of transport I like least. No There ... than flying.

Is no form of transport I like less

He never stops criticizing people. Limit There ... people.

Is no limit to his criticism of

Parking is not allowed in this street. Prohibited It ... in this street.

Is prohibited to park

Sheila often suffers from really bad headaches. Prone Sheila ... really bad headaches.

Is prone to getting

They seldom stay up late. Rare It ... late.

Is rare for them not to stay up

There is someone in the office twenty-four hours a day. Staffed The office ... day.

Is staffed twenty-four hours a

They have decided to go to Crete for the summer. Intention It ... for the summer.

Is their intention to go to Crete

That man has no pity whatsoever. Devoid That man ... pity.

Is totally devoid of

The garage is too small for the van. Room There ... for the van

Isn't enough room in the garage

Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Compulsory Is ... at school?

It compulsory for you to wear a uniform

Have you ever thought of changing jobs? Mind Has ... jobs?

It ever crossed your mind to change

It was only because he persisted that he managed to get the job. For If ... he wouldn't have got the job.

It hadn't been for his persistence,

I know this route looks dangerous but I can't think of a better option. Alternative However dangerous this route looks, ... think of.

It is the only alternative I can

Don't you think there is an odor of burnt meat in the kitchen? Smell Doesn't ... kitchen.

It smell of burnt meat in the

The journalist wrote down everything she said in his notebook. Record The journalist ... in his notebook.

Kept a record of everything she said

Julie always listens to my complaints about work. Ear Julie always ... my complaints about work.

Lends an ear to

Initially, losing one's job can seem awful; afterwards it can work out well, for some people. Blessing Losing one's job has proved ... some people.

A blessing in disguise for

Vanessa practices the violin nearly everyday. By Scarcely ... the violin.

A day goes by without Vanessa practicing

It's quite likely he will resign soon. Chance There's ... will resign soon.

A good chance he

The government is always changing its policies on transportation. Lack There's ... policies on transportation.

A lack of consistency in the government's

He bought a new jacket without having planned to. Spur He bought ... moment.

A new jacket on the spur of the

If you adjust the mirror a little, you'll be able to see more clearly. Slight With ... you'll be able to see more clearly.

A slight adjustment to the mirror,

Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. Acts Zoe always ... her travel plans.

Acts on impulse when making

Should we go ahead with the plan? Advisable Is ... with the plan?

Advisable to go ahead

The editor delayed publishing the article until he had checked all the facts. Did Only ... the editor publish the article.

After he had checked all the facts did

She will probably come before the end of next month. Likelihood In ... of next month.

All likelihood, she will come before the end

The exhibition is likely to be a success. Probability In ... a success.

All probability, the exhibition will be

I never have enough time these days. Short I ... these days.

Am always short of time

I can't possibly finish this work without your help. Depending I ... this work.

Am depending on you to help me with

Never forget that she hasn't had your education. Bear You should ... she hasn't had your education.

Bear in mind that

That man reminds me a lot of my father. Bears That man ... father.

Bears a strong resemblance to my

Becky didn't tell you because she assumed you already knew. Granted Becky didn't tell you ... you already knew.

Because she took it for granted that

It is incredible how he managed to survive. Beyond It's ... to survive

Beyond belief how he managed

Jenny's birthday is on the same day as the Queen's. Coincides Jenny's ... Queen's.

Birthday coincides with the

His father was very angry with him when he heard he had damaged the car. Blew His father ... he had damaged the car.

Blew his top when he heard

I couldn't face telling her what I'd heard. Bring I couldn't ... what I'd heard.

Bring myself to tell her

There is a considerable number of choices on offer in this brochure. Array This ... choices.

Brochure has a wide array of

The original plan was to complete the building by August. Due The ... August.

Building was originally due to be completed by

Only by using a helicopter could the rescuers reach the injured climber. Means Only ... the rescuers reach the injured climber.

By means of a helicopter could

The government's plan to privatise the railways met with strong opposition from passengers. Came The government's plan to privatise the railways ... from passengers.

Came in for fierce criticism

Sheila was the only one who succeeded in finding the solution to the problem. Up Only Sheila ... to the problem.

Came up with the solution

The doctor is very busy; I'm afraid he can't see you today. Spare The doctor ... today.

Can't spare the time to see you

Could you have a quick look at my essay before I give it in? Cast Could you ... before I hand it in?

Cast an eye over my essay

The new presenter certainly has plenty of confidence. Lack The new presenter .. confidence.

Certainly does not lack

It is usual for young children to ask a lot of questions. Apt Young ... questions.

Children are apt to ask a lot of

Some children treat their younger siblings badly. Cruel Some ... younger siblings.

Children are cruel to their

The manager is investigating your complaint. Looked Your ... manager.

Complaint is being looked into by the

The majority of their clientele is made up of local people. Comprise Local people ... their clientele.

Comprise the majority of

Our boss criticizes our work all the time. Fault Our boss ... work.

Constantly finds fault with our

The suspect could not explain why he had sand in his boots. Account The suspect ... in his boots.

Could not account for the sand

She lost all self-control when she found out what he'd done. Contain She ... what he'd done.

Couldn't contain herself when she found out

She was pleased that he didn't get the job. Help She ... he didn't get the job.

Couldn't help feeling pleased that

Karen's bad mood is totally unconnected with the matter in hand. Bearing The ... Karen's bad mood.

Matter in hand has no bearing on

It's quite likely that they will consider our offer too low. Well They ... too low.

May well consider our offer

"That meal would have satisfied a king!" He exclaimed. Fit "That ...!" He exclaimed

Meal was fit for a king

Very few residents came to the meeting last night. Poorly The ... attended.

Meeting last night was poorly

The meeting was held in the Town Hall. Took The ... Town Hall.

Meeting took place in the

The board had a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy. Doors The board ... company policy.

Met behind closed doors to discuss changes in

It's pointless going now; let's just stay in and watch TV. Well We ... and watch TV.

Might as well stay in

The public reacted angrily to the minister's remarks. Drew The ... the public.

Minister's remarks drew an angry response from

He makes too many mistakes to be considered for promotion. Frequent His ... be considered for promotion.

Mistakes are too frequent for him to

Her mother smiled with delight when Sarah gave her the flowers. Lit Sarah's ... when she gave her the flowers.

Mother's face lit up

We must include buying new furniture in our household budget this year. Accounted Buying new furniture ... in our household budget this year.

Must be accounted for

He was dismissed for neglecting his work. Led His ... dismissal

Neglect of his work led to his

Mary always ignore her parents' advice. Notice Mary ... her parents' advice.

Never takes any notice of

Nothing would induce him to leave the house without locking the door. Circumstances Under ... without locking the door.

No circumstances would he leave the house

At first no one mentioned his absence. Said At first ... his absence.

No one said anything about

Fresh fruit is plentiful at this time of year. Shortage There's ... of year.

No shortage of fresh fruit at this time

I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company. Averse I'm ... night if I have good company.

Not averse to staying in on a Saturday

They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. Fear They chose ... too much snow.

Not to drive for fear of

The BBC produces programs to interest all sorts of people. Catered All sorts ... the BBC.

Of people are catered for by

There are hardly any people in the center of the city in August. Virtually The center ... in August.

Of the city is virtually empty

The members of the government have failed to agree on the new budget. Reached The members ... on the new budget.

Of the government have not reached an agreement

Neil is unreliable and often breaks his promises. Goes Neil is unreliable and ... promises.

Often goes back on his

Sharon has been promoted because she is capable of working under pressure. Account Sharon has been promoted ... to work under pressure.

On account of her ability

The diplomat has been arrested because it is believed he had been spying for his government. Suspicion The diplomat has been arrested ... for his government.

On suspicion of spying

Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket team. Tenterhooks Sam was ... if he had got a place in the cricket team.

On tenterhooks, waiting to see

He is likely to be promoted. Cards It is ... promoted.

On the cards that he will be

I was just about to ring him when he called. Point I was ... he called.

On the point of ringing him when

She was just about to pass out when someone offered her a seat. Verge She was ... when someone offered her a seat.

On the verge of passing out

Helen won't be happy till she gets a full refund. Than Nothing ... Helen.

Other than a full refund will satisfy

His sudden outburst was not consistent with his character. Keeping His sudden ... his character.

Outburst was out of keeping with

He lent James £3000 to buy that car. Owes James ... that car.

Owes him £3000 for buying

Unfortunately, the rain forced the cancellation of the parade at the weekend. Rained Unfortunately, the ... at the weekend.

Parade was cancelled because it rained

My grandfather died in the early hours. Passed My grandfather ... night

Passed away during the

Most people are indifferent to the mistreatment of animals. Show Most ... of animals.

People show little concern about the mistreatment

Schools should make careers lessons a priority. Emphasis Schools should ... careers lessons.

Place more emphasis on

He specifically stressed the need for absolute honesty. Emphasis He ... absolute honesty.

Placed emphasis on the need for

Tom teased Alice about her new hairstyle. Poked Tom ... new hairstyle

Poked fun at Alice's

My grandmother is extremely proud that she can remember all her grandchildren's birthdays. Prides My grandmother ... all her grandchildren's birthdays.

Prides herself on being able to remember

He realized how much he cared for her only when she had been away for a long time. Made Her ... how much he cared for her.

Prolonged absence made him realize

Those official files cannot be seen by the public until the end of the decade. Access The ... files until the end of the decade.

Public cannot have access to those official

Alex grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. Pulled Alex ... the foul-tasting medicine.

Pulled a face as he swallowed

I can recommend you to the manager; I'm a friend of his. Word I can ... the manager; I'm a friend of his.

Put in a good word for you to

They accused John of breaking the window. Put They ... the window.

Put the blame on John for breaking

The rainfall has been below average this month. Rained It ... this month.

Rained less than usual

This room needs to be decorated, doesn't it? Doing This ..., doesn't it?

Room needs doing up

The custom dates back to medieval times. Roots The ... medieval times.

Roots of the custom date back to

The community spoke enthusiastically about the recently elected mayor. Sang The community ... praises.

Sang the recently elected mayor's

My boss says I can use his car whenever I want so long as I'm careful. Disposal My boss ..., so long as I'm careful.

Says his car is at my disposal

He didn't seem to consider anything to be as important as winning that medal. Matter Nothing ... winning that medal.

Seemed to matter to him as much as

Cindy must be ill; she ate very little of her lunch. Touched Cindy must be ill; ... her lunch.

She hardly touched

When Rania stood next to the basketball players, she looked very small. Dwarfed When Rania stood next to the basketball players, ... them.

She was dwarfed by

She claimed she handed in her resignation as a result of provocation. Provoked She claimed ... her resignation.

She was provoked into handing in

The waiters in the new restaurant were very inefficient. Shoddy We received ... in the new restaurant.

Shoddy service from the waiters

It would have taken a miracle to save the paintings from the fire. Of Nothing ... the paintings from the fire.

Short of a miracle would have saved

Even though Simon rarely has a lot of money, he always buys his mum a birthday present. Short However ... his mum a birthday present,

Short of money Simon is he always buys

I shouldn't have trusted a stranger with my savings. Better I ... trust a stranger with my savings.

Should have known better than to

In my opinion, Simon was a fool not to accept their job offer. Down I think ... their job offer?

Simon was a fool to turn down

That scene was so frightening I had to look away. Bear That scene was ... it.

So frightening I couldn't bear to watch

He's a pleasant man socially, but he's a tough business man. Bargain He's a pleasant man ... business.

Socially, but drives a hard bargain in

I only came to see you. Sole My ... you.

Sole reason for coming was to see

The reason for his resignation is still not known! Caused We ... resign.

Still do not know what caused him to

The price of oranges has fallen because there are so many on the market. Such There is ... on the market that the price has fallen.

Such an abundance of oranges

He suddenly realized that she was never coming back. Dawned It ... she was never coming back.

Suddenly dawned on him that

He suggested that we should invite Tom to the party. Invited He ... to the party.

Suggested that Tom be invited

You can dissolve these tablets in water. Soluble These ... water.

Tablets are soluble in

Don't pay any attention when she complains. Notice Don't ... complaints.

Take any notice of her

You must do something to make sure this doesn't happen again. Steps You must ... happen again.

Take steps to ensure that this doesn't

I always think about transport costs when job hunting. Consideration I always ... when job hunting.

Take transport costs into consideration

I eventually persuaded her not to hand in her resignation. Talked I eventually ... her resignation.

Talked her out of handing in

Jack's teacher says he's particularly good at languages. Flair Jack's teacher says ... languages

That he has got a flair for

James realized that he could never be an architect. Cut James realized ... an architect.

That he wasn't cut out to be

Do you think there's any chance of the socialist party winning the election this time round? Get Do you think there's any chance ... this time round?

That the socialist party will get in

She looks exactly like her mother. They could be taken for twins! Exact She's ... her mother.

The exact double of

Virtue is of little value in a corrupt government. Counts Virtue ... government.

Counts for little in a corrupt

Anne has decided to buy fewer clothes from now on. Cut Anne has decided to ... from now on.

Cut down on buying clothes

I don't think they should expect that much of her. Asking I ... her.

Think they are asking too much of

I feel it's wrong that this site is going to be redeveloped by the council. Earmarked I feel it's wrong that ... the council.

This site has been earmarked for redevelopment by

Because of the lack of co-operation he decided to leave the project unfinished. Abandon He chose ... to a lack of full co-operation.

To abandon the project due

No matter what he does, people don't seem eager to work on the project. Generate He doesn't seem ... the project.

To generate enthusiasm in people for

She was miserable when her mother made her give away all her childhood toys. Parted She was miserable ... all her childhood toys

To have parted with

It's difficult to imagine his work being improved on by anyone. Bettering It's difficult ... work.

To imagine anyone bettering him at his

We liked the new teacher right away. Took We ... right away.

Took a liking to the new teacher

As soon as she saw my flatmate, my mother decided she didn't like him. Dislike My mother ... my flatmate.

Took an instant dislike to

Suzy managed to cope with so many problems when she was declared bankrupt. Stride Suzy ... when she was declared bankrupt.

Took so many problems in her stride

Harvey ordered some new equipment without prior permission. Liberty Harvey ... some new equipment.

Took the liberty of ordering

We want to breathe new life into this project. Rejuvenate We ... project.

Want to rejuvenate this

The new manager wants us to call him 'Sir'. Addressed The new manager ... 'Sir'.

Wants to be addressed as

Meg wants it to be clear to people that she's fair. Seen Meg ... fair.

Wants to be seen as

Not many people went to the last match of the season. Turnout There ... the last match of the season.

Was a poor turnout at

Mary was always making John the subject of her cruel jokes. Butt John ... cruel jokes.

Was always the butt of Mary's

Seeing the damage to his car, Jerry became furious. Beside Jerry ... he saw the damage to his car.

Was beside himself with anger when

His speech was so confusing that nobody could understand what he was talking about. Baffled Everyone ... speech.

Was completely baffled by his

He was given an honorary medal by the military. Conferred An honorary medal ... by the military.

Was conferred upon him

I knew the project would not succeed from the start. Doomed I knew the project ... from the start.

Was doomed to failure

My supervisor did not even hint to me that he was about to resign. Indication I ... that he was about to resign.

Was given no indication by my supervisor

Susie couldn't stop crying when her pet rabbit died. Floods Susie ... her pet rabbit died.

Was in floods of tears when

Those of us at the back couldn't hear most of the play. To Most of the play ... those of us at the back.

Was inaudible to

The M.P often had a different opinion from the accepted Party policies. Step The M.P ... his Party's policies.

Was often out of step with

Miranda's mother became very emotional when she saw her daughter in her wedding dress. Overcome Miranda's mother ... in her wedding dress.

Was overcome with emotion on seeing her daughter

Jim knew he would have to go on the business trip at a moment's notice. Poised Jim ... the business trip at a moment's notice.

Was poised to go on

Victory was stolen from the sprinter at the finish of the race. Robbed The sprinter ... line.

Was robbed of victory at the finishing

The new employee still hadn't appeared by 10 o'clock. Sign There ... by 10 o'clock.

Was still no sign of the new employee

Only Martha survived the crash. Sole Martha ... crash.

Was the sole survivor of the

How inconsiderate he was to take your book! Thoughtless It ... your book.

Was thoughtless of him to take

I thought that you might like to go on holiday with us. Wondering I ... to go on holiday with us.

Was wondering if you would like

Since the advertisement, we've had more applications than we can deal with. Swamped Since the advertisement, ... applications.

We have been swamped with

The firm went bankrupt after failing to win the contract. Liquidation The firm ... failing to win the contract.

Went into liquidation after

His interpretation of the novel was far too complex for me to grasp, I'm afraid. Head His interpretation of the novel ..., I'm afraid.

Went over my head

We were elated by the birth of our first grandchild. Moon We ... was born.

Were over the moon when our first grandchild

The news was a shock to us. Aback We ... news.

Were taken aback by the

I couldn't work out what he was trying to say, could you? Driving I couldn't work out ..., could you?

What he was driving at

It's difficult to know if it should be classified as a guest house or a hotel. Categorize It's difficult to know ... as a guest house or a hotel.

Whether to categorize it

What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the story. Appetite What he told me ... the story.

Whetted my appetite for the rest of

She was an excellent playwright whose work didn't get the recognition it deserved. Renown She was an excellent playwright ... her work.

Who gained little renown for

Miss Hayes will explain the day-to-day running of the office to you. Acquaint Miss Hayes ... running of the office.

Will acquaint you with the day-to-day

Employees failing to abide by the rules will be dismissed on the spot. Sack Employees failing to abide by the rules ... immediately.

Will be given the sack

The conference will now take place at a later date. Postponed The conference ... a later date.

Will be postponed until

He will not be put off taking that trip to China. Deter Nothing ... trip to China.

Will deter him from taking that

The neighbors will look after our house while we are away. Eye The neighbors ... while we are away.

Will keep an eye on our house

Mr. Lurie will have to cancel his appointment. Keep Mr. Lurie ... his appointment.

Will not be able to keep

The board of directors will not meet again until the end of the year. Held A meeting of the board of directors ... the end of the year.

Will not be held again until

We were reluctant to leave out old home. With It was ... our old home.

With regret that we left

I want to go to London for our holiday but my husband won't even consider the idea. Hear My husband ... for our holiday.

Won't hear of our going to London

Would you please send me your response as soon as possible? Grateful I ... your response as soon as possible.

Would be grateful if you would send me

How would you deal with such a challenge? Presented What ... such a challenge?

Would you do if you were presented with

In my opinion Jim deserves everything he gets. Ask If ... he gets.

You ask me, Jim deserves everything

Could you tell me where the lobby is? Direct Could ... lobby?

You direct me to the

Could you tell me where the post office is? Direct Could ... post office.

You direct me to the

If you give in to them, you'll be sorry. Stand If ..., you'll be sorry.

You do not stand up to them

Naturally, you will have some points deducted for misspelling. Penalized Naturally, ... misspellings.

You will be penalized for

I wish you would come straight to the point if you have something to say. Beat I wish ... if you have something to say.

You wouldn't beat around the bush

They have no idea why Lena resigned. Mystery It's ... Lena resigned.

a mystery to them why

No matter how much he was criticized, his confidence was not affected. Amount No ... his confidence.

amount of criticism affected

Was your mother any better than when you visited her? Improvement Was there ... when you visited her?

any improvement in your mother's condition

There are fewer males than females in our country. In Females ... in our country.

are in a minority

In my opinion, computers are more trouble than they're worth. Hindrance In my opinion, computers ... help.

are more of a hindrance than a

Travellers may bring as much luggage as they require. Amount There ... travellers may bring.

are no restriction on the amount of luggage

The loss of the account was not our fault. Blame We ... the account.

are not to blame for the loss of

There is a bus to the station every half hour of Saturday. Intervals There is a bus to the station ... on Saturday.

at half-hour intervals

Bobby ate two ice creams one after the other after lunch. Row Bobby ... after lunch.

ate two ice cream in a row

She claimed that her success was due purely to luck. Attributed She ... luck.

attributed her success purely to

That woman looks an awful lot like my mother. Bears That woman ... my mother.

bears a close resemblance to

The Queen has ruled the country for almost fifty years Throne The Queen has ... for almost fifty years.

been on the throne

He behaved in an incomprehensible way at the party. Beyond His ... comprehension.

behavior at the party was beyond our

It's entirely your own fault that you failed the exam. Blame You have no one ... the exam.

but yourself to blame for failing

Everyone was shocked by the success of the novel. Shock The success of the novel ... everyone.

came as a shock to

Mr. Jones was shocked to hear that his son had failed the exam. Came It ... hear this son had failed his exam.

came as a shock to Mr. Jones to

The director decided that the cost of relocation was too high. Conclusion The director ... was too high.

came to the conclusion that the relocation cost

She is a person who always let you down. On You ... her.

can't rely on

I always get your boys mixed up. Between I ... your boys.

can't tell the difference between

I happened to see James as he walked past the door. Caught I ... he walked past the door

caught a glimpse of James as

The current champion has been beaten in this year's tournament. Suffered The current ... in this year's tournament.

champion has suffered a defeat

She was allegedly the richest singer in Peru. Claimed They ... singer in Peru.

claimed she was the richest

We need to find a new market if the company is to survive. On The ... market.

company's survival depends on out finding a new

There wasn't a single ticket left for concert so we couldn't go. Sell-out The ... couldn't go.

concert was a complete sell-out, so we

People often mistake me for my elder sister. Confuse People often ... sister.

confuse me with my elder

The occasional cream cake won't do you any harm. Now A ... won't do you any harm.

cream cake now and then

You'll have to make up your minds by the weekend. Be A ... by the weekend

Decision needs to be made

He said she was happy and enjoyed her new life. Described He ... her new life.

Described her as happy and enjoying

I don't think I'll ever be able to buy my own house. Despair I ... my own house

Despair of ever being able to buy

She did everything possible to save her marriage. Power She ... her marriage

Did everything in her power to save

They tried very hard to finish by midnight. Best They ... by midnight.

Did their best to finish

Who told you there was going to be a rail strike? Out How ... to be a rail strike?

Did you find out there was going

I was surprised not to see Meg at the party but I later heard she was ill. Apparently I was surprised that Meg ... she was ill.

Didn't come to the party but apparently

The prospect of meeting him again didn't please her. Forward She ... again.

Didn't look forward to meeting him

She said she was no way responsible for the damage. Disclaimed She ... damage.

Disclaimed all responsibility for the

He claimed my point was not relevant to the proceedings. Dismissed He ... to the proceedings.

Dismissed my point as irrelevant

The singer said he wanted nothing to do with the other members of the band. Distanced The singer ... of the band.

Distanced himself from the other members

As well as her normal salary, she makes some extra money by freelancing. Supplement She ... normal income.

Does freelance work to supplement her

What do you think of his appearance? Strike How ... you?

Does his appearance strike

Our teacher doesn't like it when we leave the classroom without asking first. Approve Our teacher ... without asking first.

Doesn't approve of us leaving the classroom

I don't think there's much chance of his coming now. Doubt I ... now.

Doubt if he'll come

She wants success more than anything else. Outweighs Her ... anything else.

desire for success outweighs

Linda did not agree with me about the closure. Share Linda ... the closure.

did not share my opinion about

We forgot to include the cost of accommodation in our holiday budget. Allow We ... in our holiday budget.

didn't allow for the cost of accommodation

I expected the film to be good, but it wasn't at all. Live The film ... at all.

didn't live up to my expectations

The lease on my flat is valid until the end of the year. Renewal The lease on my flat ... the end of the year.

does not come up for renewal until

Rhonda's not very keen on foreign food. Care Rhonda ... foreign food.

doesn't care much for

If I help you now, don't assume I'll help you next time. Count If I help you now, ... next time.

don't count on me to help you

You've been looking miserable all day. Moon You've ... all day.

done nothing but moon about

The company tried unsuccessfully to secure a bank loan. Avail The company's ... a bank loan.

efforts were to no avail in securing

Only Paul succeeded in acquiring high grades. Failed Everyone ... high grades.

except Paul failed to acquire

How did he explain his lateness? Explanation What ... his lateness?

explanation did he give for

She said she was worried about the problem of pollution. Concern She ... pollution.

expressed concern about the problem of

She said she disapproved of eating meat. Her She ... meat.

expressed her disapproval of eating

Fiona said she was against the proposal. Expressed Fiona ... the proposal.

expressed her opposition to

Unless we can obtain more information, we can't process your claim. Forthcoming Unless ..., we can't process your claim.

further information is forthcoming

The salesman promised me the cooker would be delivered today. Assurance The salesman ... be delivered today.

gave me his assurance that the cooker would

They promised me they would come. Word They ... come.

gave me their word they would

Ray's good work record enabled him to get promotion. Strength Ray ... good work record.

got promotion on the strength of his

Pam didn't understood the situation and so made a terrible mistake. Stick Pam ... made a terrible mistake.

got the wrong end of the stick and

He made an attempt to solve the equation but I couldn't do it. Go He ... but he couldn't do it.

had a go at solving the equation

Sheena can be bad-tempered in the mornings. Tendency Sheena ... in the mornings.

has a tendency to be bad tempered

Your outrageous behavior has caused problems for the club. Embarrassment Your outrageous behavior ... the club.

has been a source of embarrassment to

Severe weather conditions have had a serious effect on traffic. Affected Traffic ... conditions.

has been seriously affected by the severe weather

Mike has a more complex personality than you may think. Depths Mike ... than you may think.

has greater depths to him

Sheila has become too big to wear this pullover Grown Sheila ... pullover.

has grown out of this

Marcus hasn't got very far with his dissertation. Made Marcus ... his dissertation.

has made little progress with

Rick's boss says he thinks Rick is doing a wonderful job. Praise Rick's boss ... Rick.

has nothing but praise for

The government has tried to make the incident seem less serious. Played The government ... of the incident.

has played down the seriousness

The civil service has completely changed under the present government. Undergone The civil service ... under the present government.

has undergone a complete change

Charles has potential but he hasn't exploited it yet. Use Charles ... yet.

hasn't made use of his potential

Before the new manager took over, sales were half what they are now. Doubled Sales ... took over.

have doubled since the new manager

We can't possibly imagine how we're going to afford a new car. Remotest We ... we're going to afford a new car.

haven't the remotest idea how

To look at him, you would think he was poor. Judging You would think ... him.

he was poor, judging by the look of

She decided to start her own business because she wanted to be independent. With She decided to start ... independent.

her own business with a view to being

Mark didn't get home until just before dawn yesterday. Hours Mark didn't get ... yesterday.

home until the early hours

He hated the way the media scrutinized his private life. Came He hated ... from the media.

how his private life came under scrutiny

How will the changes affect the company?Implications What ... the company?

implications will the changes have on

There are more than six hospitals in this city. Excess There are ... in this city.

in excess of six hospitals

Digging in the garden gives me an outlet for my frustrations. Vent Digging ... frustrations.

in the garden allows me to vent my

You have the ability to do really well in your career if you make an effort. Mind You could do really well ... it.

in your career if you put your mind to

For further information, contact the accommodation officer. Obtained Further ... the accommodation officer.

information can be obtained from

May is bound to pass her exam. Foregone It ... her exam.

is a foregone conclusion that Mary will pass

Tom's presence at parties adds to everyone's enjoyment. Soul Tom ... the party.

is always the life and soul of

I'm not going any further till I've had something to eat. Far This ... I've had something to eat.

is as far as I'm going until

Most people know that becoming an actor is difficult. Common It ... is difficult.

is common knowledge that becoming an actor

He owes his life to that surgeon. Indebted He ... life.

is indebted to that surgeon for saving his

You certainly could never accuse Tom of being mean. Nothing Tom ... generous

is nothing other than

Brian is a strong contender for the position. List Brian ... for the position.

is on the short list

He suffers from headaches and insomnia. Prone He ... insomnia.

is prone to headaches and

Jane goes abroad a lot in the course of her job. Involves Jane's ... abroad.

job involves a lot of travelling

The lecturer is on expert of modern art. Wide The ... art.

lecturer has a wide knowledge of modern

There are a lot of people out of work in this town. Level The ... in this town.

level of unemployment is high

I consider him my worst enemy. Look I ... enemy.

look upon him as my worst

We couldn't understand at all. Sense We could ... the film.

make absolutely no sense of

The brochure doesn't say anything about its parking facilities. Makes The brochure ... its parking facilities.

makes no mention of

Len tried to do the exercise, but without success. Matter No ... do the exercise.

matter how hard he tried, Len couldn't

Some services may be running late due to bad weather. Subject Some services ... due to bad weather.

may be subject to delay

They may have escaped through the back door. Getaway They ... back door.

may have made their getaway through the

Those gates must be locked before we leave the premises. Prior We ... the premises.

must lock the gates prior to leaving

The redevelopment program needs to be supported by the local council. Backing The redevelopment program ... the local council.

needs the backing of

I put the cheque in the envelope without signing it. Neglected I .. in the envelope.

neglected to sign the cheque before putting it

I never thought of borrowing money from him. Occurred It ... from him.

never occurred to me to borrow money

The company is introducing a new dress code on the first of next month. Force A ... on the first of next month.

new dress code will come into force

You must remember to lock the drawer, whatever you do. Account On ... the drawer.

no account must you forget to lock

You could let someone else use your old clothes. Recycle Why ... old clothes?

not recycle your

A cup of tea is the most refreshing drink of all. Match There's ... as a refreshing drink.

nothing to match tea

The first sign of the disease is blurred vision. Onset The ... blurred vision.

onset of the disease is marked by

The boys hurled lots of snowballs at their next-door neighbor/ Pelted The boys ... snowballs.

pelted their next-door neighbor with

The government will cease subsidizing the project from the end of the month. Receive The ... from the end of the month.

project will receive no further government subsidy

Some friends nominated him as a spokesman. Forward Some friends ... spokesman.

put my name forward as a

The judge concluded that the accident was the result of reckless driving. Cause The judge concluded that ... accident.

reckless driving was the cause of the

No one is quite sure if the player will perform well at his new football club. Seen It ... will perform at his new football club.

remains to be seen how well the player

She's angry that she is constantly overlooked for promotion. Resents She ... promotion.

resents the fact that she is constantly overlooked for

The concert was cancelled because of the strike. In The strike ... cancelled.

resulted in the concert being

The government's retraining program proved to be unsuccessful due to the lack of funds. Met The government's ... due to a lack of funds.

retraining program met with no success

His illness was serious but he managed to recover from it. Of In ..., he managed to get over it.

spite of the severity of his illness

John took my place while I was at the dentist's. Stood John ... at the dentist's.

stood in for me while I was

I don't think Patrick has ever been camping. Best To ... been camping.

the best of my knowledge, Patrick has never

She sued the newspaper as the article they'd written about her had damaged her reputation. Injurious She sued the newspaper as ... her reputation.

their article about her had been injurious to

They say he owes a lot of people money. Debt He's said ... a lot of people.

to be in debt to

A rejection of their offer would have been unwise. Accepted Not ... unwise.

to have accepted their offer would have been

My grandmother surprised us by announcing she was going on a world cruise. Surprise Much ... she was going on a world cruise.

to our surprise, our grandmother announced that

The latest developments have made them decide to postpone their visit. View They have decided ... the latest developments.

to postpone their visit in view of

He resented the way she spoke to him. Exception He ... she spoke to him.

took exception to the way

Freddy was always quarrelling with his sister. Row Freddy ... with his sister.

was always having a row

The newspaper was the first to reveal that the politician was a spy. Exposed The politician ... the newspaper.

was exposed as a spy by

The TV broadcast the whole of the tennis tournament. Extensive There ... tennis tournament.

was extensive coverage of the

So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election. Jubilation There ... lost the election.

was much jubilation when the government

No one could explain why she suddenly disappeared from the area. For There ... from the area.

was no explanation for her sudden disappearance

It was impossible for Roy to keep the appointment. Way There ... the appointment.

was no way for Roy to keep

She blushed with embarrassment at having made such a stupid mistake. Shamefaced She ... a stupid mistake.

was shamefaced at having made such

Everyone was in a deep sleep when the fire started. Sound Everyone ... broke out.

was sound asleep when the fire

Why did you behave so rudely? Point What ... so rudely?

was the point of your behaving

The workforce reluctantly agreed to a cut in pay. Reluctance It ... to a cut in pay.

was with reluctance that the work force agreed

The news of the merger really surprised the staff. Taken The staff ... by the merger.

were completely taken by surprise

They should have given us more time to finish the work. Insufficient We ... to finish the work.

were given insufficient time

We found her manner rather off-putting. By We ... her manner.

were put off by

I think you'll have problems If you park here. Better I think ... here.

you had better not park

Is there enough ice cream for everyone, or shall I go and buy some more? Round Is there ..., or shall I go and buy some more?

Enough ice cream to go round

The heir to the family fortune was eventually found to be an impostor. Exposed The heir to the family fortune was ... an impostor.

Eventually exposed as

The trapped fireman finally got away through the back window. Escape The trapped fireman ... window.

Eventually managed to escape through the back

Each new generation is given the family jewels. Down The ... generation.

Family jewels are handed down to each new

My father has been healthier since he moved to the country. Improved My ... since he moved to the country.

Father's health had improved

Jerry feels his colleagues despise him for not having a degree. Look Jerry ... for not having a degree.

Feels his colleagues look down on him

The novel didn't come up to my expectations. Short The novel ... expectations.

Fell short of my

The art gallery has had at least 120000 visitors since it opened. Fewer No ... the art gallery since it opened.

Fewer than 120000 visitors have been to

Malcolm has finally decided to leave his job at the bank. Hand Malcolm has ... at the bank.

Finally decided to hand in his resignation

His latest theory is in complete opposition to mainstream thinking. Flies His latest theory ... mainstream thinking.

Flies in the face of

That football team has won every match this season. Unbeatable That ... this season.

Football team has been unbeatable

The sofa and the carpet are a good match. Well The sofa ... carpet.

Goes well with the

It is a foregone conclusion that Mark will get the job. Saying It ... the job.

Goes without saying that Mark will get

I'm sick of that program; I've watched it too often. Off I've ...; watched it too often.

Gone off that program

He got up very early this morning Crack He ... this morning.

Got up at the crack of dawn

The young actress was very nervous before the audition. Butterflies The young actress ... audition.

Had butterflies in her stomach before the

Simon couldn't remember ever having met the woman. Recollection Simon ... ever having met the woman.

Had no recollection of

My grandmother was nearly 86 when she died earlier this year. Now My grandmother, ... 86.

Had she lived, would now be

My husband and I had a row about buying a car. Words I ... about buying a car.

Had words with my husband

He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers. Bee He ... dishonesty of lawyers.

Has a bee in his bonnet about the

Margaret is said to be a very good cook. Reputation Margaret ... very good cook.

Has a reputation for being a

She often exaggerates how much she earns. Tendency She ... how much she earns.

Has a tendency to exaggerate

No one pities her after what she has done. Sympathy No one ... she has done.

Has any sympathy for her after what

The subject of productivity bonuses has been mentioned at every management and workers meeting. Cropped The subject of productivity bonuses ... management and workers.

Has cropped up at every meeting between

The introduction of the new currency has greatly affected the economy. Impact The introduction of the new currency ... the economy.

Has had a great impact on

Ian is sure he was right to turn down the job. Regrets Ian ... the job.

Has no regrets about turning down

She speaks French quite well. Command She ... French.

Has quite a good command of

Martin cannot go any higher in his career. Pinnacle Martin ... his career.

Has reached the pinnacle of

The war has caused emigration to increase. Resulted The war ... emigration .

Has resulted in an increase in

A new arrangement over working conditions have been made between the management and the Union. Struck The management ... over working conditions.

Has struck a new deal with the Union

The company had changed a lot since the new management took over. Undergone The company ... since the new management took over.

Has undergone a lot of changes

I can't bear your complaints any longer. Enough I ... complaints.

Have had enough of your

You will have to give up the whole idea. Option You ... the whole idea.

Have no option to give up

It's just possible that we may have to introduce pay cuts. Ruled We ... pay cuts.

Have not ruled out the possibility of introducing

I'm so busy at the moment that I can't take on any extra work. Plate I ... at the moment that I can't take on any extra work

Have so much on my plate

Julie and Andrew like the same sort of music. Taste Julie and Andrew ... music

Have the same taste in

The overfishing of cod is a matter which is worrying environmentalists. Voiced Environmentalists ... the overfishing of cod.

Have voiced concerns about

They remain close friends, despite having had many arguments. Fallen They ... have had many arguments

Haven't fallen out although they

Surely he can't like it when she insults him in public. Being Surely ... in public

He can't like being insulted by her

Since he retired, his main pastime has been gardening. Spent Since he retired ... gardening.

He has spent most of his time

When he speaks, he gives you the impression that he is a really hard-working student. Think To ... a very hard-working student.

Hear him speak you would think he is

To this day no one has equalled his achievements in the field of technology. Unsurpassed To this day ... in the field of technology.

His achievements are unsurpassed

Lawrence's car became his most prized possession when he first bought it. Joy Lawrence's car became ... he first bought it.

His pride and joy when

My husband will be angry when I tell him. Roof My husband will ... when I tell him.

Hit the roof

Their house is now worth more than when they bought it. Increased The ... they bought it.

House has increased in value since

I don't know how I can make it up to you for spoiling your plans. Amends I don't know ... your plans.

How I can make amends for spoiling

I won't stay overnight; I don't want to put you to any trouble. Impose I won't stay overnight; ... you.

I don't want to impose on

These two cars are not in the same class at all. Comparison There ... cars.

Is no comparison between these two

This essay shows a slight improvement on the last. Marginally This essay ... the last.

Is marginally better than

Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. Apple Being her only niece, ... eye.

Ann is the apple of her

They have definitely agreed to lend us the money. Committed They ... the money.

Are committed to lending us

Reality shows on TV are extremely popular at the moment. Flavor Reality shows on TV ... of the moment.

Are flavor of the month

The minister's actions do not conform at all to his pre-election promises. Contrast The minister's actions ... his pre-election promises.

Are in complete contrast to

Most scientists argue that it is preferable to use organic products. Averse Most scientists ... of organic products.

Are not averse to the use

It's not our habit to eat so early. Used We ... so early.

Are not used to eating

Some people accept that life is full of problems Resigned Some people ... full of problems.

Are resigned to the fact that life is

Their rivals are still a long way behind. Streets They ... rivals.

Are still streets ahead of their

Is it likely that you will move before July? Chances What ... July?

Are the chances of you moving before

The police say that the circumstances of her disappearance are suspicious. Treating The police ... suspicious.

Are treating the circumstances of her disappearance as

Women outnumber men by two to one in Greece. Twice There ... in Greece.

Are twice as many women as men

The letter arrived completely unexpectedly this morning. Blue The letter ... this morning.

Arrived completely out of the blue

The politician tried to find people who were willing to back his campaign to help the homeless. Drum The politician tried to ... campaign to help the homeless.

Drum up support for his

Thankfully she wasn't hurt at all in the accident. Emerged She ... accident.

Emerged unhurt from the

There was hardly any movement in the traffic in front of us. Inched The traffic hardly ... us.

Inched along in front of

The staff hated Frank's new policies intensely and so went on strike. Hatred So ... that the staff went om strike.

Intense was the hatred for Frank's new policies

These low-lying areas are constantly threatened by floods. Flooding There ... these low-lying areas.

Is a constant threat of flooding in

She is well known for her vast knowledge of Renaissance painting. Authority She ... Renaissance painting.

Is an authority on

People should be careful when walking alone at night. Best It ... walking alone at night.

Is best to be careful when

People often make that mistake in the beginning. Common It ... in the beginning.

Is common for people to make that mistake

The exam results will determine her choice of university. Dependent Her choice of university ... the exam results.

Is dependent on

Marie has the annoying habit of losing her keys. Forever Marie ... keys

Is forever losing her

She doesn't know whether she should marry him. Mind She ... him.

Is in two minds about marrying

By leaving Mary alone, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time. Devices If Mary ..., I'm sure she'll finish the project on time.

Is left to her own devices

Frances is unlikely to be promoted. Prospect There's ... promoted.

Little prospect of Frances being

Further confusion was caused by the loss of the map Led The ... further confusion.

Loss of the map led to

He was dismissed because he was inefficient. Lost He ... inefficiency.

Lost his job because of his

Most of the committee voted for the proposal. Favour The ... the proposal.

Majority of the committee voted in favour of

You need to consider the fact that he hasn't spoken French for years. Allowances You need to ... he hasn't spoken French for years.

Make allowances for the fact that

The climbers will try to reach the summit again in the morning. Another The climbers will ... in the morning.

Make another attempt to reach the summit

I don't mind whether you come in the morning or the afternoon. Difference It ... in the morning or the afternoon.

Makes no difference to me whether you come

Although he repeatedly called the company, he couldn't get through. After Despite ..., he couldn't get through.

Making call after call to the company

Customers will not want to buy this product. Market There ... this product.

will be no market for

The new rules about uniforms will apply next year. Force The new rules ... next year.

will be put into force

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Week 5: Wrist and Hand Diagnoses

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Algebra Lesson 4.7 "absolute value inequalities"

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Saunders NCLEX-RN Leadership Management Delegating & Prioritizing

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Negotiable Instruments and Credit

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Chapter 7, part2-Social Security Benefits and Taxation

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Chapter 1: Environment and Theoretical Structure of Financial Accounting

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Biological psychology Practice Quiz's clo 1

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Concepts Review & Self Study CH 6

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The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals 2e: CH. 1-11, 12.3, 13.2, 14.1, 14.3

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