CPSC 110 exam 3

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Hexadecimal is base _____.


GIF images are limited to ___ colors.


A digital-to-analog converteer a. changes digital information to analog waves b. converts continuous sound to digial sound c. converts sound to an electrical signal d. sets approximate values


Converting code that programmer writes into assembly code is called a. compiling b. assembling c. F/E cycle d. integrating


People tend to be sensitive to small changes in __________, but not to small changes in _____. a. brightness, color b. color, brightness c. brightness, contrast d. color, contrast


The math in the computer is done by the ___.


Algorithms are guaranteed to work a. 99.9% of the time b. 100% of the time c. depends on the computers they are running on d. 50% of the time


Algorithms are used by a. only computer b. only humans c. various agents d. no one, they are not real


Algorithms must always a. produce output b. produce output or state that there is no solution c. produce input or state that there is no solution d. state that there is no solution


Analog information is a. discrete b. continuous c. random d. digital


Do GIF files display vertical or horizontal bands better? a. vertical b. horizontal c. neither d. both


From smallest to largest, the correct order of prefixes is a. giga, kilo, mega, tera b. kilo, mega, giga, tera c. tera, kilo, mega, giga d. kilo, mega, tera, giga


How many algorithms can solve one specific problem? a. only one b. many c. it depends on the type of algorithm


How many symbols can be represented by four bits? a. 12 b. 16 c. 36 d. 256


If an algorithm is performed with the same data, at different times with different agents the output will be a. the same b. different c. sometimes different and sometimes the same d. impossible to tell


If this.Opacity += 1.0; increases the opacity, what line of code would decrease the opacity? a. this.Opacity = 1.0; b. this.Opacity -= 1.0; c. this.Opacity ++ 1.0; d. this.Opacity -- 1.0;


Information describing information is called a. special information b. metadata c. special-data d. formatting


K bits in a sequence yield how many symbols? a. K^2 b. 2^K c. K d. 2


PandA representation is what kind of system? a. decimal b. binary c. hexadecimal d. byte


Raymond Kurzweil is known as the inventor of a. computer science b. text-to-speech generation c. image compression d. virtual reality


Rerunning a program with the same data produces a. different results depending on the time of day b. exactly the same result every time c. different results depending on which computer it is run on d. the same results most of the time but sometimes it is diferent


What has made computers faster? a. making everything out of silicon b. making everything smaller c. making everything farther apart d. making the F/E cycle more complicated


When writing an algorithm in a natural language it is helpful to use _____ instead of ________. a. programming language, natural language b. nouns, pronouns c. abbreviations, actual words d. nouns, adjectives


Which of the following is used for input and output? a. keyboard b. hard disk c. mouse d. computer


The ____ ____ _________ ______ _________ states that bits can represent all discrete information even though the bits have no meaning of their own.

Bias Free Universal Medium Principle

______ ______ ____ is a long list of words, more accurately, a long list of series of 0's and 1's that make up a computer program.

Binary object file

________ encode information on DVDs and CDs.

Bumps pits

A machine instruction uses how many bytes of memory? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 128


According to the Nyquist rule, the sampling rate for sound should be roughly a. half of what humans can hear b. the same as what humans can hear c. twice what humans can hear d. three times what humans can hear


An algorithm is a(n): a. list of general nonspecific steps to produce an output b. logarithm c. systematic method for producing a specified result d. math problem


Modern computers know a. only a few instructions b. a couple dozen instructions c. about a hundred instructions d. thousands of instructions


This defines how characters relate to each other when they are compared. a. digitizing b. binary sequence c. collating sequence d. information representation


When using physical phenomena to encode information, name one potential solution if there are more than two alternatives. a. there is no solution b. adopt them all as present c. adopt one as present and all the other alternatives as absent d. adopt them all as absent


Which of the following characteristics of a computer depends on the number of Fetch/Execute Cycles it performs per second? a. memory size b. price c. speed d. ALU


_________ deterministically execute instructions to process information.


Jessica Simpson's "A Little Bit" is 3 minutes 47 seconds long. How many bits is this? a. 1,411,200 b. 40,042,800 c. 84,672,000 d. 320,342,400


Put the following binary values representing the intensity of green in order from least intense to most intense: 1111 1100, 1111 1111, 1100 0000, 1111 0000. a. 1111 1100, 1111 1111, 1100 0000, 1111 0000 b. 1111 1111, 1100 0000, 1111 0000, 1111 1100 c. 1111 1111, 1111 1100, 1111 0000, 1100 0000 d. 1100 0000, 1111 0000, 1111 1100, 1111 1111


The RGB setting for blue is (0 is off, 1 is on) a. 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 b. 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 c. 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 d. 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111


The accuracy of a digitized sound is determined by a. the sampling rate b. the precision of the sample c. the size of the digitized file d. all of the above


The processor has how many moving parts? a. too many to count b. 8 c. 2 d. 0


What was used to help structure the digitized Oxford English Dictionary? a. bytes b. sets c. ASCII d. tags


__________ is representing information with symbols.


Grouping binary digits in groups of four makes converting to _____ easier.


_____________ is the term used when digital values are converted to create an analog sound.


___ sound removes the highest and lowest samplings as part of its compression algorithm.


JPEG is to still images what ____ is to motion pictures.


_________ ______ is a program that extends the operations a computer can perform beyond the hardwired machine instructions.

Operating system

_______ is the name we use for the two fundamental patterns of digital information based on the presence and absence of a phenomenon.


___ is an acronym for the name of the location where computer programs run and data is stored.


_____ __ _____ is the limit that defines the maximum rate that information can be transmitted.

Speed of light

Every memory location has a(n) _______.


The number of digits is the _____ or the _____ of the numbering system.

base, radix

All colors with equal intensities of RGB subpixels are either _____, _____, or shades of gray.

black, white

RGB values are usually stored as three ______.


On the computer, ___________ means to store or transmit information with fewer bits.


To increase the ________ of a photo, you should increase the difference between the light and dark parts.


The _______ ____ part of the computer is the hardware part of the Fetch/Execute Cycle.

control unit

A program is an algorithm that has been __________ __ __ _ ________ ____.

customized to do a specific task

In OCR, each pixel is an estimate of how ____ the corresponding area is.


Information is said to be ______, or distinct; there is no gray.


A ______ is required for every peripheral connected to your computer.


The more symbols you want, the more ______ you need.


Algorithms must be ______; they eventually stop with the right output or a statement that no solution is possible.


The flow of electricity in a channel in a semiconductor is controlled by a(n) ______________.


Algorithms must be definite. They must not specify ordered steps, including details on how to ______ ______.

handle errors

In addition to fetching instructions, the F/E cycle also fetches ________.


The computer's clock speed is measured in _____.


Pixel color is determined solely by the _________ of the color.


The ________ encodes keystrokes into binary form for the computer.


Programs containing _____ cannot be verified exhaustively.


When converting analog sound to digital sound, using ____ bits yields a more accurate digitization.


Without the _________ ______, the processor is not capable of doing anything interesting.

operating system

A process that allows the computer to "read" printed characters is called _______ _________ ___________.

optical character recognition

PandA is short for __________.

present and absent

The _______ _______ keeps track of the next instruction to execute.

program counter

A(n) _____________ sometimes conducts electricity and sometimes does not


The active and connective parts of a circuit are built ________.


The steps in an algorithm must be ___________ so that the agent is able to do it.


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