Crazy APUSH review, Spanish Expressiones, APUSH AP EXAM BIG IDEAS, APUSH Thematic Review: Women, APUSH Thematic Review - Foreign Policy (1700's to mid 1800's), APUSH Civil Rights Vocab, Immigration and Migration APUSH Review, APUSH Major Legislation,...

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Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.


"becoming less bright, intense, or strong" The 1870's decrease from the North to help the South

Martin Van Buren

"founder of the Democratic Party". Friend of Andrew Jackson. Became president in 1836. In the Panic of 1837, he put $37 million to the states but it didn't help. He spent his 4 years with bank failures, bankruptcies and massive unemployment. ("Little Magician")

Compromise of 1850

(1) Mexico Cession divided into Utah and New Mexico and territories would practice popular sovereignty (2) Slave Trade is banned in Washington Dc (3) California will be admitted as a free state (4) Stricter Fugitive Slave law

John Winthrop

(12 January 1587/8 - 26 March 1649) led a group of English Puritans to the New World, joined the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629 and was elected their governor on April 8, 1630. Between 1639 and 1648 he was voted out of governorship and re-elected a total of 12 times.

Captain John Smith

(1580-June 21, 1631) was an English soldier, sailor, and author. He is remembered for his role in establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Virginia, and his brief association with the Native American girl Pocahontas during an altercation with the Powhatan Confederacy and her father, Chief Powhatan. He was a leader of the Virginia Colony (based at Jamestown) between 1607 and 1609, and led an exploration along the rivers of Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

(1639) the first written constitution in American history written by Hartford settlers. It established a representative government consisting of legislature elected by popular vote and governor chosen by legislature.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(1712-1778) French writer and Enlightenment philosopher who wrote a book called, The Social Contract, where he stated that people were basically good, and that society, and its unequal distribution of wealth, were the cause of most problems. Rousseau believed that government should be run according to the will of the majority, which he called the General Will. He claimed that the General Will would always act in the best interest of the people.

Poor Richard's Almanac

(1732) Written by Benjamin Franklin, it was filled with witty, insightful, and funny bits of observation and common sense advice (the saying, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," first appeared in this almanac). It was the most popular almanac in the colonies.

Great Awakening

(1739-1744) Puritanism had declined by the 1730s, and people were upset about the decline in religious piety. The Great Awakening was a sudden outbreak of religious fervor that swept through the colonies. One of the first events to unify the colonies.

Abigail Adams

(1744-1818) At age 19, Abigail married John Adams. When John Adams became the 2nd president of the United Sates, this made Abigail Adams the 2nd first lady. We have learned about the fight for independence from her letters that she wrote to John Adams.

French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)

(1754-1763) Nine-year war between the British and the French in North America. It resulted in the expulsion of the French from the North American mainland and helped spark the Seven Years' War in Europe. (104)

Pontiac's Rebellion

(1763) Bloody campaign waged by Ottawa chief Pontiac to drive the British out of Ohio Country. It was brutally crushed by British troops, who resorted to distributing blankets infected with smallpox as means to put down the rebellion. (109)

Paxton Boys

(1764) Armed march of Philadelphia Bay by Scotts-Irish frontiersmen in protest against the Quaker establishment's lenient policies toward Native Americans. (80)

Stamp Act

(1765) Widely unpopular tax on an array of paper goods, repealed in 1766 after mass protests erupted across the colonies. Colonists developed the principle of "no taxation without representation" that questioned Parliament's authority over the colonies and laid the foundation for future revolutionary claims. (116)

Committees of Correspondence

(1772 and after) Local committees established across Massachusetts, and later in each of the thirteen colonies, to maintain colonial opposition to British policies through the exchange of letters and pamphlets. (120)

Intolerable Acts

(1774) Series of punitive measurements passed in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party, closing the Port of Boston, revoking a number of rights in the Massachusetts colonial charter, and expanding the Quartering Act to allow for the lodging of soldiers in private homes. In response, colonists convened the First Continental Congress and called for a complete boycott of British goods. (122)

Articles of Confederation

(1781) First American constitution that established the United States as a loose confederation of states under a weak national Congress, which was not granted the power to regulate commerce or collect taxes. The Articles were replaced by a more efficient Constitution in 1789. (163)

Shay's Rebellion

(1786) Armed uprising of western Massachusetts debtors seeking lower taxes and an end to property foreclosures. Though quickly put down, the insurrection inspired fears of "mob rule" among leading Revolutionaries. (167)

Northwest Ordinance

(1787) Created a policy for administering the Northwest Territories. It included a path to statehood and forbade the expansion of slavery into the territories. (166)

French Revolution

(1789-1799) A period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights.

Bill of Rights

(1791) Popular term for the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The amendments secure key rights for individuals and reserve to the states all powers not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the Constitution. (182)

Jay's Treaty

(1794) Negotiated by Chief Justice John Jay in an effort to avoid war with Britain, the treaty included a British promise to evacuate outposts outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary War debts and to abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies toward France. (193)

Pinckney's Treaty

(1795) Signed with Spain which, fearing an Anglo-American alliance, granted Americans free navigation of the Mississippi and the disputed territory of Florida. (193)

Farewell Address (George Washington)

(1796) George Washington's address at the end of his presidency, warning against "permanent alliances" with other nations. Washington did not oppose all alliances, but believed that the young, fledgling nation should forge allegiances only on a temporary basis, in extraordinary circumstances. (193)

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

(1798-1799) Statements secretly drafted by Jefferson and Madison for the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia. Argued that states were the final arbiters of whether the federal government overstepped its boundaries and could therefore nullify, or refuse to accept, national legislation they deemed unconstitutional. (198)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

(1815-1902) A suffragette who, with Lucretia Mott, organized the first convention on women's rights, held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Issued the Declaration of Sentiments which declared men and women to be equal and demanded the right to vote for women. Co-founded the National Women's Suffrage Association with Susan B. Anthony in 1869.

Trail of Tears

(1838-39) an 800-mile forced march made by the Cherokee from their homeland in Georgia to Indian Territory; resulted in the deaths of almost one-fourth of the Cherokee people

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

(1911) 146 women killed while locked into the burning building (brought attention to poor working conditions)

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

American Indian Movement

(AIM) A Native American organization founded in 1968 to protest government policies and injustices suffered by Native Americans; in 1973, organized the armed occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota

Schechter Poultry v. U.S.

(BONUS) NRA is unconstitutional bc it attempts to control state laws for businesses

Emergency Banking Relief Act

(FDR) 1933 , gave the President power over the banking system and set up a system by which banks would be reorganized or reopened., HUNDRED DAYS STARTS.

Declaration of Independence

(July 4, 1776) Formal pronouncement of independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson and approved by Congress. The declaration allowed Americans to appeal for foreign aid and served as an inspiration for later revolutionary movements worldwide. (137)

1973 Oil Embargo

(Year) After the U.S. backed Israel in its war against Syria and Egypt, which had been trying to regain territory lost in the Six-Day War, the Arab nations imposed an oil embargo, which strictly limited oil in the U.S. and caused a crisis

Eerie Canal 1825

An example of how the Market revolution was funded is the ___ ___ as the state of New York basically payed for it because it greatly benefited the State. (year included)

Critics of Reform

An example of these would be Catholics, who were heavy critics of the reform movement because they saw it as a way to enforce Protestant morality upon the masses.

"Am I Not A Man and a Brother?"

An image of a slave on his knees, raising up chained hands as if begging or pleading; the most common abolitionist depiction of a slave.

Iroquois Confederacy

(late 1500s) Bound together five tribes-the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas-in the Mohawk Valley of what is now New York State. (36)

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

- America states that the period of colonization (in North America?) has ended, nations shouldn't take any more land - Tells Europe to stay out of North America's business and America will do the same -US asserts themselves on world stage as the dominant power in the region (nationalistic statement), doesn't want anyone else getting involved -Nationalistic foreign policy and stresses non-colonization/non-intervention

American Revolution (1775-1783) + Treaty of Paris (1763)

- American colonists go to war against England in order to start their own democracy - Started because colonists were being taxed without representation, plus tensions from the French and Indian War - Made in order for the British to recognize the independence of the American colonies, England had exhausted all their resources and decided to end conflict

Model Treaty (1776)

- Based of America's ideas of foreign affairs, only wanted connections with other countries if they were economic/trade/commercial -Was made with France

Jay's Treaty (1794)

- Chief Justice John Jay goes to London to agree w/British that Americans will pay their pre-revolutionary debts - British also agreed to stop attacking in the future - Leads to Pinckney Treaty w/Spain because they see we're getting friendly with the British - Jeffersonians not happy that America had a revolution against the British but were now making concessions to them, leads to more tension between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians

Disadvantages of Mercantilism

- Colonists resent the system - Leads to lack of financial independence because colonists were not allowed to trade with other countries or manufacture goods - Currency crisis caused by mercantilism because British cannot supply currency fast enough to the growing population -Growing population also leads to smuggling with the French West Indies because Britain cannot supply goods fast enough

Embargo/Non-Intercourse Act (1807)

- Cut off all American exports to Britain and France in attempt to appease their conflict (thought that Britain and France would reconsider fighting with each other if America cut them off economically) - Hurts US more than anyone else, didn't stop conflict -Hurts Jefferson's reputation -Strictly enforced

Advantages of Mercantilism

- England is mother country, colonies is child. Colonies send raw materials (ex - crops & lumber) to Britain and Britain produces finished goods. Wealth measured in gold or silver - The economic relationship guaranteed protection from the most powerful country in the world - Guaranteed market for finished and raw goods -England makes good profit because they get cheap raw materials whilst selling finished goods

XYZ Affair (1797-1798)

- French spokesmen for Talleyrand (French foreign minister) told American diplomats that they had to pay $250k to talk with Talleyrand - the Americans did not pay and John Adams revealed this incident to the public using the letters "X,Y,Z" for the identities of the French spokesman - Makes people want a war with France but Adams says no, furthers his unpopularity

Pinckney Treaty (1795)

- Made because of Treaty of Paris (1763) - Spain gives Americans use of Mississippi

Neutrality Proclamation (1793)

- Occurred because of the French Revolution -Jeffersonians wanted to join the war but Hamiltonians did not - Washington declared neutrality to the French Revolution -*Sets a precedent for foreign policy, shows that foreign connections are based on self interest*

Manifest Destiny (1845)

- The belief that God had chosen Anglo-Saxons to dominate all of North America - The idea encourages western expansion/democracy/liberty - The victory of the Mexican American War was encouraged by Manifest Destiny, consequently lead to westward expansion and the debate of slavery in those newly ceded regions

Affects of French & Indian War

- War brought massive tension to the relationship between the British and American colonists, is said to be a huge catalyst for American Revolution - British grew frustrated with how disobedient the colonists were; they would: -Trade w/the Caribbean when they weren't allowed to (trading with French and Spaniards) -they did not want to pay taxes during or after the war -Moved west despite the Proclamation of 1763 - Colonists had developed a sense of independence and were not used to following the rules because of salutary neglect - British military saw colonial army as subservient and people who couldn't survive in Europe - American colonists lose respect for British military since they refused to adapt to a Native American fighting style -Colonists had confidence in themselves after the war, saw themselves as "cutting edge of British civilization" while Brits saw them as uncivilized - Overall loss of respect on both sides

French and Indian War (1754-1763)

- War started over property dispute of Ohio river?? -Ended by Treaty of Paris 1763

"Old " Immigration

-1820's-70's -northern and western europe -nativism -Irish and germans -took jobs and democratic votes -know-nothing party-didnt like immigration

The vietnam war

-1954: fall of Dien Bien Phu: french leave vietnman -Tet offensive (1968) alleged that american ships were attacked by north vietnam -gulf of Tonkin resolution -allowed press johnson to do anything necessary to prevent future attacks -US is concerned vietnman will become communiss so they increase their presence -invasion of cambodia-bombing neighbor of vietnman -students protest cambodia bombing-leading to deaths -vietnamization-richard nixon's policy to help end vietnman war-to slowly replace groups with trained south vietnman troops -war powers Act -overturned "gulf of tonkin" resolution-limited press' involvement in wars and he must inform congress before war actions are taken -EFFECTS: money that could have been used on the great society went to vietnman instead -high inflation in 70's

Antebellum Reform movements

-2nd great awakening -abolitionist movement -temperance -womens rights -education -treaetment for mentally Ill -mormons, shakers, transcendentalism


-An economic relationship between England and their colonies -Colonies are considered child, England mother -Colonies send raw materials (like crop and lumber) to Britain Britain produces finished goods -Wealth measured in gold or silver

Hamilton's financial plan

-BUS -wanted to create tariffs on imported goods and excise taxes -whiskey rebellion: farmers upset over taff on whiskey (shows power of new federal gov compared to shay's rebellion)

Colonial America

-Bacons rebellion -Peublo revolt -Stono rebellion -massachusetes bay -first great awakening -british economic policy: mercantilism (mother country) -1763: french and indian war (7 year war): british and colonists vs french and native americans-drastically altered relationship between brits and colonies -end of salutary neglect -cause brits are now in debt -proclamation line of 1763: colonists can't expand west of line cause of pontiac's rebellion -stamp act -stamp act congress: unity against british -delcatory, townshend, intolerable and tea acts "no taxation without representation -common sense-T-pain -olive branch petition

Convention of 1800

-Breaks the Franco-American Treaty - Helped US to purchase Louisiana Territory in the future

Navigation Act and Molasses Act (1600's)

-During the 1600s, the American colonies experienced a large population growth -The colonists were still under the mercantile system and began to smuggle from the French West Indies because England could not produce finished goods fast enough - The ___ and ___ Act were made by the British to stop smuggling -The act wasn't enforced because of salutary neglect

Christmas Truce of 1914

-Germans and British met in no-man's land to share Christmas

The great depression-new deal

-Hoover's lassez faire approach -FDR's Alphabet soup programs -CCC, Tennesse Valley authority, AAA paid farmers not to grow crops and not overproduce, NIRA-allows press to set prices and working hours for industries -court packing plan-for every judge over 70 he can appoint a new judge -Huey long-tax wealthy -Townsend-social security-elderly -keynes-gov should spend more money to restart economy


-INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT-largest public works project -suburbs -levittown -AFrican americans were excluded-"white flight" -cult of domesticity -rise in consumerism -credit cards 60's JFK's New frontier-focused on urban renewal -LBJ's great society -civil rights and elimination of poverty -silent spring and feminine mystique -assassination of RFK and MLK 1969: moonlanding, woodstock, and stonewall riots-gay rights

American system of manufactures

-Large scale manufacture of standardized products with interchangeable parts in order to reduce manufacturing cost

Stonewall Riot

-NYC, 1969 -gay bar that was periodically raided, but this time the men fought back and challenged the gay stereotype of a feminine man. -big impact on subculture in a national context, led to many rising gay communities and triggered the gay rights movement.

Reasons Nativists opposed new immigrants

-New immigrants practiced different religions -New Immigrants had different languages and cultures -New immigrants were willing to work for lower wages than native-born workers -New immigrants were not familiar with the US political system

Reasons for increased Mexican Immigration

-Relaxation of immigration quotas during 1960s -Desire to escape a crowded homeland with few economic opportunities -Desire to take advantage of better job opportunities in US -Desire to reunite with family members who had previously immigrated to US

War with Tripoli (1801-1805)

-Went to war because US refused to pay bribes from pirates - Just remember this because Jefferson was against expanding the national government and its powers but went to war anyways -Disliked military intervention and wanted to downsize army -Goes against strict interpretation (how?) -Likes neutrality but went anyways

French and Indian War

-albany plan of union:purpose was to negotiate a treaty between iroguois and the british: leads to "john or die" colonial unity -salutary neglect: britian leaving colonies alone as long as they are profitable for motherland causes: 1754 -george Washington sent to challenge french expansion -natives sided with french -quartering and impressement end: peace of paris, 1763 -britain gains france's territory -balance of power shifts in north america: england and spain are now main powers-sorry france:( -native americans lose a partner in france -tensions between britain and colonists -britian feels colonies should share in the responsibility of empire-taxes-but colonists want salutary neglect -SALUTARY NEGLECT ENDS -PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763-colonists aren't allowed to expand past that line-avoiding conflict between colonists and natives -colonists need to pay taxes for british groups that line the line -STARTS COLONIAL RESISTANCE TO BRITISH POLICIES -sons of liberty -currency act, stamp act, stamp act congress boycott->declatory act (we can tax you whatever we want)->no taxation without representation->emergence of colonial identity-UNITY AGAINST BRITISH

American revolution through the constitution

-battle of saratoga: turning point (france) -women provided food + medicine -treaty of paris: US gained land east of missippi -first governing document of US: articles of confederation: could not tax + weak, couldn't raise army, no executive branch = a lot of power to states -shay's rebellion (farmers): essential to repealing A.O.C -northwest land ordinance: outlawed slavery north of a line and outlined how territory could become states (only plus of AOS) -constitutional convention in philidelphia -great compromise: connecticut compromise (Virginia vs New jersey) = bicamerical: 1 = pop and 1 = equal -3.5 compromise -to gain support for constitution: federal paperes + bill of rights -judiciary act


-building the nation after the civil war -presidential vs. congressional (radical) reconstruction -Lincoln+johnson called for 10% loyalty oath -radical reconstruction was harsher and divided south in 5 zones -13th, 14th, 15th amendment -scalawags: southern reconstruction peeps -carpetbaggers: people who moved from north to south in reconstruction -force acts-attempt to stop KKK -black codes-trying to make conditions similar to slavery -compromise of 1877 ends reconstruction-settles election-grants Hayes (republican) presidency-but in return military rule in the south ends


-causes: -unrestricted submarine warfair-blown up by germains -zimmermann note: germany tells mexico they will help them gain back land lost in mexican american war if they attack US-angers US -home front during WWI -paid through income taxes and liberty bonds -committee on public information-purpose to gain support for war-george creel -woodrow wilson's 14 points-league of nations

cold war

-containment: to keep communism from spreading -George kennan- "long telegram"-father of containment -helped end US policy of isolation -truman doctrine: gave money to greece and turkey to avoid them being communist -marshall plan-gave money to europe to make communism less appealing -"fall" of china-china becomes communist -2nd red scare -HUAC (house committee on Un-american activities-richard nixon -alger hiss was accused of sharing 65 documents -"hollywood 10" refused to testify before HUAC and were sentenced to jail -McCarthyism-accused state department officials of being communists -rosenbergs were put to death -Eisenhower's administration-Jogn foster dulles: massive retaliation-led to the idea that the US was always on brink of war with soviet union -JFK's flexible réponse focused more on couvert action -sputnik launched by USSR-more spending on science and education -U2 spy plane shot down by soviets

the warren court

-decisions affected rights of criminals and the accused, religion, civil rights, and women -mapp v ohio (search warrants) -gideon v wainwiright-right to lawyer even if u can't afford it -escobedo v illinois (right to lawyer from time of arrest) -miranda v. Arizona (right to remain silent) -angel v. vitale: school sanctioned prayer is unconstitutional -griswold v. connecticut (birth control is legal) -tinker v. desmoins (free speech is fine in school) -nixon was upset with court decisions -roe v. wade-legalized abortions -bakke vs board-cant make college decisions based on race

progressive era

-early 1900's -urban middle class-women -wanted to fix problems of society -direct election of senators, railroad regulation, secret ballot, income tax -muckrakers-journalists revealing truth -the jungle-pure food and drug act + meat inspection act -jacob Riis how the other half lives -jane adams-hull house -W.E.B du bois-immediate end to segregation -Ida B. Wells: wanted end to lynching -16th: graduated income tax: more money you make, more money you pay -17th, direct election of senators -18th:prohibition -19th: womans suffrage -Roosevelt square deal: conservation, regulated trusts-good v. bad, consumer protection -woodrow wilson was the real trust buster -hepburn act-regulate railroad -clayton antitrust act-labor unions can't be broken up because of sherman antitrust act

Harvey Milk

-elected San Francisco councilman, openly gay. -movement that was emerging was a local success -formerly lived in NYC and repressed his homosexuality, moved to San Fran. -Conservatives in CA put a resolution on statewide ballot that aimed to ban gays from teaching in schools. Campaigns against the resolution and wins. -critics of Milk and the whole movement still had much popularity. Conservatives still held power over the nation, San Fran was an exception. -movement still relatively small at the time. -assassinated by Dan White, who was let free on the "twinkie defense".

Don't ask, don't tell

-gays could join the army if they didn't tell anyone they were gay. -didn't make either side happy, Clinton lost popularity as a result.

Civil War

-lincoln is pres -he didnt get a single vote in south but is still press-immediate cause of civil war -lincoln didnt want to illiminate slavery-just didnt want it to expand -draft -> NYC draft riots "rich mans war poor mans fight" -battle of antietam -emancipation proclamation -habeas corpus-right to trial-get suspended during war


-long hours, arduous work -slave codes: prevent slaves from reading -slave culture developed -stono rebellion -nat turner rebellion (VA)-whites killed -gag resolution: prohibited anti slavery petitions in house of reps -fugitive slave law -free-soil party: against expansion of slavery into western territories

Defense of Marriage Act

-marriage was between heterosexuals only.

the "roaring" 20's

-politics-warren G. Harding "return to normalcy" -teapot dome scandal -coolidge -nativism -emergency quota act-limited immigration quota to 3% of a country's population in 1910 -national origins act limits it to 2% -KKK -flapper -margaret sanger-birth control -harlem renaisssance

Gay pride parades

-public events, anyone can participate -analogy to MLK's marches

Religion in colonies

-puritans: calvinists-believed in predestinations, wanted to purify english of ALL catholic rituals, only "visible saints" should be admitted to church -seperatists: harrased and wanted to leave anglican church-didn't want to fix, wanted to leave Massachusetts Bay colony: -puritans-John Winthrop -delcared that purpose of colony was to be a city upon a hill -did not extend religious toleration to others in colonies -town gov's: "town hall meeting"-elected officials on yearly basis -Roger williams and anne hutchinson get banned from MBC -quakers: did not pay taxes for church, no paid clergy, did not take oaths, rights of women, william penn, penssilvania was a haven for quakers -1st great awakening: 1730's-1740s -religious revival reaction to enlightenment -effects: new branches of christianity emerge

The Gilded Age

-societal issues -gap between rich and poor -carnegie, rockafeller, verticle and horizontal integreation -social darwinism-survical of fittest -gospel of wealth-wealth should help society -pres grant scandals -knights of labor, AFL -RR strike, homestead strike, pullman strike, hay market square riot -interstate commerce act-regulates railroad industry -sherman anti-trust act: purpose to break up monopolies but in practice it was used to break up unions -westward expansion -homestead act (1862)-provided 160 acres to settlers -transcontinental RR -dawes act of 1867: to make native americans more american -ghost dance

US imperialism/spanish american war

-spanish american war: -causes: Alfred T. Mahan says strong countries need strong navy -yellow journalism-exageration to sell newspaper -USS maine mysteriously blows up-thought was spanish -de lome letter trash talks mckinlley -a need for raw materialism and for $ from businesses -roosevelt coralary to monroe doctrine-US can get involved in latin america

Jacksonian Era (1824-1840)

-the corrupt bargain of 1824 -"the common man"-increase in voting rights -tariff of abominations (high tariff) 1828 -tariff gets lower in 1832 but is still too high -Nullification crisis-nullified tariff -compromise Tariff of 1833:henry clay-lowered tariff rates by 10% per year-south is happy cause its lower, north is happy cause its gradually -Indian removal act: moved west of missippi river


-the grange-provided social and economic opportunities for farmers -populist party -omaha platform: 16:1 silver to gold to increase money and help debtors -initiative, recall, referendom, direct election of senators -1893 panic -coxey's army -william jennings brian cross of gold speech

South Colonies

. Colony that was very labor intensive relying on indentured servitude and slaves in order to farm crops such as tobacco, sugar, and rice.


1) Homosexual is a new 20th century term 2) Defied cultural gender norms 3) Legal discrimination 4) psychological discrimination 5) religious discrimination

1980s- AIDS

1) becomes public disease in 1980s

1980s- "Bowers v. Hardwick"

1) begins in Georgia, state law against gay sex. 2) Hardwick was caught having gay sex by random police encounter due to other business 3) In Supreme Court, ruled law constitutional.

Homosexual response to discrimination

1) repression 2) subculture

Larry Kramer

1) used the disease to increase gay political activism. 2) said that gov. needed to do more to ensure equal access to healthcare. 3) Gov. was passive and not proactive at the time.

Roger Williams

1635 - He left the Massachusetts colony and purchased the land from a neighboring Indian tribe to found the colony of Rhode Island. Rhode Island was the only colony at that time to offer complete religious freedom.

Pequot War

1637 Conflict between an alliance of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies, with American Indian allies (the Narragansett, and Mohegan Indians), against the Pequot Indians. This war saw the elimination of the Pequot in New England, and is exemplary of the Puritan use of genocide towards Native Americans.

King Phillip's War

1675 - A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanoags, led by Metacom, a chief also known as King Philip. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

Adam Smith

1723- 1790; Scottish; "Wealth of Nations"; first economist; "laissez-faire capitalism"; not completely against govt regulation; pro free trade; let individuals pursue own interest; attacks mercantilism- peep do thinks out of self interest (baker); prices should be fluctuated on just supply & demand- not what gov't say it is; philosophe; not hard-core conservative (gov't does have part); didn't trust businessmen; economics should have an economic (not military) end goal; skilled workforce and strong infrastructure determines power of country, (Scottish economist) in The Wealth of Nations, he created the concept of laissez-faire ( government should leave economy alone) & applied natural law to means of production & exchange (supply & demand); saw mercantilism as government interference in economy or free trade; believed that enlightened self-interest would create the best production & exchange for market conditions; government should only have 3 roles: protect society from invasion (army); defend citizens from injustice (police); & keep up public works (roads, canals, bridges) that private individuals could not afford to provide but that society needed


1770's by "Mother" Ann Lee; Utopian group that splintered from the Quakers; believed that they & all other churches had grown too interested in this world & neglectful of their afterlives; prohibited marriage and sexual relationships; practiced celibacy


1790s, this party follows a strict interpretation of the constitution and favors a small government. They want the US to be a nation of small, independent farmers. Madison and Jefferson are a part of this and it was not a party developed formally when Washington was in office.

First Bank of the US

1791; Chartered National Bank for 20 years

Jay's Treaty

1794- following British impressment of US ships/sailors; resolved outstanding issues by arbitration, GB agreed to surrender NW posts

Pinckney's Treaty

1795- Defined boundaries of US and Spanish territories, guaranteed US rights to navigate Mississippi R.

Treaty of Greenville

1795- negotiations between US govt and native americans following their loss at the Battle of Fallen Timbers

Alien and Sedition Acts

1798; you can't speak out against the government during a war. This was act was anti-Democrat-Republican

Andrew Johnson

17th President of the United States, A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.

Manifest Destiny

1800s belief that Americans had the right to spread across the continent.

Louisiana Purchase

1803- Napoleon sold to TJ for $15 million, all for the strategic port of New Orleans

Embargo Act

1807; stopped trade with all foreign nations

Rush-Bagot Agreement

1812- Limited armaments between US and GB on Great Lakes and Lake Champlain following War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

1814- Ended war of 1812 between US and GB; settled boundary of US and Canada

Battle of New Orleans

1815- most decisive american victory in War of 1812, led by Andrew Jackson

Second Bank of the United States

1816; chartered another bank for 20 years

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

1819 New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The Court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U. S. Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts.

Adams-Onis Treaty

1819- Spain ceded Florida to US

Monroe Doctrine

1823- Penned by John Quincy Adams, forbid European powers from further colonizing the western hemisphere

Tariff of Abominations

1828 - Also called Tariff of 1828, it raised the tariff on imported manufactured goods. The tariff protected the North but harmed the South; South said that the tariff was economically discriminatory and unconstitutional because it violated state's rights.

Maysville Road Veto

1830 - The Maysville Road Bill proposed building a road in Kentucky (Clay's state) at federal expense. Jackson vetoed it because he didn't like Clay, and Martin Van Buren pointed out that New York and Pennsylvania paid for their transportation improvements with state money. Applied strict interpretation of the Constitution by saying that the federal government could not pay for internal improvements.

Indian Removal Act

1830; removes Cherokees from GA

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

1831 - Supreme Court refused to hear a suit filed by the Cherokee Nation against a Georgia law abolishing tribal legislature. Court said Indians were not foreign nations, and U.S. had broad powers over tribes but a responsibility for their welfare.

Force Bill

1833 - The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to use the army and navy to collect duties on the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. South Carolina's ordinance of nullification had declared these tariffs null and void, and South Carolina would not collect duties on them. The Force Act was never invoked because it was passed by Congress the same day as the Compromise Tariff of 1833, so it became unnecessary. South Carolina also nullified the Force Act.

Force Bill

1833; forced South Carolina to collect Tariff of 1828

gag rule

1835 law passed by Southern congress which made it illegal to talk of abolition or anti-slavery arguments in Congress

Commonwealth v. Hunt

1842 Case heard by the Massachusetts supreme court. The case was the first judgement in the U.S. that recognized that the conspiracy law is inapplicable to unions and that strikes for a closed shop are legal. Also decided that unions are not responsible for the illegal acts of their members. MADE LABOR UNIONS LEGAL as long as they ARE NOT violent.

Commonwealth v. Hunt

1842 Landmark ruling of the Massachusetts supreme court establishing the legality of labor unions.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

1848- US paid $15 million to Mexico, settled Rio Grande as border, gave US territory gains including NM, AZ, NV, and UT

Clayton Bulwer Treaty

1850- Nicaragua canal would be neutral and neither GB or US had territorial claim to it

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. These states were above the 60'30 line and breached the Missouri compromise.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854; popular sovereignty in Kansas

Robert La Follette

1855-1925. Progressive Wisconsin Senator and Governor. Staunch supporter of the Progressive movement, and vocal opponent of railroad trusts, bossism, WWI, and League of Nations.

Homestead Act

1862; 160 acres in the West for free if you claimed it and stayed for five years

Tenure of Office Act

1867; President can't remove a Cabinet member without Congressional approval. This leads to Andrew Johnson's impeachment

Gilded Age

1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor

Specie Resumption Act

1875; you could turn greenbacks in for silver or gold

The Great Railroad Strike

1877, provoked by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad's decision to cut wages for the second time in a year; remembered as the first general strike in American history; paralyzed the nation's commerce for 45 days; forced governors in ten states to mobilize 60,000 militia to reopen rail traffic.

Bland-Allison Act

1878; tried to put silver into the market at a 16:1 ratio (silver to gold)

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882; banned Chinese immigration to America

Pendleton Act

1883; attempted to end patronage

Interstate Commerce Act

1887; First attempt to regulate big business; specifically targeted railroads

Progressive Era

1890 - 1920, Progressives tended to be women, middle class, and live in urban areas. Progressives sought to use government influence to solve societal problems.

Sherman Antitrust Act

1890, forbade only unreasonable combinations or contracts in restraint of trade; had little immediate impact on the regulation of large corporations; during the last decade of the nineteenth century, the primary use of the act was to curb labor unions.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

1890; "outlaws practices that limit competition"; in practice was used to attack unions

Homestead Strike

1892, began as a dispute between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (the AA) and the Carnegie Steel Company; The AA refused to accept pay cuts and went on strike in Pennsylvania; the strike ultimately culminated in a battle between strikers and private security guards hired by the company.

Pullman Strike

1894, when the national economy fell into a depression, the Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages while maintaining rents and prices in a company town where 12,000 workers lived; halted a substantial portion of American railroad commerce; ended when President Cleveland ordered federal troops to Chicago, ostensibly to protect rail-carried mail, but in reality, to crush the strike.

Filipino Insurrection

1898-1902: led by Emilio Aguinaldo, who wanted Philippines independence from US

Open Door Notes

1898-99- Sec. State John Hay (under McKinley) worked to secure US commerce in China and maintain equal power between Eu. powers influence in China

Wilmington Race Riots 1898

1898: Democratic party wins and tells blacks to leave or be lynched. Wilmington coup of 1898 inspired Jim Crow

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

1901- nullified Clayton Bulwer treaty, gave US rights to build Panama Canal

The Anthracite Coal Strike

1902, a strike by the United Mine Workers of America in eastern Pennsylvania; it was arbitrated with the active involvement of President Theodore Roosevelt; this marked the first time the federal government intervened in a labor dispute as a neutral arbitrator.

Newlands Reclamation Act

1902; funded Western irrigation projects out west; symbolized TR's commitment to conservation

Muller vs. Oregon

1903; court ruled that women needed special health protectiom from the dangers of working in labor intensive jobs

Elkins Act

1903; imposed fines on railroads that affected rebates (preferential rates)

Roosevelt Corollary

1904- "Big Stick" Policy- stated that the US would intervene in affairs of other nations in western hemisphere

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 required foods to have labels

Meat Inspection Act

1906; just what it says

Hepburn Act

1906; set maximum railroad rates

Dollar Diplomacy

1909-13- Taft/Knox used private capital to further US interests overseas esp. in Latin America

Moral Diplomacy

1912- Wilson, foreign policy that promoted spreading democracy

Federal Reserve Act

1913; creates central banking system

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

1914; tries to better define what a trust is, grants anti-trust exemptions

Espionage Act

1917; prohibits any attempt to interfere with military operations

Washington Naval Conference

1921- negotiated reduction of armaments in the east, resulted in 5 Power, 4 Power, and 9 Power treaties

Esch-Cummings Act

1921; returned railroads to private operation; symbolizes government getting out of business

Bonus Bill

1924; promised WW1 vets a pension

Emergency Quota Act (National Origins)

1924; put quotas on immigrants coming to the US

Kellog Briand Pact

1928- Nations agreed not to use war to resolve disputes

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

1930; raises tariffs, triggering a global trade war

Stimson Doctrine

1931- US refuses to recognize Japans territorial gains in northern China

Emergency Banking Act

1933; creates bank holiday to reorganize banking

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

1933; rural electrification and flood control; criticized as socialism

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

1933; work relief- mainly young people

Wagner Act

1935, also known as the National Labor Relations Act; often called the Magna Carta of labor because it ensured workers' right to organize and bargain collectively; led to a dramatic increase in labor union membership.

Wagner Act

1935; allows collective bargaining

Social Security

1935; retiree benefits paid for by current employees

Cash and Carry

1939; allowed sal of munitions to belligerents, provided they come here and buy it with cash

Lend Lease

1941; "arsenal of democracy"- shipping supplies to belligerents Trading with Britain that they could come to America to receive supplies

Korematsu v. US

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 2 each survivor

Taft-Hartley Act

1947, the primary purpose was to curb the power of labor unions; supporters believed: 1) unions were abusing their power; 2) widespread strikes would endanger the nation's vital defense industries; 3) some labor unions had been infiltrated by Communists; 4) employers were being coerced into hiring union workers; opposed by organized labor.

Marshall Plan

1947- US gave aid to western Europe to recover after WWII and to promote democracy

Truman Doctrine

1947- containment of communism, pledged to aid greece and turkey against Soviet advances

Taft-Hartley Act

1947; outlawed requiring workers to join unions

McCarran Internal Security Act

1950; required communist organizations to register with the government

Beat generation

1950s Group of artists and writers who rejected traditional artistic and social forms. Influences included psychedelic drugs and Eastern beliefs, such as Zen Buddhism. Members rejected regular work and preferred communal living. Many members were located around San Francisco. Writers of the generation included Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Ho Chi Minh

1950s and 60s; communist leader of North Vietnam; used guerilla warfare to fight anti-communist, American-funded attacks under the Truman Doctrine; brilliant strategy drew out war and made it unwinnable

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on separationist and nationalist impulses achieve true independence and equality

Interstate Highway and Defense Act

1956; created the interstate highway system

National Education Defense Act

1958; provided funds for education

Watts Riots

1964 riots which started in an African-American ghetoo of Los Angeles and left 30 dead and 1,000 wounded. Riots lasted a week, and spurred hundreds more around the country.

Voting Rights Act 1965

1965; invalidated the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disenfranchised blacks; as more blacks became politically active and elected black representatives, it brought jobs, contracts, and facilities and services for the black community, encouraging greater social equality and decreasing the wealth and education gap

Tet Offensive

1968; National Liberation Front and North Vietnamese forces launched a huge attack on the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), which was defeated after a month of fighting and many thousands of casualties; major defeat for communism, but Americans reacted sharply, with declining approval of LBJ and more anti-war sentiment

Frostbelt to Sunbelt

1970s, largest growth in states occurred below 37th parallel (Virginia to California), also witnessed mass migration from northern cities (frostbelt) to the south (sunbelt), south and west have experienced greatest population gains since 1970

Phyllis Schlafly

1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; demonstrated conservative backlash against the 60s; led the campaign to defeat the ERA claiming it would undermine the American family

Roe v. Wade

1973; allowed states to restrict abortion, required that minors notify their parents before getting an abortion

War Powers Act

1973; attempted to limit the war powers of the president

Economy Recovery Tax Act

1981; cut taxes, closed loopholes

American with Disabilities Act

1990; prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities

North American Free Trade Agreement

1994; no tariffs between Canada, the US, and Mexico

W.E.B. DuBois

1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard, encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910

Slavery and State rights

2 reasons historians debate whether or not the civil war occurred in the 1860's

William Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant

2 war heroes for the union for the Civil War

Woodrow Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

Gold Glory God

3 G's and reasons for exploration

William Bradford

30-time governor of Plymouth, very popular leader; distributed land among settlers to encourage farming

John Marshall

4th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and expanded the federal court more than anyone.

Bob Dylan

60's musician. Part of counterculture revolution through music. anti-war and anti-government



The Affluent Society

A 1958 book by John Kenneth Galbraith that analyzed the nation's successful middle class and argued that the poor were only an "afterthought" in the minds of economists and politicians.

Port Huron Statement

A 1962 manifesto by Students for a Democratic Society from its first national convention in Port Huron, Michigan, expressing students' disillusionment with the nation's consumer culture and the gulf between rich and poor, as well as a rejection of Cold War foreign policy, including the war in Vietnam.

Gettysburg Address

A 3-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War (November 19, 1963) at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg

Erie Canal

A 363 mile canal that connected the Great Lakes region to New York City; creating a dominant port of the city. Brought about the creation of new towns along the waterway (Buffalo, Rochester) Inspired the building of many other canals across the US and sparked an interest in major waterway transportation.

Lusitania 1915

A British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat. 128 Americans died. The unrestricted submarine warfare caused the U.S. to enter World War I against the Germans. (year included)

Freedem's Bureau

A Federal government organization established in 1865 that helped the newly freed slaves after the civil war. Such as food, medicine, and most importantly EDUCATION

American Colonization Society

A Society that thought slavery was bad. They would buy land in Africa and get free blacks to move there. One of these such colonies was made into what now is Liberia. Most sponsors just wanted to get blacks out of their country.

Dredd Scott v. Sanford 1857

A Supreme Court decision that inflamed hostilities between the north and the south regarding slavery. The Court stated that an African American, was not a citizen and did not have the right to sue for his freedom (year included)


A action that cause frustration between the colonies and Britain. Caused by seizing colonial men and forcing them to serve in the royal navy. New England justified this practice because they needed soldiers for all their wars.

Coxey's Army 1894

A band of several hundred unemployed men led by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey demanding economic relief. The group was dispersed by soldiers deployed by the federal government, which was a typical response in the 1890s. (year)

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people on the issue of slavery

National War Labor Board

A board that negotiated labor disputes and gave workers what they wanted to prevent strikes that would disrupt the WW1

How the Other Half Lives

A book by John Riis that told the public about the lives of the immigrants and those who live in the tenements (Ex. of changes in progressive Era)

Freedom Summer

A campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, which up to that time had almost totally excluded black voters.

Grandfather Clause

A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867. (Ex of how they prevented minorities from voting)


A combination of corporations cooperating in order to reduce competition and control prices.


A constitutional arrangement whereby power is divided between national and sub national governments, each of which enforces its own laws directly on its citizens and neither of which can alter the arrangement without the consent of the other.

Monroe Doctrine

A declaration by the President in 1823 that warned European powers to keep out of the Western Hemisphere and pledged that the United States would not intervene in the internal affairs of Europe.

separation of powers

A feature of the Constitution that requires each of the three branches of government executive, legislative, and judicial-to be relatively independent of the others so that one cannot control the others. From this premise, adison developed his system of checks & balances setting power against power.

Panic of 1873

A financial crisis that triggered a depression in North America. Made worse by Grant passing the Coinage Act of 1873 ("The Crime of '73"), which practiced deflationary policy.

Proclamation of Neutrality

A formal announcement issued by President George Washington on April 22, 1793, declaring the United States a neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France that had begun with the French Revolution. It threatened legal proceedings against any American providing assistance to warring countries.

Liberty Party

A former political party in the United States; formed in 1839 to oppose the practice of slavery; merged with the Free Soil Party in 1848

Newburgh Conspiracy 1783

A group of high ranking military leaders that wanted to challenge the government and was stopped by Washington


A group of restless people who fled their home in Scotland in the 1600s to escape poverty and religious oppression. They first relocated to Ireland and then to America in the 1700s. They left their mark on the backcountry of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. These areas are home to many Presbyterian churches established by the Scots-Irish. Many people in these areas are still very independent like their ancestors.

Powhatan Confederacy

A group of seven Indian tribes that controlled Virginia. It was led by Powhatan and was an agricultural group. They allowed the original English Settlers to survive


A group of socio-religious perfectionists founded by John Noyes who lived in New York. Practiced polygamy, communal property, and communal raising of children. Were very exclusive; members were monitored closely for mistakes. Had a committee to elect which members could have children (eugenics)

Oneida Community

A group of socio-religious perfectionists who lived in New York. Practiced polygamy, communal property, and communal raising of children. result of the 2nd great awakening.


A group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies

cyrus mccormick reaper

A horse-drawn machine that greatly increased the amount of wheat a farmer could harvest. It lead to more large-scale farming.

Great Railroad Strike 1877

A large number of railroad workers went on strike because of wage cuts. After a month of strikes, President Hayes sent troops to stop the rioting. The worst railroad violence was in Pittsburgh, with over 40 people killed by militia men. (ex of president siding against the workers)

GI Bill

A law passed in 1944 that provided educational and other benefits for people who had served in the armed forces in World War II. Benefits are still available to persons honorably discharged from the armed forces.

National Origins Act 1924

A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s.

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.

letter from Birmingham Jail

A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism.

March from Selma to Montgomery

A march that was attempted many times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed.

nuclear family

A married couple and their unmarried children living together. brought about by people in the 1950's moving away.


A massive prison reform is accomplished during the 2nd Great Awakening which is prohibited imprisonment for ___.

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981

A measure signed by Reagan in 1981 which cut personal income taxes by 25 percent, lowered the maximum rate from 70 to 50 percent for 1982, cut the capital gains tax by a third, and offered the wealthy a broad array of other tax concessions.

Stephen Douglas

A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty.

Moral Majority

A movement begun in the early 1980's among religious conservatives that supported primarily conservative Republicans opposed to abortion, communism and liberalism.


A movement from one region of a country to another

Captains of Industry

A name given company owners such as Carnegie and Rockefeller by people who believed they steered the economy into prosperity.

2nd New Deal

A new set of programs and reforms launched by FDR in 1935-1938. he focused on changing the role of government and reforming it.

Samuel Jennings

A painter who used Enlightment ideas and would incorporate black people and women into his paintings into his paintings of American culture. While still rationalizing the importance of education. (1780's-1790's)


A party that emerged that largely represented many of the interests of the old Federalist party. Andrew Jackson initiated its creation.

2nd Red Scare

A period in 1950s America where Anti-Communism was rampant and at a fever pitch

Sexual Revolution

A period in U.S. history, beginning about 1960, of increased sexual permissiveness. they believed in having sex with multiple partners instead of reserving it for Marriage

William James

A person against imperialism because it opposed the beginning values of the country.


A philosophical and literary movement of the 1800s which emphasized living a simple life while celebrating the truth in nature, emotion, and imagination. (Think Thoreau and Emerson). Believed freedom was not a set of defined rights or privileges, but rather an open-ended process of self realization

ethnic enclave

A place with a high concentration of an ethnic group in America who was migrating and would often times be able to celebrate their culture there


A policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was adopted by the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

A policy that the Germans announced on January 1917 which stated that their submarines would sink any ship in the British waters (causing the US to join the War

Free Soil Movement

A political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery. Created in 1848 the people consisted of Northern Democrats and Whigs. (In fact the movement was not caused because of rights that should be given to black people but instead because white people need more opportunity without strong power few elites had through slavery)

Indentured Servitude

A practice where plantation owners in the colonies paid for people's voyages in exchange for a certain amount of year's work (approx. 7 years)


A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment.

Sussex Pledge

A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.

Rosie the Riveter

A propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in the factories. It became a rallying symbol for women to do their part.

Poll Tax

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote (Ex of how they prevented minorities from voting)

Wilmot Proviso 1846

A rider to a bill proposed by Pennsylvania Congressman David Wilmot that sought to ban slavery in any territories or new states acquired from Mexico. Essentially the argument was over whether there would be slavery in Texas, New Mexico, California, and other new western states. The debate is considered a crucial part of the lead-up to the Civil War. The bill itself though was turned down. (year included) (Ex. of rising tensions of slavery)

Australlian Ballot

A secret ballot prepared, distributed, and tabulated by government officials at public expense.

Nuremberg Trials

A series of court proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II, in which Nazi leaders were tried for aggression, violations of the rules of war, and crimes against humanity.

New Deal

A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

Zoot Suit Riots

A series of riots that originated in Los Angeles between White soldiers stationed in the cities and Latinos.

Granger Laws

A set of laws in the 1870's designed to address railroad discrimination against small farmers, covering issues like freight rates and railroad rebates.

Stock Market Crash 1929

A severe downturn in stock prices that occurred in October of 1929 in the United States, and which marked the end of the "Roaring Twenties." Despite a few attempts at recovery, the stock market continued to languish, eventually falling almost 90% from its peak in 1929. It took over 25 years for the stock market to get back to the highs of the 1929 market, as the U.S. economy suffered through the Great Depression. Major new legislative and regulatory changes (New Deal) were enacted in an effort to prevent the same situation from happening again.

Black Power

A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community.

temperance movement

A social reform effort begun in the mid-1800s to encourage people to drink less alcohol. Angered many Catholics and working men who enjoyed drinking after a hard day of work.

Pullman Strike 1894

A staged walkout strike by railroad workers upset by drastic wage cuts. The strike was led by socialist Eugene Debs but not supported by the American Federation of Labor. Eventually President Grover Cleveland intervened because it was interfering with mail delivery and federal troops forced an end to the strike. The strike highlighted both divisions within labor and the government's continuing willingness to use armed force to combat work stoppages.


A state-level method of direct legislation that gives voters a chance to approve or disapprove proposed legislation or a proposed constitutional amendment.

spoils system

A system of public employment based on rewarding party loyalists and friends.


A system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

Zimmerman Telegram 1917

A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S. (year)

Pet banks

A term used by Jackson's opponents to describe the state banks that the federal government used for new revenue deposits in an attempt to destroy the Second Bank of the United States; the practice continued after the charter for the Second Bank expired in 1836.

Domino Theory

A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.

Triangle Trade

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa.


A town that grew in mining areas where there were rushes. These usually didn't last because the gold usually ran out, or there was no gold at all.

New Harmony (1825-1827)

A utopian settlement in Indiana established by reformer Robert Owens. New Harmony had 1,000 settlers, but was racked by internal dissension and broke up shortly after it was founded. A community in result of the 2nd great awakening.

Berlin Wall

A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West. This physical and ideological barrier between communists and free people in Germany came down in 1989

War of 1812

A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Enhanced nationalism of Americans.

Remember the ladies

Abagail Adams famous letter to her husband John Adams

13th Amendment 1865

Abolition of slavery w/o compensation for slave-owners (year included)

Talented Tenth

According to W. E. B. DuBois, the ten percent of the black population that had the talent to bring respect and equality to all blacks

Intolerable Acts 1774

Act passed because of the Boston Tea Party that shut down the Port of Boston until the damages were repaid (year included)

Declaratory Act 1766

Act passed just after the repeal of the Stamp Act. Stated that Parliament could legislate for the colonies in all cases.

Embargo Act

Act put into law by Thomas Jefferson in 1807 that was the lowpoint of his presidency. Outlawed the sailing of American ships to foreign ports. This law was intended to protect American ships from the impressment of foreign forces, but ended up simply decimating the economies of port cities and reminded many Americans of the British Navigation Acts.

Navigation Acts

Act that allowed the English colonies to only trade with England. Could not trade with the French, Dutch, etc. However it was sometimes resisted through smuggling.

Dorothea Dix

Activist who helped improve conditions of mental patients

Dr. Francis Townsend

Advanced the Old Age Revolving Pension Plan, which proposed that every retired person over 60 receive a pension of $200 a month (about twice the average week's salary). It required that the money be spent within the month.

Ida B. Wells

African American journalist. published statistics about lynching, urged African Americans to protest by refusing to ride streetcars or shop in white owned stores

Langston Hughes

African American poet who described the rich culture of African American life using rhythms influenced by jazz music. He wrote of African American hope and defiance, as well as the culture of Harlem and also had a major impact on the Harlem Renaissance. He wrote "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "My People"

Booker T. Washington

African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality.

First Great Migration

African Americans moved in to Northern cities because of job opportunities/ better social conditions.

First Great Migration

African Americans moved in to Northern cities because of job opportunities/ better social conditions. 1910-1930


African Americans who fled the violence of the reconstruction south in 1879 and 1880, mostly migrated to Kansas

Treaty of Grenville 1795

After fighting Indians ceded most of the future state of Ohio and significant portions of what would become the states of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. This treaty is known as?

Radical Republicans

After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South.

New South

After the Civil War, southerners promoted a new vision for a self-sufficient southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation. Henry Grady played an important role.


After the Spanish American War ___ was already Christianized but America still believed they had to "help" them to which the people were treated terribly.

Central Powers

Alliance name for WWI Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers

Alliances for WWI Great Britain, France, Russia and US, Italy, and Japan that joined later

Aldrich-Vreeland Act

Allowed banks to issue emergency currency not backed by gold; passed in response to Panic of 1907

National Industrial Recovery Act

Allowed the president to set codes for industries (prices, working hours, etc.)

Elastic Clause

Allows Congress to make laws that are necessary and proper

Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

Also called the Labor Management Relations Act. This act was Congress' response to the abuse of power. Outlawed closed shops; prohibited unions' unfair labor practices, and forced unions to bargain in good faith. created under President Truman.

16th Amendment

Amendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income.

14 Reservations

Amendments to the Treaty of Versailles, sponsored by Wilson's hated senatorial opponent, that attempted to guarantee America's sovereign rights in relation to the League of Nations

Dawes Act 1887

America abandoned the reservation system and divided the land into a 160 acre plots to be farmed by the Indians (year included) Allowing Indians to become Americans on the condition that they settled on that land and assimilated into American culture.

Know-Nothing Party

America's first nativist political party, which directed its hostility against catholic immigrants from Ireland and Germany


American Indian Movement

Hudson River School

American artistic movement that produced romantic renditions of local landscapes. (Ex. changing culture in art in the 1800's)


American colonists who opposed the Revolution and maintained their loyalty to the King; sometimes referred to as "Tories." (139)

Sierra Club

American environmental organization. Helped promote the protection of the environment and nature. (ex. Corporation v. Conservationists during Gilded Age)

Frederick Jackson Turner

American historian who said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems. The closing of the frontier would be a problem.


American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world

Marhshall Plan

American program to aid Europe, in which the United States gave economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II in order to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism.

Cash Crops

Americans moved from subsistence farming to this. Growing crops for market rather than personal use.

Joe Lewis

An African American boxer who became a national hero when he knocked out German boxer Mac Schmeling

Jefferson Davis

An American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

Cross of Gold Speech

An address given by Bryan, the Democratic presidential nominee during the national convention of the Democratic party, it criticized the gold standard and supported the coinage of silver. His beliefs were popular with debt-ridden farmers.


An apparatus that used electric signals to transmit a message via a wire; use of Morse Code (a series of dots and dashes representing letters of the alphabet). Allowed people to communicate ideas and the price of goods across the country.

Embargo Act 1807

An attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to prohibit American ships from trading in foreign ports. It was intended to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other. (However people smuggling goods during the War of 1812 despite the act is an example of people being loyal to the region not the nation)

Assimilation Movement

An attempt to put an end to Native American culture through education, vocational training, and Christianizing them.

Panic of 1837

An economic uproar when Jackson was president. Many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.

para resumir

to summarize

Mary McCauley

took her husband's place fighting in the revolutionary war

Interstate trade

trade between 2 or more states

intrastate trade

trade within a single state


typically young singled who wore dresses cropped at the knee and bobbed hair who typically settled down after marriage; accompanied a sexual revolution that involved an increase in premarital sex and revolt against sexual taboos

hasta el momento

until now

hasta la fecha

until now

al considerar

upon consideration of

Stono Rebellion

was a slave rebellion begun on Sunday, September 9, 1739, in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies prior to the American Revolution.

Virginia House of Burgesses

was the elected lower house in the legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619.

deduce que

we can deduce that

Grimke sisters

were 19th-century American Quakers, educators and writers who were early advocates of abolitionism and women's rights.

New Amsterdam

what did the Dutch create in 1624 that facilitated and advanced economic goals.

lo escencial es

what is essential is

lo importante es

what is important is

lo que importa es

what matters is

Lincoln's 10% Plan

when 10% of voters in southern states pledged allegiance to U.S. it would become part of union



con respecto a

with respect to

sin duda

without a doubt

cult of domesticity

women and men had "separate spheres" and the female sphere was in the home, where she cared for the children because she was too weak and fragile to be working in the outside world

colonial women

worked in the home, typically had around eight children

White Flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs. So suburban areas became more white people densed and city areas were left to Black people.

The Feminine Mystique

written by Betty Friedan and published in 1963; encouraged women to seek professional careers by telling how there is more to life than being a housewife

American Protective Association (APA)

An organization created by nativists in 1887 that campaigned for laws to restrict immigration (abbreviation)

Woodstock Music Festival

An outdoor music festival at rural New York farm in 1969, it featured a lineup of popular counterculture performers and was attended by 500,000 people.

Y bueno

And well

Bank of the United States

Andrew Jackson in support of Jefferson ideals vetoed the 3rd __ ___ __ in 1832.

Adams-Onis Treaty 1819

Andrew Jackson was supposed to govern areas in Florida because Spain was too preoccupied with their Latin American revolutions to think about the border issues to prevent war. However instead Andrew Jackson took over 2 Spanish forts. John Quincy Adams was able to buy Florida off of the Spanish in a treaty. What was the treaty?(Year included)

Pigs and Cattle

Animals of the Columbian Exchanged that changed the diet of Native Americans

exposition and protest

Anonymous essay published by John C. Calhoun in 1828 which advocated two doctrines--that of Interposition (or the right of a state to nullify a federal law) and that of the Concurrent Majority as a means by which the people in the minority (as slave-holding southerners) could protect themselves from harmful federal action. These ideas would contribute to the coming of the secession crisis of 1832-1833 and ultimately to the Civil War in 1861.

Political Machines

Appealed to immigrants and urban poor; provided services in exchange for support. Think Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall

Bataan Death March

April 1942, American soldiers were forced to march 65 miles to prison camps by their Japanese captors. It is called the Death March because so may of the prisoners died on route. (Example of why the US joined the war because of survival vs fascism/militarism)

tidewater (as distinguished from Piedmont)

Areas of low, flat plains near the seacoast of Virginia and North Carolina. The gentry controlled this area in Colonial America.

1970s- Gay rights movement emerges publicly

Arguments? 1) as an American citizen, they deserved equal rights 2) new idea of psychology, repression is harmful to psych. development. 3) some religious affiliates supported b/c its the way you're created/born by God. -Open interpretation of the Bible.

Fort Duquesne

Around 1754 the fighting back in forth for a land in the Ohio River Valley which fort was constantly conquered and retaken


Articles of Confederation was very bad with trade as different states had different ___ and would place random inconsistent tariffs that made trading very difficult

Huey Long

As senator in 1932 of Washington preached his "Share Our Wealth" programs. It was a 100% tax on all annual incomes over $1 million and appropriation of all fortunes in excess of $5 million. With this money Long proposed to give every American family a comfortable income, etc

American Temperance Society 1826

Association founded by clergymen and businessmen who focused on working classmen who drank more than anyone. During the 2nd great awakening.

V-J Day

Aug 1945, Japan's surrender

Black Legend

Author of this book is Bartolome de Las Casas. Was a bout how the Spanish were very brutal colonizers and exploited the Native Americans.


Awarding of jobs to faithful political party members

Rebellions and conflicts in colonial era:

Bacon's rebellion (1676) -rebellion of poor, landless whites in Jamestown, VA) -occured because of conflict with natives -farmers were upset with gov Berkeley and eastern farmers -bacon and followers burn down jamestown -DEMONSTRATES CLASS TENSIONS -REBELLION AGAINST AUTHORITY -MOVEMENT AWAY FROM INDENTURED SERVANTS TO SLAVES Pueblo (Pope's Revolt) (1680) -native americans rebelling against spanish in New mexico -2,000 spanish and 30,000 peublos -spanish priests and gov suppressed natives american practices that were inconsistent with christianity -spanish demanded labor -pope (native leader) killd hundreds and forced spanish to flee -spain regains control in 1696 SIG: spanish sought to religiously assimilate the natives -peublos were given more freedom from spanish -Stono rebellion (1739) slave rebellion, capture weans and kill whites-sought to flee to spanish florida -sig? leads to harsher laws/slave codes Leisler's rebellion -tensions between wealthy and lower classes Salem witch trials: (1680's-90's) -tensions between rich and poor -east vs west

lack of indentured servitude

Bacon's rebellion in 1676 caused

J.P. Morgan

Banker who buys out Carnegie Steel and renames it to U.S. Steel. Was a philanthropist in a way; he gave all the money needed for WWI and was payed back. Was one of the "Robber barons"


Banks taking back people's homes because mortgages can't get paid. Was opposed in Shay's rebellion. (1786-1787)


Barbary Pirates would also capture ___ and use them for ransom under the Articles of Confederation.

JFK's administration

Bay of pigs invasion in cuba (taken over by castro) by cuban exiles -US doesn't get directly involved but its clear they support it -impact is that cuba and USSR worry about future invasions -Cuban missile crisis: US discovers missiles with nuclear capabilities in cuba -JFK quarantined Cuba (not allowing any ships to come in) and eventually society union withdrew missiles -US promised not to attack cuba and US would take away missiles from turkey


Because the Federalists opposed the War of 1812 their political party ___ after the War. Due to their beliefs being portrayed negatively in fighting against Britain.

disliked, salutary neglect

Before 1776 most of the colonies ____ the idea of independence and they longed for ___ ___

Great Migration

Beginning during WWI and continuing through WWII, labor demand in the north and increased discrimination in the south led thousands of African Americans to migrate to Northern and Midwestern cities

New immigrants

Beginning in the1880s these immigrants came from small towns and villages in southern and eastern Europe, mainly from Italy, Russia, Poland, and Austria-Hungary. They primarily settled in large northern and midwestern cities

Henry Turner

Bishop who formed International Migration Society in 1894 to help American blacks emigrate to Africa.

A Philip Randolph

Black leader, who threatens a march to end discrimination in the work place; Roosevelt gives in with companies that get federal grants.

Harlem Renaissance

Black literary and artistic movement centered in Harlem that lasted from the 1920s into the early 1930s that both celebrated and lamented black life in America; Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston were two famous writers of this movement.

Double V Campaign

Black-Americans' campaign to earn victory in the home front (fight discrimination at home) and victory overseas (fighting the enemy Axis powers)


Boats that could easily paddle upstream, became vital part of America's transportation system. Robert Fulton sailed his steamboat, the Clermont, up the Hudson River.

Woman in the Nineteenth Century

Book by Margaret Fuller, published in 1845, that defined freedom for women as a quest for personal development.

Poor Richard's Almanack

Book written by Benjamin Franklin read during the colonial and post colonial times. (2nd best selling book 1st being the Bible during its time)

Common Sense

Book written by Thomas Paine urging America to break away from Britain and helped influence the Declaration of Independence.


Born in America 2 parents of Spanish ancestry


Born in Spain and of 2 parents in Spanish ancestry

Molasses Act of 1733

British legislation which had taxed all molasses, rum, and sugar which the colonies imported from countries other than Britain and her colonies. The British had difficulty enforcing the tax; most colonial merchants did not pay it. (Year as well)

colonial resentment

British quartering troops in colonial homes throughout the French and Indian War led to ___. Anyone resisting feeding or housing soldiers at their own expense led were threatened to violence


By the end of 1945 ___ of African Americans were receiving government assistance

Florence Kelley

Came from the Hull house reformer who worked to prohibit child labor and to improve conditions for female workers, children and African Americans (Ex. of changes in progressive Era)

Barbados, Saint Christopher, Nevis

Caribbean colonies created in 1620

Southern Colonies

Caribbean strict slavery enforcement was due to a higher Black population than white. Which colonies adopted that system?

Irish immigration

Caused largely by the potato famine in Ireland. Irish immigrants came and received much discrimination due to their Catholic faith as well as exploitation in factories due to their limited skills. Archbishop John Hughes urges them to maintain their identity, which leads to the development of Catholic schools.


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government. Its primary function is obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers

Henry Cabot Lodge

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations

150,000, 600,000, 1.7 million

Changes in immigration can be linked to the Potato Famine in Ireland and the immigration rates went from: ___ in the 1820's ___ in the 1830's ___ in the 1840's


Chattel- term to describe slaves under new slave codes or in short

Bull Conner

Chief of the police in Birmingham. He attacked protesters viciously with dogs, fire hoses, and electric cattle prods. He said that the streets would flood with blood before integration.

Social Gospel

Christian faith practiced as a call not just to personal conversion but to social reform.


Church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, religious group that emphasized moderation, saving, hard work, and risk-taking; moved from IL to UT. Believed that Americans were descendants of Hebrew peoples who migrated here and became ancestors of the Native Americans.

Thomas Hooker

Clergyman, one of the founders of Hartford. Called "the father of American democracy" because he said that people have a right to choose their magistrates.

Dutch colonies

Colonies focused primarily on trade with Native Americans. Their women were given more rights and were allowed to keep their land or old property if divorced. Had some religious toleration (allowed private worship not public) Did not force their religion onto Native Americans

New England Colonies

Colonies of England which were very democratic and voting was limited to white male church members. Voted in Town Halls and elected colonial legislatures.

English Colonies

Colonies that lived separate from Native Americans but during early years required assistance from Natives. Natives taught them how to fish and grow crops. Yet they frequently fought with Natives over land.

English Colonies

Colonies that rarely intermarried with Native Americans and Africans. Had a strict social hierarchy. Sent men and women which prevented more intermarrying. Immigrants would move to these colonies for social mobility, chance to get land, improved living conditions, and religious freedom.


Colony in Virginia, The first successful settlement in the Virginia colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony. The settlement became part of the Joint Stock Virginia Company of London in 1620. Grew to be a prosperous shipping port.

Spanish colonies

Colony that followed the encomienda system. Most of the colonists were men and they intermarried because of the large amounts of men. Lands were given to Encomenderos to watch over.

Middle colonies

Colony that is religiously, ethnically, and demographically diverse. focused on growing crops such as grains (wheat). Had large amounts of indentured servants and slaves.

New England colonies

Colony with Puritan belief which was establishing a homogenous community. Had a mixed economy on agriculture and trade due to their ports. Whaling was very big. Longer life expectancy and larger families. Smaller towns Had slaves but in fewer amounts.

Rhode Island

Colony/later state founded by paying Native Americans for the land and focused on religious toleration.


Columbian exchange brought an increase in food especially corn, maize, and potatoes where?

HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

Committee responsible for rooting out communists in American Government and Society


Common religion among slaves but would adopt some Christian practices.

Jacobo Arbenz

Communist leader in Guatemala who was overthrown in 1954 by the CIA.

Maroon communities

Communities made up of runaway slaves

Compromise of 1877

Compromise that enables Hayes to take office in return for the end of Reconstruction

3/5 compromise

Compromise where only 3/5 the slave population will be counted for determining stuff in the House of Representatives and taxation.

Spanish-American War 1898

Conflict between the U.S. and Spain that began the rise of the U.S. as a world power. The U.S. gained possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as a result. (year included)

Market Revolution

Connected small farmers and traders to larger markets through the use of newly developed infrastructure. For example, the development of the Illinois Central Railroad shaped Chicago as a train-city and helped open areas of Illinois to commercial farming. Also shaped the way we work and labor today; affecting how we work for a wage and "around a clock"


Connected the Western frontier to the other cities in the US; influenced trade, and stimulated the mining of coal for fuel and manufacturing of iron for materials to build trains.


Constitution postponed the issue of slavery despite big speakers (ex. Abagail Adams) because the ___ would not support the constitution


Country that established colonies that heavily rely on agriculture (tobacco-Chesapeake) many men and women populated the colonies, often hostile relationships with natives. Sent the most amount of people to the Americas.


Country that sought tight control over the Americas, sought to convert Native Americans, and gain gold

McCulloch vs Maryland 1819

Court case deciding whether the State had the right to tax the federal bank. States that the Bank of the United States could not be taxed and that federal agency is supreme over states. Made the decision that federal law is superior to state laws whenever the 2 contradict. (year included) (Ex. expansion of federal power)

Charles River Bridge case

Court case in 1837 that stated the interest of the community are above corporate rights.

Judiciary Act

Created 16 more openings for federal judges

Great Compromise

Created by Roger Sherman from Connecticut with a bicameral legislature where the House of Representatives is based on representation and the Senate which is equal representation at 2 per state.

consumer culture

Created by advertisement, and began American's need to buy things.

Northern Cities

Created in resemblance to European cities; small, crowded streets with apartment buildings and narrow walkways.


Creates FDIC; splits commercial and investment banking

George Whitfield

Credited with starting the Great Awakening, also a leader of the "New Lights."

Fidel Castro

Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)

Little Big Horn (Custer's Last Stand)

Custer led a "scientific" expedition into the Black Hills of South Dakota where he discovered gold and this caused people to swarm the territory. The Sioux were outraged and attacked. Colonel Custer's Seventh Cavalry was sent to return the Sioux to the reservation to suppress the uprising. Custer and 264 officers were wiped out when they attacked 2,500 warriors in Montana along the Little Big Horn River in 1876. This led to a series of battles in which the US Army hunted down the Native Americans.

An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

David Walker justified slave rebellion and warned white Americans that violence and retribution would come if justice were delayed

Square Deal

Deal that focused on these 3 items by Theodore Roosevelt control of corporations, consumer protection, conservation of natural resources

Treaty of Ghent

December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Decisive battle between the Miami confederacy and the U.S. Army. British forces refused to shelter the routed Indians, forcing the latter to attain a peace settlement with the United States. (191)

14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

Proclamation of 1763

Decree issued by Parliament in the wake of Pontiac's uprising, prohibiting settlement beyond the Appalachians. Contributed to rising resentment of British rule in the American colonies. (111)

Meat Inspection Act 1906

Decreed that preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be subject to federal inspection. (year included)

Albany Congress

Delegates from several British Colonies met up to discuss a more organized form of colonial response to frontier defense, trade, and westward expansion. They even went so far as to invite people from the Iroquois Confederacy in hopes of alliance.

Southern Democrats

Democratic faction in the 1850-60's represented by John Breckinridge and wanted popular sovereignty. Wanted slavery to be protected by a federal slave code. Then new states could also be admitted through popular sovereignty.

Northern Democrats

Democratic faction in the 1850-60's represented by Stephan Douglas and wanted popular sovereignty.


Democrats lost house seats in ___ that push back New Deal programs.


Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress

Hamilton's Financial Plan

Designed to pay off the U.S.'s war debts and stabilize the economy, he believed that the United States should become a leading international commercial power. His programs included the creation of the National Bank, the establishment of the U.S.'s credit rate, increased tariffs, and an excise tax on whiskey. Also, he insisted that the federal government assume debts incurred by the states during the war.

Reasons Puritans immigrated to New England

Desire to escape political repression Desire to find new economic recession in England Desire to escape restrictions on religious practices

Lowell System

Developed in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1820s, in these factories as much machinery as possible was used, so that few skilled workers were needed in the process, and the workers were almost all single young farm women, who worked for a few years and then returned home to be housewives.

Telegraph 1844

Device made in the 1840's that helped spread information and improve communication


Did the Spanish or English intermarry more with Natives?


Different parts of the country developing unique and separate cultures (as the North, South and West). This can lead to conflict. 1800's

Medgar Evers

Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks, he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Election of 1840

Displayed two major shifts in American politics: triumph of populist democratic style and the formation of the two-party system. Race between Martin Van Buren, second term, and William Henry Harrison. Harrison won due to how Van Buren handled the Panic of 1837.


Division of power between federal and state governments, where there are specific powers for both the state and the federal government.

¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir?

Do you know what I mean?


Dominant economic system of Europe which depended on heavy government intervention and direction. A form where a whole purpose of the colony is to make money for the mother country.


During 1825 most states had eliminated the ___ rights requirement for voting.


During WWI many African Americans fought for more ___ but when they returned did not receive any.


During World War I, senators William Borah of Idaho and Hiram Johnson of California, led a group of people who were against the United States joining the League of Nations. Also known as "the Battalion of Death". They were extreme isolationists and were totally against the U.S. joining the League of Nations.


During the 19th century the ___ focused more in cotton production and agricultural staples. Traded goods in long distance with Europe.


During the 19th century the ___ focused more manufacturing, banking, and shipping industries. Traded goods in long distance with Europe.

attacking, impressment, military posts

During the Articles of Confederation Britain supported Native Americans _____ the states and would continue _____ which was abducting merchants and forcing them into being part of the British Navy, and did not leave their ____ ____ which enabled more destruction in the War of 1812

Theodore Roosevelt

During the Civil War in the 1860's __ __ father was someone who payed $300 to get out of war participation. (ex why they thought it was a poor man's war)


During the Civil war in the 1860's the South had greater resources because most ___ were located in the North which meant they had more population.


During the Gilded Age ____ were mostly Northerners and they were part of a more industrial party, they counted votes from black people, middle-class businessmen, and Protestants


During the Gilded Age ____ were mostly Southerners, championed state rights and racial segregation, and counted on votes from political party machines and growing populations of migrants

commercial, substantial

During the Market Revolution ___ farming replaced ___ farming leading to the economy becoming more interconnected economically

Mohawk Indians

During the Metacom's War who did the British align themselves with? To which they ambushed and fizzled out.

Planted fields and domestic duties

During the Revolutionary War what did women do to support the men fighting in the war?

American System

During the War of 1812 many people saw that the method to move troops was very hard and proposed a solution to be able to facilitate transport of goods and troops. His solution consisted of federal funded improvements on roads (support farmers and merchants), use the tax of federal tariffs (imported goods), and second national bank of the united states which helped currency.

Henry Hudson

Dutch man who established trading posts in New York, Albany and Manhattan in 1609. He came from the Dust East Indian company.

panic of 1819

Economic panic caused by extensive speculation and a decline of European demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States. Often cited as the end of the Era of Good Feelings.


Economic philosophy or practice in which England established the colonies to provide raw materials to the Mother Country; the colonies received manufactured goods in return.

American System

Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.


Economic system based on private ownership and the free/open exchange of goods between property owners.

Keynesian economics

Economic theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms.

"Talented 10th"

Educate 10% of African American population to motivate, empower, inspire and educate other African Americans.

Radical Whigs

Eighteenth-century British political commentators who agitated against political corruption and emphasized the threat to liberty posed by arbitrary power. Their writings shaped American political thought and made colonists especially alert to encroachments on their rights. (113)

military-industrial complex

Eisenhower first coined this phrase when he warned American against it in his last State of the Union Address. He feared that the combined lobbying efforts of the armed services and industries that contracted with the military would lead to excessive Congressional spending.

James K. Polk

Elected in 1844 and was a big believer in the Manifest Destiny ( Ex. of why America expanded westward)

Free Soil

Election of 1860 for Abraham Lincoln had been won because of California being a __ ___ land

Omaha Platform

Election of Senators, income tax, and regulation of railroads. (appealed to farmers that made their tariffs for food very high) Wanted the unlimited coinage of silver, focused on a gradual income tax, and eight hour work day/ (platform of the populist party)

Coinage Act of 1873

Embraced the gold standard. Out West, it's known as the "Crime of '73"

Works Progress Administration

Employed 8.5 million workers in construction and other. They built roads bridges, etc.


Enabled trading upstream and downstream canals at fast rates.

Treaty of Paris 1763

Ended French and Indian War, France gave up all territory in mainland North America

Treaty of Paris 1783

Ended Revolutionary War

Treaty of Paris 1898

Ended Spanish-American war; Ceded Cuba, PR, Guam, and Philippines (for $20 mil) to US

Southern Colonies

England colonies where voting was dominated by white elite plantation owners.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Enlightment thinker who advocated legal and political equality for all, as well as the end of privileges for the elite. Spoke against all the 1st born inheriting items.

Republican motherhood

Essay written in 1787 called the Essay on Female Education written by Benjamin Rush led to

17th Amendment

Established the direct election of senators (instead of being chosen by state legislatures)

Judiciary Act of 1789

Established the federal court system, including the Supreme Court


Ethnic group that makes up 33 percent of population in Texas, Arizona, and California, and also makes up 40 percent of population in New Mexico


Ethnic group with largest number of immigrants in the first half of the nineteenth century, fled their country because of potato famine and mostly settled on eastern seaboard


Ethnic group with second largest number of immigrants in the first half of the nineteenth century, mainly fled their homeland due to political turmoil


Example of Native American tribe that did not side with the French during the French and Indian War

Columbian Exchange

Exchange of goods, ideas, people, and diseases between Europe, Africa, and America

Growing social gaps

Export economy in the middle colonies due to Rivers and New York led to what between wealthy merchants and laborers


FDR did not focus on rectifying poll taxes or ____ as a federal crime. Most New Deals were intended to help poor whites.

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women


Faction inside the Democratic-Republican Political Party that Limited power of the federal government and strict constructionism (strict way of interpreting the Constitution)

National Republicans

Faction inside the Democratic-Republican Political Party that saw an expansive view of political power and a loose constructionism (loose way of interpreting the Constitution)

surrogate families

Families that slaves would often adopt into because they were broken up from their own family.


Farmers and frontier settlers had been wanting the right to ___ (1810's to 1820's)

Whiskey Rebellion 1791

Farmers in Pennsylvania were annoyed with an Excise whiskey Tax. To which Washington called troops in order to diminish the rebels. (Ex of the power of the new Federal Government) (year included)

Articles of Confederation

Fear of centralized power helped create the

Midnight Judges

Federal Judges appointed by John Adams known as the ___ ___ because he appointed them at the very last moments of his authority

Pacific Railroads Act

Federal government granted huge swaths of land to railroad companies who would then build a transcontinental railroad

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Federal law granting citizenship to former slaves; passed over Johnson's veto.

Bill of Rights

Federalists promised Anti-Federalists that a ___ ___ ___ will be added to the Constitution. (AKA the 1st 10 amendments)

Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino General - helped US take Philippines during Spanish-American war - helped Philippines gain freedom from US Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.

Battle of San Jacinto 1836

Final battle of the Texas Revolution; resulted in the defeat of the Mexican army and independence for Texas. This battle was a result of the Alamo. (year included)

Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Louisiana

First States that ceded after the 1860 election GAMFTL

Sherman Antitrust Act 1890

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions (year included)

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

First law in US history to exclude a group because of ethnic background. Prohibited immigration of Chinese to the United States and was strongly supported by working-class Americans

Baltimore & Ohio

First major railroad of the US

North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Tennessee,

Following states to that seceded after Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana NAVT


Food source that was very important for civilizations in Mexico and South-Western United States

Free Soil Party

Formed in 1847 - 1848, dedicated to opposing slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and ceded Mexican territory.

Interstate Commerce Commission

Former independent agency of the U.S. government, established in 1887; it was charged with regulating the economics and services of specified carriers engaged in transportation between states. Surface transportation under the it's jurisdiction included railroads, trucking companies, bus lines, freight forwarders, water carriers, oil pipelines, transportation brokers, and express agencies. After his election in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt demonstrated support of progressive reforms by strengthening this.

William Penn

Founded Pennsylvania by paying Native Americans for land

Niagara Movement 1905

Founded by W.E.B. DuBois to promote the education of African Americans in the liberal arts; end segregation & discrimination in unions, courts, & public accommodations; equality of opportunity (year)

American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists. Garrison burned the Constitution as a proslavery document. Argued for "no Union with slaveholders" until they repented for their sins by freeing their slaves.

Industrial Workers of the World

Founded in 1905, this radical union, also known as the Wobblies aimed to unite the American working class into one union to promote labor's interests. It worked to organize unskilled and foreign-born laborers, advocated social revolution, and led several major strikes. Stressed solidarity. They fell because they went on strike during World War 1.

Roger Williams

Founded the colony of Rhode Island because they were not religiously tolerant in Massachusetts

Kent State Massacre 1970

Four killed, nine wounded by Ohio National Guard during protest of U.S. invasion of Cambodia


France was ___ from North America as a result of the French and Indian War

pay off their debts

France was angry with the United States during the Articles of Confederation because they did not ___ ___ ___ ___. Which led to the closing of trade between the West Indies

The Octopus

Frank Norris's novel that recounted the depredations of California railroads (Ex. of changes in progressive Era)

Schneck v. US 1919

Free speech limited in clear and present danger (Did not let the people speak freely against the war because it was a danger) (year)

Ojibwe Indians

French formed alliance with which Native American group. The native group traded beaver fur whereas the French provided iron cookware and manufactured claw.

Alexis De Tocqueville

French liberal politician who observed the evolution of American political thought, customs and social interaction in the 1830's. His book Democracy in America is still considered one the most accurate primary sources on American culture.

1763, middle, 1890

Frontier progression example: 1. Proclamation line of ____ 2. Settled area in the 1860 shows ___ area being populated 3. ____ basically everything was settled

Atlanta Exposition

Gathering with a speech given by Booker T. Washington at which he stated his theories of accommodation and the need African American need to be economically self sufficient and not to protest for political or civil rights

French-American Alliance

Gave America source of desperately needed money, supplies & troops. Confronted Britain with an international war that challenged its domination of the Atlantic World. It was an unlikely alliance since France was a Catholic monarchy and America was Protestant federation of republicans. French foreign minister Conte Vergennes was determined to avenge loss of Canada to Britain. Was secretly loaning to the colonies and than established a formal alliance after the Battle of Saratoga. We used the French's rivalry with Britain to win them over. We agreed that neither side would sign a peace treaty without the "liberty, sovereignty & independence" of America

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Gave farmers money to reduce crop size to reduce production and bring up the value of crops

Headright system

Gave the wealthy 50 more acres of land for every indentured servant they payed the passage for.

19th Amendment (1920)

Gave women the right to vote (year)

Proclamation of Neutrality

George Washington, 1793


German invading Poland and the start of WWII

German immigration

Germans came America and were seen as mostly skilled craftsmen and settled in tightly knit communities (German triangle of St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Cincinnati) Vibrant German culture emerges in America (Kleindeutschland in NYC)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Goal is to end inequality and end discrimination.

National Origins Act

Goal was to establish quotas to restrict the flow of newcomers from southern and eastern Europe. Quotas favored immigration from northern and western Europe and led to an increase in Mexican and Puerto-Rican immigrants because they were not affected by immigration restriction acts

deficit spending

Government practice of spending more than it takes in from taxes

Watergate Affair

Government scandal that began in 1972 and led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974

Maryland Acts of Toleration

Granted religious toleration to ALL Christians (specifically Catholics)

Corps of Discovery

Greater scientific knowledge of the region and establishment of Native American diplomatic relations in 1800's was a result of what:

Stamp Acts Congress 1770

Group meant to repeal the Stamp Act (year included)

Paxton Boys

Group of people in Pennsylvania that killed 20 Native Americans because of their issues with them.

Radical Republicans

Group that helped African American gain opportunities in politics after the Civil War (Ex. Hiram Revels 1st African American elected into Congress)

Committees of Correspondence

Group that spread information among different colonies about unfair policies by the British

Radical Republicans

Grouped that changed the power between Congress and the President by impeaching Andrew Johnson

substantial farming

Growing enough food for just your family and selling the rest locally

Pontiac's rebellion

Happens in the Ohio and Michigan Area and there was a rebellion against the English colonists

natural rights philosophy (John Locke)

He argued that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property.

James Meredith

He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action, showing that segregation was no longer government policy.

Jonathan Edwards

He was an American theologian and Congregational clergyman, whose sermons stirred the religious revival, called the Great Awakening. He is known for his " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God " sermon.

Eugene V. Debs

Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.

Alice Paul

Head of the National Woman's party that campaigned for an equal rights amendment to the Constitution. She opposed legislation protecting women workers because such laws implied women's inferiority. Most condemned her way of thinking. A suffragette who believed that giving women the right to vote would eliminate the corruption in politics.

Creel Committee

Headed by George Creel, this committee was in charge of propaganda for WWI (1917-1919). He depicted the U.S. as a champion of justice and liberty

Social Security Act of 1965 (Medicaid and Medicare)

Health care subsidized by the government for the poor and old

Henry Thoreau

Heavily influential transcendentalist who critiques American market society in his novel Walden, where he declares that the economic drive of America leads to moral tyranny and inability to appreciate the true beauty of nature.


Helped determine longitude and latitude created in 1759, allowed ships to cross the Atlantic and into the New World

The bank war:

Henry clay proposes a 3rd BUS that would begin in 1836-knowing jackson would veto it -its vetoed but 2nd bus had 4 more years -Jackson kills the BUS by getting rid of gov funds and putting them in state "pet" banks -Jackson felt BUS benefited the rich


How long did the Articles of Confederation last?


How many Federalist papers (essays) were there?


How many natives died upon contact of diseases?

Britain, Union

How was the Emancipation Proclamation a good political move? -Enabled foreign support from ___ who wanted to support the anti-slavery cause -Helped slaved participate in the ___ military

O sea

I mean

Creo que

I think so

Pienso que

I think that


I understand

quiero decir que

I would like to say

"republican motherhood"

Ideal of family organization and female behavior after the American Revolution that stressed the role of women in guiding family members toward republican virtue. (159)

Utopian communities

Idealistic and impractical communities. Who, Rather than seeking to create an ideal government or reform the world, withdrew from the sinful, corrupt world.

Red Scare

Immigrant quota changed between 1921-1924 because of the

Irish, German

Immigrants would often face discrimination against Nativists. ___ immigrants would often work in cities and ___ immigrants would work at frontiers.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, alliances, militarism, imperialism

Important points to America on Wilson's 14 points -No ___ ___ ___ - No secret ___ - __ trade - No ____ - Reduce ___ and create self determination

Roman Catholicism , Slavery

In 1830 Texas was still a part of Mexico and allowed many people to reside in that area under 2 conditions: 1. Convert to ___ ___ 2. Outlawed ___ Which was difficult because the 3x American population often were Protestant or slave owners if not sympathetic to slave owners

Executive Order 8802

In 1941 FDR passed it which prohibited discriminatory employment practices by fed agencies and all unions and companies engaged in war related work. It established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to enforce the new policy.

Desegregation of Armed Services

In 1948, President Harry S Truman's Executive Order 9981 ordered the integration of the armed forces shortly after World War II, a major advance in civil rights. Using the Executive Order (E.O.) meant that Truman could bypass Congress. Representatives of the Solid South, all white Democrats, would likely have stonewalled related legislation.

Bus Boycott

In 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat to a white man and move to the back of the bus, as required by state law. She was arrested, and her action inspired a prolonged boycott of the city's buses by the black populace.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.

Indian Self-Determination Act

In 1975, this act gave American Indian reservations and tribal lands greater control over internal programs, education, and law enforcement

infant industries

In Alexander Hamilton's Financial Program, these newly developing businesses needed to be protected from foreign competition in the form of tariffs on imported goods

fur trade

In Oregon Britain had claimed they deserved the land because of their successful ____ ___ and had been there longer. However, Americans had brought over more population and missionaries to they annexed Oregon.


In ___ America brought a bunch of diseases to the people in Hawaii. Then annexed Hawaii.


In ____ there was a general impressment for the King George's War which led to 3 days of rioting and resistance in the colonies

wealthy, poor

In political party battle between (Federalist) Hamilton vs Jefferson (Democratic-Republicans) Hamilton would often favor the ___ whereas Jefferson would favor the ___ (1790's)


In the 1630's tobacco prices fell which caused a gain in interest for which crop?

colonial legislature

In the 1760's-1770's many Americans were okay with tax the only issue is that they wanted ___ ___ instead of Parliament legislature so that had a voice in who to elect.

Catholic (irish)

In the 1820's to 1840's ___ were portrayed as agents sent by the pope to overturn American culture (ex. of nativism hate on immigrants)


In the 1820's to 1840's ___ were portrayed as avaricious, underhand money lenders (ex. of nativism hate on immigrants)

lynch mobs

In the 1890s, more than 1,400 African American men were lynched (hung by a mob without trial) by Sothern's.

Increase the Slave trade

In the Columbian exchange what did the Portuguese do to West Africa ?

makes, enforces, interprets

In the Constitution the Legislative branch ___ the laws Executive branch ___ the laws Judicial branch ___ the laws


In the French and Indian War who did the most of the Natives side with?


In the ___ constitution in the 1860's they focused on limited power for the federal government and made slavery a perpetual institution to never be abolished.

.Corrupt Bargain of 1824

In the election of 1824, none of the candidates were able to secure a majority of the electoral vote, thereby putting the outcome in the hands of the House of Representatives, which elected John Quincy Adams over rival Andrew Jackson. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House at the time, and he convinced Congress to elect Adams. Adams then made Clay his Secretary of State

Haymarket Riot

In this location, a bomb was hurled toward police officials, and police opened fire on the demonstrators; numerous policemen and demonstrators were killed and wounded; response in nation's press was decidedly anti-union. Brought the downfall of Knights of Labor.

William Berkley

Increase in tobacco demand led to a need for more land causing tensions with Native Americans. Which governor who refused to protect the people in Virginia from Native Americans, ultimately leading to the Bacon's Rebellion?

War hawks

Influential group in the House in the 1800's who were very eager in war with Britain because of American National Honor..


Inspired in part by the rapid influx of immigrants, Americans began to feel close ties to their country, therefore displaying xenophobic traits towards foreigners who entered.

factory system

Intensification of all of the processes of production at a single site during the Industrial Revolution; involved greater organization of labor and increased discipline. Introduced the idea of "wages" and "working around the clock"

Reservation System

Introduced in 1870, forced Indian nations to live on barren land, it confined people so they could not support themselves in their accustomed way. It has left to the institutional of this enforced segregation. These did not suit the ways of life for Native people because they needed to move herds of buffalo for food source.

Steel Plow 1837

Invented by John Deere and was strong enough to cut through the tough prairie sod of the Midwest and the Plains. (year included)

Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Iran's leader after WWII who embraced Western governments and wealthy Western oil companies. Was resented by Iranian nationalists and was forced to flee.

One conclusion form lecture:

Ironic because conservatives would normally support minimal action by the federal government.

Mississippi River

Issue of Spain controlling the ___ ___which prevented a good trade access to the Gulf of Mexico proved to be a issue for the new government in 1784.

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free. Making the Civil War no longer about the Union of States

American Anti-Slavery Society 1833

It condemned the institution of slavery . It calls for the immediate abolition of slavery without terms, and is critical of the efforts of the American Colonization Society. At the same time, it declares the group to be pacifist, and the signers agree- if necessary- to die as martyrs.

¡No es posible!

It isn't possible! It can't be!

American Colonization Society

It was a Gradual emancipation plan and the goal was to send slaved back to Africa

Homestead Strike 1892

It was one of the most violent strikes in U.S. history. It was against the Homestead Steel Works, which was part of the Carnegie Steel Company, in Pennsylvania in retaliation against wage cuts. The riot was ultimately put down by Pinkerton Police and the state militia, and the violence further damaged the image of unions.

Parece mentira

It's hard to believe

Marbury vs Madison

James Madison did not want to deliver one of the appointments for the elected candidate for a judge. Then William Marbury claimed that it was in violation of his rights and that he should still be able to be commissioned under the Judiciary Act. They declared that under the Judiciary Act Marbury was right but then they declared that the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional.

The Era of good feeling

James monroe presidency: demo-republicans -Henry clay -favored BUS, internal improvement (roads + canals) being paid for by protective tariff -Missouri compromise:Missouri = slave state, maine = free state, 36 30 line separates north and south -monroe doctrine: 1823-warned europeans countries not to recolonize countries in latin america -us will state out of foreign affairs

Japanese Internment/Executive Order 9066

Japanese and Japanese Americans from the West Coast of the United States during WWII. While approximately 10,000 were able to relocate to other parts of the country of their own choosing, the remainder-roughly 110,000 me, women and children-were sent to hastily constructed camps called "War Relocation Centers" in remote portions of the nation's interior.

the revolution of 1800

Jefferson (democratic-republican) Vs Adams(federalist) -first time in nations history that there is a change in political party -biggest economic issue between federalists vs republicans? Hamilton's financial plan: -BUS, Tariff, Excise, Tax, Assumption and funding at par -Jefferson only got rid of tax-so no, not big change foreign policy: Federalists supported british Democratic-republicans supported french -XYZ affair and quasi-war left US french relationship strained -EMBARGO ACT ends all trade with foreign countries -no drastic foreign policy change except embargo Judiciary Act of 1801: last effort to appoint midnight judges -marbury vs. madison -supreme court declared federal law unconstitutional for the first time -JUDICIAL BRACNH WAS REVOLUTIOANRY because JUDICIAL BRANCH BECOMES MORE POWERUFL politics: Federalists had loose interpretation of constitution Jeffersonians had strict interpretation JEFFERSON DOES NOT STAY TRUE TO HIS STRICT INTERPRETATION because of Lousianna purchase


Jefferson during his presidency repealed ___ tax because it was seen as unconstitutional.

limiting, reducing

Jefferson limited the power of the federal government by ___ the military and ____ the federal jobs

Harper's Ferry

John Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged


Joint stock companies were created by the


Joseph Smith was arrested and ___ because he was preaching that god gave him a revelation for polygamy.

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers (one of the causes for the Spanish American War)


Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public and made a living out of exposing the faults of lasseiz faire capitalism.


Judith Sargent Murray argued for equal ___ opportunities for women

Road to Civil war

Kanas-Nebraska act -would allow popular sovereignty in kansas and nebraska -this was a problem because they were both above the 36 30 missouri compromise line-overtuned missouri compromise -bleeding kansas -helped create republican party: to help stop the spread of slavery -dred scott v. sanford-african americans aren't citizens and slavery is constitutional

Baby Boom of the 1950s

Known as the "baby boom," this population expansion took place between the years 1946 and 1964, with the peak occurring in 1957. The elevated birthrate, unparalleled in American history, added more than 50 million babies by the end of the 1950s.

American Labor Federation

Labor union that only accepted skilled workers

A law that divided much of the United States into a system of townships to facilitate the sale of land to settlers. Land Ordinance of 1785

Land Ordinance of 1785A law that divided much of the United States into a system of townships to facilitate the sale of land to settlers. Towns were 36 miles and 16th block of square mile was dedicated to education

French Colonies

Land was led by a governor appointed by capital of mother country. No representation in mother country. Did not take a lot of land from the Natives nor did they force them into slavery.


Language many slaves continued to speak in order to provide some sort of control on their life which can be seen in South Carolina and Georgia.

Tariff of 1828

Large tax on imports; South hates it

Pennsylvania Gradual Abolition Law 1780

Law that prohibits importation of slaves into Pennsylvania. Made all children born in Pennsylvania free regardless if their parents were slaves.

Black Codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War

Jim Crow Laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

"Jim Crow"

Laws written to separate blacks and whites in public areas/meant African Americans had unequal opportunities in housing, work, education, and government

Terrance Powderly

Leader of the Knights of Labor

The Industrial Workers of the World

Led by "Mother" Jones, Elizabeth Flynn, Big Bill Haywood, and Eugene Debs; strove to unite all laborers, including unskilled workers and African Americans; its goal was to create "One Big Union;" embraced the rhetoric of class conflict and endorsed violent tactics; the organization collapsed during WWI.

Black Panthers

Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.

The American Federation of Labor

Led by Samuel Gompers; an alliance of skilled workers in craft unions; concentrated on brea-and-butter issues such as higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions.

bicameral legislation

Legislature with 2 branches 1 based on the population (House of Representatives ) and 1 with equal representation (Senate). Every 10 years there will be a census to determine population and amount of House of Representative members they will receive.

The Shame of Cities

Lincoln Steffens; revealed the prevalence of municipal corruption in a series of articles later compiled into this work. (Ex. of changes in progressive Era)


Literally a Mexican cowboy, many of the cowboy traditions, clothing and equipment were adopted by US western cowboys.

North Western United States

Location of Native American Civilizations who hunted fished and foraged (hunter gatherers)

Great Basin/Plains

Location where there was a lack of natural resources so people would rely heavily on hunting and gathering

North Eastern United States

Location with some maize, mix of agriculture, and hunting

Mechanical Reaper

Machine invented by Cyrus McCormick that could harvest wheat quickly (machine that helped mechanization)

Bought immune African Slaves

Many Native Americans were able to escape slavery from the Spanish because they knew the area better. Moreover, many Spanish were ok with that because most Native Americans got sick and died. What did the Spanish do instead?

Farmers' Alliance

Many local organizations that were created to help stores and farmers out.

Marcus Garvey

Many poor urban blacks turned to him. He was head of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and he urged black economic cooperation and founded a chain of UNIA grocery stores and other business

Children's March

March that took place in Birmingham, AL in 1963 where children fought back against the injustice of segregation in Birmingham. Their nonviolent protest was met with firehoses and dogs who were turned on them in Kelly Ingram Park. This event became important because it gave national attention to the violence taking place in the South.

griswold v. connecticut

Married couple wanted to get contraceptives; struck down a Connecticut law prohibiting the sale of contraceptives; established the right of privacy through the 4th and 9th amendment

Rich man's war but poor man's fight

Maryland Newspapers posted "__ ___ ___ __ ___ __ __"in Newspapers in opposition to the conscription in NY for the Civil War.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law-"THE POWER TO TAX IS THE POWER TO DESTROY".

Exoduster movement 1879

Mass Migration movement of Southern Black people into the west (year included)

California Gold Rush

Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848 (Ex. of westward expansion)

V-E Day

May 1945, Germanys unconditional surrender

Brown vs. Board of Education

May 8, 1954 (Topeka, Kansas) This was a unanimous decision by the supreme court that ruled that separate but equal was unconstitutional in school. Brown said that should desegregate but southern whites felt this action "spit on the 10th amendment," and it lead to massive resistance. Schools began to voluntarily segregate becoming charter and private.

Hartford Convention

Meeting of Federalists near the end of the War of 1812 in which the party listed it's complaints against the ruling Republican Party. These actions were largley viewed as traitorous to the country and lost the Federalist much influence

16th St. Baptist Church

Meeting place for the Montgomery bus boycott, was eventually bombed by the KKK and 4 little girls were killed.

Hartford Convention

Meeting where federalists especially in New England colonies threatened to secede from the Union because of the War of 1812.


Men given a portion of land from Spain and use all the Native Americans who lived on the land as a coerced labor force for farming, mining, boats, etc.

Four-Minute Men

Men sent on tour by Pres. Wilson to present four minute propaganda speeches to the public


Mercantilism was not always successful due to people _____ goods and Britain having a salutary neglect to the 13 colonies.

United Farm Workers

Mexican American organize for better working conditions under leader Cesar Chavez


Mexico was annoyed with Americans migrating to Texas and not following rules so they put a law to stop immigration. However, this law was also ignored and only after ___ when a dictator wanted stricter followings of the law did America not ignore the situation.

Great English Migration

Migration that included 70,000 people moving to various locations outside of England


Migration to a new location/country

Compromise of 1820

Missouri Compromise is also known as

Lewis and Clark

Most famous people who studied the Northern part of the Louisiana Purchase

The Liberator

Most influential abolitionist literary work by William Garrison


Movement to cast off societal restrain and overturn cultural norms with rebellious styles of clothing and experimental drug use.

Conferderate States of America

Nation formed by Southern states after they seceded from the United States. Also known as the Confederacy


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism and to gain civil rights for African Americans, got Supreme Court to declare grandfather clause unconstitutional

Cumberland Road

National Road is also known as the


National deficit spending ___ under Reagan because of the military expansion

National Security Council Memorandum Number 68

National security council recommendation to quadruple defense spending and rapidly expand peacetime armed forces to address Cold War tension. It reflected a new militarization of American foreign policy, but the huge costs of rearmament were not expected to interfere with what seemed like the limitless possibilities of postwar prosperity.

Barbary States

Nations along the coast of North Africa to which the United States paid a yearly tribute so they would stop seizing our ships.


Native American tribes formed alliances with European countries despite being massively destroyed by them (Especially the British) they wanted some ____ over North American land.

Worchester vs Georgia

Native Americans cannot be forced to move West.

measles and smallpox

Native Americans through the Columbian Exchange were affected by which diseases?

1st New Deal

New Deal from 1933-1935 that focused primarily on relief and recovery

Civilian Conservation Corps

New Deal program that hired unemployed men to work on natural conservation projects. Ages from 18-24. Workers could send money back home and they would plant trees, parks, etc. Most camps were segregated. Part of the 1st new deal program and worked as relief.

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

New England Colonies


New Light Clergy spoke of German ___ which emphasized the heart over the head with reference to spiritual matter.

Cotton Kingdom

Nickname given to the American South after Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin allowed it to produce massive amounts of cotton (and become wholly reliant on slave labor)

Biddle's Bank

Nickname of the Bank of the United States after Nicholas Biddle who was the head of the 2nd Bank of the United States. During Andrew Jacksons first term as President, Biddle wanted a 20 year extension of the banks charter. Jackson felt that he was being blackmailed because if he didn't approve the extension, Biddle would use his resources to see that Jackson was not re-elected. Pres. Jackson vetoed the extension and killed the 2nd Bank of the US.

1970's 80's

Nixon's silent majority: most people were supportive of vietnman war but just didnt protest it -henry kissinger cambodia -> kent state -pentagon papers-detailed the US involvement in vietnam -nixon improves relationships with china -detente-easing of cold war tensions -SALT-to limit nuclear weapons each country produces -watergate complex -ford becomes pres -carter become pres -iran outage crisis and camp david accord-peace agreement between egypt and israel -reagan is pres-strategic defense initiative -reagan's nuclear defense plan -supply-side economics -iran-contra affair -reagan sells weaapons to iran what money went to contras and iran would then help free the hostages -George W bush -sadam hussein iraq invades Kuwait -clinton -internet business boomed and stock market increased drastically -"graying of america" a lot of people are old

¡no puede ser!

No way!

¡No me digas!

No way! You're kidding!

Ceasar Chavez

Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers.

Non Separatists

Nonseparatist Puritans agreed with Separatists on the necessity of restricting church membership to proven saints. However, they did not condemn the Church of England. They contended that true Christians could and did remain in the Church of England in spite of its unscriptural practices. Furthermore, they believed Christians always existed within the church regardless of the form it took. Nonseparatists hoped to bring about change from within the established church. Separating from the Anglicans would frustrate that goal.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

"gentlemen of property and standing"

Northern men, often merchants, who led mobs to disrupt abolitionist meetings in Northern cities.

Stono rebellion

Occurred in 1739 in South Carolina a small group of slaves stole weapons from a store and killed their owners. Proceeding to march across the Stono River gaining people as they marched. They would burn plantations and kill white people along the way. To which the militia confronted and squashed.


Of course

Johnson's Plan

Offered to pardon all former citizens of the confederacy who took the oath of loyalty to the union and to return their property. Did not offer pardon to confederate military leaders and property owners that were worth more than $20,000. Johnson blamed them for the civil war

Corps of Discovery

Official name of the Lewis and Clark Expedition members 1804-1806

Robert Taft

Ohio senator and part of Conservative Democrats who wanted to limit the New Deal.



National Bank Holiday

On Roosevelt's first night in office he told his Secretary he wanted an emergency banking bill ready for congress in less than five days. The following afternoon Roosevelt declared a national bank holiday temporarily closing all banks. Which stopped people from withdrawing more money from already bankrupt banks.

Panay Incident 1937

On the Yangtze River in China, Japanese aircraft sank an American gunboat escorting tankers. (year included)

King William's War

One of the four wars fought between France, Spain, England and France's indian allies for control of North America. No major battles fought but brought terrifying indian raids. The major goal, other than prestige, was the control of the fur trade.

Marian Anderson

One of the greatest concert singers of her time. First African-American to perform at the Whitehouse. The DAR refused her use of Constitution Hall for a concert, so Eleanor Roosevelt set her up to perform at the Lincoln Memorial.

Charles Sumner

One of the leading Republican congressmen that died and led to failure of Reconstruction in 1874

Oneida Community

One of the more radical utopian communities established in the nineteenth century, it advocated "free love," birth control, and eugenics. Utopian communities reflected the reformist spirit of the age.

Samuel Slater

Opens first American factory in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.


Opponents of the 1787 Constitution, they cast the document as antidemocratic, objected to the subordination of the states to the central government, and feared encroachment on individuals' liberties in the absence of a bill of rights. (173)

W.E.B. DuBois

Opposed Booker T. Washington. Wanted social and political integration as well as higher education for 10% of African Americans-what he called a "Talented Tenth". Founder of the Niagara Movement which led to the creation of the NAACP.

Indian Removal Act 1830

Ordered the removal of Indian Tribes still residing east of the Mississippi to newly established Indian Territory west of Arkansas and Missouri; those resisting eviction were forcibly removed by American forces, often after prolonged legal or military battles.

National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

Organization that helped lead to the 19th amendment which was finally granted in 1920.

The Grange

Originally a social organization between farmers, it developed into a political movement for government ownership of railroads

interchangeable parts

Originated from before having to buy a new rifle when 1 piece was broken. However new rifles innovated because they would be broken up and someone could just buy the new part of something that was defective. Therefore it brought idea to factory works and lack of need for skilled labor.


Outlawed after the Revolutionary War. The idea that the eldest son inherits all if not most of the father's belongings.


Pacifists who did not fight

John Trumbull

Painter who dedicated his work onto historical events but portrayed it in a very romantical way, (1770's-1790's)

20, 25

Panic of 1893 made ___% of unemployment whereas the great depression gave ___% of unemployment

Sinners in the hands of an Angry God

Part of the Great Awakening, Edwards gave gripping sermons about sin and the torments of Hell.

Middle Passage

Part of the Triangle Trade Africans were transported to the Americas, where they were traded for sugar and tobacco.

Munich Conference

Parts of Czechoslovakia was given to Germany. Hitler promised to take no more land

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Passed by Congress under the Jackson administration, this act removed all Indians east of the Mississippi to an "Indian Territory" where they would be "permanently" housed.

Sons of Liberty

Patriotic groups that played a central role in agitating against the Stamp Act and enforcing non-importation agreements. (117)

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Pays farmers not to grow

Irish, German

People believed that temperance would increase productivity and decrease crimes. ___ and ___ immigrants were against the banning of alcohol but had no say.

American identity

People claim that the Great Awakening provided a ____ and a cause for the beginning of the rejection of the British.


People of French and Native ancestry

Joint Stock companies

People pulling their money together allowing them to fund for exploration

Dutch and French

People that sent fewer settlers into the Americas established trade alliances with the Natives, often intermarried, and traded furs


People who believe in limited government with elected representatives serving at the will of the people. The government is based on consent of the governed. (ex. Thomas Jefferson)

New Light Clergy

People who preached against the Enlightment due to a loss in faith. Emphasized the democratic principles of the Bible. Got angry at the fact that nobles buying pews and churches because they were reserved for them.

preserve autonomy

People would combine African religion customs and Christianity in order to

Cold War conservatism

Period of conservatism that blossomed under Reagan and the nearing end of the Cold War.

Samuel de Champlain

Person that founded Quebec 1 year before the founding of Jamestown (English)

Francisco Pizarro

Person who Conquered the Incas

Juan de Sepulveda

Person who argued that the treatment of Native Americans was justified in 1547. Thought that the natives should be slaves because of their crimes against nature and against God; thought they were barbaric and inhuman;

Baron de Montesquieu

Person who believed in dividing power amongst branches would help prevent government abuse. Creating checks and balances.

John O'Sullivan

Person who defined the Manifest destiny for Americans. "And that claim that is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to posses a whole continent which Providence has given us for the experiment of greater liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us."

Charles Winston Peale

Person who incorporated Enlightment Ideals into paintings. He painted a picture of George Washington (1770's-1780's)

James Monroe

Person who purchased the Louisiana Purchas for 15 million dollars when in reality he was only supposed to spend 2 million.

Zebulon Pike

Person who studied the Southern part if the Louisiana territory

John Tyler

Person who tried to annex Texas but was denied by the Senate the 1st time. However at the end of his presidency was able to annex Texas.

Two Treatises of Government

Piece of literature by John Locke that includes his quote about natural rights to "life, liberty, and property"

Albany Plan of Union

Plan suggested by Benjamin Franklin which was a counsel of Representatives to decide matters on the frontier, defense, trade and westward expansion. But the plan was ultimately rejected.

Bracero Program

Plan that brought laborers from Mexico to work on American farms

Bank War

Political battle between Jackson, Clay and Nicolas Biddle over the renewal of the U.S. Bank; Jackson vetoed the recharter, put funds in pet banks.

Know-Nothing Party

Political party of the 1850s that was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant


Political theory of representative government, based on the principle of popular sovereignty, with a strong emphasis on liberty and civic virtue. Influential in eighteenth-century American political thought, it stood as an alternative to monarchical rule. (113)


Pope granted the Spanish monarchs the authority to claim lands in the Americas and to convert whomever they found there

Leave it to Beaver

Popular TV show that exemplifies the 1950s ideal that women should return home to their roles as wives and mothers

Strategic Defense Initiative

Popularly known as "Star Wars," President Reagan's SDI proposed the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected.

1990s- Gays in the military

Positives? 1) should be allowed to serve their country as a US citizen. 2) Focus should be on skills vs. sexuality. 3) Contradictory to American ideals of individual worth. Negatives? 1) undermine military moral, split the unit in two. 2) Banning gays in the military was backed by SC decision in "Bowers v. Hardwick".


Potatoes helped which country specifically in Europe

Vertical Integration

Practice where a single entity controls the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution

Court Packing Plan

President FDR's failed 1937 attempt to increase the number of US Supreme Court Justices from 9 to 15 in order to save his 2nd New Deal programs from constitutional challenges (Even some of his supporters did not support this plan)


President Taft was also known as a trustbuster BUT broke up ___ trusts

Truman Doctrine 1947

President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology

Washington's farewell address

President speech that warned the country of political parties and foreign alliances

James Garfield

President who was killed due to the political party being too large and a dude who was impatient and angry.

Separate but equal

Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.

gay marriage

Pro gay marriage? 1) should be able to marry b/c it's stable, loving, and government shouldn't pry. 2) marriage came with economic connections. Anti gay marriage? 1) ordained by religion as a heterosexual institution.


Process where English colonies were becoming more English like, developing autonomous political communities very similar to England.

Espionage Act of 1917

Prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment; upheld in *Schenck v. United States*.

18th Amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. influenced by (WCTU)

Booker T. Washington

Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. His book "Up from Slavery."

Jonathan Edwards

Prominent figured of the Great Awakening. New England minister who studied philosophy and natural sciences. He combined enlightenment ideas with intense religious fervor. Under his preaching the revival started becoming a string local thing.

George Whitfield

Prominent figured of the Great Awakening. Traveled through all of the colonies preaching in churches, open city squares, fields, and just places with a lot of people.


Proponents of the 1787 Constitution, they favored a strong national government, arguing arguing that the checks and balances in the new Constitution would safeguard the people's liberties. (173)

Public Works Association

Provided $4 billion to state governments to build schools, roads, highways, etc.

William Lloyd Garrison

Publisher of the Liberator (Anti-slavery newspaper that drew attention to abolition, both positive and negative, causing a war of words supporters of slavery and those opposed.)

Unify, Founding

Purpose of the Gettysburg address was to ___ the nation and portray slavery as the same situation the Americas faced during its ___

National Grange Movement

Pushed many midwestern states to pass laws regulating railroad rates for carrying freight and made abusive corporate practices that were hurting farms illegal. (1870's)

Red Scare

Radicals were suppressed in the 1920's because of the

National Road

Railroad that connected Maryland on the east coast to Illinois of all paved stretching thousands of miles.

Land Ordinance of 1785

Raised money through sale of Northwest Territory

McKinley Tariff of 1890

Raised tariffs- made Republicans seem pro-business

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

Reagan's proposed missile-defense system; featured orbiting battle stations in space that could fire laser beams to vaporize intercontinental missiles on liftoff; popularly known as "Star Wars", Reagan described it as an "astrodome" shield over America; scientifically impossible and astronomically expensive, the initiative was part of Reagan's plan to force the Soviets' hand.

Shay's rebellion

Rebellion that showed the Articles of confederation were weak. It was a group of revolutionary War veterans that opposed high taxes, foreclosures, and imprisonment for debt. (1786-1787)

Robber Barons

Refers to the industrialists or big business owners who gained huge profits by paying their employees extremely low wages. They also drove their competitors out of business by selling their products cheaper than it cost to produce it. Then when they controlled the market, they hiked prices high above original price.


Replacement workers companies would hire when their union workers would go on strike.

House of Burgesses

Representative assembly which could levy taxes and pass laws

Commerce Act 186

Required railroad rates to be reasonable and just and established a federal agency to establish the justice.

Indian Reorganization Act 1934

Restored tribal ownership of lands, recognized tribal constitutions and government, and provided loans for economic development. Sought to have tribes collectively own land. Undid the Dawes Act.

Constitutional Convention

Revising the Articles of Confederation and where George Washington was named the 1st president. Was the 2nd meeting after the failed Annapolis.

Dorr War

Rhode Island was the only state the had not gotten rid of property requirements to vote; Thomas Dorr elected as RI governor led to him being imprisoned for treason; war demonstrated passions aroused by the continuing exclusion of any group of white men from voting.


Robert Owen, who was a British Factory owner In 1824, purchased and created New Harmony in Indiana, which was to be a new moral world. Members of the community followed the same laws and acted under the same social standards as other Utopian communities, however, they were able to purchase land; an idea refuted by communities like them. Owen's community didn't work because of disputes over the community's constitution and the distribution of property. But he had a profound impact on labor movements, education reformers, and women's rights. Owen's vision resonated with the widely held American belief that a community of equals could be created in the New World.

"Tear down Berlin Wall"

Ronald Reagan challenging Gorbachev

emissions safety

Ronald Reagan helped the car industry by lowering car ___ and ___ regulations

Election of 1980

Ronald Reagan won this presidential election, defeating Jimmy Carter because of the Iranian hostage crisis and America's stagflation. It was significant because the Senate had Republican majority and more seats in the house allowing them to pass many key Republican programs. The 1980 election ended a half-century of Democratic dominance of Congress. Considered to have shown people rejection to new social items.

Democrat, Whig

Same political party played out between Andrew Jackson a ___ and Henry Clay a ___ in the 1830's to 1850's

Horace Mann

Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education; "Father of the public school system"; a prominent proponent of public school reform, & set the standard for public schools throughout the nation; lengthened academic year; pro training & higher salaries to teachers

Mayflower Compact

Self governing structures by England that was signed by pilgrims before disembarking to the Americas. It organized their government as a self governing church organization.

Colonial resistance

Self government, lack or representation in England, Enlightment ideas such as liberty, religious independence, and perceived corruption in England led to

Second Seminole War

Seminoles in Florida resisted the pressures to relocate. Cheif Osceola staged an uprising in 1835 to defend their land. Jackson kept sending troops into Florida but the indians were masters of guerrilla warfare. .Osceola was captured by white troops. The government gave up on the war by 1842. By then the Seminoles had either been killed or forced westward

2nd great Awakening

Series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and baptism, stressed philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for protestants. Attracted women, African Americans, and Native Americans. Led to many reforms

Panic of 1893

Serious economic depression beginning in 1893. Began due to rail road companies over-extending themselves, causing bank failures. Was the worst economic collapse in the history of the country until that point, and, some say, as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Proclamation of 1763

Set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the colonists could not cross, attempt to prevent conflicts with Indians. As Indian tribes were defeated, Scotch-Irish, German, and British colonists moved west into Appalachia

Anne Hutchinson

She preached the idea that God communicated directly to individuals instead of through the church elders. She was forced to leave Massachusetts in 1637. Her followers (the Antinomianists) founded the colony of New Hampshire in 1639.

March to the Sea

Sherman's march from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia which cut off confederate supplies received by the sea. They wanted to destroy the Southern economy and morale, leading to Southern surrender.


Ship developed by the Portuguese that could sail very fast that helped the colonialization of European countries.

Paul Revere

Silversmith and patriot who alerted the colonists that the British were coming before Lexington and Concord by taking a midnight horse ride to spread the word and to prepare colonists

Jonathan Edwards

Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God was written by

Northwest Territory

Slavery was banned in the ____ ____ which included Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin


Slaves were sold with Portugal in Africa in order to purchase

John Quincy Adams

Son of John Adams. Expansionist who authored the Monroe Doctrine on the grounds that the entire North America should be the US's to claim (manifest destiny). Electoral opponent of Jackson that was made fun of for his intellectual ability compared to Jackson's "rough and tough" posterior. He worked very hard on internal improvements, such as a naval academy and astronomical observatory through funds gained by steep tariffs.

John Calhoun

South Carolina Senator/ VP to Jackson - advocate for state's rights, limited government, and nullification


Southern Christian Leadership Conference, churches link together to inform blacks about changes in the Civil Rights Movement, led by MLK Jr., was a success

nullification crisis 1832-1833

Southerners favored freedom of trade & believed in the authority of states over the fed. gov.--> declared federal protective tariffs null and void; South believed individual state cannot defy fed. gov. alone; led to increased sense among Southerners as "minority" & threat of secession rather than nullification was the South's ultimate weapon (Ex. How states were more bound to their region than the nation)

Pinckney's Treaty (Treaty of San Lorenzo)

Spain wants to work out problems with US. terms: gave the US free navigation of Mississippi river. US have right to establish warehouses in New Orleans for American goods. Both agreed to incite native Americans against each other.


Spanish and African ancestry


Spanish and Native Americans ancestry

Bartolome de las Casas

Spanish priest who criticized how the conquistadors were treating the natives; wrote many books and letters on mistreatment and resulted in New Laws in 1547. Helped lead to decline of the Encomienda System.

Pueblo Revolt

Spanish regained control of Native Americans around 1690 but due to which incident led the Spanish to become more accommodating to them

Pueblo revolt of 1680

Spanish sought to stop the Native American practices in order to promote Christianity. However pueblos revolted and expelled the Spanish for over 10 years.

City Upon a Hill

Speech in Massachusetts Bay speaking of a perfect society by John Winthrop.

Atlanta Compromise 1895

Speech made by Booker T Washington in which he urged African Americans to accept disenfranchisement and segregation for the time being, working for economic advancement instead (year included)


Stands for Ku Klux Klan and started right after the Civil War in 1866. The Southern establishment took charge by passing discriminatory laws known as the black codes. Gives whites almost unlimited power. They masked themselves and burned black churches, schools, and terrorized black people. They are anti-black and anti-Semitic.

1675 Metacom's War (King Philip's War)

Started with the Wampanoag tribe who aligned with other Native American tribes. Because their Chief predicted that the British encroachment on their ancestral land would destroy their way of life. Which is why he wanted to force them out. Ultimately leading them to attack white settlements, burning fields, killing men and capturing women/children

Proclamation line of 1763

Stated that the colonists could not migrate past the Appalachian mountains. To which colonists were resentful because they had just fought the French and Indian war in order to gain all the land.

Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

Statue given to the public by Thomas Jefferson that would depict how Americans saw themselves in the position of religious freedom. The image would depict the separation America has from Church and State. It gives the freedom to not be charged with tax for religion, not be forced into a religion, and not be forced into church.

Anaconda Plan 1861

Strategy for the Union army by General Winfield Scott which involved choking off the main resources of the Confederate army (strangling it like an anaconda) Had 3 main goals: gain control of the Mississippi River (this would cut the Confederacy into 2 parts), blockade the Southern ports, and to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond

Clayton Antitrust Act 1914

Strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by spelling out specific activities businesses could not do


Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, college kids participate in Civil Rights, stage sit-ins and such

Brigham Young

Successor Prophet of John smith that took up the leadership of the Mormon community and migrated them to Utah territory where they had hoped to be so far into the frontier that would prevent anti-Mormon sentiment.

Higher African population

Sugarcane a very labor intensive crop caused what type of population change in Barbados (a Caribbean colony) in 1660?


Supporters of the Constitution, loose interpretation of Constitution, want strong central gov't (ex. Alexander Hamilton)

Worcester v. Georgia

Supreme Court Decision - Cherokee Indians were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty - Jackson ignored it


Supreme Court case dealing with affirmative action that ruled that affirmative action programs in principle are constitutional, but a strict quota system wasn't.

Johnson vs. M'Intosh

Supreme Court case of 1832 that stated Indians were not owners of their land but they were just the occupiers since they are nomads so they didn't need to own land.

Gibbons v. Ogden

Supreme Court case that stated how regulating interstate commerce is a power reserved to the federal government

Muller v. Oregon 1908

Supreme Court upheld Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women as justified by the special state interest in protecting women's health (year)

Spanish Encomienda System

System where royalty give land grants to people in trade for Christianizing the population and providing good tribute

1816, 1828, 1832

Tariffs of ___ , ____, and ____ all raised the price of foreign goods, helped American industries, and funded transportation.

Stamp Act 1765

Taxes put on printed materials like newspapers, magazines, and legal documents. To which the colonists felt indignated and protested, refused to pay the tax, hurt tax collectors, and boycott British products/merchants. (Year as well)

"rights of Englishmen"

Term prevalent in seventeenth-century England and America referring to certain historically established rights, beginning with the rights of the Magna Carta, that all English subjects were understood to have. These included the right not to be kept in prison without a trial, the right to trial by jury, security in one's home from unlawful entry, and no taxation without consent, among others


Term used to describe the right to vote

Malnutrition, disease, death

Terrible conditions of a navy sailor forced into fighting for England through impressment.

Expansion-manifest destiny (1840's-50's)

Texas declares independence -america's god given right to expand -Mexican-american war -wilmot proviso: states any land gained from mexico should have no slavery-not passed -treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: ends war, US gains mexican land -compromise of 1850: settles dispute over gained land: decided on popular sovereignty, created fugitive slave law: northerners upset, abolished slave trade in D.C (but not slavery), and California is admitted as free state

James Polk

Texas was independent in 1836 and WAS NOT part of the United States. Presidents Jackson and Van Buren did not accept Texas into statehood in fear of war with Mexico. Only ___ ___ took in the Texas along with California and Oregon because he believed it to be their manifest destiny.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The 1962 confrontation between US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba.

National Republicans and

The 2 Factions between the Democratic Political Party

The Split

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) split apart at its national convention in 1935; a majority of AFL leaders refused to grant charters to new unions organized on an industry-wide basis; the AFL favored the organization of workers according to their skills and trades; the CIO favored the organization of all workers in a particular industry.

executive branch, judicial branch

The Articles of confederation had no ___ ___ and had a very weak ___ ___


The Barbary States raised their fee for merchant protection ___x the original and Jefferson opposed the Barbary States fee already and the idea of it so he cancelled the subscription (XD)

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.

Declaration of the Rights of Man Citizen

The Declaration of independence for France as an example of America influence on the world

Election of 1828

The Election year that began the "Age of Jackson" where it was encouraged for men of all standings to participate in political affairs. Jackson ran his campaign around the idea of a "common man" party.


The Erie Canal constructed in New York 1825 ___ Western farms with Eastern Manufacturing. Which inspired a series of other canals.

Seven Years War

The French and Indian War also a part of a bigger conflict known as the ___ ___ ___. The French and Indian War was just a conflict that took part on American soil.

The Grapes of Wrath 1939

The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck about the horrors of the Great Depression; Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they were trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other "Okies", they sought jobs, land, dignity, and a future.

Halfway Covenant

The Half-way Covenant applied to those members of the Puritan colonies who were the children of church members, but who hadn't achieved grace themselves. The covenant allowed them to participate in some church affairs.


The Iroquois were ___ participating in the Albany Convention/Congress

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

The Mormons called themselves

Sandcreek massacre

The November 29, 1864, massacre of more than a hundred peaceful Cheyenne, largely women and children, by John M. Chivington's Colorado militia. (EX. rising tensions between America and the Native Americans)

2nd Great Migration

The Second Great Migration was the migration of more than 5 million African Americans from the South to the other three regions of the United States. It took place from 1941, through World War II, and lasted until 1970


The Separatists were English Protestants who would not accept allegiance in any form to the Church of England. One Separatist group, the Pilgrims, founded Plymouth Plantation and went on to found other settlements in Rhode Island and elsewhere in New England. Other notable separatist groups included the Quakers and Baptists.

Slave Trade Compromise

The Slave trade would end in 1808

Commerce Compromise

The US can tax imports but not exports

Turkey, Cuba

The United States had their missiles in ___ close to the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union had theirs in ___. They had both dismantled them because of the Cuban missile crisis.

Double V Campaign

The World War II-era effort of black Americans to gain "a Victory over racism at home as well as Victory abroad."

War of 1812

The __ ___ ___ brought great nationalism amongst the people in the United States and brought great value to the National Bank whose charter ended in 1811. Called attention to the need of a bank to establish funds and credit.

Panic of 1873

The ___ ___ ___ led to many people hating Reconstruction and


The ____ was an attempt to get all the states gathered and rectify the economy but only 12 representatives from 5 states showed up. Alexander Hamilton was able to convince them to have a redo and it will be in Philadelphia at 1787 a year later.

Mexico Cession 1848

The addition of half a million square miles to the US as a result of victory in the 1846 war between the US and Mexico


The beginning of selling ___ during the Market revolution gave more money to fund factories.

Jamestown, cannibalism

The beginning of the ___ settlement was very rough because of disease and famine. Circumstances led to ____ and by 1610 7 out of 8 settlers were dead.

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

Gospel of Wealth

The belief that, as the guardians of society's wealth, the rich have a duty to serve society; promoted by Andrew Carnegie; Carnegie donated more than $350 million to libraries, school, peace initiatives, and the arts

Barbary Pirates

The cancelling of the Barbary States led to attacks by __ ___ and intermittent fighting for the next 4 years.


The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence. That occurred after world war 2

Korean War 1950-1953

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.

salutary neglect, active

The debt from the Seven Years war cause the British to end _____ ____ and take a more ____ role in colonial affairs


The decision was reached in May 1954. The learned justices ruled the segregation in the public schools was "inherently unequal" and thus unconstitutional. The uncompromising sweep of the decision startled everyone.


The development of engine-driven machines, like the combine, which helped to dramatically increase the productivity of land in the 1870s and 1880s. This process contributed to the consolidation of agricultural business that drove many family farms out of existence.


The difference in goals between the colonies and Britain promoted what?

Pikes Peak

The discovery of gold in 1869 which 100,000 folks were moving into Nebraska and Kansas.

U.S. Constitution

The document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of the U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform. It replaced the Articles of Confederation.

moral suasion

The effort to move others to a particular course of action through appeals to moral values and beliefs, without the use of enticements or force.

natural born rights

The enlightment idea that people have inborn rights given to them given to them by a creator not the government.


The federal economic polices of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply-side tax cuts, and domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth.

Virginia Company

The first joint-stock company in the colonies; founded Jamestown; promised gold, conversion of Indian to Christianity, and passage to the Indies

social contract

The idea that people were in a contract with their government. Since the power to govern comes from the people their job is to take that power and deliver it to the government. Then the government in exchange would protect the natural rights of the people. If the contract was breached it was the right of the people to overthrow the government.

Republican Motherhood

The idea that women were expected to instill Republican virtues (liberty, natural rights, etc.) into their families. Which helped establish better education for Women. They could only do that if they themselves were educated.

Young Americans for Freedom

The largest student political organization in the country, whose conservative members defended free enterprise and supported the war in Vietnam. They wanted to contain communism.

Wounded Knee massacre 1890

The last major encounter between Native Americans and the U.S. Army. A gun went off and then the army killed more than 200 men women and children. But put Native American resistance to an end. (Ex of one of the great injustices perpetrated against Native Americans by the U.S. government.)


The lifting of government restrictions on business, industry, and professional activities.

Market Revolution

The linking of northern industries with western and southern farms which was created by advances in agriculture, industry, and transportation.

familiarity, military, beliefs, French

The odds were against the colonists. However they won independence dur to ___ with the land, good ___ leadership, strong ___, and ____ Aid

Hernan Cortez

The person who conquered Tenochtitlan with 200,000-400,000 inhabitants with a small group of 1,000 soldiers (made possible with smallpox) 1519

Enclosure Movement

The process of consolidating small landholdings into a smaller number of larger farms in England during the eighteenth century. Farming land was disappearing for the poor.

Proclamation line of 1763

The response the British had to Native Americans after the Pontiac's rebellion.

Political Realignment

The shift from the New Deal that African Americans have from republican to Democrat.

Quarantine Speech

The speech was an act of condemnation of Japan's invasion of China in 1937 and called for Japan to be quarantined. FDR backed off the aggressive stance after criticism, but it showed that he was moving the country slowly out of isolationism.

Old South

The term refers to the slaveholding states between 1830 and 1860, when slave labor and cotton production dominated the economies of the southern states. This period is also known as the "antebellum era."

The Middle Passage

The trip many African Americans faced while being exchanged on a trip to the Americas where they faced cramped spaces, disease, and starvation before arriving


The union succeed during the Civil War because of effective ___ plans and leadership and key victories in Gettysburg and Antietam

Mexican-American War 1846-1848

The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. (year included)


The way the English treated the Native Americans was similar to the way they treated the ___ because they saw them as a separate group of people




There was ___ on both sides of the civil war in the 1860's

Civil Rights Cases 1883

These state supreme court cases ruled that Constitutional amendments against discrimination applied only to the federal and state governments, not to individuals or private institutions. Thus the government could not order segregation, but restaurants, hotels, and railroads could. Gave legal sanction to Jim Crow laws. (year included)

Ghost Dance Movement 1890

They believed that if they participated in this ritualistic dance the ghosts of their ancestors would return and drive the white men away from their lands.

Townshed Act 1767

They placed new taxes and took away some freedoms from the colonists including the following: New taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.

Missouri Compromise

They would make a new state to balance Missouri being a slave State called Maine. Then established the 36'30' line on a map that made all states north free and all states below are allowed to have slaves

The Jungle

This 1906 work by Upton Sinclair pointed out the abuses of the meat packing industry. The book led to the passage of the 1906 Meat Inspection Act. (Ex. of changes in progressive Era)

Lord Calvert of Maryland

This Catholic nobleman was granted control of land by the Chesapeake Bay for his loyal service to king Charles I; established the proprietary colony of Maryland; wanted to achieve great wealth and create a haven for his fellow Catholics, but died before he could

Civil Rights Act 1964

This act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places.

The Shakers

This group, led by "Mother" Ann Lee, was known for their "shaking" as they felt the spirit of God pulse through them during church services. They eventually died out due to their forbidding sexual relations. Become renowned for their furniture production

The Knights of Labor

This group, which peaked membership in 1886, grew rapidly because of a combination of their open-membership policy, the continuing industrialization of the American economy, and the growth of urban population; welcomed unskilled and semiskilled workers, including women, immigratns, and African Americans; were idealists who believed they could eliminate conflict between labor and managements. Their goal was to create a cooperative society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked.

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

This law forbade the manufacture or transport or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs and poisonous patent medicines and gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. It paved the way for the eventual creation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still in existence as the FDA. (year included)

Women's Christian Temperance Union

This organization was dedicated to the idea of the 18th Amendment - the Amendment that banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol.

Model on Christian Charity/ City upon a hill

This spelled out the Massachusetts Bay colony's social and political ideals. It declared that Massachusetts "shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us." The settlers would build a harmonious, godly community in which individuals would subordinate their personal interests to a higher purpose. The result would be an example for all the world and would particularly inspire England to live up to its role as God's "elect nation".

Safety Valve Theory

This states that when hard times hit, the unemployed move west, took up farming and became prosperous. With the close of the frontier the less fortunate had no place to start a new life, thus leading to urban overcrowding and inner city problems.

Women's Christian Temperance Union

This women's union called for the national prohibition of alcohol. Led by Frances E. Willard and Carrie A.

Revolution of 1800

Thomas Jefferson's view (What he called this change) that this year was revolutionary because it marked on of the few times in history where power was transferred peacefully between rival parties.


Thomas Jefferson's vision that all men should be yeomen. A nation should be of self sustaining farmers. The philosophy that agriculture and land ownership are the backbone of the economy

Triangular Trade

Three part journey trading route. New England traded rum to West Africa in exchange for enslaved people. West Africa traded slaves for sugarcane in the West Indies. Then traded it to colonies and used it to make rum in England.

1st Red Scare

Time period after WWI in which the nation feared the spread of communism

1st Red Scare 1919-1920

Time period after WWI in which the nation feared the spread of communism (years). The Russians had a revolution and they started fearing immigrants


Time period with large amounts of Energy 30 million changed their residences every year

Anglicization of the British colonies

Trans-Atlantic Print culture, Enlightment, Protestant Evangelism, and the First Great Awakening led to

War of 1812 - causes and effects

Treaty of Ghent ends war Causes: - American sailors were being impressed by British sailors during their 11 year conflict with France - Chesapeake Affair 1807 - American sailors on the Chesapeake refused to let British look for deserters. The Leopard (British ship) fired on the Chesapeake in response - British arming Native Americans Effects: -America's victory results in patriotism and nationalism -Era of Good Feelings, proud of resistance and victory, New Bank established, navy and army expanded, new capital city -All Americans consider themselves a member of the National Republicans (I think) - American industries grew since the British blockaded any imports or exports - America gains more global respect -Federalist Party dies - Natives give northern land of Ohio -Created national unity

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

Treaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and CA in exchange for $15 million (Mexico Cession). Also made the Rio Grande the border. Granted all the Mexicans living in that area citizenship.

Peace of Paris 1763

Treaty that ended the Seven Years War. Outcomes included : Spanish ceding Florida to British, French were ousted from North America, the Spanish were given control of land previously owned by the French west of the Mississippi, and All land east of the Mississippi was granted to the British (AKA Ohio River Valley)

Arawak and Taino

Tribe that had 300,000 deaths on an island called Hispaniola due to European disease in the Columbian exchange

Theodore Roosevelt

Trusts were mostly broken up by which president. He gained the name Trustbuster and was able to break over 40 BAD trusts.

Horizontal Integration

Type of monopoly where a company buys out all of its competition. Ex. Rockefeller


Type of slaves showing colonial resistance in a peaceful way through secretly maintaining belief systems and cultural customs from their homeland.


Type of slaves that showed colonial resistance through breaking tools, running stored seeds with moisture, and faked disease

Frances Perkins

U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman ever appointed to the cabinet.

USS Maine Explosion

U.S. battleship sent to Cuba, it exploded killing 200+ Americans. U.S. thought it was Spain attacking them. This was used as excuse to start war with Spain. (Sending a battleship over is a somewhat way of signaling war)

15th Amendment 1870

U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed (year included)

Sun Belt

U.S. region, mostly comprised of southeastern and southwestern states, which has grown most dramatically since World War II.

John Lewis

UMW, long-time labor leader who organized and led the first important unskilled workers labor union, called in to represent union during sit-down strike

Reagan Doctrine

US would support freedom fighters trying to overthrow Communist regimes; applied in Nicaragua, Angola, Cambodia and Afghanistan. The policy of openly supporting anti-communist insurgents and movements around the world.

Brooke Farm

UTOPIA, second great awakening ideas, acheive perfection in communites in Massachusetts


Under the Articles of Confederation Spain ended the right to ____. Which was Allowing Americans to store goods at the New Orleans port.


Under the Articles of Confederation how many states out of 13 need to agree on a law before passed?


Under the Articles of Confederation how many states out of 13 need to agree to amend the Articles?


Under the Pacific Railroad Act ___ transcontinental railroads were able to be made.

Jesse Owens

United States athlete and Black American whose success in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin outraged Hitler (1913-1980)

Pearl Harbor

United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.

Sam Houston

United States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States. made Texas a state of the United States in 1836

Mill Girls

Unmarried women from New England cities who went to work in mills where they lived in boarding houses and were supervised very closely. Families were reluctant to allow their girls to leave for the first time into stranger's supervision, so much leisure time spent at these houses was centered around faith and God, and there were strict behavioral rules. Many of them left to get married and were soon widely replaced by immigrants (mostly Irish). Still, leaving to work in the mill gave women a sense of independence and allowed them to notice their responsibilities outside the home.


Urban apartment buildings that served as housing for poor factory workers. Often poorly constructed and overcrowded.


Use this word instead of "Draft" if in the case there is writing about the Civil war in 1860's. This was a total war and both sides were using all their resources so this word is more sophisticated.

Red Summer of 1919

Used to describe the bloody race riots that occurred during the summer and autumn of 1919. Race riots erupted in several cities in both the North and South of the United States. The three with the highest number of fatalities happened in Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Elaine, Arkansas.

Alexander Stephens

Vice President of the Confederacy BUT was elected to be the senator of Georgia which shocked people in the North

Nat Turner's Rebellion 1831

Virginia slave revolt that resulted in the deaths of sixty whites and raised fears among white Southerners of further uprisings. Led to new legislation making it unlawful to teach slaves, free blacks, or mulattoes to read or write.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Voter registration was under federal jurisdiction

Virginia Plan

Voting representation would be based on the population of states in a bicameral legislation

New Jersey plan

Voting representation would be equal in all states in a unicameral representation

Bonus Army

WWI veterans who marched on Washington demanding their $1,000 bonus pay before the 1945 due date.

Populist Party

Wanted increase in government control of railroads and telegraphs (William Jennings Bryan Candidate)

decrease influence of women

War between Native American Tribes and White settlers did what to the role of women in Native American tribes?

War of 1812

War caused by the continuous impressment of Americans despite the Revolutionary War already happening. Then the finding out that the British would send military support to Native Americans which was problematic when they expanded westward.

Sedition Act of 1918

Wartime law that prohibited any words or behavior that might promote resistance to the United States or help in the cause of its enemies. (year)

Positive , Nullification

Ways the South defended slavery: -Believed it to be a "___ good" -___ (belief that the state could consider federal laws unconstitutional)

Articles of Confederation

Weak central government, could not tax the States, no executive branch, most power left to the States. Trade issues would often emerge between the States because this policy enabled currencies of each state to have different values.






Were conservative southern Democrats who objected to President Truman's strong push for civil-rights legislation. Southern Democrats who broke from the party in 1948 over the issue of civil rights and ran a presidential ticket as the States' Rights Democrats.

Jamestown 1607

What and when was the 1st settlement by the English that was funded by a joint stock company.

gold and silver

What did Conquistadors take from the Aztecs and Incans and give to Spain which attracted large amounts of attention to the Americas?

Robust transatlantic print culture

What enabled the spreading of Enlightment ideas such as John Locke, Voltaire, and Immanuel Kant

fur and tobacco

What goods did colonies have to focus on that were valued in Europe?

Virginia and Maryland

What is the Chesapeake? (It was called Chesapeake due to it being nearby the Chesapeake bay)

first, liberated

What split the Women and African American rights movement? Some agreed that Black males should vote ___ (Supported by Frederick Douglass) and others believed that women should be ___ with Blacks (Supported by Susan B. Anthony)

Horses and guns

What transformed the way of life for Native Americans and led to their warfare being more destructive?

English encroachment of French lands in the Ohio River Valley

What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

increase support for the constitution

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers

Panic of 1819

What was the result of the Bank limiting their lending policies, causing many state Banks to close. There was a decrease in demand for export goods such as cotton. Bankruptcy in goods occurred everywhere and so many people went to prison for their debts.


When did the French and Indian War start and end?


When it came to Democratic Republicans often favored ____ because they saw them as a extension of the American Revolution and liked how they were an ally to America during the Revolutionary War.

Great Britain

When it came to Foreign affairs Federalists often favored ___ ___ because they wanted to trade and make money

Virginia 1619

Where is the House of Burgesses and what year was it made ?

King George's War

Which war was part of fighting for Austrian succession in Europe, that called for the general impressment of people from America, and caused rioting for 3 days?

Zachary Taylor

Whig president (later) who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Helped push land that the Americans had near the Rio Grande in 1846.

Henry Cabot Lodge

White Anglo Saxon nativist who criticized letting in immigrants because he did not want "inferior races' to mingle with pure-blood Americans.

Alexander Hamilton

Who created the Bank of the United States (BUS)in 1791?


Who won the French and Indian War?

Doreathea Dix

Woman during the 2nd great awaking that hoped to improve treatment of the mentally ill

Ladies association in Philadelphia

Women group that assisted in the Revolutionary war effort by supplying the war effort with troops and bandages

Nancy Heart Morgan of Georgia

Women who provided hospitality to 6 British soldiers through a meal. Then shit 2 called her lady friends who hanged the rest of them.

¿Me entiendes?

You know?


You know?


Young people who rebelled against the mainstream culture of the 1960s

Cheap energy

__ ___ had been obtained because America had control of oil rich countries in the East.

Election of 1860

___ ___ ___ led to the direct secession of South Carolina

John Quincy Adams

___ ___ ___ resolved the border disputes after the War of 1812. Decided that there would be separation in the 49th parallel between the US and Canada. In addition to a joint occupation of land in Oregon Territory.


___ believed that the teachings of Jesus Christ had strayed from the true teachings and witness of Christ and Joseph Smith was God's appointed prophet to bring the Church back to its true form.


___ during the Market revolution led to greater social gaps.


___ expansion was due to the government granting special loans and tax breaks to these companies. In some cases even land was given.


___ included compromises on slavery such as the Great Compromise, 3/5 compromise, and the open slave trade.


___ of the people in Japanese Internment camps were born in the United States


___ opened in 1955 in Anaheim, California. It was a theme park, developed by Walt Disney and based around his cartoon characters. It was designated as a place for family entertainment.


___ people view on slavery in 1840's 1850's -Slavery was a constitutional -Disputes had been settled in the Missouri compromise


___ portion of the country is where newer money, poor people live, not a lot of government. (Big Idea)


___ tends to be where the elites or the power lies (Big idea)


____ of banks fell prior to FDR becoming President.


____ thinkers claim that what is knowable starts with God and that our authority comes through revelation by God.


____ thinkers claim that what is knowable starts with God and that our authority comes through revelation by God.


______ million Koreans had died in the Korean War

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

a Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal (year included)

Stokely Carmichael

a black civil rights activist in the 1960's. Leader of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He did a lot of work with Martin Luther King Jr.but later changed his attitude. Carmichael urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing black power. He was known for saying,"black power will smash everything Western civilization has created."

A Century of Dishonor

a book written by Helen Hunt Jackson and published in 1881 detailing injustices suffered by native americans in the US

Students for a Democratic Society

a campus-based political organization founded in 1961 by Tom Hayden that became an iconic representation of the New Left. Originally geared toward the intellectual promise of "participatory democracy," SDS emerged at the forefront of the civil rights, antipoverty, and anitwar movements during the 1960s

Harlem Renaissance

a flowering of African American culture in the 1920s; instilled interest in African American culture and pride in being an African American.

Anti-Imperialist League

a group that opposed imperialism because America is supposed to have a government where the people are willing to be governed.

Scopes Trial

a highly publicized trial in 1925 when John Thomas Scopes violated a Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school (To which evolution is not to be taught at school.)

Cotton Gin 1793

a machine invented by Eli Whitney; revolutionized cotton production by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber. (year included)

Premption Act

a method that allowed a squatter to purchase public land he had lived on after 14 months made during the 1830's to 1840's


a mission and fort in San Antonio, Texas, where Mexican forces massacred rebellious Texans in 1836

Salutary Neglect

a period from 1607-1763 in which England did not strictly enforce Parliamentary laws, which allowed the colonies to flourish as almost independent states for many years.


a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation)

Affirmative Action

a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities

Tammany Hall

a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York city (late 1800's and early 1900's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism

Indentured Servants

a poor person obligated to a fixed term of unpaid labor, often in exchange for a benefit such as transportation, protection, or training.

Rosie the Riveter

a popular symbol encouraging women to do their part to help with the war through filling the labor vacuum after soldiers left and in noncombat working roles in the armed forces

trancontinental railroad

a railroad that crosses an entire continent, such as the one completed in 1869 linking the east and west coasts of North America

Nation of Islam

a religious group, popularly known as the Black Muslims, founded by Elijah Muhammad to promote black separatism and the Islamic religion.

literacy test

a requirement that citizens show that they can read before registering to vote (Ex of how they prevented minorities from voting)

hace poco

a short while ago

common school

a social reform effort, started by Horace Mann in the mid-1800s, that promoted the idea of having all children educated in a common place regardless of social class or background


a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups

Anthracite Coal Strike

a strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the anthracite coalfields of eastern Pennsylvania. Miners were on strike asking for higher wages, shorter workdays and the recognition of their union. The government AKA Theodore Roosevelt sides with the laborers

Underground Railroad

a system of secret routes used by escaping slaves to reach freedom in the North or in Canada

spinning machine

a textile machine for spinning yarn and thread invented by James Hargreaves that worked well with the addition of the cotton gin

camp meetings

a tool of the Second Great Awakening where people would gather to hear hellfire speeches

sobre todo

above all

counterculture movement

accompanied by another sexual revolution in which premarital sex, marital infidelity, and homosexuality were beginning to be looked upon as more casual

conforme a

according to

por consiguiente

accordingly, consequently

Newlands Reclamation Act 1902

act authorizing federal funds from public land sales to pay for irrigation and land development projects, mainly in the dry Western states (year included)

en realidad


Adams Vs Jefferson

adams: federalists XYZ affair leads to quasi war and alien and sedition acts (purpose is to silence Jeffersonians) -alien act made it difficult for foreigners to become citizens -sedition act made it illegal to diss the gov Jefferson Era: revolution of 1800 from federalists to republican -judiciary act: new judges -Marbury v. Madison: first time supreme court declares law unconstitutional: gives judicial branch more power -Louisiana purchase: land from france (Jefferson now loosely interprets constitution) -embargo act: cuts off all trade between us and other countries: disaster but helps start industrial revolution -War of 1812: causes: impressement (british kidnapping)

Dorothea Dix

advocated for better treatment of the mentally ill; her work helped to convince state legistlatures to build and improve mental health hospitals in the 40s

despúes de que


Alice Paul

aggressive suffragist who fought for a constitutional amendment giving women the vote and then planned to move downward; arrested for blocking traffic and continued protesting through hunger strikes (eventually needed to be force fed)

Tuskegee Airmen

all black unit of fighter pilots. trained in Tuskegee Alabama. won many awards for bravery and never lost a single pilot

tanto mejor

all the better, even better



Civil Service Jobs

also called a Bureaucracy, people who work for the government and earned jobs through tests



15th Amendment

amendment giving voting rights to african americans in 1869; women were supposed to be a part of the amendment, but were pulled out before ratification

Ida B. Wells-Barnett

an African American journalist and newspaper editor. An early leader in the civil rights movement, she documented the extent of lynching in the United States. She was also active in the women's rights movement and the women's suffrage movement. helped found the NAACP

Monroe Doctrine

an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers

Massachusetts Bay Colony

an English settlement on the east coast of North America in the 17th century, in New England, centered around the present-day cities of Salem and Boston. The area is now in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, one of the 50 United States. (puritans)

yellow dog contract

an agreement some companies forced workers to take that forbade them from joining a union. This was a method used to limit the power of unions, thus hampering their development.


an authoritative command or order court order to stop striking

White League

an organization established in 1874 by the Redeemer Democrats to restore political power to the prewar white Democrats


an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality

Bacon's Rebellion

an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony, first rebellion in the American colonies in which discontented frontiersmen took part

al parecer

apparently, seemingly

Margaret Sanger

argued that women should enjoy sex without having children; sentenced to prison in 1916 for establishing a clinic to give poor women contraceptives; instrumental in the founding of Planned Parenthood

puesto que


como consecuencia

as a consequence

como resultado de

as a result of

como punto de partida

as a starting point

por añadidura

as well, besides, in addition


as, given that

de todos modos

at any rate

al principio

at the beginning

a la (misma) vez

at the same time

al mismo tiempo

at the same time

Mission System (Spanish System)

attempt by catholic church to incorporate indians into spanish colonial society --> teaching indians agricultural methods and catholic religion, providing inconsistent protection from exploitative spanish soldiers and settlers, expecting indians to serve as servants and laborers, and spreading european diseases to indian tribes


backlash to sexual revolution in the 60s, blamed casual sex for increase in sexual abuse, STDs, and illegitimate births

Remember the Alamo

battle cry of revenge for Texan independence from Mexico in 1836



A causa de que

because of


because of

Movement to suburbs

beginning in the 1950s, thousands of middle income Americans moved from cities to surrounding suburbs

Seneca Falls convention 1848

beginning of women's rights movement; Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton where de Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions was created.

a partir de

beginning with

Uncle Tom's Cabin

book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and published in 1852 detailing the horrors of slavery

Silent Spring

book written by Rachel Carson and published in 1962, highlighting problems with the environment, specifically pesticides







sino que

but rather

Fair Employment Act

by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 25, 1941 to prohibit racial discrimination in the national defense industry. It was the first federal law to promote equal opportunity and prohibit employment discrimination in the United States.

de ninguna manera

by no means


capital of the state of Tennessee *

Energy Crisis of the 1970s

caused major lines at the gas pump because OPEC refused to ship oil to the US

Revolutionary War

causes: -the end up salutary neglect -taxes, coercive acts (response to tea party), lack of representation key writings: 1)Olive Branch petition: adopted after battles of lexington and concord, bunker hill -lets stop fighting and go back to salutary neglect (king says hell no). 2) common sense: written by tomas paine-common sense to break away from england 3)declaration of independence: -idea of gov and wrong doings of king Patriots vs loyalists Key battles: 1)battle of bunker hill (1775)-although americans lost, there were heavy british casualties which led to increased morale and belief in military capabilities 2)Battle of saratoga: americans defeat british-results in FRENCH AID 3) battle of Yorktown:last major battle TREATY OF PARIS: officially ends war terms: britian recognizes US independence, loyalists would be not be persecuted, americans can fish in new found land, US gains land east of missippi


causes: neutrality acts of 1932-1937 -US could not trade with warring countries -neutrality act of 1939-allows US to sell weapons to countries -isolationists vs interventions (want to provide aid to europe) -lend-lease act-us could lend crucial supplies to countries the press deems vital -why did truman use atomic bomb? to save american lives-save them from invasion of japan -women power in WWII -japanese american internment camps -bracero program encourage mexicans to come to US to work -zoot-suit riots -african americans signed up to gain more rights after war and for victory over facism

Freedom Rides

civil rights campaign of the Congress of Racial Equality in which protesters traveled by bus through the South to desegregate bus stations; white violence against them prompted the Kennedy administration to protect them and become more involved in civil rights.

Manhattan Project

code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II. 2 billion dollars to develop the atomic bomb.

por siguiente

consequently, thus

ante tal hecho

considering such a fact

en vista de que

considering that

Phyllis Schlafly

constitutional lawyer and conservation activist who was highly critical of feminism and abortion, successfully campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment

toll roads

created on highways built by private companies to generate profit but were heavily avoided by Americans. Before 1830 they were owned by corporations chartered by state governments. Enforced state power.


culture of the Southeast in Louisiana developed as a result of French/Spanish influence from trade and colonization, Caribbean influence from slave trade, and American values.



Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions 1848

declared that all "people are created equal"; used the Declaration of Independence to argue for women's rights (year included)

Southern Cities

developed as plantation-style layouts that are spread out instead of crunched together due to late colonization once transportation was made easier.

Indian Appropriation Act 1871

ended recognition of tribes as independent nations by the federal government and nullified previous treaties made with the tribes (year included)

Wagner Act 1935

established National Labor Relations Board; protected the rights of most workers in the private sector to organize labor unions, to engage in collective bargaining, and to take part in strikes and other forms of concerted activity in support of their demands.

Marbury v. Madison

establishes the right to Judicial Review by the Supreme Court; right to declare laws unconstitutional.

civil rights (1940's-60's)

executive order 9981-desegregated the US military -A. Phillip Randolph -brown v. Board of education-seperate is not equal -little rock nine-eseinhower sent federal troops to allow students to attend little rock HS -Montgomery bus boycott: MLK + Rosa parks North carolina sit in at counter -letter from a birmingham jail-good to break a law thats wrong -Alabama and Ole miss-attempting to keep colleges from desegregating -civil rights act of 1964-equal access to public accommodation -voting rights -Student nonviolent coordinating committee (SNCC)-helped register blacks to vote in missippi -black panthers advocated the arming of blacks against white police

Bay of Pigs Invasion

failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 when a force of 1,200 Cuban exiles, backed by the United States, landed at the Bay of Pigs.

Sarah and Angelina Grimké

female abolitionosts who were not able to voice their opinions and take part in policy discussions



por fin


al fin

finally, at last, in the end

en fin

finally, in short




first fast food franchise in the US. That sold burgers in 1948.

Madeleine Albright

first female secretary of state, appointed by Clinton in 1996

Sandra Day O'Connor

first female supreme court justice, appointed by Reagan

Seneca Falls Convention

first womens rights convention in 1848; issued a Declaration of Sentiments detailing grievances experienced by women; some famous suffragists were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, and Harriet Beecher Stowe

ante todo

first, first of all


firstly, especially

por ejemplo

for example

por la mayor parte

for the most part

por motivo que

for the reason that

por lo mismo

for the same reason

por ese motivo

for this reason, that's why

International Migration Society

formed by Henry Turner in 1894 to help American blacks emigrate to Africa

colored relief Board

formed in St. Louis, Missouri in response to the Exoduster migration in March 1879 and collect donations to aid the Exodusters

National Consumers League

formed in the 1890's under the leadership of Florence Kelly, attempted to mobilize the power of women as consumers to force retailers and manufacturing to improve wages and working conditions. Hosted many boycotts

Deborah Sampson

fought in the revolutionary war disguised as a man for a year

Women's Christian Temperence Movement

founded in 1874, signaled that the temperence movement was gaining momentum

de aquí (ahora, hoy)

from now on

en adelante

from now on

de lo anterior

from the above

de todo esto se

from the above

además de

furthermore, in addition

19th Amendment

gave women the vote in 1920; passed due to recognition of how women helped in WWI

civil unions

gays been campaigning for them.

dado que

given that

Redeemer Governments

governments controlled by the former confederates, who were trying to undo Reconstruction which was often achieved through violence (Ex. KKK)

Slave coffles

groups of slaves chained together and forced to march into the South to the Cotton Kingdom

Gifford Pinchot

head of the U.S. Forest Service under Roosevelt, who believed that it was possible to make use of natural resources while conserving them. Fired by William Taft leading to his fail to be reelected.

March on Washington

held in 1963 to show support for the Civil Rights Bill in Congress. Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream..." speech. 250,000 people attended the rally

no obstante

however, nevertheless

en todo caso

in any case

de todas formas

in any case, anyway

en definitiva

in conclusion, definitely

al contrario de

in contrast to

de hecho

in fact

ante esto

in light of this

a mi parecer

in my opinion

en otras palabras

in other words

en resumidas cuentas

in short

a pesar de todo

in spite of everything

a pesar de que

in spite of, despite

en resumen

in summary


in the 1530's this group had a population of 9 million but only a century later after the Columbian exchange had a population of 500,000

a fin de cuentas

in the end, after all

al fin y al cabo

in the end, when all is said and done

en primer lugar

in the first place

de la misma manera

in the same way

en segundo, tercer lugar

in the second, third place

Boston Massacre

incident in 1770 in which British troops fired on and killed American colonists

Little Rock 9

incident in which troops (sent by president Eisenhower) helped integrate a high school by allowing nine black students to enter school peacefully and not be prevented by angry mobs.

Outlaw of the Atlantic Slave Trade

influenced more domestic slave trade. Slaves moved from Northern cities into Southern ones to support the Cotton Kingdom. Resulted in the disruption of families

Fireside Chats

informal talks given by FDR over the radio; sat by White House fireplace; gained the confidence of the people

en vez de

instead of

en cuenta

into account

Steel Plow

invented by John Deere during the Industrial Revolution making it easier for farmers to till the land

Haight-Ashbury District

is a district of San Francisco, California, USA became the center of the San Francisco Renaissance and with it, the rise of a drug culture and rock-and-roll lifestyle by the mid '60s

sigue que

it follows that

es seguro que

it is certain that

se ve que

it is clear that

es cada vez más

it is increasingly, every time it is more

resulta que

it turns out that

es que

it's that

es cierto que

it's true that, it is certain that

tanto como X como Y

just as X ... Y

Butler v. U.S.

killed the AAA, although FDR insisted on continuing by creating smaller state-level AAAs

Knights of Labor

labor union that sought to organize all workers and focused on broad social reforms

Sioux Wars

lasted from 1876-1877. These were spectacular clashes between the Sioux Indians and white men. They were spurred by gold-greedy miners rushing into Sioux land. The white men were breaking their treaty with the Indians. The Sioux Indians were led by Sitting Bull and they were pushed by Custer's forces. Custer led these forces until he was killed at the battle at Little Bighorn. Many of the Indian were finally forced into Canada, where they were forced by starvation to surrender.

por último


Interstate Commerce Act 1887

law passed to regulate railroad and other interstate businesses (year)

Lend-Lease Act 1941

law that authorized the president to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security (year)

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

law that suspended Chinese immigration into America. The ban was supposed to last 10 years, but it was expanded several times and was essentially in effect until WWII. It was the first significant law that restricted immigration into the United States of an ethnic working group. Extreme example of nativism of period (year included)

Hepburn Act 1906

law used the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the maximum charge that railroads to place on shipping goods. (year included)

Cotton Mather

leader of the salem witch trials in which 18 people were hanged as witches. Afterwards, most of the people involved admitted that the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake.

The Congress of Industrial Workers

led by John L. Lewis; organized unskilled and semiskilled factory workers in basic manufacturing industries such as steel and automobiles.

A ver

let's see



Declaration of Independence

list of grievances against the King George the III and justification for the colonies to Break away. Inspired by Common Sense (Thomas Paine) and Enlightment ideas (consent to the governed and natural rights)

combine harvester

machine that harvests crop and separates out green or seed for transport (machine that helped mechanization)

Printing Press

made the distribution and creation of literary works much easier; also makes the spread of political ideas easier and more practical.

abolitionism and race

many black abolitionists remained less successful and less renowned than their white constituents, which incited jealousy and resentment between the two.

mientras tanto

meanwhile, in the meantime

woman suffrage

movement to get people (regardless of sex) the right to vote


name given to Great Plains farmers because they used plows break through so much thick soil, called sod, in order to farm.


narrative ballads that feature heroes/social bandits, historical figures and events, and political issues; have rhyme scheme abcb

Settlement Houses

neighborhood centers in poor areas that offered education, recreation, and social activities


neither, nor either

sin embargo

nevertheless, however

American Dictionary

novel written by Noah Webster (arch rival of Jackson) that stated Democracy was an American right. "Freedom is synonymous with the right to vote."

ya que

now that, because, seeing that

hoy día


es obvio que



of course

a causa de

on account of, because of

por un lado

on one hand

de otro modo

on the other hand

en cambio

on the other hand

por otro lado

on the other hand

hay que tomar en cuenta que

one must realize that

se debe tomar

one must take

United Farm Workers

organized and led by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Philip Vera Cruz, and Larry Itliong; a union of farm workers; Cesar Chavez is recognized as a significant civil rights leader.

de lo contrario


Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, required equal access to public places and employment, and enforced desegregation of schools and the right to vote.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed segregation in facilities and private companies

debido a

owed to, because of

Age of Jackson

period marked by the belief that ordinary people should vote in elections, hold office, and do anything they had the ability to do

baby boom

postwar confidence led to a larger birthing rate in the 40s and 50s; caused the resurgence of the cult of domesticity

en la actualidad


Carrie Chapman Catt

president of the National American Women Suffrage Association, fought for votes at the state level and worked upward; argued votes would broaden democracy and empower women to become better mothers and wives

Vanderbilt University

private research university located in Nashville, Tennessee, founded in 1873. It was named in honor of shipping and rail magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt. (ex of gospel of wealth)


procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office

Ida Tarbell

progressive era muckraker and pioneer in investigative journalism

Equal Rights Amendment

proposed amendment written by Alice the guarentee equality for all citizens regardless of gender; passed Congress but was not accepted by the required 38 states

Tallmadge Amendment

proposed an amendment to the statehood bill forbidding Missourians to import additional slaves & providing that all children subsequently born in Missouri were free and that slave children already in the state be freed when they reached the age of 25

Northwest Land Ordinance 1787

provided a process for admission of new states to the Union (year included) Once territories reached 60,000 people they could apply for statehood. Prohibited Slavery in the Northwest territories

George Wallace

racist gov. of Alabama in 1962 ("segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"); runs for pres. In 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of racism and law and order, loses to Nixon; runs in 1972 but gets shot

mejor dicho

rather, indeed, to put it another way

Distant Markets

refers to the longer trading routes faces during the Market revolution which included not only the US but Europe.

Pendleton Act 1881

reform measure that established the principle of federal employment on the basis of open, competitive exams and created the Civil Service Commission

en cuanto a

regarding, with respect to

Navigation Acts

regulated trade in order to benefit the British economy. The acts restricted trade between England and its colonies to English or colonial ships, required certain colonial goods to pass through England before export, provided subsidies for the production of certain raw goods in the colonies, and banned colonial competition in large-scale manufacturing.

Adams-Onis Treaty

remainder of Florida sold by Spain to US, boundary of Mexico defined

Coinage Act of 1873

required all currency in the US to be backed by GOLD; helped cause the Panic of 1873

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

resolved Aroostook war between US and GB, resolved border issue between Maine and Canada


restraint or moderation, especially in regards to alcohol or food

Judicial Review

review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.

ahora mismo

right now

Lawrence v. Texas

same as Hardwick case but Supreme Court overturns the old ruling.

Iran-Contra Affair

scandal including arms sales to the Middle East in order to send money to help the Contras in Nicaragua even though Congress had objected

Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937

series of laws that provided Americans could not ship weapons, loan money, travel on belligerent ships, extend credit, or deliver goods to any belligerent countries; they were high tide of isolationism, and all were repealed between 1939 to 1941. (years included)

¿En serio?


Hull House

settlement house founded by Progressive reformer Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889


settlers who claimed unoccupied lands and created farms for themselves.

en breve

shortly, briefly, in short



3/5th Compromise

slaves count three fifths of a person for population representation and taxation

de manera que

so that


social reform movement influenced by the idea that Americans must "perfect" society and cure us all of our social ills. Inspired the building of orphanages, poor houses, jails, and asylums.

Olaudah Equiano

sold into slavery at age 11; after gaining freedom, he spoke out against slavery and published his autobiography



"happy houswife"

stereotype that women were forced into due to their need to take care of their children


supreme court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal, separate but equal

es decir que

that is to say, in other words

o sea

that is to say, in other words

Por eso

that's why

La Raza Unida

the United People Party. stated by Jose Angel Gutierrez, political movement, the party ran Latino candidates and won many positions in city government offices, means the united people and was formed to get better jobs, pay, education, and housing for Mexican Americans

republican motherhood

the belief that th daughters of patriots should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism and to pass these ideals on to their own children

"the problem with no name"

the dissatisfaction and lack of fullfilment felt by some houswives who wanted more from their luves than just being a housewife and homemaker

el caso es

the fact is

el hecho de que

the fact that

Mayflower Compact

the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was drafted by the Pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic aboard the Mayflower, seeking religious freedom. It was signed on November 11, 1620

William Penn

the founder of the Pennsylvania, the early ideas of democracy and religious freedom and he was famous for good relationships with Native Americans.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

the government agency that insures customer deposits if a bank fails created during the New Deal in order to establish faith into the banks

Cult of Domesticity

the ideal upper class woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband, social customs that restricted women to caring for the house (during the 1800's)

Cult of Domesticity

the ideal woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband, social customs that restricted women to caring for the house. Creates field for domestic servants as middle class women have more leisure time due to creation of time-saving technologies that lessened their workloads.


the period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union

commercial farming

the raising of crops and livestock for sale in markets

los razones por las que

the reasons for which

la verdad es

the truth is


the use of both gold and silver as a basis for a national monetary system



por eso


por lo tanto

therefore, hence

Homestead Act 1862

this allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres by living on it for five years, improving it and paying about $30. (Ex. of promoting westward expansion). Seems like a good deal but many lands were not of good enough quality and were not nearly enough for farmers to make a living. Forcing them to sell their lands into bigger corporations.

Fugitive Slave Law

this law required that northern states forcibly returned escaped slaves to their owners.

así que

thus, so, therefore

para empezar/comenzar

to begin

para concluir

to conclude

para continuar

to continue

para terminar

to end, to close

para ejemplificar

to exemplify

para ilustrar

to illustrate

constar que

to make known that, certify that


to protest at lunch counters that served only whites, African Americans students began staging this

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