CRJ 160 final

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Match leadership with organizational need: How are Task- and People-oriented leadership applied to different organizational structures?

-Task oriented leaders are best in structured organizations -People oriented leaders are best in situations requiring creative responses

Blake and Mouton (1964)— Name of the theory; the two dimensions of the theory;

-behavioral models -two dimensions- concern for people and concern for production -made the managerial model

two dimensions of conflict behavior

a. Cooperativeness - an attempt to satisfy other persons needs b. Assertiveness - attempt to satisfy one's own needs.

What are the three constrains of using this model suggested by Wilson (1989).

accountability, equity, fiscal integrity, and efficiency

What are the three dimensions of conflict resolutions proposed by Thomas (1985)?

goal attainment consequences economical of time and effort

The conflict between county jail and state prison is considered as ______?

intra organizational

Why agencies create social clubs and ranks in organizations?

to create a feeling of belonging

What are the differences between vertical and horizontal conflict?

vertical- disagreements at different levels of authority within an organization horizontal- disagreements of employees who work on the same hiearchial level of the same organization

Maslow's Hierarchy Theory

-Created by abraham maslow in 1943 -Primary needs = safety, security and psychological -higher order needs = self actualization, esteem, and belonging

Theory X

-McGregor (1978) -Assumption: Humans are lazy, lack ambition,& resist change & challenge, need fear & coercion to get them going. -Carrot-&-Stick is an ideal approach. -They must be persuaded, controlled, directed. -Management must modify their behavior to fit the needs of the organization. - Power, income and security are more related to Theory X

**"The Leadership Grid"—What are the five (5) approaches? And their locations on the grid? See my slide.

-country club management - top left -team management - top right -middle of the road management - middle -impoverished management - bottom left -authority compliance - bottom right

self actulization

-differs from person to person -Difficult to develop a motivational strategy due to the different needs. -not easy to develop for all employees

What were 4 ways described by Pondy (1985) in explaining the role of conflict in an organization?

-researchers often explore the antecedent conditions of conflict, such as resource scarcity, policy differences, and disagreements concerning preferred outcomes for the organizations -conflict in an organization can be understood as producing affective states in workers, such as stress, hostility, and anxiety -conflict can be viewed from the individual employee's cognitive states -conflict in organizations has been examined by exploring the conflict behavior itself

What the 5 conflict behavior indicated by Thomas (1985)?

1. Competing (assertive, uncooperative) behavior - meeting one's own needs above the others. Sometime involves force & violence. 2. Accommodating (unassertive, cooperative) behavior - neglect one's own needs & let the others needs be met. 3. Avoiding (unassertive, uncooperative) behavior - neglects her/her own and other people's need. 4. Collaborating (assertive, cooperative) behavior - attempts to promote & satisfy the needs of all. 5. Compromising (intermediate between assertiveness, uncooperativeness) - seeks a middle ground.

What are the five stages of episode?

1. Latent conflict - underlying sources of the conflict are present, esp. fight for resources, autonomy, diff. goals. 2. Perceived conflict - One or more of those involved recognize that a conflict exists 3. Felt conflict - a person personalizes the conflict. Psychologically affected by the conflict. Most critical stage. 4. Manifest conflict - overt or covert behavior to bring out the conflict. E.g., riot/disturbances 5. Conflict aftermath - if issues (autonomy, resources) are dealt with in a satisfactory manner then conflict resolves.

What are the four major types of conflict that most likely cited? .

1. Personal conflict - exists within the individual when not meeting one's expectation. E.g., Ideal v. reality in police work turnover rate. 2. Group conflict - individual members disagree w/ group's points of interest. Intergroup conflict: effective ways of control—eyes of the leader and Pros: Enhanced performance (competition). Cons: some group demoralized 3. Intra-organizational conflict - generated by structure of the organization. Vertical conflict—micromanagement of supervising office. Horizontal conflict—among subunits Line-staff conflict- line officer & supporting staff Role conflict/ambiguity—conflicting expectation from diff. supervisors high turnover, absenteeism, withdrawal. 4. Inter-organizational conflict - generated by structure of the organization. E.g., Between county jail v. state prison on overcrowding. FBI, CIA, DEA

two types of structural interventions

1. Selection and training interventions - an attempt to select the right people for the job. 2. Contextual-modification intervention - change the context within which people interact. E.g., Allocate equal resources to conflicting parties.

How did the authors define leadership?

A process that effectively accomplished organizational goals.

Path-Goal Theory What are the major concepts?

A. Directive Leadership (Telling) - emphasis on the expectations of the leader. B. Supportive Leadership (Selling) - stresses a concern for employees. C. Achievement-oriented (Delegating) — Let followers achieve the goals. D. Participative Leadership (Participating) - an emphasis on collaboration of leader and subordinates. A. Directive Leadership (Telling) - a. Show the rules, regulations & the need to complete the tasks performed. b. Provides guidance to subordinates & motivate them. **Best model when task is clear. B. Supportive Leadership (Selling) - a. Leaders are friendly w/ employees & approachable. b. The primary concern is both to accomplish the tasks of the organization & to meet the needs of the workers. **Best model when followers are frustrated & stressed. C. Achievement-oriented (Delegating): The leader sets high goals and has confidence that follower will achieve the goals and task. *Best model when followers are ready to produce results. D. Participative Leadership (Participating)- Involves subordinates in the decision-making process and assures the employees of their importance to the organization. **Best model when followers highly involved & task non-routine

Fiedler's Contingency Model:--What are the three major concepts?

A. Level of trust and likeness A leader w/o trust & respect from subordinates will be an ineffective leader B. Task structure of organization An org. w/ clearly defined procedures is easy to monitor and supervise employees. C. Position power - the ability of the leader to exercise power in the organization. (The ability to hire and fire).

theory Y

Assumptions: Optimistic view of human nature. People are self-motivated, willing to work and like challenge & responsibility if they are provided w/ the opportunities & positive feedback. Encouragement, Reward, recognition & respect are better than coercion, control & (threat, fear of) punishment. How: Create positive work conditions (encouragement & respect) to help people achieve their own & org. objectives. This style is not popular or emphasized in criminal justice systems. Loyalty, pride and altruism are related to Theory Y

Identify the major constrains and concerns of preventing CJ system from this model.

Barriers: Goal Ambiguity: multiple & conflicting goals. Routinization— Pros--easy for employee control & reduce uncertainty Cons--not flexible and constrain creativities c. Lack consensus of end product. d. Public Accountability—restrain their performances. Equality —emphasis of equality and fairness discourages the use of merit & incentive pay. Fiscal integrity —Budget is tightly controlled & lacks flexibility.

Three major factors that effect employee supervision & evaluation

Centralization - Power & authority are concentrated at the higher levels of the organization. Formalization - the organizations structure & procedure are formally established through rules and regulations. Complexity - is the number of subunits, levels, and specializations found in an organization

major characteristics of traditional model

Centralized authority, Clear-cut rules & regulations, An emphasis on span of control,Discernable lines of authority, Policies & procedures Strict chain of command. clear delegation of authority, & specialization of services & activities


Decentralization: community policing & direct supervision as examples: A. Community policing requires the movement of decision making down into the organization. Give officers more autonomy, discretion. But how can we "control" officers' actions? B. Direct supervision in the prison and jail: community policing in prison E.g., from N. Carolina. Officers left when local jails are converted to Direct Supervision. Officers depends on intellectual skills & interpersonal communication. More planning, training required

What did the authors suggested: Leaders are born or taught?

Early studies about leadership: -A. Leaders are born, not made. later they beleived: -Leadership skills can be learned

What are the three fundamental concepts by Wright (1994)?

Employee delegation sharing of power

What are the key words and key concepts of Human Service model ?

Less bureaucracy stress autonomy entrepreneurship, (less centralization & formalization). Integrate the knowledge & concerns of officer

Management by objective (MBO)

Managers/supervisors and employees identify goals and work toward their completion Managers/supervisor must be open to criticism. Any such program must take into account the power structure of the organization. Focus: Democratization of police organization Challenges: a. Who make the last call? b. Managers fear the loss of power & authority. How it fits? Major cases and special assignments

equity theory

Motivation level is affected by perception of fairness in the workplace. Equity theory is based on inputs and outputs as perceived by the employees. A. Inputs: age, seniority, training, edu, contribution to the org. Problems: street experience V. education/training. Which weighs more? My stories in ND. B. Outputs: promotion, salary, recognition, & benefits. Options for managers to make equity when insufficient resources are available? a. Union contract, clear policy & procedure. b. job rotation, autonomy, e.g., good shift, vacation.

Theory Z

Pioneer: Ouchi (1981), Japanese Management. Holistic approach in management & administration. It supports broad changes & reforms. General Principles: A. Life time employment—develop loyalty. B. Holistic training—Periodical job rotation to train manager/leaders w/ whole perspective of the org. C. Bottom-up communication—discus & form general consensus before implementing. D. holistic care—career, family, education

What are the definitions of process and structural interventions?

Process interventions deal with the specific episode or conflict. Structural interventions - are designed to reduce conflict by examining and altering the conditions of the organization that promote conflict.

Is conflict management possible in CJ Admin.?

Some types of intractable conflict are difficult to resolve. Sometimes managers just can not resolve conflicts. "Don't fix it if it is not broke."

Focuses on Yukl (2002), and Oettmeier & Wycoff (1988)'s suggestions.

Yukl (2002): 1. Define job responsibilities: Mission, policy, procedure, & scope authority. What you can do & can not do. 2. Assign work: Reason, Priority & deadline of assignment 3. Set performance goals: Set clear & specific goals & target dates. Oettmeier & Wycoff (1998): 1. Individual level--concrete efforts: arrest, traffic stop 2. Team Level —Team work, group performance. 3. Org. Level—evaluate overall performance & seek improvement (process or procedures).

Integrated model of motivation

a model of motivation that incorporates various theoretical and practical ideas directed toward the completion of organizational objectives and goals. It has six ideas -personal motives and values -use of incentives and rewards -reinforcement -specific and clear goals -sufficient personnel and material resources - interpersonal and group processes that support members goals

Roberg (1979) and other research believe which theory is better for CJS?

argues that theory Y is more conductive than Theory X to help police deal with demands of competing groups in todays society

How does specialization enhance employee supervision?

because it is through exact job definition that employees can be evaluated, disciplined, promoted, and dismissed -enable advances in employee supervision because there is an increase in responsibility

And why traditional supervisor favor this type of supervision and evaluation?

because its the person who expects measurable outcomes from subordinates and aggressive law enforcement activities. this type of police supervisor expects officers to produce many arrests and written citations. there is a particular emphasis on rule enforcement and expecting officers to comply with orders and commands

Police chief or county sheriff is more likely to have this power (hire and fire)?

both or the sheriff

How is group conflict beneficial to supervisor in terms of management?

can benefit the group in the long term

most critical coflict

felt conflict

What are the roots of conflict for this type?

in competition for scarce resources, drives for autonomy, or divergence of subunit goals

How is it different from Theory X and Y?

it attempts to integrate the concerns of both of these theories (X,Y) while simultaneously reaching beyond the organizational structure into the very fabric of society

The Michigan studies—How are they different from Ohio State studies?

its more of supervisory behavior -about production centered and employee centered

What are differences between role conflict and role ambiguity?

role conflict- disagreement regarding the assigned tasks and responsibilities of a position

Ohio State studies (1940s)—major focuses and concepts about leadership.

two concepts- consideration and iniating structure --consideration- is the leaders expression of concern for subordinates feelings, ideas, and opinions about job related matters. considerate leaders are concerned about employees, develop trust between leaders and subordinates and more often than not develop good communication --iniating structure- is the leaders direction of subordinates toward specific goals. the role of the leader is to make sure that an adequate structure is available to employees so that organizational objectives are accomplished -conclusion- that effective leadership is present in an organization when the levels of consideration and initiating structure are high among leaders

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