CRJU350 - Exam 1

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"3 strikes your out" Looking at the policy question; Are changes a reflection of behavioral change or changes in policy? Third felony, prison for life Have to see how each jurisdiction defines a felony EX: In CA, and 18 year old stole a pizza as his "third strike" and was in prison for life EX: In Chicago, a woman trying to feed her family took about $5 for ground meat from grocery stole as her "third strike" and was in prison for life


"Normal guy" - handsome, white, upper middle class, in law school He first killed prostitutes and no one cared about them (not a lot of prestige) Only mattered when he killed girls with prestige (college sorority)

19th century

"consumer based economy" -separate spheres -industrialization, new consumer products all for a pure home with no blacks and no asians (washing machine) -prosperous household if you could buy stuff -ivy league schools are formed -policing, nursing, social work etc. are developed

17th-18th century

"family based economy" -Everybody contributed equally, no gender divisions of labor, work is inter-dependent -Kids worked as well + family slaves -Economic was based in the household: farms -True in rural + urban settings -Women took on "male jobs": soldiers, tavern owners, morticians

Mid - late 18th century

"family wage" -Men are moving toward factories and outside of the home -Women (usually because of reproduction/care giving to elderly, the ill, and the children) stay at home, unpaid -Women are teaching morals, educating and taking care of the home -$ is valued (men)

Prestige + Aileen Wournos

Offender was prestige-less Victims had more prestige than she did This effects how the criminal justice treats you^

If Girls are sexually abused in the home:

Depressed Hurting themselves physically Skip schools Abusing drugs/alcohol Arrested for truancy Doing poorly in school *Leads them to prostitution/gang members *Boys tend to externalize these things (not internalize) by becoming more violent and being the bullies

Whispers Main Concern

Concerned about the lack of viable economic alternatives for sex workers - we need to set up job training programs, secondary homes

Rational Choice

Cost/Benefit analysis Gang members do this when deciding whether to join a gang^ they are rational 50% of the time these members came from good families not broken homes Inaccurate myth that kids dropped out of school to join the gangs - slightly higher than half had finished high school after they joined Younger kids would join because they were hurting for money + needed protection, not because it was "cool"

Assessment: Critique of Statistics for Adler and Simon

Critique of statistics: Only looked at percentages, and not at the numbers (Adler - looking at negligent manslaughter by adolescent girls)

Edward Clark

-went to Harvard -In the 1800's enforced ideas of true womanhood and good provider -theory of the economy of energy

Freud Facts

-Explored deviant women -Anatomy is destiny- cant change that -Women sex organs are inferior to men's (girl thinks she lost her penis as punishment) -Penis envy (Boys see she lost her penis- they fear similar punishment) -Women grow to overcompensate with beauty -Women are receivers of pain (sex) while men are do-ers (because they put it in) -Deviant women tries to be like a man

Pollak Facts

-Seen as the most well known -Amount of crime women did (so much more out there than we are counting- hidden amounts of crime) -Women are deceitful (can conceal menstruation and lie about orgasms) -More opportunity to steal because they buy the household goods -CJ system is chivalries with women (don't want to embarrass them, arresting women could embarrass their husbands- don't want to do that, only true for white-upper middle class families) -No empirical proof- but only one writing about it so everyone believes it

3 Hidden Economic and Emotional costs of "3 strikes your out" for women

1. Government services were sacrificed to pay for this bill. Took from social services to fund the crime bill and build more prisons and have more people go through the system (net widening). Effects women (elderly, kids, disabled) because they are most likely to use social services 2. If you cut the service sector, you need to cut jobs. Women are most likely (70% are women) to work in social services and there is no safety net to help them because 1st strike removed that^. New jobs are overwhelming going to men (prisons, corrections). 3. Women take care of the kids when women go to prison, but when women go to prison women still take care of kids (mother, auntie, sister etc.). Doing so in deep poverty atmosphere because there are no social services and have lost their jobs. Shame and stigma for the kids who may act out more violently

How women join Gangs

1. Jumped into gangs - fight multiple members. This makes them look masculine, tough and respectable. They learn survival skills 2. Sexed into gangs - have sex with multiple members. This could make them look like a slut

Two particular ways that different images of black female offenders were raised:

1. Strength 2. Sexuality

Bradwell v. Illinois

1873 True Womanhood and Good Provider SC said the civil law/nature itself man is and should be women's protector/defender. Delicacy belongs to female sex. Domestic sphere remains for womanhood SC says: "nature, harmony and god ordain that there are 2 separate spheres"





Karen Horney




Contemporary Theories

1960s/1970s Different people/issues that have been marginalized -Vietnam war, and protests against it. Particularly by white students on college campuses. -Civil rights movement -Juvenile rights -Environmental awareness -Gay + Lesbian activism (Stonewall - cops beat up gay men) -Women's liberation and rights -Prisoner rights New breed of criminologist who looked at female criminality with a different lens. Both women below. How did women's liberation + emancipation hypothesis effect women's crime?

Adler + Simon


Caputi - Temporary

Montreal Massacre A guy comes into the engineering school and separates men from women because women shouldn't be there because they took the place of men Shoots and kills the women then kills himself Had a list of all the feminists in Canada

Average of _____ years of abuse before leaving


____% of prostitutes start as runaways


Whisper Facts

93% of the women are economically motivated and high degree of drug dependency that follows from 70% of runaways who had an adverse childhood Nobody would willingly choose prostitution Prostitution is profoundly degrading of women who are forced into it


A. Seductress - promiscuity. Fear that there was going to be huge black prostitute explosion with white men, which would hurt the white family. Idea of the Fallen Women - who is sexually depraved (cultural construction). Also saw this in slavery between being raped by the men, raising the white children, working in the fields + working in the homes. B. Asexuality - black women who was a mother to her children + mother to white folks kids. "Patient, wise, religious, nourishing, mother earth" etc. Same idea as amazon - since they are patient and can endure all these tasks they can endure more punishment, especially more than their white counterparts

Advantages for Aileen Wournos

Appearance at trial - tried to make her appear more feminine Her story was consistent (said 53 times she killed in self-defense) Wore a cross on her necklace Humanize her - capable of love with her girlfriend Psychologist said she had mindset of a 3 or 4 year old Her background Number of possible victims - only killed 7 out of hundreds of men Mallory's violent tendencies Tom Evan's portrayal of her Entrapment of lover


Assumption that black women are masculine, that they are the dominate figures in household, stronger than white counterparts Implication: if she's found guilty, she can endure so much more punishment, especially physical. That is way black women were in gangs. No need to protect or redeem black female offender (no special treatment like a lot of white women get]


Call off your old tired ethics

"Sexual Politics of Murder"

Caputi Misoynistic crimes - crimes motivated by hatred or fear of women who are seen as expendable

Field Worker Ethnographies

Deviant scholars who wanted additional information from gang members themselves and the people attached to them. Observational, where scholars become friends with the gangs for months or even years. Showed the other side of gang members - actually family men They needed to be hyper-masculine to protect themselves Changes myths and created realities Put human face to what was going on

Major characteristics of prostitutes

Disproportionate arrest of people of color Disproportionate arrest of sex workers vs. their customers

Jennifer James Reading

Double standards of morality for men and women "Wouldn't ask my wife to do these things, she is respectable" Prostitutes are beneath them (the customers) - you can degrade them and have them do things that you wouldn't ask their wives to do The Police Officers tend to identify with the men

What is the main reason prostitutes enter the field?

Economic necessity at a minimum, 93% are motivated by economic necessity

Pathways into crime that women tend to experience

Facing childhood sexual abuse Neglect (food, clothing, shelter)

Realities of Gangs

Financial stability - "social bank" Less individual work Material incentive Less risk [If caught, they'd have to catch a bunch of people] Less risk of being physically harmed Networking (same goals as other people) Savvy/street skills Resist being like their parents [Unemployed, dead beats, underemployed] Commitment to neighborhood/city [organizing social life]

Jody Miller Findings

For both men and women: Motivation - wanted more material goods, wanted what they saw on TV (needed money to do this). Crime, especially robbery, is exciting. All felt relative deprivation (bored, broke and mad). Found: •Men use it as masculinity by using props like guns •Women didn't want to work with other women, wanted male backups •Women didn't want to always rob other women, be more lucrative to rob men •Women often used knives •Women almost always used guns when robbing men, and often pretended to be a prostitute and waited until he was in vulnerable position (used sexuality to manipulate men to make them easy targets)

Women in Gangs

Girls in gangs had pattern of victimization in the home. Sexually abused by people close to them Were not believed or were blamed or were afraid to tell anybody Gang provides these women more protection - but this violence can be controlled because there is safety in numbers

Girls typically come from:

Harsh beginnings sexual abuse normally more than 1 abuser, sometimes get pregnant majority does not report for fearing consequences those who did report were not believed or ignored

McCall + Gangs

He is AA who grew up in an intact middle class family in Virginia He joins gang and ends up doing time Then writes, "Make Me Want to Holler" [peers take on bigger influence than parents] What it's like to want to be accepted/respected by people in the gang. If you back down it makes you look like a girl/weak in the eyes of others What happens when you have a gun oSomeone who doesn't have a lot of power not have a lot of power oPoor people especially gives them power oThat power is very seductive

Disadvantages for Aileen Wournos

Her girlfriend said she said she "hated men" Prostitution Masculine nature of crime - used a gun, # of shots, # of victims Referring to her as an "angry" woman Vindictive, no remorse - "those families owe me an apology" Wearing jump suit Lesbian - less feminine Mental health makes her seem hormonal - mood swings Self defense deleted from confession tape Defense left out the Mallory information/ Tom Evans from trial Defense attorney didn't look as professional Prosecutor brought evidence from other murders Social class - men she murdered were middle class/family men Appearance - wild

Thelma and Louise Article

How when women did something that men do all the time, they are demonized and seen as "monsters" Especially because they were lower class, "the working power" They were seen beneath the law enforcement Good women wouldn't leave their husbands and boyfriends for the weekend - "what would the men eat?" Afraid to go to police because they were afraid they wouldn't be believed due to their lack of prestige

2000s to today - Explaining Differences

Improved record keeping Greater willingness to report female offenders Not widening - more likely to report less serious crime now [poorer women, and women of color are hardest hit with drug laws] More consumer-based crime[ minor theft, larceny, growth in credit world + more shopping malls Increased inner-city disorganization [not a lot of involvements to main street institutions like school, create weak community organizations, Drug addiction [crime occurs after addictions to feed habit, after victimization to help cope Male Incarceration [men seek women partners, especially in drug trade, women move up and fill in men's shoes when they are incarcerated] Prevention focus on male offenders


In 1566 the pope tried to outlaw prostitutes in Vatican City. 25,000 men protested


Not in my backyard EX: In Long Island, people in the community took pictures of the license plates of the customers then identified all the guys and wanted to take out an ad in the paper to publicize their names

Jody Miller + Robbery

Look at male and female robbers (men are more likely to commit, specifically armed robbery) Did men and women have the same motives? Ex-gang leader (who turned his life around and went to St. Louis for college) vouged for Jody Miller

Main activist of Coyote

Margo St. James -Pro prostitution -Head of Coyote for years -She challenges any critique of prostitution

"Separate Spheres"

Public Domain: outside of the home, commerce. "Good provider" = men who provide for their household Private Domain: inside the home, maternal needs. "True womanhood" = women who are submissive, religious, care taking. EX: Under valued bc she was no paid, husband wouldn't stray from the martial bed if he comes home and the home is nice, the kids are behaved and dinner is on the table

Jankowski and Gangs

Rational Choice

Steffensmeir Methods of conducting research

Snowball sampling - found 1 person on the street who is involved in crime, build a relationship with him (to establish credibility) and then they would get them in contact with other offenders Captive audience - men who are already imprisoned Both^ answered the same way

How the CJS handles probation (before and after)

Started with intensive probation programs and daily contacts with social workers and substance abuse counselors and a dedicated PO. If they fulfilled their contract they could work to expunge it from their record Still surveiling them - can only take a few people at a time (16 women for 6-8 months). If there are technical violations (out too late, not applying to enough jobs) Now: diversionary, before they get arrest record they divert them into a separate court. So they don't have to start with a record and provide the services earlier


Steinberg was a lawyer and Nussbaum was a book editor She was victimized through intimate partner violence and got her addicted to drugs Adopted two kids and he abused both - then blamed her for not protecting him He could sweet talk the cops because he was higher status than the cops Teachers didn't want to ask wealthy, white, powerful new Yorkers why kid had bruises on her

What does sexual abuse as a child teach the girls?

Teaches a child that love, attention + financial reward often follows from sex but also threats (carrot + the stick). Kids learn that sexual behavior is a strategy that can be used to get what you want and also to protect you

Lombroso Facts

The father of criminology Measured peoples abnormalities (arch in foot) Measured inmates because the warden was his best friend Criminals are deviant- they have characteristics that soldiers don't have Women are larger, unnatural, muscular (predisposition to be a criminal), lesbians Start sterilizing women, don't want kids to have criminal predisposition No scientific proof- but everyone believed him


There is going to be less violence committed by women because women will be less frustrated due to all these new opportunities opening up (jobs, education). Used the Uniform Crime Report to show support for her hypothesis by using data

Arrest data for Gangs

Where we are arresting people, what for, what weapon was used? Police were trained at looking at patterns of distribution where certain hotspots were related to gang activity. Incarceration Data - self reports to gang members or interviews. Certain tattoos/appearances

Table Worksheet

UCR - crimes that are reported to the police Larceny Theft is #1 for women [women are higher in pretty non violent property crime] Prostitution arrests for women are rare Men are 3x more likely to be arrested than women Only crimes women are higher than men are: Runaways + Prostitution


Uniform Crime Report crimes reported to the police, and cleared by police

How we used to conduct research on prostitution

Used to look at arrest and prison records

"Sexism in the underworld"

Wanted to know if their was sexism among them, was their any difference of how women who were criminals seen? Asked them to respond to checklist of traits on how to succeed in criminal world. Were males or females more likely to have these traits that are desired? [Trustworthiness, physical strength, emotional stability, endurance, aggressiveness, leadership, intelligence]. Unanimously, both said men were superior in the groups that involved being a successful criminal except for intelligence (but not necessary for criminal successfulness) Some, who had worked with women, said they did so because they were romantically involved or a specific criminal activity needed a woman None of the women were equal partners, did not split proceeds with them. Women were always the accomplice (lookout, driver, stolen drugs in their apartments) aka they are not equal Felt that if a women was faced with an arrest, she would cop a deal and rat a man out (afraid of prison, afraid of losing kids) Gendered roles and expectations still exist Narrowly restricted place for women in the criminal underworld because of traits that make them un-successful in committing crimes, and if they do commit crimes with men they are subservient

Steffensmeir + colleagues

Wanted to talk to active actual male offenders and male offenders who are locked up to see their viewpoint on gendered roles/expectations

Caputi - Historical

Witch Craze 16th/17th centuries in Scotland/England Thousands of people, mostly women (95%), were put to death or imprisoned for with craft Reflected social/economic/religious upheaval at the time 1. There started being pronounced opposition to the Catholic Church [The new groups were thinking about women's equality, that women could wear pants. These women who wore pants were accused of homosexuality] 2. Farming 3. Population - women were outnumbering men, so they were outnumbering men and less women were getting married [Peasant women who were economically scapegoated were most effected by witch craze 4. Medical field - turning to women to help with reproduction or birth control or pain relief [Turned to "healers" Using legal system in their benefit (100% staffed by men) which always proved the women were witches Women were "different", "deviant" and "threatening" At least 250,000 died These women were: sleeping with the devil, having sex and then killing babies, cut off men's penises If they were too smart, too bold, tried to act like men, looking for a job, not feminine

Who actually has a larger brain?


Who breaks the social roles of gender sex roles?

Women Sex workers - out alone at night, not escorted, initiate conversations with overt sexual context, women have a lot of sexual experience with someone they are not serious about (whores), engage in abnormal sex acts, violate family concept, financial independence Men - have the freedom to be out alone at night, acceptable and expected behavior to initiate sex, urges are normal, multiple partners

Coyote characteristics

Women are taking charge of their bodies, they set the terms, they are empowered We have such a puritan mentality about sex - we don't talk about it as a society Victorians thought that men would think impure thoughts and we had to stop that. Women wore extra clothes and were afraid they would be turned on by piano legs if they were "shapely" so they covered them up Challenging the "bad girl" - anybody who says anything about prostitution could come from the prostitutions herself In private the "wh***" has power to set standard for personal and financial exchange It is entrepreneurial, it is a business

Karen Horney Facts

Women don't want a penis Penis is power (husband/father) Penis is freedom [which men have, THAT is what women want- not a penis] Men get things done for women Gender expectation Snall children recognize men as more powerful when they walk into a room (bigger size, deeper voice), realize that men get things done


Women hurt in systems of prostitution engaged in revolt


Women's violence is going to increase with women's liberation + having greater opportunities/access Women were going to want to be more like men because men have more power. If crime is a masculine pursuit, women will go after that too. They would be eager to experience the risk of breaking the law. In this, women would become more aggressive/competitive/assertive in the illegitimate world. They would also do this in the business + legal fields as well. Increase in white-collar crime. Because women are better educated aka have better access and opportunity. Assumption that crime is a male activity and therefor is appealing This is significant achievement of women's movement. They can be as a successful as men in law-abiding world and in the non-law abiding world.

Theoretical Foundations


How girls cope

become depressed → cant focus in school → cut yourself → substance abuse → drop out of school → offending/prostitution

Graham Cracker 1829

conceived as a health food that was going to curve carnal urges so bland, it would curve sexual appetite

President of Bryn Mawr

discovered women were fainting so often because they are wearing corsets made of steel and whale bones that weight 20-40 pounds she had them take of their corsets and take swimming/running to show that they are breathing normally through their mid frame

Economy of Energy

everybody in the world has a finite amount of energy that they can use, you need to use it constructively not destructively Men's energy is best suited for brain so they had logic, rationality, assertive, aggressiveness to succeed in public/business sphere Had to limit number of orgasms to 12 a year (bc it drained energy from their brain) Women had smaller brains than men because most went to their reproduction system, so they couldn't be educated otherwise they may go barren Women could only read dime store novels bc morals always led to people being hurt or drying from becoming educated or leaving husbands Women are only intuitive (emotional), not physical or educated Women were also short of breath/fainted all the time

Assessment: "More like guys"

have the flair, toughness and independence Test masculinity hypothesis by getting a group of masculine women who committed crimes (incarcerated) and also a group of women who are not committing crimes (college students). Asked both groups the same questions our professor asked us in the beginning of class. Opposite happened, the college women agreed (but they don't commit crime), while the women in prison did not agree and had traditional sex roles (even though they are committing the crimes). (Adler - thought women who committed crimes would want to be equal to men).


looked at court cases in Annapolis depicting bias on black females was there any reasoning for difference sin sentencing? Was their any chivilarise treatment to black female offenders? In the television industry in the 30's/40's black females were perceived the exact same way - reinforcing this to offenders How does the strong black female look as a victim? She might deserve the violence because of whatever she did to contribute, lacks credibility Even if arrest rates are same between white and black girls, black girls suffer harsher sentencing

Assessment: Reality of offending patterns, motivations and employment

most of the times offending patterns were driven by economic situations Poorer people are more likely to commit crimes, and most likely petty crimes For employment, people in the pink collar (service industry), were more likely to commit crime. Not more white collar crime for women (Adler - thought their would be more WCC)


most prominent reproduction maternal role, etc. gender roles/expectations women don't have control over bodies, biology does

19th century onward - controlling images

weak, passive (more likely to be accomplices) non-analytical (cant reason, not logical, gullible, vulnerable) (like small children and mammals) need of protection (less autonomy), reinforces view of under control of male relatives, either up to no good or in danger evil-fail to adhere to gender base or expectations masculine—trying to be like men (school, physical activity) sexuality, biology (no control over this) women are gripped by biological forces beyond their control extremely negative attitudes about women and crime and victims (theorists)

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