CS 102-Group 3: Word Skills

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file tab > options > make sure you are on general tab > in user interface options section, make changes you want > click ok to save changes


insert > in illustrations group, click the shapes button > select option from shapes gallery > cursor changes to crosshair > click anywhere on document to insert the shape


insert > in tables group, click table button > select number of cells you want by moving the cursor across and down the squares > when you have the number you want, click the mouse to insert


insert > in text group, click the insert wordart button > select a quick style from gallery > type text for document


insert tab > in illustration group, click the smartart button > in the choose a smartart graphic dialog, click a smartart option > click ok > smartart is added to document if needed, click the arrow tab on the left side of the diagram to display the smartart text pane > click in first item of smartart text pane and type your first item > enter text for each item > click outside the smartart graphic to hide the text pane

INSERTING ONLINE PICTURES open the online pictures dialog and search for pictures of manicures using the bing search engine. insert the picture of the red nail polish manicure.

insert tab > online pictures button > bing is already selected as the source for the image search, type "manicures" in the search box > enter > click picture of red nail polish > click insert

INSERTING A PICTURE insert foot soak picture from pictures folder on computer

insert tab > pictures button > select foot soak picture > click insert


navigate to location where you want to add the icon > click insert tab > in illustrations group, click the icons button > click a category on the left and click an icon to select it > click insert to apply a preset graphics style to an icon, with the icon selected, on graphic tools format tab, click the graphic styles more button > click a style in the graphic styles gallery to apply it to icon

POSITIONING PICTURES use the position object command that will place the picture in the upper left corner of the page w/ square wrapping applied

picture tools format tab > position object button > select the "position in top left w/ square text wrapping" option

ADDING ALT TEXT TO PICTURES open the Alt Text task pane and add the following description as alt text: "Feet soaking in water and bubble filled bowl resting on a stone floor" and close the task pane when you are done

right click the picture > go to format tab > select "edit alt text" > In the alt text task pane, type: "Feet soaking in water and bubble filled bowl resting on stone floor" > click the X to close the task pane

CHANGING PICTURE LAYOUTS change text wrap option of the picture to the tight layout option

select image > layout options button (appears to the right of the picture when it's selected) > select a wrapping option

RESIZING PICTURES using the ribbon, resize the image to be 2 inches tall and 2.68 inches wide

select picture > click picture tools format tab > in size group, type a value in the width or height box to resize picture > press enter


select picture > picture tools format tab > in pictures group, click the more button > in picture quick styles gallery, click an option to apply it to picture


select picture > rest mouse over picture > when cursor changes to move cursor, click and drag the image to a new location > when an alignment guide appears aligning it with the desired element on the page, release the mouse button to snap the image in place and align it on the page should have horizontal and vertical guides depending on instructions


to accept or reject changes in document: review tab > in changes group, click the next change button to navigate to the first change in the document > to accept the selected change and move to the next, click accept and move to next button > to reject the selected change and move to the next, click the reject and move to next button


to add a bibliography: place cursor at end of document > references tab > in citations and bibliography group, click the bibliography button > select one of the bibliography building blocks >


to add a caption to a figure or table: select figure or table you want to add the caption to > click references tab > in captions group, click insert caption > caption dialog opens > click the label arrow and select a figure type > click the position arrow and select where you want the caption to appear > type any additional text, such as description of the figure, in the caption box > click ok to close dialog and add caption


to add a chart to a document: click insert tab > in illustrations group, click chart > in the insert chart dialog, click a chart type category to display that category in the right pane > click a chart type in right pane to select it > click ok > replace sample data w your own > click close button to return to word


to add a citation to document, you have to first create the source: place cursor where you want to add citation > references tab > in citations and bibliography group, click the insert citation button > select add new source... > in the create source dialog box, click the arrow next to type of source and select option > in author box, type name of author > in title box, type title of book or article > in year box, type year the book or article was published > add other info ab source to appropriate fields > click ok this source will appear on the insert citation menu when you click the insert citation button in the future


to add a new entry to the autocorrect list: click file tab > click options button > in word options dialog, click the proofing button > click autocorrect options button > type your commonly made mistake in the replace box > type correct spelling in the with box > click add > click ok in dialog > click ok in word options


to add a new row using an insert control, roll your mouse along the left side of the table > when insert control appears where you want to add the new row, click the control to add a new column using insert control, roll your mouse along the top of the table > when the insert control appears where you want to add the new column, click the control


to add and save sources using the source manager: references tab > in citations and bibliography section, click the manage sources button > box on left displays the sources that have been saved to master list > select a source and click the copy button to add the source for use in current document > box on right displays sources that are part of current document > select source and click copy button to add the source to master list


to add index to document: place cursor at end of document > references tab > in index group, click insert index > index dialog opens > click the formats arrow > select a format > modify other options until preview looks how you want > click ok to insert index


to add tab leaders: select text to which you want to add a leader > on home tab, in paragraph group, click the dialog launcher > in paragraphs dialog, click the tabs... button > in the tab stop position section, select the tab you want to add the leader to, or create a new tab > in leader section, select the leader option you want > click ok


to adjust the width and height of cells using the autofit command, click in the table you want to resize > click the table tools layout tab > in cellsize group, click the autofit button > select autofit contents to resize the cell to fit the text of the table OR select autofit window to resize the table to the size of the page to adjust the width and height of cells, click in the row or column you want to resize > on table tools layout tab, in cell size group, adjust the numbers for the table row height and table column width by clicking the up and down arrows in the control box OR type in a size and click enter to resize all the rows in a table so they have the same height, in the cell size group, click the distribute rows button click distribute columns button to resize all the columns in a table so they have the same width


to apply a quick style to a table: table tools design tab > in table styles group, click the more button > select a style from gallery to change the options that display in the table styles gallery: table tools design tab > in table style options group, select an option so it appears with a checkmark in the box to include that option in gallery > click option again to remove checkmark and remove the option from the gallery


to change line spacing from the paragraph dialog: place cursor in paragraph you want to change > on home tab, in paragraphs group, click dialog launcher > in spacing section, click the line spacing arrow and select multiple > type a value for line spacing in the AT box > click ok


to change reference style for a document: reference tab > in citations and bibliography group, click the arrow next to style > select a style from the list


to change spacing between characters: select text you want to change > on home tab, in font group, click dialog launcher > click advanced tab > from spacing list, select option > enter a value for spacing in the BY box > click ok


to change the border style for a table: click table tools design tab > in borders group, click border styles button > select option from gallery change borders for a table: select the table you want to change > click table tools design tab > in borders group, click the borders button arrow > click a border option to apply it to the table if your table does not show borders, you can display gridlines to give you a visual guide. to display gridlines: click the borders button > select view gridlines


to change the style of a chart: select chart > click the chart styles button on the right side of the chart > select a style to show and hide chart elements: select chart > click chart elements button on right side f chart > click check boxes to show or hide elements


to create a new style based on formatting: select text you want to base new style on > on home tab, in styles group, click the more button > styles gallery displayed > at bottom of gallery, click create a style > dialog opens > type name for new style in name box > click ok to create a new style and make changes to the new style: select text you want to base style on > on home tab, in styles group, click the styles dialog launcher > click new style button at bottom of task pane > type name of new style > in formatting section, change any formatting for style > click ok


to create autotext entry: select text you want to save as an autoentry > insert tab > in text group, click the explore quick parts button > point to autotext > select save selection to autotext gallery > the create new building block dialog opens > type name for entry in name box > click ok


to delete a row, first select the row you want to delete > mini toolbar displays > click the delete button > select delete rows to delete a column, select the column you want to delete > mini toolbar displays > click delete > select delete columns


to display document in read mode: click read button on status bar > click next button to navigate to next screen > click back button to navigate to previous screen to change page color in read mode: view menu > point to page color > select option


to insert a comment: place cursor where you want to add comment > review tab > in comments group, click new comment button > type comment > click outside the comment balloon to deselect the comment and continue working replying to a comment: roll mouse over comment balloon > click reply button at bottom of balloon > type reply > click outside balloon to resolve comment: roll mouse over comment ballon and click resolve delete comment: select comment you want to delete > in comments group on review tab, click delete comment


to insert a symbol: insert tab > in symbols group, click the symbol button > select option from gallery to view additional symbols, click more symbols...


to insert a table of contents: verify the insertion point is at the beginning of the document > click reference tab > in table of contents group, click the table of contents button > select option from gallery > table of contents is added to update contents, click update table button in the table of contents group to remove contents, click the table of contents button and select remove table of contents at bottom of gallery


to insert footnote: place cursor where you want footnote > references tab > in footnotes group, click the insert footnote button > superscript number is added next to text and cursor is moved to footnote area at bottom of page > type text for footnote > return to doc by clicking anywhere in main doc area to insert an endnote: place cursor where you want endnote to appear > references tab > in footnotes group, click insert endnote > type text for endnote to convert footnotes to endnotes or vice versa: click dialog launcher in footnotes group > in the footnote and endnote dialog, click the convert button and choose an option > click ok


to lock track changes: review tab > in tracking group, click bottom half of the track changes button > select lock tracking > in lock tracking dialog, type a password in the enter password box > retype password in reenter to confirm box > click ok to unlock track changes: in tracking group, click bottom half of track changes > select lock tracking > in unlock tracking dialog, type password > click ok


to mark entries: select word or phrase you want to add to index > references tab > in index group, click the mark entry button > word or phrase appears in the main entry > click the mark button to mark the entry > click close button


to merge cells in a table: select cells you want to merge into one > click table tools layout tab > in merge group, click merge cells to split a cell in a table: select the cell you want to split > in the merge group, click split cells > in the split cells dialog, enter the number of columns and rows > click ok to split


to rename style: on home tab, in styles group, right click the style in the styles gallery > select rename from shortcut menu > type new name > click ok


to replace a word using the thesaurus: place cursor over word you want to replace > click the review tab > in proofing group, click thesaurus > selected word appears in the search for box of the thesaurus task pane with a list of possible meanings below it > point to a synonym (or antonym) and click the arrow that appears to display a menu of options > click insert on the menu to replace the original word w the one you selected


to select a row, point to the left side of the row you want to select > when the cursor changes to a white arrow icon, press the mouse button > the selected row will appear highlighted to select a column, point to the top of the column you want to select > when the cursor changes to a black, down-pointing arrow icon, press the mouse button. > the selected column will appear highlighted to select the entire table, click the table move handle that appears at the upper left corner of the table when it's active to enter data in a table, place cursor in cell where you want to enter date > type data > press tab to move to the next cell and enter more data when you reach the last call in the last row of a table, pressing tab will create a new row in the table.


to select text using the select all formatting command: on home tab, in styles group, click the more button to expand the styles gallery > right click a style in the gallery > click select all [number] instance(s)


to show and hide the different types of tracked changes: review tab > in tracking group, click the show markup button > if a change type has checkmark by it, it is being shown. if it doesn't, it's hidden > click an option in menu to hide that type of change > click same option again to display it to change what displays in balloons: review tab > in tracking group, click show markup button > point to balloons > select option to change the display of tracked changes: review tab > in tracking group, click display for review drop down arrow > select display option


to sort a column: click table tools layout tab > in the date group, click the sort button > the sort dialog opens > click the sort by arrow and select a field to sort by > the ascending radio button is selected by default, if you want to sort the text in reverse order, click the descending radio button > click the type arrow and select what to sort by > if your table has a header row that you do not want to include in the sort, select the header radio button > click ok


to track changes to a document: review tab > in tracking group, click the track changes button > click track changes again to turn off feature


to use researcher to look up info and add a citation: references tab > in research group, click researcher > researcher task pane opens > type key words for your search in the text box > click the search button > a list of results appears > when you have added text from a source, click the add this source as citation button in the upper right corner of the source in the task pane

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