CS Midterm Study Guide pt.2

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Which operating system is a mobile Linux operating system?


Printing Photos

- Photo printers (dye-sub or inkjet) are expensive and you need special paper - At home, printing costs 50-70 cents per print - Kiosks, printing costs 15-59 cents per print - Online printing: shutterfly

Disk Formatting Utility

- Prepares a hard disk to store files by setting up the file system - Only needs to be done once - Created File system (controls how data is stored and retrieved) -- MS-Windows: NTFS and FAT -- Mac OSX: APFS and HFS+

Parallel Processing

- distributes processing across multiple processors - typically each process (program) is assigned to a processor by the Operating System - can be simulated: hyper-threading -- intel processors -- single CPU appears as two logical processors

Cooling System

- electronic components, especially processors, generate heat - need to be kept cool to prevent them from burning out -- heat sink - metal used to draw heat away from CPU -- cooling fans -- liquid cooling system -- USB-powered cooling pad for notebooks

Which type of printer produces the highest quality photos?


Which e-reader technology makes a screen that is easy to read and extends battery life?


Compare Specialized Operating Systems

Embedded operating systems run on devices such as ATMs, GPS devices, video game consoles, ultrasound machines, and communication and entertainment systems. Because they have specialized and limited functions, these operating systems can be very small and run on simpler hardware. A mobile operating system such as iOS, or Android runs on devices such as smartphones and tablets and is more full-featured than other embedded OSs.

A NOS centralizes resources and security and provides service such as file and print service to servers


Digital zoom is better than optical zoom


Hard drives store data optically on metal platters


Hyper-threading requires multiple processors or cores


Location services use only GPS to determine your device location


Machinima is a prerecorded radio-and TV-like show that you can download and listen to or watch any time


Point-and-shoot cameras use interchangeable lenses and can cost thousands of dollars


The MP3 codec creates files that are higher quality than AAC files


The term (CPU) and (system unit) mean the same thing


You can use a computer without an operating system installed


_____ keeps track of files that are saved and where they're stored on the disk

File System


Handheld mobile devices that falls between a notebook and a smartphone - Multi-function devices or e-readers - Mobile OS's: Android, iOS (though some tablets run full version of Windows) - Mobile apps (applications): Programs that extend the functionality of mobile devices

Which is a function of an operating system?

Manage Hardware

Which is a volatile form of memory that holds the operating system, programs, and data the computer is currently using?


Which file format must be processed by software in order to be used?



Reboot- most common "solution" when something goes wrong - seems like a cop-out but usually works Task Manager (MS-Windows) / Activity Monitor (OSX) - used to view processes (programs) running on the computer - can force processes to quit - can also view how much memory each process is using and how much of the CPU it is using


Refers to the physical components of a computer - CPU - System Unit and Motherboard - Storage Devices - Input Devices - Output Devices - Printers - Communication Devices

Which term describes the number of pixels in an image?


Which tool enables you to create a video of what happens on your computer screen?

Screen Capture Software

Describe Several Ways to Create Videos

Screen capture software is used to create a video of what is happening on a computer scree, but video cameras are needed to record action away from the screen. You can use a webcam to stream a live feed or to have a real-time video conference.

Photo Editing

Software - free: Windows Photos, Max OSX Photos - Commercial: Adobe, etc. Online Editing - Google Photos, Shutterfly

A(n) _____ is an input device typically found on a notebook computer instead of a mouse


A codec is an algorithm that reduces the size of digital media files


Adaptive technology includes the hardware and software used by individuals with disabilities to interact with technology


Digital signals are superior to analog signals because they don't have to be converted for use by computers and other digital devices


Disk-checking utilities monitor the health of the file system on a disk


LCD monitors consist of two layers of glass that are glued together with a later of liquid crystals between them


The user interacts with the operating system through the use of a GUI


VR sickness is caused by sharing headsets


When wearing a mixed reality headset, the user can interact with the physical world around him or her


Which operating system is a multiuser OS developed in the 1970s, primarily used on servers and some specialized workstations?


Which type of lens would be best for shooting a beach scene?


Embedded Operating Systems

- A specialized OS that runs in various electronic devices - Very small, normally fits on a single chip - Ex. GPS devices, ATMs, sensors, microwave ovens, etc.

Utility Software

- A type of system software used to perform computer maintenance - Disk Utilities - Security Utilities

Virtual Memory

- Allows users to open up more applications and data files than can physically fit in the computer's memory (RAM) - A special file on the main storage device, called a swap file, is created. - When not enough room in memory, some content is copies to the swap file to free up space (a process known as paging) - When content currently in swap file needs to be accessed, it is copies back to memory (likely causing other content in memory to be copies to swap file) - Paging shows down the system... if it happens too frequently, computer can become totally unresponsive (thrashing)

System Software

- Application software: "high level" software that performs a useful task for the user - System software: "low level" software that makes the computer run -- operating system (OS) -- device drivers -- utilities

Speech (Voice) Recognition

- Automatically provide customer service through a call center - Control a vehicle navigation system - Voice-activated personal digital assistant apps -- Siri -- Google Now -- Cortana -- Echo (Amazon stand-alone voice-controlled device)


- By some estimates, up to 80% of all internet traffic is video - Netflix alone accounts for about 15% of all Internet traffic - Captions - Webcams - Webcasting (broadcasting on the web) - Streaming: media begins to play immediately as it is being received and does not require the whole file to be downloaded to your computer first -- Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, CBS All Access, etc. - Screen capture: software used to create a video of what happens on a computer screen - Video Editing Software: harder to learn than image editing software - Youtube: the most popular file sharing site on the Internet -- can create channels -- can monetize by joining Youtube Partner Programs (need 1,000 subscribers) and creating a Google AdSense account

Other MS-Window Disk Utilities

- Check Disk: checks for problems with the physical disk itself and for problems with the file system - Optimize Drive: defragments a hard drive to improve efficiency - Disk Cleanup: looks for files that can be safely deleted to free up disk space - Mac OSX has Disk Utility, which is similar to Check Disk, but does not need utilities for optimizing and cleaning devices

Audio File Types

- Codecs: Compression algorithms that reduce the size of digital media files - MP3: Most common audio file type (de-facto standard) -- uses lossy compression -- some details removed - AAC: Designed to be successor to MP3 -- uses lossy compression -- usually better sound quality than MP3 -- default on iTunes, supported by Apple devices

User Interface (UI)

- Determines how the user interact with the computer - Command-line user interface: older type of UI, instructions must be types in - Graphical user interface (GUI): newer type of UI, lets user point and click on graphic objects such as icons and buttons, easier to use than command-line UI

Communication Devices

- Enables a device to connect to other devices on a network - Network Adapters / Network Interface Cards (NICs) : can be wired (uses Ethernet cables) and/or wireless (wifi) - Analog Modems: used for dial-up internet access (uses tradition phone lines), very slow by today's standards (max speed is 56,000 bits per second) - Cable / DSL Modems: use for high-speed internet access - Fax Machines: sends and receives images over traditional phone lines

Managing System Resources

- Ensure only one process at a time can access a hardware device - Ex. Multiple print jobs -- a printer cannot print multiple docs at a time, so for each print request, the OS sees if the printer is in use. If it is not, the printer request (job) is sent to the printer immediately, otherwise it is put in a queue. As each print job finishes, the OS checks the queue and sends the next job to the printer - Access to other hardware (hard drives, etc.) work in similar manner

Security Utilities

- Firewall: a device or software that blocks unauthorized access to a network or an individual computer - Antivirus program: protects against computer viruses (and worms and Trojan horses) - Antispyware program: protects against spyware and adware


- First released in 2001 - Completely new OS (based on UNIX and NeXTStep) and hardware - Considered more stable (less likely to crash) and more secure (less likely to be infected with a computer virus) than Windows - More expensive (often by 2-3 times) than Windows computers - ~12% market share


- First version was Windows 95 (1995) ... current is Windows 10 - Previous versions of Windows (i.e. Windows 3.1) were NOT operating systems, but application programs that ran on MS-DOS - Most popular OS (~75% of desktop/notebooks run some version of Windows) - Has most software available versus any other OS - Considered to be less stable (i.e. crashes more often) and less secure (i.e. higher probability of being infected with a computer virus) than Mac OSX - Windows system much less expensive than Macs

Image Formats

- JPEG: most commonly used format on Web, uses lossy compression to reduce file size - PNG: uses lossless compression - TIFF: uses lossless compression

Operating System

- Low-level software that control the computer hardware -- Manages Hardware: hides the complexity of the hardware from the user. tasks that would be extremely difficult (such as saving a file) become simple (for the user) -- Provides a user interface -- Manages system resources, such as the CPU, memory, storage devices, etc. -- Communicates with peripheral devices through device drivers

Desktop Operating Systems

- MS-Windows - Max OSX - Linux

Configuring Desktop Operating Systems

- MS-Windows: Control Panel/ Settings Window - Max OSX: System Preferences - User Accounts -- standard account -- administrator account -- others (child, guest)

Google Android

- Open source - Based on Linux - Found in devices from many companies (Samsung, Nokia, LG, etc.) - Less restrictive; recommended apps be downloaded from Google Play Store, but can download from anywhere - Less privacy for personal data - Leading mobile OS overall


- Open source, so can download for free, including source code - Multiple versions (Red Hat, Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc) - Most commonly installed on IBM-PC computers (instead of MS-Windows) - Less software available that for MS-Windows or MacOSX - <2% market share

Peripheral Devices

- Operating system has to communicate with printers and other peripheral devices that may be plugged into the computer - Small programs known as device drivers are used for this - Device drivers written by company that created the hardware - Act as a translator ... translates instructions from the OS to format the device understands - PnP (Plug-and-Play): ability for the OS to recognize when a new device has been plugged in...it determines the device driver needed and automatically installs it if possible

Mobile Operating Systems

- Operating systems that run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets - More full-features than embedded OS's but not as full-features as desktop OS's - Apple iOS - Google Android

Max OS

- Originally released in 1984 - (Almost) first commercial computer to use a GUI - Much, much more expensive than MS-DOS/MS-Window computers of the time - Replaces by Max OSX in 2001

Digital Cameras

- Resolution (images): the measure of the number of pixels in an image, expressed in megapixels - DPI (dots per inch): if image dimension is large but dpi is small, pixels, become visible - The higher the resolution, the more detail in the image and the larger the prints you can make before the image quality suffers - The higher the resolution, the larger the file size of the image - Storage: internal flash, storage, external memory cards, the cloud

Apple iOS

- Scaled down version of Max OSX used in iPhones and iPads - Proprietary- found only on Apple devices - More expensive (usually) - "Ecosystem" tightly controlled, can only install apps from Apple App Store - Personal data is kept more private than with competitors - Leading mobile OS by company (but not overall)

Managing the Processor

- Single-tasking versus multi-tasking - In a single-tasking OS, only one program can be executed at a time - In a multi-tasking OS, multiple programs can be executed at the same time -- CPU can only be executing instructions from one program at a time -- OS causes CPU to rapidly switch between programs, giving the illusion that all are running simultaneously -- This switching normally happens thousands of times a second


- Stands for Application Programming Interface - Allows application programs to call API functions to have the operating system perform low-level tasks such as saving a file to a storage device - Makes writing software easier since programmers do not need to know hardware details

DRM (Digital Rights Management)

- Technology applied to digital media files to impose restriction on the use of these files - Done to prevent copyright infringement (digital piracy) - May limit transferring file to other devices, making a backup, or limiting access to a certain period of time - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) makes it illegal to remove DRM from protected files

Managing Memory

- The OS manages the memory for all programs and data files - All programs executed and data files opened are loaded into separate areas in memory - These memory areas should never overlap one another - IF there is an error with memory management, computer usually crashes: blue screen of death (Windows) grey screen of death (MacOSX) - What happens if not enough memory to hold all programs and date?


- The oldest and most powerful operating system - Versions run on multiple types of computers - With over 200 commands, has reputation for being hard to learn - Often used to manage networks (i.e. NOS) - Most other operating systems based on UNIX -- Mac OSX, Linux, etc.

Peer-to-Peer Network

- Type of network normally used at home - Each computer/device is considered equal - No centralized authority (no common user accounts, for example) - Each device can share its resources with other devices

Adaptive Technology

- Used by individuals with disabilities to interact with technology - Spurred by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Adaptive Input Devices -- braille-writing devices, eye-driven keyboards, onscreen keyboards, etc. -- voice (speech) recognition- very difficult, requires lots of processing power, but much more commonly asked on internet-enables devices today - Adaptive Output Devices -- magnifying the screen, speech synthesis, closed captions, Braille computer display, etc.

Network Operating Systems (NOS)

- Used in client-server networks - A multi-user operating system that controls the software and hardware running on a network - Allows multiple client computers to communicate with the network server to share resources, run applications, etc. - Provides services such as user accounts, security, file and print services, internet and email services, etc. - Allows for centralized management - Windows Server, Linux, Unix

Media Software

- Used to organize and play multimedia files such as music, videos, and podcasts -- iTunes -- Windows Media Player (replaced by Groove Music app) - Streaming Audio -- Pandora, Spotify, Radio.com, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Apple Music, iHeartRadio -- may have to install an app

Compare the Most Common Network Operating System

A network operating system (NOS) is a multiuser operating system that controls the software and hardware running on a network. It allows multiple client computers to communicate with the server and each other as well as to share resources, run applications, and send messages. A NOS centralizes resources and security and provides services such as file and print services, communication services, Internet and email services, and backup and database services. Most servers run some version of Windows server, Linus, or Unix. Apache Web Server is the most widely used NOS found on the web servers.

Which codec is the default audio file type used by Apple iTunes?


Explain and Provide Examples of Adaptive Technology

Adaptive technology enables users with a variety of disabilities to access technology through special hardware and software. Input devices include head wands, south sticks, voice-recognition software, and onscreen keyboards. Output devices include Braille embossers, screen readers, and enlarged screens.

The _____ is part of the processor that manages the movement of data through the CPU

Control Unit

A(n) _____ is a wire on a motherboard over which information flows

Data Bus

What software enables an OS to communicate with hardware?

Device Driver


Multifunction devices that blend telephone functions and computing in small handheld devices - Mobile OS's: Android, iOS - Mobile apps (applications): programs that extend the functionality of mobile devices - Cellular networks have gotten faster: 3G, 4G, and 5G (nearly here)

Immersive Technology

Technology in which the user feels surrounded by the technology - uses: training, testing, prototyping Virtual Reality (VR) - an artificial world that consists of images and sounds created by a computer and is affected by the actions of a person who is experiencing it -- computer generated (CG VR) -- real content captured with a camera (Real VR) - wearing a VR headset is immersive Virtual Meetings Augmented Reality (AR) - an overlay of virtual content on the physical world - the virtual content does not interact with the physical world - ex. overlay maps, Pokeman Go Mixed Reality - 3D Holograms that you can interact with in the real world


The Integration of text, graphics, video, animation, and/or sound content - Apple iPod 2001 - Smartphones, tablets, digital cameras are all digital devices (i.e. they represent audio, graphics, and video data as a series of 0's and 1's)

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

- "brain" of the computer - housed on the motherboard in the system unit - processes commands (from software) - controls functions performed by other components - two main parts 1. Control Unit- executes instructions 2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)- performs calculations - Arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, etc.) - Logical calculations (comparisons)

Optical Discs

- A laser beam is used to read data -- CSs (about 700 MB) -- DVDs (about 8.5 GB) -- Blu-ray discs (about 100 GB) - Can be read-only (ROM), recordable, or rewritable

Flash Memory (Storage)

- A non-volatile form of memory that can be electrically erased and programmed - Has no moving parts - Very reliable - Solid-State Drives (SSDs) -- can be used in desktop and notebook computers instead of regular hard drives -- much more expensive -- more reliable, faster to access -- usually smaller capacities - Flash Drives (portable storage) -- also known as key drives, thumb drives, or jump drives -- small, portable solid-state drives -- can connect to a computer via a USB port (USB flash drive) -- used as internal storage in many mobile devices - Memory Cards (portable storage) -- used to expand the storage of smartphones, digital cameras, and other devices - various types (SD, micro SD, CF, etc.)

Cache Memory

- CPU fetches instructions and data from RAM and stores results to RAM during the Instruction Cycle - CPU is much faster than RAM, meaning it wastes lots of time waiting - To improve performance, most computers use cache memory -- very fast memory that holds some instructions and data copies from the RAM -- when CPU needs to fetch an instruction or data, the cache is checked first, and if it is there, it can be returned to the CPU more quickly -- operating systems predict which instruction and data CPU will need and copes them from the RAM to the cache - Cache memory capacity is normally very small (compared to RAM) - Why? is it very expensive - Different levels -- L1 (level 1): fastest and most expensive, built into CPU chip (256KB-2MB) -- L2 (level2): a little slower and less expensive, on a separate chip on motherboard (256KB-8MB) -- L3 (level3): slowest and cheapest, but still faster than RAM (4MB-50MB)

Output Devices

- Monitors (aka displays) - Work by lighting up pixels (picture elements) on the screen - Three colors (Red/Green/Blue) used to create all colors - Resolution: the number of horizontal pixels by vertical pixels, such as 1280x1024. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image (but also smaller) - CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitors: big, bulky, heavy & legacy technology - LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Monitors: thinner, lighter & originally developed for portable computers - Projectors: produce large output than a monitor & are used in presentations (such as in-class lectures) - Video Cards: provides the data signal and connection for a monitor or projector, can have its own memory (VRAM), can have a GPU,& VGA, DVI, HDMI - Speakers and Headphones - Sound Cards - Ink Jet Printers: most popular type of personal printer, sprays droplets of liquid ink onto paper, for color printing, standard colors are cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black), abbreviated as CMYK. printers very inexpensive, but ink cartridges have to be replaced often, so cost per page can be expensive - Dye-Sublimation Printers: high-end printers, mainly used for printing photographs - Photo Printers: can be high-end ink jet or dye-sublimation printers - Thermal Printers: applies heat to specially coated heat-sensitive paper to produce output, mainly used to print receipts, output can fade over time - Three-Dimensional Printers: can create objects such as prototypes and models. dental and medical imaging, architecture, etc. - Laser Printers: most common type of business printer, uses a powdered ink cartridge (toner) that lasts about twice as long as liquid ink cartridges, laser printers more expensive than ink jet printers, but over time cost per page is less, print faster than ink jet printers - Plotters: used to print very large output (blueprints, posters, maps) - Multifunction Devices: a printer with a built-in scanner and sometimes fax capabilities, can be used as a copier

Storage Devices

- Stores instructions and data when they are NOT being used - Contents not lost when power turned off (i.e. non-volatile) - Compared to RAM: -- non-volatile (vs. volatile) -- much larger capacity (usually) -- much slower to access -- much less expensive (per byte)

System Unit / Motherboard

- System Unit: case that enclosed and protects a computer's internal components - Motherboard: main circuit board of a computer; provides a way for devices to connect to a computer -- CPU -- Drive controllers - for connecting internal hard drives -- Memory - chips for temporary storage -- BIOS - instructions for booting computer -- Data buses - wires that allow information flow -- Expansion slots - plug in expansion cards into them -- Ports - used to connect peripheral devices directly

Hard Drive (aka Hard Disk)

- The primary mass-storage device in most computers - The primary hard drive hold the operating system (and usually other programs and data files) - Most inexpensive type of storage device (4 TB for about 90$) - Can have very large capacities (12+ TB) - Data stored magnetically on metal platters - Can be internal or external

Input Devices

- Used to enter data into a computer system - Keyboard -- most commonly used input device -- 2 major issues: slow, error-prone -- QWETRY layout most common (designed to be slow) -- Dvorak layout more efficient but not widely used -- Ergonomic keyboards - Pointing Devices- moves a cursor on the computer screen (on a GUI) -- mouse -- touchpad -- touchscreen (stylus) - Optical Scanners -- flatbed scanners: scans a page (or pages) and saves as an image -- barcode scanners (UPC- Universal Product Code) -- QR code scanners - RFID (radio-frequency identification) Scanners - Magnetic Strip Reader (credit cards, id, cards, etc.) - NFC (Near Field Communication) Technology -- allows two devices to share data with each other by touching them or bringing them close together -- point of sale systems - Biometric Scanners - Web cams - Microphones - Game Controllers

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)

- a program stored on a chip on the motherboard - used to boot the computer (i.e. load the operating system when computer is turned on) - BIOS chip is ROM (Read-Only Memory), i.e. non-volatile -- may use flash memory, which can be electrically erased and reprogrammed - uses settings stored in a CMOS chip, which uses a battery to keep data from being erased when computer turned off - some modern computers use UEFI instead of BIOS -- can be stored on a chip, hard disk, or loaded over a network

Random Access Memory (RAM)

- temporary (i.e. volatile) storage used by a computer to hold instructions and data while they are in use - also known as main memory (or sometimes just memory, though that can be a little confusing) - Memory boards: small circuit boards that contain memory chips -- easy to add memory to desktops- memory cards plug into slots on motherboard


- used to connect peripheral devices to the motherboard - USB- most common type of port, can connect many types of devices (such as printers, mice, keyboards, digital cameras, mobile devices, and external drives) -- can connect up to 127 devices to a single port (USB hubs) -- can provide power to devices -- hot-swappable - devices can be plugged and unplugged without turning off computer -- current version: USB 3.2 using USB-C connectors - Firewire -- legacy port (not found in newer computers) -- can connect up to 63 devices to a single port, hot-swappable -- mostly used for digital cameras - Thunderbolt -- can connect many types of peripheral devices -- thunderbolt 2 is the standard on most Apple computers -- about the same speed as USB 3.2 -- can connect up to six devices using one port -- hot-swappable - Bluetooth -- short-range wireless technology used to connect many types of peripheral devices -- devices need to be paired - Other ports -- ethernet (network), audio, video (HDMI, etc.)


- used to improve performance of a single processor - similar to an assembly line in a factory - allows a single processor to process up to 4 instructions at the same time -- after instruction 1 is moved from the fetch stage to the decode stage, instruction 2 is fetched, and so on

Which is a popular NOS found on web servers?


Identify Several Ways to Edit and Print Photos

At home, you can print photos by first transferring the images to a computer or by directly connecting a printer and camera. In-store kiosks can read most memory card types or access images on the Internet, and online services allow you to upload images to be printed that can be mailed home or picked up at a local retailer.

_____ measures human characteristics such as fingerprints and eye retinas

Biometric Scanners

CPU Performance

Clock Speed: the speed at which a processor executes the instruction cycle - Gigahertz (GHz) - 1 billion cycles per second - Megahertz (MHz) - 1 million cycles per second Flops (Floating-point operations per second) - used to measure computer performance - petaflop - one thousand million million (10^15) FLOPS

Recognize Important Audio File Types

Codecs are compression algorithms that reduce the size of digital media files. The most common audio codecs include MPS, which is the most common format for music files, and AAC, which is primarily used by Apple iTunes. Another common audio file is a MIDI file, which is often used for synthesized music in video games.

Discuss Communication Devices

Communication devices serve as both input and output devices and include network adapters, modems, and fax devices. A network adapter connects a computer to a network. A modern connects a computer to a telephone line for dial-up Internet access. The cable and DSL modems are special modems that enable access to high-speed Internet. Fax devices, which can be stand-alone fax machines, part of a multifunction device, or built into a modern, scan and convert a document into a digital form that can be transmitted over telephone lines or the internet.

Which Windows feature allows you to change, configure, monitor, or troubleshoot most system settings, hardware, and software?

Control Panel

What is a technology that is applies to digital medial files, such as music, eBooks, and videos, to impose restrictions on the use of these files?

Digital rights management (DRM)

Malware is a computer program that's designed to prevent viruses


QWERTY keyboards were designed to improve ergonomics


Read-only memory (ROM) loses the information stored in it when power is turned off


SSDs store data magnetically


You should use a guest account for everyday computing


What is the distance at which subjects in front of the lens are in sharp focus

Focal Length

A(n) _____ is a processor found on a video card

GPU (graphics-processing unit)

Which technology creates an image by taking multiple images at different exposures and stitching them together?

High dynamic range (HDR)

Identify Immersive Technologies and Uses

Immersive technology makes the user feel part of the technology. Virtual reality is an artificial world that consists of images and sounds created by a computer and that is affected by the actions of a person who is experiencing it. VR users are completely immersed in the virtual world. Augmented reality is an overlay of content on the physical world, and mixed reality created holograms that you can interact with in the real world.

List and Describe Command Input Devices

Input devices include keyboards and keypads for entering text; pointing devices, such as the mouse, touchpad, stylus, and touch-sensitive screens that move the cursor on the screen; cameras and webcams for video input; optical scanners, RFID scanners, magnetic strip readers, and biometric scanners that read data and convert it into digital form; near field communication (NFC) devices that can share data among devices by bringing them near each other; microphones that convert sound into digital signals; and video game controllers and joysticks to interact with games and other software programs.

Which technology creates holograms that you can interact with in the real world?

Mixed Reality

_____ are used to connect a computer to a telephone line for dial-up internet access


Multiple Processors

Multi-Core Processors - two or more processors integrated on a single chip - increases processing speed over a single-core processor - reduces energy consumption over multiple separate processors - dual-core (2 processors) and quad-core (4 processors) common on personal computers GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) - reduces processing required of the system CPU for graphics-intensive processes - found on a video card

Which type of monitor is composed of extremely thin panels of organic molecules sandwiched between two electrodes?


Data is stored on _____ using a laser to either melt the disc material or change the color of embedded dye

Optical Discs

Compare Storage Devices

Optical discs are removable and include CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. They range in capacity from 700 MB to 100 GB and are used to distribute music, programs, and movies as well as to archive data. Flash memory is non-mechanical form of storage found in solid-state drives (SSDs), flash drives, memory cards, personal media players, and notebooks. Hard disks are a form of magnetic storage that can be mounted in the system unit or connected via USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire cable. They have the largest capacities of any current storage device and hold the operating systems, programs, and data on the computer.

Which Windows utility should you use to recognize the files on your disk to improve efficiency?

Optimize Drives

_____ enables you to easily add new hardware to a computer system

Plug and Play

Instruction Cycle

Sequence a CPU (Control Unit) goes through to execute a command: - Fetch- retrieves instruction from RAM./cache - Decode- determines what the instruction is - Execute- performs commands - Store- store any result to RAM Repeat for the next command, then the next, etc.

Compare Tablets and Smartphones

Tablet devices are multifunction devices that fall somewhere between notebook computers and smartphones and include built-in apps as well as the ability to download others. Smartphones are cell phones with computing capabilities. Smartphones can extend their capabilities with mobile apps and are true convergence devices.

Which Windows utility should you use to view processes running on your system?

Task Manager

Explain the functions of a CPU

The brain of the computer and consists of the control unit and arithmetic logic unit. It processes data through the instruction cycle: fetch, decode, execute, and store. Features such as parallel processing, pipelining, and multi-core processing increase the _____ ability to process multiple instructions at the same time

Explain the Features of Digital Cameras

The major types of digital cameras are point-and-shoot, smartphones, mirrorless, and DSLR. Resolution is the measure of pixels in an image, and higher-resolution cameras can take higher-quality pictures. Storage includes internal camera storage as well as flash memory cards. Lenses focus light on the image sensor. Computational photography is the processing of an image using computing rather than optical processes.

List and Describe Essential Video and Audio Output Devices

The most common output devices are monitors and projectors attached to video cards that produce video output; printers that produce hard copies; and speakers and headphones attached to sound cards that produce audio output.

Compare Various Types of Printers

The most common personal printer is the inkjet, which works by spraying droplets of ink onto paper. Dye-sublimation printers use heat to turn solid dye into a gas that is transferred to special paper primarily to produce photos. Photo printers can be either inkjet or dye-sublimation printers. Thermal printers use special heat-sensitive paper to produce receipts, postage, and barcode labels. Three-dimensional (3D) printers can create objects such as prototypes and models. Plotters produce very large printouts, such as blueprints, posters, and maps. Laser printers produce the sharpest text at a much lower cost per page than inkjet printers. A multifunction device combines a printer with a scanner and sometimes a fax machine.

Explain What an Operating System Does

The operating system (OS) is the most important type of system software because it provides the user with the interface to communicate with the hardware and other software on the computer. The OS also manages the allocation of memory and processing resources to both hardware and software, manages and control hardware using Plug and Play and device drivers, and provides services to applications through the user of an application programming interface (API)

Compare Desktop Operating Systems

The three most common desktop operating systems are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linus. Windows has been around since 1985 and is installed on over 90 percent of personal computers. The Mac OS has been around since the first Mac computer was released in 1984--the version released in 2018 is called macOS Mojave. Linux was first released in 1991 and is the OS kernel for hundreds of different distributions (distros) that come bundled with utilities and applications

A mobile operating system that runs on Apple mobile devices is IOS


Autofocus cameras automatically adjust the focal length by using a small motor to move the lens in or out


Bluetooth is short-range, wireless technology used to connect peripheral devices to a computer


Multimedia is the integration of text, graphics, video, animation, and sound


Once an image is compressed by using a lossy compression, it can't be fully restored to the original format


The OS communicates with software applications via an application programming interface (API)


The file system used on hard disks in Windows in the NTFS file system


List and Explain Important Utility Software

Windows includes several disk utilities to help you maintain your disks: Check Disk, Optimize Drives, and Disk Cleanup. Disk-checking utilities monitor the health of the file system on a disk. macOS includes Disk Utility to verify and repair disk problems. A defragmenter is utility that rearranges fragmented files on your disk to improve efficiency. Security software such as firewalls, antivirus software, and antispyware software is also considered utility software.

Configure a Desktop Operating System

Windows settings can be configured through the Settings window, Action Center, and Control Panel. Configure macOS settings through System Preferences. A user account grants user access and rights to a system and keeps each user's files private

Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems

You should develop basic troubleshooting and maintenance skills to keep your system running. Windows has built-in troubleshooting and other tools-such as Device Manager and Task Manager--to help you.

Identify the parts of a System Unit and Motherboard

_____ is the case that houses the power supply, motherboard, processor (CPU), heat sink and cooling fan, and memory of a computer. It also has drive bays to hold the storage devices and openings for peripheral devices to connect to expansion cards on the _____. The _____ is the main circuit board of a computer. In addition to housing the CPU, it contains drive controllers and interfaces, expansion slots, data buses, sound, and network cards.

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