CS Quiz 6

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What would be printed if the following instructions were executed? X = 3 while (X > 0): print(3) X = X - 1 X X X 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 3 3 3

3 3 3

What would be printed if the following instructions were executed? X = 3 print(X) Y = 5 if (X < Y): print(6) else: print(7) 3 7 3 6 3 6 7 6 7

3 6

Which of the following lists would not be obtained at some point when applying the insertion sort algorithm to the list below? Sylvia Nancy Lois Alice Alice Lois Nancy Sylvia Nancy Sylvia Lois Alice Lois Nancy Sylvia Alice Alice Sylvia Nancy Lois

Alice Sylvia Nancy Lois

Preconditions, postconditions, and loop invariants are examples of which of the following? Iterative structures Recursion Pseudocode Assertions


In general, which search algorithm is more efficient? Binary Search Random Search Linear search Sequential Search

Binary Search

In general, which sorting algorithm is less efficient? Insertion Sort Binary Search Sequential Search Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort

Which of the following is not a component of repetitive control? Initialize Modify Test Comments


Under the assumption that N takes on only integer values, which of the following is the termination condition in the following recursive function? def xxx(N): if (N < 5): xxx(N + 1) else: print(N) N > 4 N < 5 N < 4 N < 3

N > 4

When searching within the list Lewis, Maurice, Nathan, Oliver, Pat, Quincy, Roger, Stan, Tom which of the following entries will be found most quickly using the sequential algorithm? Tom Pat Stan Nathan


Which of the following is a representation of an algorithm? Program Process Algorithm Activity


The technique of applying a program segment within itself if-else statement Recursion Pseudocode Pretest loop


Which of the following is a means of repeating a block of instructions? Subtraction Addition Assignment Recursion


When searching within the list Lewis, Maurice, Nathan, Oliver, Pat, Quincy, Roger, Stan, Tom which of the following entries will be found most quickly using the binary search algorithm? Roger Ahmad Tom Lewis


Which of the following is not an approach to problem solving? Stepwise refinment top-down methodology Sidewise refinment bottom-up methodology

Sidewise refinment

Which of the following is not a way of representing algorithms? Programming language Pseudocode Top-down approach Flowchart

Top-down approach

Under the assumption that X takes on only integer values, which of the following is the termination condition for the following loop? repeat: . . . until (X < 5) X > 5 X = 6 X < 5 X > 4

X < 5

Under the assumption that X takes on only integer values, which of the following is the termination condition for the following loop? while (X <= 5): X>5 X<5 X>4 X<4


A building block used in algorithms construction is called: pyramid programming language process primitive


The binary search algorithm is an example of an algorithm in which of the following classes? Θ(n2) Θ(n3) Θ(n) Θ(log2n)


In general, an algorithm in which of the following categories is considered more efficient? Θ(n3) Θ(n) Θ(nlog2n) Θ(n2)


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