CSC 356 Final Exam

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Facebook, one of the first social-networking sites, was started as an online version of hardcopy student directories available at many colleges. Where did Facebook start? -UCLA -Georgetown -Fordham -Harvard


In 2014 which countries hosted 50% of globally installed bandwidth? -US, Germany, and Japan -US, China, and Japan -US and China -None of these

US, China, and Japan

The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) said that -international electronic communications must be filtered through a single hub -agents of a foreign power may be wiretapped with authorization from a secret court -telecommunications equipment must be designed to allow the interception of telephone calls (with a court order) -email should have the same degree of legal protection as telephone calls

telecommunications equipment must be designed to allow the interception of telephone calls (with a court order)

Which of the following limits deceptive commercial email and outlines spammers' responsibilities: -the Spam Reduction Act -the Electronic Communications Act -the Commercial Communications Act -the CAN-SPAM Act

the CAN-SPAM Act

Most of the delay in the opening of the Denver International Airport was because of problems with -the air traffic control system -the environmental monitoring systems -Correct the baggage handling system -the telephone and communications systems

the baggage handling system

The legal guidelines for determining whether material is obscene include all of the following EXCEPT -the material depicts particular sexual (or excretory) acts specified by state law -the material is patently offensive according to contemporary community standards -"the material has no serious artistic, literary, social, political, or scientific value " -the material is intended for or distributed to persons under the age of 18

the material is intended for or distributed to persons under the age of 18

To Neo-Luddites what is the purpose of technology? -to reduce effort needed to produce goods and services -to eliminate jobs to reduce cost of production -Both of these -neither of these

to eliminate jobs to reduce cost of production

The Privacy Act of 1974 established rules to regulate -private sector databases only -all databases that contain personal information -"all personal information, including surveillance data" -Federal government databases only

Federal government databases only

In the term "Free Software," free implies all of the following except one. Which one? -Free of cost -Free to copy -Freedom -Free to modify

Free of cost

The practice of hiring companies or employees in other countries is known as -Offshoring -Globalization -Downsizing -None of these


In the early days of computing (1960's to the early 1970's), a ""hacker"" was -An incompetent programmer who wrote programs that did not work properly -A busy programmer who reused code to save time -A creative programmer who wrote very elegant or clever programs -A new programmer who wrote simple programs

A creative programmer who wrote very elegant or clever programs

A successful economy -creates more jobs than it destroys -uses computers to make tasks more efficient -is flexible and adaptive -All of these

All of these

Company monitoring of employee location and equipment usage -provides increased security -allows monitoring of employee movement -is used to track long-haul trucks to reduce theft and optimize delivery -All of these

All of these

Google -has scanned millions of books -sells ads on trademarked search terms -displays small excerpts on search terms as fair use -All of these

All of these

Ken Olson, president of Digital Equipment Corp. in the late 1970's, Thomas J. Watson, chairman of IBM in the early 1940's, and Thomas Edison all made predictions about technology that were extremely wrong. Which of the following explains why the predictions of experts are often so far off? -Lack of imagination about the uses people would find for technology -Lack of imagination about what the public would like -Lack of imagination about what the public would pay for -All of these

All of these

Sony v. Universal City Studios (1984) -was a victory for noncommercial fair use -established that copying movies for later viewing was legal -involved Betamax video recorders -All of these

All of these

The 1998 DMCA -prohibits circumventing access controls -prohibits cracking copy-prevention systems -establishes a safe harbor feature -All of these

All of these

The Fourth Amendment -protects a right to privacy from government intrusion -sets limits on government's rights to search our homes -provides privacy protections which are threatened by surveillance technology -All of these

All of these

The Future of Jobs and Job Training article lists 5 themes taken by the experts: -the training ecosystem will evolve -new credentialing systems will arise -training and learning systems will not meet the needs -All of these

All of these

Which are important principles for producing good systems? -Design for real users -Require a convincing case for safety -Require a convincing case for security -All of these

All of these

Which of the following is an example of a negative right or liberty? -"freedom of speech, as provided in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution" -"freedom of religion, as provided in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution" -"the right to use your labor, skills or mind to create goods and services" -All of these

All of these

Which of the following is an example of biometrics? -DNA -Fingerprints -Voice prints -All of these

All of these

Which of the following jobs is subject to Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)? -Sign-language interpreter for the deaf -Musician -Computer programmer -All of these

All of these

Which of the following reasons for monitoring email, voice mail, and computer files is considered legitimate for businesses? -Protect security of proprietary information and data -Investigate complaints of harassment -Prevent personal use of employer facilities if prohibited by company policy -All of these

All of these

Why did the launch fail? -Requirements were not fixed -Project managers were inexperienced -Software coding was given only 7 months to develop and test the system -All of these

All of these

Why do models of complex economic and social systems often give poor or inconsistent results? -We might not have complete knowledge of the system we are modeling. -The data describing current conditions or characteristics might not be complete or accurate. -It is difficult, if not impossible, to numerically quantify variables that represent human values or choices. -All of these

All of these

Why is it difficult to predict the consequences of a new technology? -Unexpected uses are found -Our imagination is limited -We do not notice underlying trends -All of these

All of these

Which of the following is NOT a malicious program used by hackers to gain access to your computer -Key loggers -Remote access Trojans -Bots -Biometric login

Biometric login

In 2016 Paypal, Twitter, Netflix, GitHub, Airbnb, and other Web sites could not be accessed due to what kind of attack? -Virus -Denial-of-service -Spyware -Worm


Broadcast media traditionally has had the strongest First Amendment protection (meaning the fewest regulatory restrictions) while print media has the weakest First Amendment protection.


Web sites that look attractive to hackers, but are closely monitored so that everything the hacker does at the site is recorded and studied are known as -Honey pots -Digital surveillance -Computer Entrapment -Hacker crackdown

Honey pots

When was the first U.S. copyright law passed? -In 1790 -In 1970 -In 1908 -In 1880

In 1790

The First Amendment governmental regulatory framework from the 20th century has three categories, EXCEPT: -Broadcast -Print media -Common carrier -Internet


One of the reasons the court ruled against Napster was: -It knowingly encouraged and assisted in the infringement of copyrights -It knowingly stored illegal copies of files on its server -It knowingly used technology protected by patent -All of these

It knowingly encouraged and assisted in the infringement of copyrights

Which of the following is NOT a provision of the CAN-SPAM Act that applies to commercial emailers? -It bans false or misleading header information -It requires that unsolicited email give recipients an opt-out method. -It requires that commercial email be identified as an advertisement and include the sender's valid physical postal address. -It requires commercial emailers register with the Federal Trade Commission.

It requires commercial emailers register with the Federal Trade Commission.

Which of the following is NOT a Neo-Luddite criticism of computers? -Use of computers in schools thwarts development of social skills -Computers separate humans from nature and destroy the environment -Computers cause social inequity -None of these

None of these

Which of the following is NOT a principle for producing good systems? -Understand what success means -Include users in the design and testing stages -Be open and honest about capabilities, safety, and limitations of software -Overestimate the costs and time a project will take

Overestimate the costs and time a project will take

The Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur airports suffered from computer system failures on their opening days. What was to blame for these failures? -Buffer overflows -Miscalculations during the design of the baggage system -People typing in incorrect information -Reused software code

People typing in incorrect information

Which of the following is NOT an exclusive right (subject to some exceptions) granted by copyright law? -Copy the work -Distribute the work -Profit from the work -Create "derivative works"

Profit from the work

Telecommuting has the following benefits: -Employees are promoted more quickly -Reduces overhead for employers -Fewer security risks for employers -None of these

Reduces overhead for employers

Which of the following is NOT a factor specified in U.S. copyright law for determining fair use? -The purpose and nature of the use -The amount and significance of the portion used -The effect on the market for the copyrighted work -The for-profit or non-profit status of the copyright holder

The for-profit or non-profit status of the copyright holder

In one application of a voice-recognition system, the system failed to recognize female speakers. A likely reason was -The program was specifically designed for men -Women's voices are inherently harder to recognize -Women do not speak as loudly as men, and the system used inferior microphones -The program was primarily developed and tested by men

The program was primarily developed and tested by men

Hacktivism is -A political activist group promoting tougher anti-hacking laws -The counter-hacking techniques used by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies -The use of hacking to promote a political cause -A newsletter for hackers

The use of hacking to promote a political cause

Microsoft removed several words from its thesaurus in Word 2000 that had been listed as synonyms for fool. Which of the following was NOT removed? -Clown -Trick -Idiot -Ninny


A cookie is -a feature of a Web site designed to attract children -an illegal use of information about a customer -a file that a Web site stores on a visitor's computer -a small reward that can be redeemed on a Web site

a file that a Web site stores on a visitor's computer

One third of which U.S. adult group(s) does/do not use the internet? -ages 65 and over -rural -less than HS education -age 65 and over, and less than HS education

age 65 and over, and less than HS education

Patents for software inventions -expire in 3 to 5 years -can be issued for mathematical formulas -are collected by patent trolls -expire in 25 years

are collected by patent trolls

Net neutrality advocates -argue for equal treatment of all customers -recommend tiered services -argue against dumb pipe broadband -All of these

argue for equal treatment of all customers

Negative race and gender stereotypes about ability in STEM fields -cannot be overcome by students in academic settings -fit with the inherent or fixed nature of ability -can be overcome by emphasizing improvements in math and science -have little effect on the students stereotyped

can be overcome by emphasizing improvements in math and science

Employers screening prospective employees -are legally allowed to seek the employee's race and religion -should rely on information in social media -are not allowed to hire data-collection agencies -can protect an applicant's privacy by hiring a third party company to do searches

can protect an applicant's privacy by hiring a third party company to do searches

Digital Rights Management -aims to improve end user satisfaction -controls usage of intellectual property -allows users to choose their encryption scheme -has been remarkably successful for vendors

controls usage of intellectual property

A free market view on privacy would lean toward emphasizing? -ease with which personal information leaks out -usefulness of contracts -costly results of errors in databases -unsettling uses of personal information

costly results of errors in databases

Which of the following requirements was a key provision of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)? -proof of age must be provided to access Web sites containing pornography -children must not be allowed to access ""hate material"" online -filtering software must be installed on Internet terminals in schools and libraries -commercial Web sites must require parental consent for access by children

filtering software must be installed on Internet terminals in schools and libraries

Wikipedia is -funded through donations -funded by Google -written by vetted academics -fact-checked through artificial intelligence

funded through donations

Ethical theories include all of these EXCEPT -utilitarianism -deontological theories -governmental laws -social contracts

governmental laws

Claim rights or positive rights -are rights to act without interference -are guaranteed in the First Amendment -impose an obligation on some people to provide certain things for others -all of the above

impose an obligation on some people to provide certain things for others

When a person visits a Web site, his or her IP address and the links he or she clicked on are automatically recorded. This is an example of -secondary use -invisible information gathering -data spillage -data mining

invisible information gathering

Which of the following are the two main arguments against the Communications Decency Act accepted by the courts? -it was not enforceable, and it did not use the least restrictive means of accomplishing the goal of protecting children -it was too vague and broad, and it did not use the least restrictive means of accomplishing the goal of protecting children -it was too vague and broad, and it did not use community standards to determine what would be harmful to minors -it was not enforceable, and it did not use community standards to determine what would be harmful to minors

it was too vague and broad, and it did not use the least restrictive means of accomplishing the goal of protecting children

News publishers in the United States DO NOT need to do which of the following when their articles are available online: -protect yourself from libel law. -use geolocation tools to block certain articles from certain countries. -have legal staffs and technical tools to handle differences in laws. -make certain that all libel (written defamation) is true in order to win libel cases overseas.

make certain that all libel (written defamation) is true in order to win libel cases overseas.

If a business follows an ""opt-in"" policy for handling personal data, information about a customer -may not be released under any conditions -may not be released unless the customer gives permission -may be released unless the customer requests that the information be kept private -may be released for any legitimate business purpose

may not be released unless the customer gives permission

Wikileaks made public -emails from British climatologists -military and diplomatic documents -Snowden's NSA files -U.S. State Department files on Benghazi

military and diplomatic documents

In 2000, a French court ordered Yahoo! to block access by French people to -Web sites containing pornography -an Al Qaeda training manual -online auction sites containing Nazi materials -a Web site containing instructions for making bombs

online auction sites containing Nazi materials

U.S. laws and court actions on employers monitoring employees -prohibit reading emails without a court order on company systems -allow monitoring of union activities -put heavy weight on usage of company systems provided for business purposes -None of these

put heavy weight on usage of company systems provided for business purposes

Robots are best described as -general purpose devices -trained to think faster than humans -beginning to understand human thinking patterns -relying on software and smart sensors

relying on software and smart sensors

One of the sources of failure common to BOTH the Therac-25 and the Ariane 5 rocket was -confusing and poorly-documented error messages -poor human-computer interface design -operator error -reuse of software from previous versions of the systems

reuse of software from previous versions of the systems

Anonymizers allow a user to -obtain a new identity -send email and surf the Web anonymously -secretly spy on people visiting your Web site -randomly create a handle or avatar

send email and surf the Web anonymously

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