CSCD210 Amack pt 2
formatting printf
%#.## first # is field width (3 in this example) second # is precision (2 in this example) third # is conversion code/format specifier (b,c,d,f,e,s) in order to actually print "%" use %% - : left justified meaning it denotes blank space
(0 based) can be used to tell a program to repeatedly execute statements. loop-continuation
generate random char
(char)('a' + Math.random() *('z' - 'a' + 1)) between a and z: (char)*+(ch1 + Math.random() * (ch2 - ch1 +1))
Comparing Strings
.equals(s1) : return true if this string is equal to string s1. .equalsIgnoreCase(s1) : returns true if this string is equal to string s1 (case insensitive). .compareTo(s1) : returns an int greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0 to indicate whether the string is greater than, equal to, or less than s1. .compareToIgnoreCase(s1) : returns an int greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0 to indicate whether the string is greater than, equal to, or less than s1 (case insensitive). .startsWith(prefix) : returns true if this string starts with specified prefix. .endsWith(suffix) : returns true if this string starts with specified suffix.
Obtaining substrings
.substring(beginIndex) : retunr this string's substring that begins with the char at the specified beginIndex and extends to the end of the string .substring(beginIndex, endIndex) : returns this string's substring that begins with the char at the specified beginIndex and extends to the char at endIndex - 1.
terminate program
0: normal termination 1: error message Sytem.exit(#);
Reuse methods
ClassName.methodName ex: TestMax.max();
unchecked exception
RuntimeException, Error, and their subclasses
System.out.printf(format,items); accepts: decimal integers, fp numbers, boolean values, chars, strings, numbers in scientific notation.
infinite loops
a loop that never becomes false
aka "repetition", an execution of a loop body
call stack
aka "the stack" Memory that stores parameters and variables for the method and activates the record. activation records are removed from the stack once the method has been returned
calling a method
aka invoke. if method returns a value, it is called as a value. ex: System.out.println(max(3,5)); if method does not return a value, it is called in a statement. ex: System.out.println("Hello World!");
an object that represents an error or a condition that prevents execution from proceeding normally
create array
arrayRefVar = new elementType[arraySize]; if a variable does not contain a reference to an array, the value of the variable is null.
array size and default values
arrayRefVar.length primitive data types: 0 char: '\u0000' boolean: false
specified identifiers % b % c % d % f % e % s
boolean value character decimal int fp scientific notation string
char arrays
can use S.O.P()
linear search
compares key element sequentially with each element. Returns the index (position) of the matching element OR -1 if no match is found
initialize an array
dataType[] arrayName = { #,#,#}
while Loops
declare variable OUTSIDE of loop because otherwise it wont be declared and initialized variable should start at 0 unless it will NOT fail the first iteration datatype variable = value; while(boolean) { //loop body; statement(s);}
local variable
defined inside a method
minimizing numeric errors
do not use float, double or long add small number before large ones
do-while Loops
do { //loop body; statement(s); } while (boolean); Use this over a regular while loop if you have statements that you need to have executed at least once
void method
does not return value must be called as a statement
copying arrays
elementType[] array = {value1, value2, ... valuek}; elementType[] arrayCopy = new elementType[array.length]; for (elementType e = 0; e < array.length; e++){ arrayCopy[e] = array[e];}
declare and create an array
elementType[] arrayRefVar = new elementType[arraySize];
initialize an array
elementType[] arrayRefVar = {value0, value1, valuek}; OR elementType[] arrayRefVar = new elementType[i]; arrayRefVar[i] = x; *remember that arrays are 0 based*
declare array
elementType[] arrayRefVar; elementType arrayRefVar[]; also works but above is preferred
binary search
elements must be ordered. compares the key to middle element. if key is larger/smaller it looks at the corresponding half of the element until a match is found.
sentinel value
ends a loop while (boolean x) { x is sentinel value
for (elementType element; arrayRefVar) { //process the element}
printing arrays
for (int i = 0; i < myList.length; i++){ System.out.println(myList[i] + " ");} unless char then use one print statement
for Loops
for(initial action; boolean; after action){ //loop body; statement(s);} initial action only runs first time and can be a list of zero or more comma separated expressions. after action can be a list of zero or more comma separated statements. control variable is usually declared in initial action and the after action typically increments/decrements the control value and eventually it will cause the boolean statement to be false, terminating the loop.
goes after main throws errorType{
passing arrays to methods
in method header in parameters (elementType [] arrayRefVar OR {value,...valuek})
method abstraction
is achieved by separating the use of a method from its implementation
output redirection
java ClassName > output.txt
input redirection
java SentinelValue < input.txt
input and output redirection
java SentinelValue output.txt
file instance file = new"name"); or Scanner kb = new Scanner(newFile("name"));
modularizing code
makes the code easy to maintain and debug and enables the code to be reused aka reducing redundant code
defining a method
method name, parameters, return value type and body: modifier returnValueType methodName(list of parameters) { body;}
terminating value-returning method
must use "return"
printing an array that is NOT a char
must walk it out
scope of variables
part of program that a variable is referenced
pass in a file or string from user. .close(); //ALWAYS CLOSE FILES .hasNext(); useDelimeter(pattern: String);
passed by reference in Debugger
default values of arrays
primitive numbers = 0 char = '\u0000' boolean = false
selection sort
public class SelectionSort { public static void selectionSort(double[] list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++){ double cM = list[i]; int cMI = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < list.length; j++) { if (cM > list[j]){ cM = list[j]; cMI = j;}} if (cMI != i) { list[CMI]=list[i]; list[i] = cM;}}}}
clear buffer
checked exceptions
the compiler forces the programmer to check and deal with them in a try-catch block or declare it in the method header
throws: try catch ...finally
throws ...(){ try { Code to run; A statement or a method that may throw an exception; More code to run;} catch (type ex) { Code to process the exception;}//can have multiple catches finally{ //ALWAYS run ex stands for exception and is used as the variable name in most cases
overloading methods
use same method name as long as signatures are different(they have different parameters)
used to define reusable code and organize and simplify coding ALWAYS comment before a method, defining it
varType[] arrayName = new varType[# of entries] index starts at 0
returnValueType when method operations does not return a value
ambiguous invocation
when there are two or more possible matches for the invocation of a method, but the compiler can't determine the best match
passing parameters
when you call the method the parameters must match what was in the defined method