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How can a problem statement specify when a problem is solved?

-After identifying the known information, a programmer must specify how to determine when the problem has been solved. Usually this step means specifying the output that is expected.

What is unique about Android?

-Supports voice inout for google search, voice dialing, navigation and other apps. Contains basic network/routing allowing it to become a wifi hotspot; also provides access to the file system and provide a utility for viewing files stored internally or on external SD cards.

What are mobile apps?

A Mobile app is designed for a handheld device like smartphones, tablet computers, or enhanced media players; they are generally small, focused applications sold through an online app store

What is a database?

A collection of information.

How is indexing different form sorting?

A database index can be used to organize data in alphabetical or numerical order; contains a list of keys, and each key provides pointer to the record that contains the ret of the fields related to that key; An index has no bearing on the physical sequence of records on a storage device; an index simply points to the record where the data can be found; the advantage of an index over a sort is that a table can have multiple indexes but only one sort order.

What is a disk partition?

A disk partition is a section of a hard disk drive that is treated as a separate storage unit

What kinds of databases tract relationships?

A hierarchical data base-allows one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, which are linked in a hierarchical structure. A graph database- offers an alternative way to track relationships, it includes nodes, edges and properties; the structure of these database resemble sociograms with their interlinked nodes; useful for storing data on facebook, twitter and other social media platforms

What is a local application?

A local applications is installed on a computer's hard disk. When it runs, the program code is copied into RAM, where it can be accessed by the microprocessor. Examples of local applications for desktop and laptop computers are office suite, games, and professional software tools. (these appls don't require an internet connection to run.

What makes each record unique?

A primary key is a field that contains data unique to a record.

How does a database designer determine the best data groupings?

A process called normalization helps database designers create a database structure that minimizes storage space and increases processing efficiency. The goal of normalization is to minimize data redundancy: the amount of data that I duplicated in a database.

What is a resource fork?

A resource fork is a companion file that stores information about the data in the data fork, such as the file type and the application that created it.

How does a sort work?

A sort rearranges information in a specified order, numerically or alphabetically. Sorts can be a ascending order (beginning with 1 or a) or in descending order. Multi-level sorts are also possible. A single-level sort used only one field to arrange records. A multi-level sort arranges information by more than one field.

What happens when the data in a table is sorted?

A table's physical sort order is the order in which records are arranged on storage devices. A sort key is the column of data that is used as the basis for rearranging the data. Some DBMS's store records on a physical storage medium according to a predetermined sort order. The database designer usually specifies this order for each table at the time the database structure is created.

What is a virtual machine?

A virtual machine allows one computer to simulate the hardware and software of another; each machine has its own simulated processor, RAM, video card, input and output ports, and operating system.

What are Web apps?

A web app is software that is accessed with a web browser; the code for web aps is downloaded alone with HTML pages and is executed client-side by the browser; web apps are examples of cloud computing

What does an operating system do?

An operating system interacts with application software, device drivers, and hardware to manage a set of resources.

What is Android?

Android is a mobile operating system that is a popular platform for tablet computers, smartphones, and ebook readers. (Under leadership of google, and is designed for ARM processors)

What are the main software categories?

Application software, development software, system software refere to FIGURE 6-1

What is jailbreaking?

Apps are available from other places other than the iTunes store, but using them requires an unauthorized change to the device's software known as a jailbreak. After downloading and installing the jailbreak software, your device will be able to install apps from a number of sources other than the iTunes app sore. Jailbreaks last until you accept a software update from apple.

Why would databases need to keep track of relationships?

Because relationships are important. A relationship is an association between data that's stored in different record types. They're important because there are associations among the real-life things that database records represents.

What is big data?

Big data refers to huge collections of data that are difficult to process, analyze, and manage using conventional database tools.

What is commercial software?

Commercial software is usually sold in retail stores or on Web sites. Most licenses for this adhere closely to the limitations provided by copyright law, although they might permit the software to be installed in multiple devices.

What is the scope of computer programming?

Computer programming encompasses a broad set of activities that include planning, coding, testing, and documenting.

What are the pros and cons of Chrome OS?

Cons: -Chrome is an ex of a thin client meaning it depends on processing and storage provided by a remote computer -Digital world is limited to only those online apps, communications, and storage locations that the browser can access -provide very limited local storage space -don't offer connections to wired printers or scanners Pros: -As cloud services become more extensive, Chrome OS becomes less and less limiting -support many users -very secure

35. What is the process for installing software on PCs?

Contains a setup program that guides you though the process through the following: -copy files--> copies app files from distribution media (Cd's or Dvd's) or downloads files to specified folders on the hard disk. -Unzip files→ reconstitutes files that have been distributed in compressed format -Check resources→ analyzes the computer's resources, such as process speed, RAM capacity, and hard disk capacity, to verify that they meet or exceed the minimum system requirements -Select device drivers→ analyzes hardware components and peripheral devices to select appropriate device drivers -Find players→ looks for any system files and players, such as internet explorer or windows media player, that are required to run the program but are not supplied on the distribution media or download -Update the registry→ updates necessary system files, such as the windows registry and the start menu, with information about the new software -Update the desktop→ places an icon or tile for the new software on the windows desktop, Start screen, or Start menu

What is a DBMS?

DBMS (database management system) refers to software that manages data stored in a database; it includes routines to define the structure of a database, including its fields and relationships. It also allows developers to set up apps that collect and process data from point-of-sale terminals, ecommerce web sites, handhels data gathering devices, or the internet of things.

What is a folder?

Each storage device has a directory with a lost of files; the main one is the root directory, which is split into smaller lists. East list is called a subdirectory, and each subdirectory is known as a folder.

Who uses Web apps?


How do programmers use variables?

Factors, such as price, shape, and size, are often treated as variables in computer programs. A variable represents a value that can change.

What are the basic elements of a flat file?

Field-contains smallest unit of meaningful information. Field name- describes its contents ex: in an iTunes playlist, the field titled "Name" holds the same of the song Variable-length field- expands to fit the data you enter to a maximum # of characters. Fixed-length field- contained s predetermines # of characters (bytes), the data entered can't exceed the allocated field. length Record-a collection of data fields. Record types-the template for a record; contained field names but no data. Record occurrence-a record that contains data

Which DBMS tools are easiest to use?

FileMaker Pro and Microsoft Access

Is it easy to retrieve data form files?

I think so...

Do uppercase characters make a difference?

In case-sensitive database, uppercase letters are not equivalent to their lowercase counterparts; inconsistent use of case can lead to many problems

What are software licenses?

Is also known as a software agreement and is a legal contract that defines the ways in which a computer program may be used.

What is program code?

Is the instructions that make up a computer program. -A computer program is a set of step-by-step instructions that tell a computer how to carry out a task

Can a database prevent typos?

It can catch some of the errors using a field validation rule-a specification that the database designer sets up to filter data entered into a particular field; another technique is to limit data entry to the items on a specified list; and lastly using a lookup routine-this validates an entry by checking data in an in-house or third-arty database

What is a problem statement?

It defines certain elements that must be manipulated to achieve a result or goal. HAS 3 CHARACTERISTICS 1. It specifies any assumptions that define the scope of the problem. 2. It clearly specifies the known information. 3. It specifies when the problem has been solved.

How does a database designer know what data to store?

It first consults users and studies the current system to compile a list of available data as well as any additional data necessary to produce screen based output or printed reports.

How do operating systems handle so many processes?

It handles it because every microprocessor cycle is a resource for accomplishing a task, such as executing a program instruction. To manage all these competing processes, and operating system must ensure that each process receives its share of attention from the microprocessor.

What is application-based file management?

It includes menu options for opening and saving files

What is Microsoft Windows?

It is a software installed on more than 80% of the world's personal computers.

How does the operating system keep track of a file's location?

It uses a files system to keep track of a file's location.

How do you install portable software?

It's simply a matter of getting program files to the media on which they are supposed to run.

Does the problem statement provide sufficient planning to begin coding?

No. Formulating a problem statement provides a minimal amount of planning, which is sufficient for only the simplest programs - Several software development methodologies exist to help program designers and coders plan, execute, and test software.

Are software categories universal?

No. There are no universal standard for categorizing software but various categorization schemes have many similarities.

What is open source software?

Open Source software makes uncompiled program instructions- the source code- available to programmers who wants to modify and improve the software.

system software

Operating systems, device drivers, utilities

What is portable software?

Portable software is designed for PCs and it runs from removable storage, such as as the USB flash drive

Application software

Prefessional tools, educational software personal finace software, entertainment software, reference software, social media software, business software, and productivity.

development software

Programming Language, Scripting Languages, and Quality Assurance Tools

What can cause program errors?

Programs that don't work correctly might crash, run forever, or provide inaccurate results. -When a program doesn't work correctly, it is usually the result of a runtime, logic, or syntax error.

How are reports created?

Report generator- a software tool for specifying the content and format for a database report Report template-contains the outline or general specifications for a report, including such elements as the report title, fields to include, fields to subtotal or total, and report format specifications.

What's included in a typical software package?

Software for Macs is usually stored in a single executable file with an ".app" extension. That file usually contains other files and folders. Software made for computers that run Microsoft windows is commonly made up of multiple files. The main executable file has an ".exe" extension. Additional files required for windows application software contain support modules called application extension with file names that end in ".dll"

What are updates and upgrades?

Software upgrade is when software publishers, periodically, release a new version or edition of a software product. Software update is a small section of program code that replaces part of the software currently installed.

What is a relational database?

Stores data in a collection of related tables; each table is a sequence of records similar to a flat file. In a relational database, relationships are specified by joining common data stored in records from different tables.

What are the best sources for software?

The best sources for software are google play and apple store, CNET, and Tucows.

How do you code a computer program?

The core of a computer program is a sequence of instructions. -each instruction for a computer program consists of keywords and parameters that are held together by a set of rules EXAMPLE: print ("Pizza at ", restaurant, " is the best deal!")

Is there any data that should be left out?

The data generated on the spot by DBMS's and associated applications doesn't need to be stored in the data base.

How do mobile apps differ from Web apps?

The difference between the two is that the program code for web apps arrives only when you use the app, whereas mobile apps are stored on the handheld device, so they have to be downloaded and installed/

Are there many different categories of operating systems?

The different types of categories are desktop operating system, mobile operating system, and server operating system.

How big are we talking?

The digital universe generates 44 zettabytes of data each year.

How does information apply to a problem statement?

The known information in a problem statement is the information that is supplied to the computer to help it solve a problem & it often included in the problem statement as givens.

What are the most common types of software licenses?

The most common types of software licenses are public domain software and propriety software.

What are the most essential applications?

The most essential applications in desktops and laptops are operating system, operating system utilities, antivirus/security software, browser and communication software, office suite, music player photo viewer, PDF reader, VoIP client. In tablets and smartphones are operating system, settings/utilities, browser and communicating software, music app, photo app, and social media apps.

Why does the operating system get involved with peripheral devices?

The operating system gets involved with peripheral devices because every peripheral device connected to a computer is regarded as input or output resource.

Where is the operating system?

The operating system is stored in ROM for digital devices such as smartphones and ebook readers. For most other computers it is stored on a hard disk or SSD.

Why is software licensed?

The reason software is licensed has to do with copyrights. A copyright grants the author of a software product an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify that work. The licenses are sometimes referred to as EULAs (End User License Agreements).

What are the strengths of OS X?

The strengths are that OS X has a reputations for being an easy-to-use, reliable, and secure operating system.

What kind of security does a DBMS provide?

The type of security used is put forth to ensure data confidentiality, protect against insider threats, and block unauthorized access. Prevention measures include: user rights management -allows access to data on an as-needed basis; encryption-scrambles data that is in storage so that it's useless to thieves who get the stolen devices that have databases; database assessment-identifies sensitive data and database vulnerabilities to secure them; and intermediary servers-prevent users from directly accessing the database.

What are the weaknesses of IOS X?

The weaknesses of OS X include a somewhat limited selection of software and its use of resource forks.

What are file management tools?

These are operating systems that provide file organization tools.

What are the limitations of using spreadsheets and word processors to manage data?

They work well for simple lists, but don't offer database capabilities for establishing relationships between different record types and are not powerful enough to maintain the large colume of records required for business information systems.

How are databases classified?

They're classified based on whether they are maintained by individuals or organizations, by their structure, and as operational databases or analytical databases. Operational database - used to collect, modify, and maintain data on daily basis. Analytical database used to collect data that will be used for spotting trends that offer insights for tactical and strategic business decisions.

What are the main activities associated with operational databases?

To collect and store data, to view data, find data, update data, organize data, distribute data, and move or remove data.

What are the main activities associated with analytical databases?

To find relationships and patterns, make predictions, and examine multiple factors.

How much flexibility do enterprise tools offer?

Very limited; the field types are predefined to coincide with the application; however they have some flexibility for customization, which allows field names to be modified to reflect business practices.

How about entering numbers?

When #'s are entered in different formats, it becomes hard to make properly formatted reports or locate a particular telephone number. A field format is a template that adds the correct formatting as data is entered.

How does a database designer know what data types to use?

When designing a database, each field is assigned a data type; most systems support a variety of data types. Real-database designers assign "real" data type to fields that contain #'s w/ decimal places, like prices/percentages. Integer-this is used for fields that contain whole numbers (quantities, repetitions, ranking, etc). Date-this is used to store dates in a format that allows them to be manipulated. Text-this is normally assigned to fixed-length fields that hold character data (people's names, album titles, etc). Memo-provides a variable-length field into which users can enter comments. Logical-this is used for true/false and yes/no data which requires minimal storage space. Blob-this is a collection of binary data stored in a single field of a database. Hyperlink-this stores URL's used to link directly from a database to a Web page

Can a DBMS support multiple devices and operating systems?


Can you use spreadsheet software for databases?

Yes, depending on the spreadsheet software.

Does Windows run on tablets and phones, too?

Yes, it offers several editions of windows designed for desktop and laptop computers, and it offers mobile operating systems for tablets and smartphones.

Are there rules for naming files?

Yes, when saving a file, you must provide a valid name that follows the specific rules, referred to as file-naming conventions: maximum length is 256 characters, avoid using symbols, do no use reserved words, case is disregarded, and spaces are allowed.

Are there different classifications of programs?

Yes. Computer programs can be classified in many ways, but programmers typically specialize in either application programming or system development.

What do you need to know about the evolution of OS X?

You need to know that it's like windows, OS X has been through a number of revisions. The Original Classic Mac OS was introduced in 1984.

Application programmers

create productivity applications such as Microsoft Office, as well as enterprise applications such as CRM and ERP. They also create apps for mobile phones and develop Web applications that run in the cloud.

Agile methodology

focuses on flexible development and specifications that evolve as a project progresses

Proprietary software

has restrictions on its use that are delineated by copyright, patents, or license agreements.

How does iOS work?

iOS displays a home screen containing application icons. At the bottom of the screen, there's a dock that holds icons for frequently used apps. Touching an app opens it. Pressing the actual Home button brings the user back to the home screen. The settings icon leads to a number of system utilities.

What is iOS?

iOS is derived from the OS X code and shares its UNIX roots. (Both systems feature icons with a similar design aesthetic.

What is software engineering?

is a development process that uses mathematical, engineering, and management techniques to reduce the cost and complexity of a computer program while increasing its reliability and modifiability.

Logic errors.

is a type of runtime error in the logic or design of a program, such as using the wrong formula to calculate the area of a round pizza.

Public domain software

is not protected by copyright because the copyright has expired or the author has placed the program in the public domain, making it available without restriction.

What is an assumption?

is something you accept as true in order to proceed with program planning

Runtime errors.

occurs when a program runs. Some runtime errors result from instructions that the computer can't execute

What is a VDE?

provides programmers with tools to build substantial sections of a program by pointing and clicking rather than typing lines of code. Stands for visual development environment

predictive methodology

requires extensive planning and documentation up front. -tasks that are well defined and predictable.

Systems programmers

specialize in developing system software such as operating systems, device drivers, security modules, and communications software.

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