CSET Subtest 1

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In what year did the Scottish-American settler James Wilson Marshall discover gold at Sutter's Mill?


In what years did California host its two major constitutional conventions?

1849 and 1879

A lack of variation in rate, pitch, and rhythm is most likely to undermine the delivery of an oral presentation by: A. diminishing the presentation's emotional effect. B. interfering with the logical continuity of the presentation. C. causing some audience members to feel excluded. D. requiring the audience to attend to multiple stimuli.


Oral rhyming activities are most likely to promote phonemic awareness by helping a child learn to: A. attend to the sounds shared by words in the same word family. B. identify the junctures between syllables in spoken words. C. recognize how the structure of a word relates to its meaning. D. identify spelling patterns that correspond to specific sounds.


Questions 18-19 are passed on the below passage "This excerpt is an adaptation from Abraham Lincoln's Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger scene, we cannot dedicate-we cannot consecrate that we cannot hallow-this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here and dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that these this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that government of people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." What message is the author trying to convey through this address? A. The audience should perpetuate the ideals of freedom that the soldiers were fighting for B. The audience should honor the dead by establishing an annual memorial service C. The audience should form a militia that would overturn the current political structure D. The audience should forget the lives that were lost and discredit the soldiers


The Silk Roads had which of the following results? A. Spread of Buddhism from India to China B. Devastation of European economics C. Introduction of the Bubonic Plague to the New World D. Resulted in Great War


The languages of the world are most similar in which of the following respects? A. the basic principles of phrase structure (e.g., the subject-predicate structure of sentences) B. the speech sounds that are used to form words C. the basic rules of morphology (e.g., adding s to a singular noun to make a plural) D. the role of volume in communicating information


The samurai tradition of feudal Japan most closely resembled which of the following features of medieval Europe? A. the code of chivalry of European knights B. the philosophical tradition of scholastic philosophers C. the monastic vows of European monks D. the guild system of European merchants


The style of the passage most clearly reflects the style of many traditional folk tales in its: A. use of a simple narrative structure with repeated words and phrases. B. reliance on dialogue rather than exposition to advance the plot. C. use of personification to develop psychological complexity. D. reliance on extended metaphor to develop the primary theme.


This work published in 1922, was a modernist piece that was banned both in the U.S. and overseas for meeting the criteria of obscenity. Taking place in a single day (June 16th, 1904), the novel contains eighteen episodes reflecting the activities of the character Leopold Bloom in Dublin, Ireland. Originally written as to portray an Odysseus figure for adults, the structure of the work is often viewed as convoluted and chaotic, as its author utilized the stream of consciousness technique. Its literary reception was vastly polarized and remains so to this day, although modern critics tend to hail the novel as addressing the vast panoramic of futility within contemporary history. The above passage describes which famous literary work? A. James Joyce's Ulysses B. Anne Sexton's poem "45 Mercy Street" C. F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night D. George Elliot's Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life


Use the map below to answer the question that follows. Which of the following matches a region on the map with an accurate description of how the region became part of the United States? A. Region A: The United States obtained possession of the region in an 1846 treaty with Great Britain. B. Region B: The United States acquired the region during the Revolutionary War. C. Region C: The United States obtained the region from Spain in the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. D. Region D: The United States purchased the region from France in 1803.


Which of the following best describes a shared function of the mission, the presidio, and the pueblo in early California history? A. to maintain social order B. to transmit cultural values C. to promote trade D. to convert non-Christians


Which of the following best describes one major cause of the decline of the Roman Empire? A. Political instability and use of mercenary armies undermined the security of the empire. B. A sharp increase in the birthrate led to overpopulation in major urban centers of the empire. C. The growth of Christianity caused widespread religious conflict throughout the empire. D. The subdivision of large country estates led to a major decline in agricultural output.


Which of the following examples would make a good addition to the selection after sentence 4? A. My father is also afraid of seeing insects B. My father is surprisingly good at starting a campfire C. My father negotiated contracts for a living D. My father isn't even bothered by pigeons


Which of the following phonemic awareness skills typically is easiest for children to acquire? A. identifying the initial sound in a word (e.g., /b/ in bed) B. recognizing that two words contain the same sound (e.g., thin and path) C. blending sounds together to form a spoken word (e.g., /t/ + /a/ + /g/ = tag) D. identifying a word that does not belong in a group of three spoken words (e.g., gate, game, shake)


Which of the following sentences contains a relative clause? A. The circus that came to town in August has an excellent trapeze act. B. After looking in the attic, I gave up my search for the records. C. As the waiter walked toward the table, he slipped and fell. D. They ran down the street, but they couldn't catch the ice cream truck.


Which of the following statements best explains how knowing a language that is historically related to English can facilitate an individual's acquisition of English as a second language? A. Many words and roots are likely to have similar spellings and meanings in English and in their first language B. English prefixes and suffixes are likely to resemble the affixes used in their first language C. The most frequently occurring speech sounds in English and in their first language are likely to be the same D. Social conventions relating to language are likely to be similar in both languages


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the Mongol Empire? A. The Mongol army was largely a cavalry force B. Mongol rulers didn't tolerate other religions C. Mongol rulers neglected foreign trade D. The Mongol Empire is known for its discouragement of literacy and the arts


Which of the following was most responsible for the development of a national market in the United States during the late nineteenth century? A. the expansion of the railroad and telegraph network B. the growth of the iron and steel industry C. the formation of the Interstate Commerce Commission D. the increased mobility of the industrial labor force


Which of the following would be most important to include in the introduction to a persuasive essay? A. an explanation of why the issue addressed by the essay is important B. a description of the author's credentials and qualifications C. a detailed summary of the logical steps in the essay's argument D. a rebuttal of alternative points of view


Reading fluency involves what key areas?

Accuracy, rate, and prosody

Word analysis skills are NOT critical for the development of what area of literacy?


According to current research, reading difficulties that are not the result of limited intelligence or lack of educational opportunity is most often caused by: A. poorly developed visual discrimination skills. B. a deficit in phonological processing. C. poorly developed oral language abilities. D. a lack of motivation.


According to current research, which of the following competencies best predict a child's success in learning to read in the primary grades? A. logical and analytical abilities B. letter knowledge and phonemic awareness C. perceptual and motor skills D. concept knowledge and oral vocabulary


Context clues assist vocabulary development by providing: A. A knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes are used to determine the meaning of a word B. Information within the sentence that surrounds an unknown word is used to determine the word's meaning C. Content learned in pervious grades that serves as a bridge to the new term D. Background knowledge to fill in a missing word within a sentence


In 1889, Jerome K. Jerome wrote a humorous account of a boating holiday. Originally intended as a chapter in a serious travel guide, the work became a prime example of a comic novel. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. "I felt rather hurt about this at first; it seemed somehow to be a sort of slight. Why hadn't I got housemaid's knee? Why this invidious reservation? After a while, however, less grasping feelings prevailed. I reflected that I had every other known malady in pharmacology, and I grew less selfish, and determined to do without housemaid's knee. Gout, in its most malignant stage, it would appear had seized me without my being aware of it; and zymosis I had evidently been suffering from boyhood. There were no more diseases after zymosis, so I concluded there was nothing else the matter with me. -Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat" Which definition best fits the word zymosis? A. Discontent B. An Infectious disease C. Poverty D. Bad luck


In which of the following ways did geographic factors have an important influence on the development of Inca civilization between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries C.E. (A.D.)? A. The dispersal of population within the Inca Empire made it necessary to employ a highly decentralized form of government that gave considerable autonomy to local regions. B. The mountains of western South America were an impediment to building an empire, prompting the development of sophisticated engineering technologies. C. The danger of tropical storms to Inca fishing and agriculture prompted the systematic application of meteorological observations, data collection, and predictions. D. The existence of numerous rivers enabled Inca rulers to collect natural resources from the interior and trade them throughout the hemisphere.


Increasing the rate of speech in an oral presentation would be most effective for: A. compensating for poor acoustics in a room. B. conveying a feeling of excitement. C. stating the conclusion of a logical argument. D. emphasizing an important point.


Read the following poem. Which option best depicts the rhyme scheme? "A slumber did my spirit seal; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. from William Wordsworth, "A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal" A. BAC BAC B. ABAB C. ABBA D. AB CD AB


Read the passage below; then answer the two questions that follow. In the presidential election of 1828 Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams. This victory was largely due to the machinations of Adams's political opponents in Congress. Senator Martin Van Buren of New York led the opposition to Adams. When Jackson swept into the White House, a wild throng of supporters greeted him, happy to have a president whom they perceived as a man of the people. Van Buren had a smart plan of causing it to look like Adams had raised tariffs on imported goods. In fact, Van Buren himself was behind the increase in tariffs. A raucous party broke out during the inauguration, spilling from the White House onto the lawn. Which of the following changes could best improve the logical organization of the passage? A. Move Sentence 4 so that it follows Sentence 1. B. Move Sentence 4 so that it follows Sentence 6. C. Move Sentence 7 so that it follows Sentence 1. D. Move Sentence 7 so that it follows Sentence 4.


Read the poem below, "The Street" by Octavio Paz; then answer the two questions that follow. A long and silent street. I walk in blackness and I stumble and fall and rise, and I walk blind, my feet stepping on silent stones and dry leaves. Someone behind me also stepping on stones, leaves: if I slow down, he slows: if I run, he runs. I turn: nobody. Everything dark and doorless. Turning and turning among these corners which lead forever to the street where nobody waits for, nobody follows me, where I pursue a man who stumbles and rises and says when he sees me: nobody. In this poem, the repetition of words and rhythms reinforces the poem's: A. metrical regularity. B. mood of anxiety. C. rhetorical emphasis. D. hostile tone.


Some common vowel patterns are associated with more than one pronunciation. Which of the following non-sense words illustrates a vowel pattern that is highly consistent in its pronunciation? A. Stook B. Troan C. Spow D. Mough


The Catholic Church most influenced which of the following developments in medieval Europe? A. the settlement of new lands B. the revival of trade C. the emergence of universities D. the growth of towns


The narrator of the poem can best be characterized as: A. angry at himself. B. seeking to evade emotional pain through restless activity. C. desperate for human companionship. D. unwilling to acknowledge the fact of his wife's death.


Which of the following best describes a shared aim of the voyages of exploration commanded by John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, and Henry Hudson? A. to control the North American fur trade B. to discover a westward route to Asia C. to establish bases for the destruction of Spanish shipping D. to convert American Indians to Christianity


Which of the following best describes the geographical setting in which the first civilizations of Asia and Africa emerged? A. mountainous areas where settlements could be easily defended against invasion B. river valleys where there was an abundance of fertile soil and fresh water C. inland prairies where families could subsist on food obtained from hunting and gathering activities D. elevated plateaus where there was ample grazing land for cattle and sheep


Which of the following best describes the significance of a major military development of the American Revolution? A. The British victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) forced patriot leaders to abandon plans to conquer Canada. B. The victories of troops commanded by George Rogers Clark gave the Americans control of the southern colonies for much of the war. C. The patriot victory at the Battle of Saratoga (1777) prompted France to sign a treaty with American leaders. D. The victories of ships commanded by John Paul Jones forced Great Britain to abandon its blockade of American coastal areas.


Which of the following best illustrates the influence of ancient Rome on the later development of European civilization? A. the art and architecture of Spain B. the legal code of France C. the educational system of Great Britain D. the literature of Germany


Which of the following can be considered a shortcoming of Progressive Era politics in California and the U.S. in the early 20th century? A. Failed to bring about women's suffrage B. Failed to end Asian exclusionary laws C. Failed to support temperance and bring about prohibition D. Failed to attack urban plight


Which of the following civilizations developed the first democratic form of government? A. Roman Empire B. Ancient Greece C. Achaemenid Empire D. Zhou dynasty


Which option best exemplifies an author's use of alliteration and personification? A. Her mood hung about her like a weary cape, very dull from wear B. It shuddered, swayed, shook, and screamed its way into dust under hot flames C. The house was a starch sentry, warning visitors D. At it's shoreline, visitors swore they heard the siren call of the cliffs above


Which Supreme Court decision struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine?

Brown vs. Board of Education

"a famous children's author recently published a historical fiction novel under a pseudonym; however it did not sell as many copies as her children's books. In her earlier years, she had majored in history and earned a graduate degree in antebellum American History, which is the time frame of the novel. Critics praised this newest work far more than the children's series that made her famous. In fact, her new novel was nominated for the prestigious Albert J. Beveridge Award but still isn't selling liker her children's books, which is fly off the shelves because of her name alone." Which of the following statements might be accurately inferred based on the above passage? A. The famous children's author produced an inferior book under her pseudonym B. The famous children's author is the foremost expert on Antebellum America C. The famous children's author did not receive the bump in publicity for her historical novel that it would have received if it were written under her given name D. People generally prefer to read children's series than historical fiction


Hinduism most strongly influenced which of the following features of ancient Indian civilization? A. principles of economic exchange B. structure and organization of government C. relations among social groups D. methods of scientific investigation


In which of the following sentences is the underlined word used correctly? A. When my supervisor spoke with me, she inferred that I'd better start showing up on time. B. To what do you infer this sudden change in the weather? C. When I made that remark, I didn't mean to imply that you had caused a problem. D. I'm not sure it's possible to imply much of anything from this data.


Read the excerpt from a speech below; then answer the two questions that follow. While Washington, D.C., does send a delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, this official cannot cast a vote on the floor of the House or in committee, leaving D.C. residents without an effective voice in Congress. Like Americans living in every other part of the country, however, residents of the District pay federal income taxes. (Indeed, the per capita income tax paid by D.C. residents is higher than in all but a handful of states.) It is a bitter irony that the only other U.S. citizens who are denied full voting rights are convicted felons. Some D.C. residents now compare their plight to that of pre- Revolutionary War colonists; the phrase "No taxation without representation" has become something of a local rallying cry. Which sentence most strongly suggests that the speech is persuasive in its intent? A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 4 D. Sentence 5


Read the paragraph below; then answer the question that follows. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the regular meeting site of an international society of engineers who specialize in bridge building. This choice of locale is no accident. Pittsburgh is famous for the dozens of bridges spanning the city's three rivers. Almost every conceivable type of bridge can be found in or around Pittsburgh. Many of these bridges have idiosyncratic features, due to the unique requirements posed by the city's undulating terrain. Which of the following is the topic sentence of this paragraph? A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4


Read the passage below from The Promised Land, a memoir by Mary Antin that was first published in 1912; then answer the question that follows. What happened next was Dover Street. And what was Dover Street? Ask rather, What was it not? Dover Street was my fairest garden of girlhood, a gate of paradise, a window facing on a broad avenue of life. Dover Street was a prison, a school of discipline, a battlefield of sordid strife. The air in Dover Street was heavy with evil odors of degradation, but a breath from the uppermost heavens rippled through, whispering of infinite things. In Dover Street the dragon poverty gripped me for a last fight, but I overthrew the hideous creature, and sat on his neck as a throne. In Dover Street I was shackled with a hundred chains of disadvantage, but with one free hand I planted little seeds, right there in the mud of shame, that blossomed into the honeyed rose of widest freedom. In Dover Street there was often no loaf on the table, but the hand of some noble friend was ever in mine. The night in Dover Street was rent with the cries of wrong, but the thunders of truth crashed through the pitiful clamor and died out in prophetic silences. Which of the following qualitative factors would likely contribute most significantly to the difficulty level of the passage for sixth-grade students? A. the author's use of conventions of the memoir genre B. demands on students' knowledge of a specific setting C. the author's use of figurative language to express ideas D. demands on students' knowledge of archaic language


The Catholic Church most influenced which of the following developments in medieval Europe? A. the settlement of new lands B. the revival of trade C. the emergence of universities D. the growth of towns


This passage is for questions 13-14 "I have to admit that when my father bought an RV, I thought he was making a huge mistake. In fact, I even thought he might have gone a little bit crazy. I did not really know anything about recitational vehicles, but I knew that my dad was as big a "city slicker" as there was. On trips to the beach, he preferred to swim at the pool, and whenever he went hiking, he avoided touching any plants for fear that they might be poison ivy. Why would this man, with an almost irrational fear of the outdoors, want a 40-foot camping behemoth? The RV was a great purchase for our family and brought us all closer together. Every morning we would wake up, eat breakfast, and broke camp. We laughed at our own comical attempts to back the beat into spaces that seemed impossibly small. We rejoiced when we figured out how to "hack" a solution to a nagging technological problem. When things inevitably went wrong and we couldn't solve the problem on our own, we discovered the incredible helpfulness and friendliness of the RV community. We even made some new friends in the process. Above all, owning the RV allowed us to share adventures traveling across America that we could not have experienced in cars and hotels. Enjoying a campfire on a chilly summer evening with the mountains of Glacier National Park in the background, or waking up early in the morning to see the sun rising over the distant spires of the Arches National Park are memories that will always stay with me and our entire family. Those are also memories that my siblings and I have now shared with our own children. How should the author change sentence 11? A. Above all, it will allow us to share adventures traveling across America that we could not have experienced in cars and hotels B. Above all, it allows you " " C. Above all, it allowed us " " D. Above all, it allows them " "


Timed oral reading can be used to assess: A. Phonics B. Listening comprehension C. Reading rate D. Background knowledge


Use the list below to answer the question that follows. • Annual floods enriched lands used for farming and cattle raising. • Timber and iron ore deposits provided the basis for a thriving iron industry. • Its capital city was strategically located on major trade routes. • Riches from gold and emerald mines added to the kingdom's prosperity. The geographic characteristics listed above best describe which of the following ancient civilizations? A. Israel B. Phoenicia C. Kush D. Persia


Use the map below to answer the question that follows. The light land area on the map above illustrates the geographic extent of which of the following empires? A. the Egyptian Empire in the eleventh century B.C.E. (B.C.) B. the empire of Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C.E. (B.C.) C. the Roman Empire in the first century B.C.E. (B.C.) D. the empire of Charlemagne in the ninth century C.E. (A.D.)


Which line in the table below best matches an American colony with a major motive for the establishment of that colony? Line Colony Motive 1 Virginia to establish a haven for religious and political dissenters 2 Massachusetts Bay to create a Bible commonwealth 3 Georgia to provide land for settlers from Virginia and Barbados 4 Pennsylvania to supply Britain with timber and iron A. Line 1 B. Line 2 C. Line 3 D. Line 4


Which of the following revisions of a sentence would best improve the style of the passage? A. Sentence 1: Political opposition in Congress led to the defeat of John Quincy Adams by Andrew Jackson in the presidential election of 1828. B. Sentence 3: The opposition was led by Senator Martin Van Buren, who hailed from New York. C. Sentence 5: Van Buren cleverly made it appear that Adams had raised tariffs on imported goods. D. Sentence 7: The party that occurred during the inauguration could not be contained within the walls of the White House.


Which of the following was an important factor in the abandonment of Radical Republican plans for Reconstruction? A. the establishment of the sharecropping system B. the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson C. the outcome of the 1876 presidential election D. the westward migration of African Americans from the South


Which of these is NOT a true statement? A. Culture derives from beliefs, values, and behaviors of people in a community B. All people are born into a certain culture C. Cultures are stagnant and can't be changed D. Culture can be embedded within families, schools, businesses, social classes, and religions


Which political orientation emphasizes maintaining traditions and stability over progress and change?


An extensive oral vocabulary is most likely to contribute to a reader's decoding skills by helping the reader: A. Apply phonics generalizations to sound out the word B. Use syntactic cues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word C. Relate an unfamiliar word to known words with similar spellings D. recognizing a word after sounding it out


On the eve of European colonization, most of California's American Indians belonged to: A. pastoral societies in which people domesticated herd animals for food and clothing. B. horticultural societies in which people cultivated a variety of crops for consumption and exchange. C. handicraft societies in which artisans produced a wide range of trade goods. D. hunting and gathering societies in which people fished, hunted, and harvested wild plants.


Read the excerpt below from the Hausa folk tale "The Rabbit, the Elephant, and the Giraffe"; then answer the two questions that follow. The rabbit once suggested to the elephant that they should farm in partnership. "You can clear the bush" he said "and I'll burn the trees when you have pushed them over." The elephant agreed and began pushing over trees to clear the land. The rabbit next went to the giraffe and suggested to him too that they should go into farming together. "I'll push over the trees" he said "and you can burn them." The giraffe agreed and went and burnt all the trees which the elephant had previously pushed over. As for the rabbit, he just took care that neither the elephant nor the giraffe knew what the other was doing. This passage is typical of many traditional folk tales in its: A. subtle characterization. B. satire of inept government officials and political factions. C. intricate plot. D. inclusion of a character who is a trickster.


Read the following poem. Which option best describes the use of the spider? "The spider as an artist Has never been employed Though his surpassing merit Is freely certified By every broom and Bridget Throughout a Christian land. Neglected son of genius, I take thee by the hand- Emily Dickinson, "Cobwebs" A. Idiom B. Haiku C. ABBA rhyming convention D. Simile


Read the following poem. Which option best expresses the symbolic meaning of the "road" and the overall theme? "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference- Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken"" A. A divergent spot where the traveler had to choose the correct path to his destination B. A choice between good and evil that the traveler needs to make C. The traveler's struggle between his lost love and future prospects D. Life's journey and the choices with which humans are faced


Read the following poem. Which option describes its corresponding meter? "Half a league, half a league Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. 'Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!' he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. -Alfred Lord Tennyson "The Charge of the Light Brigade" A. Iambic (unstressed/stressed syllables) B. Anapest (unstressed/unstressed/stressed) C. Spondee (stressed/stressed) D. Dactyl (stressed/unstressed/unstressed)


Read the poem below, "The Creature" by Gary Soto; then answer the two questions that follow. This morning something Perched like a bird On my left shoulder, And was silent. If I brushed it away, It reappeared Like a premonition. If I ran, It clawed deep Into my coat, My wool coat, And closed its eyes— Or what I thought Were its eyes. So, here I was Walking the town Perplexed like a priest, My neck stiff As a new beard, And no friend Waving ¡Hola! That afternoon I prayed and lit A candle for the spirit Of my wife Dead two years, And still this Creature tightened And yawned Into my ear. At supper in my room, It ate my bread And the handle Of a sharp knife. To that I said Enough! And left hatless For the cantina, Where again the creature Lay on my shoulder Like the hand of someone Bearing grief. In this poem, the image of "the creature" most clearly symbolizes the: A. psychological disorientation that results from loss of religious faith. B. self-destructive dimensions of human behavior. C. fragmented consciousness that results from self-deception. D. unavoidable, persistent anguish of personal loss.


The government established by the Articles of Confederation was designed primarily to: A. create a uniform legal system for the new nation. B. mobilize the nation's resources for war. C. promote economic development in the new nation. D. protect the sovereignty of the states.


The last two lines of the poem most clearly support which of the following themes? A. the importance of perseverance B. the cowardice of individuals who deny their true feelings C. the triumph of courage over fear D. the isolation and alienation of modern life


The modern day debate over illegal immigration in California is mostly a debate over which of the following categories? A. Politics B. Race relations and diversity C. Economics D. All the above


Use the excerpt below from the "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 to answer the question that follows. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, following unchangingly the same object, shows a plan to bring them under absolute control and tyranny, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new safeguards for their future security. Such has been the patient suffering of women under this government, and such is now the necessity which forces them to demand the equal position to which they are entitled. Which of the following was the main reason that the authors of the declaration employed the language used in the excerpt above? A. to demand that public officials extend to women the freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights B. to link the demands of women to the grievances of the Revolutionary generation C. to remind Americans of the contributions that women made to the struggle for independence D. to urge women to organize a movement to replace the U.S. Constitution


Which line in the table below correctly identifies both a major advantage possessed by the Union and a major advantage possessed by the Confederacy at the beginning of the Civil War? Line Union Advantage Confederate Advantage 1 greater political unity superior transportation network 2 closer relations with foreign powers greater food-production capabilities 3 more powerful navy larger population 4 stronger manufacturing base more experienced officer corps A. Line 1 B. Line 2 C. Line 3 D. Line 4


Which of the following lead to the American Revolution? A. The Stamp Act B. The Boston Massacre C. The Boston Tea Party D. All of the above


Which of the following research questions would provide the most appropriate starting point for an objective investigation of issues raised in this excerpt? A. Are there other respects in which D.C. residents lack full citizenship rights? B. Are there any groups of citizens other than felons who are denied voting rights? C. Why do D.C. residents pay relatively high per capita income taxes? D. What arguments are raised by opponents of Congressional representation for D.C.?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the Achaemenid Empire in Persia until the fourth century BCE? A. Islam was the first official region B. Achaemenid emperors constructed the entire silk road network C. The Achaemenid Empire successfully conquered Greece D. None of the above


Which of the following word identification strategies typically is most advanced? A. applying phonics knowledge B. using context clues C. recognizing sight words D. analyzing word structure


Which rhetorical device is being used in the following passage? "we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that government of people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish form the earth." A. Antimetabole B. Antiphrasis C. Anaphora D. Epiphora


Word walls are used to: A. Allow students to share words they find interesting B. Present words utilized in a current unit of study C. Specify words that students are to utilize within writing assignments D. All of the above


Longitudinal lines are used to measure distance in which direction?

East to West

Which text feature does NOT help a reader locate information in printed or digital text?


The author's purpose, major ideas, supporting details, visual aids, and vocabulary are the five key elements of what type of text?

Informational texts

What caused the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE?

Invasions by Germanic tribes

What social consequence(s) did the Black Death have in Europe?

It eroded serfdom

When students study character development, setting, and plot, what are they studying?

Literary analysis of a text

When students use inference, what are they able to do?

Make logical assumptions based on contextual clues

Which political theorist considered violence necessary in order for a ruler to maintain political power and stability?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Latitudinal lines are used to measure distance in which direction?

North to South

When children begin to negotiate the sound that make up words in their language independently, what skill/s are they demonstrating

Phonological awareness

Which political concept describes a ruling body's ability to influence the actions, behaviors, or attitudes of a person or community?


Story maps, an effective instructional tool, do NOT help children in what way?

Read at a faster pace

Which feature differentiates a state from a nation?


What area of study involves mechanics, usage, and sentence formation?

Spelling conventions

What was the name of the incipient revolt led by the oft-overlooked American settler, William Ide, in 1846, which led to the halfhearted creation of the "California Republic"?

The Bear Flag Revolt

Which of the following would be an example of a xenophobic policy in the U.S. history that affected race relations in California history?

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

California was ceded to the U.S. following what North American conflict?

The Mexican-American War

In 1849, what geographic landmark was designated as the eastern line of demarcation for the state of California?

The Sierra Crest

What is phonics?

The study of sound-letter relationships

Which type of map illustrates the world's climatological regions?

Thematic map

How do the majority of high-frequency sight words differ from decodable words?

They do not follow the Alphabetic Principle

Why did migrants travel to California during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?

They wanted to find work in the expanding agricultural economy of California

Which political theorist is considered the father of the social contract theory?

Thomas Hobbes

In which manner is absolute location expressed?

Through latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates

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