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At which temperature does water have particles with a greater average kinetic energy than water with a temperature of 30°C?


Which image shows both potential and kinetic energy?


Bridget is riding her bicycle up a hill. Which statements are correct? Select five options.

Bridget is transferring energy to the bicycle. The bicycle is using energy to do work. Bridget has kinetic energy. The bicycle has potential energy. The bicycle has mechanical energy.

Which image best represents an animal exhibiting kinetic energy?


Which statement best defines energy?

Energy is the ability to do work.

Which feature of nuclear fission reactions allows these reactions to take place in a chain reaction?

Neutrons start the reaction and are released during it.

Which statement is supported by Kepler's laws?

The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it moves.

The diagram shows a ball resting at the top of a hill. Which statement best describes the energy in this system?

The potential energy in the system is greatest at X.

What causes the air above a pot of boiling water to become warm?

The water vapor transfers thermal energy to the air.

Four people make observations recorded in the table. Which best describes what the observations have in common?

They involve changes in energy.

What is the overall energy transformation in a coal-fired power plant?

chemical to electrical

The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on which feature of the object?

its motion

The image shows a type of fault. What stress causes this type of fault to form?


Which shows the temperatures of three substances, in order, from greatest to least?

water vapor, water, ice

Classify the forms of energy described in each scenario by filling in the correct term.

A windmill's blades move from the blowing wind. The movement of the blades represents kinetic energy. The visible light that allows people to see where they are going describes radiant energy.

What is Albert Einstein's contribution to the understanding of nuclear energy?

He proposed that matter can be converted to energy and vice versa.

The total energy in a system is 675 J. The kinetic energy changes from 296 J to 432 J. Which statement best describes the potential energy of this system?

It changes from 379 J to 243 J.

This table shows four examples of experiments. Which describes who will record their measurements in joules?

Lily, Astrid, Henry, and Bob

Study this image. Which statement correctly explains what is happening?

Oceanic and continental plates are colliding.

What must happen for most areas on Earth to experience all four seasons?

The axis must be tilted at a certain angle that remains unchanged.

Taro stated that when someone hits a golf ball with a club, the amount of energy the ball has changes, the amount of energy that the club has changes, and the total energy of the system that includes the ball and the club increases. Which best explains Taro's error?

The total energy of the system remains the same.

A catapult's lever holds a cannonball. The lever is attached to a tightly held rope. When the rope is released, the lever springs forward and launches the cannonball. When the rope is held tightly, which form of energy does it possess?


Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is nearest to X-rays?

gamma rays

Use the drop-down menus to complete the statement and describe how energy relates to work.

✔ Work transfers ✔ energy between objects.

A soccer ball is traveling at a velocity of 50 m/s. The kinetic energy of the ball is 500 J. What is the mass of the soccer ball? (Formula: )

0.4 kg

Kyle has a mass of 54 kg and is jogging at a velocity of 3 m/s. What is Kyle's kinetic energy? (Formula: )

243 J

What is the kinetic energy of a ball with a mass of 0.5 kg and a velocity of 10 m/s? (Formula:)

25 J

A 40 kg dog is sitting on top of a hillside and has a potential energy of 1,568 J. What is the height of the hillside? (Formula: PE = mgh)

4.0 m

A car is moving at 12 m/s and has a mass of 600 kg. What is the kinetic energy of the car? (Formula: )

43,200 J

A roller coaster train with a mass of 500 kg stops at the top of a hill. If the hill is 110 m high, what is the potential energy of the train?

539,000 J

Which is equal to a temperature of 20°C?


A skier with a potential energy of 137,200 J waits on top of a ski jump that is 200 m high. What is the mass of the skier?

70 kg

A conveyer belt moves a 40 kg box at a velocity of 2 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the box while it is on the conveyor belt?

80 J

A roller coaster with a potential energy of 235,200 J sits at the top of a 30 m high hill. What is the mass of the roller coaster? (Formula: PE = mgh)


A sled is at rest at the top of a slope 2 m high. The sled has a mass of 45 kg. What is the sled's potential energy? (Formula: PE = mgh)

882 J

A circuit has a current of 2 A. If the resistance in the circuit decreases to one-fourth of its original amount while the voltage remains constant, what will be the resulting current?


Eddie and Val observed the picture of an athlete running in a race. Eddie stated the picture shows potential energy being transformed to kinetic energy. Val stated that it shows chemical energy being transformed to mechanical energy. Which best explains who is correct?

Both Eddie and Val are correct because chemical energy is a type of potential energy and mechanical energy includes kinetic energy.

When Anna eats an apple, the sugars in that apple are broken down into the substance called glucose. Glucose is then burned in her body for energy. One of the body parts that needs this energy is the heart, which beats due to electrical impulses. A byproduct of this glucose breakdown is the heat that warms her body and is later released. Which identifies the energy transformations that take place in Anna's body as this process takes place?

Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.

Which statements describe kinetic and potential energy? Check all that apply.

Energy can be stored in the position of an object. Energy can be stored in the position of the particles that make up a substance. Energy exists as movement of the particles of a substance. Energy is greater in faster-moving particles than in slower-moving particles.

Abin is doing work by lifting a bowling ball. Which statement could be made about the energy in this situation?

Energy is being transferred from his arm muscles to the ball.

Doug is doing work. Without knowing exactly what he is doing, which can be said about the work he is doing?

Energy is transferred.

Hedea made a study chart about nuclear energy. Which best describes the error in Hedea's chart?

Fission and fusion convert nuclear energy to both radiant and thermal energy.

Mateo's parents are thinking about investing money to help develop a new fusion power plant. Which issue is most important to consider before making the investment?

Fusion requires high temperatures and pressures, so how have they reduced the energy cost for it?

What did Johannes Kepler contribute to the study of planets?

He provided mathematical support for the heliocentric model.

Ella has a mass of 56 kg, and Tyrone has a mass of 68 kg. Ella is standing at the top of a skateboard ramp that is 1.5 meters tall. Which conclusion is best supported by the given information?

If Tyrone stands at the top of a 2 m high ramp, his potential energy will be greater than Ella's.

Mintu wants to increase the heat transfer between a metal iron and another piece of metal he wants to shape. He decides to increase the time the two metals are in contact, use a larger metal iron, and use a new metal material with a higher specific heat. Where is Mintu's error?

Mintu should have chosen a material with a lower specific heat.

Oran wants to model the behavior of Earth's magnetic field when Earth's magnetic south is near Earth's geographic north using a ball, a bar magnet, and a compass. He designates the top of the ball as Earth's geographic north. Which model in the table would most likely represent Oran's model?

Model 4

Which best describes a difference between energy transformations in power plants and dams?

Only power plants use fossil fuels to transform energy.

Savion listed the steps involved when nuclear power plants generate electricity. Nuclear reaction occurs. Nuclear energy is converted to radiant and thermal energy. Heat is used to generate steam. Light and heat are released. Steam turns turbines. Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. Which best explains how to correct Savion's error?

Reorder the steps so that step 4 appears before step 3.

How are the electric field lines around a positive charge affected when a second positive charge is near it?

The field lines bend away from the second positive charge.

A nuclear power plant is scheduled to undergo a retrofitting. What is the most likely outcome of the change?

The power plant will recycle the water it uses to cool the reactor.

Which compares the problems associated with radioactive waste created from generating electricity using fusion reactions to waste created from generating electricity using fission reactions?

The radioactive waste from fusion reactions becomes less hazardous much sooner than the waste from fission reactions.

A yellow ball with a mass of 2 kg is rolling across the floor at 3 m/s. A red ball with a mass of 3 kg is rolling across the same floor at 3 m/s. Which ball has greater kinetic energy, and why?

The red ball has greater kinetic energy, because it has a greater mass.

Wood has chemical energy, which can be used to generate thermal and radiant energy when burned in a fireplace. Which best explains what happens to the total amount of energy in this scenario?

The total energy in the system increases because chemical energy creates thermal and radiant energy.

Which statement best describes how a wave would move differently through a pot of boiling water than the steam created from it?

The wave would move faster through the water than through the steam.

Which best explains why water boils in a pot sitting over fire?

Thermal energy from the fire moves to the water in the form of heat.

Which statement best describes wavelengths of sunlight that are longer than 700 nanometers?

These wavelengths form the infrared part of the spectrum.

Which statement best describes monsoons?

They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind.

The metal aluminum coils in an air conditioner conduct thermal energy from inside the house and release it outside the house. What can be said about the coils when they are accepting the heat inside the house?

They must be cooler than the air inside the house.

Which statement best describes heat and thermal energy?

They represent different concepts.

Gabriel is performing an experiment in which he is measuring the energy and work being done by a ball rolling down a hill. Which statement best describes Gabriel's measurements?

They will both be recorded in joules.

Which statement best defines the relationship between work and energy?

Work can transfer energy between objects and cause a change in the form of energy.

Fill in the term that best completes the statement.

Work transfers energy between objects.

How does work affect energy between objects so it can cause a change in the form of energy?

Work transfers energy.

Olivia is on a swing at the playground. If the swing is moving from W to Z, at which point is her kinetic energy increasing and her potential energy decreasing? (based on a starting point of W)


The image shows a dam. Which descriptions best fit the labels?

X: potential energyY: kinetic energy

Which activity directly converts energy from the Sun into chemical energy?

a bean plant making its own food to grow

Bees can see into the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Compared with humans, bees can sense electromagnetic waves that have

a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength.

Which substance has the most thermal energy and will have the most heat flow from it?

a nuclear reactor core (1000°C)

What was discovered in 1965 and is believed to be leftover thermal energy from the big bang?

background radiation

Badri makes the table below to review the factors that affect the electric force between objects. Which change will correct the error in Badri's table?

changing "Mass" to "Amount of electric charge"

Which correctly lists the three methods of heat transfer?

conduction, convection, radiation

Which substance is most likely to heat up the fastest?

copper (specific heat of .39 /g • C°)

What kind of energy involves the flow of charged particles?


Which best describes the direction of heat?

from a warmer substance to a cooler substance

If a cup of coffee is at 90°C and a person with a body temperature of 36°C touches it, how will heat flow between them?

from the cup to the hand

Johanna is studying what happens to the energy as a ball rolls down a ramp. What is one form of energy that she is studying?

gravitational potential energy

Based on illustrations of magnetic field lines, where could an object be placed so it would not experience a magnetic force?

halfway between the like poles of two magnets, because the field lines bend away and do not enter this area

Which of these actions would increase heat transfer between two objects?

increasing the area of their contact

Which types of electromagnetic waves have wavelengths that are longer than those of visible light but shorter than those of microwaves?

infrared light

What are the two main types of energy?

kinetic and potential

Boat A and Boat B have the same mass. Boat A's velocity is three times greater than that of Boat B. Compared to the kinetic energy of Boat B, the kinetic energy of Boat A is

nine times as much.

Inside stars in space, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium atoms. This represents which form of energy?

nuclear energy

Energy can be transformed from one form to another. The diagram shows one such process. Which energy transformation is represented in the diagram?

nuclear to thermal and radiant

The sun emits electromagnetic waves at many frequencies, but mostly in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectrums. What kind of energy is this?


Plants are responsible for a very important energy transformation, as shown. Which energy transformation does the picture best illustrate?

radiant to chemical

Solar-powered cars use energy from the Sun to work. A panel on the car absorbs light energy from the Sun, which then generates an electric current. This electric current, in turn, allows the car to move. Which shows the correct order of energy transformations that take place in a solar-powered car?

radiant, electrical, mechanical

Two examples of energy transformations are shown. The energy transformations are similar because they both involve transformations that

result in radiant energy

Joshua is holding a book near shoulder-height. Use the drop-down menus to indicate what happens to the gravitational potential energy of the book if he places it on each shelf.

shelf A ✔ increases shelf B ✔ stays the same shelf C ✔ decreases

Which best defines energy?

the ability to do work

Which factors affect heat transfer between a warm and a cool substance?

the amount of time of contact, the area of contact, and the specific heats of the substances

Ixchelt burns her tongue when she takes a sip of hot coffee from her mug. Which part of this example represents heat?

the thermal energy moving from the coffee to her tongue

A burner on a stove produces

thermal energy

A positively charged object is placed to the left of a negatively charged object. Which best describes how the positively charged object will move?

to the right, in the direction of the electric field lines

A crane lifts a cargo box 10 m off the ground. If the crane lifts the cargo box twice as high, the potential energy will increase by

two times

Which element is the primary fuel used to generate electricity using nuclear energy?


Which two factors are used to calculate the kinetic energy of an object?

velocity and mass

If Jerome is swinging on a rope and transferring energy from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy, what is being done?


Which shows the formula for converting from kelvins to degrees Celsius?

°C = K - 273

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