Daily Math Practice
How many days in a week?
7 days
What are the names of the months?
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
What are the names of the days in a week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
How much is a penny worth?
1 cent
How much is a dime worth?
10 cents
How many hours in a half day?
12 hours
How many inches in a foot?
12 inches
How many months in year?
12 months
How many hours in a full day?
24 hours
How much is a quarter worth?
25 cents
How many feet in a yard?
3 feet
How many minutes in a half hour?
30 minutes
How many inches in a yard?
36 inches
How many days in a year?
365 days
How many days in a leap year?
366 days
How many seasons in a year?
4 seasons
How much is a nickle worth?
5 cents
How many weeks in a year?
52 weeks
How many minutes in an hour?
60 minutes
How many seconds in a minute?
60 seconds
What are the names of the place values?
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones, Tenths, Hundredths
What are the names of the seasons?
fall/autumn, spring, summer, winter