Dance terms
100 ft pole 13x makes you a better person
What do dance anthropologist explore?
Dance anthropologist explore idioms and sources of power of dance by viewing it in social & cultural contexts
What four types of dances used for religious purposes?
Imitative, medicine, commemorative, spiritual
What is ritual dance?
Traditional clusters of movement used to worship and appease the gods & to hold magical and spiritual powers
Another important tradition of religious dance is from sub saharan africa...
Yorubs, dental
some cultures value cooperation over competitiveness. How is this reflected in dance?
cooperation- all dancing at the same time competitiveness- men competer for women
four types of world-wide social dances
courtship, work, war, communal
Plato and aristotle thought
every educated man should know how to dance gracefully
folk dances imitating work
fisherman's: coastal areas Woodsmen's: Romania Czech
spains couple dancing
flamenco, sensuality, foot, gypsy
what kinds of behaviors are taught through social dance
gender roles/how to be polite
platonic ideals
harmony, modesty, order
communication between two realms
initiate, orishas, Egungus, osun
Dances approved by the early church fathers were
labyrinth and processional
How do the dances of polynesia differ from morocco?
morocco separates sexes
what was the origin of african step dancing
motivational war dances
Sacred hindu tradition relates how the world was created through
shiva, vishnu, krishna, Rama
Dance channels communication of important messages
social skills
By the fifteenth century, dancing masters were writing manuals of ___ and ___ and giving daily dancing lessons in the European courts
steps, etiquette
what culture allows for more self expression than this
village dance of Nigeria
The dance stresses two complementary styles of movement
virtuosity, expressivisity