Dates of American revolution
During this year, Thomas Paine released his pamphlets called, Common Sense
On this date, British soldiers went to Concord to find guns, powder, and to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock. This is also when Paul Revere mad his famous midnight ride.
April 18, 1775
This date was when George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware Rv, to surprise an encampment of Hessians, Battle of Trenton
December 25, 1776
This day was when the Declaration of Independence was signed by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adam's. It listed 27 grievances against King George III
July 4, 1776
On this day, George Washington became the Commander in chief of the Continental Army
June 15, 1775
On this date, Patrick Henry gave in of the most famous calls to arms, "Give me liberty or give me death!"
March 23, 1775
This is the date when the document that ended the American revolutionary war .
Treaty of Paris, September 3, 1783
This year was when the Americans suffered a harsh winter due to poor cloths, hungry, and badly housed and 2500 American soldiers died.
Valley Forge, 77-78