DC Circuits 2 chapter 5

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IR3=25.4mA, RT=200ohms, ER3=12V

12v llR1 20mA llR2 820ohms llR3 ET= 12V, IR1=20mA, R2 = 820 ohms, and IT =60mA

5 volts

A 100 ohms and a 220 ohms resistor are connected in parallel with a 5v source. What is the voltage across each of the resistors?


A common connection for two or more components.


A parallel circuit consists of branches connected across a power source.

RT= 100/5 ohms RT =2 ohms

A parallel circuit with five 100 ohm resistors.


A parallel circuit with three current paths, each path is called a ______.


A point at which two or more components are connected

decrease, increase, increase

A short across the branch of a parallel circuit causes RT ______, IT to ____, and PT to _____.

VR2= 118v ; Vs = 118v

A voltmeter connected across R1 measures 118 v. If you move the meter and connect it across R2 how much voltage will it indicate? What is the source voltage?

resistance of a parallel circuit, current

Additional branchers in parallel will further reduce the total ___ and increase the total ______.


An ammeter is inserted in _____ to measure current at the circuit location where it is connected.

increase, decrease, decrease

An open branch in a pareallel circuit causes RT to ___ IT to _____, and PT to ______.


By connecting three batteries in ___, the current capacity they can supply to the load triples.


Calculate the total power using each of the three formulas voltage, current, and resistance. 12v ll10ohms ll10ohms

RT= 1/ 1/80k ohms +1/20k ohms +1/4k ohms RT=1/.0125 + .05 + .25 Rt=1/.3125 RT= 3.2k ohms

Calulate R1 80kohms ll R2 20k ohms ll R3 4k ohms

237mA, R1

ET ll R1 ll R2 ll R3IR1= 44mA, IR2= 90mA, and IR3= 1003mA. What is IT? ____ Which resistor has the highest ohm value? ___


Each path in a parallel circuit is called a ____________.


Each path of a parallel circuit is called a _____.


Each path through which current flows in a aprallel circuit is called a ______.

is less than 500 ohms

Eight resistors are in parallel. Two lowest-value resistors are both 1.0 k ohms. The total resistance is

More then 2 parallel resistors

Explain the resistance formula RT= 1/1/R1+1/R2+1/R3

2 parallel resistors

Explain the resistance formula RT= R1xR2/R1xR2

2 or more parallel Resistors of equal valves

Explain the resistance formula RT=R/N

RT=449 Ohms

If a 5.5 k ohms, 22 k ohms and 500ohms resistors are connected in parallel, What is RT?


If there are a total of 100 mA into a parallel circuit consisting of three branches and two of the branch currents are 40mA and 20mA, the third branch current is

parallel circuit

In a __________ _______, two or more current paths are connected between the same two terminals of a power source.

R1 is open

In a certin three-branch parallel circuit, R1 has 10mA through it R2 has 15mA through it, and R3 has 20mA through it. After measuring a total current of 35mA, you can say that

10 mA

In a four-branch parallel circuit, there are 10mA of current in each branch. If one of the branches opens, the current in each of the other three branches is


In a parallel circuit the current in each path in (directly, inversely) proportional to the resistance of the path.

P=VxI,P=I2xR, P= V2/R

List the three formulas that can be used to cal culate power when you are given voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R).


One current path in a parallel circuit

Consumes power from a source to perform work

One definition of a load is a device that______.

The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always smaller than the smallest resistor in the circuit.

One whay to evaluate your answer when using any of the three methods is based on an important rule, which states:

total Resistance if all resister are the same

RT=RN is the formula for what?


Solve for RT in the crcuit 12v ll R1 12kohms ll R2 12 ohms ll R3 12kohms

1. use the general form of the equation. 2. plug in the resistor designations from the actual circuit. 3. list the value of the resistors. 4. Now solve the equation.

Step-by-step process to eliminate needless mistakes.


The ___ the number of branches in a parallel circuit, the larger the total resistance.

inversely proportional to its resistance.

The amount of current that flows through each branch is ...

9 amps

The currents flowing through the branches equal the total circuit current (IT) of ___ amps IR1 2A ll IR2 4A ll IR3 3A

Two or more resistor in parallel with the same value.

The formula RT=R/n to determin the resistance of _____.


The higher the branch resistance, the ____ the current


The lower the branch resistance, the ___ the current


The lower the branch resistance, the ____ the current

Product- over-sum

The recommended way to determine total resistance of a parallel circuit with two unequal restors is to use the ___ method.


The total resistance is equal to thereciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of all of the ______ in the parallel circuit.

The smaller than the smallest resistor.

The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always _____.

RT= 40kx10k/40kx10k RT=400m/50k RT=8k ohms

The value of one resistor is 40k, and the value of second resistor is 10k.

Reciprocal method

To determin the resistance of parallel circuits with three or more resistors tha have different value. RT=1/1/R1+1/R2+1/R3...

Product over sum

To determine the total resistance of parallel circuits with two resistors that have different values RT=R1xR2/R1xR2


Total power dissipated in a parallel circuit is determined by the formula ___.

Value-over- sum, product-over-sum, Reciprocal method The number of resistors in value determine the one that is used.

What are the three formulas used to determine total resistance in parallel circuits


When connecting four 12 volt batteries in parallel the voltage supplied to the load is ____ volts

Value over number

Whnever every resistor in a parallel circuit has the same value the formula is RT=R/n Where, R=the value of each resistor N=the number of resistors in the circuit

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