DCP and DHA Ops

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What is the nature of command and control in a DCP/DHA environment?

-Detainee operations are conducted according to applicable laws and policies. -Staff members and the command are thoroughly familiar with applicable ARs, SOPs, directives, international laws, and administrative procedures. -Facility personnel are trained and have an effective knowledge on facility SOPs, applicable ARs, directives, international laws, and administrative procedures. -Safety and well-being of all personnel operating and housed within the detention facility are maintained and risk management principles are applied to mitigate risks associated with potential hazards. -Standards, policies, and SOPs for detainee operations are developed and implemented to ensure compliance with AR 190-8. -Suitable interrogation spaces and resources, to include provisions for live monitoring, are provided within the detention facility to facilitate the intelligence collection mission. Provisions may also include medical, security, and administrative support.

Roles of a detention facility commander? (cont)

-Ensures that the following items are posted in each facility in English and the language of the detainees housed there and makes them available to those without access to the posted copies: - Geneva Conventions. - Facility regulations, orders, and notices (printed in the languages of detainees/depicted in such a manner as to ensure understanding by all detainees in the facility) relating to the conduct and activities of detainees. FM 3-63 3-15. The detention facility commander maintains a copy of, and strictly accounts for, all documents (including photographs) on file as designated by the SOP or command policies. Commanders provide copies to all DOD and Army assessment or investigative authorities as requested, ensure safe and proper storage, and account for records in archives.

What do inspections consist of?

-Searches -Headcounts -Roll Calls -Bed checks -Conducts inspections, searches, head counts, roll calls, and bed checks according to the SOP. -Maintains the custody and control of detainees who may be segregated from the general population due to in-processing, administrative, or disciplinary reasons. -Annotates required checks, visits, and other procedures as directed by the SOP. Insure that guard force Has adequate transportation, communication, night vision equipment, and weapons systems (including nonlethal weapons) to accomplish their mission.

What are main gate guards and their responsibilities?

1)Performs access control duties for all personnel entering and exiting the facility. 2)Ensures that no contraband is permitted into the facility. 3)Maintains personnel registry roster. 4)Supervises entry and exit area for all detainees. 5)Initial verification of documents for newly arrived detainees. 6)Maintains communication with Control/TOC.

What are sally port guards?

1)Performs access control duties for all vehicles and drivers entering and exiting the facility. 2)Performs vehicle searches to ensure that no contraband enters the facility. 3)Maintains vehicle/personnel registry roster. 4)Maintains tool inventory accountability roster. 5)Maintains communication with Control/TOC.

What are escort guards?

1)Responsible for all aspects of the facility escort operations. 2)Conducts initial frisk search of newly arrived detainees at the holding area.

What are dining facility guards?

1)Supervises Mess operations 2)Conducts sensitive items inventory. 3)Conducts DFAC shakedowns. 4)Conducts frisk searches of detainees exiting the facility. 5)Accounts for detainees in the dining facility.

What are segregation guards (isolation)?

1)The Segregation Guard is responsible for all aspects of custody and control, care, shelter, feeding, and treatment of all detainees housed in the segregation cell block. 2)Maintains FC Form 509-1. 3)Conducts health and welfare inspections of the detainees. 4)Conducts contraband, security and safety inspections of the block. 5)Conducts headcount/rollcall and bed checks. 6)Maintains accurate accountability of detainees.

Why detainee operations?

? Detainee operations are the range of actions taken by U.S. armed forces, beginning at the POC; through movement to a DCP, DHA, or TDF; until detainee transfer, release, repatriation, death or escape. Soldiers participating in military operations must be prepared to process detainees. Actions at the POC—the point at which a Soldier has the custody of, and is responsible for safeguarding, a detainee—can directly affect mission success and could have a lasting impact on U.S. strategic military objectives

Comand and control cont.

The detention facility commander coordinates closely with MI personnel to permit the effective accomplishment of military police and MI missions at the facility by— l -Conducting regular coordination meetings with the interrogation element. -Developing an SOP (in conjunction with the joint interrogation and debriefing center (JIDC) commander/senior interrogator) to de-conflict the detention and interrogation missions. Considerations include— -The need for military police and MI personnel to use incentives for different purposes and at different times. The proper coordination between military police and MI personnel is necessary so that, when interrogators promise an approved incentive to a detainee, the military police ensure that the detainee receives the incentive and is allowed to retain it. The use of incentives must be coordinated with, and approved by, the detention facility commander. The provision and withdrawal of incentives may not affect the baseline standards of humane treatment. For example, military police may provide incentives such as special food items. When those incentives are withdrawn, however, military police must still provide the normal rations. Failure to cooperate in an intelligence interrogation cannot result in disadvantageous treatment. The withdrawal of incentives provided to similarly situated detainees must be based on disciplinary reasons or reasons of security, not failure to cooperate with HUMINT interrogations. -A system of information exchange between the military police and interrogators about the actions and behaviors of detainees and other significant events associated with detainees. -The maintenance of an effective, two-way communications system between military police and MI elements. -Training personnel at the detention facility for the mutual understanding of military police, medical, and MI missions.

What are the responsibilities of a shift supervisor?

The guard force shift supervisor is responsible for the guard force. The shift supervisor— -Is responsible for the activities of detainee populations during the tour of duty. -Monitors custody, control, and security measures. -Ensures compliance with the daily operations plan for general and close detention. Initiates emergency control measures •Maintains DA Form 1594 (daily staff journal) •Handles situations with detainees in the absence of the commander •Maintains a portion of the detainee accountability database

Command and control

When operating in detention facilities, HUMINT collectors and medical personnel are under the direction of the detention facility commander for actions involving the humane treatment, custody, and evacuation of detainees and for facility protection. Tactical control does not include the prioritization of interrogations by HUMINT personnel or intelligence and medical operations within the facility. MI and medical units or personnel will retain technical authority for their activities from the MI and medical higher headquarters, respectively. Guidance obtained through technical channels for intelligence and medical personnel may include— -Ensuring that applicable U.S. laws and regulations, international laws, execution orders, FRAGOs, and other operationally specific guidelines (for example, DOD policies) are followed. -Ensuring that approved doctrinal approaches and techniques are used properly. -Providing technical guidance for interrogation activities.

What is your responsibility as a detention facility commander?

With specific regard to detainees, the detention facility commander— -Is responsible for the administrative processing of each detainee. (When processing is complete, DA Form 2674-R [Enemy Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee Strength Report] is transmitted to the theater detainee reporting center (TDRC).) -Ensures that detainees are treated humanely. (The detention facility commander will have unfettered access to all areas and operations.) -Immediately reports allegations of detainee mistreatment through the appropriate chain of command. -Ensures that cadre and support personnel understand the different rules and procedures applicable to each category of detainee. (Military police leaders and Soldiers must be constantly aware of the category of personnel they are handling and enforce the applicable rules and regulations.) Ensures that DA Form 2674-R is prepared daily and transmitted to the TDRC

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