Death: Leading Causes
What was not included for a leading cause of death for those 45+ and 85+? What is more prevalent for the REALLY young age groups?
*45+: Homicide *85+: Suicide 3. Deformations and Chromosome Abnormalities
What leading causes of deaths were unique for the AIAN and Black population?
*AIAN: Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis *Black: Homicide and Septicemia
What are 2 key measures for assessing health of a population/country?
1. Infant Mortality 2. Life Expectancy
How many selected causes of deaths are there?
113 Causes of Death
Are ALL causes of death included in the ranking procedure?
No, not all causes of death are applicable for ranking. Deaths such as motor accidents or lung cancer are typically included in broader categories
In 1951, what did the Public Health COnference on Records and Statistics recommend to the states and agencies responsible for identifying diseases of public health?
That they adopt a uniform procedure using a standard list of causes
The rank order of any particular cause of death will depend on what?
The list of causes from which the selection is made AND the rules applied in making the decision
Are the leading causes of death also presented by race? If so, what are the categories?
Yes, race and hispanic origin. Categories: White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian or Pacific Islander *Hispanic Origins: Hispanic, Non-Hispanic White, and Non-Hispanic Black
Are the procedures used in 1952 by the NCHS (recommended by the Public Health Conference, etc.) still the same procedures they use now?
Yes, with the exception of an extended cause of death list
Compare the causes of death for younger and older groups
Younger Groups died more from external causes whereas older groups died more from chronic disease
What are a couple of ways men and women differ in leading causes of death?
*Accidents rank 3rd for men, but 6th for women *Stroke and diabetes rank 5 and 6 for men, but 3 and 7 for women *Suicide ranked 7 for men, but didn't rank for women *Males ranked 8th for Alzheimer's, but women ranked 5th
Infant Mortality: Define. What was the infant mortality in 2010? Who have higher rates: neonatal or postneonatal?
*Def: death in 1st year of life *2010 Rate: 6.15 deaths/ 1000 births *Neonatal dies MORE THAN post-neonatal
What cause of death is unique for Hispanic? What about Non-W/B?
*Hispanic Unique: Chronic Liver Disease & Cirrhosis *Non W/B Unique: Homicide
What is the leading cause of death for Hispanic population? What about for Non-Hispanic White and Non-Hispanic Black?
*Hispanic: Cancer, followed by Heart Disease *Non W/B: Heart Disease, followed by Cancer
Age & Risk of Dying: What's been the lowest age rate for mortality? What percent do 65+ and 85+ up account for? Which state has the highest mortality rate? What about the lowest?
*Lowest Rate: 5-9 ages *70% of all deaths 65+, 30% for 85+ *Mississippi = Highest *Hawaii = Lowest
What is the major difference b/w crude rates and age adjusted rates? Have adjusted rates declined or increased?
*Mortality rates (crude rate) are effected by age distribution, the determination of of changes overtime adjusts statistically for the age structure of the population A) Because all things are equal, crude birth rate increases with an older population B) Age-adjusted comparisons are made based on age structure ---Crude rates won't show that (B) ---Age-adjusted rates have declined for most recorded causes
What is the difference b/w Neonatal and Post-Neonatal Mortality?
*Neonatal: Less than 28 days after birth *Post: From 28 days to 11 months after birth
What should you make careful not to forget about age distribution for causes of death?
*Note that populations with younger people will have more deaths in homicide, HIV, and unintentional injuries. *For a pop w/ lots of old people, more people will die with Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, cancer, or a stroke
What are the age groupings for the leading causes of death? Why are these categories used? Do these groupings make a difference?
*Starts with 1 and over 1-4 25-34 65-74 5-9 35-44 75-84 10-14 45-54 85 and over 15-19 55-64 20-24 65 and over *These categories are used for more age detail *And yes, age grouping can affect the leading causes of death. A death that may not rank for 45-49, may rank for 45-54
When is and isn't Alzherimer's Disease present for causes of death?
*Present for 85+ and 65+ *Not present for below 64
What percent of deaths are accounted for those 10 causes of death?
1. 75% of ALL deaths occurring in US
Procedures for Ranking Causes of Death: How are the deaths assigned? What sort of death rates should NEVER be used to rank causes of deaths?
1. Causes are ranked according to the number of deaths assigned to that rankable cause 2. Age-adjusted death rates because this rate depends on the distribution of ages in an area. Thus these rates will vary (Ex: If more old people, more old people deaths will appear)
What was the 1st and 2nd leading cause of deaths for infants OVERALL?
1. Congenital Malformations, Deformations & Chromosome Abnormalities 2. Short Gestation and Low Birth Weight (Premature Birth)
What are the top 10 Infant Deaths in US in 2010?
1. Congenital Malformations; Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities 2. Disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight 3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 4. Newborn affected by complications of pregnancy 5. Accidents (Unintentional injuries) 6. Respiratory Distress of the Newborn 7.Newborns affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes 8. Bacterial Sepsis of Newborn 9. Diseases of circulatory system 10. Enterocolitis of Newborn
In 2010, what were the 10 leading causes of death (In order)
1. Diseases of Heart 2. Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer) 3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 4. Cerebrovascular Diseases 5. Accidents (Unintentional Injuries) 6. Alzheimer's Disease 7. Diabetes Mellitus 8. Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis (Kidney Disease) 9. Influenza & Pneumonia 10. Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide)
What are the 2 measures of population longevity? (Define each)
1. Mortality Rates= #deaths/ 100,000 people 2. Life Expectancy = # of expected years of life from birth
What was the leading cause of neonatal death? What about post-neonatal?
1. Neonatal: Short Gestation and Low Birth Weight 2. Post: SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Causes of Death By age: Did the leading cause of death vary by age group? What is it for ages 1-44? 3. What about 45-64? What about 65 and older?
1. Yes,the leading cause of death varies per age group 2. 1-44: Unintentional Injuries 3. 45-64: Cancer (Note:Ranked 4th for 10-24) 4. 65+: Heart Disease (Which is more prone to the older crowd anyways)
What is the life expectancy for the US?
78.7 years (Confusing... Said 77.9 before -_-)
In 1980, what did the NCHS introduce using mortality data?
A separate ranking procedure for infant causes of death using a specialized list of infant causes
All this info represents the leading causes of death in the US by....
Age, Sex, Race, Hispanic Origin *For Infant: Neonatal & Post-Neonatal
What causes of deaths had the largest increases? (4 of them) Which 2 have the largest decreases?
Alzheimer's Disease, Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide), kidney disease, and accidents (unintentional) *Decrease: Influenza & Pneumonia, and Heart Disease
What race group has the LOWEST mortality rates? Is having a big number for mortality rates good or bad?
Asian and Pacific Islanders *Bad
Data for the leading causes of death come from where?
Death certificates filed in the 50 states and district of Columbia
What is the leading causes of death for Black and White people? 2. What about for AIAN and API?
Heart Disease (2nd for AIAN, API) 2. Cancer (2nd for white and black)
For both men and women, what are the 2 leading causes of death? What others 2 causes of death had identical rankings for both sexes?
Heart Disease and Cancer 2.CLRD (4) and Kidney Disease (9)
What is the Cause-of-death ranking a useful tool for?
Illustrating the relative burden of cause-specific mortality (Illustrating the burden of specific causes of death)
What are the top 5 causes of death for men and women?
Men: Heart Disease, Cancer, Unintentional Injuries, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Stroke *Women: Heart Disease, Cancer,Stroke, CLRD, Alzheimer's
Does misclassfication of race have a major impact of the cause of death rankings?
Nope, not really
What are the top two causes of death?
Heart Disease and Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer)