Delegation Questions

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A nurse in an acute care setting is planning care for a group of clients at the beginning of the shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse assign to the AP?

monitor vital signs of a client who had an appendectomy 12 hr ago (others: application of an antibiotic, obtaining medical information from a stable client, removal of NG tube)

A nurse on a med-surg unit is planning to delegate tasks to an adult volunteer. Which of the following tasks should the charge nurse avoid assigning to the volunteer

observing a postoperative client who is confused

An AP reports to the client who is 3 days postop following an abdominal hysterectomy has a dressing that is saturated with blood. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to the AP?

obtain vital signs

A nurse and an experienced LPN are caring for a group of clients. Which of the following should the nurse delegate to the LPN?

obtain vital signs, administer a tap-water enema to a client who is postop, catheterize a client who has not voided in 8 hr. (others: provide discharge teaching, initiate a plan of care...)

A nurse is planning to delegate a task to an assistive personnel. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

Provide a clear description of the task to the AP

A nurse on a med-surg unit is providing care for a group of clients. The nurse should delegate collection of which of the following specimens to the AP?

Random stool specimen

A nurse is planning care for four clients and is assigning tasks to a LPN and an AP. Which of the following should the nurse assign to the LPN?

Reinforce teaching to a client to begin taking enoxaparin at home following a hip arthroplasty (others: admission assessment- RN, measure I&O- AP, Develop a plan of care- RN)

A charge nurse delegates to a LPN the task of changing a client's dressing. Several hours later the client reports that the dressing has not been changed. Which of the following

Verify the LPN knows how to do a dressing change.

A nurse and an AP are providing care for four clients who were admitted to the med-surg unit on the previous shift. The nurse should delegate meal assistance for which of the following clients to the AP?

a client who has lumbrosacral spinal tumor (NOT at risk for dysphagia)

A nurse is caring for four postop clients. The nurse can delegate vital signs to an AP for which of the following clients?

a client who is 3 days postop following gastric bypass surgery (others 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 day craniotomy)

A nurse has received change-of-shift report and is delegating tasks to the AP. The nurse should tell the AP to complete which of the following tasks first?

perform blood glucose monitoring of a client who has a prescription for short-acting insulin prior to breakfast (others: apply a condom catheter to a client who is incontinent, feed a client, deliver a clean voided urine specimen)

A charge nurse is reviewing the list of tasks that have been delegated to the AP by the staff nurse. Which of the following tasks should the charge nurse reassign to the licensed nurse?

removing and cleaning the cannula of a client who has a new tracheostomy

A nurse has several tasks to delegate to an AP. Which of the following should the AP perform first>

take an ABG specimen to the lab (others: transport to radiology, pass water, obtain urine sample)

A nurse has assigned client care activities to an AP. Which of the following statements by the AP indicates a need for assistance in establishing priorities?

"I have my assignment and will start with room 1, and then work my way to room 10"

A nurse in a long-term care facility has assigned a task to an AP. The AP refuses to perform the task. Which of the following is an appropriate statement for the nurse to make?

"I need to talk to you about the unit policies regarding client assignments."

A charge nurse notes that a staff nurse delegates an unfair share of tasks to the AP and the nurses on the next shift report the staff nurse frequently leaves tasks uncompleted. Which of the following statements should the charge nurse make to resolve this conflict?

"I need to talk to you about unit expectations regarding delegating and completing tasks"

a nurse manager is providing an inservice program about delegation to AP with staff nurses on the unit. Which of the following statements by a staff nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching?

"The nurse should consider the AP's level of experience when making delegation decisions"

A nurse is assisting a newly licensed nurse with delegating tasks to an assistive personnel on the unit. Which of the following statements by the nurse explains the purpose of delegation?

"delegation permits a designated individual to meet a goal on your behalf" (not provides resources, promotes discharge teaching, decreases health care costs-- it can be a result, but it is not the purpose)

A nurse asks the AP to take a specimen to the laboratory and the AP refuses. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Ask the AP about her concerns with the assignment

A nurse is planning client care for herself and an AP. Which of the following should the nurse perform?

Assessing a client's sacrum for edema

A nurse is planning care for a group of clients at the beginning of the shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse assign to the LPN?

Assisting a client with crutch walking following knee replacement surgery

An RN is delegating care activities to a LPN. Which of the following is the priority criterion the RN should consider when delegating?

State nurse practice act for the LPN

A charge nurse has assigned a group of clients to a LPN. The charge nurse receives reports from her assigned clients about the LPN's lack of care. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Talk with the clients who have reported the LPN's lack of care.

When planning delegation tasks to AP, a nurse considers the five rights of delegation. Which of the following should the nurse consider when using one of the five rights of delegation?

The AP has the knowledge and skill to perform the task

A nurse is receiving change-of shift report at the start of the shift. Which of the following statements by the nurse giving report indicates to the oncoming nurse that she should assume total care for the client, rather than assigning tasks to the AP?

The client's blood pressure and pulse have been fluctuating throughout the day

A nurse is planning to delegate tasks to a a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Which of the following entities is important for the nurse to understand when delegating tasks to the LPN?

The state Nurse Practice Act

A nurse is planning to assign care activities to the AP on her team. Which of the following activities can the nurse assign to the AP?

accompany a client who has depression to occupational therapy, check the position of a client in soft wrist restraints, sit with a client who has alcohol use disorder and whose last drink was 5 days ago

A nurse on a med-surg unit is assigning tasks to an AP. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to the AP?

ambulate a client who has a cane, transfer a client to a stretcher, record urinary output (others: irrigate a wound, demonstrate the technique to instill eye drops)

A nurse is planning to assign tasks for a group of clients. Which of the following tasks should the nurse plan to assign to an AP?

ambulate an older client who has hypertension, weighing a client who has heart failure

A nurse is working with an AP to care for a group of clients on the pediatric unit. Which of the following tasks should the nurse have the AP perform first?

check to see if the elbow restraint is in place for an infant who is postop from a surgical correction of cleft palate (others: collect a stool sample, engage a toddler in play, wash hair...)

An RN is making nursing staff assignments for his team consisting of himself, two LPNs, and an AP. Which of the following clients should he assume responsibility for

client who is actively dying and requires IV pain medication

A nurse is caring for a group of clients. She plans to delegate obtaining morning vital signs to an AP on her team. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

determine the time frame the AP should report the results

An AP tells the nurse manager that she observed a nurse on the unit removing a small amount of morphine from syringes prior to administering the medication to clients. Which of the actions should the nurse manager take first?

gather data about the nurse's work performance and attendance policy

At the beginning of the shift, an RN is preparing assignments for a LPN and an AP. Which of the following tasks should the nurse assign to the LPN?

inserting a NG tube for a client

A nurse is delegating client care assignments for the shift. Which of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to an AP?

measure and record intake and output for a client

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