Dental anatomy (ch.8: cranial nerves V & V||)

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Maxillary second and third molars, palatal & DB roots of #3 & #14 An mucosa of maxillary sinus

The posterior superior alveolar nerve innervated ?

Maxillary nerve

The second division (V2) from the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve is?

• ophthalmic nerve • maxillary nerve • mandibular nerve

The sensory nerve arises from what three divisions ( anterior to the trigeminal nerve)

The ophthalmic nerve

The smallest division is

mandibular nerve

The third trigeminal nerve (V3) is the ?

• zygomaticofacial • zygomaticotemporal

The zygomatic nerve is composed of two branches ?

Cranial nerve V

Trigeminal nerve

Dental plexus ( nerve network) in the maxilla

The MSA nerve also forms the?

Posterior hard palate and lingual gingiva around posterior teeth

Greater palatine nerve innervates the?

Mylohyoid nerve

A small branch off of the inferior alveolar nerve that runs inferiorly is the?

(Efferent) 1) deep temporal nerve 2) masseteric nerve 3) lateral pterygoid

Anterior trunk: What are the three Muscle (Motor) branches ?

Buccal nerve & muscle branches (motor)

Anterior trunk?

Afferent nerve (sensory) only !

Are Ophthalmic nerve and maxillary nerves are efferent or afferent nerves?

Parotid salivary gland Inferior alveolar block

Avoiding anesthesia of the facial nerve at its location in ____________ is important when administering an _________.

• meningeal branches (afferent) • medial pterygopalatine nerve (efferent)

Before the mandibular nerve splits into anterior and posterior trunks it gives off?

A network ( PLEXUS) of sensory fibers

Branches arise out of the pupal tissue ( dental branches), interdentin, interradicular, buccal periodontium all max together forming a!

1) temporal branches 2) zygomatic branches 3) buccal branches 4) mandibular branches 5) cervical branches T-ell Z-iggy B-ob M-arley C-alled

Branches from the parotid salivary to the muscles of facial expression

• zygomatic nerve: composed of -zygomaticotemporal -zygomaticofacial • infraorbital nerve • anterior superior alveolar • middle superior alveolar • posterior superior alveolar • greater palatine • lesser palatine • nasopalatine

Branches of the maxillary nerve include:

A. Temporal- auricular and fronto-occipitalis muscles B. Zygomatic - muscles of zygomatic arch and orbit C. Buccal- muscles in the cheeks and above the mouth D. Mandibular- muscles in the region of the mandible E. Cervical- the platysma muscle

Branches to muscles of facial expression

Taste buds on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and motor messages to the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands

Chorda tympani nerve provides innervation to?

The crossing over of terminal nerve fibers across the midline

Crossover-innervation is?

• sensory root • motor root

Each trigeminal nerve is composed of two roots?

Cranial nerve V||

Facial nerve

The muscles of facial expression & The parasympathetic innervation of the lacrimal gland, submandibular, and sublingual salivary gland.

Facial nerve carries an efferent component for ?

The loss of muscular action of the muscles of facial expression

Facial paralysis

The greater palatine foramen

Greater palatine nerve enters through?


If the MSA nerve is not present the area is mainly innervated by?

Innervation of the mandibular anterior teeth

Incisive nerve provides ?

IO nerve is formed from the merger of cutaneous (skin) branches from the upper lip, the middle part of the cheek, the lower eyelid, and the side of the nose.

Infraorbital nerve or ____ , is formed from the?

Mixed nerve, both afferent and efferent

Is the facial nerve an efferent or afferent nerve ?

Mixed nerve, both afferent & efferent

Is the mandibular nerve afferent or efferent?

Both Afferent (sensory) & Efferent (motor)

Is the mandibular nerve an efferent or afferent nerve?

Efferent ( motor ) nerves to the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric

Is the mylohyoid an efferent or afferent nerve?

Anterior superior alveolar nerve and The middle superior alveolar nerve

The IO nerve is joined by the?

NOT present in all patients

It is important to note the the MSA nerve is?

Inferior alveolar nerve

Largest of the branch of the V3?

Part of the Dura mater

Meningeal branches are afferent nerves for?

Incisive foramen and heads up the nasal septum

Nasopalatine enters?

Anterior hard palate to canines

Nasopalatine innervates?

Mucosa of the anterior hard palate, lingual to the maxillary anterior teeth, the maxillary central incisors

Nasopalatine nerve originates in the?

Infraorbital foramen of the maxilla.

The IO nerve then passed into the?

Dental branches in the pulp of the maxillary molar teeth that exit by the way of the apical foramina

Other afferent branches of the PSA nerve also originate firm?

The occipital belly of the epicranius

Posterior auricular nerve to?

The posterior belly digastric

Posterior digastric nerve to

•Articulotemporal, •lingual and •inferior alveolar nerves

Posterior trunk ?

A branch that picks up sensory information from the skin of the external ear and the scalp in that region

Posterior trunk: Auriculotemporal nerve

Mandibular foramen Giving of dental branches to pulps of mandibular posterior teeth

Posterior trunk: Inferior alveolar nerves exits?

Formed from afferent branches from the lingual periodontium and gingiva of the mandibular teeth from Sensory fibers from the body of the tongue

Posterior trunk: lingual nerve

Middle superior alveolar block which anesthetizes the MSA nerve

The MSA also forms the dental plexus or nerve network in the maxilla which is a landmark for the??

The main trunk before the mandibular nerve divided in to the anterior and posterior trunks

Remember the nerve to the medial pterygoid muscle came off ?

Facial nerve (V||)

Seventh cranial nerve

Crossover-innervation to the contralateral side & innervates the contralateral incisors

Sometimes the ASA nerve provides?

Stylohyoid muscle

Stylohyoid nerve to ?

Apical foramina of the root tips

The ASA nerve exit through the ?

Maxillary central incisors and canines & their associated tissues Also inter area the overlying facial gingiva

The ASA nerve serves as a afferent nerve of sensation for the?

The maxillary premolar teeth and mesialbuccal root of the maxillary first molar and associated periodontium and buccal gingiva

The MSA nerve serves as an _______ nerve of sensation, usually for ?

Afferent Maxillary molar teeth and their periodontium and buccal gingiva as well as the maxillary sinus

The PSA nerve serves as a _________ nerve of sensation for most parts of the?

ASA Dental plexus ( or nerve network in the maxilla)

The ______ nerve receives interdental branches from surrounding periodontium forming a?

Mandibular nerve

The _____________ nerve carries the entire efferent part of the Trigeminal Nerve. ( the rest are afferent only)

ASA nerve The dental branches in the pulp of teeth #6-11.

The anterior superior alveolar nerve or _____ originates from ?

The cheek and the buccal mucosa of the mandibular posterior teeth up to the mental foramen. (Sensory portion)

The buccal nerve innervates?

The lingual nerve

The chorda tympani nerve travel with what nerve when it exits the skull?

Internal acoustic meat is in the Peyton's part of the temporal bone

The facial nerve emerges from the brain and enters the?

Stylomastoid foramen Three motor nerves 1) posterior auricular nerve 2) stylohyoid nerve 3) posterior digastric nerve

The facial nerve exits the skull at the _________ and gives off three Motor nerves to muscles :

Parotid gland To supply the muscles of facial expression, but NOT the parotid gland itself

The facial nerve then passes into the____________ and divides into numerous branches to supply the?

Ophthalmic nerve

The first (V1) nerve division of the trigeminal nerve is the?

The lacrimal gland and minor glands on the palate

The greater petrosal nerve provides Motor messages to?

Taste sensation on the palate

The greater petrosal nerve provides sensory messages for?

Inferior alveolar nerve

The incisive nerve is a branch of the ?

Afferent nerve for the mandibular premolars and anterior teeth

The incisive nerve serves as an ___________ nerve for the?

Mental and incisive nerves

The inferior alveolar bone enters the mental foramen and becomes?

Mylohyoid nerve

The inferior alveolar nerve gives off the ?

IO nerve And both anterior and middle superior alveolar nerves

The infraorbital block anesthetizes the?

Several foramina on the maxillary tuberosity Landmarks for the PSA block

The internal branches of the PSA nerve exit from

The lateral surface of the mandible usually between the apices of the mandible first and second premolars

The landmark for the mental block

The mandibular nerve

The largest of the three trigeminal nerve divisions is?

The lesser palatine foramina Runs along side with the greater palatine nerve

The lesser palatine enters through

Soft palate and palatine tonsils

The lesser palatine nerve innervates?

The medial pterygoid muscle and the mandible just medial to the inferior alveolar nerve.

The lingual nerve runs between ?

Merger of a smaller anterior trunk and a larger posterior trunk

The mandibular nerve is formed by the?

The merger of a smaller anterior trunk and a larger posterior trunk.

The mandibular nerve is formed by?

The foramen ovale

The mandibular nerve passes through what foramen?

Infratemporal fossa Anterior (smaller) and posterior (larger) trunks

The mandibular nerve splits in the ? Into?

The middle and lower face

The maxillary and mandibular nerves provide sensation to?

•pterygopalatine •maxillary nerve

The maxillary branches come together in the _________ to form the ________?

The foramen rotundum

The maxillary nerve enters the skull by way of?

The medial pterygoid muscle ( one of four of muscles of mastication )

The medial pterygoid nerve is an efferent nerve for ?

The mental foramen

The mental nerve emerges from?

The lower lip, labial mucosa, and labial gingiva of the mandibular premolar and anterior teeth.

The mental nerve innervates?

Afferent nerve for the chin, lower lip, labial mucosa, labial gingiva of the mandibular premolars and anterior teeth.

The mental nerve is composed of external branch that serve as an ____________ nerve for the?

Inferior alveolar nerve

The mental nerve runs back to join the

MSA The dental branches in the pulp that exit through the apical foramina

The middle superior alveolar nerve or ______ originates from?

Foramen ovale

The motor root of the mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve exits the skill at the?

Muscles of mastication

The motor root of the of the mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve supplies the efferent nerves for?

Palatal gingival tissue of maxillary teeth

The nasopalatine and the greater palatine nerve innervates ?

Maxillae and overlying skin, maxillary sinuses, nasal cavity Palate And nasopharynx

The nerve branches of the maxillary nerve carry sensory information for the ?

• frontal • lacrimal • nascociliary

The ophthalmic nerve arises from the three major nerves :

The superior orbital fissure of the sphenoid bone.

The ophthalmic nerve carries this sensory information towards the brain by way of ?

Superior orbital fissure

The ophthalmic nerve enters the skull through ?

The upper face and scalp.

The ophthalmic nerve provides sensation to?

The eye structures, forehead, and ethmoidal and frontal sinuses.

The ophthalmic nerve serves as a sensory nerve for?

No known cure Involves afferent nerves of the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve Theory is due to a lesion causing pressure on sensory root **Patient feels excruciating short term pain when facial trigger zones are touches **

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN)


What can occur in incisive nerve

Ophthalmic nerve

What division of the trigeminal nerve is most commonly affected by shingles ( herpes zoster) ?

Send motor messages to contract the muscles of mastication

What do the three muscle branches of the anterior trunk of the mandibular nerve do?

The most distal molar of the mandibular arch

What is the landmark for the buccal block?

The greater palatine foramen in the palatine bone near the maxillary second or third molar.

What is the landmark for the greater palatine block? (GP)

The incisive foramen deep to the incisive papilla.

What is the landmark for the nasopalatine block? (NP)


What nerve can send sensory branch to #19 and #30 causing anesthesia problems and an addition injection to the inferior alveolar ?

Nasopalatine nerve

When the greater palatine nerve enters the greater palatine foramen it mets up with?

The infra orbital foramen of the maxilla

Where is the landmark for the infraorbital block?

Small branch: 1) motor nerve to the stapedius muscle ( in the middle ear) Two large branches : 1) greater petrosal 2) chorda tympani

Within the temporal bone the facial nerve gives off a small branch and two large branches which are?

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