Development of Constitutional Government 2

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Under the system of checks and balances, the Supreme Court can check the president by vetoing legislation


What was Shays Rebellion?

Farmers who were against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgements for debt

What government branch consists of the house representatives and the senate?


Which was not a weakness of the articles of confederation?

National government was given too much power

Congress adopted the:

Olive branch petition, asking parliament not to break from the colonies until a compromise could be worked out

The federalist papers of 1787 and 1788 were a series of articles written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. Did they support or oppose the constitution?


What did the declaratory law allow?

Parliament to pass any laws

What act prohibited settlers from moving west?

Proclamation act of 1763

Which state was the last state to ratify the constitution?

Rhode Island

What is another name for loyalists


Who were the committees of correspondence organized by?

Samuel Adams

England began to tax the colonies heavily to help pay for what?

The French and Indian war

The federalists favored the constitution


during the post-revolutionary period, most of the states passed laws forbidding the further importation of slaves


What did Thomas Paine write?

Common sense

What did the anti-federalists oppose?


Who surrendered at Yorktown?


What did the writs of assistance allow?

Customs officials to search anywhere for smuggled goods (specifically the colonist's homes)

During the revolutionary war, why didn't congress provide the army with enough equipment?

Didn't have enough money

What does veto mean?


One weakness of the British army was fighting on__________ soil


Who was the British commander st Vincennes?

Henry Hamilton

Under the system of checks and balances, how can a law that the president vetoes STILL become a law?

If 2/3 of all members of Cong vote "yes"

Why was the American victory in the battle of Saratoga a turning point in the revolutionary war?

It dashed any hopes the British had of isolating New England from the rest of the colonies

Who wrote up the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What did the passage of the Townshend acts cause the colonists to do?

To boycott English goods

Why were the intolerable acts passed?

To punish boston

What does ratify mean?

To sign or give formal consent to in order to make it valid

Which man did general Washington make the chief inspector of the colonial troops?

Von Steuben

Who established fort necessity?


According to the land ordinance of 1787? When could a territory be admitted to the union?

When population was large enough

Strengths of the colonial army include:

•fighting for a common cause •making use of British mistakes

Weaknesses of the continental army include:

•little organization •lack of equipment •untrained soldiers

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