DHN 101 Exam 1

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Which of the following statements is a health claim that the FDA allows on a food package?

"While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat may reduce the risk of this disease."

A commercial website contains ads for gluten-free food products and supplements that are targeted for people who have intestinal problems.


A nationally accredited university publishes highlights of a recent study about the effects of vegetable intake on risk of heart disease


A government health agency promotes its campaign to increase calcium consumption among pre-teen girls.


nutrient requirements

1.have been determined by scientific research 2.are the smallest amount of each nutrient necessary to maintain a defined level of nutritional health 3.prevent deficiency diseases

Boiled mustard greens that are seasoned with bits of smoked pork


Food mixes with secretions in the stomach to become a watery mixture called


Which of the following statements is true?

The adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45 to 65% of total energy intake.

Which of the following statements is true?

The traditional Mediterranean diet supplies more olive oil and fish than the traditional American diet.

Zack takes 500 mg of vitamin C daily. He advises his friends to take vitamin C supplements because, he claims, the vitamin protects him from cold viruses. His claim about the usefulness of the vitamin is an ________.


which is a nutrient dense food

fat free milk

saliva contains


1st step of scientific method

making observations

How to find mg/kcal


The foods that you eat contain _____ chemicals that are necessary for proper body functioning.


all registered dietitian nutritionists have

passed a certification exam

which of the following practices increases the risk of the peptic ulcer

smoking cigarettes

Deficiency disease can cause subjective health problems called ____ which may include headaches, dizziness, and fatigue


tiny, fingerlike projections of the small intestine that absorb nutrients


Per serving, which of the following foods is the most energy-dense?

4-ounce chocolate doughnut

Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of phytochemicals?


Which of the following kinds of studies would be the best to use when investigating whether cigarette smoking influences weight gain?


Top 4 leading causes of death

Heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory infections, accidents

Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States?



carbohydrates, fat, energy-yielding nutrient, nutrients required in grams per day

mechanical digestion

chewing in the mouth, churning in the stomach, and segmentation in the small intestine

as food moves through the small intestines, the semiliquid mss is called


The usual pattern of foods that you choose to eat is referred to as your


According to the nutrition-related objectives of Healthy People 2020, Americans should increase their consumption o

fruit, whole grains

dumping syndrome often occurs after a person

has stomach surgery


in general, megadoses of nutrients are safe to consume

Bile is made in the


after being absorbed, which nutrients leave the go tract through the lymphatic system

most cars and fat soluble vitamins

A diet that supplies adequate amounts of nutrients prevents

nutrient-deficiency disorders.

diet is a

pattern of food choices

people who follow islamic dietary rules will not consume


conventional wisdom


Risk factors for constipation include all of the following

1. changes to typical daily routine. 2. anxiety or depression. 3. low fiber intake. drinking too much water= false

According to the food label, one serving of the item provides _______% of the Daily Value for iron.


Retrospective Cohort Study

A research study in which the medical records of groups of individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristic (for example, female nurses who smoke and those who do not smoke) are compared for a particular outcome (such as lung cancer). This is also called a historic cohort study.

Which of the following factors has a major influence over a person's food choices?

Close friends

The amount of a nutrient that should meet the needs of half of the healthy people in a particular group is the

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

which of the following is the most energy dense per 100 grams

French fries

Roasted venison, corn and squash

Native American

Which of the following statements is false?

Peristalsis occurs when villi absorb fat.


RDAs are listed on food labels

Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does NOT supply any energy for the human body?

Vitamin D

To establish a nutrient's RDA, nutrition scientists add ________ of the nutrient to its EAR.

a "margin of safety" amount

comparing the diets of individuals with iron-deficiency to the diets of persons who have very similar characteristics but are healthy would be an example of

a case control study

the dietary guidelines of Americans is

a set of general nutrition-related recommendations


are bacteria that may benefit intestinal health of their human hosts

a diet is highly likely to be safe and nutritionally adequate if

average daily intakes for nutrients meet the RDA or AI values

protein rich food sources that also contain saturated fat and cholesterol include


A moistened mass of food swallowed from the oral cavity into the pharynx is called a(n)


postitive correlation

both variables increase together

chemical digestion of _____ begins in the mouth


Which of the following statements is true?

In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death.

Researchers divide subjects into two groups. The____group is given pills that do not contain any vitamins


the government agency that enforces consumer protection laws by investigating false or misleading health-related claims that appear at an internet website is the

federal trade commission (FTC)

which of the following substances is classified as a dietary supplement according to the DSHEA of 1994?

fish oil

A term that refers to the stomach is


active transport

glucose and amino acids

the exchange system

has exchange lists within each food group

chronic disease example

heart disease


immune substances from human milk

Chewing food _____ the surface area upon which enzymes can work to digest food into absorbable nutrients.




The stomach also produces a substance called ____ that is important for the absorption of vitamin B-12.

intrinsic factor

gastric glands secrete

intrinsic factor

biased and unreliable info


a testimonial is a

personal endorsement of a product

The ____ is the region that is located at the back of the mouth.


sham treatment


At the base of the stomach is the _____ which controls the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine.

pyloric sphincter

The contribution of salivary amylase and lingual lipase to overall digestion of food into absorbable components is


absorption of nutrients occurs primarily in the

small intestine


systematic testing of hypothesis

nutritional standards, such as the RDAs, are

the basis for establishing DVs

The Daily Value is ________

the recommended daily amount of a particular nutrient based on a 2000 kcal diet

in the United States, the primary cause of preventable cancer deaths is

tobacco use

according to recent studies, most Americans do not purchase adequate amounts of _____ to eat

whole grains

Bile is made of several components, including minerals and bile salts. It also contains a type of lipid known as ____ and the blood pigment known as _____

cholesterol billirubin

source of empty calories

cola and potato chips

daily values are

dietary standards developed for food labeling purposes

The ____ is a long tube in the GI tract that connects the throat with the stomach.


The primary nutrient that bile is responsible for digesting and absorbing is


nutrient dense foods

grilled salmon and stawberries

The ________ is important for transporting absorbed nutrients from the GI tract to the liver.

hepatic portal vein

chemical digestion

hydrolysis of starch by salivary amylase in the mouth, degradation of proteins by pepsin in the stomach, and breakdown of lipase in the small intestine

Researchers would like to test their_____ that taking megadoses of thiamin is an effective way to prevent mosquito bites.


Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome often includes making dietary changes and

learning stress management strategies.

The ________ is an accessory organ of the digestive system.


which of the following is an accessory organ of the digestive system?


The enzyme ________ breaks the disaccharide maltose into its two molecules of glucose.


Small intestinal cells secrete _____ to lubricate and protect the walls of the GI tract.


Certain foods are more nutritious than others, and a food that contains more vitamins and minerals in relation to fat, sugar, and alcohol content is called a(n)

nutrient-dense food.

Researchers make a(an) _____ that people who like to camp take megadoses of thiamin to repel mosquitoes.


_____ moves from the back of the mouth, through the esophagus, and into the stomach


The tongue moves a mass of food to the back of the mouth, where it enters the ____ which connects the nasal cavity to the top of the esophagus.


The ____ does not contain any active ingredients


organically grown foods are

produced without the uses of antibiotics, pesticides, or genetic improvements

Over a 2-year period, a team of scientists records the eating behaviors and physical activity patterns of a group of healthy 8-year-old children to determine whether these factors are associated with weight gain. This study is an example of a(n) ________ study.


Studying nutrition is important to

select the appropriate mix of nutrients for proper body functioning.

Failure to consume adequate amounts of nutrients can lead to noticeable and measurable physical changes that are _____ of deficiency disease.


The ____ group is given similar tasting and appearing pills that contain high amounts of thiamin.


which of the following is an essential nutrient

vitamin c

According to the MyPlate guidelines, fruits and vegetables should account for about ________ of the food on a person's plate.



report of personal experience

Which of the following statements is true?

Scientific studies to investigate the same question can have different findings.

Generally, epidemiological studies

cannot determine cause and effect relationships

Experimental (Intervention) Study

-Initiates a treatment or intervention -Test whether interventions can prevent disease or improve health -Use comparison or control groups -Persons randomly assigned to a particular group -can be clinical or community trials

April is starting to train for hotdog eating contests. She is curious about the maximum capacity of the stomach. About what is believed to be the maximum capacity of the stomach?

16 cups

what is the approximate pH of stomachs contents as it passes through the pylorus


A food item is considered "high" in a nutrient if the % Daily Value is above _______.


Which of the following statements is true?

A scientist's professional affiliations and sources of financial support may influence his or her research findings.

Sliced eggplant cooked in tomato sauce, drizzled with olive oil, and served with red wine

Southern Europe

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation?

When a population's vitamin D intake decreases, the percentage of people in the population that have healthy immune systems decreases.

one of 10 leading causes of death in the us in which diet plays a role in its development


Glands in the stomach secrete the components of gastric juice, which contribute to the ____digestion of food.


A food that contributes significantly to total energy intake (i.e., high in solid fats, added sugars, and/or alcohol) while supplying relatively few micronutrients is considered a source of

empty calories

The pancreas and small intestinal cells produce ____ that break down food molecules into absorbable components.


Bile is produced by the ____. It travels through ducts and is stored in the ____. When this organ receives a hormonal signal from the cells of the GI tract, bile is released into the ____

liver gallbladder small intestine

The process of preparing foods for swallowing and chemical digestion is called ____ otherwise known as chewing.


which is a rich source of phytochemicals


fruit is generally a good source of all of the following substances, except


Glands in the mouth secrete _____ which contains enzymes and mucus.


Which of the following statements is true?

The pyloric sphincter controls the rate at which chyme enters the small intestine.

A group of scientists suspects that certain dietary practices are partially responsible for different rates of hypertension among adults of different ethnic/racial groups. To test their hypothesis, the researchers examine data concerning the different population groups' hypertension rates and their past dietary practices. This research is a ________ study.


Which of the following actions is one of the five overarching guidelines of Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020 version)?

Shift to healthier food and beverage choices.

Which of the following substances is a macronutrient?



vitamins, minerals, non-energy yielding nutrient, nutrients required in milligrams per day

Which of the following food or beverage choices contribute the most empty calories to American's diets?

Cakes, cookies, pastries, and donuts Sugar-sweetened beverages cheese pizza ice cream Sausage, bacon, hot dogs and "ribs"

Which of the following is NOT a common marketing tactic to encourage consumers to purchase manufactured foods?

Nutrition information posted next to fresh fruits and vegetables

Which of the following statements is true?

People can have energy needs that are higher or lower than the Estimated Energy Requirement.

If the epiglottis is not fully closed, food enters the trachea, blocking the windpipe which may cause the person to lose consciousness and die.


A group of registered dietitian nutritionists is planning to conduct a scientific study to investigate the effects of eating honey on behavior in school-aged children. To start, the researchers will

make observations.

The stomach wall has three layers of muscle tissue. These muscular layers are responsible for the ____ digestion that occurs in the stomach


mechanical digestion begins in the


which of the following information is not provided by the nutrition facts panel

percentage of total calories from fat

Muscular contractions occurring throughout the GI tract that move food along are collectively called


A nutrition researcher would like to determine whether women who take fish oil supplements during pregnancy give birth to babies who score higher on basic intelligence tests when they are 5 years of age than the 5-year old children that were born to women who did not take the fish oil supplements during pregnancy. This kind of research is a(n) ________ study.


A team of scientists observes a large population of college students over 4 years to determine which of their dietary practices leads to weight gain. This study is an example of a

prospective study

the nutrients that provide energy are

proteins, fats, and carbohydrates


refers to all chemical processes that occur in living cells

Which of the following lifestyle choices is the primary cause of preventable cancer deaths in the United States?

Smoking cigarettes

Shrimp cooked in peanut oil, seasoned with ginger and soy sauce, and served on white rice


A refined grain product that has iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid added to replace amounts lost during processing has been


An aspect of ______ involves studying causes of health problems in a population.


The ____ is the flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the trachea.


simple diffusion

lipids and most water soluble vitamins

A nationally recognized health association that is for people with diabetes provides information about choosing healthful foods for diabetes management.


according to the US department of agriculture, which of the following foods is nutritionally equivalent to 1 ounce of a food from the grains group

1 slice bread

prospective cohort study

A research study that follows over time groups of individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristic (for example, female nurses who smoke and those who do not smoke) and compares them for a particular outcome (such as lung cancer).

Case-Control Study

A type of epidemiologic study where a group of individuals with the diseases, referred to as cases, are compared to individuals without the disease, referred to as controls

is one that must be provided by the diet because it cannot be produced by the body or produced in the amount that is needed.

A(n) essential nutrient

Which of the following statements is true?

Heartburn often results when the cardiac sphincter fails to close properly.

Red beans cooked in a mixture of tomato sauce and chili peppers and served in a corn tortilla


As acidic chyme moves into the small intestine from the stomach, the pancreas secretes ____ into the duodenum to increase its pH.


The liver makes _____ which is stored in the gallbladder until needed.


The caloric value of a food in relation to its total weight defines how

energy-dense a food is.

facilitated diffusion


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