Digital marketing

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What's the percentage of CTR for the first, second and third site on an search engine?

First = 36 % Second = 13.5 % Third = 9 %

What is an UX designer?

It's someone who designs the users interactions with the product. They are naturally questioning everything the user does while interacting with the product at every stage of the products lifecycle.

CX (customer experience)

It's the customers experiences with all channels of the brand, including a specific product (like an app). So it has a greater scope then UX. CX is an umbrella concept encompassing all channels and all products within the same brand, and how the user feels about them.

Social media marketing

A form of online marketing that uses social media or social networks to market a product, company, or brand.

Organic posts

Just by itself, you don't sponsor it


Relevancy is very important. A high CTR means you have relevant content that is engaging the right audience through targeted marketing. Becoming relevant means you must bid for the right keywords. A pizza place, for example, wouldn't want to bid for the keyword "steakhouse."

Content Strategy

planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. content strategy often goes beyond the scope of a content marketing strategy, as it helps businesses manage all of the content they have.

Data Studio

A tool that transforms data into interactive reports and dashboards

Google ads, define text ads and image ads

Text Ads - Text ads on the Search Network show above and below Google search results. - A text ad on Google search is the simplest online ad that AdWords offers. - It has three parts: headline text, a display URL, and description text. Image Ads - A type of AdWords ad that includes a graphic to promote your business. - When people click anywhere on your ad, they'll be taken to your website. Image ads can appear on webpages and other places in the Display Network. - Your image ad can use a static image, animated image, or Flash format, and can be in a range of sizes.

What are the seven recommendations to have the best posts

1. Have a clear goal 2. Ask for engagement 3. Include photos/videos and link 4. Use compelling language 5. Do not sell all the time 6. Be provokativa or inspirational 7. Keep it real and relevant

UI (user interface) brings together concepts from:

1. Interaction design 2. Visual design 3. Information architecture

Have the best account on Instagram

1. Optimize your bio 2. Stories 3. Video content 4. Frequency 5. Call-to action 6. Repost 7. Promotion beyond Instagram 8. Special offer 9. Always monitor analytics 10. Be consistent

12 steps to social media marketing success

1. Research 2. Be selective 3. State your KPI's 4. Write a social media marketing playbook 5. Align the members of your company around the plan 6. Always schedule and plan ahead 7. Creat a content bank using a spreadsheet 8. Post content that's relevant 9. Treat all social channels separately 10. Assign someone to act like a customer service rep. 11. Schedule reporting! Depending on your goals etc. 12. Reanalyze your plan on a regular basis

How to start Search Paid Advertisement?

1. Research - competitors, language, tone of voice, target group, trends 2. Set the Goals and KPIs 3. Set your Google Adwords Account - billing method, email, ... 4. Keyword Research - Keyword Planner 5. Keyword Analysis - Keyword Planner 6. Precise Planning of Campaigns, AdGroups 7. Group KW into the logical sets 8. Create and Set Campaigns and Adgroups 9. Fill Adgroups by KW 10. Create Ads in individual Adgroups 11. Launch it!

What affects crawlability and indexability?

1. Site Structure. For example, if your site features pages that aren't linked to from anywhere else, web crawlers may have difficulty accessing them. 2. Internal Link Structure. A web crawler travels through the web by following links, just like you would have on any website. And therefore, it can only find pages that you link to from other content. 3. Broken page redirects would stop a web crawler in its tracks, resulting in crawlability issues. 4. Server Errors. Similarly, broken server redirects and many other server-related problems may prevent web crawlers from accessing all of your content. 5. Unsupported Scripts and Other Technology Factors. For example, since crawlers can't follow forms, gating content behind a form will result in crawlability issues.Various scripts like Javascript or Ajax may block content from web crawlers as well. 6. Blocking Web Crawler Access. For example, you may have created a page you want to restrict public access to. And as part of preventing that access, you should also block it from the search engines.

UI/UX design process - 6 steps - whats the 1. Understanding about?

1. UNDERSTANDING: - Listen to stakeholders - Understand business objectives - Functional requirements - Technology constraints

9 type of facebook ads:

1. Video ads 2. Photo ads 3. Multi product ads 4. Local ads (to get local awareness) 5. Offer ads 6. Event ads 7. Retargeting ads (shopped for a product on a website, then they appears on facebook) 8. Boosted post (you first do the post organic, but then you decide to sponsor it to spread it further) 9. Promoted posts (to make sure that the post you want to market get seen in the news feeds of more people - it's more pricing and targeting then boosted posts)

What are some key metrics in web analytics

1. Visitors. Unique visitors is the number of people that visited your site during a specific timeframe (e.g., yesterday, last week, last month). Unique visitors represents the count of individual people that visited your site regardless of the number of times they visited your site. So, if person A visits your site once and person B visits your site five times, you will have two unique visitors and six total visits. 2. Referrals. "Where did these people come from?" Referrals track users as they click on links in search engines, on other blogs, and other websites to your web site. Understanding where you traffic is coming from is the key to understanding how the work you are doing to promote your business is working. Are people mentioning you on their blogs and linking back to you? Are your social efforts paying off? 3. Bounce Rate. A "bounce" is when someone visits your site and immediately clicks the back button or closes their browser tab. What this usually means is that that user didn't find what they were looking for on your site and decided to leave. 4. Exit Pages. People often confuse "bounce" and "exit," but they are very different metrics for you to measure. Unlike a "bounce", when a user visits your site and barely views one page, an "exit" is when a user visits multiple pages and then leaves your site. 5. Conversion Rate. It is the percentage of people who achieved a goal on your site. Goals are things like completing a purchase, filling out a contact form, or viewing a certain page on your site. 6. Top 10 Pages. It's important to know what pages your visitors think are the most important on your site. By viewing your top ten pages report, you know which pages to focus on as you look to improve your site and which pages will have the most impact if you make changes.

5 tips on how to make ads more successful

1. Write more ads to find the best one 2. Test our ads to learn which words convert best 3. Use power words to entice readers to click 4. Use emotional triggers in your ad copy 5. Clever copy trumps clear copy

Create an ad words campaign

1. create an account 3. choose right keywords/ad words 4. write good ad text 5. track the goals 6. see the result

5 reasons to why search engine marketing is important

1. you have the opportunity to target people directly based on their searches 2. what people search for can often give you a precise indication of how close they are to completing your goal. 3. it's crucial for people to be able to find your website. Traffic is good, but quality traffic is better 4. keywords targeting is crucial, but Adwords offer many other targeting settings to maximize your SEM, like geo-targeting for example 5. through the use of cookies we are able to track much data about each user. to then be able to retarget them.

UI/UX design process - 6 steps - whats the 2. User research about?

2. USER RESEARCH: - Context: what is going on in your user's day when they engage with your product? - Motivation: what motivates your user to interact with your product? - Mental models: is and explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world - Pain points: what are the challenges users are facing and is your product helping or aggravating them? - User journey mapping: is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. It describes the relationship between your brand and its customers from their point of view.

UI/UX design process - 6 steps - whats the 2. Analytics & discovery about?

3. ANALYTICS & DISCOVERY - Competitor analysis: is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. It provides both an offensive and an defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats. - Benchmarketing: you evaluate your companies activities, performances and results in relation to those who are perceived to be the best in the industry. You learn why these companies are successful.

UI/UX design process - 6 steps - whats the 4 and 5. Sketches, wireframes, mockups and prototypes about?

4 and 5. Sketches, wireframes, mockups and prototypes: Sketch: a rough/unfinished drawing often made to assist in making a more finished picture (for example of a product) Wireframes: images which displays the functional elements of a website, typically used for planning a site's structure Mockups: a model of a design/device and enables testing of it. Mainly used to get feedback from users. It fills in the visuals that wireframes neglect. Prototype: a first version of a product from which other forms are developed.

UI/UX design process - 6 steps - whats the 6. Finalize & code about?

6. Finalize & code: - User testing: is used in the design process to evaluate a product with real users. The most common reason for doing this is that it allows the design team to identify friction, so that it can be addressed before building it. Identifying any issues early reduces cost.

Why does CTR matter and why is it important?

A high CTR is vital to the health of any advertising campaign, especially campaigns ran on Google, since Google uses a variety of metrics to evaluate your site content and relevancy to Google users. One way it can tell whether your site is useful and relevant for certain keywords is through CTR. A high CTR indicates to Google that you are helpful and attractive to people searching for that particular keyword or keyword phrase. In fact, Google tells us that "calculations of expected click-through rate" are used to calculate Ad Rank during auction time. Intuitively, Google Adwords and other search based platforms offer perks to more relevant ads. This is because search engines serve as platforms connecting users with advertisers. By displaying relevant ads, they keep the user base happy while also satisfying advertisers with a more receptive audience. Therefore, to incentivize relevancy and quality, they offer higher Quality Scores to ads with high Adwords CTR. Quality Score is awarded on a 1-10 scale and determined by expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience. While Quality Score is not used directly during auction time, it is an aggregate representation of ad quality based on past data that can help you estimate how your ad will perform during the actual action. This makes increasing your Quality Score incredibly important because of Google's keyword bidding system. Each time someone performs a search using a keyword you have set a maximum willing to pay bid for, Google calculates an Ad Rank for your ad. Ad Rank is calculated based on your bid amount, components making up your Quality Score, and the expected impact of ad formats. This Ad Rank subsequently determines where your ad shows up on the list of search results (and whether it is even eligible to show up) and how much money you end up paying for that ad. Additionally, a high PPC CTR also means you are bringing in the maximum possible traffic to your site and increases the chances of conversions when said traffic is relevant. How high up your ad appears on search results can affect the CTR of your campaign substantially. This is because most users will find what they need within one or two search results (especially given the typically higher quality of ranking results). According to data from AccuraCast, CTR for search ads drop substantially after the first position. Whereas position one averages 7.11%, position nine only averages 0.55%.

Difference between user, session and interaction in web analytics

A user (once known as a unique visitor) is a distinct person, or, more accurately, a distinct clientID identified in the Google Analytics tracking cookie. As long as a person comes back on the same browser and device and doesn't clear cookies, Google Analytics will be able to identify that person as the same user. A session (once known as a visit) is the browsing period of a user. A session starts when the user first comes to your site and ends when for example the user inactivate. An interaction is every time a user interacts with an element, like a new page or something

How should I organize my Adwords Account?

Ad Ad campaign can have different Ad groups and the different Ad groups should have different keywords, Ad texts and landing pages

What is Adwords? What is Google Network? What is the Google Display Network?

Adwords = AdWords (Google AdWords) is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords program enables businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is largely focused on keywords. Businesses that use AdWords can create relevant ads using keywords that people who search the Web using the Google search engine would use. The keyword, when searched for triggers your ad to be shown. AdWords at the top ads that appear under the heading "Sponsored Links" found on the right-hand side or above Google search results. If your AdWords ad is clicked on, Google search users are then directed to your website. Google network = A group of search-related websites where your ads can appear. When you advertise on the Search Network, your ad can show next to search results, on other Google sites like Maps and Shopping, and on the websites of Google search partners. The Search Network is part of the Google Network, our name for all the webpages and apps where ads can appear. Google display network = Google sites like YouTube, Blogger, and Gmail, plus thousands of partnering websites across the Internet.

Content marketing strategy

At its core, your content marketing strategy is your "why." Why you are creating content, who you are helping, and how you will help them in a way no one else can. Organizations typically use content marketing to build an audience and to achieve at least one of these profitable results: increased revenue, lower costs, or better customers.


Backlinks, also called "inbound links" or "incoming links," are created when one website links to another. The link to an external website is called a backlink. Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a "vote of confidence" from one site to another. In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. If many sites link to the same webpage or website, search engines can infer that content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a SERP. So, earning these backlinks can have a positive effect on a site's ranking position or search visibility.


Campaign Level: This is your highest level, you can have several Ad Sets per Campaign, and each Ad Set can have several Ads! Ad Set: This is where the MAGIC happens, you can create DETAILED TARGETING here to only show your ad to the people most likely to buy your product or service! Ad: This is what the visitors actually sees, this is where you write your ad copy and choose your images or videos to actually show new potential customers!

Google Adwords - Search Ads - Basics. Describe campaigns and ad groups

Campaigns - A set of ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings. - Campaigns are often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer. Your AdWords account can have one or many ad campaigns running. Ad Groups - An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords. - Each of your campaigns is made up of one or more ad groups. - Google Adwords - Search Ads - Basics Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme. For example, try separating ad groups into the different product or service types you offer.

Facebook Vocabulary You Need to Know, what are custom audience, lookalike audience and facebook pixel?

Custom Audience: You make a custom audience from pretty much anything, the two most common examples are from a customer file (email list), or website traffic (people who visit your website or specific web pages) these are important because you can get fancy with what you do with them... For example you can create a custom audience of everyone who viewed your sales or order page but DID NOT view your thank you page (the thank you page only shows after a purchase) this means you can later retarget buyers who were close to buying but HAVEN'T YET for whatever reason! Lookalike Audience: A lookalike audience utilizes Facebook's almost unimaginable store of data on pretty much everyone on earth to create NEW audiences of people who are SIMILAR to another audience. For example - let's say you have a facebook page where you're advertising your product or service, if you get 100 people from the USA to all like your page, you can create a lookalike audience of people in the USA who share a number of data attributes including age, education, and purchase history with those 100 people who liked your page! Once you create lookalike audiences you want to set them to 1/10 (or the most accurate - make one you'll see what I mean when you go to make one) and then choose additional interests after you create a lookalike audience to even FURTHER target your audience for example you might make a lookalike audience of the 100 people in the USA who like your page, and then from that audience further narrow to only include people from your broad lookalike audience that ALSO like Tony Robbins! You can also create lookalike audiences from people who purchase your product to create the most targeted possible lookalike audience, the more purchasers you have the more accurate the audience becomes! Facebook Pixel: Think of a Facebook pixel as an identifier - meaning when you visit a website, say they have what is called a Facebook pixel installed in the HTML backend of their website hidden from your view! Facebook has ID's for each of its users so when you visit, that Facebook pixel fires and says YOU visited that website, and allows the owners of to then retarget you with more ads because they know you've expressed interest in their website.

What is CTR? How is it calculated?

Defined simply, click-through rate is the percentage of impressions that result in clicks. To calculate it, divide the number of people who click on your ad by the number of people who saw your ad and multiply that number by 100. A higher CTR typically means your ad generates more interests and is more engaging. It resonates with the audience who receives it.

Email marketing KPI can be:

Delivery rate - The percentage of emails that were actually delivered to recipients' inboxes. Open rate - the percentage of recipients that have opened your email message. Click to open rate - The percentage of recipients who opened the email message and also clicked on any link in the email message Spam complaint rate - Spam complaint rate is the percentage of recipients that click the spam or junk button in their inbox Click through rate - The proportion of the audience who clicked on links contained in an email message - Organizations can calculate CTR either by dividing unique clicks by the number of emails delivered, or by dividing total clicks - including multiple clicks by the same recipient - by the number of emails delivered. Either method works, as long as you use the same approach consistently. - CTR indicates whether the message was relevant and the offer compelling enough to encourage recipients to action Bounce rate - The percentage of total emails sent that could not be delivered to the recipient's inbox, known as a "bounce" - Unsubscribe rate Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of recipients that unsubscribed from the email message. Conversion rate - The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action, such as filling out a lead generation form or purchasing a product Growth rate - A measurement of how fast your email list is growing. - Calculate your growth rate by subtracting opt-outs and hard bounces from the number of new email subscribers gained in a given month. Then, divide that number by the original list size.

Measure the results in email marketing

Delivery rate Open rate Click to open rate Spam complaint rate Click through rate Bounce rate Unsubscribe rate Conversion rate Growth rate Email sharing Forwarding rate Revenue per Email Sent Other GA Rates -

What is the 3 mindsets of product development + describe them

Design thinking + lean + Agile Design thinking: is an approach for exploring opportunities and problems to solve. Lean: focuses on product success Agile: is how we adapt to changing conditions with software

What is the 3 mindsets of product development + describe them

Design thinking + lean + Agile Design thinking: is how we explore and solve problems Lean: is our framework for testing our beliefs and learning our way to the right outcomes Agile: is how we adapt to changing conditions with software

Digital marketing consists of? 8 things.

Email marketing, Content marketing, Branding, Video Production, App development, Web design, SEO, SEM

customer life cycle

In customer relationship management (CRM), customer life cycle is a term used to describe the progression of steps a customer goes through when considering, purchasing, using, and maintaining loyalty to a product or service. It is a matrix that breaks the customer life cycle into five distinct steps: reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty. This means getting a potential customer's attention, teaching them what you have to offer, turning them into a paying customer, and then keeping them as a loyal customer whose satisfaction with the product or service urges other customers to join the cycle. The customer life cycle is often depicted by an ellipse, representing the fact that customer retention truly is a cycle and the goal of effective CRM is to get the customer to move through the cycle again and again.

What are crawlability and indexability in the context of SEO?

In short, both of these terms relate to the ability of a search engine to access and index pages on a website to add them to its index. Crawlability = describes the search engine's ability to access and crawl content on a page. If a site has no crawlability issues, then web crawlers can access all its content easily by following links between pages.However, broken links or dead ends might result in crawlability issues - the search engine's inability to access specific content on a site. Indexability = refers to the search engine's ability to analyze and add a page to its index. Even though Google could crawl a site, it may not necessarily be able to index all its pages, typically due to indexability issues. Indexability determines web positioning: the more a page is indexed, the more likely a search engine is to display it amongst their results, therefore the objective of a website is to achieve full indexing, as it implies the inclusion of the entire structure, pages and content that comprise it in the search engine's database

What is personas (that can be used in the user research process) and why use them?

It is a fictional person that represents a general image of the selected target group/end-user segment - with its motivation, goals, expectations and fears. You use them to: - To create empathy and humanize abstract customers - To focus the product development on whats relevant - To adapt the communication to the personas needs - To help the stakeholders to memorize the real end-user

What does usability means?

It means making products and systems easier to use and matching them more closely to user needs and requirements

UX (user experience)

It refers to what, when, where, why, how someone uses a product and who that person is. It's everything that touches upon and affects your experience and interaction with a specific product. (you don't even have to be near the product, it can also be when you talk about it)

What is user-centered design?

It's an interactive design process in which designers focus on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process, a variety of research and design techniques so as to create highly usable and accessible products for them.


It's generating content on a website that is customized to an individual's specific needs and preferences. Occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes and dislikes that it can create offers more likely to appeal to that person. Tänk på ICA Student.

content marketing

It's the practice of creating, inspiring, and sharing brand messages among consumers across different kinds of channels - with the goal of building the reputation and visibility of your brand. According to Forbes, content marketing is the marketing activity that has the largest commercial impact on businesses in 2016

CRM profiling

Knowledge is power - knowing what your customer want and what motivates them to do business with you gives you the ability to design products and services they are more likely to buy

Google Optimize

Powerful testing platform to quickly test, adapt and personalize customer experiences.


Search Engine Optimization - the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. SEO helps the engines to figure out what each page is about and how it may be useful for users - content on the website is therefore very important!

CTR by channel, how can it differs?

Several variables might account for the differences in performance between social media platforms. LinkedIn's has for example a low CTR, this can be due to for example the low activity of most users on the platform. Since it is used more as a resume displayer and recruiting site than a social feed, ads are less likely to capture attention. Moreover, it is difficult to target the right individuals with ads since most users are active on LinkedIn for only short amounts of time. Your performance on social media channels may also be affected by your social media reach. Social media platform activity levels also change depending on day and hour. CTR on Twitter, for example, varies by day and hour. Most clicks occur on Saturday and Sunday between 5 and 6 p.m.

Ad Extensions + describe some different

Shows additional information about your business by "extending" your text ads and increasing their relevance. They boost an ad's visibility, which can lead to better clickthrough rates. Ad Extensions are additional elements on PPC ads such as star ratings, additional links to sites, endorsements, or "Book Online Today" callouts. They are Google's way of helping you expand your ad to include additional information and there are both manual and automatic Ad Extensions. To set up ones specific to your ad, click on the Ad Extensions tab on your AdWords account. There you can set up which type of Ad Extension you'd like to set up and run them at either the Campaign or Ad Group level. Sitelink extensions: allow you to promote additional site links on your ad and are great for broad match searches. They allow you to link to more specific parts of your site and add expanded ad text on an otherwise general ad. Seller rating extensions: automatically appear if your store is rated 4 stars or higher in Google Product Search. This seal of trust increases customer engagement by enhancing your credibility. Moreover, you are not charged for advertising when searchers click on your rating to read reviews. Location extensions: allow you to provide more information about your physical storefront and even adds a link that creates Google Map directions to your store. To set it up, you can manually enter your location or set up a Google Places page. Call extensions: allow you to display your phone number with your ad and shows as a call button on mobile devices. Do note, however, that you will pay for calls instead of clicks if customers use this feature. This might prove useful if you are a business where sales are made over the phone. These and other Ad Extensions increase CTR by providing users with more information and enhancing your credibility. Equally as importantly, they are now a part of your Quality Score calculation. This means you may be losing clicks to your competitors and falling in Ad Rank if you aren't using appropriate Ad Extensions.

Search vs. display ads

There are two different networks your PPC ad can display on when you operate using AdWords: Google search network and Google display network. The search network is Google's text-based ad platform displayed on top of organic results on search engine results pages. It is ads that pop up based on search and relevance to individual. The display network is used to grow your brand's awareness online. Display ads are shown to your target audience whenever they are surfing online, but not searching for your product or service. It is typically displays image-based ads on other websites, e.g. banner ads. Ads in the search network tend to have better CTR with the average at 1.91% than ads in the display network which have an average CTR of 0.35%. This is because display ads are often blocked by adblock add-ons and displayed to uninterested users focused on other activities. Search ads are more likely to be clicked on since they are relevant to the keywords a searcher is looking for. With search networks, the audience has intent.

How Can You Strengthen Your PPC Click-Through-Rate?

Through keyword management, ad extensions and copywriting. Key word management = is an approach to discovering, analyzing, grouping and organizing large numbers of keywords, with the objective of prioritizing, collaborating and acting on keyword data to build your PPC and/or SEO search marketing campaign. It is important to focus on specific and accurate keywords to attract qualified visitors and increase relevancy. In key word management, you should group keywords into keyword group themes. Ad extension = Ad Extensions are additional elements on PPC ads such as star ratings, additional links to sites, endorsements, or "Book Online Today" callouts. They are Google's way of helping you expand your ad to include additional information and there are both manual and automatic Ad Extensions. Copywriting = Since you only have a limited amount of space to write ad copy, you need to make it count. Most PPC ads are easy to ignore since they fall into the same pattern of offering dry copy with low energy call to actions. To make your copy more appealing, consider using eye-catching headlines, inspiring engagement with specific call to actions or describing unique value propositions. You probably won't end up with the perfect ad copy the first time around. It is important to test different variations of your copy to see what works and doesn't work.

TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView Video discovery ads and bumper ads

TrueView in-stram ads = In-stream ads allow viewers to skip the pre-roll ads after five seconds. Sponsors pay only for ads that are viewed in their entirety or until 30 seconds have elapsed. In-stream ads are suitable for short or long video content. TrueView Video discovery = These ads, formerly known as TrueView in-display, are a format designed to help viewers discover your company and your brand. The premise is simple. Someone goes to YouTube and searches a topic they are interested in watching a video about. Bumper ads = are a short video ad format that let you reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand by using a short, memorable message. With videos of 6 seconds or less, bumper ads let you reach people with bite-sized messages while providing a minimal impact on their viewing experience.

Why is an UI designer not an UX designer, whats the differences?

UI vs. UX UI: / UX: What users do / How users feel Sketch app / Sticky notes Visuals / Research Prototyping / Wireframing

Can a high CTR be bad?

While high CTRs are generally seen as positive and good for bring in revenue and conversions, there are certain instances when high CTRs may be worse off for business value and profitability. By default, it is dangerous to blanket statement high CTRs as good. Consider a situation where you are drawing a high number of clicks, but the clicks don't result in conversions. This means you have lost a substantial amount of money since you are paying for every click in a PPC campaign. This occurs often in mobile app display PPC campaigns when engaged, game-playing users click on your ad by accident and proceed to exit immediately. Some firms report CTRs over 50% on these types of campaigns and consequent losses. A high CTR is also dangerous when you are paying too much per click. For example, if you are paying $5.00 per click, but selling a product that is only worth $1.00, it only looks like you succeeded in making a sale and bringing in revenue. In actuality, you have a negative profit of $4.00. Therefore, it is important to calculate the return on investments (ROI) of all your ad campaigns. To do this, you'll want to consider not only the profit you receive from a conversion, but also the conversion rate of your PPC leads. A high CTR means nothing if none of the clicks draw in conversions.

Google analytics

a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic

UI (User interface) + describe what an UI designer wants

focuses on anticipating what users might need to do and ensuring that the interface has elements that are easy to access, understand and use to simplify those actions. An UI designer wants to maximize the visibility and the user experience


keywords that advertisers choose to pay for and appear as sponsored links on the Google results pages. Advertisers use it for online promotion through certain defined keywords to get traffic or leads. You pay per click

What is optimization based on when it comes to SEO?

relevancy, competitiveness and search volume

Email marketing + the process

sending highly targeted, highly personalized, relationship-building marketing messages via email - Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. - In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. - It could be B2C, B2B, ... Process: 1. Establish your Goals 2. Build your email list 3. Select Communication map & type of campaigns 4. Create Campaigns 5. Build your email list 6. Select Communication map & type of campaigns 7. Create Campaigns 8. Measure the results

Why should you care about SEO?

- Investment into a quality website - Attracting traffic with high conversion expectancy - Increased brand awareness - PPC quality score (landing pages) - Changes are measurable

Facts about instagram

#1 Instagram was founded in October, 2010. #2 More than 40 billion photos have been shared in the Instagram history. #3 Instagram was sold for $1 billion in 2012 to facebook. #4 Currently, there is more than 4.2 billion number of Instagram likes per day. Most instagram users are between 18-29 Best time to post = Wednesdays at 5pm It is the 6th most popular social network right now - Posts with location get 79% more engagement - Photos with faces get 38% more engagement - Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement More then 50 billion pics so far

What Are the Most Important SEO Ranking Factors?

- An Accessible URL - Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed) - Mobile Friendliness - Domain Age, URL and Authority - Optimized Content - Technical SEO - User Experience (RankBrain) - Links - Social Signals - Real Business Information

Auction system

- Auction is triggered every time a users makes a search attempt - Advertisers are listed according to their Ad Rank score - Ad Rank is composed of quality part and offered bid - Google counts these quality factors: ○ Performance history of the account ○ Combination of search term, ad and website ○ Quality of entrance website ○ Ad extensions (Site links, maps, phone number, reviews, etc)

6 Benefits of content marketing

- Brand awareness - Competitive advantage - Media visibility - Website traffic - Client engagement - Leads and conversions

Incentives to entice people to join email list

- Compelling content - First order discounts - Free or express shipping upgrade - Free ebook - He will be informed as the first - Special discounts for registered people - Special Gift ...

Factors affecting Page Load

- Distance of the server - Active gzip compression - Render-blocking scripts - Code minification (HTML, CSS, JS, ...) - Excessive redirects - Compression of pictures

How to get more likes?

- Fill your page with searchable info and be active - Use facebook ads to expand your reach and cross promote it on other platforms like twitter and linkedin - Invite exiting contacts and employees to like the page - Include facebook like boxes on your website and blog - Post valuable content

Google recommends the following to get better rankings in their search engine:

- Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines. Don't deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users, a practice commonly referred to as "cloaking." - Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link. - Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content. Make sure that your <title> elements and ALT attributes are descriptive and accurate. - Use keywords to create descriptive, human-friendly URLs. Provide one version of a URL to reach a document, using 301 redirects or the rel="canonical" attribute to address duplicate content.

Type of Campaigns - typical for email marketing

- Newsletter - Marketing Offer - Announcement - Event Invitation Spreading Word Spawning Conversions UpSells CrossSells Appointment Reminders Tracking Emails User Reviews Sharing Vital Information Growing and Social Media Following Announcing New Launches Preventing Cart Abandonment Raising funds Customer Goal The Most Important Goal

Most Important Ad Objectives on Facebook:

- Post Engagement: This advertising type is important to build what is called social proof (meaning you ad has likes, comments and shares), I like to show my ad to people who've liked my page, as they are more likely to like and comment on my ads. - Traffic: This is the MOST IMPORTANT method of advertising, it literally can drive TRAFFIC to anywhere, if you want to bring customers to your shopify store, to your affiliate link promoting someone else's product, your landing page where you give away a lead magnet. Think of traffic campaigns as step two of your ad lifecycle (step one being post engagement to build social proof) - Conversion: Think of conversion campaigns as campaigns you run once you know something about your customer. When you use your Facebook pixel you can set what is called event codes which signal that certain people took certain actions, for example: If you set an event code to tell you pixel any time someone added a product to the cart, or made a purchase, then you could later use this data to create conversion campaign OPTIMIZING for only targeting people who are most likely to also add to cart or purchase (again basedon Facebook's insane amount of data!)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

- The approach to manage a company's interaction with current and potential customers - It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.

What is meta description?

- The longest editable part of the SERP snippet - Not used as a ranking factor; should be written to attract attention - Should be ~150-160 characters long Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise summaries of webpages. They are between one sentence to a short paragraph and appear underneath the blue clickable links in a search engine results page (SERP). However, depending on a user's query, Google might pull meta description text from other areas on your page (in an attempt to better answer the searcher's query).

What to think about when it comes to the title chosen when it comes to SEO?

- The most visible part of the SERP snippet - Used as a ranking factor - Should be less than ~70 characters long

Facts about facebook

- There are 1.32 - 1.47 billion daily active users (an 11 percent increase year over year), and 2.01 - 2.23 billion monthly active Facebook users. - In Europe, over 307 million people are on Facebook and 4.9 million in CZ. - 83% of women and 75% of men use Facebook. - 83% of Facebook users worldwide are under the age of 45. - Highest traffic is in the middle of a week between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - Highest engagement can be reached between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. - Thursdays and Fridays between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. are considered by many to be the best times to post on Facebook, because of an 18% higher engagement rate. - Videos earn the highest engagement rate, despite making up only 3% of content. 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off. - 82% users access their Facebook profile via mobile phone. - 31,8% users access their Facebook profile via laptop and/or desktop computer - 20 minutes average time spent per FB visit. Users access FB an average of eight times per day. - The average click-through rate (CTR) in Facebook ads across all industries is 0.90%. - The average cost per click (CPC) for Facebook ads across all industries is $1.72

4 components of successful facebook ads:

- Visual - Relevant - Enticing value proposition - Clear call-to-action

How to increase number of contacts and emailing list of subscribers?

- Website form - Slider/PopUp - Automatically when they do business with you - During Call - Events - Header/Footer bar

What kind of problems can it be with matching Queries to Content on search engines?

. Uncommon terms: Text that is not written in the common terms that people use to search. For example, writing about "food cooling units" when people actually search for "refrigerators." - Language and internationalization subtleties: For example, "color" vs. "colour." When in doubt, check what people are searching for and use exact matches in your content. - Incongruous location targeting: Targeting content in Polish when the majority of the people who would visit your website are from Japan. - Mixed contextual signals: For example, the title of your blog post is "Mexico's Best Coffee" but the post itself is about a vacation resort in Canada which happens to serve great coffee. These mixed messages send confusing signals to search engines.

Why is mobile friendliness important when it comes to SEO?

... more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan. Therefore it's important to have quality mobile version

What are the two major functions for search engines?

1. Crawling and indexing the billions of documents, pages, files, news, videos, and media on the World Wide Web. 2. Providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they've determined are the most relevant.

Social media funnel

1. Follow your brand 2. See your post and like it 3. Click on the link, visit the page 4. Take an action, register 5. Purchase product/become customer

How to make a website easier to crawl and index?

1. Submit Sitemap to Google 2. Strengthen Internal Links 3. Regularly update and add new content 4. Avoid duplicating any content 5. Speed up your page load time

Ads and extensions

Extensions = Extensions expand your ad with additional information—giving people more reasons to choose your business. Extension formats include call buttons, location information, links to specific parts of your website, additional text, and more. Types of extensions = Get customers to buy from your business location - Location Extensions - Affiliate Location Extensions - Callout Extensions Get customers to contact you - Call Extensions - Message Extensions Get customers to convert on your website - Sitelink Extensions - Callout Extensions - Structured Snippet Extensions - Price Extensions - Review Extensions Get people to download your app - App Extensions

Hashtag on instagram

HASHTAG: The Instagram hashtag is a powerful feature to engage your viewers. Hashtags act as keywords, providing a way for people to find photos through a simple search. Hashtags are especially useful as you seek to establish your brand as an industry leader and get more followers. Implement hashtags that are unique to your brand and industry, as well as hashtags that are popular keywords. And remember to use hashtags (more than one!) on all of your posts Most used hashtag: #love #instafood #me

Newsletter Templates - important parts

Header - first sentence, html version Hero banner Grid Tiles in NWL (picture, text, CTA) Footer - Copyright, opt out

Load time, why is it important? What's ideal?

Ideal Page Load Time for basic websites: 0,5-2 seconds 53% of all visits are abandoned if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. - Matt Cutts, Google, 2016 Amazon's calculated that a page load slowdown of just one second could cost it $1.6 billion in sales each year.

What is the importance of a link based on in a search engine?

Importance of a link is determined based on relevancy, location, authority, number of links a their variations, ownership of interlinked domains

Digital Marketing Strategies

It is the series of actions that are going to help you achieve your goal(s) using online marketing, like: - Interactive marketing - Content marketing - Location-based advertising - Behavioral targeting - Video tactics - Blogs and newsletters - E-mail marketing

Accessibility/Web accessibility

Means that websites, tools and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. It helps people to understand, navigate and interact with the web + contribute to it. It can also benefit people without disabilities, for example people using smartphones, smart watches or other tablets. Also older people and people with situational limitations etc.

Dark posts

Normal-looking Facebook updates that are intentionally never shared organically and only served as ads. They don't appear on timelines or feeds of your followers, they only show up as sponsored content in the feeds of users you've specifically targeted.

How does search engines determines the content in a picture?

Pictures have a dataset of descriptive fields called metadata. These fields can contain qualitative, quantitative, locational or any other sort of descriptive attributes. Information can also be "tagged" into the file by real-time usage by various users. Google would likely prioritize and sort the images based on how many times the file has been viewed combined with the accuracy of the data fields to return the images in an applicable required way for the user searching for the images.

Individual KPIs for customers lifecycle when it comes to google analytics and the see-think-do-care model

SEE Broadest addressable users (no commercial intent) - for example, people wearing clothes (which is a lot of people) or people who prefer a healthy lifestyle - Reach, Frequency - Interactions - % of New Visits - Ad Recall - Brand Awareness Can be via social media, videos, blogs, articles etc. THINK Users thinking about purchasing (some commercial intent) - for example, people wearing clothes and thinking that they might need some new ones or people who prefer healthy lifestyle and are considering the role of organic food - CTR - Page Depth - Micro-conversions - Assisted Conversions - Brand Consideration - Brand Favorability Can be via newsletters, reviews, product comparisons, reward programs etc. DO Users ready to purchase now - for example, people wearing clothes and thinking that they might need some new ones NOW or people who prefer healthy lifestyle and have the intention to buy healthy organic food NOW - Abandonment Rate - Conversions/CPA - Revenue/ROAS - Profit/ROI Can be via purchase, join email list, download, store visit CARE Users who have purchased at least twice - for example, people who have bought clothes from you at least twice or people who buy organic food from us at least twice a month - Repeat Purchases - Likelihood to - Recommend - Average Revenue per - User (ARPU) - Customer - Lifetime Value (CLV) Can be via personalized records, word of mouth, download app, account sign in, appoint reminder etc.


Search Engine Marketing - is a form of online marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (like on google), primarily through paid advertising.

Big data

a term used for datasets so large or complex that traditional data processing apps are to inadequate to deal with them

Google tag manager

allows you to add more tags to your site beyond just analytics without needing to add multiple snippets to your code again and again. Used to manage third-party tags.


the process of forming the meaning of a brand through words and expressing the value and benefits that the brand has to offer.

Social media

websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

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