Digital Marketing Chapter 5
Search Engine Results Page SERP
Shorthand for a page of search engine listings, typically the first page of organic results. The output is then sorted in order of relevance
White Hat SEO
These techniques are seen as legitimate optimization of a site to align it with the needs of the site visitor and simultaneously make the site content accessible and easy to index by the search engines.
True of False: A KPI is ALWAYS a metric, a metric is not necessarily a KPI.
Flash website JavaScript Navigation Frames Image maps and other non text navigation Dynamically generated pages AJAX
What are 6 spider traps: web design features that can hurt your search engine visibility?
Test and Change
Webserver Log Page Tagging Use of cookies Software options
What are 4 tools for managing organic and paid traffic? 1. Analyse the web access logs created by your own web server 2. Embed some code "Page tag"
Whats another name for bots? A programme which crawls the web and fetches web pages in order for them to be indexed against keywords. Used by search engines to formulate search result pages These sent out to 'crawl' the web. They follow hyperlinks and gather information about the pages that they find. Interested in TEXT. Difficulty for them includes: flash only sites and frames
Click Through
When a user interacts with an advertisement and clicks through to the advertiser's website.
Search Friendly Landing Page -Alt-Tag
Vital for linking images and describing visual content for search engines and visitors Retailers
(2) Create Compelling Ad Copy
Want targeted copy that will appeal to people who are ready to buy. so be SPECIFIC "Call to Action" -part of a marketing message that attempts to persuade a person to perform a desired action. -aims to persuade a visitor to perform a certain act immediately. -Examples: "Buy Now!" and "Register Today!" - is intended to improve the market's response rate to the ad copy, as its absence may cause a visitor to forget about the ad and move on to other things. Helps increase click through rate
1.Header 2. Create Good Copy of meta-description tags 3. Manage external and internal links
What are 3 goods ways to Optimize one page at a time. (Step 3)
Exact Match
Ads may show on searches that are an exact term and close variations of that exact term. Symbol: [keyword] Example keyword: [women's hats] Example search: women's hats
Create multiple ad groups
1) Keywords Keyword Phases
The foundation of SEO efforts. What people are typing into search engine box to look for your product. Should be the first thing that is carried out as it permeates every aspect of SEO activity Used to differentiate site architecture and will also inform the content marketing strategy. The more general, the less likely it is that your site will contain what the searcher is trying to find
Links that reside on pages that do not belong to your domain links from other websites. Boost your site's perceived authority with the search engines, which in turn helps your more popular pages to rank higher in the SERPs.
How Search Engines Work Googles Page Rank Algorithm
Managing Organic Traffic
Conversion Rate
Measure of success of an online ad when compared to the click- through rate. What defines a 'conversion' depends on the marketing objective, eg: it can be defined as a sale or request to receive more information, etc. Bring to the landing page What Will make or break your pay per click campaign ? The average number of click-throughs per hundred ad impressions, expressed as a percentage.
Match Type
Affect your Cost per Click and quality score Broad match Modified match -Negative "Phrase" [Exact]
actual content
Engines rely principally on their increasingly comprehensive ability to analyse the ____ of the page - the words the user sees - and on incoming and outgoing links to help them determine a page's relevance to the submitted search query.
Example of "search Unoptimization" Flash content on the homepage is not read by the text browser and thus without being tagged properlyis not understandable to search engines.
(2) Meta-Tags
Give each page a unique theme Contain information that is accessible to browsers, search engine spiders and other programs, but that doesn't appear on the rendered (visible) page for the user. only exist in HTML, usually at the "head" of the page, and so are only visible to search engines (and people who know where to look). The "meta" stands for "metadata," which is the kind of data these tags provide - data about the data on your page Are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's code. Many search engines use this information when building their indixes Codes that help the search engine find what you are looking for.
Keep you best and delete the rest
'Bots' AKA: robots
Search Engines use Automated programs that gather detailed information about the billions of web pages.
Start by brainstorming and use Google Keywords tool for additional ideas
Click Through Rate
Frequency of click-throughs as a percentage of impressions served. Used as a measure of advertising effectiveness.
Full Financial Control Full editorial control Testing, tracking and tweaking Improve your reach Transcend the boundaries of the SERPS
What are 5 specific benefits of PPC advertising
Generate valuable content that other sites will want to link to Let people know your site is out there Create your own blog Network Ask people who link to your competitors to link to you Encourage links within content and with descriptive anchor text Submit your site to high quality directories Use Link Bait Offer to swap links with a select few relevant high quality sites
What are 8 tips for link building?
1. Writing for Human Audience 2. Spiders should ALWAYs be a secondary consideration 3. Copy must be relevant, interesting and provide answers the user is looking for
What are the 3 key things to remember about Content?
Group Refine Expand Match Scrub
What is a good way of selecting keywords? 5 step process...
Start with Good Keywords Analyze Competitions key Words Optimize one page at a Time
What is the 3 step process for SEO
Absolute unique visitors:
The number of individuals who visited your site over a given period (as opposed to visitors, where each returning visitor is counted again).
Universal Search
A term coined by Google to describe a fundamental change in the way it presents its web search results. Billed by commentators as one of the most significant and radical developments in the history of the search industry. Takes results from Google's specialized (or vertical) search engines and slots them into standard web search results in order of relevance.attempting to break down the walls that traditionally separated our various search properties and integrate the vast amounts of information available into one simple set of search results.
1. Domain Name 2. Search Engines 3. Paid Ads 4. External Links 5. Publicity
What are 5 destination website that help build website traffic?
1. Choose Key words Wisely 2. Create compelling ad copy 3. Pay attention to conversion 4. Monitor and Revise
What are the 4 steps to Managing Paid Traffic?
Pick your keyword match type
Search Engine Optimization for sustainable High ranking,
Hinges on the production of great original content that appeals to real, live people
Buying expired domains
This is the practice of buying up expired domains that were once high-ranking pages to try to acquire some of the old site's inbound links
Internal External
What are 2 types of Links?
Keyword Stuffing
What is a problem with Meta Tag Keywords?
encompasses everything on your website. It includes all the visual elements on the site, the flashy graphics, animations, videos, banners, etc - that the search engine spiders can't see, and of all of the text, which they can The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING ON YOUR WEBSITE. Must be Unique, relevant, informative is what sets your site apart from the competition. It's the reason users want to visit you, why other sites will want to link to you and, of course, why search engines will want to suggest your site to their users in search results.
Invisible text
is essentially text that is the same colour as the background of the page - result, humans can't see it but search engines can. This is like keyword stuffing - but with the cloaking element of showing the search engine bot and human visitor different content.
Broad match
is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. Example keyword: women's hats Example search: buy ladies hats
Search Engine Marketing
is the process of gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines.
-The tagging code (typicallyJavaScript) is automatically run every time the page is loaded, so even viewing a cached page will generate a visit. Because viewing a page from a cache doesn't require communication -is easier for developers to add customized information to page tagging code to be collected by the remote server. log file analysis, custom information that's not routinely collected by the web server can only be recorded by appending information to the URL. -can collect data based on events that don't involve sending a request to the web server, such as interactions with Flash, AJAX and other rich media content. -Cookies are assigned and handled by the page tagging service; with log file analysis your server has to be specially configured to use cookies. -will work even if you can't access your web server logs.
Advantages of Page tagging
Abandonment rate:
Comes in a variety of flavours - it basically highlights the proportion of your visitors who start down a predefined conversion funnel (a series of pages leading to a target action, or conversion) but bail out before committing to the desired action. The classic example is visitors dumping an e-commerce shopping cart before checking out, or abandoning the checkout process.
Small files that are sent to the users browser and stored on their local hard drive. Store unique ID that allows the site to identify a returning visitor, store site preference and personalization settings and help to track that visitors navigation around a website. Allow websites to deliver a better user experience to their customers and allow a more accurate tracking of web statistics Potential privacy issues. best practice to include an entry in your site's privacy policy explicitly stating what you use cookies for, what information they contain, and who (if anyone) that information is shared with.
This is the practice of setting up multiple websites on a given topic and linking backwards and forwards between them purely in an attempt to increase their rankings in the search engines.
A/B Testing Multivariate Testing
What are 2 tools for monitoring and testing?
A massive database that has been crawled by a spidere and that search engine stores details about the page's content, and the links both into and out of it Highly optimized so that results for any of the hundreds of millions of search request received everyday can be retrieved from it almost instantly.
Phrase Match
Ads may show on searches that are a phrase, and close variations of that phrase. Symbol: "keyword" Example keyword: "women's hats" Example search: buy women's hats
Meta-Description Tag
Descriptive 'snippet' of text that appears below your page title in the SERPs. explain your visitor in only 2 or 3 phrases what they can expect on your website? A well-written description for each page can, in theory at least, entice more users to click through to your page when it's returned in search results. character snippet used to summarize a web page's content. Search engines sometimes use these snippets in search results to let visitors know what a page is about before they click on it. Helps boost CTR
(1) Keywords
Foundation blocks for any successful PPC account. Aim for phrases that generate a healthy amount of search engine traffic without attracting a lot of bids from other advertisers. Brand Keywords Product-Specific Keywords Generic Long-tail Misspelling
Selling Links to help boost search ranking
If you have a high-ranking website, you sell links from your site to another to boost its ranking.
Negative Keywords
Search term that the advertiser does NOT want its advertisement to appear against. Ex: Wine - Glasses
CTR Landing Page quality Ad Relecance
Quality of Score depends on what 3 factors
Page Rank Algorithm
Special programs that use a variety of closely guarded proprietary formula to score a sites relevance to the users original query. is an algorithm used by Search engines to rank websites in their search engine results. The output is then sorted in order of relevance-SERPS Is a way of measuring the importance of website pages.
Landing Page
Tailored to reenforce your PPC campaign pecifically tailored pages on your website on which people arrive when they click your ad. They are the conversion mechanism that gives your ad value and ultimately delivers that all-important ROI.
Key Performance Indicators
They INDICATE progress (or lack of it) in areas that are KEY to your website's PERFORMANCE. Used to distill key trends from complex, often disparate pools of data and to present them as a series of clear, unequivocal indices, a snapshot of how your organization is performing at any given time. They let you extract meaning form your data at a glance. Creating a regular snapshot that allows you to monitor the performance of your marketing over time. Give you an immediate sense of the overall health of your marketing, but also help to highlight potential problems, and point you in the right direction before you delve deeper into you data looking for solutions. Crucial to monitoring your marketing performance effectively and allowing you to make informed decisions for continuous improvements n their document Web Analytics: Key metrics and KPIs (G Creese and J Burby, Washington, DC, 2005), the Web Analytics Association (WAA) defines a KPI in the context of web analytics as: KPI (Key Performance Indicator): while a KPI can be either a count or a ratio, it is frequently a ratio. While basic counts and ratios can be used by all Web site types, a KPI is infused with business strategy — hence the term, 'Key' — and therefore the set of appropriate KPIs typically differs between site and process types.
Unique Visitors
Un-duplicated single user visits to a given property
1. Generates Traffic while you're waiting for your SEO to kick in 2. Highly targeted ads means a better chance of conversion
What are 2 main reasons for PPC search marketing?
DOS and 404 error Redirection Link Bomb Duplicate Content Black Social Bookmarking
What are different types of Negative SEO
Drive sustainable saves of targeted traffic to your website and ultimately generate more revenue for your business. Getting information in front of a highly targeted audience at the precise moment when they're looking to buy your products or services, This traffic is flattening while referral traffic from social networks increases
Meta Tag Key words
A series of keywords you deem relevant to the page in question.
1. Relevance 2. Authority of your page content in the context of what the user typed into the search box
Content and Search engine ranking combine to measure what 2 things?
1. they need to decide which pages in their index are relevant to the user's query, 2. Rank those pages in terms of quality and importance.
Search engines need to determine what two things when they attempt to fulfil a user's search request?
Personalization Search
Users who are signed in with a google account google would start taking the search history of users into account when assessing the relevance of search results
Black Social Bookmarking
The attacker sets up multiple accounts with social bookmarking sites, and tags targeted sites excessively with irrelevant and spammy terms like 'porn', 'gambling', 'pharmaceutical', etc. As a result the target site may be penalized heavily or even removed from the search engine's index once the social bookmark pages have been spidered.
Spam Page
This is a page with no meaningful content that is full of ads that the webmaster makes money from if someone clicks on them.
This is a term that refers to any written product. Is the text on the page, and can mean the actual lettering (i.e. bold copy,) or the tone (i.e. dynamic copy, persuasive copy.)
Relevance of Content Metatags Search Friendly Landing page
What are 3 general issues to consider for Site Optimization for SEO?
Cost per Click x Quality Score
Formula for Ad rank: _____ X_____
Negative SEO
Some Black Hat SEOs have started peddling commercial services not to increase their clients' rankings in the SERPs, but to damage the ranking of their competitors. the search engine algorithms identify 'spammy' tactics and penalize the offending site's rankings accordingly. If there are enough, or severe enough, transgressions to the search engine's guidelines, the site could be thrown out of the index altogether.
The attacker REDIRECTS to the targeted pages from 'BAD NEIGHBORHOOD' sites like porn sites, link farms, etc. The targeted pages can end up being removed from the search engine index through association with spammy domains.
DOS and 404 error
The attacker initiates a Denial-of-Service attack to swamp the target domain. Once the target domain is down, employs numerous methods to encourage search engine spiders to visit the site. If the spiders arrive and receive a 404 (not found) error, those pages will typically be de-indexed. Once the server recovers, the website is up and running, but is no longer appearing in the search results.
The links that reside on pages that belong to your domain or subdomains links between pages on the same website, or pages that reside in subdomains of the primary domain. give you a way of distributing the 'authority' accrued by your more popular pages (like your home page, for example) to other important pages that you want to rank for.
Long Tail Short Tail
What are the 2 categories that keywords fall into in SEO
What percent of search engine rankings connote be determined based solely on the website in question? Rather they are the result of off page criteria such as the quantity and quality of links from other sites.
Meta Tag - Title
isn't a real meta tag but a so called html tag Small but very important HTML tag that lives in the HEADER section of the code on each of your web pages. the text it contains is what appears in the title bar at the top of your browser window when you visit a web page. The text that appears as the 'clickable' blue link for a page when it's presented to users in the SERPs. 1. most important on page factor used by the search engines to rank your page 2. First glimpse of your content you are able to influence your search results with the search engines and the click behavior of the surfer on the internet. Always try to come up with a relevant and attractive title for every page of your website. is the first (usually click-able) phrase you see as a search result. The best thing to do is to make the title no longer than 100 characters.
Black Hat SEO Dark Side of SEO
search engine spamming or spamdexing (spamming the indexes) Not interested in building quality sites with sustainable high rankings typically have many sites running on many different domains across a variety of hosts, all exploiting loopholes in the system to artificially boost their rankings and generate advertising revenue. create lists of hundreds or thousands of keywords and stuff their pages full of keyword- rich bunkum created by automated content generation tools. Instead of building links naturally, they'll use automated 'bots' to spam posts stuffed with links into blog comments, guestbooks, forums and wikis all over the web. Sinister side, where less ethical practitioners attempt to exploit every trick and loophole they can find to 'game' the engines, increase their rankings and drive traffic to their sites
Paid Search Marketing "Search Engine Marketing"
Refers to the paid-for advertising that usually appears alongside, above and occasionally below the organic listings on the SERPs. Results in more visibility through sponsored results for particular keywords Digital marketing cash cow Principle way search engines generate money Google: 23.31 billion FB: 80% revenue comes from ads from mobile Usually labelled with something like: 'sponsored links' or 'sponsored results' to make it clear to users that they are paid-for ads and not part of the search engine's organic listing. Google with AdWords, Yahoo! with Search Marketing and Microsoft Live with Search Advertising.
Short Tail Keywords
Simple one or two word phrases that are typically very general in nature and attract a large volume of individual search requests. "Higher Traffic Key Words" Highly competitive, consist of one or two words, have a high cost per click and may have low conversion rates as they tend to be quite general. Examples from the accommodation sector might include 'hotel', 'London hotel' or 'cheap hotel'
Doorway Page
This is a highly optimized web page whose sole purpose is to send traffic to other pages either through an automatic redirect or by simply being full of links.
Call To action
A statement or instruction, typically promoted in print, web, TV, radio, on-portal, or other forms of media (often embedded in advertising), that explains to a mobile subscriber how to respond to an opt-in for a particular promotion or mobile initiative, which is typically followed by a notice
is a technique that uses code to show one search- engine-friendly page to the spider and a completely different page to a human visitor. The engines hate this as it makes it impossible for them to gauge the quality of the content a user is seeing. In early 2006 Google blacklisted car manufacturer BMW's German website www., dropping it from its index for employing a cloaking page.
(3) Pay attention to conversion Converting Clicks into customers
Once you get the clicks, you need to turn your new prospects into paying customers as often as you can. It's your conversion rate that will make or break your PPC campaign. Don't direct traffic from your ad back to your home page. Send it instead to a page directly related to the text of the ad users have just clicked on - perhaps a product page or, better still, a special landing page designed specifically to reinforce your PPC campaign. Remember, if you fail to convert your traffic into revenue, all your PPC campaign will do is haemorrhage cash.
Keyword Stuffing
This is repeating keywords over and over again on a given web page. This is less successful now, as search engine algorithms are getting better at distinguishing copy that's constructed properly from gobbledegook.
Modified Broad Match
Ads may show on searches that contain the modified term (or close variations, but not synonyms), in any order. Symbol: +keyword Example keyword: +women's +hats Example search: hats for women
Optimize your ads
Ads must entice users to click on them Title and ad copy Want targeted copy that will appeal to people who are READY TO BUY Generating clicks that don't convert will cost you money
Duplicate Content
The attacker COPIES content from targeted pages and duplicates that content on disposable 'bad neighbourhood' domains, embedding spammy keywords like 'porn', 'pills' or 'casinos', invisible text and other spam flags, which may result in both sets of pages being removed from the index.
Joe Payne Photography
Example of a Small business using effective techniques? Particularly using organic search -constantly updates his site with new content by blogging about the events he shoots -Posting featured image of the week -Promotes through social media -Includes captions for each photograph that thoroulghy described the image using search terms that potential customers may be interested in -Name of venue, Name of Company -Links relevant vendors
Page views:
Simple and straightforward, this is the number of pages viewed by your visitors over a given period.
Bounce rate:
The number of people who arrive on your site, scan the landing page and then leave immediately. This is an important metric, because it can highlight either that your traffic isn't targeted enough (your keyword choices might be too generic) or that your landing page design and content aren't delivering what the visitor expects.
New vs returning visitors:
The proportion of your visitors who have been to your site before, assuming the analytics package can recognize them (ie they accept and haven't deleted cookies).
Conversion rate Page Views Absolute Unique Visitors New V retiring Visitors Bounce Rate Abandonment Rate Cost per Conversion
What are 7 generic web based KPIs that can be useful? plus dashboard or overview page.
1.Privacy Legislation 2. Consumer increasingly taking action to block or delete cookies 3. Growing importance of mobile ecosystems that DO NOT allow third party cookies
What are the 3 main problems with cookies?
Multivariate Testing
a process that enables website owners to test multiple components on a web page simultaneously in a live environment. rapidly becoming the conversion optimization method of choice among digital marketers, largely because it allows for far more complex testing options than simple A/B split tests, delivers results in a short space of time and can have a dramatic impact on conversion rates. Ex: Web optimizer (Google)
Persistent third party cookies
cookies that are set by a domain other than the one you're visiting and that persist beyond the scope of your existing browser session. ould be used to track visitor behaviour across multiple websites on different domains, building up a picture of users' behaviour as they surf the web. large ad-serving and tracking companies can potentially use cookies to build up profiles of user behaviour across all the websites that they serve without explicit consent from the user
A/B Testing
method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. "Split Testing" a method in marketing research where variables in a control scenario are changed and the ensuing alternate strategies tested, in order to improve the effectiveness of the final marketing strategy. Problem: Can only use it effectively to test variances in the impact of a single page element at a time. It's very difficult to conduct accurate tests that measure the impact of varying different components on the same landing page and how the changes combine to affect your visitor behavior
Page Tagging
Involves putting a small piece of code on every page of your site that you want to track. Whenever a visitor requests the page the code sends information (gleaned in much the same way as that recorded in the server log file) and sends it to your chosen provider. Tracking code is included on every page of your site that you want to track so that robot and spider traffic is effectively filtered out. Grown with the rising popularity of software-as -a-service concept (SaaS). Fuelled by the introduction of free, powerful and highly configurable analytics services like StatCounter ( and the very popular Google Analytics
Long Tail Keywords
More complex queries that contain more words and are much more specific in nature. Cumulatively this type account for the lions share of internet search traffic. "Low traffic Keywords" Not so competitive, often consist of four, five or more words, have a lower cost per click and can have a higher conversion rate as they are quite specific indicating that the searcher is further along the online purchasing cycle. Examples might include 'cheap city centre hotel Dublin', 'stags weekend hotel Temple Bar Dublin' or 'business hotel with gym and spa Wexford
Search Engines
Prime Directive: Delivering timely, relevant, high-quality search results to their users. a program that indexes documents, then attempts to match documents relevant to the users search requests. Give those businesses a prime opportunity to put their products, services or brands in front of a vast and ever growing market of prospective customers at the PRECISE time those customers looking for exactly what the business is selling. The better search experience for the user, the better the reputation of the search engine and the more users will attract. Double Edge Sword
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Allows advertisers to bid for placement in the paid listings search results on terms that are relevant to their business. Advertisers pay the amount of their bid only when a consumer clicks on their listing. Also called sponsored search/paid search. Pay each time your ad is clicked Most common form of paid search marketing
(3) Links
One of the main things that indicates a page's perceived importance to a search engine's ranking algorithm is the quantity and quality of references. Creating outstanding content is the most effective way of attracting high-quality inbound links from authoritative online sources. which will lead to high rankings in the search engine results The more you have point to your site, the higher your perceived authority. Links from authority sites are probably the single most significant factor in boosting your site's overall rankings in the SERPs. Depends on creating high-quality content and building a reputation for excellence in your chosen field, which in turn encourages other website owners to link to you.
1. Volume 2. Competitiveness 3. Profitability
Successful keyword search should ultimately allow the marketer to find and focus on phrases that satisfy what 3 things?
The attacker links to the targeted pages from blatant link farms or free-for-all link sites, using anchor text with irrelevant or spam-like keywords. They then submit those link-farm pages manually to the search engines and get as many spam sites as possible to link into it. Search engines flag the target site as spam and remove it from their index.
Social Search
Web user sign in on their Google account and conducts a web search , google incorporates publicly available web content created by a users online friends and connections across google ranges of products and other publicly available web services
S. pam Page I. nvisible text C. loaking K. eyword Stuffing D. oorway page I. nterlinking B. uying and Selling links to help boost search ranking B. uying expired domains
What are 8 common Black hat SEO techniques?
Larry Page, one of the founders of Google
Who is Google's PageRank named after? Attaches weighting to sites based on their popularity and authority. According to Google: The values 0 to 10 determine a page's importance, reliability and authority on the web according to Google. Uses the number of times keywords appear on a page as one determinant of which pages are listed first. This metric does not, however, directly affect a website's search engine ranking.
Who is the market leader in search by country mile? Established in late 1998 In less the 16 years the search company has become a leading global brand to rival the biggest and the best
2 or more
Your target keywords should always be at least ____ words long.
PPC Keywords
______ are bid on by advertisers in an auction-style system: generally the higher the bid per click, the higher the ad's placement in the SERPs. Some PPC systems also use a 'quality' quotient in their ad- placement rankings, based on the popularity of the ad (its click-through rate or CTR) and the perceived quality of the landing page it points to.
WebServer Log
Everytime your web server receives a request for a resource (a file) on your website, it stores details of that request in its server access logs. Depends on a variety of factors, including the way the server itself is set up, the format of the log files it produces and the settings of the user's browser. the unique IP address of the user's computer; a time stamp showing the date and time of the request; the URI of the requested resource; a status code confirming the result of the request; the file size of the returned resource; the URL of the referring page; other information supplied by the 'user agent' (typically browser type/version, language and operating system).
Cost per conversion (CPC):
This is basically a calculation of the total cost of advertising (or of a particular advertising campaign where you've tagged the ads so that your analytics software can differentiate resulting traffic)
Conversion Rate
This is the proportion of visitors to your site who go on to perform a predefined action - such as complete a purchase, subscribe to your online newsletter, register on the forum, fill in an enquiry form or any other conversion factor you've defined. Naturally the higher your conversion rate, the more of your visitors are carrying out the actions you want them to perform on the site, and the better your site's performance (to get an idea of some average conversion rates across a variety of online business categories see
KPIs are always clearly aligned to strategic business goals. KPIs are defined by management: Decision makers have to identify, define and take ownership of the key drivers of their organization's success. KPIs are tied to value drivers critical to achieving key business goals: They should represent the 'deal breakers' in the pursuit of your organizational goals. KPIs need to be based on valid data: You only get out what you put in. KPIs need to be quantifiable: You have to be able to measure your KPIs in a consistent and meaningful way over time. KPIs need to be easy to understand: They should be a barometer of your site's performance - a quick glance at your KPIs should tell anyone in your organization, from management to trainee, how well your website is performing. KPIs can be influenced by, and used as triggers for, positive action: One of the main values of KPIs is that they immediately highlight where your organization 'could do better' and highlight areas where action is required to get things back on track.
What are 7 ways to tell the difference between a KPI and a metric?
Universal Search Personalized Search Social Search
what are 3 types of searches that show how search technologies are evolving?
Search Engine Optimization SEO
The process which aims to get websites listed prominently within search engines' organic (algorithmic, spidered) search results. Involves making a site 'search engine friendly' The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. Most sustainable: build relevance to your site and focus on providing a resource for your customer. The goal is to optimize your whole site so that you website comes up as the highest possible page rank. Factors include: the quality of the sites architecture, its content the influence of other websites, social channels endorsements. Effective: finding a balance between keyword search volume and keyword specificity that drives the max volume of TARGETED traffic to your site. ONE PAGE AT A TIME about finding that elusive balance between keyword search volume and keyword specificity that drives the maximum volume of targeted traffic to your site. Relies on the premise that when users search with a search engine, they are not actually searching the entire Internet, only the index of the Internet. Tactics taken to improve the visibility of a website to searchers using Internet search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. One of the most outsourced aspects of online communication.
Organic Traffic
is free traffic originating from search engines such as Google. It's the best traffic to receive because it means your website is actually being visited by people interested in your product or service. The 'natural' search results that appear in a separate section (usually the main body of the page) to the paid listings. The results listed here have not been paid for and are ranked by the search engine (using spiders or algorithms) according to relevancy to the term searched upon Free Traffic Does not happen in isolation Not paying for anything Is the ideal that most webmasters are striving for (because it's 'free', and because users see organic results as impartial: they trust, and therefore click on, organic listings in preference to paid ads), optimizing pages to rank in organic search results can be difficult, and getting a consistently high and sustainable ranking takes a substantial amount of effort and a lot of time. the unpaid entries in a search engine results page that were derived based on their contents' relevance to the keyword query. Loss of control Ex: Social Media
Meta Tage -Title Meta Tag - Key Word Meta Tag- Description
What are 3 important meta tags and one HTML tag that are important for high search engine visibility and rank?
1. Raw data is available for analysis -Page tag requires changes to website and tacking can only begin when changes have been made 2.Every transaction your web server makes is recorded in the log file. -Page tagging relies on settings in the visitors' browsers (such as JavaScript being enabled), so a certain (small) proportion of visitors may go undetected. 3. data collected in your log files are your data, and are in a standard format that makes it easy for you to migrate to analytics software from a different vendor, use more than one package to give you a broader view of your data, and analyse historical data using any log file analysis program you choose. -Page tagging solutions usually mean you're locked in to the relationship with your chosen provider - if you change providers you typically have to start collecting data again from scratch. 4. log files capture visits by search engine spiders and other automated bots as well as human users. Although it's important that your analytics software can differentiate these from your human visitors, knowing which spiders have crawled your site and when can be important for search engine optimization. -Page tagging solutions typically overlook non-human visitors. 5. Server logs record information on failed requests, giving you insight into potential problems with your website; page tagging, on the other hand, only records an event when a page is successfully viewed.
Advantages of Log File Analysis