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It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is:

0.01 % One hundredth of one percent or more.

It is illegal for a person under 21 to drive with a blood alcohol concentration that is


The speed limit for a blind intersection (there are no stop signs on any corner) is:

15 MPH

The speed limit in an alley is:

15 MPH

The speed limit for a school zone is:

25 MPH

Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit is:

55 MPH

Which child requires a child passenger restraint system?

A seven year old who is 4 feet 7 inches tall

You are driving in the far right lane of a four lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in:

An exit lane

A yellow diamond sign with a cross means

Another road crosses yours ahead

You should stop before crossing railroad tracks:

Any time a train may be approaching, whether or not you can see it

When should you use your headlights?

Anytime you have trouble seeing others or being seen

Instructions from school crossing guards must be obeyed:

At all times

When merging onto a freeway, you should be driving:

At or near the same speed as the freeway traffic

When you see a yellow pentagon shaped sign with children walking, you should:

Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.

You should adjust your rearview and side view mirrors:

Before you start driving.

Tailgating other drivers (driving too close to their rear bumpers)

Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry

When you see a red sign labeled "STOP", you should stop and:

Check traffic in all directions before proceeding

Which of these statements is true about child passengers?

Children under age one should not ride in the front seat in air bag equipped vehicles

When a traffic signal light is not working at an intersection, you should:

Come to a complete stop, then process when it is safe.

You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with siren and flashing lights. You should:

Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop.

You must carefully watch for bicycles in traffic lanes because they:

Could be hidden to your blind spots

You have had your license for eight months, you may:

Drive between 5 am and 11 pm unaccompanied.

You have had your license for three months you may :

Drive between 5 am and 5 pm unaccompanied

There are five vehicles following closely behind you on a road with one lane in your direction. When you see a sign with "SLOWER TRAFFIC USE TURNOUTS" you should:

Drive to side of the road and stop in the designated area.

You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you, what should you do?

Drive to the right side of the road and stop.

You can be fined up to $1000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for:

Dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway.

If you are towing another vehicle or trailer on a freeway with four lanes in your direction, you may travel in:

Either of the two right lanes

Which of the following is true about drugs and driving

Even over the counter drugs can impiar your judgement

A red triangle sign with "YIELD" means you should:

Give the right of way to traffic on the road you are entering or crossing

You are driving 55 MPH on a two lane highway, once lane in each direction, and want to pass the car ahead of you. To pass safety, you need to:

Have at least a 10 t0 12 second gap in the on coming traffic.

If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on your:


You are on a two way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. You may legally pass the vehicle on the right:

If there is enough road between the curb and the vehicle to do so

You are on a two way road and the vehicles ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. You may legally pass the vehicle on the right:

If there is enough room on the right side of the road to pass

Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is:

Illegal at all times

Your are being chased by a police vehicle with its lights and sirens activated. You ignore the warning to stop and speed away. During the chase, a person is seriously injured. You are subject to:

Imprisonment and/or fine of at least $2,000

You may legally park your car:

In a bicycle lane if there is not sign forbidding it.

Driving faster then traffic and continually passing other cars

Increases your chances of a collision

If you are driving slower then the flow of traffic you will most likely

Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket

You should use your horn when:

It may help prevent a collision

Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a:

Large tour bus.

If you are a minor and your cell phone rings while you are driving you should:

Let the call go to voice mail

If you are a minor and your cell phone rings while you are driving, you should:

Let the call go to voice mail.

You park your car at the curb on a level two way street. Before getting out of your car you should:

Look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle

To be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes, you should:

Look over your shoulder into the lane you want to enter.

You see a car approaching from the rear. When you check your mirror again to change lanes, you no longer see the car. You should:

Look over your shoulder to be sure the car is not in your blind spot.

When driving in fog, use your:

Low beam headlights

It is very foggy. Slow down, turn on your windsheild wipes and:

Low beam lights

You want to turn left ahead, in the middle of the road there is a lane marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line, on both traffic lanes, you must:

Merge completely into the this lane before you make your left turn.

Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?

Most cold medications can make a person drowsy

Cargo extending more than four feet from the rear bumper:

Must be marked with a red flag or lights.

When you change lanes or merge with another lane, you should:

Need at least a four second gap in traffic.

When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle

Never turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle

You are driving on a road with a posted speed limit of 45 MPH. All the other vehicles are driving 50 MPH or faster. You may legally drive:

No faster than 45 MPH.

You may drive in a bike lane

No more then 200 ft before making a right turn

A red colored curb indicates:

No stopping, standing or parking (except buses)

When planning to pass another vehicle you should:

Not assume they will make space for you to return to your lane.

Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction:

Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn.

Check your rearview mirrors:

Often, to see how traffic is moving behind you

You may make a U turn

On a highway where there is an opening for a turn

You may turn right on a solid red right:

Only after stopping, and yielding to pedestrians and bicycles, unless otherwise posted

Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead, unless you are:

Parked on a hill or sloping downward.

A blue colored curb indicates:

Parking permitted for disabled person or driver of a disabled person with plate or place card.

Who has the right of way at an intersection with no crosswalks?

Pedestrians but only with the green "WALK" signal

The California Driver Handbook recommends several tips to help you keep alert on long drives. One of these tips is:

Pull off the road and rest.

If your are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy rain or fog and your wipers do not help, you should:

Pull off the road completely until visibility improves.

If five or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two lane road:

Pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass

A pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street. If you see a pedestrian with a guide dog or white cane waiting to cross at a corner, you should:

Pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine.

When driving near road construction zones, you should:

Reduce speed and be prepared to stop

When looking ahead while driving, you should:

Scan from side to side.

You must notify DMV within five days if you:

Sell or transfer your vehicle

You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:

Sell or transfer your vehicle.

A yellow diamond shaped sign with an arrow pointing right means:

Sharp turn to the right.

You are driving in the far right lane of a multilane freeway. A line of five cars is merging into your lane ahead from an on ramp, you:

Should make room for the merging vehicles, if possible.

When driving in the far right lane of a freeway, you:

Should respect merging vehicles at on ramps

You are approaching an uncontrolled intersection. You:

Should slow down and be ready to stop

You are getting ready to make a right turn, you should:

Signal during the last 100 feet before the turn

When changing lanes on a freeway, you should:

Signal for at least five seconds prior to changing lanes.

Which of the following will help you avoid being hit behind

Signaling 100 feet before turning

If you want to pass a bicyclists in narrow traffic lane when an oncoming car is approaching:

Slow down and let the car pass, then pass the bicyclist

Which of the following is true about construction zones?

Slow down for the safety of you and the workers

If you approach a curve or the top of a hill and you do not have a clear view of the road ahead, you should:

Slow down so you can stop if necessary

If a driver is going to pull out in front of you, the safest thing to do is:

Slow or stop your car and use your horn

Which of the following blocks the smooth flow of traffic?

Slowing down to look at a collision scene

For which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle?

Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked out traffic signals

You are approaching a sharp curve in the road. You should:

Start braking before you enter the curve.

If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection:

Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears

If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead, you should:

Steer your vehicle around the water, if possible.

A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

Stop before entering.

Other drivers are not making room for you to merge onto a freeway with heavy traffic, if necessary you may:

Stop before merging with freeway traffic

A yellow colored curb indicates:

Stop no longer than time posted to load or unload passengers or freight

A white colored curb indicates:

Stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers

The driver ahead of you stops at a crosswalk. What should you do?

Stop, then proceed when all pedestrians have crossed.

You see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. The person takes a step back and pulls in this cane. You should:

Stop. Proceed through the intersection. The person isn't ready to cross.

A person between 15 and 18 years of age may have his/her driving privilege WHAT for one year if convicted as a habitual truant.


Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing the railroad tracks

Tank trucks Marked with hazardous materials

You were in a collision that caused more then $750 worth of damage you must report the collision within 10 days to


To turn left from a one way street onto a one way street, start from:

The far left lane

To turn right from a highway with two lanes in your direction

The lane nearest the curb or the edge of the roadway

A yellow diamond sign showing a car and curved lines means:

The road ahead may be slippery.

Two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled "T" intersection, one vehicle is on the through road the other is on the road that ends. Who has the right of way at the intersection?

The vehicle on the through road

Even if you know your vehicle can maneuver a sharp curve at the legal speed limit, you should still slow down because:

There may be a stalled car or a collision ahead that you cannot see

Which of the following is true about safety belts and collisions?

They increase your chances of survival in most types of collisions

Give extra space to drivers backing out of parking spaces because:

They may not see you

Which of the following is true about large trucks?

Trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size

To see vehicles in your blind spots, you must:

Turn your head

When parked on any hill:

Use your parking brake and leave the vehicle in gear or "park"

When parking your vehicle on any hill:

Use your parking brake and leave the vehicle in gear or "park".

Solid yellow lines separate:

Vehicles going in opposite directions

Highways are typically most slippery

When it first starts to rain after a dry spell

It is illegal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle:

When the keys are in the ignition.

Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right of way:

Whether or not a crosswalk is marked.

You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the:

Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken.

When a traffic light turns green, should you go immediately?

Yes, but yield to any vehicle or person still in the intersection.

A round yellow or white sign with "RR" and a large "X" means:

You are approaching a rail road crossing.

You must make a written Report of Traffic Accident occurring in California (SR 1) to DMV when

You are involved in a collision and there is an injury

What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights

You can never turn against a red arrow even if you stop first

A red and white sign that reads "DO NOT ENTER" means:

You may not enter the road from your direction

If you are convicted by the court of a first DUI:

Your driving privilege will be revoked for one year

When you park on a level road next to a curb

Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb

Whose responsibility is it to know how your medications affect your driving?


Backing your vehicle is

always dangerous to do

You must yield to a pedestrian with a white cane or a guard dog

at all times

You should always allow more space between you and a large truck

because you need the extra room to see around the truck

The light is red but a peace officer is signaling you to continue driving. What should you do?

do as the officer tells you

You must notify the DMV within 5 days

if you sell or transfer your vehicle

At intersections crosswalks and railroad crossings you should always

look to the sides of your vehicle

You are on a road with only one lane in each direction and you want to pass another vehicle , but there is a curve ahead which blocks your view you

must not pass the vehicle

Check your rearveiw mirrors

often to see how traffic is moving behind you

If your driving record shows you failed to appear in court after receiving a traffic ticket the DMV may

suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court

You are driving on a one way street You may turn left onto another one way street if

the traffic on the street is moving towards the left

Animals may be transported in the back of a pickup truck only if

they are properly secured

For the first 12 months after you are licensed you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian if you:

transport minors between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am

You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the light turns red

under any circumstances

To see cars in your blind spots

you should look in the inside rearveiw mirrors

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