अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Recommended Minimum Fat Soluble Vitamins*

-Fairly similar -not really a concern -usually added to commercial diets

.............deposit fat differently then livestock a. dogs b. cats

b. cats Cats tend to deposit fat in the belly

True or False? Cats can obtain vitamin A from betacarotene • Plant tissues


What body condition scores for dogs are considered too thin?

1, 2, 3

What body condition scores for cats are considered too thin?

1, 2, 3, 4

What is the energy term used for cats and dogs?

metabolizable energy

Cats are considered what?

A true carnivore

Cat's Inability to Convert Tryptophan to (answer 1) •Very high picolinate carboxylase activity that converts tryptophan to (answer 2) instead of (answer 3)

Answer 1 & 3: niacin Answer 2: glutarate

Water Soluble Vitamins • (answer 1) most important • Simple deficiencies are (common/rare) • Well-formulated and well-balanced pet foods • Thiamin deficiency • Raw fish (thiaminase) • Biotin deficiency • Raw egg whites (avidin) • Genetic • Giant Schnauzers: malabsorption of vitamin B12 • Vitamin B6: Requirement (increases/decreases) as protein level increases

Answer 1: B-complex Answer 2: rare Answer 3: increases

Digestibility of Protein Sources • Cheap pet foods contain (high/low) digestible protein ingredients • Plant based • (Larger/Smaller) stool size

Answer 1: low Answer 2: Larger

Cats require diets high in what?


True or False? All protein sources are equal in digestability


• Is not found in large proteins • Found as a free amino acid in tissues or a constituent of small peptides • Most mammals synthesize ............... from methionine and cysteine during sulfur amino acid metabolism • Involved in metabolism, bile acid conjugation, retinal function, function of myocardium and normal reproductive performance in queens


Cat: Energy Requirements for Different Life Stages

Very large differences compared to other animals

• Lack increased • Taurine requirement • Arachidonic acid requirement a. dogs b. cats

a. dogs

• Have a cecum (relatively small) • Larger and more well developed lower GI tract • Can digest most carbohydrates effectively a. dogs b. cats

a. dogs

Exercise Your Pet • Regular exercise is important to maintain....................

adequate energy expenditure • Burns energy, increases lean body tissue, causes higher RMR

Arginine Requirement • Converts large amounts of ____________ to urea for excretion


Nutritional Adequacy Statement

• "Complete" • Minimum requirements • Proportions may be unbalanced • "Complete and Balanced" • Minimum requirements • Proportions are balanced

Nutrition adequacy statement

• AAFCO tested and certified • Simple calculations or laboratory analysis • Cheaper feeds (Some mid level feeds) • Example: • "XXXXXX is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by AAFCO nutrient profiles for growth and maintenance." • Animal feeding trial • AAFCO Feeding Trial Protocol • Example: • "Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures show that XXXXXX provides 100% complete and balanced nutrition for the maintenance of adult dogs."

Body Condition Score is affected by

• Consider life stages and activity level • Age • Breed • Training • Season • Pregnant/Lactating

Digestibility of Protein Sources •Potential negative health consequences Dogs and Cats

• Dogs: yellow (burnt) grass • Cats: FUS (Feline Urinary Syndrome) • Both: kidney and bladder stones

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies • Results:

• Dry, dull coat • Hair loss • Skin lesions

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies • Kittens:

• Fail to grow • Fatty degeneration of the liver • Fat deposition in the kidneys

Essential Fatty Acid Excesses

• Fatty stools (steatorrhea) • Diarrhea • Obesity • Possible deficiency in other nutrients • Increase in levels of PUFAs • -Increase in vitamin E requirement • -Pansteatitis (Yellow fat disease)

Taurine Requirement • Deficiency

• Feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD) • Photoreceptor cell becomes disrupt and dysfunctional • Long term: blindness • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) • Cardiac failure

Why are cats sensitive to arginine deficiency?

• Inability to convert tryptophan to niacin

Essential Fatty Acid Requirements • Dog

• Linoleic Acid • 1% dry weight • 5% of total fat

Essential Fatty Acid Requirements • Cat

• Linoleic Acid • 2.5% of calories in the diet • Arachidonic Acid • 0.04% of calories in diet

Taurine Requirement • Cats:

• Low levels of 2 enzymes required for taurine synthesis • Competing pathway that produces pyruvate instead of taurine

Dog: Energy Requirements Calculations

• ME requirement = K X Wkg 0.67 • K = • 99 inactive • 132 active • 160 very active • Example: 10 kg dog = 132 X (10 kg)0.67 = 617.4 kcal of ME/day 40 kg dog = 132 X (40 kg)0.67 = 1562.9 kcal of ME/day similar to horses in levels of activity. Also have huge swings in energy requirements based on body size/frame size. He won't make us calculate

• "Complete and Balanced"

• Minimum requirements • Proportions are balanced

• "Complete"

• Minimums requirements • Proportions may be unbalanced

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies • Over Time the Skin Becomes:

• Pruritic • Greasy • Susceptible to infections

Arginine Requirement • Cat and Dog:

• Severe hyperammonemia within hours • Vomiting, muscle spasms, ataxia, hyperesthesia, tetanic spasms, coma, death

Arginine Requirement • Cat: Urea cycle and growth and maintenance

• Unable to synthesize de novo ornithine (precursor within the urea cycle) • Low levels of the 2 enzymes within the intestinal mucosa • High levels of liver arginase prevents arginine from leaving the liver • Citrulline (from ornithine) cannot leave the hypatocyte • 1.1% of dry diet containing 4.7 kcal/g (growing kitten)

• No percentage of ingredient required •Word "Flavor" must be on label in the same font size and color as ingredient name • Flavor might correspond with an ingredient • Normally another substance as: • "meal," "by-product," a "stock" or "broth"

"Flavor" Rule

Cat Gastrointestinal Tract

-small and simple stomach -large intestine and cecum are very small and not well developed so cannot effectively digest forage

Representative Growth Curves of Several Dog Breeds

-very rapid in large framed dogs -every breed for a time will have almost a linear growth and then level out. --the linear growth is a function of body size

• Canned and dry foods • Named or combination of ingredients on the label • Consists of 25% of weight not including water • Name must include "Dinner," "Platter," "Entrée," or "formula" • More then one ingredient • Must total 25% combined • Each named ingredient equaling or exceeding 3% minimum

25% or "Dinner" Rule

• Originally intended to apply to ingredients highlighted on package • Outside product name • Highlight minor ingredients • At least 3% added • Now allows the term "With" to be used in product name

3% or "With" Rule

What body condition scores for dogs are considered ideal?

4, 5

What body condition score(s) for cats are considered ideal?


What body condition scores for cats are considered too fat?

6, 7, 8, 9

What body condition scores for dogs are considered too fat?

6, 7, 8, 9

Evaluating Pet Foods • Food found in grocery stores usually ________________ • Premium brands bought from specialty shops or feed stores • The price of grocery store varieties is cheaper • Composed of ____________ ingredients • Guaranteed analyses is often: • Same between premium diets and grocery diets • Quality of the ingredients is (more/less) for grocery diets • Nutrients are (more/less) available • Label may indicate a high crude protein, but how available is the protein to the animal? • Hair, gut, tendons and hooves will give a high crude protein level but (high/low) availability

Answer 1: lower quality Answer 2: cheaper Answer 3&4: less Answer 5: low

True or False? Dogs do not vary genetically from wolves


Dog Gastrointestinal Tract

Has a little more well developed cecum and hindgut and can digest a little bit of plant fiber

What about raw or homemade dog and cat diets?

Raw diets: high risk for foodborne illness You probably won't be able to formulate correctly for your animal.

BCS=3 cats

Ribs easily palpable with minimal fat covering; lumbar vertebrae obvious; obvious waist behind ribs; minimal abdominal fat.

BCS=4 dogs

Ribs easily palpable, with minimal fat covering. Waist easily noted, viewed from above. Abdominal tuck evident

BCS=7 cats

Ribs not easily palpated with moderate fat covering; waist poorly discernible; obvious rounding of abdomen; moderate abdominal fat pad

BCS=9 cats

Ribs not palpable under heavy fat cover; heavy fat deposits over lumbar area, face and limbs; distention of abdomen with no waist; extensive abdominal fat deposits

BCS=8 dogs

Ribs not palpable under very heavy fat cover, or palpable only with significant pressure. Heavy fat deposits over lumbar area nd base of tail. Waist absent. No abdominal tuck. Obvious abdominal distention may be present

BCS=8 cats

Ribs not palpable with excess fat covering; waist absent; obvious rounding of abdomen with prominent abdominal fat pad; fat deposits present over lumbar area

BCS=7 dogs

Ribs palpable with difficulty; heavy fat cover. Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent or barely visible. Abdominal tuck may be present.

BCS=4 cats

Ribs palpable with minimal fat covering; noticeable waist behind ribs; slight abdominal tuck; abdominal fat pad absent.

BCS=6 dogs

Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering. Waist is discernible viewed from above but is not prominent. Abdominal tuck apparent.

BCS=6 cats

Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering; waist and abdominal fat pad distinguishable but not obvious; abdominal tuck absent

BCS=1 cats

Ribs visible on shorthaired cats; no palpable fat; severe abdominal tuck; lumbar vertebrae and wings of ilia easily palpated

BCS=2 dogs

Ribs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible. No palpable fat. Some evidence of other bony prominence. Minimal loss of muscle mass.

BCS=1 dogs

Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance. No discernible body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass.

Arginine Synthesis Comparison

This is why cats need arginine added to the diet

Calculating the Amount of Food to Feed Dogs and Cats

We won't have to do these just know they're not arbitrary numbers

BCS=5 cats

Well-proportioned; observe waist behind ribs; ribs palpable with slight fat covering; abdominal fat pad minimal

BCS=5 dogs

Ribs palpable without excess fat covering. Waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above. Abdomen tucked up when viewed from side

Protein Requirements • Dogs: • Adult maintenance = ___% ME • Growth and reproduction = ..........% ME

Answer 1: 18% Answer 2: 22% really high protein requirements compared to other species

Protein Requirements • Cats: • Adult maintenance = ___% ME • Growth and reproduction= ..........% ME

Answer 1: 23% Answer 2: 26% really high protein requirements compared to other species

Lipid Content of Feed • Dog • Dry dog food formulated adult maintenance • ............% to ................% • Dry dog Food formulated gestation, lactation or performance • .................% +

Answer 1: 5 Answer 2: 13 Answer 3: 20 high fat content

Product Label Laws for Dog and Cat food • Maximum amount of moisture in canned pet food is ..............% • If higher must be labeled as: • ________ • "....................."

Answer 1: 78 Answer 2: Gravy Answer 3: Sauce

Lipid Content of Feed • Cat • Dry Cat food formulated for adult maintenance • ............% to ............% • Dry cat Food formulated for gestation or lactation • ...............% +

Answer 1: 8 Answer 2: 15 Answer 3: 20 high fat content

Net Quantity Statement • Must tell the __________ of the product • Guarantees for the (maximum/minimum) % CP and fat • Guarantees for (maximum/minimum) % of CF and moisture • List of ingredients with (most/least) abundant ingredient listed first and then in decreasing order by ___________

Answer 1: quantity Answer 2: minimum Answer 3: maximum Answer 4: most Answer 5: amount

•Believed to prevent an accumulation of tryptophan • Prevents toxic levels of serotonin • Animal tissues high in tryptophan • Not a large concern • Nicotinamide, widely used in feed ingredients • Animal and fish byproducts, distiller's grains, yeast, and certain oil meals

Cat's Inability to Convert Tryptophan to niacin

Cat: Energy Requirements Calculations

Example 1: 4 kg cat = 50 kcal X 4 kg = 200 kcal of ME/day Example 2: 4 kg cat = 70 kcal X 4 kg = 280 kcal of ME/day Just need to know activity will increase energy requirements. He's not going to make you calculate this on the test don't memorize the numbers!

BCS=9 dogs

Massive fat deposits over thorax, spine and base of tail. Waist and abdominal tuck absent. Fat deposits on neck and limbs. Obvious abdominal distention

Feeding Directions

Normally include how many cups to feed the animal by lbs. of body weight

BCS=3 dogs

Ribs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat. Tops of lumbar vertebrae visible. Pelvic bones becoming prominent. Obvious waist and abdominal tuck

BCS=2 cats

Ribs easily visible on shorthaired cats; lumbar vertebrae obvious with minimal muscle mass; pronounced abdominal tuck; no palpable fat.

Determines balance between energy intake and expenditure

Body Condition Score

Measuring how much body reserves (fat) on an animal

Body Condition Score

Subjective and takes time to train your eye -fur and coat color can be deceiving -works for every species of animal --some more difficult then others

Body Condition Score

The Dog: Carnivore or Omnivore??

Carnivore bias, but functionally omnivorous

•Applies to canned food containing meat, poultry or fish • 95% of the food must be the named ingredient(s) on the label • Not counting water and preservatives • 70% counting water • Combination of products • Must add up to 95% • Rule only applies to ingredients of animal origin • Not grains or vegetables • Must be first item on the ingredient list

95% Rule

Dog and Cat Body Condition Score •Scale .......-........... • ....... very thin • ........ very obese • Ideal score is ___

Answer 1: 1 Answer 2: 9 Answer 3: 1 Answer 4: 9 Answer 5: 5

Taurine Requirement • ______ mg/kg in dry diets • ...................... mg/kg in canned diets

Answer 1: 1000 Answer 2: 2500

Cats have a high • ............. requirement •......................... requirement •........................ requirement • Animal tissues • Retinol

Answer 1: Taurine Answer 2: Arachidonic acid Answer 3: Preformed vitamin A Remember TAP

Pet Food Storage • Length of storage time is dependent on many factors • ...................................... • ......................... is highly recommended • Look for ____________________ • Can't find one, ask your distributor when the product was delivered

Answer 1: Vitamin and minerals, feed processing technique, amount of handling, amount of fat in the diet, light, heat, and moisture Answer 2: Freezing "extra" food bought ahead of time Answer 3: expiration dates

Pet Food Storage •Store pet food and supplements in: • (Wet/Dry) and (warm/cool) area •............. are particularly susceptible to break down: • (High/low) temperatures, and when moisture levels are (high/low) •(Answer 3) are more prone to break down: • Minerals: transitional minerals • Copper and iron • Feeding a complete diet will contain .................

Answer 1: dry Answer 2: cool Answer 3: Vitamins Answer 4&5: high Answer 6: minerals

Quick Tips for Choosing a Pet Food • Try to avoid ............ .............. products • "You get what you pay for!!!" • Look at the top .................... ingredients: • First ingredient must be an (animal/plant) based protein source • Should also be a second (animal/plant) protein source •Avoid products that contain high amounts of (animal/plant) based protein • Minimize .................. based ingredients • Read the labels • "Complete and Balanced" • AAFCO statement

Answer 1: grocery store Answer 2: four Answer 3&4: animal Answer 5: plant Answer 6: grain

True or False? Premium brands of dog and cat food do not tend to have nutrients listed


True or False? Cats are more like tigers than a dog would be like a wolf


True or False? Dogs can obtain vitamin A from betacarotene • Plant tissues


True or False? In dog or cat food, names can only include certain words according to specifications


True or False? • Labels must also include if its for cats or dogs


True or False? On dog and cat food, calorie claims are accepted but not required

true • Kcal/kg • Kcal/cup

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