Dogs and cats

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How do you compare diets on DM basis?

%nutrient/%DM x100

What age do deciduous teeth errupt in cats?

11-15 days

What is a cats normal pulse rate?

110-180 bpm

What age is maintenance reached?

12 mnth - smalls dogs and cats 15-18 mnths - medium dogs 18-24 mnth - large and giant dog breeds

What is the percentage of moisture in semi-moist foods?

15-30% moisture

How must an owner be under the animal welfare act?


What is the deciduous dentition of a dog?

2 X I3 C1 P3

What is the feline deciduous dentition?

2 x I3 C1 P3

How much blood can be sampled from the jugular vein?


What is a cats normal respiratory rate?

20 to 30 breaths per minute

What is the respiratory rate of a dog?

20 to 30 breaths per minute

What is the percentage of dry matter found in wet foods?

20-30% DM

What is a cats smell like?

200 million receptors in each cats nose

Which permanent teeth erupt at which age in the cat?

3 months - central incisors 4 months - other incisors and lower molars 5 months- canines and upper molars 6 months+ - all remaining teeth

When should bitches be spayed?

3 months after oestrous or pre puberty spaying (increase incontinence)

When are kittens weaned?

3 to 4 weeks of age

What is the kitten socialisation period?

3 to 8 weeks Kittens need exposure to people, other species, household noise and handling

When is solid food introduced to puppy?

3-4 weeks

What is the normal rectal temperature of a cat?

38.0 - 38.5 C

What is the normal rectal temperature of a dog?

38.3 to 38.7 C

At what age do the adult teeth erupt?

4-5 months - incicors 5-6 months - pre molars 4-7 months - molars

What percentage of households in the UK own a pet?


What percentage of a puppies growth is achieved by 5-6 months?


What is the puppy socialisation period?

6 to 12 weeks New owner must be counselled about exposing puppies safely to people, other dogs and other animals, traffic, machines and puppies Encourage to attend puppy parties

At what age are kittens rehomed?

6 weeks

What percentage of moisture is in a dry food?


When is the socialisation window of a puppy?

6-12 weeks

What age do cats reach puberty?

6-9 months

What is the normal heart rate in a dog?

60 to 180 beats per minute

What is the length of gestation in the bitch and queen?

65 days

What is the percentage of moisture found in wet foods?

70-80% moisture

What is the percentage of dry matter in semi-moist foods?

70-85% DM

What percentage of a kittens growth is achieved by 6 months of age?


What percentage of dry matter is in dry food?


How can you diagnose pregnancy?

Abdominal palpation ( day 28- bitch day 21- queen) Ultrasound scan from day 20 Xray from day 42

What is happening to a puppy or kitten around 4 weeks?

Active with more co-ordinated limb movements Purposeful vocalisations Gaining independence Normal adult temperature

What is the fleas life cycle?

Adult fleas on the cat/dog Eggs in the environment Larval stages in the enviroment Pupae in the environment

What should flea treatment target?

Affected individuals Environment In contact animals Tape worm (Fleas the intermediate host for common tape worm)

How does the nutriontional needs of the queen change over the gestataion period?

Almost in a linear relationship

What does heavy burden of fleas cause?


How many dogs and cats are owned in the UK?

Around 10 million of each

When in lactation are the energy requirements highest?

At 4 weeks into lactation

When do you begin worming for roundworm in puppies and kittens?

At weaning

When do dogs tend to have oestrous periods?

Autumn and spring

How do you wean?

Begin at 3 to 4 weeks- Introduce solid feed - either milk/ meat based Give food 4 times a day, small quantities in a low tray Lapping established by 5 weeks of age Bitch and queen will do behavioural weaning

What non vaccinatable diseases are there in dogs?

Borelia (Lyme's diasease) Salmonella Campylobacter Leishmania Babesia

Post weaning which mineral ions are imporant?

Calcium and phosphate

What happens during oestrous of the queen?

Calling Rolling Crouching Induced ovulation Last 3 to 14 days depending on whether mated or not

What are the legalities of dew claw removal?

Can happen under 4 days without anaesthesia

How does the sales of good act apply to selling and purchasing dogs and cats?

Can return if deemed faulty/not fit for purpose by the purchaser and a refund must be offered by law

What are core vaccines in dogs?

Canine distemper Canine parvovirus Infectious canine hepatitus Leptospirosis

How can you tell the difference between a castrated and cryptorchid cat?

Castrated cats done have spiny papillae

What is a feline feeding behaviour?

Catch small mammal prey Hunt individually Will hunt on a full stomach Prey bought home to share with kitten or store

What are the intravenous injection sites in cats?

Cepahlic vein or less commonly the saphenous vein

What are common tape worms?


What are non core cat vaccines?

Chlamyldophila Rabies

Where is the pre-scapular lymph node found?

Cranial and dorsal to the shoulder

What is the most common species of flea on dogs or cats?

Ctenocephalides felis

When should you work the bitch?

Day 42 onwards

What is a cats sight like?

Designed for predation in poor light Excellent movement detection Slow to focus, pool colour vision

What does the label not tell you?

Digestibility Bio-availability Protein quality Energy density

What are the againsts of tail docking?

Doesn't need to be done in some breed Most dogs from 'working' straing never worked Research shows it induces pain Prevents the dog from using the tail appropriately for communication Small number of dogs have surgical complications

What different mites are there?

Ear mites- octodectes Surface mites - cheylitiella Burrowing mites (mange) - Sarcotopes

Which species of tape worm has the sheep as its intermediate host?

Echinococcous species

What is scent used to do?

Ensure distance is kept between individuals

What are the intramuscular injection sites in a cat?

Epaxial muscles in lumbar region Quadriceps in the hindlimb

How frequently should be dogs and cats be routinely wormed?

Every 3 to 6 months

What non vaccinatable diseases are there in dogs?


What are core cat vaccines?

Feline panleukopenia ( FIE or Feline Infectious Enteritis) Car flu (Feline Rhinotracheitis and Feline Calici virus) Feline leukaemia viris

Where are the sites on pulse detection in the dog?

Femoral after Metacarpal pulse Hock Lingual

What flea treatment do puppies and kittens need?

Fleas can cause anaemia Start at 8 weeks if necessary

How do cats give off pheromones?

From urine, faeces, cheek glands, feet pad glands

What does the PET travel system do?

Gives animals exemption from quarantine on entrance to the UK Primary aim was to prevent rabies Allow export to many countries with no extra paperwork

What are the features of dry food?

Good shelf life Often cheaper Dental hygiene advantages due to chewing a grinding Energy dense food Processing may decrease the digestibility in cheaper foods

What are the benefits of pet ownership?

Health benefits Positive effects on child development Therapeutic tools Working/service animals

What is happening to a puppy or kitten around 6 weeks of age?

Hearing fully developed Co-ordination improving Voluntary control of elimination in kittens (variable in puppies)

What are features of wet food?

High digestibility and palatable energy density lower Higher protein and fat Low carbohydrate More expensive

What happens during metoetrous in the bitch?

High progesterone Vulva slightly swollen Associated with pregnancy or false pregnancy

What type of diet to working dogs need?

Highly palatable Highly digestable diet Enery dense (Usually high in pat)

What are common rounds worms (ascarids)?

Hook/Whip/Lung/Heart Angiostongylus

What is the feline permanent dentition?

I3 C1 P3 M1 I3 C2 P2 M1

What is the permanent dentition of a dog?

I3 C1 P4 M2 I3 C1 P4 M3

How does diet change in pregnancy?

Increase by 20% from weeks 5-7 Increase by 50% in week 8-9 abd 1st lactation week Increase by 100% in 2nd and 3rd lactation week

Whats the risk with the pet passport system?

Infectious diseases from abroad e.g. Leishmania Echinococcous in foxes Babesiosis infected ticks Zoonotic infections may become a problem

What nutrients may working dogs need in higher quantities?

Iron Vitamine E Selenium

What happens during mating of cats?

It is quick Painful due to spines on penis Queen shows signs of pain and agression Multiple sires of one litter possible

Where is blood sampling normally carried out in a cat?

Jugular vein

What are non-core canine vaccines?

Kennel cough - bordetella bronchiseptica and parainfluenza Rabies

What does angiostrongylus do?

Lives in the pulmonary arteries of dogs and foxes Larvae migrate to airways and induce coughing Increased tendency to bleeding Intermediate host of slugs and snails

What is the activity of a newborn kitten or puppy?

Low body temperature Eyes open of 2 weeks Initially immobile Swim at 2 to 3 weeks Squeak or mew when underfed or cold Stimulation requires to defecate or urinate Male testes descend perinatally

What does a diet need in old age?

Lower energy, less energy dense Higher vitamins (especially water soluble due to increased water turnover)

What diseases do ticks carry?

Lyme's disease Babesiosis (cause haemolysis)

What does the pet animals act do?

Means that shops selling pets have to be licenced and inspected by local authorities to ensure animal welfare

What causes mange?


What are intramuscular injections used for?

More rapid absorption than subcutaneous Not appropriate for large volumes (Can be painful)

What identification do dogs need?

Name tag on a collar when in a public place Identichipping Ear or thigh tattoo

How can you control oestrous in the bitch?

Neuturing Postpone oestrous with progesterone based medical treatments Prevent implantation with oestrogen treatment (within 4 days) Medical abortifactants

What happens during pro oestrous in the queen?

No visible external signs

What happens in oestrous of the bitch?

Oestrogen spike LH surge -> ovulation Cl formation Vaginal discharge becomes clear Vulva stay swollen Ovulation occur on average day 3 Bitch allows dog to mount

When is anoestrous in the cat?

Over the winter months

Which digit is the dew claw?


Rules regarding the import and export of animals into the UK

Pet ravel system (Need passport and microchip) Vacccine valid and allow travel 3 weeks after Treatment 48-96 hours prior to entry to the UK for tapeworm (reduce the import of Enchinococcous)

What happens during anoestrous in bitches?

Phase of sexual inactivity Physically and behaviourally normal Lasts the months between the oestrous periods

What dogs come under the dangerous dogs act?

Pit bull terrier Japanese tosa Dogo Argentina Fila Brasileiro

What are the disadvantages of spaying?

Possible urinary incontinence Risk of anaesthesia Surgery risks Obesity

When should you spay a queen and tom?

Pre puberty

How can you reduce fear in the hospital environment?

Pre treat cages with feline pheromones and use diffusers Bedding, bowls and familar objects Avoid overchanging bedding Avoid stressful or painful procedures on the ward itself Encourage scent transfer when handling Minimal monitoring

What are the stages of the reproductive cycle in bitches and there lengths?

Pro-oestrous - 6 to 11 days Oestrous - 5 to 9 days Metoestrous - 56-60 days Anoestrous - months

What happens in metoestrous of the queen?

Progesterone dominant phase lasting 50 days

Where are intramuscular injections done on the dog?

Quadriceps cranial to the femur Lumbar muscles In the neck

What are common feline zoonoses?

Rabies Ringworm Cat scratch fever Toxoplasmosis Mycobacterium Cowpox Salmonella Campylobacter

What are common canine zoonoses?

Rabies Toxocariasis Leptospirosis Borrelia Echinococcous Leishmania Gut infections Salmonella Campylobacter

What happens to dogs who come under the dangerous dogs act?

Registered with police Permanently identified by microchip Muzzled in public Neutered Insured - third party insurance

What are the advantages of spaying?

Reproductive control Reduced risk of mammary carcinoma and diabetes Prevention of reproductive diease (pyometra)

What are the advantages of neutering a male dog?

Reproductive control Reduction in testosterone driven behaviour Prevention of prostatic disease

How to toilet train puppies?

Reward based (within 3 seconds of elimination) with praise/toy/food Take outside frequently Provide puppy pads for when unsupervised Teach a catch phrase

What happens during pro oestrous of the bitch?

Rising FSH Follicular development Haemorrhagic vaginal discharge and swelling of the vulva Attractive to males Playful behaviour but aggressive if dog tries to mount

What worming do puppies need?

Roundworm from mother (also a zoonoses) Start at weaning and repeat every 2 weeks until 6 months of age

What is the innate substrate of cats?


What are the sub cutaneous injection sites in cats?

Scruff of neck

What a features of bitches reproductive patterns?

Seasonal breeder Monoestrous Spontaneous ovulation

What are the reproductive patterns in queens?

Seasonal breeder ( long daylength) Polyoestrous Induced ovulation

How can you reduce a cats stress in waiting and consulting areas?

Separate cat and dog waiting areas No visual contact between cats and dogs Baskets placed at a height Pheromone diffusers Non confrontation approach Minimal quiet handling

What are subcutaneous injections used for in the dog?

Slow absorption - NSAIDs, Vaccines and antibiotics

What is a cats core space?

Space for eating, sleeping, playing and not shred with other cats other than those recognised as kin

What happens in the different stages of labour?

Stage 1 : Begins with uterine contractions and ends with full cervical dilation ( restlessness, nest making, shivering, inappetance, hiding/ seeking reassurance, panting, occasional vomiting Lasts 12-24 hours Stage 2 : Birth of pup, kitten (Visible contractions of abdomen in recumbancy or standing) Time between straining and presentation is 10-30 minutes Time inbetween is under 4 hours Stage 3 : Expulsion of the placenta

Why is it difficult to identify stress in cats?

Subtlety of physical signalling Dependence on pheromone Minimal repertoire for close communication Dependence on fight as a strategy when stressed

What are the disadvantages of neutering a male dog?

Surgical and anaesthetic risk Obesity

What are the essential nutrients cats need from a meat diet?

Taurine Vitamin A Arachidonic acid

Why wean when MDA has waned?

The MDA does not recognise the difference between vaccinal or real disease, need pup or kit to have own immune response

When does most of fetal growth occur in the gestation of dogs?

The last 1/3

How can you tell the difference between the submandibular salivary glad and lymph node?

The salivary gland is normally firmer and larger than the lymph node

What are cats social behaviours?

They are solitary and territorial

What should be done in a clinical examination of a cat?

Third eyelid - colour of mucous membranes Nasal discharge Ears Submandibular lymph nodes CRT (should be less than 2 seconds) Mucous membranes Oral cavity

What does the breeding and sales of dogs act do?

This applies to anyone breeding more than two bitches within a calendar year They must be registered by the local authority Bitches should have no more than 6 litters within a lifetime No more than one litter in 12 months Puppies must be 8 weeks when sold

How do cats primarily communicate?

Through smell

What are the for arguments for tail docking?

To improve the appearance or to conform to a breed standard Prevention of injury later in life in working dogs Don't show signs of pain under 4 days of age so possible without compromising welfare

Why do cats meet together?

To mate To communally rear kittens

What is feline elimination behaviour?

Toileting outside of core space

How does puppies and kittens get passive immunity?

Transplacentrally and from colostrum

How frequently should puppies be fed after re-homing?

Under 10 weeks - 4 times a day At 12 weeks - 3 times a day At 6 months - 2 times a day

What age does tail docking take place?

Under 4 days with anaesthesia

To what age does passive immunity protect the puppy or kitten?

Up to 12 weeks

How do you sex a cat?

Use ano-genital distance Males have a longer distances Male opening round Female opening slit like

How to litter train kittens?

Use litter substrate used by breeder Position away from sleeping and eating areas Fill deep to encourage digging Place the kitten on the tray after eating or drinking

What must be labelled on feed packaging?

Whether complete or complementary Compostion Additives Best before date Net weight Name & address of company responsible for the products Analytical constitutes (no %CHO)

What is a cats hearing like?

Wider range than humans

At what age to dogs reach puberty?

between 6 and 18 months

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