DONE Chapter 4 Multiple Choice

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What is the common aspect of the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism?

A) Both stress the afterlife and spiritual achievement rather than material progress. Buddhism and Hinduism both stress the afterlife and spiritual achievement rather than involvement in this world.

Which ethical system that has influenced behavior and shaped culture in parts of Asia, is not considered a religion?

A) Confucianism Confucianism and Confucian ethics influence behavior and shape culture in parts of Asia, yet it is incorrect to characterize Confucianism as a religion.

Parul's religion believes in the spiritual progression of each person's soul and that dharma is the moral force guiding behavior. Which religion does this describe?

A) Hinduism Hindus believe that a moral force in society requires the acceptance of certain responsibilities, called dharma. Hindus believe in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death. Hindus also believe in karma, the spiritual progression of each person's soul.

Which statement is true about Hinduism?

A) Hinduism supported India's caste system. Historically, Hinduism supported India's caste system. The concept of mobility between castes within an individual's lifetime makes no sense to traditional Hindus. Hindus see mobility between castes as something that is achieved through spiritual progression and reincarnation. An individual can be reborn into a higher caste in his or her next life if he or she achieves spiritual development in this life.

According to Islamic beliefs, private property is considered

A) a favor from Allah. The protection of the right to private property is also embedded within Islam, although Islam asserts that all property is a favor from Allah (God), who created and so owns everything.

What is a closed system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which a person is born, and change in that position is usually not possible during an individual's lifetime?

A) caste system A caste system is a closed system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which a person is born, and change in that position is usually not possible during an individual's lifetime.

As Japan has become economically richer, there has been a decline in

A) collectivism. As Japan has become richer, the cultural emphasis on collectivism has declined and greater individualism is being witnessed. One reason for this shift may be that richer societies exhibit less need for social and material support built on collectives, whether the collective is the extended family or the company.

Robert knows it is important for him to dress appropriately and make sure his hair is neatly trimmed when he goes for an interview because the employer will expect him to do so. This example of a social convention is called a

A) folkway. Folkways are the routine conventions of everyday life. Generally, folkways are actions of little moral significance. They are social conventions concerning things such as the appropriate dress code in a particular situation, good social manners, eating with the correct utensils, neighborly behavior, etc.

A difference in the attitudes of people toward time in different cultures is an example of

A) folkways. Folkways are the routine conventions of everyday life. A good example of folkways concerns attitudes toward time in different countries.

Manuel, who works for a multinational company, is often put in teams consisting of people from different cultures. Manuel finds it difficult to function in these teams because, unlike the others, he comes from a culture where building his personal "brand" is emphasized. His culture emphasizes

A) individualism. The emphasis on individualism makes it difficult to build teams within an organization to perform collective tasks. If individuals are always competing with each other on the basis of individual performance (such as building one's personal "brand"), it may be difficult for them to cooperate.

One of the downsides to an emphasis on individualism is that it

A) is difficult to build teams within an organization to perform collective tasks. The emphasis on individualism makes it difficult to build teams within an organization to perform collective tasks. If individuals are always competing with each other on the basis of individual performance, it may be difficult for them to cooperate.

A company that wants to market winter gear to citizens of Alaska should be aware that there are 24 words used in the state to describe different types of snow. This shows how ________ structures how we perceive the world and defines a culture.

A) language Language does far more than just enable people to communicate with each other. The nature of a language also structures the way we perceive the world. The language of a society can direct the attention of its members to certain features of the world rather than others.

Chinese is the mother tongue of the largest number of people, but English is the most widely spoken language in the world. This indicates that

A) many people speak English as a second language. Chinese is the mother tongue of the largest number of people. However, the most widely spoken language in the world is English. That is, many people speak English as a second language.

In a society, actions of people directed toward one another are governed by a set of social rules called

A) norms. Norms mean the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations. Put differently, they are the social rules that govern people's actions toward one another.

A mudarabah contract might be categorized as a(n) ________ in the United States.

A) profit-sharing scheme. A mudarabah contract is similar to a profit-sharing scheme. Under mudarabah, when an Islamic bank lends money to a business, rather than charging that business interest on the loan, it takes a share in the profits that are derived from the investment.

In the country of Rudanda, it is very hard for a person born within a particular strata of society to move to a different strata. This means that Rudanda has a low degree of

A) social mobility. Some societies are characterized by a relatively high degree of social stratification and relatively low mobility between strata (e.g., Indian); other societies are characterized by a low degree of social stratification and high mobility between strata.

In the context of social structure, American society is characterized by a low degree of

A) social stratification. Some societies are characterized by a relatively high degree of social stratification and relatively low mobility between strata (e.g., Indian); other societies are characterized by a low degree of social stratification and high mobility between strata (e.g., American).

Juanita believes that all Americans value individual freedom, democracy, and a collective responsibility. This belief is an expression of Juanita's

A) values. Values form the bedrock of a culture. Values provide the context within which a society's norms are established and justified. They may include a society's attitudes toward such concepts as individual freedom, democracy, truth, justice, honesty, loyalty, social obligations, collective responsibility, women, love, sex, marriage, and so on.

Managers at the Blue Dragon Inc., an international company with operations in China and the United States, are often heard complaining about the difficulties in achieving synergy and cooperation between the employees of both the countries. After extensive research it was concluded that the cultural differences between these countries, which resulted in different work-related values, caused the lack of cooperation. In order to effectively tackle this problem, Blue Dragon Inc. should

A) vary its management processes and practices to account for these differences. Of considerable importance for an international business with operations in different countries is how a society's culture affects the values found in the workplace. An international business with operations in two or more countries should vary its management processes and practices to account for cultural differences.

A decade ago the government of Weinsland decided to liberalize the country's economy. As a result, today the country is experiencing rapid economic advancement and societal changes favorable to international business. Which change is most likely to occur next in Weinsland?

B) As the country gets richer, there will be a shift in the society from "traditional" to "secular rational" values. As countries get richer, there seems to be a shift from "traditional" to "secular rational" values, and from "survival values" to "well-being" values—values that stress the importance of diversity, belonging, and participation in political processes.

Which religion was founded in India in the sixth century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince who renounced his wealth to pursue an ascetic lifestyle and spiritual perfection?

B) Buddhism Buddhism was founded in India in the sixth century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince who renounced his wealth to pursue an ascetic lifestyle and spiritual perfection.

Conrad follows a religion that does not propagate the caste system. Also, his religion emphasizes right seeing, thinking, speech, action, living, effort, mindfulness, and meditation as a route for spiritual transformation. According to this information, Conrad can be considered a

B) Buddhist. Buddhism was founded in India in the sixth century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince who renounced his wealth to pursue an ascetic lifestyle and spiritual perfection. Siddhartha offered the Noble Eightfold Path as a route for transformation. This emphasizes right seeing, thinking, speech, action, living, effort, mindfulness, and meditation. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not support the caste system.

Which statement is true of Buddhism?

B) Cultural stress on entrepreneurial behavior is not present. The emphasis on wealth creation that is embedded in Protestantism is not found in Buddhism. Thus, in Buddhist societies, we do not see the same kind of historical cultural stress on entrepreneurial behavior that Weber claimed could be found in the Protestant West.

Max Weber argued that the ascetic principles embedded in ________ do not encourage entrepreneurial activity in pursuit of wealth creation because it is perceived that such activities make the attainment of nirvana more difficult.

B) Hinduism Max Weber, famous for expounding on the Protestant work ethic, also argued that the ascetic principles embedded in Hinduism do not encourage the kind of entrepreneurial activity in pursuit of wealth creation that we find in Protestantism. According to Weber, traditional Hindu values emphasize that individuals should be judged not by their material achievements but by their spiritual achievements. Hindus perceive the pursuit of material well-being as making the attainment of nirvana more difficult. Given the emphasis on an ascetic lifestyle, Weber thought that devout Hindus would be less likely to engage in entrepreneurial activity than devout Protestants.

Which religion does NOT owe its founding to any one particular individual?

B) Hinduism Unlike Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, the founding of Hinduism is not linked to a particular person.

When Leo converses with his colleagues in the multinational company that he works for, he finds that he is the only one who believes in and talks about things such as reincarnation and the spiritual progression of each person's soul. Leo's religion is most likely

B) Hinduism. Hindus believe in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death. Hindus also believe in karma, the spiritual progression of each person's soul.

Which statement is true about culture?

B) Multinational enterprises can themselves be engines of cultural change. It is important to note that multinational enterprises can themselves be engines of cultural change. In India, for example, McDonald's and other Western fast-food companies may help to change the dining culture of that nation, drawing them away from traditional restaurants and toward fast-food outlets.

Which statement is true about most Western societies?

B) The value systems of many Western societies emphasize individual achievement. The value systems of many Western societies emphasize individual achievement. The social standing of individuals is not so much a function of who they work for as of their individual performance in whatever work setting they choose.

What is a characteristic of high uncertainty avoidance cultures?

B) They allow a manager to tightly control subordinates' initiatives. Members of high uncertainty avoidance cultures placed a premium on job security, career patterns, retirement benefits, and so on. They also had a strong need for rules and regulations; the manager was expected to issue clear instructions, and subordinates' initiatives were tightly controlled. Lower uncertainty avoidance cultures were characterized by a greater readiness to take risks and less emotional resistance to change.

What is one difference between folkways and mores?

B) Violating mores tends to bring more serious retribution than violating folkways. Mores are norms that are seen as central to the functioning of a society and to its social life. They have much greater significance than folkways. Accordingly, violating mores can bring serious retribution.

Dharma refers to

B) a moral force that requires the acceptance of certain responsibilities. Hindus believe that a moral force in society requires the acceptance of certain responsibilities, called dharma. Hindus believe in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death. Hindus believe in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death. Hindus also believe in karma, the spiritual progression of each person's soul. A person's karma is affected by the way he or she lives. The moral state of an individual's karma determines the challenges he or she will face in the next life. By perfecting the soul in each new life, Hindus believe that an individual can eventually achieve nirvana, a state of spiritual perfection that renders reincarnation no longer necessary.

What would be a traditional value in a masculine culture?

B) achievement In masculine cultures, sex roles were sharply differentiated, and traditional "masculine values," such as achievement and the effective exercise of power, determined cultural ideals. In feminine cultures, sex roles were less sharply distinguished, and little differentiation was made between men and women in the same job.

In the country of Burnada citizens are restricted from moving out of the strata they are born into. Also, individuals are allowed to engage only in the same occupation as their parents. The system of social stratification being practiced in Burnada can be identified as a

B) caste system. A caste system is a closed system of stratification in which social position is determined by the family into which a person is born and change in that position is usually not possible during an individual's lifetime. Often a caste position carries with it a specific occupation.

Mountland Republic follows a system of social stratification that allows for flexibility in terms of social mobility. In this system of open stratification, the status of a person is solely determined by his or her own socioeconomic achievements. Mountland Republic is most likely to be following what type of system of social stratification?

B) class A class system is a less rigid form of social stratification in which social mobility is possible. It is a form of open stratification in which the position a person has by birth can be changed through his or her own achievements or luck.

When Shari learned that Monica was from a poor neighborhood in the South, she decided to stop befriending her since her own family lives in a wealthy neighborhood along the beach. Shari's choice is an example of

B) class consciousness. Class consciousness refers to a condition where people tend to perceive themselves in terms of their class background, and this shapes their relationships with members of other classes.

One possible downside of emphasizing the primacy of group identification over individualism is that it

B) leads to a lack of dynamism and entrepreneurship. The primacy of the group is not always beneficial. For instance, some argue that Japanese society, where the group is the primary unit of social organization, is characterized by a lack of dynamism and entrepreneurship.

The World Values Survey has linked changes in the values of a country to the country's

B) level of economic development. The World Values Survey, which we mentioned earlier, has documented how values change. The study linked these changes in values to changes in a country's level of economic development.

A country where "saving face" is valued is an example of which of Hofstede's dimensions?

B) long-term versus short-term orientation. The long-term versus short-term orientation captures attitudes toward time, persistence, ordering by status, protection of face, respect for tradition, and reciprocation of gifts and favors.

When traveling to another country on business, Jenner was shocked to meet a male nurse. In his hometown, nurses were always female. Jenner's home country culture displays a high degree of which of Hofstede's cultural dimensions?

B) masculinity According to Geert Hofstede, in masculine cultures, sex roles are sharply differentiated.

Jacob decided that the only way he could pay back his student loans was to filter funds from the company where he worked directly into his personal account. He also knows that if he gets caught, he will probably spend time in jail. Jacob's choice represents a violation of

B) mores. Mores include such factors as indictments against theft, adultery, incest, and cannibalism. In many societies, certain mores have been enacted into law.

The rise of Islamic fundamentalism is, in part, a response to the

B) movement in traditional Islamic societies toward modernization. The rise of fundamentalism has no one cause. In part, it is a response to the social pressures created in traditional Islamic societies by the move toward modernization and by the influence of Western ideas, such as liberal democracy, materialism, equal rights for women, and attitudes toward sex, marriage, and alcohol.

Bryan has been asked by his manager to directly contact the CEO of the foreign company they are trying to do business. However, Bryan knows that this is not a socially acceptable practice there, and it is better to wait for the company to contact him. Which aspect of culture is guiding Bryan's decision?

B) norms Culture is a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people. Norms are the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations.

Which of Hofstede's dimensions focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities?

B) power distance Hofstede's power distance dimension focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities.

A person who practices Hinduism would say that nirvana can only be achieved by

B) practicing physical self-denial. By perfecting the soul in each new life, Hindus believe that an individual can eventually achieve nirvana, a state of complete spiritual perfection that renders reincarnation no longer necessary. Many Hindus believe that the way to achieve nirvana is to lead a severe ascetic lifestyle of material and physical self-denial, devoting life to a spiritual rather than material quest.

Sun-Jun is a representative for a Chinese company that is based in Confucian culture. When Sun-Jun mentions to his staff that guanxi should be taken into consideration, what is he referring to?

B) relationships or connections the business has. This Confucian ethic is central to the Chinese concept of guanxi, which refers to relationship networks supported by reciprocal obligations. Guanxi means relationships, although in business settings it can be better understood as connections.

Kylie was born into a family that owns numerous corporations and more than one multimillion dollar home. She never worried about paying for college or buying her own car. These characteristics define Kylie's

B) social strata. Individuals are born into a particular stratum. They become a member of the social category to which their parents belong. These strata are typically defined on the basis of socioeconomic characteristics such as family background, occupation, and income.

The distinctive culture of Wengiston has been losing its predominance among the citizens of the country. This is due to the fact that the people of Wengiston are extensively adopting certain universally accepted values and norms. This behavior of the citizens of Wengiston demonstrates

B) the convergence hypothesis. A steady convergence occurring across different cultures toward some universally accepted values and norms is known as the convergence hypothesis.

Which scenario best exemplifies ethnocentrism?

C) Bryan's belief in the superiority of his culture has resulted in conflicts with his colleagues from different countries. Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. Hand in hand with ethnocentrism goes a disregard or contempt for the culture of other countries.

For more than 2,000 years until the 1949 communist revolution, what was the official ethical system of China?

C) Confucianism For more than 2,000 years until the 1949 communist revolution, Confucianism was the official ethical system of China. While observance of Confucian ethics has been weakened in China since 1949, more than 200 million people still follow the teachings of Confucius, principally in China, Korea, and Japan.

Hofstede added a fifth dimension known as long-term versus short-term orientation which was inspired by

C) Confucianism. Geert Hofstede added a fifth dimension inspired by Confucianism that he called long-term versus short-term orientation.

What is the most widely spoken language in the world, and is increasingly becoming the language of international business?

C) English The most widely spoken language in the world is English, followed by French, Spanish, and Chinese (i.e., many people speak English as a second language). English is increasingly becoming the language of international business.

What is a characteristic of the Islam religion?

C) Islam forbids the consumption of pork and alcohol. The ritual nature of everyday life in a Muslim country is striking to a Western visitor. Among other things, orthodox Muslim ritual requires prayer five times a day (business meetings may be put on hold while the Muslim participants engage in their daily prayer ritual), demands that women should be dressed in a certain manner, and forbids the consumption of pork and alcohol.

Which statement is true regarding Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions?

C) Members of high uncertainty avoidance cultures had a strong need for rules and regulations. Members of high uncertainty avoidance cultures placed a premium on job security, career patterns, retirement benefits, and so on. They also had a strong need for rules and regulations; the manager was expected to issue clear instructions, and subordinates' initiatives were tightly controlled.

A country characterized with low uncertainty avoidance and low masculinity will

C) be less resistant to change and less distinguishing between men and women in the same job. Low uncertainty avoidance cultures were characterized by a greater readiness to take risks and less emotional resistance to change. In feminine or low masculinity cultures, sex roles were less sharply distinguished, and little differentiation was made between men and women in the same job.

A major distinction between a conventional bank and an Islamic bank is that Islamic banks

C) cannot pay or charge interest. Conventional banks make a profit on the spread between the interest rate they have to pay to depositors and the higher interest rate they charge borrowers. However, Islam prohibits the payment or receipt of interest, which is considered usury.

In 1904, Max Weber theorized that there was a relationship between Protestantism and

C) capitalism. In 1904, a German sociologist, Max Weber, made a connection between Protestant ethics and "the spirit of capitalism" that has since become famous.

What does Porter point to as the reason for Japan's success in the post-World War II economy?

C) education system Professor Michael Porter notes that after the last World War, Japan had almost nothing except for a pool of skilled and educated human resources. Porter's point is that Japan's excellent education system is an important factor explaining the country's postwar economic success.

Janet believes that the cultural group she belongs to is superior and as a result, she is highly intolerant toward employees from the cultures of other countries. This behavior of Janet is known as

C) ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. Hand in hand with ethnocentrism goes a disregard or contempt for the culture of other countries.

When interacting with a Japanese business counterpart, Lorraine made it very clear that the American way of making the product was superior. Lorraine is demonstrating.

C) ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. Hand in hand with ethnocentrism goes a disregard or contempt for the culture of other countries.

Which situation exemplifies a violation of folkways?

C) failing to greet a person you know Folkways are the routine conventions of everyday life. Generally, folkways are actions of little moral significance, like greeting a person you know. Although folkways define the way people are expected to behave, violation of them is not normally a serious matter.

In a social context, the term values is used to describe the

C) ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable. Values are meant to describe ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable. Put differently, values are shared assumptions about how things ought to be.

When schools emphasize respect for others, obedience to authority, honesty, neatness, being on time, and use a grading system, they are

C) indirectly teaching cultural values and norms. Values and norms are taught both directly and indirectly. Schools generally teach basic facts about the social and political nature of a society. They also focus on the fundamental obligations of citizenship. Cultural norms are also taught indirectly at school. Respect for others, obedience to authority, honesty, neatness, being on time, and so on, are all part of the hidden curriculum of schools.

A high degree of managerial mobility in societies that emphasize individualism can lead to

C) lack of company-specific experience, knowledge, and a network of contacts among managers. The lack of loyalty and commitment to an individual company, and the tendency to move on for a better offer, can result in managers who have good general skills but lack the knowledge, experience, and network of interpersonal contacts that come from years of working within the same company.

In Maddie's company, senior officers eat in the same cafeteria as the entry-level workers. On a trip to a different country, she was surprised to find that the company had different cafeterias for managers and workers as well as different parking lots. The difference that Maddie perceived can be attributed to which of Hofstede's dimensions?

C) power distance. Power distance focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities. In low power distance cultures inequalities are played down as much as possible whereas they are emphasized in high power distance cultures.

Hindus see mobility between castes as something that can only be achieved through

C) spiritual progression and reincarnation. The concept of mobility between castes within an individual's lifetime makes no sense to traditional Hindus. Hindus see mobility between castes as something that is achieved through spiritual progression and reincarnation. An individual can be reborn into a higher caste in his or her next life if he or she achieves spiritual development in this life.

Job security and retirement benefits are extremely important to Kevin. Hofstede would say that Kevin exhibits high

C) uncertainty avoidance. Members of high uncertainty avoidance cultures placed a premium on job security, career patterns, retirement benefits, and so on. They also had a strong need for rules and regulations; the manager was expected to issue clear instructions, and subordinates' initiatives were tightly controlled.

In the Republic of Cedia, people are extremely conscious about their social backgrounds. This in turn regulates their relationships with members of other classes. What will likely result from this heightened class consciousness?

D) An antagonistic relationship will exist between management and labor classes. Class consciousness has been played out in Cedian society. Mutual antagonism and lack of respect makes it difficult to achieve cooperation between management and labor in companies and results in a relatively high level of industrial disputes.

In a business context, what is the best definition of personal space?

D) It is the comfortable amount of distance between you and someone you are talking with. An aspect of nonverbal communication is personal space, which is the comfortable amount of distance between you and someone you are talking with. In the United States, the customary distance apart adopted by parties in a business discussion is five to eight feet.

China Innovation Inc. is a devout follower of Confucian ethics. Hence, it hires people who live by similar principles. Which is most likely to be a characteristic of this company?

D) The cost of doing business will be low for those companies that enter into a business with it. A concept found in Confucian ethics is the importance attached to honesty. When companies adhere to Confucian ethics, they can trust each other not to violate the terms of cooperative agreements. When companies can trust each other not to break contractual obligations, the costs of doing business are lowered.

The United Republic emphasizes individual performance and achievements in every sphere of society. How might this affect the business environment in that country?

D) The employees in this country may lack loyalty and commitment to a company. Individualism also finds expression in a high degree of managerial mobility between companies, and this is not always a good thing. The lack of loyalty and commitment to an individual company, and the tendency to move on for a better offer, can result in managers who have good general skills but lack the knowledge, experience, and network of interpersonal contacts that come from years of working within the same company.

According to Confucian thought, being loyal to one's superiors is considered

D) an absolute obligation. In Confucian thought, loyalty to one's superiors is regarded as a sacred duty—an absolute obligation. In modern organizations based in Confucian cultures, the loyalty that binds employees to the heads of their organization can reduce the conflict between management and labor that we find in more class-conscious societies.

A high degrees of class consciousness in societies can be disruptive within industries, which can often lead to

D) an increase in the costs of production. An antagonistic relationship between management and labor classes, and the resulting lack of cooperation and high level of industrial disruption, tends to raise the costs of production in countries characterized by significant class divisions. In turn, this can make it more difficult for companies based in such countries to establish a competitive advantage in the global economy.

Jason's company has always emphasized that every employee is an important part of the company's success and does not highlight individual achievements. By emphasizing the group, Jason's company will most likely

D) discourage employees from moving from company to company. The primacy of the value of group identification discourages managers and workers from moving from company to company.

What term is used to describe a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic human drives?

D) indulgence Indulgence refers to a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint refers to a society that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms.

What is the new "sixth dimension" to be added to Hofstede's original dimensions?

D) indulgence versus restraint A strong movement is underway to add a sixth dimension to Hofstede's work. Geert Hofstede, working with Michael Minkov's analysis of the World Values Survey, added a promising new dimension called indulgence versus restraint.

What Confucian ethic is central to the Chinese concept of guanxi?

D) reciprocal obligations Confucian ethics stress that superiors are obliged to reward the loyalty of their subordinates by bestowing blessings on them. If these "blessings" are not forthcoming, neither will be the loyalty. This Confucian ethic is central to the Chinese concept of guanxi, which refers to relationship networks supported by reciprocal obligations.

In a Confucian culture, it would be common for a superior to reward the loyalty of a subordinate by bestowing blessings on him or her. These blessings are examples of

D) reciprocal obligations. However, in a Confucian culture, loyalty to one's superiors, such as a worker's loyalty to management, is not blind loyalty. The concept of reciprocal obligations is important. Confucian ethics stresses that superiors are obliged to reward the loyalty of their subordinates by bestowing blessings on them.

Confucianism is based on the idea that personal salvation can be achieved through

D) right action. Confucianism teaches the importance of attaining personal salvation through right action. Although not a religion, Confucian ideology has become deeply embedded in the culture of these countries over the centuries and, through that, has an impact on the lives of many millions more.

A group of people who share a common set of values and norms is called a(n)

D) society. The term society refers to a group of people who share a common set of values and norms.

What has strongly influenced the development of modern extended social groups?

D) the advent of social media. Social media have expanded the boundaries of what is included in group life and placed an added emphasis on what we can call extended social groups. Social media clearly did not enter into the equation of what was possible in terms of group life. But, social media as a vehicle to the creation of group life has unique possibilities that affect both individuals within a social group and the group itself.

In contemporary Japanese society, a group is associated with

D) the company a person works for. In traditional Japanese society, the group was the family or village to which an individual belonged. Today, the group has frequently come to be associated with the work team or business organization.

Greta felt very uncomfortable while talking to the store manager because she moved so close to Greta until her face was just inches away. What aspect of the situation was bothering Greta?

D) unspoken language. An aspect of nonverbal communication is personal space, which is the comfortable amount of distance between you and someone you are talking with.

What is a characteristic of mores?

E) Certain mores have been enacted into law. In many societies, certain mores have been enacted into law. Thus, all advanced societies have laws against theft, incest, and cannibalism.

Aamir Baku recently quit her job in a bank because her religion considers the payment or receipt of interest as exploitative and unjust. According to this information, Ms. Baku is a follower of

E) Islam. Orthodox Muslim ritual requires prayer five times a day (business meetings may be put on hold while the Muslim participants engage in their daily prayer ritual), demands that women should be dressed in a certain manner, and forbids the consumption of pork and alcohol. Islam also prohibits the payment or receipt of interest, which is considered usury.

Sociologists argue that the ________ branch of Christianity has had the greatest effect on the economy.

E) Protestant Several sociologists have argued that of the main branches of Christianity—Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant—the latter has the most important economic implications. In 1904, prominent German sociologist Max Weber made a connection between Protestant ethics and "the spirit of capitalism" that has since become famous.

Which statement is true of Confucianism?

E) Three values central to Confucianism are loyalty, reciprocal obligations, and honesty in dealing with others. In this regard, three values central to the Confucian system of ethics are of particular interest: loyalty, reciprocal obligations, and honesty in dealings with others.

When compared to American society, Japanese society lacks

E) dynamism and entrepreneurship. Just as U.S. society is characterized by a great deal of dynamism and entrepreneurship, reflecting the primacy of values associated with individualism, some argue that Japanese society is characterized by a corresponding lack of dynamism and entrepreneurship.

According to Max Weber, the Protestant tributes of hard work, wealth creation, and ________ fostered the emergence of modern capitalism.

E) frugality Weber theorized that there was a relationship between Protestantism and the emergence of modern capitalism. He argued that Protestant ethics emphasizes the importance of hard work and wealth creation (for the glory of God) and frugality (abstinence from worldly pleasures).

Some sociologists argue that ________ has a more rigid class structure than other western societies, including the United States.

E) the United Kingdom While many societies have class systems, social mobility within a class system varies from society to society. For example, some sociologists have argued that the United Kingdom has a more rigid class structure than certain other western societies, such as the United States.

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