Douglas MAN3240 Ch. 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, & 15 Final Exam

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A decision which centers on how things get done is a(n) A. tactical decision. B. operational decision. C. programmed decision. D. strategic decision.


A founder's values could be one explanation for the difficulty encountered when trying to change a culture. A. True B. False


A major nationwide sporting goods firm allows its employees to take home any piece of equipment in the store to try out for a night or weekend. The company pays its employees the highest wages in the industry, and provides a strong healthcare package, as well as tuition benefits. The company has been ranked on a number of "best places to work" lists over the last few years. This firm has a(n) _________________. A. people-oriented culture B. team-oriented culture C. outcome-oriented culture D. detail-oriented culture


Access to specific knowledge or skills is _______________ power. A. information B. expert C. reward D. referent


Communication fulfills all of the following functions within an organization except A. skill acquisition. B. transmitting information. C. coordination. D. sharing emotions and feelings.


Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. A. True B. False


Enlisting the help of amateurs, experts and people who like to solve problems is A. crowdsourcing. B. wildstorming C. scampering D. brainstorming


Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when A. effort leads to high performance. B. rewards lead to high performance. C. rewards are expected. D. low effort will be rewarded.


Fiedler suggested which of the following situations would create situational favorableness? A. leader-subordinate relations. B. team size. C. organizational structure. D. integrity level.


Fiedler's contingency theory suggests different leaders can be effective in different situations. A. True B. False


I convince you to take an internship by saying, "You must take this internship, you may never get an opportunity like this again." I have just focused on what aspect of the relationship between dependency and power? A. scarcity B. substitutability C. importance D. dependency


If an industry is highly regulated, firms competing within it likely have A. bureaucratic structures. B. businesses processes characterized by agility and quick action. C. low concern for rules and authority. D. dynamic, innovative cultures.


In a high quality LMX relationship A. the leader and member like each other, help each other when needed, and respect each other. B. there is trust between the leader and employee, but they do not like each other. C. the leader and member like each other, but do not trust each other. D. there is respect between the leader and employee, but they do not trust each other.


Individuals with high LMX receive higher levels of resources than those with a low LMX relationship. A. True B. False


Initiating structure refers to task-based leadership behaviors. A. True B. False


Jose is a new employee at ABC Corporation. Anna is in the cubicle next to him. After Jose's new boss escorted him to the cubicle and gave him his first assignment, Anna spent about an hour chatting with him. During that time she shared the type of clothing that is generally worn by members of the staff at ABC, where they go for lunch, where they park, the process for deciding who makes the coffee in the department pot, who gets the supplies for the coffee, and a variety of other information. Anna is sharing the group __________ with Jose. A. norms B. tasks C. rules D. processes


Leaders who are self-aware, are not afraid to act as they are, and who stay true to themselves are classified as A. authentic leaders. B. servant leaders. C. transformational leaders. D. transactional leaders.


Manuel is particularly good at making everyone laugh when team members are getting upset with one another as deadlines approach on projects at the firm. He also seems to be willing to listen to everyone. Manuel is performing which of a team's social roles? A. communicator B. consul C. cooperator D. calibrator


NASA endured the Challenger disaster when group members conformed with top managers' decisions that launching the space shuttle in freezing temperatures was better than missing the launch window. This is an example of what group process? A. groupthink B. cohesion C. collective efficacy D. social loafing


Nandu is an administrative assistant at XYZ Corporation. One of his duties is to place an order for office paper whenever he takes the next to last ream of paper from the carton in the supply room. Nandu just got the next to last ream of paper from the box. This order is an example of a A. programmed decision. B. tactical decision. C. strategic decision. D. nonprogrammed decision.


Orange Company headquarters building has a very limited number of formal offices. Instead, most employees are located in cubicles arranged around a manager's desk area. Stairways and escalators are located in the center of each floor. What visual element suggests that Orange Company has an open, team-oriented culture in its headquarters? A. physical layout B. rituals C. stories D. mission statement


Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs indicating what are appropriate and inappropriate behaviors within an organization. A. True B. False


Organizational culture will both attract potential employees and cause some to self-select out of the organization. A. True B. False


Organizational psychologist Bruce Tuckman introduced a model of group evolution. The initial model featured the following order stages: A. forming, storming, norming, performing. B. forming, storming, performing, norming. C. forming, norming, storming, performing. D. forming, performing, norming, storming.


People's tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is A. conformity. B. dependency. C. culture. D. power.


Philip Zimbardo's study A. demonstrated how entrenched individuals become in their roles. B. illustrated that the level of conformity is regularly decreasing in most firms in the United States. C. demonstrated how group members tend to influence individual members. D. demonstrated the extent to which individuals will engage in behavior they believe to be wrong when told to do so by a person in power.


Power is the ability to get things done the way you want them to be done. A. True B. False


Research evidence exists to demonstrate that teams can reduce labor costs,increase product quality, and raise revenues. A. True B. False


Research findings of leader behaviors suggest A. extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees. B. employees who work under people oriented leaders are more productive. C. task oriented behaviors tend to be more effective in large companies. D. when leaders are task oriented, employees are more satisfied.


Research indicates that employees who understand team roles and what is required for each role A. typically perform better than those who don't. B. offer to stay in that role across multiple teams. C. typically rebel against their roles. D. often are upset and want to change roles.


Security, safety and social equality are all examples of A. cultural values. B. cultural orientations. C. cultural artifacts. D. cultural assumptions.


Social loafing A. develops when a perception of inequity in regard to rewards and/or blame arises in a group. B. declines as group size increases. C. is relatively rare within groups. D. is more frequent in the United States


Symptoms of too much cohesion include A. failures are blamed on external factors. B. tolerance for deviants. C. internal pressures to question the status quo. D. greater questioning of external constraints.


The CEO of an organization has legitimate power because of his or her role. A. True B. False


The Rand Corporation was responsible for gathering relevant information that could be utilized by the U.S. Navy in the development of the Nautilus submarine. Rand chose a panel of experts who were asked a series of questions about issues related to the submarine's development. As questions were answered, the facilitator sent out new questionnaires with refined questions and more targeted information. As each round proceeded, the data became more refined until finally the U.S. Navy felt they had sufficient information to begin construction of the submarine. This process of decision making is called A. the Delphi Technique. B. consensus. C. majority rule. D. the Nominal Group Technique.


The Rational Decision-Making Model A. describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize their outcome and make the best choice. B. describes a decision-making process where more and more time is spent on gathering information and thinking about it with the consequent delay in decision making. C. recognizes the limitations of decision-making processes especially the fact that individuals limit their options to a manageable set, and choose the best alternative without conducting an exhaustive search for alternatives. D. refers to arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning.


The fire chief saw the flames flare up in the building annex. Unsure of whether any workers remained in the building, he rushed toward the left front section where no flames had appeared yet. Deciding that the lack of fire here suggested an opportunity to secure the safety of anyone remaining inside, he entered. When later asked about his decision to enter the building, he responded that in his years of experience with fires, the burn pattern suggested that the left side would be the last side to become engaged in flames and thus, provided him the opportunity to search for anyone trapped there. The fire chief's decision-making model is A. the Intuitive Decision Making-Model. B. the Rational Decision-Making Model. C. the Bounded Rationality Model. D. the Creative Decision-Making Process Model.


The high school roof has been leaking, off and on for about three years. The school district keeps patching the areas that are leaking, but financially it is really beginning to add up. One school board member noted in the meeting last night, "For all the patching we have done and the cost of those patches, we could have put a whole new roof not only on the high school, but also on one of our elementary schools." This statement suggests that the school board was falling into the _____________ decision-making trap. A. escalation of commitment B. overconfidence bias C. anchoring D. framing bias


The intuitive decision-making model is best used when the decision maker has experience with the problem and there is time pressure. A. True B. False


The national culture can have an impact on the values, beliefs, and norms of a company. Which of the following statements is true regarding research conducted on organizational culture around the world? A. In Brazilian culture, relationships are more important than jobs, so Brazilian organizations emphasize relational networks. B. Japanese universities are characterized by low power distance, a reflection of Japanese culture. C. Arab universities had buildings with restricted access, a reflection of the low power distance in the Arab countries. D. In countries categorized as emphasizing harmony in their cultural values, outcome-oriented cultures more easily become established in organizations located there.


The performing stage of group development involves attention to work content and process. A. True B. False


The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is A. selective perception. B. filtering. C. semantics. D. information overload.


The structure of arguments based on deductive reasoning, so that the premises lead to conclusive proof is A. logic B. conformity C. moral equivalence D. rational


The tendency for individuals to rely too heavily on a single piece of information is what type of decision-making trap? A. anchoring B. escalation of commitment C. overconfidence bias D. framing bias


The use of jargon can strengthen professional bonds with those of similar backgrounds. A. True B. False


The value or how vital a resource is, refers to its A. importance. B. dependency. C. scarcity. D. substitutability.


To enhance organizational creativity, a manager might consider focusing on A. team composition. B. use of attainable goals C. technical training. D. employee pay.


To satisfice is to accept the first alternative that meets minimum criteria. A. True B. False


Two major fast food chains have diagrams printed on their bags which indicate how food is to be placed in the bag prior to giving it to the customer. A major automaker has a diagram of how office supplies are to be placed upon desks in the firm to ensure maximum efficiency for employee usage of the items. These firms are examples of a(n) _______________. A. detail-oriented culture B. stable culture C. people-oriented culture D. outcome-oriented culture


What is the best way to achieve downward influence? A. creating an inspiring vision B. noting explicitly what needs to be done on a daily basis C. citing the firm's goals and their impact on compensation D. building credibility


When the group gets together at the end of project to discuss what was successful and what they could have done better, that's known as A. an after-action review B. a focus group C. a close D. a project survey


Which is the first step in the rational decision-making model? A. Identify the problem. B. Generate alternatives. C. Establish decision criteria. D. Weigh decision criteria


Which of the following is an example of a Big 5 Personality trait? A. extraversion B. assertiveness C. self-esteem D. intelligence


Which of the following leadership styles best serves a successful group as it has evolved to the performing stage? A. coach B. delegator C. coordinator D. director


Which of the following statements about communication is correct? A. Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals, through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. B. Between 10 and 20 percent of a manager's time is spent communicating. C. Communication ability is particularly important in lower levels of organizations. D. Miscommunication is an annoyance, but seldom has serious consequences.


Which of the following statements is correct with regard to decision-making styles around the globe? A. Japanese managers tend to implement their final decisions quicker than other cultures, like the United States, because of their decision-making style. B. Japanese decision making is very quick because managers have little contact with any relevant stakeholders to the situation. C. Japanese decision makers are oriented toward majority rule. D. American managers value reflective decision making.


Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the forming stage of group development? A. Group members are trying to learn about one another. B. Leadership does not matter at this stage. C. Group members are trying to clarify what needs to be done and who needs to do it. D. Group members are cohesive and cooperative


Which of the following statements is true regarding about organizational politics? A. Organizational politics include behind-the-scenes efforts to sell ideas. B. Organizational politics are a relatively new phenomenon. C. Organizational politics are always bad. D. Organizational politics are formal and official.


Which of the following statements is true with regard to nonverbal communication? A. A speaker's body language must match his words or the communication can be negatively impacted. B. All cultures expect direct eye contact to establish trustworthiness in the relationship. C. A simple touch is perceived as friendly across cultures. D. Facial expressions have little impact in a conversation.


Which of the following traits is negatively related to emerging as a leader and being successful in that position? A. agreeableness B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. openness to experience


Which of the following words would be considered an example of biased language? A. spokesman B. attorney C. nurse D. cleaner


Which of these are some of the Big Five personality traits? A. neuroticism, agreeableness, openness B. extraversion, agreeableness, positivity C. conscientiousness, agreeableness, generosity D. extraversion, openness, positivity


Which of these are task roles on a team? A. critic, completer, contributor, creator, contractor B. calibrator, communicator, cooperator C. consul, coordinator D. critic, calibrator, cooperator, consul


Which of these is NOT a constructive idea for conducing a meeting? A. Allow anyone who wants to participate to attend B. Prepare an agenda C. Start the meeting on time D. Get everyone on the same page


Which of these is NOT a key trait that is associated with leadership? A. athleticism B. intelligence C. integrity D. personality


Which of these is an example of a comment that reflects psychological safety in a meeting? A. "Joe, I think we should discuss that idea further, although I'm not sure we can implement it now." B. "Sara, that's a dumb idea." C. "Bebe, that will never work-that's just silly." D. "Reeva, you are so smart you out think all of us! Nobody else in this group even had a clue."


Which of these would be considered information rich communication channels? A. telephone conversations, video conferencing B. blogs, emails C. video conferencing,blogs, D. formal reports, emails


You have decided that you want to go to college after graduating high school. You now must decide whether you want to go to a two year program or a four year program. You also need to consider whether you want to live at home and commute to school or live on campus, your major subjects, and how to finance your study. These questions represent what step in the Rational Decision Making Model? A. establish decision criteria B. evaluate the decision C. weigh decision criteria D. generate alternatives


"I work for IBM in their accounting department dealing with SOX. Sometimes I feel like I'm on it 24/7, 365." What barrier to communication is the focus of this statement? A. lack of familiarity B. semantics C. selective perception D. information overload


A company with a stable culture is A. fair, supportive, and respects individual rights. B. predictable, rule-oriented, and bureaucratic. C. achievement-oriented, results-oriented, and action-oriented. D. flexible, adaptable, and experiments with new ideas.


A culture that is shared by all organization members is A. a subculture. B. a strong culture. C. a counterculture. D. a safety culture.


A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing A. collective efficacy. B. cohesion. C. social loafing. D. group action.


A professor assigns grades due to _________ power. A. reward B. legitimate C. referent D. coercive


A strong culture always outperforms a weak culture because of the consistency of expectations. A. True B. False


A trusted individual who provides the employee with advice and support regarding career-related matters is a A. manager. B. mentor. C. coworker. D. counselor.


All decisions have major consequences and require much thought. A. True B. False


An empowered team A. is disbanded once it completes the specific problem it is addressing. B. has the responsibility and the authority to achieve its goals. C. is a special form of the self-managed team where members determine who will lead them without external oversight. D. receives rewards based upon the performance of others.


An informal work group refers to A. a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve mutual goals. B. made up of two or more individuals who are associated with one another in ways not prescribed by the formal organization. C. made up of managers, subordinates, or both, with close associations among group members that influence the behavior of individuals in the group. D. a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person's actions have an impact on the others.


Being in a position to praise or to give a monetary gift in order to gain a person's compliance is A. expert power B. reward power C. referent power D. coercive power


Communication that is asynchronous written for one receiver and read by one receiver. B. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. C. is written for many but often read by only a few. D. is written for one receiver, but can be read by many.


Decision makers are more likely to engage in unethical behavior when using the A. global decision-making model B. rational decision-making model C. intuitive decision-making model D. trolley decision-making model


Decision making refers to A. a technique that groups use when the goal is to gain support for an idea or plan of action. B. making choices among alternative courses of action, including inaction. C. a process of generating ideas that follow a set of guidelines which include not criticizing ideas during the process. D. accepting the first alternative that meets minimum criteria.


Findings from the GLOBE research study indicate: A. no traits are universal in identifying what is effective leadership. B. There is generalization in some leadership styles. C. no traits are universal in identifying what is considered ineffective leadership. D. transformational and authentic leaders were found to be the most influential leaders in the world.


Firms that are flexible, adaptable and experiment with new ideas are _________ firms. A. outcome-oriented B. innovative C. stable D. aggressive


Generally speaking, the more cohesive a group is, the less productive it is because the preservation of individual feelings supersedes any task oriented role. A. True B. False


Groupthink is the tendency for individuals to put forth less effort when working in a group context. A. True B. False


House's path-goal theory is based on equity theory of motivation. A. True B. False


In responding to an influence attempt, which occurs when the influence target does not wish to comply with the request? A. compliance B. resistance C. commitment D. dependency


In the communication process, noise is found only in the external environment of the communication situation. A. True B. False


In the summer of 2008, gas prices spiked at an all time high of over $4 per gallon. Consequently, American drivers changed their driving habits dramatically, not only putting less miles on their cars, but seeking alternative fuels and hybrid cars. Foreign automakers saw dramatic increases in market share due to their availability of hybrid vehicles like the Prius. Detroit's Big 3 automakers began to develop hybrid and electric cars, and began investigating the commercialization of other fuel options. The development of other options is an example of A. a tactical decision. B. a nonprogrammed decision. C. a programmed decision. D. an operational decision.


Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have a(n) _________________ leadership style. A. directive B. participative C. supportive D. achievement-oriented


Listening is an art, not a skill, and thus individuals cannot be trained to be better listeners. A. True B. False


Maria is writing the introduction to her Organizational Behavior team's research paper. Tomorrow she will give it to Nancy, who will write the first section on the process used by the team to gather data. The next day it will be given to Max, who will write about the findings of the research, and then it will be passed to Omar, who will write the conclusion. This process is an example of what type of task interdependence? A. reciprocal interdependence B. sequential interdependence C. outcome interdependence D. pooled interdependence


Men and women tend to communicate differently. Which one of the following statements is supported by research? A. The differences in communication style between men and women are substantial. B. Men are more likely to speak up in high-stakes communications like meetings. C. Power has no differential effect on how much men and women speak. D. Women are more assertive in their communication style compared to men.


Milgram's experiment on conformity A. illustrated how entrenched people become in the group roles. B. demonstrated the extent to which individuals will engage in behavior they believe to be wrong when told to do so by a person in power. C. demonstrated that the level of conformity is regularly decreasing among workplace groups in the United States. D. illustrated the power that a small dissenting minority of people can have.


Neil, Abdul, Chloe, and Gabrielle have just become part of a team. The team functions on its own in that it does not report directly to a supervisor. Neil, Abdul, Chloe, and Gabrielle have decided they are going to rotate leadership among themselves on a weekly basis. The four are considering whether they should add another member as they begin designing the new office annex. These four are part of what type of team? A. cross-functional team B. self-managed team C. self-directed team D. traditional team


Nonverbal communication, such as gestures, differs from culture to culture. Which statement regarding gestures is true? A. The "hook 'em horns" gesture means you are being tricked in Brazil and Venezuela. B. The "V" for victory symbol means 'take this" in England. C. The "thumbs up" gesture means one in Japan. D. The "OK" gesture means a person is worthless in Japan.


One credit card company gets students to fill out an application and apply for a credit card because they give those who complete the application a fleece blanket with their school logo on it. This influence tactic by the credit card company is called A. legitimating. B. exchange. C. personal appeal. D. coalition tactics.


Organizational culture consists of three levels: A. assumptions, orientations, and beliefs. B. assumptions, artifacts, and values. C. beliefs, values, and artifacts. D. artifacts, assumptions, and beliefs.


Pharmaceutical companies often rely on patients to request treatment by new drugs from their general practitioner. From television and other media sources, the patients often come armed with the nature of the new generic drug, and specific facts and figures about the success rate of that drug for their disease. Convincing patients to request the drug is done through which influence technique? A. legitimizing tactics B. rational persuasion C. ingratiation D. consultation


Power has been viewed as inherently evil and easily abused because people usually A. have lofty goals. B. are afraid of retaliation and of going against the mainstream. C. prefer to be a follower. D. don't have ideas of their own.


Power has negative consequences but never has positive consequences. A. True B. False


Programmed decisions are unique, creative decisions. A. True B. False


Research suggests that a six-step process to cultural change increases the chances of success in such a change. What is the first step in that process? A. role modeling B. create a sense of urgency C. change the reward system D. change leaders and other key players


Roberto is purchasing a new car. He does not sit down and generate the names of all possible brands, foreign and domestic that he could purchase, nor all the various models within those brands. Roberto is making a decision using A. The Creative Decision Making Process. B. The Bounded Rationality Model. C. The Intuitive Decision Making Model. D. The Rational Decision Making Model.


Strategic decisions are usually made by middle level managers. A. True B. False


Strategic decisions refer to A. those that occur frequently enough to have an automated response to them. B. those setting the course of the organization. C. those that make the organization run on a daily basis. D. how things get done.


Strong cultures A. outperform weak cultures regardless of the volatility of the environment. B. are evidenced by consensus among employees on the values of the company. C. facilitate the changes that must occur in firms during mergers and acquisitions. D. are no more difficult to change than weak cultures.


The Punctuated Equilibrium Model offered by Connie Gersick suggests that A. groups cycle through the Storming and Norming stages repeatedly. B. groups who understand that disruption, conflict, and chaos are inevitable in the life of a social system have the opportunity for innovation and creativity. C. groups change very rapidly, punctuated by short periods of relative calm. D. revolutionary change occurs in long punctuated periods triggered by a crisis.


The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is: A. charisma. B. power. C. pressure. D. conformity.


The ability to influence those in positions lower than yours is A. upward influence. B. downward influence. C. peer influence. D. diagonal influence.


The appointed leader is often tested during the performing phase of group development. A. True B. False


The athletic director at a local school district decides who can use school athletic facilities including each of the districts' three gymnasiums. The director can make these decisions because of his: A. reward power. B. legitimate power. C. coercive power. D. referent power.


The best policy during a public relations crisis for an organization is to be A. angry and blame the media B. truthful and make a high ranking individual from the organization available for questions C. cautious and have a junior executive respond and fire them if they aren't good D. vague and deny everything until all the facts are in


The concept of power refers to: A. the value of a resource. B. the ability to influence the behavior of others in order to get what you want. C. actively shaping the way others perceive you. D. people's tendencies to behave consistently within social norms.


The more that a party is dependent upon you, the less power you have. A. True B. False


The sender in the communication process is totally responsible for successful, effective communication between the sender and receiver. A. True B. False


The three levels of organizational culture are beliefs, assumptions and artifacts. A. True C. False


The value of the resource is its A. scarcity. B. importance. C. dependency. D. substitutability.


Three key traits associated with leadership are: integrity, conscientiousness and introversion. A. True B. False


Using any form of flattery in an appeal is an example of the exchange influence tactic. A. True B. False


What step in the Creative Decision-Making process involves setting the problem aside and not thinking about it for a while? A. verification and application B. incubation C. immersion D. illumination


When people get on an elevator, they tend to pull their arms and bags toward their bodies. They also tend to look at the floor or the numbers near the ceiling of the elevator. They engage in such actions because A. their social space is being violated. B. their personal or intimate space is being violated. C. their natural space is being violated. D. their local space is being violated.


Which of the following best represents the self-focused strategy of impression management? A. "You must really be an expert in this." B. "I am a hard worker." C. "I like your tattoo." D. "Maybe we could grab lunch?"


Which of the following is an individual antecedent of political behavior? A. tenure B. political skill C. role ambiguity D. availability of resources


Which of the following is not recognized as a barrier to an effective team? A. team members feeling they are not paid enough for their efforts. B. team members enforcing strict norms for timeliness. C. team members allowing disagreements based on personality conflicts to persist. D. team members outlining goals prior to a project beginning.


Which of the following statements about onboarding is accurate? A. Computer-based orientation programs are the most successful type offered by firms. B. Leaders are a key influence in the successful onboarding process. C. Informal orientation programs are especially helpful in teaching new employees about a firm's history. D. A "sink or swim" approach is often the most effective.


Which of these is NOT one of the three interrelated levels of corporate culture? A. values B. veracity C. artifacts D. assumptions


You are downsizing 1000 people from your manufacturing facility. Since delivering the news in a face-to-face conversation is not possible for you, what is the next best information channel through which this information could be delivered? A. blog B. videoconferencing C. e-mail D. written letter


You have been at a two-day conference for work. You return this morning to 60 emails, nine letters, two reports, four voicemails, and two of your subordinates waiting outside of your office door with questions about a project. You are faced with the communication barrier of A. selective perception. B. information overload. C. semantics. D. filtering.


You receive an email with the term SOX in the body and can't remember what it refers to. In this scenario, you have been impacted by which communication barrier? A. selective perception B. semantics C. filtering D. lack of source familiarity or credibility


___________ leaders lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. A. Transactional B. Transformational C. Directive D. Achievement-oriented


A customer went to a Nordstrom's department store to get a pair of shoes for an event. The store did not have the shoes in her size and the sales associate was unable to locate them at any other Nordstrom's stores. The customer was extremely surprised to receive a package the next day. It seems the sales associate went to a competitor and purchased the shoes, and then had them sent to the disappointed customer free of charge. This incident is a prime example of why Nordstrom is widely known to have a _____________. A. people-oriented culture B. team-oriented culture C. service culture D. detail-oriented culture


A memo is an example of A. nonverbal communication. B. verbal communication. C. written communication. D. direct communication.


A team where members are not located in the same physical space and is sometimes formed to take advantage of lower labor costs or distributed expertise is a A. cross-functional team B. task force C. virtual team D. product development team


A technique for making decisions that starts with a simple yes or no question, and then branches off into a series of other questions that guide the decision maker to a pre-determined alternative and ensures consistency in decision making is called A. The Delphi technique. B. consensus. C. a decision tree. D. The Nominal Group technique.


Active listening A. does not involve silence, but active engagement with the speaker. B. is an art, not a skill. C. creates a bond between the speaker and the recipient that increases the flow and accuracy of messages. D. allows us to consider information and object to it at the same time.


An example of a question requiring an operational decision in response is: A. Should we consider a merger with our biggest competitor? B. Which advertising firm should we choose for our fall advertising campaign? C. How often do I go back to the stockroom to get additional products for display? D. Should we develop a new corporate structure?


Bob Eberle's SCAMPER technique is a A. building institutional memory so you don't repeat past mistakes. B. group process for making ideas work. C. checklist to help trigger ideas you can implement in an existing marketplace to create something new. D. group process for generating ideas.


Bryan is listening to the new employee orientation speaker but internally he is also trying to figure out what time he can get to the gym and when he can meet his friends later. Bryan is experiencing a lot of A. drama B. encoding C. noise D. decoding


Claire is the manager of an Abercrombie and Fitch store in a local shopping mall. Each day she provides very specific directions to each of her teenage workers on the tasks that they are to complete during their shifts. She sets their schedules, and regularly circulates through the store asking each employee if he/she is having any problems, and watches carefully to ensure that they are completing the assigned tasks. Claire is exhibiting what type of leadership style? A. supportive leader B. achievement-oriented leader C. directive leader D. participative leader


Communication can be categorized into three basic types A. written, nonverbal, and direct. B. direct, passive, and open. C. nonverbal, verbal, and written. D. verbal, direct, and nonverbal.


Communication fulfills three main organizational functions which are A. sharing emotions, coordination, and control. B. control, collaboration, and coordination. C. transmitting information, sharing emotions, and coordination. D. transmitting information, collaboration, and sharing emotions.


Contemporary leadership approaches focus much more than their earlier counterparts on A. motivation. B. likeability. C. ethics. D. delegation.


Customers would be much more willing to ask their doctors to prescribe a medication that they saw on a television commercial if the ad noted, "Six of ten doctors agree that this medicine prevents the recurrence of the disease." The ad however, would not be noting that four of ten doctors disagreed. This is an example of what decision-making bias? A. escalation of commitment B. overconfidence bias C. framing bias D. anchoring


Having a high LPC (Least Preferred Coworker) score suggests: A. you like most people who you work with in the organization and thus, cannot separate the work from your friendships. B. you strongly dislike one of your coworkers and it impacts everything you do in the workplace. C. you have a people-oriented personality and you can separate your liking a person from your ability to work with that person. D. you have a task-oriented personality and you want to get your job done at all costs.


In ABC Corporation, upper level managers have mahogany desks with fine leather desk chairs. Their office doors have gold name plates, and there is a sign post with their names on them reserving their parking space in the company parking lot. All of these items are examples of A. cultural assumptions. B. cultural values. C. cultural artifacts. D. cultural beliefs.


Marcus is the manager of a financial analysis group at a major financial institution. He has a tendency to allow his employees to make decisions with a minimum of guidance and involvement. Marcus utilizes what type of decision making style? A. supportive decision making B. authoritarian decision making C. laissez-faire decision making D. democratic decision making


One of the fundamental factors affecting group cohesion is that A. the less coaching group members receive, the more cohesive they will be. B. larger groups tend to exhibit stronger cohesion. C. the more pleased group members are with others' performances, the higher the cohesion. D. the more diverse the group, the greater the cohesion.


Openness to experience is defined as A. being outgoing, talkative and social. B. being affable, tolerant and trusting. C. demonstrating originality, creativity and being willing to try new things. D. being organized, systematic and achievement oriented.


People-oriented behaviors are also called A. authoritarian. B. laissez-faire. C. consideration. D. initiating structure.


Political behaviors in organizations include which of the following? A. alliance building B. resolving conflicting interests C. all of these D. negotiating


Power has a cultural dimension. In low power distance countries A. people in charge arbitrarily hire their relatives. B. competitive interaction is viewed across the power levels. C. like Australia, people want their leaders to be achievement oriented. D. organizational structures are more hierarchical in shape.


Process loss refers to A. a group pressure phenomenon that increases the risk of the group making a flawed decision. B. the tendency for individuals to put in less effort when working in a group context. C. any aspect of group interaction that inhibits group functioning. D. a group's perception of its ability to successfully perform well.


Research on communication indicates A. miscommunication is not a major issue in the American workplace. B. while good communication can enhance a manager's performance, it has little impact on the firm's market value or other performance. C. communication and interpersonal skills are highly sought after by recruiters. D. less than 25% of a manager's time is actually spent in communication.


Storytelling is an effective form of communication for which of the following situations? A. explaining the benefit package changes to employees B. assigning tasks to an employee C. orienting new employees to the company's culture D. correcting an employee's approach to a project


Susie returns to her office from a meeting and finds the light on her phone flashing, indicating she has received a voicemail message. Susie listens to the message, "Please order the new folders, red and blue, 10 and 12 of each." In this scenario, the message is unclear due to ___________ issues. A. feedback B. decoding C. encoding D. noise


Susie returns to her office from a meeting and finds the light on her phone flashing, indicating that she has received a voicemail message. Susie listens to the message, "Please order the new folders, red and blue, 10 and 12 of each." In this scenario, voicemail is the A. noise. B. feedback. C. medium. D. message.


The ability to punish someone for not doing something and to get people to respond to a request because of fear is A. referent power B. reward power C. coercive power D. expert power


The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is A. wildstorming. B. satisficing. C. analysis paralysis. D. anchoring.


The bounded rationality model should be used to make decisions when A. new solutions need to be generated. B. the decision is important. C. the minimum criteria are clear. D. there is time pressure.


The earliest approach to the study of leadership was A. the transactional approach. B. the transformational approach. C. the trait approach. D. the behavioral approach.


The key factor in the effectiveness of transformational leadership is A. charisma. B. extraversion. C. trust. D. creativeness.


The local school district has been structured in the same manner for the past 40 years. Teachers requesting classroom supplies must fill out specific forms that have to receive approval from three levels in the organization before they are purchased. The policy manual governing teacher and staff behavior is very rule oriented. The school district has a(n) ______________. A. aggressive culture B. safety culture C. stable culture D. innovative culture


The space that people feel comfortable leaving between each other differs from culture to culture, and is known as A. jargon B. noverbals C. proxemics D. angeonomics


To satisfice is to A. generate new ideas that are original, fluent and flexible. B. set parameters against which all of the potential options can be evaluated. C. accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria. D. be influenced by the way in which problems are framed.


Transactional leaders rely on which of the following methods to lead their employees? A. intellectual stimulation B. group consideration C. passive management by exception D. charisma


Using the Path-Goal Theory as a reference point, what would be the appropriate leadership style for a situation where the tasks are boring and repetitive and those tasks are stressful? A. participative leader B. achievement-oriented leader C. supportive leader D. directive leader


Vroom and Yetton developed a leadership decision tree which helps a leader determine how much involvement should be sought when making decisions. The responses to the decision tree questions recommend the use of various decision-making styles. Which decision-making style is characterized by the leader sharing the problem with group members individually or collectively, but making the final decision alone? A. supportive B. autocratic C. consultative D. group


What are the three main types of communication in organizations? A. written, body language, verbal B. nonverbal, direct, passive C. written, verbal, nonverbal D. nonverbal, verbal, direct


What is the difference between a team and a group? A. A team is a collection of people; a group is a cohesive coalition of people. B. A team is larger than a group. C. A team is focused on a mutual, joint goal; a group can have personal agendas. D. A group has many complementary skills represented by its members; a team has a skill set more likely to be random.


Which behaviors involve structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group? A. people-oriented leader behaviors B. democratic-oriented leader behaviors C. task-oriented leader behaviors D. laissez-faire leader behaviors


Which of the following is a factor most likely to impact a group's cohesion? A. height B. industry C. size D. past experience


Which of the following is a factor that contributes to the development of a high quality leader-member exchange? A. organizational commitment B. job performance C. leader fairness D. job satisfaction


Which of the following is a visual element of culture? A. assumptions B. values C. mission statements D. training


Which of the following is an important factor in the creation of an organization's culture? reward systems founders' intelligence industry demands training


Which of the following is the order Tuckman proposes for group development stages? A. forming, storming, performing, norming, and adjourning B. forming, norming, storming, performing, and adjourning C. forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning D. forming, performing, storming, norming, and adjourning


Which of the following statements regarding intelligence is accurate? A. Effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence, but mental intelligence has no effect on leadership effectiveness. B. One's intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership performance. C. People with high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment. D. EQ matters for entry into the high level managerial ranks, but once there, EQ is less effective since all others at that level also possess high EQ.


Which of the following terms is an example of biased language? A. cleaner B. engineer C. salesman D. nurse


Which of the following would be a good piece of advice to offer a company that is trying to enhance organizational creativity? A. Reduce task significance. B. Increase task conflict from moderate to high. C. Incorporate creative behavior into the performance appraisal process. D. Ensure team stability by keeping team membership intact for extended periods of time.


William is the manager of a research and development lab. William sets challenging goals for his employees that cause the employees to stretch in order to reach those goals. Though the goals are challenging, William is constantly encouraging them to reach those goals. William exhibits what type of leadership style? A. participative leader B. directive leader C. achievement-oriented leader D. supportive leader


A defined set of values unique to a limited cross-section of the organization is A. a strong culture. B. a service culture. C. counterculture. D. a subculture.


A firm like ABC & Associates that lets its employees take risks by, for example, allowing engineers to devote 20% of their time to projects of their own choosing, likely has a(n) A. outcome-oriented culture. B. team-oriented culture. C. aggressive culture. D. innovative culture.


A group refers to A. made up of managers or subordinates or both with close associations among group members who influence the behavior of individuals in the group. B. made up of two or more individuals who are associated with one another in ways not prescribed by the formal organization. C. a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve mutual goals. D. a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person's actions have an impact on the others.


A professor can choose the textbook for a class, determine the grading scale, and what topics will be covered in class each session. These decisions can be made because of the professor's: A. referent power. B. coercive power. C. reward power. D. expert power.


A professor is interviewing Janet for an open teaching position at a major university. During the interview conducted by the professor, Janet answers a number of questions by prefacing each remark with a comment on how the interviewer's work in this area was groundbreaking. This is an example of what type of influence tactic? A. rational persuasion B. referent power C. coalition tactics D. ingratiation


A system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that indicates what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in an organization is A. goals. B. strategy. C. mission. D. culture.


A true team has all of the following key properties except A. compensation based on shared outcomes. B. collaborative action. C. sacrifice for the common good. D. collective efficacy.


A unique, nonroutine, important decision requiring conscious thinking, information gathering, and careful consideration of alternatives is a(n) A. decision rule. B. operational decision. C. programmed decision. D. nonprogrammed decision.


Accepting the first option rather than seeking the best possible solution is A. causality B. sampling C. framing D. sacrificing


Agnes, a human resource recruiter, was told by her boss, "You have to get someone to fill this position quickly, and they have to stay in the position for a while." Agnes has two resumes in front of her, one for Nancy Long, an engaged 22 year old college graduate, and Michael Tott, an engaged 23 year old college graduate. Agnes feels the two are about equal, but keeps thinking about the fact that Nancy is engaged. Agnes is dealing with what barrier to communication in this scenario? A. information overload B. semantics C. filtering D. selective perception


An outcome-oriented culture would A. focus on paying attention to details B. emphasize predictability C. focus on individual rights D. emphasize results and action


Autocratic decision making would have an employer A. having employees vote on the decision B. seeking input from the employees in the decision C. giving instructions to the employees D. making decisions without involving employees in the process


Barney is on a team charged with planning the steps to be taken in marketing a new line of health food snacks. The team is responsible for all decisions related to type of marketing channel used and the message placed in each channel. Which of Hackman's three classes of tasks is this team performing? A. production tasks B. idea generation tasks C. task interdependence D. problem-solving tasks


Beliefs and values in an organization that develop that are in direct opposition to the basic organizational culture are an organization's A. dimensions B. subculture C. ethics D. counterculture


Buying a new television because its the latest model, without comparing warranties and price, is an example of A. hindsight bias B. escalation of commitment bias C. availability bias D. anchoring and adjustment bias


Charisma, the ability to win the admiration of others, is most often associated with A. information power B. expert power C. coercive power D. referent power


Companies that value competitiveness and outperforming competitors and that often lack an emphasis on corporate social responsibility have a(n) _________________. A. outcome-oriented culture B. innovative culture C. team-oriented culture D. aggressive culture


Denise and Agnes are part of an Organizational Behavior group doing a term long project. The past two meetings have been over two hours long and the topic at both was who should be responsible for what tasks in completing the research paper and the accompanying presentation for the course. Denise and Agnes find themselves in a heated debate with Glen and Maria over who should be doing what. Agnes asked Glen last week, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Denise and Agnes' group seems to be in what stage of Tuckman's group development model? A. norming B. forming C. performing D. storming


Filtering refers to A. a personal assessment of what is seen and heard to suit the individual's needs. B. the instance when information processing demands on an individual's time to perform interactions exceed the supply or capacity of time available for such processing. C. anything that interferes with or distorts the message being transformed. D. the distortion or withholding of information to manage a person's reactions.


Group decision making A. generates fewer ideas than individual decision making. B. is quicker than individual decision making. C. offers more easily identified accountability than individual decision making does. D. generates a greater commitment to ideas than individual decision making does.


How a group sees itself, its perception of its ability to perform well, is A.storming B. group cohesion C. social loafing D. collective efficacy


If students try to go online to view the syllabus and the university's computer system keeps shutting down on them as they read the syllabus, the students are dealing with what aspect of the communication model? A. medium B. feedback C. message D. noise


In September, 2008 Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch. At the time, Merrill Lynch was reeling from the financial fall-out in the markets started by the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The decision to purchase Merrill Lynch was a _________ decision for Bank of America. A. programmed B. tactical C. operational D. strategic


In high school classes, athletes, geeks, nerds, and cheerleaders are examples of __________. A. countercultures B. strong culture C. people-oriented cultures D. subcultures


In social network analysis, those individuals who connect one network to another either within a firm or connected across the globe, are called A. social connectors. B. peripheral specialists. C. central connectors. D. boundary spanners.


It's commonly perceived that the most effective way to create cultural change at an organization is to A. create transparency about all communications and contracts B. do a team-building workshop C. do an initial public offering D. remove the CEO and/or other executives


Onboarding is most successful when new employees do which of the following? A. network B. show success early on C. act proactively D. all of the above


Organizational communication travels A. diagonally to coworkers. B. laterally to different departments. C. horizontally to subordinates. D. upward to supervisors.


Organizational culture refers to: A. shared values and beliefs that are in direct opposition to the values of the broader society. B. a set of values unique to a limited cross section of the organization. C. the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization. D. a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that indicate what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in an organization.


People-oriented cultures A. are flexible, adaptable, and experiment with new ideas. B. emphasize precision and paying attention to details. C. value competitiveness and outperforming competitors. D. value fairness, supportiveness and respecting individual rights.


Power that comes from one's organizational role or position is A. expert power. B. information power. C. referent power. D. legitimate power.


Robert House's path-goal theory of leadership is based upon what motivational theory? A. Equity Theory B. Herzberg's Two Factor Theory of Motivation C. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs D. Expectancy Theory


Servant leadership A. ensures employees demonstrate the right behaviors because the leader provides resources in exchange. B. is when leaders align employee goals with the leader's goals. C. is where leaders and members have high quality, trust-based relationships. D. defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others; specifically, developing employees and helping them reach their goals.


Situational favorableness includes which of the following conditions? A. leader-leader relations. B. motivation level. C. people structure. D. position power.


Situations where outsiders are seen as inferior to the group, where problems are ignored, and decisions are made with limited, biased information are examples of A. social loafing. B. cohesion. C. reciprocal interdependence. D. groupthink.


The Asch Studies A. illustrated how intense people become in the group roles they play. B. demonstrated the extent to which individuals will engage in behavior they believe to be wrong when told to do so by a person in power. C. demonstrated that the level of conformity is regularly decreasing among workplace groups in the United States. D. demonstrated that people can see "things" they would not see otherwise because group participants convinced them to "go along" with the suggestion.


The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) process helps to maintain organizational culture. A key aspect of this process is the notion of "fit". An individual who is aggressive, ambitious,hardworking, that likes variety in his daily tasks, and desires pay above market average would best "fit" at which of these organizations? A. a school district business office B. a small grocery store C. a manufacturing firm that produces cases for sports memorabilia D. a high technology company


The Pittsburgh Penguins players, including superstar Sidney Crosby, personally deliver season tickets to selected individual season ticket holders. These players also go to the Pittsburgh Children's Hospital before the Christmas holidays to visit the children and take them bags of toys paid for by the players themselves. Events such as these are reported to the tri-state hockey audience in a variety of ways. Which external communication method are the Penguins using? A. customer communications B. web pages C. advertising D. public relations


The level of intelligence best suited to a leader A. is to be as smart as possible. B. is not really important. C. is to be about as smart as the employee group. D. is to be smart, but not super-smart.


The number of ideas that an individual generates during the creative decision-making process is an indicator of A. originality. B. creativity. C. flexibility. D. fluency.


The tendency of an individual to put in less effort when working in a group context is called A. groupthink. B. cohesion. C. collective efficacy D. social loafing.


The trait approach to leadership suggests A. integrity has little impact on leadership emergence or effectiveness. B. intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership. C. agreeableness has the strongest relationship to leader effectiveness among the Big 5 traits. D. self esteem may be the key mechanism linking height to being viewed as a leader.


Transformational leaders use which of the following tools to influence employees and create commitment to company goals? A. intellectual stimulation B. inspirational motivation C. charisma D. all of the above


What advice would you give a friend for appropriately using e-mails in the business setting? A. Don't end your e-mail with a sign-off like "Thank you", closings are appropriate only for business letters. B. Do make your request at the end of the e-mail. C. Don't use a subject line to summarize your message, otherwise people won't read the body of your e-mal. D. Don't put anything in the e-mail that you would not want the world to see.


Which of the following is a characteristic of groupthink? A. collective rationalizations. B. illusions of unanimity. C. illusion of invulnerability. D. all of the above.


Which of the following is an example of a question asked when making a tactical decision in the retail industry? A. How often should I go to the restocking room for additional merchandise? B. Should we expand to a new location in another state? C. What should I say to a customer who complains about the long lines at the checkout counter? D. How many new salespeople should I hire during the holiday season?


Which of the following is an impression management strategy to utilize when trying to accomplish the things you want? A. self-focused B. other-focused C. nonverbal D. all of the above


Which of the following is an individual antecedent of political behavior? A. organizational commitment B. external locus of control C. role ambiguity D. expectations of success


Which of the following is classified as a task role found in a team? A. consul B. coordinator C. cooperator D. contractor


Which of the following is likely to be the most effective team? A. a team of twelve moderately proficient with regard to knowledge, skills, and abilities, and moderately diverse with regard to background, age, and gender. B. a team of ten with highly qualified individuals who belong to the same ethnic background C. a team of six members who are diverse in their gender, age, and attitudes, but who lack some proficiency with regard to skills needed. D. a team of five members recognized as highly proficient across a number of skill sets, and diverse with regard to age, gender, and background.


Which of the following statements regarding the strength of ties among people in a social network is correct? A. Strong ties provide emotional support. B. Strong ties provide financial support. C. Strong ties provide informational support. D. Strong ties provide emotional and informational support.


Which of these statements is correct regarding messages in the communication process? A. The sender encodes, the receiver decodes, the message can be written or signs B. The sender encodes, the receiver records, the message can be spoken, written, or signs C. The sender decodes, the receiver records, the message can be spoken, written, or signs D. The sender encodes, the receiver decodes, the message can be spoken, written, or signs


Who usually makes operational decisions in the organization? A. board of directors B. managers C. CEOs D. employees throughout the organization


Words that are internal to an industry or specific group of people are A. grapevine B. semantics C. bias D. jargon


____________ is part of the culture maintenance process. A. Founders' values B. Preferences C. Industry demands D. Leadership


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