Douglass Assessment

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Who helps Frederick and Anna in New Bedford? What does he do for them?

Mr. Nathan Johnson helps Fredrick and Anna get to New Bedford. Mr. Johnson gave him his new last name.

What other examples does Frederick give of his statement "that killing a slave, or any colored not treated as a crime, either by the courts or the community"?

Mr. Thomas Lanman killed 2 slaves(one with a hatchet); Mr. Giles Hick mangled a 15-16 yr old girl (Frederick Douglass's wife's cousing)

How does Mr. Covey succeed in breaking Frederick?

Mr.Covey succeed in breaking Fredrick in body, soul & spirit, intellect & cheerfulness - broken to be a brute.

Why does Mr. Covey whip Frederick?

Mr.Covey whips douglass because he broke gate with oxen and wouldn't take off clothes.

How did Mrs. Auld change, and why did she change?

Mrs. Auld changed as she stopped teaching Fredrick because of her husband and due to the power she gained.

How does Master Thomas propose to "break"Frederick?Why is the use of the verb to break ironic?

Sends him to Edward Covey, a known first rate overseer, for a year to be broken.break" him in work ethic & physical labor; "break" Douglas down physically and mentally.

What irony does Frederick find in this statement: "It is almost an unpardonable offence to teach slaves to read in this Christian country"?

The irony is that fact that he knows how to read.

Who owns Frederick by the end of chapter eight?Why is Frederick forced to leave Baltimore?

The person who owns Fredrick by the end of Chapter 8 is Master Thomas Auld. Fredrick is forced to leave Baltimore because of an argument between Master Hugh & Master Thomas.

What rule of slaveholding does Master Thomas Auld violate?How did the slaves get food?

The rule that Master Thomas Auld violated is that he didn't give enough food to the slaves. The slaves get food by begging and stealing.

What would the slaveholders like the slaves to do on the Sabbath? Why is this ironic?

The slave holders would like for the slaves to do wrestling, boxing, and drinking whisky. This is ironic because they had much rather see us engaged in those degrading sports, and drinking than to see us behaving like intellectual, moral, and accountable beings.

When Frederick returns to Baltimore, what does he do?

When Fredrick returns to Baltimore lives again with Master Hugh and to learn a trade. (worked for Mr. William Gardner)

What did Frederick learn from the book "The Columbian Orator"?

that people fought against slavery; he learned how cruel white people are; he learned about slavery and freedom

Why is it ironic that Frederick bribed the little white boys to teach him to read?

white people were to hate blacks & white people were supposed to have food

What is the purpose of the "protections" written by Frederick?

Any one having a white face, and being so disposed, could stop us, and subject us to examination so he wrote them for protections which were notes given them permission to go somewhere by master.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

How did Colonel Lloyd keep the slave boys from taking his fruit?

Colonel Lloyd kept the slave boys from taking his fruit by tarring the fence all around it.

Why is Douglass at first reluctant to speak out against slavery?

Douglass at first was reluctant to speak against slavery because he was still scared of being returned.

How does Douglass become known to the "anti-slavery world"?

Douglass became known to the anti-slavery world by attending an antislavery convention at Nantucket, on the 11th of August, 1841.

Why does Frederick decide to work hard despite the dissolution of their agreement?

Frederick decided to work hard despite the dissolution of their agreement because he doesn't want Master Hugh to suspect Franklin of being discontented and wanting to run away.

When and to where does Frederick run away?Why does he feel so lonely?

Frederick decides to run away on Sept. 3, 1838 to New York. Through the highest excitement Fredrick was still lonely because he was without home and without friends.

How does Frederick win the fight with Mr. Covey?

Frederick does not back down and grabs Covey by the throat and fights off the others. Believes the root may have protected him.

Why did Frederick change his name so many times? Who chooses Douglass? Why?

Fredrick Douglass changes his name so many times because he gets new owners and Johnson was too common of a last name. Mr. Nathan Johnson changed FD to Douglass because he just got done reading a book.

How do Frederick and the other slaves plan to run away?

Fredrick and the other slaves planned to run away by getting a large canoe belonging to Mr. Hamilton, and upon the Saturday night previous to Easter holidays, paddle directly up the Chesapeake Bay. On our arrival at the head of the bay, a distance of seventy or eighty miles from where we lived, it was our purpose to turn our canoe adrift, and follow the guidance of the north star till we got beyond the limits of Maryland.

To what does Frederick attribute the kindness of Mrs. Auld? What, according to Frederick, changes her?

Fredrick attributes the kindness of Mrs. Auld to the fact that she never had a slave. The thing that changes her is power.

Why and where does Frederick begin a Sabbath school? Why is it essential that the slaves tell no one about it?

Fredrick begins a Sabbath school at a free slaves house. It is essential that slaves tell no one because they didn' want the slaveholders would not know they were trying to learn how to read the will of God.

Why does Frederick call Mr. Auld's forbidding his learning how to read "invaluable instruction"?

Fredrick calls Mr. Auld's forbidding his learning to read invaluable instruction because he unwittingly gives him the key to mental freedom.

Why does Frederick contend that Mr. Covey does not turn him in?What would have happened to Frederick had Mr. Covey turned him in?

Fredrick contended that Mr. Covey does not turn him in because he did not want to mess up his reputation as a first rate overseer. If Mr. Covey had turned Fredrick in he would have taken to whipping post & whipped regularly.

Why does Frederick not approve of the Underground Railroad?

Fredrick does not approve of the Underground railroad because it makes slaveowners be more watchful.

Why does Frederick find irony in the fact that the slaves' Sabbath school is discontinued?

Fredrick finds it ironic that the slaves' Sabbath school is discontinued because slaves were supported to learn but the class leaders didn't want to teach slaves to read the New Testament.

Why does Frederick go to Master Thomas Auld?

Fredrick goes to Master Thomas Auld after falling ill and collapsing in the fields, Edward Covey hits him in the head and demands he get back up. He escapes to Master Thomas to show him the cruel treatment in hopes to appeal to his good heart and allow him to stay.

Why is Frederick not sure when he was born?Why would slaveholders want to keep a slave ignorant of such a simple thing as the date of his birth?

Fredrick is not sure where he is born because the slave owner withheld that information from him.

How does Frederick learn to write?How does he trick the white boys into teaching him new letters?

Fredrick learned to write by coping letters that were written on a ship & competed with white boys to write inn the end tricking them and learned more

Why does Frederick let Master Thomas's horse run away?

Fredrick lets the Masters horse run away because he could always get something to eat when I went there. (father-in-laws farm)

How does Frederick succeed in again becoming a man?

Fredrick succeeds in becoming a man by fighting covey which caused him to gained confidence.

Why does Frederick suggest that Mr. Covey's "pious soul" adds to "his reputation as a '******-breaker'"?

Fredrick suggest that Mr. Covey's "pious soul" adds to "his reputation as a '******-breaker because he too has the support of religion behind his slave-driving(pious=good).

Why was Frederick forced to return to the plantation after the death of his master?

Fredrick was forced to return to the plantation after the death of his master because he had to be included in the valuation of master's property so it could be divided equally between son Andrew and daughter Lucreatia because no will left.

Why was Frederick so happy to be leaving the plantation?

Fredrick was happy to be leaving the plantation because he was getting a pair of pants and he was able to be clean.

Where does Frederick go after leaving Mr. Covey's on January 1, 1834?

Fredrick went to live with Mr. William Freeland, who lived about three miles from St. Michael's.

Why is Frederick's battle with Mr. Covey "the turning-point in my career as a slave"?

Fredrick' battle with Mr. Covey was "the turning-point in my career as a slave" because it rekindled his desire for freedom and revived a sense of manhood.

What happened to Frederick's grandmother after the deaths of Lucretia and Andrew? How does this anecdote help explain the value of slaves? How are slaves valued when compared to livestock?

Fredrick's grandmother was taken to the woods and built her a hut to take care of herself.

What were Frederick's initial impressions of his new mistress, Mrs. Sophia Auld?

Fredrick's initial impression of Mrs. Sophia Auld was that she was very beautiful and kind

How does Frederick learn the meanings of the words abolition and abolitionist?

Fredricked learned the meanings of the words abolition and abolitionist from the newspaper.

What does Frederick ask of Master Thomas? What is he told?

He asks if he can hire people to work under him and Master Thomas says No, it's just another strategy of escape.

Explain what happens to Master Thomas Auld after his conversion to Christianity?

He became more cruel because religion supported his slaveholding.

What had Douglass believed about life in the North? What does he find about life in the North?

He believed it would be a poorer because they are without any slaves, he was quite wrong.

Why does Mr. Covey hire Mr. Samuel Harrison, a married man? What irony does Frederick find in this?

He hires Mr. Samuel Harrison to breed with Caroline to make more slaves.The irony is that it made Covey looks wealthy but he is not.

Why is Mr. Austin Gore a "first-rate overseer"? What is the irony of this description of him? What is ironic about his name?

He was pround, ambitious and persevering. He acted fully up to the maxim laid by slaveholders. He committed the grossest and most savage deeds upon the slaves under his charge.

Who is Frederick's first master?

His first masters name was "Captain" Anthony

Again, Frederick compares the treatment of slaves to the treatment of horses. How?

Horses had better living conditions, more food than slaves.

What does Douglass discover about prejudice in New Bedford?

It is not as prevalent (caulking had high prejudice) and many colored people look to help each other but they have been cases of denial.

What was life like for Frederick on the plantation?

It was pretty good as Master Daniel Lloyd was protective & kind; Fredrick Douglass didn't work much--had simple duties & lots of leisure time.

How does Master Auld's prediction about Frederick and learning come true?

Master Auld's prediction came true because learning more caused Douglass to want freedom more and more.

What does Master Hugh do to encourage Frederick to continue to earn money? What effect does his encouragement have?

Master Hugh He gives him a cent on every dollar which made Fredrick feel as though he is entitled of it.

What arrangement does Frederick eventually make with Master Hugh? Why is this arrangement to Master Hugh's advantage? Why does Frederick agree to it?

Master Hugh lets him hire out his time and take care of himself. Though Master Hugh would need to be payed three dollars at the end of the week . Fredrick agreed to the deal because it was one step closer to freedom.

Why does he return to Covey? Who convinces him to do so? What does Sandy Jenkins suggest?

Master Thomas Auld told him to go back. Along the way he meets up with Sandy Jenkins who also convinces him to return but to first go with him in the woods to get a piece of root which is tied to his right side to protect him from ever being beat again.

Why is Mr. Auld angry when he finds out that Mrs. Auld has been teaching Frederick his letters?

Mr. Auld was angry when Mrs. Auld had been teaching Fredrick his letters because it was unlawful and will make them unmanageable. "If you give a ****** an inch, he will take an ell."

Who teaches Frederick why black men are not taught to read,and why is this lesson so important?

Mr. Auld which causes him to realize that education & knowledge can get him to freedom.

What relationship did Frederick's new master have to his old master?

Mr. Hugh Auld was brother to Fredrick Douglas's old master's son in law, Capt. Thomas Auld

Why would a slave who hated his life on a plantation fear being sold to a slave-trader?

On the plantation they lived on, they got a yearly allowance of food and clothing.

Why are the slaves so fearful of Mr. Covey? Why does their work go on in his absence?Why is it "never safe to stop a single minute"?

Slaves are so fearful of Mr. Covey because they always felt his presence. Work goes on in his absence due to the reasoning that they feared that they were always being watched .It is "never safe to stop a single minute" because he would surprise them at any time. (know as the snake)

Why was the division of property between Mistress Lucretia and Master Andrew so horrifying to the slaves?

Slaves dreaded Master Andrew (cruel) Fredrick went to Lucretia and she sent him back to Master Hugh Auld

What happens to their plan, and how do the "protections" nearly cause their deaths?

Someone betrayed them and they were taken to jail to be examined. If they were found with the protection letters it would have been proof to convict them for trying to escape.

Why does Frederick include the anecdotes about the two religious slaveholders Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Weeden? What point is he attempting to make?

That religion in the South was used as a cover for the crimes and horrible treatment done against slaves. Religious slaveholders were the worst.

Describe the story of the slaves Henrietta and Mary?Why was the story told?

The head, neck, and shoulders of Mary were literally cut to pieces and to add to the fact that the cruel lashings to which these slaves were subjected, they were kept nearly half-starved. The story was told to show that it's still bad & brutal in the city.

How are the holidays used to "disgust the slave with freedom"?

The holidays are used to "disgust the slave with freedom" by during Christmas and New Years slaves were not required to perform labor other than feeding and caring for livestock. They are expected to indulge and drink heavily which makes them feel really bad thus relating a sick feeling with privileges of freedom.

Who helps Frederick in New York, and how do they help him?

The person that help Fredrick in NewYork is Mr. David Ruggles. Mr. David Ruggles very kindly took me to his boarding-house at the corner of Church and Lespenard Street and helped in getting them married.

What plan did Frederick adopt to learn how to read now that Mrs. Auld was no longer teaching him?

The plan that Fredrick adopted to learn to read was to make friends of all the little white boys who he met in the street.

Why does Frederick now know the date?Who is Frederick's newest Master?

The reason that Fredrick now knows the date is because he knows how to read now. Fredricks newest master is Master Thomas Auld.

Why does Mr. Ruggles suggest that Frederick not stay in New York and go to New Bedford, Massachusetts instead?

The reason that Mr. Ruggles suggest that Fredrick not stay in New York because it was not safe.

What reason does Mr. Gore give for killing Demby the slave?

The reason that Mr.Gore gave for killing Demby the slave was that Demby had become unmanageable. He was setting a dangerous example to the other slaves,—one which, if suffered to pass without some such demonstration on his part, would finally lead to the total subversion of all rule and order upon the plantation.

How is it possible for Frederick and Anna to marry? Why is their marriage such an important event?

The reason the it was possible for Fredrick and Anna to marry was because Anna was a free slave. The marriage was so important because it was Fredricks first legal document.

Why does Frederick only rarely see his mother?Is Frederick's relationship with his mother typical of other slave children?

The reasoning being that his mother was a field hand and had to be on the field by sunrise - 12 miles journey on foot No because children are parted from there mothers at a very early age

What is the relationship of Colonel Edward Lloyd to Frederick's master?

The relationship between Colonel Edward Lloyd and Frederick master was that his master was Lloyd clerk and superintendent

What is the role of the overseer on the plantation?What do we learn about Plummer, the overseer?

The role of an overseer on the plantation is to take care of the farms and slaves. We learn that Plummer was a miserable drunkard, a profane swearer, and a savage monster while always being armed with a cowskin and heavy cudgel. He would also cut and slash the women's heads so horribly.

What happened to the slave who told Colonel Lloyd the truth about his master?

The slave who told Colonel Lloyd the truth about his master happened to be sold to a Georgia trader.

Frederick makes the point that many slaves would "rather bear those ills we had, than fly to others, that we knew not of."How does this help explain why so few slaves escaped?

The slaves at least knew what to expect if stayed where they were but leaving to escape to the North would bring unknown dangers and the fear of being caught and treated much worse was hard to overcome.

Why is it difficult to find copies of slave songs?Why does Frederick suggest that slaves sing out of sorrow rather than out of joy?

The slaves sang most of them and didn't write any of them down. By singing the sorrows of the heart instead of joy the man is released by them.

What happens to each of the slaves who attempted to run away?

The slaves who attempted to run away were all returned to Freeland home except Fredrick, as he was the whole cause of the intention of the others to run away, it was hard to make the innocent suffer with the guilty; and that they had, therefore, concluded to take the others home, and sell me, as a warning to the others that remained.

What do the two Irishmen encourage Frederick to do? Why does he not trust them?

The two irishmen encouraged Fredrick to run up north but he feared they were treacherous faithless/deceptive & would use him. If he listened, they would capture him and get money for reward.

For what two reasons does Frederick tell us that he cannot relate the means of his escape?

The two reasons that Fredrick tell us that he cannot relate the means of his escape are that he doesn't was to embarrass others and induce greater vigilance among slaveholders. (guarding doors, gates)

How was the value of the master's property determined? How were the slaves valued?

The value of the master property was determined The slaves were valued in value w/ animals (horses, sheep & swine).

How were the wharves in New Bedford different from those in Baltimore?What conditions did he find for "colored people"?

They were clean and more organized. A better place with less yelling and underlying anger. Douglass discovers that they were better off then many other slaveholders in the South.

Why does Frederick decide to include the slaves in his Sabbath school in his plans to obtain his freedom? Why is this dangerous?

They were dear to him and he could not bear leaving them. Dangerous if anyone told or escape plan was found out they could all be punished.

Why does Frederick say: "Adopted slaveholders are the worst"?

This is because Mr. Thomas Auld is desperate to have the slaves respect him but is unsure how to make that happen, treating the slaves inconsistently.

What does Frederick mean by "Mr. Covey's forte consisted in his power to deceive"?

This is because he was great at deception and would crawl into a fence-corner, or behind some tree, and there watch them till the going down of the sun

Why was Severe an appropriate name for the overseer?

This is because used to stand by the door of the quarter, armed with a large hickory stick and heavy cowskin, ready to whip any one who was so unfortunate as not to hear, or, from any other cause, was prevented from being ready to start for the field at the sound of the horn.

Why does Mr. Covey buy a slave to use as a breeder?

This is to get more slaves to work for him since he couldn't afford it.

What must Frederick do with the wages he earns each week as a caulker? Why?

What Fredrick must do with the wages he earns each week is to give it to Master Hugh because he had the power to compel him to give it up.

Frederick again decides to fight when he is attacked. What happens to him? What does Master Hugh attempt to do for Frederick?

What happens to Fredrick is that one of his coworkers ran behind him with a handspike, and struck Fredrick with a heavy blow upon the head and a powerful kick to his left eye. He escaped to Master Hugh's house and with bloody face told his story. Master Hugh refused to let him go back again to Mr. Gardner. He kept me himself, and his wife dressed his wound till restored to health. He then took me into the ship-yard of which he was foreman, in the employment of Mr. Walter Price.

How does Douglass make a living when he cannot find work as a caulker?

When Douglass cannot find work as a caulker he looks to do any sort of job someone will offer him. This jobs including stowing sloop with oil, saw, shovel, carry wood, sweep the chimney, or roll oil casks.

What does Master Hugh do when he discovers that Frederick has left town to find work?

When Master Hugh did when he discovered that Fredrick had left time was that he stops him from hiring his time.

Who is Frederick's new master and how does he treat him?

William Freeland. He treated him better. Open and frank, not sneaky or religious.

Why was Mr. Covey's reputation for breaking slaves of great value to him?

because he got slaves to work on his field--slave owners lent him their slaves so he could "break" them in & in return got his land tilled

Why is the life of a city slave so much better than the life of a plantation slave?

city slaves have more freedom, clothes, food; don't have to do hard labor on a plantation and that there is a sense of shame in punishing a slave in the city.

Why did Frederick particularly want to go to Baltimore?

he got to get trousers and heard Baltimore was beautiful from his cousin.

Why does Frederick tell the story of Lloyd's Ned?

his aunt was a slave of Coloniel Lloyd who he desired and forbid to see Ned(another slave). She had gone to visit him and upon return Lloyd tied her and beat her bloody. Frederick was hiding in the closet and witnessed it. It changed his view of the world.

Why does Frederick make the point that a slaveholder who has fathered a child is likely to be tougher on that child?

if slaves weren't ignorant they weren't slaves and they'd want to know more. While his wife would be mad for treating them better than his kids and he doesn't want to look weak.

Why does an inability to read keep men enslaved according to Frederick and to Mr. Auld? What does Frederick hope to gain by learning how to read?

if you teach them, they'll be unfit to be a slave--doesn't benefit the owner--slaves want to know more. Fredrick hopes to gain Freedom by learning to read.

Why was it particularly difficult to be the slaves in charge of Colonel Lloyd's horses?What is ironic about Colonel Lloyd's treatment of his horses compared to the treatment of his slaves?

it was particularly difficult to be the slaves in charge of Colonel Lloyd's horses because Colonel was particular to the management of his horses. He treated his horses well—they needed "proper attention" while he beats his slaves. The animals get treated better than the slaves

Who were Frederick's mother and father?

mother - Harriet Bailey father - his father was a white man

Was there a pecking order among slaves? Explain.

some slaves got better jobs which came with less hard labor

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