Drivers Ed Notes

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6 Types of Vehicles on the HTS are?

Cars Motorcycles Vans and trucks Buses, taxis, and rideshare vehicles Emergency vehicles Low-speed vehicles

How do you keep pedestrians safe?

Check the time. Be extra careful during the hours of sunrise and sunset, and nighttime. It's just harder to see people. Stay alert. Most pedestrian fatalities occur outside intersections. Make sure you are aware of potential jaywalkers, people getting in and out of parked cars, or people not paying attention. Communicate. Try to make eye contact with people who seem unsure whether they should cross the street or who may not see you. If in doubt, wave and give them the right of way.

The 6 types of road users?

Drivers Passengers Motorcyclists Bicyclists Road workers Pedestrians

Highway Transportation System or HTS,

Is made up of many different types of people, vehicles, and roadways.

What is a following distance?

The space between your car, and the car ahead of you.

Trains usually only cross the road?

briefly at railroad crossings

Low speed vehicles are?

golf carts, and farm equipment ( Basically slow moving vehicles)

Which vehicle accelerates and brake much more rapidly than other vehicles?


Finally, let's not forget the biggest, heaviest vehicles you'll ever encounter on the HTS is?

trains, and light rail vehicles

Vans have larger blind spots?


Vans take larger turns?


Vans take longer to stop?



. Learn and practice the defensive driving techniques and maneuvers in this course, and know the laws that govern the HTS. (AKA THE D WORD)

What safes skills do you need?

1) Make sure you and your friends are buckled up, and they understand that they should not distract you while you're driving. 2) Make sure someone you trust and who is reliable sits in the front seat to help with directions or other tasks, so you can focus on your drive. 3) Focus. Drive and only drive when you are behind the wheel. 4) Dock your phone on the dashboard if you must use a GPS. 5) Put your phone on Do Not Disturb (DND) or Driving Mode. 6) Put the phone in the glove compartment if you find you cannot resist touching it. 7) Consider others. Drive for their safety, as well as your own 8) Use proper signaling on the road. 9) Adjust your speed to road conditions. 10) Drive sober. If you or your friends decide to have even one drink, plan ahead for a ride so you all get home safely. If you're sleepy, angry, or have a fever, don't drive. 11) When driving at night Turn your lights on between dusk and dawn. Drive more slowly at night. Expand your space cushion, especially in bad weather or challenging road conditions. Adjust your rearview mirror for night use. Use your low and high beams appropriately: the law says you must turn on your low beams from sunset to sunrise, and whenever visibility is low. Do not use high beams within 300 ft of a vehicle ahead of you going the same direction, or within 500 ft of an oncoming vehicle. Always wear your prescriptive glasses or your contact lenses if you need to, and have an extra pair in the car along with lens solution. 12

6 common risk factors for young drivers

1)Inexperience 2)Teen passengers 3)Distractions 4)Risky driving 5)Impaired driving 6)Driving at night

What must you do with passengers in your car?

Establish ground rules for your passengers. Make sure they buckle up. Tell them you need to focus on driving. Keep the conversation light. That means no politics, emotional topics, or sad break-up stories;

Defensive driving

Anticipating other drivers' actions, being aware of potential hazards, and responding appropriately with safe habits.

What do you access before you get into the car?

Assess your fitness to drive before you get in the car. This means your mental, physical and emotional well-being, including whether you've had enough sleep.

How do I keep motorcyclist safe?

Be sure to take special care around motorcycles by checking your blind spots frequently and keeping extra following distance.

Becoming a license driver is a?

Becoming a licensed driver is a rite of passage, a privilege.

Driving safely means?

Driving safely means driving defensively.

What is impaired driving?

Driving under the influence of alcohol.

The safe skills for emergency vehicles are?

Ensure that you will hear the siren. This is probably the most important reason not to play your stereo too loud, or to (no-brainer but worth mentioning) wear earbuds while driving, or chat on the phone, even hands-free. Pull over immediately when you hear or see an emergency vehicle, no matter which direction they are coming. The Florida Move Over law requires you to move over a lane—when you can safely do so—for stopped law enforcement, emergency, sanitation, utility service vehicles, and tow trucks or wreckers.If you can't move over, slow to a speed that is 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.Slow down to 5 mph when the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less. If you see a police car behind you with its lights on, pull over as soon as you can do so safely.

How do you keep bicyclists safe?

Give bikes room when you pass them on the road, even when they are in the bike lane. Florida law requires that you give bicyclists a minimum of three feet of clearance, and use caution/slow speed when driving alongside or passing them. They may need to swerve suddenly or may be distracted. Don't feel the need to honk your horn when you pass a biker. This can be jarring to a biker, so only use your horn in a dire emergency. When getting out of a parked car, use your right hand to open the door and look behind your car. (From the passenger side, do the same but use your left hand.)Opening the door this way will force you to look for an approaching bicyclist. If you've ever been clipped by a car door opening while cycling, you're lucky that you're alive to remember it! Watch those right turns! Check and recheck, for bikes at intersections and especially right turns. This is the most common location for a collision between the two.

How do you keep slow moving vehicles safe?

Give these guys plenty of space and increase your following distance, if you're behind one. Slow down around construction sites and wherever you see large orange signs, indicating roadwork. Usually, slow-moving vehicles will take the initiative and pull over and let you pass, but only pass if you can do so safely and legally. When you see these vehicles, slow down and get ready to brake.

How do you keep road workers safe?

Keep alert and watch out for the large orange diamond signs, construction barrels, or cones placed ahead of roadwork crews as warnings. Slow down considerably, no matter what type of road you are on, when you see an orange roadwork sign, traffic officer, or any other indication that people or slow-moving vehicles may be entering the roadway. Keep as much distance as you can when navigating around a road worker or a construction vehicle.

How do your keep motorcyclist safe?

Keep an eye out during warm weather. Remember, if you live in a temperate climate with four seasons, motorcycles will start to appear when the weather is warmer. Give motorcycles extra space. Motorcycles have a shorter stopping distance than cars, meaning if they stop short and you run into them, it could have deadly consequences. Double-check for motorcycles when turning or changing lanes—they can get lost in your blind spots! Recognize that motorcyclists may need to weave around a hazard. They may need to weave around a pothole or dead skunk that you may have no problem driving over.

What are the safe skills for vans?

Keep your distance from large vehicles, and always give yourself space to maneuver in traffic. Stay out of their blind spots, as you may not have time to get out of the way if they don't see you and decide to change lanes. Be mindful that delivery drivers may stop suddenly. Be ready to brake when you drive near them!

What is the vulnerable vehicle?


What defensize skills to use to keep yourself, and others safe?

Perform a pre-drive check. Look around your vehicle and at the tires before you get in your car. Once in your car, make sure to adjust your mirrors and seat properly. Check your gauges and make sure you have plenty of gas. Schedule regular tune-ups and maintenance. Get a tune-up as often as your car's manufacturer recommends, and keep up with maintenance in between, like checking your tire pressure, oil levels, and wiper fluid. More on that in Module 8! Keep an emergency kit and fresh water in your car in the event of a breakdown or emergency. It doesn't hurt to have a pre-packaged snack as well. (Although, you'll want to replace the water and snack every six months!)

Who are road workers?

Road maintenance crews, utility crews, school crossing guards, construction workers, and traffic officers.

People on the road are called?

Road users.

LRVs are big and heavy, like trains, but they often operate on city streets, sometimes following traffic signals and turning through intersections.


Roadway risk is dependent on conditions and the type of roadway itself. Here's how you can manage your risk on various roadways.


The Florida Driver Handbook calls expressways "Limited Access Highways," which also include the roads more commonly described as interstates, highways, and expressways. All of these public roadways are built and maintained by local, state, and federal governments.


The HTS in the United States is made up of several million miles of roadways. This includes everything from your back-country dirt roads to paved multi-lane expressways.


The risks associated with different roads are usually more predictable than risks that come from vehicles and people—roads don't move around


Two motorcycles are permitted to share a single lane of traffic true or false+


4 Top Roadway Risks and Your Safe Skills are what?

Type of road Improperly maintained roads Weather Poor lighting

If you're on a motorcycle yourself, what do you consider to reduce your risk?

Wear a helmet and protective clothing, and insist that your passengers do too. Without proper protection, motorcycle riders are at risk of severe injury in a crash. Stay within your lane at a following distance of four or more seconds. Weaving in and out of traffic is a set up for disaster, as cars will not see you in their blind spots. Take a motorcycle safety course. Motorcycles are unique vehicles that demand unique skill and 100% focus while riding. Keep in mind that the state of Florida requires that new Motorcyclists (age 16 and older) must take and pass the Basic Rider Course (BRC) through the Florida Rider Training Program before they get a "Motorcycle Only" License or can have the Motorcycle Endorsement added to their current driver license.

Graduated Driver's Licensing (GDL)

When you have restrictions on when and with whom you drive.

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