Driver's Ed

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The economic cost of crashes in the United States in 2010 was approximately:

$242 billion

Both right and left turns require a signal of intention with_______feet of intersection where the turn will be made


What is the recommended scanning time for defensive driving?

12 seconds or more

Vehicle collisions are leading cause of death for individuals from___________________years of age in Georgia


A child in Georgia under the age of __________must be in the appropriate vehicle safety or booster seat.



A device used to measure speed of rotation.

The visual lead should________to counteract high speed of travel

Be increased

If you want to prevent fatigued driving, which of the following should you not do?

Drive more regularly between midnight and 6 A.M.

Motorists should be aware that their ability to effectively implement the IPDE process will be reduced by:

Driving at excessive speeds

Which of the following factors does not contribute to the possibility of fatigued driving?

Driving short distances with regular breaks

Railroad tracks are like one-way streets


_________occurs between a tire on a vehicle and the roadway when a wall of water separates the tire from roadway.


Which of the following does not describe the position of a citizen enforcing littering laws?

It is a paid position

Which of the following is a reason for license suspension?

Any felony is committed with a motor vehicle

The second most common drug to cause vehicle collisions is:


Loss of power steering makes steering become:

More difficult

When type of drug classification are addictive drugs that have an extremely relaxing effect on the central nervous system?


Which of the following shapes would be a school zone warning sign


________vision is the person's outermost vision.


________is the type of vision useful in sensing motion and objects outside normal vision.

Peripheral vision

Which of the following is not a common driver distraction?

Safety belts

__________are needed to avoid two vehicles transitioning to the same spot in the same lane.

Scanning techniques

Remember to complete a _______if a vehicle cannot become titled

T-22B Certification form of Inspection

which of the following states a lawful condition for disposal of waste on public or private property?

The area is deemed by the state to be a dumping

A person that violates the Georgia littering law is subject to being charged with a misdemeanor and may face certain penalties


A person's BAC is estimated to decrease 0.015 percent an hour.


A slippery surface collision occurs when a vehicle loses traction due to driver error or severe weather conditions


A solid yellow line is always on the drivers left side


A vehicle that manufactured in 1962 or before is not required to obtain a vehicle title


Driving too slowly is just as dangerous as driving too quickly.


If waste is properly disposed in a litter container and the person is authorized by the proper public authority to use the container then waste may be disposed


Solid white lines mark the edges of pavement and should not be crossed


Speed limit pavement markings may be posted in addition to traffic signs


The law states when the right of way must be yielded.


Tire can be hazardous if over inflated or under inflated


Tire pressure can be checked by looking at the manufacturer's tire label located on the inside of the driver's door or adjacent door frame.


Traffic signals on expressways are typically located near the shoulder of the expressway or on overhead posts.


Tread depth helps a tire have the proper traction


You can have access to certain websites such as Joshua's Law through links on the DDS website


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fatigue related crash?

Vehicles travel at reduced speed

_____________are diamond shape and predominantly yellow and black

Warning signs

A cloverleaf interchange typically includes_______to permit traffic leaving one roadway and concurrently exiting from another roadway

Weave lanes


instrument for measuring speed

High traffic volume allows more vehicles on the expressway due to the design of

multiple lane roads

An appropriate following distance for most vehicle is:

2 to 3 seconds

Slow-moving vehicles are prohibited from traveling on expressways or on roadways with a minimum posted speed limit greater than_____ and should use the____ Lena travel on divided highways

25, right

Coverage amounts for bodily injury and personal property liability are usually noted in a series of___numbers


The owner must have repairs made to the vehicle within_______of failing the first emissions test if their vehicle fails to meet emissions standards.

30 days

The statutory speed limit in Georgia for urban and residentialareas is:


How many different lane positions are there?


Tony and Jessica have just become an unfortunate statistic. The NHTSA estimates that someone dies from an alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes every

53 minutes

Which of the following would be at the greatest risk of driver fatigue?

A 23 year old man driving at 1 A.M.

Parallel parking is a multi-step process, with the first step being:

A driver should stop the vehicle in line with the vehicle in front of the empty space and about two feet away

Which of the following is a possible indication from leaks in the power steering system?

A failure in system's supply lines

Mark drove into the side of an SUV traveling across the intersection. Both Mark and Chris were severely injured and a passenger in the SUV was killed. In a CDC report released in 2010, the estimated economic cost of excessive alcohol consumption was around:

$249 billion

The minimum financial responsibility per event for bodily injury liability is


The legal limit of intoxication in Georgia for persons 21 years or older is__________percent


Trains need to prepare to stop up to_______in advance

1 mile

A driver's license is suspended________if the person refuses to take a chemical test or fails the chemical test if the person has no previous history of charges

1 year

For optimal spacing and safety, a driver or passenger should be positioned______inches from the airbag.


Drivers under the age of 20 in Georgia accounted for______________of drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2014


Motor vehicle crashes are leading cause of death for_______year olds.


bicyclists under age_____should wear a helmet while riding a bicycle


Alcohol is a factor in_________of the United States crash costs.


The______________is at the driver's feet to the left of the accelerator

Service brake pedal

If the light stays on after the initial startup of the vehicle it signals a warning that there is something wrong with the service brake system

Service brake system indicator

Lanes that have drivers turning onto a roadway or turning from a roadway are called:

Shared lanes

Tire pressure and condition are items on an vehicle that:

Should be checked before each trip

An example of a warning sign is:

Signal ahead

_______occurs when a vehicle is in the process of a skid

Sliding traction

If bad pavement is encountered a driver should:

Slow speed, stay in the same lane as much as possible and drive with special attention until reaching an area of good pavement

seasonal hazards include which of the following?

Snow, ice, and sleet

Raised highway dividers serve the same purpose as____________

Solid yellow lines

__________Indicate no passing or crossing

Solid yellow lines

Less congested lanes on an expressway mean there is more room and correct_______will be followed

Space cushions

__________heighten a person's senses by arousing the central nervous system


There are numerous advantages to expressway driving over two-lane roads, One of those advantages is:

Supports higher traffic volume

A driver's license_______________is the temporary withdrawal of your driving privileges for a specific period of time


What was distracting George from his usual implementation of the IPDE defensive driving strategy?

Tailgating Truck

Which of the following should a driver do if his or her emotions are affecting them?

Take a break from driving

____________is the process of identifying and focusing on a fixed object in the center of the motorist's intended path of travel


Temperature Gauge

Tells you how hot the coolant level in the engine is.

Large vehicles have difficulty changing lanes due to:

A large blind spot

Exiting the expressway occurs at an appropriate exit area. Exiting an expressway includes:

A merge area

Which of the following is acceptable identification used to obtain a Class D driver's license?

A utility bill mailed within the last 2 years

Which of the following increases the ability to maintain traction on a vehicle?

ABS system

Not enough insurance can cost more than your monthly payments if you are in an accident. In most cases, you should purchase coverage_________ the minimum amounts.


This traction loss occurs in the rear wheels of a vehicle

Acceleration-induced traction loss

General ways to reduce the risk of some action include:

Adjusting speed

A person that violates the Georgia littering law is subject to being charged with a misdemeanor and may face which of the following penalties?

All of the above

Alcohol can affect your:

All of the above

Characteristics of mental fatigue include which of the following?

All of the above

Driving is privilege granted based on:

All of the above

Most insurance policies include:

All of the above

Qualifications for citizens to be appointed to enforce littering laws include:

All of the above

The DDS not only licenses first-time drivers of passenger vehicles, but also licenses

All of the above

To avoid encounters with aggressive drivers, you should:

All of the above

Visibility can be reduced by:

All of the above

When stopped by a police officer, what information should you be prepared to give him?

All of the above

Which of the following can affect BAC?

All of the above

Which of the following is provided by the Georgia Department of Driver Services?

All of the above

Which of the following should you do to register your vehicle in the state of Georgia?

All of the above

All of the following are effective countermeasures of fatigue except:

Allowing your eyes to lose focus

Expressway entrances include:

An entrance ramp, acceleration ramp, and merge area

___________ is a technology that works to help maintain vehicle control and steering capability in the event of a skid.

Anti-lock braking system

Signaling a turn is necessary:

Anytime a driver changes lanes

In order to contest a traffic ticket, defended should

Appear designated court date on the traffic ticket

Lap belts on safety belts should fit________ across the waist and hips

As low as possible

Passengers under the age of 8 and whose height is less than 57 inches must be in the__________seat of a vehicle.


when using headlights, speed should:

Be decreased

All of the following are characteristics of aggressive drivers except:

Belief that they possess inferior driving skills

Headlights should be used:

Between one-half hours after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is defined as the ration of alcohol in the system to________in the system


Liability coverage includes two very important aspects of your vehicle insurance policy:_________and___________

Bodily Injury and Personal Property

Vehicle balance refers to:

The balance of weight upon the frame of a vehicle

A steady circular red light directs the driver to stop behind the stop line and before the crosswalk at an intersection.


According to Georgia law, all passenger under the age of 18 are required to wear seat belts when driving or riding in passenger vehicles.


According to Georgia statues, it is unlawful to dump, deposit, throw, or leave or to cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placing, throwing, or leaving of litter on any public or private property in this state or any waters in this state


According to research by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in 2013 an estimated 28.7 million people reported driving under the influence of alcohol at least once during the previous year.


According to the CDC, from 2003 to 2012 there were 3,699 people killed in crashes involving a drunk driver in Georgia.


According to the NHTSA, in 2014 an estimated 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes which accounted for 31% of all traffic fatalities in the United States.


Airbags in trucks or other vehicles I do not have a rear seat will have it on and all switch I can be activated for children under age 12


An oncoming train was always be yielded the right-of-way by any kind of vehicle( emergency vehicle, passenger/ commercial vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian).


Anti-lock braking systems on vehicles prevent wheel lock during hard braking.


Appropriate mirror positioning is essential to assist with appropriate space control to the rear.


As a result of a pedestrian crossing the street as George was trying to make a left turn, George had to brake hard, nearly resulting in a rear-end collision between his car and the flat-bed truck


At intersections with a stop sign on the left, the driver on the right should be yielded the right of way.


At the end of the exit lane of an expressway, there may be a stop or yield sign


Bad pavement is characterized by unusual patterns in the road that make driving difficult


Bicyclists have the same rights as other vehicle operators in Georgia


Blood alcohol content is the ratio in the system to blood in the system


Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid that pressurizes the braking system allowing for the activation of the vehicle's service brakes


Brakes should be checked regularly to ensure optimal performance and long life


By targeting and maintaining an effective line of sight, driver are able continuously adjust speed and lane position to maintain an appropriate path of travel.


Causes of driver induced skids include excessive speed, quick clutch engagement on a slippery surface, panic brake application, sudden vehicle speed change and sudden steering on a slippery surface


Closed space zones eliminate potential escape routes, which may need to be used to avoid a potential or immediate hazard while driving.


Covering the brake is used in instances when the motorist anticipates the potential need to brake the vehicle


Cruise control allows a vehicle to be set at a certain speed so that a driver does not have to brake or accelerate


Drivers can reduce the possibility of risky behavior by following traffic laws such as right of way and speed limit laws.


Drivers of passenger vehicles should take precautions when traveling near large vehicles


Drivers who experience road rage tend to used their vehicle as a weapon


Driving on the expressway requires special attention due to increased speeds and lanes of travel


Driving too slowly on expressways can be just as dangerous as driving too quickly


During the process of Deciding upon a possible maneuver to avoid a hazard, it is important to check to ensure that an appropriate traffic gap is available for the maneuvers being considered.


Electronic stability control reduces the risk a rollover crashes, such as are common with SUVs


Every vehicle, pedestrian or other object in motion in a motorist's immediate proximity (within a 12-15 second search) is a potential hazard.


Executing some decisions might simply involve simply slowing to allow another vehicle to complete a turn in front or your vehicle


Expressways routinely have lower crash frequency rates than other roadway types


For winter conditions, reducing speed in areas such as bridges, intersections and curves can be helpful with maintaining control of the vehicle.


Frequent risk-taking while driving will eventually have an undesirable outcome, which may result in serious injury or death.


Friction is the force that keeps motor vehicle's tires from slipping on the roadway surface.


Front seat passengers have a lap belt and shoulder belt that should fit snug and low across the waist and across the chest


Georgia's Implied Consent Law requires people under the age of 21 to submit to a chemical test to determine if the have alcohol or drugs in their system


Glare is enhanced by heat and impairs a driver's visibility


Guide signs on expressways are predominantly green and white.


Heat can create including glare, reflections or brushfires.


IPDE is short for Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute.


If a person has a second conviction of a DUI within five years, they can have their license suspended for three years


If all steering power is lost, you should activate the parking brake to stop the vehicle


If high beam headlights are used improperly, it could cause glare for an oncoming driver or reduce their visibility greatly, increasing the possibility of a collision.


If insurance coverage is not continuously kept by a driver, the driver could be charged with monetary penalties and license suspension


If the electronic turn signal does not work on a vehicle, a driver should utilize the appropriate hand signal to indicate the intention to turn


In 2014, 10% of all drivers 15-19 years old involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crashes and this age group had the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted at the time of the crashes.


In Georgia, drivers must have leave at least 3 feet of space between your vehicle and a bicycle in passing


In Georgia, the minimum amount for bodily injury insurance is $50,00 for two people in a motor vehicle accident


In all instances, defensive driving attempts to avoid collisions by Identifying, in advance, potential and immediate hazards.


Increasing line of sight and path of travel is a good idea when driving at higher speeds because it helps a driver to remain prepared


Intermediate risk driving is the operation of a motor vehicle in a driving environment that includes controlled intersections and moderate traffic volume traveling less than 55 miles per hour.


It is always safest to secure a child in the back seat of a vehicle.


It is forbidden to park in construction areas


It is good to get several quotes on your motor vehicle insurance before making a decision.


It is illegal for persons without the appropriate handicapped or disability placards or license plates to park in handicapped parking spaces


It is lawful to dispose of waste if permission was obtained by the owner of the property and disposal of litter is in keeping with the public health and safety of others


It is safe practice to check mirrors and blind spots prior to moving left or right.


Joshua's law requires the completion of a prescribed driver's education course and documentation of behind-the-wheel education by parent/legal guardians.


Kinetic energy is one of the most important physical laws impacting motorist's safety


Leaks in the fuel system can occur in the fuel lines or from the tank.


Maintaining an open line of sight requires the use of visual references.


Manual transmission vehicles require the use of the clutch prior to shifting into or between gears.


Motorist driving large trucks to turn carefully in order to avoid missing a turn or hitting the curb


Motorists should always yield the right of way to emergency vehicles on all roads


Motorists that follow other vehicles too closely risk a rear-end collision if the vehicle in front were to stop suddenly.


Of the 1,164 traffic fatalities in Georgia in 2014, the majority were drivers.


On four door cars, the pillar that connects the rear window to the rear side window or rear door frame is referred to as Pillar D


One of the steps to recovering from an accelerator failure is to change gears to neutral.


Operating a vehicle with insufficient coolant may result in engine overheating and damage.


Parking or stopping on expressways is not permitted unless it is on the shoulder of the expressway.


Passenger vehicles should wait for large vehicle to turn when traveling


Passing a bicyclist is legal in Georgia


Pedestrians, bicyclists and slow-moving vehicles are not allowed on expressways because expressways have minimum speed limit requirements that these travelers cannot reach


Persons have a c traffic violation tickets will crew point on your driving record what can cause their insurance rates to increase and expansion of their driver's license


Proper observation and scanning of the driving environment can help reduce the possibility of risks


Reducing speed and frequent checking of rearview and side mirrors is needed on hills in the event that there is an object in the path of travel


Reference points help a motorist judge his or her place in an area to the front, back and sides of the vehicle


Seat belts should be used for children over 80 pounds and at least 4 feet 9 inches talls


Shape and color differences are uniformly applied to signs to provide meaningful information to the driver.


Slow moving vehicles that travel at a speed less than 25 mph are not permitted on an expressway.


Speed Adjustments should be made according to objects in path of travel, road conditions and environmental conditions


Statistical research indicates that novice drivers often overestimate their abilities as they relate to vehicle control and assessment of critical hazards in driving


Stopping distance for cargo and towing vehicles may need to be increased due to unit attached to the vehicle


Stopping, turning, and crossing the median on expressways are prohibited.


Tag renewals may be provided online.


Taking care of your vehicle's tires assists in braking and emergency maneuvers such as skid recovery or avoidance of a roadway hazard.


The Georgia Department of Transportation is a multi faceted agency that plans, build, financially sustains and improves Georgia's roadways and bridges


The Georgia State Patrol was founded in 1997 in response to the growing number of fatal motor vehicle crashes and crime on Georgia's highways


The Traction control system is designed to help maintain traction on a vehicle in hazardous conditions or situations.


The basics of parking include using front, rear and side vehicle reference point limitations to establish the appropriate positioning of the vehicle


The basis for determining whether to accept or reject risk while driving is highly dependent upon the experience level of the motorist.


The driver with Class CP learner;s permit must have someone at least 21 years old in the passenger's seat at all times


The general rule when choosing a safe following distance is the two-second rule.


The ignition can only be started if the vehicle is in park(for automatic transmission) or neutral (for manual transmission)


The lap belt of a safety belt should fit low and comfortably secure across a person's hips


The purpose of low beam headlights is to provide better visibility to a driver driving in fog, rain, and smoke.


The speed limit on Georgia expressways is up to 70 mph.


The steering wheel in some vehicles may be tilted upward or downward but adjustments of this type should never be performed while driving.


The three most common expressway interchange types are cloverleaf, diamond and trumpet interchanges


The three-second rule is applied in inclement weather conditions such as rain and snow


There are nine to fifteen space zones surrounding a vehicle.


There is a $20 yearly fee for tag renewal and registration of passenger vehicles


To obtain a Class D driver's license, a school Certificate of School Enrollment (DS-1 form) from the previous year is an acceptable form of identification


Traveling on multiple-lane roadways is often faster than traveling on local roadways due to the lack of intersections that require stopping


Turning left requires staying in the left lane of traffic


Turning the wheels when parking on hills is needed to help prevent vehicle rollaways


Uninsured Motorist insurance coverage protects you when a motorist leaves the scene of an accident


Using electronic signals such as turn signals, back-up lights and hazard flashers communicate to other drivers your awareness of their presence and their position relative to your motor vehicle


Visual references help to establish appropriate vehicle positioning within a lane of travel and assist in the identification of forward and rear turning points


When approaching a railroad crossing, always slow down and do not rely on the signs and signals and notify you of an oncoming train.


When driving at high altitudes, the grades of octane for gasoline are reduced compared to grades octane available from gasoline retailers located at sea level


When driving in rain or standing in water, a driver's risk of losing traction increases.


When making a left turn, motorists should begin and end the turning maneuver in the lane nearest the centerline of the roadway.


When preparing for winter driving, you should purchase windshield wiper fluid that includes anti-freeze


When preparing to drive a vehicle, a driver must adjust the rearview and side mirrors so that vision is clear


When utilizing the IPDE defensive driving strategy to manage space zone, a motorist should first identify objects in his or her line of sight and path of travel


When vehicle Wheels about to lock, the ABS sensors the impending lock up and prevent this from occurring


With no space for error, the risk taking driver may be placed into an environment wherein a collision is unavoidable.


Worn braking system parts can result in an early and unpredictable lock-up of an individual wheel while braking


You have to be at least 15 years of age for a Class CP Learner's Permit


the key capability that experience provides is the ability to identify potential hazards by processing information from a large number of sources and discriminating among the information issues that permit the driver to anticipate potential hazards.


When transitioning into a merge lane with expressway traffic, you should use your_________to communicate your intention to other drivers.

Turn signal

Drivers should allow at least a_______following distance rule for motorcyclists


The outcome of immediate hazards is best realized by maintaining a safe_______following distance and 12-15 second visual search


An example of a space management technique is:

Two-second rule

Which of the following is a defensive driving technique used to manage space zones?

Two-seconds of following distance rule

Which of the following should be processed when searching on highways?

Types and structure of the roadway

The___________angles focus on the motorist's surroundings to the rear with the ultimate objective of limiting the size of blind spots


HOV lanes are generally less congested than other lanes on an expressway and are used for:

Vehicles with more than one occupant

Entering and exiting vehicles on an expressway share a ramp on_______which can cause conflicts.

Weave lanes

Motorcyclists should be especially careful when driving in________conditions


When preparing to drive a vehicle, some of the things a driver should check for is:

Whether there are objects, animals or children in the area

After Predicting the possible consequences of identified hazards, the motorist is able to_______the most effective(lowest risk) action to implement for the purpose of avoiding an interaction with the hazard.


A driver's peripheral vision is___________when speeds are__________

Decreased, increased

Improper inflation of a tire:

Decreases tire thread

Alcohol is a


___________decrease reaction time, judgement and inhibitions because these drugs suppress the central nervous system.


The vehicle's speed while backing should only be controlled by:

Depressing and releasing the service brake

______________are designed with a secondary multiple lane roadway

Diamond interchange

__________may include traffic control devices on the intersecting secondary roadways permitting turns onto the secondary roadway.

Diamond interchange

When selecting the appropriate gear for intended direction of travel, automatic transmission equipped vehicle should be placed in___________while manual transmission equipped vehicles should be placed in___________

Drive, first gear

________are areas of uneven pavement that make the vehicle unbalanced.


An open area is one that has something in the path of travel that blocks the continuation of travel in that lane


Anti-lock brakes are always activated when you depress the brake


Anti-theft devices will raise your insurance premiums.


At the end of a right turn, the drivers should be positioned in the left lane of travel


Brake fluid leaks do not need special attention.


Carpool lanes are extra lanes on an expressway that can be opened in either direction at the discretion of the appropriate authority to address exceptionally high amount of traffic such as in rush hour


Central or "fringe" vision is the edge of other vision areas.


Changes in visibility usually have no affect on the way that the IPDE process is used.


Changes in visibility usually have no impact on the way that the IPDE process is used


Controlled intersections are types of intersections that do not have traffic signals or signs where motorists must follow the right of way yielding requirements to safely pass through the intersection.


Crash risk is particularly low during the first year the teenagers are eligible to drive


Examples of cloverleaf interchanges are usually found when interstate feeder roads terminate at an interstate highway


Expressway lane markings are of a different design and meaning as on other roadways.


Few people die of alcohol related causes yearly and it is not a leading cause of preventable death in the United States.


Hallucinogens relax the central nervous system and the brain


IPDE strategy is a static process the requires a one-time assessment of your driving environment.


If a person is found guilty of littering in a private are, they will be cited a warning


If a standard reference point is not used correctly, it does not affect the other reference points.


If power steering fails, the steering wheel locks and it becomes impossible to steer the vehicle


If the emissions inspection sticker needs to be replaced due to windshield replacement, this must be done within one year of the replacement of the windshield


If the service engine soon light does not come on upon vehicle start up, this is a sign that everything is working properly


In Georgia drivers manual is also available at local DDS offices, but not online


In Georgia, motorists are prohibited from making a right turn at a circular red signal.


In front-wheel skid, increase accelerator and brake pedal pressure


It is acceptable to stop in any lane of the expressway


It is appropriate to drive side-by-side with other vehicles in the other lanes.


It is permitted to park on a crosswalk.


Large vehicles have smaller blind spots than passenger vehicles


Merging vehicles should always give existing expressway traffic the right of way.


Motorists do not to yield the right of way to pedestrians when the light for the vehicle is green if they are still on the crosswalk


Motorists should approach the vehicle from the curb at the rear.


One safe driving technique is to target to closest travel path point.


Only the driver of a vehicle containing open containers of alcohol can be charged with an offense in regards to the open container law.


Only underinflated tires compromise optimal tire performance


Oversteer is the term used to describe front wheel loss of traction


Pavement markings regulate traffic and help drivers plane their actions including slowing or stopping at an intersection


Protected turn lanes are raised lines on the roadway that inform drivers they are reaching the edge of the roadway


Racing on highways is permitted on Georgia roads


Reaction time is how many seconds it takes the driver's vehicle to pass a target after the vehicle in front has passed it.


Reducing speed increases a driver's total stopping distance.


Risk is more controlled in intermediate driving environments because there is less of an opportunity to change speed or vehicle position.


Risk taking involves following appropriate procedures when driving while processing information correctly.


Road rage is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of the other users of the streets and highways.


Rolling traction is demonstrated when tires slide across the road


Speed increases the ability of the eyes to accurately assess the driving environment


The Good Samaritan Clause states that a person that stops at a scene of an accident to provide medical assistance or vehicle towing will be held liable for the vehicle collision


The Personal Injury Protection (PIP) segment of your policy covers you in case of collisions that occur with any kind of object


The accelerator can be used while backing up at any time


The blind spots of drivers of large vehicles are on just the right side.


The effects of an airbag are always helpful in a crash, no matter how or where a passenger is seated.


The first space zone is directly above the vehicle


The lungs are responsible for processing toxins


The parking/emergency brake pedal is always located to the right of the driver's seat.


The relationship between following distance and scanning area is not important


Understeer is a term used to describe rear wheel loss of traction


Using interior lighting can help improve a driver's visibility at night.


Vehicles entering the expressway do not have to yield to current traffic on expressways


Vehicles, pedestrian or other objects in motion in a motorist's immediate proximity (within a 12-15 second search) are not potential hazards.


When controlling vehicle direction at an intersection while making a turn, a motorist should steer as far away from the right curb as possible while focusing on the line of sight


When driving in fog, a motorist should used high-beam headlights


When entering an expressway, a driver in the acceleration lane must decrease speed in order to not obstruct expressway traffic.


When parking on a curb or the side of a road, it is not necessary to use the turn signal.


When parking on a hill with a cur, a motorist should park within 10-12 inches of the curb and turn the front wheels toward the curb


When traveling on roads with a bicyclist, the motorist has the right of way


You can register your vehicle before Georgia residency is established.


if a large vehicle has activated its turn signal within 100 feet of the intersection, it is alright for the motorist to pull alongside


__________are designed to absorb the impact of a high speed crash


Which of the following signs are green and white and give roadway guidance information?

Guide signs

___________distort reality and can cause delusions.


If electronic turn signals are not working,_____________can be used to communicate with other drivers.

Hand signals

____________________should be used when mechanical turn signals are not working properly

Hand signals

A person over the age of 21 that is convicted of driving under the influence:

Has his or her license suspended for 120 days

One of the most important counteractions of road rage is

Have as much empathy for others as possible and do not negatively react

Upon a second and third offense, a driver can be charged $25 dollars for not maintaining adequate insurance coverage, $160 for reinstating insurance and:

Have their license suspended for six months

Which of the following should be used when there is a mechanical problem with the vehicle?

Hazard lights

Which of the following are the most dangerous collisions a person can be involved in?

Head on collisions

Before backing the vehicle, the driver should turn his/her head to the right and look over the________to the area to the rear and sides of the vehicle.

Head restraint

____________are used as a means for head and neck protection in the event of a vehicle collision.

Head restraints

_________improve a driver's ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations


In order to recover from the engine overheating, you should activate the_______to remove heat from the engine


HOV is a euphemism for:

High Occupancy Vehicle

A lane identified by a diamond painted in the lane of travel is called a:

High occupancy vehicle lane

Categories in the driving environment include:


The__________should only be used to communicate a motorist's presence or to warn of an impending collision.


An example of a motorist service sign is

Hospital sign

Remember to cross railroad tracks only when:

It is safe and permitted by signs and signals at the intersection

Large vehicles have a___________blind spot to that of passenger vehicles


In a rear-wheel skid, one of the techniques that should be used is to______the amount of braking or accelerating.


___________is the distance a person can view oncoming situations in the driving environment without visual obstruction

Line of sight

When exiting an expressway,____________your current speed when preparing to exit


When perpendicular parking, the motorist should________line of sight throughout the process and move slowly into the parking space


A vehicle that is being passed should______or____________and stay in their current lane of travel

Maintain speed, slow down

Lanes of traffic on expressways that flow in opposing directions are divided by a:


A_____________helps protect opposite lanes of traffic from collisions.

Median barrier

Which of following is a sign that directs the driver to change speed and vehicle position to merge into the lane safely?

Merge sign

______rumble strips make the most noise and provide more vibration than other types of rumble strips.


_________________are not able to provide clear views all around a vehicle and because of this blind spots are prevalent in driving


______will occur if a vehicle collides with an object travelling in the opposite direction rather than colliding with a stationary object

More impact

A bicyclist________________when merging.

Must be yielded the right of way

____________relax the central nervous system and can be addictive if taken for a long period of time.


An example of a regulatory sign is:

No Right Turn sign

For maximum visibility, backing a vehicle requires a driver to:

Physically turn his/ her body

Some problems associated with lane management include:

Poor visibility

After activating the turn signal in parallel parking, the motorist should:

Position the vehicle so that it is even with the vehicle to the front of the selected parking space

The motorist is better served searching for______(a changing traffic light) and______(a pedestrian entering the roadway in front of a motorist's vehicle) hazards to provide sufficient time to implement the rest of the IPDE process

Potential, immediate

Mirrors should be adjusted___________driving so that the motorist's view to the sides and rear of the vehicle is maximized with the objective of minimizing blind spots.

Prior to

When implementing a turnabout, the motorist should first check for traffic that would:

Prohibit the motorist from completing the maneuver

Which of the following are areas for turning that are controlled by a signal or sign?

Protected left turn

_______are turns that are legal only when the traffic signal illuminates a green arrow signal.

Protected turns

If you see a sign stating Wrong Way or Do Not Enter when entering an expressway, you should:

Pull the vehicle to the side of the road and stop immediately. Then turn the vehicle around and exit the area

Which of the following is not part of information processing?

Quantifying the severity of perceived risks

Environment conditions that can affect a motorist's ability to effectively implement a space management system include:


Before entering an expressway, look for____________signs stating wrong Way or Do not enter

Read and white

According to the physical law of centrifugal force, the application of brakes withing a turn will_______steering capability


The presence of four vehicles and a pedestrian approaching an intersection at the same time might represent a situation to________the risk (and move forward to an alternative maneuver at a different intersection) of completing the maneuver


What is the last item on the vehicle starting checklist before a driver begins travel?

Release the service brake

If you are stopped by a police officer, what is the first thing you should do?

Remain calm and stop your vehicle as far away from the lane of traffic as possible

Which of the following steps are in the Threshold Braking technique?

Repeatedly increase brake pedal pressure with the objective of approaching the condition of wheel lock-up

A vast majority of brake light and turn signal systems are equipped with:

Replaceable incandescent bulbs

A driver's license can be__________if the individual refuses to take a driving test or rules test after receiving a notice that it should be done


Slower moving vehicles should travel in the_________lane.


Which of the following is the definition of allowing a vehicle to travel first when two vehicles reach the same point at the same time?

Right of way

Bicyclists should travel on the____side of the lane as____the edge of the pavement as possible unless there is a bicycle path provided

Right,close to

To wait until the oncoming vehicle passes before completing a left turn is known as:

Risk rejection

_______are designed to alert drivers if they are leaving their lane of travel

Rumble strips

The four S's in the vehicle movement checklist are:

Search, signal, select, steer

Which of the following is the last step after leaving traffic on a roadway?

Secure vehicle

The last action in the vehicle starting procedure (prior to moving the vehicle) is:

Select the appropriate gear

Expressways are designed to assist drivers in early identification of roadway:

hazards and conditions

Driving is sometimes a risk


All vehicles are equipped with anti-lock braking systems


All vehicles require the same amount of stopping distance


A space zone can be:


Seat belt light

reminder to wear a seat belt

Which of the following is the distance a vehicle travels while a driver's foot depresses the brake?

Braking distance

Which of the following lines indicate the presence of a permissive condition?

Broken Lines

_____________allow drivers to pass other vehicles

Broken white lines

Strong winds causing a vehicle to lose all control is called:


In Position 1, the vehicle is in the_______of the lane.


Traffic in the right lane at an entrance ramp and merge lane should move to the_________lane in order to let entering traffic have space to merge.

Center left

__________is the vision that judges depth and perception of an environment.


Driving exiting the expressway should be prepared to exit by_______appropriately as the specific exit nears

Changing lanes

Which of the following is the first step in leaving traffic on a roadway?

Check traffic and perform visual scan

Focusing on the________to merge into will assist in making adjustments in driving if that area becomes unavailable before reaching it.

Chosen space gap

Which of the following is the non-provisional class of license required for a non-commercial vehicle that does not exceed 26,001 pounds?

Class C

A_______space zone is one that obstructed in some way.


Class A and class B licenses are both:

Commercial licenses

Ensuring that your intentions are evident to other drivers by always using a turn or hand signal is known as__________


Which type of insurance provides you with coverage if you suffer from theft or natural disaster?


Defensive driving involves______visual scanning of the driving environment


This is a gauge that indicates high and low coolant temperatures by dial.

Coolant Temperature Indicator

Factors that have a direct result on the outcome of vehicle balance include:

Correct posture for a driver

__________can cause drivers to feel as if the have less control of the vehicle.

Cross winds

_______ reduce the impact forces of a crash exerted upon a vehicle's occupants by allowing parts of the front of the vehicle to cross at varying rates

Crumple zones

A changing space zone is one that is:

Currently obstructed(closed) and in the process of clearing(open)

_______are side-impacted airbags that are designed to protect passengers and drivers from a side impact crash and even help prevent being thrown from the vehicle if the vehicle rolls over after being struck from the side.

Curtain airbags

Implementing an appropriate lane position, identifying the field of view, identifying changes in the roadway and identifying an alternative path of travel are all a part of which of the following techniques?

Curve searching

If service brakes fail, a driver can still engage the _____ to stop the vehicle.

Emergency brake

The first action in starting the vehicle is:

Ensure the parking brake is engaged

A driver______the decided upon maneuver in a skillful and timely manner.


An example of a guide sign is

Exit sign

The driver________the expressway has the right of way in weave lanes.


_______________drivers will find that they can judge risk better than_________drivers because experiences become the building blocks for knowledge as to potential outcomes to driving situations.

Experienced, novice

A drive for operating a vehicle with traction control should brake for the feature to activate


A driver's emotion usually have no impact on his or her ability to effectively implement a search system.


A flashing yellow light directs a driver to completely stop at the intersection


A green arrow over a lane indicates the lane is prohibited


A motorist's time management system should ensure an adequate time and space to stop or slow the vehicle if necessary


A person appointed to the office for enforcing littering laws is made a peace officer.


A person driving a vehicle under 30 mph is not require to wear his or her safety belt


A standard reference point is used in place of all other reference points


According to the NHTSA, the percent of drunk drivers with a BAC of .08 or higher involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes has decreased from 2004 to 2013.


All airbags must be disabled by the manufacturer in order for them to be turned off.


Class A and B licenses require the potential recipient to be 15 years old

False. They have to be 18.

At a four-way stop, the driver that reaches the stop sign_______should be the__________to go

First, first

When parking at an angle, the motorist should position the vehicle so there is_________feet of space between the vehicle and the right side of the lane.


When parking at an angle, the motorist should position the vehicle so there is________feet of space between the vehicle and the right side of the lane


______collisions are a serious type of collision that occurs with stationary objects in a vehicle's path of travel


Which of the following lights directs a driver to stop completing at the intersection before continuing travel when safe to do so?

Flashing red

____________vision is the vision that helps a person see direct objects.


Increasing following distance to_________when encountering other motorists who follow too closely is an example of appropriate implementation of the IPDE defensive driving strategy for the maintenance of an appropriate Safety Cushion


________ have the ability control wheel lock on all four tires

Four-wheel anti-lock brakes

Airbags May deploy in the______ of the passenger or driver, or from the_______ of the vehicle

Front, side

The_____is the law enforcement agency for all roads in Georgia

Georgia State Patrol

_______is the amount of time it takes a person's eyes to regains focus after seeing glare.

Glare recovery time

Communication with other drivers for the safety of all motorists in the vicinity and driving defensively:

Go hand in hand

In the event of a tire blowout, which of the following should you not do?

Immediately depress the brakes

A motorist should position the vehicle__________of the lane (lane position 1) after completing the lane change

In the center

A person's head should be positioned_______of the head restraint.

In the center

There are seven steps in the turning process. which of the following is not one of those steps?

Increase vehicle speed to turn, and depress the brake while turning

Around construction areas, drivers should allow for____________following distance at the front and rear of the vehicle


The high risk driving environment routinely involves:

Intersections of varying volume and complexity

Signs that use blue, white and red colors and have the interstate number located on the middle of the sign are:

Interstate signs

All vehicles requiring an emissions test should obtain an emissions inspection_______from a licensed emissions inspection station

Once every year

When passing, it is important to check:

Oncoming traffic

A cruise control switch is________________on vehicles


Losing traction on a curve is the result of driving too fast and________


A driver in a vehicle collision should stop at the scene of the accident as long as it does not put anyone is serious jeopardy


_____provide information to drivers on road conditions and traffic conditions that may increase travel time and the need for an alternate path of travel

Overhead message signs

Which of the following vehicle is not required to have a vehicle title in the state of Georgia?

None of the above

If there is opposing traffic within 200 feet in the other lane of traffic, you should:

Not attempt a pass

A____________is one that has little amount or no driving experience

Novice driver

This indicator light will light up when the vehicle initially is started and then remain on as long as the parking brake is engaged

Parking brake system indicator

A driver should always pass on the left on a two-way road in Georgia.


A driver should sit upright and be a comfortable distance from the steering wheel


A driver must maintain which of the following to ensure implementation if an effective space management system?

The unobstructed view of the immediate surroundings

lapse of insurance coverage may be permissible under Georgia law if:

The vehicle was totaled in a crash

A driver's license can be suspended if a driver refuses to take a chemical test for intoxication


A lane is twelve feet wide and a vehicle is generally six feet wide so in position 1 there is three feet of open space on each side of the vehicle


A line of sight search should extend at least 12 seconds in front of the vehicle.


A person has to have a Class C license to get a Class A and B license


________have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. These medications are often used as sedatives and can be addictive if taken in great doses.


A class D license permits the operation of all Class C Vehicles


Winter driving requires which of the following?

The proper equipment

Which of these drinks contain the most alcohol?

They all contain equal amounts of alcohol.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of novice drivers?

They have exceptional driving experience

check engine light

This light indicates there is a problem with the engine. If it comes on, pull over to a safe spot and turn off the engine. Have a mechanic inspect your car as soon as possible.

___________limits the impact of vehicle balance on vehicle stability during emergency vehicle maneuvers.

Threshold braking

Always check tire pressure when:

Tires are cold

Parking on a down slope hill requires the wheels to be turned_______the road it is parked against


Slick roads can reduce the_________of a vehicle's tires


This system assists a vehicle in preserving rolling traction and eliminating wheel spin with acceleration of the vehicle

Traction control indicator

Broken or cracked areas or potholes on the roadway that make it difficult to drive are known as:

bad pavement

A driver should not try to pass a large vehicle________when that vehicle is making a turn because the driver will not be visible to the driver of the large truck.

on the right

Gear selection Indicator

one of the letters PRNDM will be showing

Which of the following traffic signals tell the motorist that travel in the lane the signal is prohibited?

red X

Tires that are wearing out or balding have less__________on a road.


A person under the age of 21 can be charged with driving under the influence if their blood alcohol is .02 or higher


Motorcyclists are more at risk for accidents


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