Driving Permit Missed Questions

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A white-painted curb means: A) Loading zone for passengers or mail only. B) Loading zone for freight only. C) Loading zone for freight or passengers.


A yellow arrow means: A) If you intend to turn in the direction of the arrow, be prepared to stop. B) Do not go in the direction of the arrow. C) The same as a steady yellow light.


All passengers ___ years of age or older must wear seat belts. A) eight B) six C) ten


Based on the DMV handbook, you should never park your vehicle within __ feet of a railroad track. A) 7 ½ B) 15 C) 20


Diamond-shaped signs: A) are used to warn of hazards on roadways. B) typically provide guidance to drivers. C) indicate no pass zones.


If it starts to rain on a hot day, the road is most slippery: A) for the first few minutes. B) after it has stopped raining. C) after it has been raining for a few hours.


In areas with no pedestrian crosswalks or signals, pedestrians: A) should yield the right-of-way to vehicles before crossing. B) have the right-of-way over motor vehicles, but not over bicycles. C) should leave the curb as soon as possible to avoid being hit.


It is illegal for a person who is on a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) probation to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _______ or higher. A) 0.01% B) 0.1% C) 0.08%, if the person is age 21 or older


Once in the roundabout, drivers travel: A) in a counter-clockwise direction. B) in a clockwise direction. C) in both directions.


Parking is never permitted: A) in a crosshatched (diagonal) pattern space. B) in a bicycle lane, unless otherwise posted. C) twenty feet from a railroad track.


Road signs that point out scenic areas and parks are: A) brown and white. B) black and orange. C) green and white.


The maximum speed limit for ideal driving conditions is: A) the posted speed. B) the speed of other vehicles traveling in your direction. C) the speed of oncoming vehicles.


The sign in the picture: A) is used to advise motorists of the appropriate ramp speed at the highway exit point. B) indicates the minimum ramp speed at the highway exit point. C) shows the highest speed drivers can travel at the exit of the intersection.


The yield sign means: A) If the way is clear, you may move forward slowly without stopping. B) Go. The light will soon be red. C) Stop if you can.


This red and white sign means: A) drivers may not enter the road from their direction. B) stop and proceed with caution. C) the road ahead is closed to traffic in all directions.


This sign means: A) Hairpin corner ahead. B) Sharp right turn ahead. C) Warning: U-turn ahead.


This sign warns drivers that: A) there is a double curve ahead. B) there is a winding road ahead. C) the highway ahead is divided into two one-way roadways. Drivers should keep to the right.


This yellow sign means: A) another road crosses yours ahead. B) there is a T-intersection ahead. C) ambulance zone ahead.


What does the flashing signal in the picture indicate? A) Pedestrians should finish crossing the street if started. B) The same thing as a stop sign. C) Pedestrians should start crossing the street.


What does this road sign indicate? A) Motor vehicles entering an exclusive right-turn lane must weave across bicycle traffic in bicycle lanes. B) Drivers have the right of way over bikes turning left. C) Vehicles turning left must yield to bikes entering a right turn lane.


What does this sign indicate? A) Parallel railroad crossing (side road) B) Low ground clearance railroad crossing C) Parallel railroad crossing (crossroad)


When a hazard is seen ahead, reaction distance: A) is how far a vehicle will continue to travel, in ideal conditions, before the driver hits the brakes. B) equals total stopping distance minus perception distance. C) is the sum of perception distance and braking distance.


When drivers see this road sign: A) they must turn around immediately. B) they must come to a complete stop and call the police. C) they must not drive past this sign.


When driving at night with no other vehicles ahead, a driver should use: A) high beam lights. B) low-beam lights. C) parking lights.


When driving on a multi-lane street with two-way traffic: A) You should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles. B) It is safest to drive in the lane next to the center line. C) Drive alongside the other vehicles so the drivers can see you.


When parking on a public road, drivers should: A) move as far away from traffic as possible. B) always park on the left side of the roadway. C) All of the above


When two vehicles meet on a steep road where neither vehicle can pass, which one must yield the right-of-way? A) The vehicle facing downhill B) The vehicle with the most passengers C) The vehicle going uphill


When you approach this sign, you must: A) stop if necessary. B) watch for workers crossing the road. C) None of the above.


Which of the following is NOT true? When driving near pedestrians: A) If a pedestrian makes eye contact with you, he or she is inviting you to cross the intersection. B) Always stop for any pedestrian crossing at corners. C) Do not drive on a sidewalk.


With a Class C drivers license a person may drive: A) A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds. B) Any 3-axle vehicle regardless of the weight. C) A vehicle pulling two trailers.


You are driving and there are oncoming vehicles on your left and a row of parked vehicles on your right. You should steer: A) a middle course between the oncoming and parked vehicles. B) closer to the oncoming vehicles than the parked vehicles. C) closer to the parked vehicles than the oncoming vehicles.


You are entering a roundabout with multiple lanes, and you need to go straight through the intersection. You must: A) choose either lane, and exit in the lane you entered. B) choose the right-hand lane and exit in the right-hand lane. C) choose the left-hand lane and exit.


You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ___ days. A) 5 B) 15 C) 10


Your car stalls on the tracks at a railroad crossing, and a collision with a train is imminent. After getting yourself and your passengers out of the car, you should: A) run toward the train but stay off the tracks. B) cross the tracks. C) signal the train to stop.


A large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes. You want to pass the large truck. It is best to pass: A) very slowly on the left and move ahead of it. B) quickly on the left and move ahead of it. C) very quickly on the right and move ahead of it.


A school bus with flashing red lights is on the other side of a divided highway. You: A) must slow down and prepare to stop. B) do not need to stop. C) must stop and remain stopped until the lights stop flashing.


Backing your vehicle is: A) dangerous if you have a helper. B) always dangerous to do. C) only dangerous in large vehicles.


Based on the DMV handbook, you should never park your vehicle within __ feet of a fire hydrant. A) 25 B) 15 C) 10


During darkness, bicyclists must have: A) a front lamp emitting a yellow light visible from a distance of 100 feet. B) a rear red reflector visible from a distance of 500 feet. C) a white reflector on the bicyclist's helmet.


For protection, motorcyclists are required to: A) keep their headlights and taillights on at all times. B) wear approved helmets. C) signal turns, lane changes and stops.


If another driver does not dim his or her lights, you should: A) look directly into the oncoming headlights. B) watch the oncoming vehicle out of the corner of your eye. C) look toward the left edge of your lane.


If the roadway is wet and your vehicle starts to skid, you should: A) slow down by shifting to a lower gear. B) slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal. C) slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly.


If there are no sidewalks, pedestrians should: A) walk in the direction of traffic. B) walk facing oncoming traffic. C) stop walking.


If you are arrested for driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit: A) you will be sentenced to up to six months in jail. B) DMV can take an administrative action against your driving privilege. C) you'll be required to take an alcohol-test every 3 months for up to 2 years.


If you are convicted of driving under the influence, you may be sentenced to: A) no jail time but you must pay a fine of $500. B) serve up to six months in jail. C) serve up to twelve months in jail.


It is illegal for a person under age 21 to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _______ or higher. A) 0.8% B) 0.01% C) 0.08%


Left turns on a red light are allowed: A) Never. B) from a one-way street into a one-way street. C) at intersections, after stopping, if the way is clear.


Roads are the most slippery: A) after it has been raining for an hour or more. B) The first rain after a dry spell. C) for the first 2 hours of a rain storm.


The left or "fast" lane is also called: A) Number 3 Lane. B) Number 1 Lane. C) Number 2 Lane.


This sign means: A) The lane ahead is reserved for bicycles. B) Warning: a bikeway crosses the roadway ahead. C) Bicycles should yield to vehicles ahead.


This sign warns drivers that: A) they cannot go straight ahead. B) they will soon be facing oncoming traffic. C) a shared lane starts ahead.


Warning signs normally are: A) triangles. B) diamond-shaped. C) rectangles.


What do pennant-shaped signs indicate? A) A school crossing B) A No Passing Zone C) Yield


What is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle? A) It inflates to protect you from injury in case of a collision. B) If another driver makes a mistake, you have time to react. C) Other drivers can "cut" in front of you, improving traffic flow.


What is the best advice for driving in the fog? A) Turn on your windshield wipers. B) DON'T. Consider postponing your trip until the fog clears. C) Drive slow.


What should you do if your rear wheels start to skid? A) If the vehicle has ABS, pump the pedal carefully. B) Turn the steering wheel in the direction the vehicle is trying to go. C) Steer left if your rear wheels slide right.


When approaching a highway-rail intersection, the first sign drivers see is usually: A) a stop sign. B) an RXR round sign on a yellow background. C) a yield sign.


When driving in the far right lane of a freeway, you: A) must give the right-of-way to merging traffic. B) should expect merging vehicles at on-ramps. C) must be driving slower than other traffic.


When driving on a slippery surface such as snow or ice: A) pump your brakes to keep them from freezing. B) shift to a low gear before going down steep hills. C) maintain traction by following other vehicles closely.


When they see this sign, drivers should: A) yield to trucks coming from the hill on the right. B) be ready to shift to lower gear. C) be ready to brake sharply and stop.


Where must a pedestrian walk when there are no sidewalks? A) In the middle of the road, facing oncoming traffic. B) On the side of the road, facing the traffic. C) On the side of the road, in the same direction of traffic.


Which of these statements is true about work zones? A) Slow down only if you think workers are present. B) You must "Slow down for the Cone Zone". C) Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones.


While inside the roundabout, you should: A) use your left turn signal if you are in position to exit now. B) remain in your lane until you are ready to exit. C) change lanes before you check for vehicles behind you.


You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction. If you need to make a U-turn, where should you start? A) On the shoulder. B) In the left lane. C) In the median.


You are stopped at a stop sign and you are going to go straight through the intersection. A car on the crossroad has stopped at a stop sign on your right and is going to go straight. Who has the right-of-way? A) You. B) The car on your right. C) Whoever enters the intersection first.


You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because: A) if you follow too closely, you will get caught in the wind draft caused by the truck. B) you need the extra room to see around the truck. C) their heavier weight allows them to stop more quickly than you.


A crosshatched area adjacent to a designated disabled parking space means: A) Stop no longer than the time posted to load or unload passengers. B) Park for a limited time. C) No parking area.


A flashing yellow light: A) warns drivers to proceed with caution. B) is used at dangerous intersections. C) All of the above.


A law enforcement officer notices that one of your passengers is not wearing a seat belt and writes a citation. Which of the following is true? A) Your passenger will receive a citation, regardless of his or her age. B) Both you and your passenger will receive a citation. C) You can receive the citation if the passenger is younger than 16.


A vehicle suddenly "cuts" in front of you creating a hazard. Which of these actions should you take first? A) Honk and step on the brake firmly. B) Swerve into the lane next to you. C) Take your foot off the gas pedal.


At 35 mph, it takes about ____ feet to react and bring the vehicle to a complete stop. A) 150 B) 500 C) 210


At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, drivers should always: A) stop, listen for oncoming traffic, and proceed with caution. B) concentrate on oncoming traffic. C) look to the sides of their vehicle.


Before a school bus stops to load passengers, the driver will usually flash: A) red lights. B) red warning lights. C) yellow warning lights.


Cargo extending more than four feet from your rear bumper: A) is illegal under all circumstances. B) does not legally have to be marked, but it is a good idea. C) must be marked with a red flag or lights.


It is illegal to park your vehicle: A) in a bicycle lane. B) within three feet of a private driveway. C) in an unmarked crosswalk.


Pedestrians may be at risk walking near hybrid and electric vehicles because these vehicles: A) are not subject to standard speed limits. B) are generally faster than most other vehicles. C) are virtually silent while operating.


Service signs are ____ with ____ letters and symbols. A) white; black B) green; white C) blue; white


Speed limit signs are: A) service signs B) warning signs C) regulation signs (regulatory signs)


The first sign drivers see when approaching a highway-rail intersection is usually: A) a crossbuck sign. B) a speed limit sign. C) an advance warning sign.


This sign means: A) The divided highway on which drivers are traveling ends ahead. B) Roundabout ahead. Slow down. C) The highway ahead is divided into two one-way roadways.


This sign means: A) slower traffic must exit on the right. B) you should slow down and move to the right lane. C) stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic.


This signal means: A) Slow down B) Move to the left C) Stop


Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business district is: A) 35 MPH B) 30 MPH C) 25 MPH


Unless prohibited by a sign, drivers may make a U-turn: A) at an intersection on a one-way street. B) in front of a school. C) at an intersection with a green light.


What do warning signs mean? A) Drivers are approaching a location where there is a special rule. B) Danger ahead. C) All of the above.


What is the first thing to do when you make a three-point turn? A) Signal with your left turn signal, then check carefully for traffic coming toward you. B) Turn left, go across the road so you come to a stop while you face the edge of the road. C) Signal with your right turn signal, then pull over to the right and stop.


What is the maximum speed limit on two-lane undivided highways, unless otherwise posted? A) 45 MPH B) 65 MPH C) 55 MPH


When a school bus flashes yellow lights: A) you must follow the directions of the school crossing guard. B) you must stop immediately. C) the bus is preparing to stop to let children off the bus.


When coming to a curve or the top of a hill, you should: A) try and pass the vehicle ahead of you before entering the curve. B) increase your speed. C) not drive on the left side of the road.


When driving at night on a dimly lit street, you should: A) keep instrument lights bright to be more visible to other drivers. B) turn on your high beam headlights to better see the vehicles directly ahead of you. C) drive slowly enough so you can stop within the area lighted by your headlights.


When driving in fog, snow, or rain, you should use your: A) running lights. B) high-beam headlights. C) low-beam headlights.


When they see this sign, drivers should: A) increase their speed and keep well to the right. B) slow down and keep well to the right. C) slow down and keep well to the left.


When you change lanes or merge into another lane, you: A) have the right-of-way. B) should first stop and check for cross traffic. C) need at least a 4-second traffic gap.


When you make a left turn from a one-way road into a two-way road, you must: A) enter the two-way road to the left of its center line. B) make a U-turn into the two-way road. C) enter the two-way road to the right of its center line.


Which of these statements is true about large trucks: A) they all have air brakes which allow them to stop quickly. B) they are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles. C) they take longer to stop than passenger vehicles.


Which way should your front wheels be turned when parked uphill next to a curb? A) Toward the curb. B) Parallel to the curb. C) Away from the curb.


Who is most at risk? A) Drivers who are fatigued. B) Drivers who are driving on long, boring roads. C) All of the above.


You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive: A) Between 65 mph and 70 mph. B) 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic. C) No faster than 65 mph.


You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if: A) traffic on the street moves to the right. B) a sign permits the turn. C) traffic on the street moves to the left.


___________ normally are white rectangles with black letters or symbols. A) Warning signs B) Destination signs (guide signs) C) Regulation signs (regulatory signs)


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